HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 Sr Center Advise ApptG~~~ OF DU~~2
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DATE: August 17, 2010
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJE . Appointment to Senior Center Advisory Committee
Prepared By: Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk
Due to the recent resignation of Albert Edge from the Senior Center Advisory Committee, there
is one opening on the Committee. The opening was advertised and two applications were
received from Dublin residents.
None at this time.
Confirm Mayor Sbranti's appointment of Eddie Jo Mack to the Senior Center Advisory
Committee to a term ending in December 2012.
Submitted By
City Clerk
Revi e By
Assistant City Manager
Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. •~
Due to the recent resignation of Albert Edge from the Senior Center Advisory Committee, there
is one opening on the Committee. The opening was advertised and two applications were
received from Dublin residents Eddie Jo Mack and Antonio J. Ticsay (Attachment 1).
The Mayor has reviewed the applications and recommends the appointment of Eddie Jo Mack
to the Senior Center Advisory Committee to fill the remaining portion of the term which ends in
December 2010.
The unanticipated vacancy was posted in the City Clerk's Office, the Dublin Library and the
Senior Center.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applications
Page 2 of 2
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NAME ~~i C'.~ . ~~~ DATE 7~ 3 Z.f / v
~DxESS -~oU-v ,~,v,~ ~-1~2 1~'~I
TELEPHONE # (HOME) Q`~. S - b'.2~.-Gd''c7 (WORK)
E-Mail Address ~ ~ ~ ~ .~r>o ~ r'~~~,d,~, , c.~,H
I. Why are you interested in serving an the Senior Center Advisory
~~'c-c R R~/~~I y /v Iu-,U ~ e@./L C ~~1 ~ C~~~er2 ~-N q~ t-DOw/
~11`S ~ ./o ~~cv,~.c .+~.o/~~.. __~.Jdo~ve_c~ C"~ ,c~- ~i~~e~ee.c1"~ letiPl/.
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..~~e. /=/~7~ i.V ~G ~% iJN M ~~ i7`'t,~.G~
2. W~at knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for
elder adulfs at #he Dublin Senior Center? ~ 5~~~~~~ ~
scs q R~.v~.s
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~ ~"~~D ~~`' R~ ~ 5 /I~Y~I oN ~P~- ~~J~ ~~- ~/. S~~C /ccyG~tPS ,
3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and
services offered at the Dublin Senior Center?
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4. Are there additional pY•ograms needed for elder adults io our
community? Please describe.
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5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder
adults in our society?
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~c~ M e,. ,J ~,~. d- ~~ -I/S p t~~'~ A~ ~i o,iJ ( d ~L1 e~~ ~ f e l~ .
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GA- NiJy~ ( Pi4 a V/ O` e,r~ / r? ~- ~P~2 ~ S ~~;
6. How do you feeI about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
i ti~. o~,e.~~-ll ~~~~1 ~~~;s,~,~ w,'1~ 5~~7,~ 6~.
-- ~e~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ F.~ ~ ~ fs ,~ ~ ~. {' ~ ~~-/~,~s . L'h~ ,~ y ~ ~s
5~,~ ~-I ~ ,~,, ~ s ~,•~.-~ ~ 7~0 ~-~~ ~/~ `T~ ~~J ~~'~ .~~~ <, ~ ~rJi/ i~' S .
7. . What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of
the Senior Center Advisory Committee?
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SIGNATURE ~~ ~2~'-`~ OCCUPATION (/v-~~- `
In orrler io be corisidered by the Mayor for appointmerri to tlre Senfor Centef•Advisory
Con:mittee, please f~eturn tlris completed fornt to the attention of Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk,
100 Civic Pl~za, Drcblir~, CA 94568 by 3: 04. v.fn ,~'i irluv, Jtrlu 23,-.=~~4::
G:IAPPTMTSIF~RMSlscac-applicatn 0'1-14.doc
3 ~~~
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APPLIC.~-TION~ ,~U~.. ~ ~ Zc~~o
CI'~'Y M1~~IF~ta~~'S ()~°i°1C~
NAME? C7 / . ~L ^ DA.TB .~~~/ ~~/ /~. ZC>/r~
ADDRESS 7~ C7C~ ~C~/'~ /~ ~' ~~ ~'/
TELEI'HONE # (HOME~/p_ ~ ~~~ ~~' zd (WORS~)
E-Mail Aadress 4 7' f C.Sc~ ~
~.. W~y a~re yo~~ interested ~n serving on ta~e Sen~o~r Ce~te~r .A-c~vasory
~ 1/~-~.i Ih~~G-'-.~~~~ Ih S~~y,i~~l~ lSs~i~
~'~ s ,'l! ,~cT~- ~~c~a~,i, o~, ~. . .L ~~0~,9 ~ ~"o ~
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~~'~`'~ ~~ ~ ~fa/~ ct.Y•~~- ~~ ~~ i~;J~c~ ~i c ~aa~in ~~ -~~ W~
2. Wl~at know~edge do ydu have of the p~•o ~•ams and,~ervxces offerec~
elder adults at the Aublin Seaaxor Centex?
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3,~ ~H ~ ~~ ~~ ~ c~ C'"c~, ~/-~l!
a you o a f i~mem ea• taken advantage of the progr~ms aud
services flffe~~ed at tlie Dublin Sen~or Center?
M\~ /-~ ! ~-1 ,~!/C l'/ iYr~ 1_ .~ I/ rr7T6-~L .-/ C:~ r/~ 1, ~ r/.°..
~ _ a~ /~ -~ ~ ,
4. Are there additional pxagrams needed ~'ox• e~de~• aduits ~l~ o~rr•
cvmmunity? Please descrlue.
- - ~J ~7 ~ i-~ ~i~vrP~, -~~ ~ r-~ .rr.U va r-! d: t/crr~,~ ~ .,
~~ d~' /~~//• I~' ~' ~E- < l/,~ ~ h ~~/~~r~ ~ ~//~-.~.~~~~
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y"i/~ ~~ -~ c~d.. ~-~. -~~, ~ ~ cc,f~,n~ ~~~ i~,,~.~~,-:
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5. Wlaat do you ~ee~ are some of the ~nost pressing issnes facing elder
adults in au~• society?
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~~ ~ ~ ~
7. .'VtJhat ~s t~e most impo~~tant co~~t~~xbut~ou you can mat~e ~~ a member o~'
the Senior Centez• Advisory Committee?
~ ~ 4~'~,7,~C~c7~lYF~ /!~t ~~l~-,h,~ ~t~ t~~. ~,~,~i/~ C ~ ~ /~~,~,~~l~is'!„-1.
--Z~ ac~ua-~~.~~ • L e ~ ~ %~ ~,/~,
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~ OCCUPATION _ I~c_ i ~'j~..-,~~- C~~,~/
b~ o!•de~~ to be corist~lefed by ~IreMayor fot~ ~rppai~ti~uent to ffie Se~ttor~ Cettter~~~lvisory
Co~ti~ltlflee, pYellse x~strtrn lhis conr~leted,~'otttr_to flie a~te~rttort o Cat~ollree.~'. Soto, C~ty Cle~lt,
,~.-, _.~: j
10~ CivicPlaza, DuGNn, CA 94568 by ~:flU=v:i~i:;~`f~lr7ii~~tit~23;_20.10:
G:IAPPTMTSIFORMSiscac-appltc~fu 0'] IO,dac
6. How da you feel about ~naking A decision ~'o~ the ovexa~N goor~ o~' tl~e
comxnun~ty but u~~popliiai' WlE~1 I10~~f1b0I•s oi• orgAnizaC~ons?