HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Downtown Specific Plan~~~~ OF Dp~l f~ /// ~ 1\\ 1`~, ~~~Z ~ ~ ~~LIFOR~~~~ STAFF REPORT DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File # ^~00-~~ DATE: August 21, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE • Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session to Discuss the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (PA 07-036) Prepared By Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this Study Session is to review the completed Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan in its entirety. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds have been allocated in the Fiscal Year 2010/2011 budget to complete the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council and Pfanning Commission receive Staff's presentation and provide Staff with direction regarding content of the complete Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. ~ _ ~ ubmitted By Revie ed B Community Development Director Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 7 ITEM NO. l. G:IPA#12007107-036 Downtown Dublin Specific PIanlCity CouncillCC PC Study Session 8.21.101DDSP SS Staff Report 8.21.10.doc /`S l /' DESCRIPTION: Background The Fiscal Year 2006-2007 City Council Goals and Objectives included, as a high priority goal, the preparation of a comprehensive Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP). On June 19, 2007, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a Consulting Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. The Specific Plan is anticipated to encompass the area of the existing Downtown Core, Village Parkway, West Dublin BART, Dublin Downtown and San Ramon Specific Plans. A map of the proposed Specific Plan Area is shown below. Figure 1: Proposed Specific Plan Area -~______,_ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~. LEGEND ~ . . . . , ~. ~ .. . ~~ ~ ,'w`i~:: f i F.~„urscr. ~ . . ~. ~ . .. ~ ~ . ~ ~'h, Lir:;d 13re . ~ ~ ., .. ~.. ... . .. ~` .;n•. P~~tcir.a.a n.::: ' _ it r ,~t ~^.,_ a san8 _~r The City of Dublin was awarded a Station Area Planning Grant in June 2008 in the amount of $200,000 from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. On February 17, 2009, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a draft Funding Agreement for the Station Area Planning Grant for an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and authorized the City Manager to sign the final Funding Agreement. On July 21, 2009, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a Consulting Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for preparation of the Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. A joint Study Session with the City Council and Planning Commission was held in August of 2007 to initiate preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Page 2 of 7 In the winter of 2007/2008, Staff and RBF Consulting conducted a number of public outreach efforts to solicit input from stakeholders and other interested persons on the preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. These outreach efforts included an online survey, a series of walking tours through the Specific Plan Area, and an evening workshop. Outreach regarding the survey included placing a flyer in water bills to notify residents about the on-line survey, placing an advertisement in the Parks and Community Services Activity Guide that is mailed to Dublin residents, and a television advertisement which ran on the local community channel, TV 30. Over 300 people participated in the online survey. Staff and RBF Consulting also conducted one-on-one interviews with property owners in the Specific Plan Area. These outreach efforts provided residents, property owners, and business owners with an opportunity to share their ideas while helping to shape the future of Downtown Dublin. A joint Study Session was held on June 3, 2009 to discuss the Opportunities, Issues and Strategies Report that was prepared for the Downtown. This report was used in the preparation of the Guiding Principles (Attachment 1) that were discussed and voted on during the Study Session. The Guiding Principles have been used to prepare the draft Specific Plan as well as identify the development potential for the Specific Plan Area. A joint Study Session with the City Council and Planning Commission was also held on November 17, 2009. The purpose of the November 17t" Study Session was to review the proposed Land Use Concept, the Development Pool Concept, the Community Benefit Program, and to provide feedback to Staff. The City Council and Planning Commission were in favor of the Land Use and Development Pool Concepts as well as the Community Benefit Program; however, the City Council and Planning Commission requested that Staff bring back the Community Benefit Program for further discussion during a future Study Session. On January 29, 2010, Staff distributed a Notice of Preparation in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notifying the public that the City will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in conjunction with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Work on the Draft EIR is currently underway and the document will be released for public review shortly. On June 29, 2010, a joint Study Session was held with the City Council and Planning Commission. The purpose of the June 29th Study Session was to discuss traffic associated with increased development potential in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area and the proposed Community Benefit Program. At the Study Session, the City Council and Planning Commission agreed that the Downtown Area should be exempt from the traffic intersection level of service requirements of the Dublin General Plan. Furthermore, the City Council directed Staff to conduct a review in ten years of the traffic and development impacts occurring in the Downtown Area to assess if any changes would need to be made to the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan or its implementation. The second main item discussed at the June 29th Study Session was the proposed Community Benefit Program component of the Specific Plan. The City Council and Planning Commission provided feedback to Staff on the benefits that should be included in the Community Benefit Program. This feedback has been incorporated into the Draft Specific Plan. Additionalty, the City Council provided direction that the Community Benefit Program should start immediately upon final a~proval of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Attachment 2 to this Staff Report is the June 29 h Staff Report and Attachment 3 is the June 29th draft meeting minutes. Page 3 of 7 Staff and RBF Consulting have incorporated all of the direction and feedback received from the City Council and Planning Commission at the previous Study Sessions into the completed Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (Attachment 4). ANALYSIS: The purpose of this Study Session is to review the completed Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan in its entirety and to provide Staff any further remarks before the draft document is finalized and sent out for public review with the accompanying Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Specific Plan Overview The Specific Plan document is divided into the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Site and Context 3. Land Use and Development Plan 4. Development Standards and Design Guidelines 5. Mobility and Infrastructure 6. Implementation and Administration The main sections of the document are described in more detail below. Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter establishes the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan, its location and relationship to other plans and policies, the planning process, and includes a user's guide. Chapter 2: Site and Context This chapter provides background information and describes opportunities, issues, and strategies related to the potential future development and revitalization of the Specific Plan Area. It was developed based on a review of background documents, field surveys, meetings with City staff, public workshops, input from the City Council and Planning Commission, and interviews with stakeholders in the Specific Plan Area. Chapfer 3: Land Use and Development Plan In accordance with the Guiding Principles document (Attachment 1) produced earlier in the Specific Plan development process, three districts have been established in the Draft Specific Plan along with development standards and design guidelines that are unique to each district. The three districts are: (1) the Village Parkway District, which encompasses the Village Parkway Specific Plan Area; (2) the Retail District, which is located to the north of Dublin Boulevard and comprised of an area that is dominated by retail and large format retail uses; and (3) the Transit-Oriented District, which is located south of Dublin Boulevard and near the West Dublin BART Station and accommodates transit-oriented developments with significantly higher Floor Area Ratios (FAR) that will allow greater development capacity to take advantage of the proximity to public transit opportunities. The maximum FAR allowed in the Transit-Oriented is 1.2, while the maximum FAR in the other districts range from 0.35 (Village Parkway) to 0.6 (Retail). The following map illustrates the location of each district. Page 4 of 7 Chapter 4: Development Sfandards and Design Guidelines This chapter contains development standards and design guidelines that are intended to create distinct districts that have a look and feel appropriate to their respective guiding principles. Development standards are requirements that must be met for project approval. Design guidelines have more flexibility and are encouraged/discouraged rather than required/ prohibited. The development standards section describes the lot sizes and building placements allowed in each district, parking locations and requirements, building designs, and setback requirements. This section also contains design guidelines that are intended to be used in conjunction with the more quantitative development standards noted above. The design guidelines section provides direction on: • General building design; • Building articulation; • Building materials and colors; • Roof forms; • Building frontage treatment including specific guidelines for anchor storefronts, typical storefronts; residential fronts, office/lodging fronts, auto service fronts, and public fronts; • Signage; • Private outdoor spaces; • Outdoor dining; • Lighting; • Fences, walls, hedges, gates; • Landscaping and paving; • Parking; • Loading and refuse areas; • Screening; • On-site pedestrian circulation; and • Street trees Chapter 5: Mobility and lnfrastructure Plan This chapter establishes the circulation and infrastructure improvements required to permit the development potential of the Specific Plan Area. The chapter outlines the vehicular circulation, bicycle and pedestrian circulation, and public transit to be further developed in the Specific Plan area. The chapter also describes the limited water, sewer, and storm drain infrastructure improvements needed to enable future development in the area. Chapter 6: lmplementation and Administration This chapter describes the process for implementing and administering the Specific Plan, including the processes for development review, treating nonconforming uses, and amendments. This chapter also describes how the Development Pool and Community Benefit Program functions, which was a topic of discussion at the last Specific Plan Study Session. CONCLUSION: The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive vision for the future of Downtown Dublin and a framework for the successful development of the area over the next 20 years. The Specific Plan has been a multi-year effort of the City and the final document includes invaluable input, direction, and feedback from the community. Walking tours, Page 6 of 7 workshops, and surveys were used to both educate and to solicit opinions about the Downtown from community members. Several components of the Specific Plan and the plan's main concepts have been reviewed and considered by the City Council and Planning Commission at various Study Sessions. DIRECTION: As previously discussed, the purpose of this meeting is to review the completed Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan in its entirety. At the Study Session, Staff and Consultants will provide an overview of the document and will focus the presentation on those portions of the document that the City Council and Planning Commission have not previously reviewed, such as the Development Standards and Design Guidelines. The Study Session will provide an opportunity for review and discussion. The Planning Commission will be asked to provide input on the document to the City Council, who will provide direction on any desired changes to the document at this time. NEXT STEPS: After the joint Study Session, the draft document will be revised as directed by the City Council and will be made available to the public along with the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for a 45-day public review period. Notices will be distributed noting the availability of the two documents. Responses to comments received on the documents will be prepared as necessary. The Specific Plan and DEIR are anticipated to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council at public hearings before the end of this year. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A Notice of this Study Session was published in the Valley Times and mailed to all property owners and tenants in the Specific Plan Area, within 300 feet of the existing Specific Plan boundaries and all persons who have expressed an interest in being notified of ineetings. The Staff Report for tonighYs meeting was also available on the City's webpage. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Guiding Principles 2. June 29, 2010 Staff Report (without attachments) 3. June 29, 2010 Draft Study Session Minutes 4. Draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan G:IPA#12007107-036 Downtown Dublin Specific PIanlCity CouncillCC PC Study Session 8.21.101DDSP SS Staff Report 8.21.10.doc Page 7 of 7 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Opportunities, Issues, and Strategies Report 7 GUIDING PRINCIPLES /; ~~ 1~~ This section describes a set of guiding principles that will be used as part of the preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP). They are drawn from the focused market study, field observations, interviews with stakeholders, discussions with City staff, and professional urban design principles. Within the new study area, three districts have been identified to establish unique development standards and design guidelines that are uniyue to each district's needs (see Figure 7-l : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts). These districts are: ^ Retail District - comprised of mostly regional serving large-format retailers bounded by Amador Valley Boulevard, I-680, Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road ^ Transit-Oriented District - comprised of land south of Dublin Boulevard and within walking distance to the West Dublin BART station ^ Village Parkway District - comprised of retail and service-oriented businesses along both sides of Village Parkway. Guiding principles for the DDSP study area as a whole and each district are described below. The purpose of these guiding principles is to define a framework for future land uses, development standards and design guidelines for the project area and each district. 7.1 Downtown Dublin Guiding Principles 1. Support short-term incentives to promote development in downtown Dublin such as expedited permitting, reduced parking requirements, reduced water hook-up fees, and sales tax reimbursement program (the later of which currently exists). 2. Consider the development of a community benefit payment in return for increase density (i.e., density bonus/incentive program) that could be used to pay for public improvements in the Planning Area. Increase the amount of retail sales and related economic activity throughout downtown Dublin. 4. Enhance the visual quatity of downtown Dublin, including public streetscape improvements (via the City's existing Streetscape Master Plan), entryways, on-site landscaping and the appearance of individual buildings. 5. Geate a pedestrian-friendly downtown that minimizes potential conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. 6. Encourage a greater joint use of parking areas through compatible mixes of uses and enhanced pedestrian connections. 7. Accept increased traffic congestion (i.e. a reduced level of service) if it is found that traffic impacts associated with future development cannot be fully mitigated. 6/18/2010 Page 34 ~ ATTACHMENT 1 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Opportunities, Issues, and Stretegies Report a ~ ~~ ~~ 8. Consider more flexible and appropriate parking standards that reflect verifiable demand and consider the transit-oriented land uses in the area. 9. Encourage businesses that support evening activities for adults and teenagers, such as restaurants, theaters, bookstores, etc. 10. Enhance the multi-modal circulation network to better accommodate alternative transportation choices including BART, bus, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation. 11. Work with property owners and business to achieve the goals and objectives of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. a. Work with local businesses and property owners to establish a business improvement district that would help to fund downtown improvements. b. The cost of infrastructure improvements shall be paid for by development. 7.2 Retait District Guiding Principles 1. Encourage and support large-format regional retail as an important community and financial asset of the City. 2. Develop design standards and guidelines that support and enhance large-format regional retail uses such as optimal building configuration and design, signage, more efficient parking, parking strategies, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, etc. 3. Encourage a diverse mix of complementary land uses including civic uses, eating establishments, entertainment, and similar uses that complement existing retail land uses. 4. Ailow higher density housing and additional units. 5. Identify ways to improve/enhance non-vehicular and vehicular circulation and connections that are pedestrian friendly, particularly in areas that contain large, expansive parking lots. 6. Support relocating the existing storm drain that extends east - west through the district to allow for greater flexibility in future development efforts. 7.3 Transit-Oriented District Guiding Principles l. Promote transit-oriented development to create a distinctive and active district. 2. Retain existing auto dealerships while supporting their eventual relocation to other easterly locations within the City of Dublin. 3. Identify opportunity sites for future development that incorporate mixed-use and provide public and/or private plazas and outdoor gathering areas at strategic locations. 4. Encourage underground and/or above ground parking structures. 6/18/2010 Page 35 ~ Downtown Oublin Specific Plan ~~~ ~ 4~ 1 Opportunities, Issues, and Strategies Report 5. Encourage housing along Dublin Boulevard only as part of a mixed-use development with ground floor office or retail uses. 7.4 Village Parkway District Guiding Principles 1. Continue to support a diverse mix of complementary land uses along Village Parkway. 2. Create opportunities for integrating live/work units into the Village Parkway area. 3. Consider an appropriate site(s) for High Density housing. 6/18/2010 ~ Page 36 G~~.~ O~ Dp~~'G ///~,~ ~ 19 (~t= =ih~ ffi ~~~`~"//l ~~GIFp(Z~~ 3~-~C STAFF REPORT DUBLIN C1TY COUNCIL CITY CLERK Fi~e # ^[~1CC~~-~7~ DATE: June 29, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJ . Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session to Discuss the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (PA 07-036) Prepared By Erica Fraser, Senior Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session is to discuss traffic associated with increased development potential in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area and the proposed Community Benefit Program. FINANCIAL 1MPACT: Funds have been allocated in the Fiscal Year 2009/2010 budget to prepare the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council and Planning Commission receive Staff's presentation and provide Staff with direction regarding potential traffic impacts and the Community Benefit Program. ~ ~ ~ Submi d By ' wed Community Development Director Assistant anager Page 1 of 11 Attachment 2 ~~~~~ DESCRIPTION: Background ` ~ The Fiscal Year 2006-2007 City Council Goals and Objectives included, as a high priority goal, the preparation of a comprehensive Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP). On June 19, 2007, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a Consulting Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. The Specific Plan is anticipated to encompass the area of the existing Downtown Core, Village Parkway, West Dublin BART, Dublin Downtown and San Ramon Specific Plans. A map of the proposed Specific Plan Area is shown below. Figure 1: Proposed Specific Plan Area The City of Dublin was awarded a Station Area Planning Grant in June, 2008 in the amount of $200,000 from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. On February 17, 2009, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a draft Funding Agreement for the Station Area Planning Grant for an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and authorized the City Manager to sign the final Funding Agreement. On July 21, 2009, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving a Consulting Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for preparation of the Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. A joint Study Session with the City Council and Planning Commission was held in August of 2007 to initiate preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Page 2 of 11 ~r~~ -5- In the winter of 2007/2008, Staff and RBF Consulting conducted a number of public outreach efforts to solicit input from stakeholders and other interested persons on the preparation of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. These outreach efforts included an online survey, a series of walking tours through the Specific Plan Area, and an evening workshop. Outreach regarding the survey included placing a flyer in water bills to notify residents about the on-line survey, placing an advertisement in the Parks and Community Services Activity Guide that is mailed to Dublin residents, and a television advertisement which ran on the local community channel, TV 30. Over 300 people participated in the online survey. Staff and RBF Consulting also conducted one-on-one interviews with property owners in the Specific Plan Area. These outreach efforts provided residents, property owners, and business owners with an opportunity to share their ideas while helping to shape the future of Downtown Dublin. A joint Study Session was held on June 3, 2009 to discuss the Opportunities, Issues and Strategies Report that was prepared for the Downtown. This report was used in the preparation of the Guiding Principles that were discussed and voted on during the Study Session (please refer to the minutes in Attachment 1). The Guiding Principles have been used to prepare the draft Specific Plan as well as identify the development potential for the Specific Plan Area. A joint Study Session with the City Council and Planning Commission was also held on November 17, 2009. The purpose of the November 17~' Study Session was to review the proposed Land Use Concept, the Development Pool Concept, the Community Benefit Program, and to provide feedback to Staff. The City Council and Planning Commission were in favor of the Land Use and Development Pool Concepts as well as the Community Benefit Program (please refer to the minutes included as Attachment 2); however, the City Council and Planning Commission requested that Staff bring back the Community Benefit P~ogram for further discussion during a future Study Session. On January 29, 2010, Staff distributed a Notice of Preparation in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notifying the public that the City will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in conjunction with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Work on the Draft EIR is currently underway. Staff continues to work on the draft Specific Plan which incorporates the Guiding Principles as well as feedback received from the City Cauncil and Planning Commission during the previous Study Sessions. Specific Plan Districts In accordance with the Guiding Principles, three districts (Village Parkway, Retail, and Transit Oriented) have been established in the Draft Specific Plan to establish development standards and design guidelines that are unique to each District. Additionally each District has a maximum Floor Area Ratio and development potential to meet the goals in the Guiding Principles. The three Districts are: the Village Parkway District, which encompasses the Village Parkway Specific Plan Area; the Retail District, which is located to the north of Dublin Boulevard and comprised of an area that is dominated by retail and large format retail uses; and the Transit- Oriented District, which is located south of Dublin Boulevard and near the West Dublin BART Station and accommodates transit-oriented developments with significantly higher Floor Area Ratios to take advantage of the proximity to public transit opportunities. The following map illustrates the location of each District. Page 3 of 11 ~~ti~~ ANALYSIS: The purpose of this Study Session is to review traffic in the downtown and traffic impacts associated with the construction of the development potential identified in the Draft Specific Plan, and the proposed Community Benefit Program. Additionally, the City Council and Planning Commission are requested to provide feedback to Staff regarding traffic and the Community Benefit Program. The following table illustrates the total development potential envisioned in the proposed Specific Plan (including the base FAR and Development Pool). The development potential is based on the Guiding Principles identified in the Opportunities, Issues and Strategies Report and Market Analysis prepared by Keyser Marston Associates (KMA). Table 1: Total Development Potential in Proposed Specific Plan District Non-Residential (Sq. Ft.) Residential (du) Retail District 737,094 100 Transit-Oriented District Villa e Parkwa District 2,277,716 20,730 1,100 100 Total 3,035,540 1,300 Traffic Study A Traffic Study was prepared by Fehr and Peers for the proposed Downtown Dublin Specific Plan to evaluate the potential traffic impacts that could result from the development potential Page 4 of 11 Figure 2: Specific Plan Districts ~~~~~~ identified in the Specific Plan. The Traffic Study, which will be used to prepare the Draft EIR for the Specific Plan, reviewed existing traffic conditions, traffic conditions in the near term and the worst case scenario in the future with the construction of all of the development potential identified in Table 1. The term Level of Service (LOS) is used to describe the operating conditions of a roadway based on factors such as speed, travel time and delay. The LOS of an intersection is designated with the letters A through F, with A being the best and F being the worst. The following Table provides a description of each level of service designation. Table 2: Signalized Intersection LOS Criteria Level of Description Average Control Service Dela Seconds A Operations with very low delay occurring with favorable Less than 10 traffic si nal ro ression and/or short c cle len ths. B Operations with low delay occurring with good 10 to 20 ro ression and/or short c cle len ths. C Operations with average delays resulting from fair 20 to 35 ro ression and/or lon er c cle len ths. D Operations with longer delays due to a combination of 35 to 55 unfavorable progression. Long cycle lengths occur and man vehicles sto . E Operations with longer delays indicating poor 55 to 80 progression, long cycle lengths and the intersection o erates close to its ca acit . F Operations with delays unacceptable to most drivers 80 or more due to over-saturation, poor progression or very long c cle len ths. The Dublin General Plan includes Guiding Policy F which was adopted on June 17, 1997 and which states: "For streets that are not defined as Routes of Regional Significance in the TVTC Action Plan, strive to phase development and road improvements so that the operating Level of Service (LOS) for intersections in Dublin shall not be worse than LOS D." During the June 3, 2009, joint Study Session, the City Council and Planning Commission discussed and voted on the Guiding Principles (included as Attachment 3) that have been used in the preparation of the draft Specific Plan. During the meeting, Guiding Principle No. 7 was discussed which stated "accept increased traffic congestion (i.e. reduced level of service} if it is found that traffic impacts associated with future development cannot be fully mitigated." After voting on this Guiding Principle, the City Council and Planning Commission further discussed the Principle No. 7. It was unclear from this discussion whether or not traffic congestion in the downtown was acceptable if it led to increased economic development and vitality in the downtown (Attachment 1 pages 9-12). Therefore, Staff is seeking further clarity about the willingness to accept additional traffic impacts in the downtown. Page 5 of 11 `~ ~`~ ~ ~' ~ Level of Service and Proposed Specific Plan As previously discussed, a traffic study was developed to review traffic c~nditions resulting from the construction of all of the development potential identified in the Specific Plan (as shown in Table 1). The fol~owing tabfe (Table 3) illustrates the Level of Service at key intersections in the Downtown Specific Plan Area during the AM and PM peak periods. The `Existing LOS' column refers to the current signal operations today. The 'Future No Project LOS' indicates the signal operations of these intersections in the future and includes traffic assumed from projects that have been approved but not constructed in Dublin (i.e. AMB and Windstar projects), as well as the surrounding communities and anticipated future growth in the Tri-Valley. The `Future with Maximum Build-Out LOS' includes approved projects, future growth, construction of all of the development potential identified in the Specific Plan and the implementation of mitigation measures identified in the Downtown Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. Table 3: Peak Hour LOS in the Specific Plan Area* Intersection Peak Hour Existing LOS Future No Project LOS Future with Maximum Build-Out LOS Amador Valle~r Boulevard/San AM C E E Ramon Road PM C E D Amador ValleyNillage AM D F F Parkway PM D F F Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon AM D F F Road PM D F F Dublin Boulevard/Regional AM C D E Street PM D F F Dublin Boulevard/ Amador AM D F F Plaza Road PM D F F Dublin BoulevardNillage AM D D D Parkway PM C F F St. Patrick Way/ Golden Gate 2 AM A E E Drive PM A F F St. Patrick Way/Amador Plaza AM C F F Road/I-680 SB Ramps * PM C F F Please note that th~s is a Draft table and is subject to change as Staff completes their review of the Tra~c Study. 1 PM Peak build out conditions reflecf improvemenfs as a result of development mitigation and the planned Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Improvements. 2 Existing level of service conditions are prior to development and with the BART sfation under construction and not yet functional. Currently all of the intersections in the downtown operate at a LOS of D or better. As shown on the above table, 8 intersections will operate at a Level of Service of E or worse in the future with the construction of all of the development potential identified in the proposed Specific Plan. If the Specific Plan were not adopted, 8 intersections will still operate at a LOS of E or worse in Page 6 of 11 ~~ ~~~ the future with the construction of projects in the surrounding communities as well as the construction of projects already approved in the Specific Plan Area (i.e. Windstar and AMB); however it is unlikely that all of the development potential (Table 1) will be constructed in the next ten years. Construction of al{ of the development potential will likely be spread out over the years and it is likely that all of the development potential could take as long as 25 years to construct. After reviewing the existing roadway network, Staff determined that there are no feasible mitigation measures which can bring the LOS up to D or better for the downtown. To bring the downtown up to an LOS of D or better would require significant road widening and right-of-way take in the Specific Plan Area. This would, in turn, have a negative impact on the downtown area by significantly increasing roadway width which would create a negative experience for pedestrians and increase the distance they would have to walk across the street. Staff believes that this would then discourage people from walking in the Specific Plan Area and would therefore be in conflict with the Guiding Principles including Principle 7.1.5 which states that the Plan should "create a pedestrian-friendly downtown that minimizes potential conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists". Traffic in Downtowns in the Surrounding Cities Staff reviewed the General Plans for the cities of Pleasanton, Livermore and Walnut Creek to determine the acceptable LOS for each of these Downtowns. In general, these three downtown areas are successful areas that provide a variety of services, are popular destinations and are considered pedestrian-friendly. In general, each of the City's General Plan strives for a LOS D or better for most of the City, but exempts the downtown from this requirement. In Pleasanton, seven downtown intersections are exempt from the LOS D standard unless a mitigation measure is consistent with the City's Downtown Specific Plan goals and policies which are generally aimed at maintaining a traditional pedestrian-friendly environment. Currently, four intersections operate at LOS E or worse and it is anticipated that, at General Plan build-out, all seven downtown intersections will operate at LOS E or worse in the downtown area. In Livermore, 18 signalized downtown intersections are exempt from their General Plan requirement that intersections operate at LOS D or better. Currently, these 18 intersections operate at LOS D or better; however, at build out it is anticipated that the level of service will be reduced below LOS D. Walnut Creek allows all intersections in their powntown area to operate a LOS E. As noted above, the General Plans for several of the surrounding cities generally exempt their downtowns from a requirement that intersections maintain a Level of Service D or better. Downtowns typically are allowed to operate with a reduced level of service because increased traffic leads to vitality in the downtown area. Additionally, mitigation measures which would improve LOS in a downtown typically increase roadway width which leads to a negative experience for pedestrians and can decrease foot traffic in the downtown area. As noted in the memo prepared by KMA (Attachment 4), traffic in a downtown area is a good thing and can lead to increased economic vitality of the area. Page 7 of 11 i~ ~ ; *~. Future Implementation KMA estimates that over the next ten years (by 2020) it is likely that only 800,000 square feet of the development potential and 1,300 residential dwellings could be constructed in the downtown area (Attachment 5). The Specific Plan and companion Environmental Impact Report are envisioned as a 20 year document that will allow the intensification of the Downtown Area over time. Based on the fikely amount of development in the near future and potential concerns regarding LOS in the downtown, a future implementation goal could be established to review traffic and development in the downtown in 10 years. This would allow development to occur in the Specific Plan Area and provide for a check-in in the future to determine if the amount of development in the Specific Plan Area should be reduced or if the traffic impacts are acceptable in relation to a viable and successful downtown. Staff is requesting direction from the City Council and Planning Commission on whether or not the Downtown Specific Plan Area should be exempt from LOS standards in order to allow the construction of the development potential identified in Table 1 of this Staff Report. This would allow increased density which would meet the objectives of the Guiding Principles but would result in a decreased Level of Service. The Level of Service resulting from the Specific Plan would only be slightly worse than the Level of Service that will occur in the Specific Plan in the future as noted in Table 3. If the City Council and Planning Commission does not want to allow a decreased level of service, this would eliminate all future growth in the downtown area beyond those projects already approved. If that action is taken, the Specific Plan would then be a set of design guidelines, but would not allow for any additional development in the Specific Plan Area. Development Pool In the proposed Downtown Specific Plan, a base Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of up to a.50 in the Transit-Oriented District and .35 in the Village Parkway and Retail Districts would be established as part of the Specific Plan. Property owners would be allowed to intensify their site up to the base FAR by right. If a property owner would like to develop beyond the base Floor Area Ratio, they may obtain additional square footage from the "Development Pool." The Development Pool would allow the property owners to develop their property up to the maximum Floor Area Ratio permitted in the Specific Plan based on the development potential identified in Table 1 above. For a background discussion on Floor Area Ratio and the Development Pool for the Specific Plan, please refer to the November 17, 2009 Study Session Staff Report included as Attachment 6. In order to access the Development Pool, the property owner would be required to enter into an agreement with the City and would need to provide a community benefit, as discussed in the Community Benefit Program section in the Staff Report. The Development Pool can only be created if the Downtown Specific Plan Area is exempt from the City's current policy which requires intersections to operate at LOS D or better as previously discussed in this Staff Report. The base and maximum FAR for each District, as well as the size of the development pool for each District, is shown on the following table. Page 8 of 11 i~~:~-- Table 4: Base and Maximum FAR and Density Development Pool District Base FAR Maximum FAR Density Development Pool S . Ft. Retail 0.35 0.6 576,742 Transit-Oriented 0.50 1.2 1,659,806 Villa e Parkwa 0.35 0.35 0 Community Benefit Program One of the Guiding Principles (Principle 7.1.2) states that developers should provide a community benefit in return for the City allowing increased density on their property (Attachment 3). To meet this goal, a Community Benefit Program would need to be created in conjunction with the Specific Plan which requires property owners to enter into an agreement with the City to use square footage from the Development Pool (discussed in the previous section). If the City Council and Planning Commission determine that the Downtown Specific Plan Area should operate at LOS D or better, there will not be a Development Pool and the Community Benefit Program cannot be established. Staff would propose that the Community Benefit Program would be set up similar to the City's current Tax-Reimbursement Program in that the property owner or developer would enter into an agreement with the City that ensures that the agreed upon benefit will be provided. The City would negotiate the terms of the agreement similar to the current Development Agreement process. The life of the agreement will be limited to a specific period so that, if the project is not constructed, the square footage can be returned to the Development Pool and would be available for other property owners in the plan area. The purpose of the Community Benefit Program is to ensure that developers provide a benefit to the community in exchange for the City allowing a greater development potential on their property. Some examples of benefits the City could negotiate include: • Public Plaza or gathering space; • Enhanced streetscape improvements (e.g. sidewalks, landscaping, etc); • Pedestrian connections ( e.g. easement dedications and pathway improvements); • Transit improvements (e.g. enhance or construct bus shelters); • Payment into a Downtown Fund for future public improvements; and • Other benefit proposed by the developer and approved by the City Council. Staff is looking for feedback on what other items should be included in the Community Benefit Program. Additionally, Staff would like the City Council and Planning Commission to determine if the Community Benefit Program should begin at the adoption of the Specific Plan or if a two year grace period should be enacted which allows developers use development capacity from the Pool without providing a Community Benefit. CONCLUSION: Given the results on the downtown traffic study, Staff believes that the Downtown will need to be exempt from the City's current General Plan Policy which requires alt intersections to operate at LOS D or better in order for future development (beyond what has already been approved) to occur in the future. if the Downtown is not exempt from this standard, no future growth will be Page 9 of 11 ~~~~i~ ~ allowed in the downtown because any growth will increase travef trips and those trips will conflict with the General Plan because eight intersections will operate at a LOS E or worse. Should the Downtown be exempt from this requirement, Staff would evaluate the General Plan to determine what amendments would be required to accommodate the increased development potential identified on Table 1 in this Staff Report. Each property woutd be allowed to increase their current building up to the base FAR identified for each District. The remaining development potential identified beyond this base will be placed in the Development Pool. Developers would be allowed to obtain additional density for their project from this Pool by entering into the Community Benefit Agreement and providing a benefit to the community in exchange for allowing the increased development on their site. DIRECTION: As previously discussed, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the traffic impacts related to the proposed Downtown Specific Plan and the Community Benefit Program. In order to assist the City Council and Planning Commission in their discussion, Staff has prepared the following questions to be considered by the City Council and Planning: 1. Should the downtown be exempt from the current General Plan Policy which requires all intersections to operate at LOS D or better? 2. Should an implementation measure be established in the Downtown Specific Plan to review tra~c and development impacts 10 years after the adoption of the Specific Plan? 3. What additional benefit(s) would the City Council and Planning Commission like to see in the Community Benefit Program? 4. Should the Community Benefit Program start at the adoption of the Specific Plan or should a two year grace period be put into place which would allow developers to pull from the Development Pool without entering into the Community Benefit Program? NEXT STEPS: Staff will complete the preparation of the Draft Specific Plan incorporating feedback received from the City Council and the Planning Commission at tonight's meeting_ The Draft Specific Plan will then be reviewed by the City Council and the Planning Commission during a joint Study Session which is anticipated to occur in August. Following the Study Session, the Draft Environmental Impact Report will then be distributed for public review. NOTICING REQUlREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A Notice of this Study Session was published in the Valley Times and mailed to all property ~ owners and tenants in the Specific Plan Area, within 300 feet of the existing Specific Plan boundaries and all persons who have expressed an interest in being notified of ineetings. The Staff Report for tonight's meeting was atso available on the City's webpage. ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 3, 2009 Study Session Minutes. 2. November 17, 2009 Study Session Minutes. Page 10 of 11 ,~~~ ~~ ~ 3. Guiding Principles (Excerpt from the Opportunities, Issues and Strategies Report). 4. KMA Memorandum "Managing Traffic as Downtown Dublin Evolves and Succeeds" 5. KMA Memorandum "Likely Level of Development in Downtown Dublin in 2020" 6. November 17, 2009 Study Session Staff Report (without attachments). G:IPA#12007107-036 Downfown Oubfin Specific PIanlCity CouncillCC PC Study Session 6.29.101DDSP SS Staff Report 6.29.10.doc Page 11 of 11 i ~+~, i~ t DRAFT ti ~~ j`, MINUTES OF A JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ ~ ~ -~ 8'~ PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ '~,\~:' ~ ~~ SPECIAL MEETING - June 29, 2010 A special joint meeting of the Dublin City Council and Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, June 29, 2010, in the Dublin Library Community Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m., by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti. Planning Commission Chair King and Commissioners Brown, Schaub, Wehrenberg, and Swalwell. ABSENT: ~;:-~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the City Council, Staff and those present. ~- STUDY SESSION Mayor Sbranti welcomed the audience and opened the public comment period. Hearing no comments he closed the public comment period and informed the audience there would be another opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting. PA 07-036: Downtown Dublin Specific Plan The purpose of this joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session is to discuss traffic associated with increased development potential in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) Area and the proposed Community Benefit Program (CBP). DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ~ VOLUME XX ~~~~~~ o~ ~~~~~ SPECIAL MEETING +~ June 29, 2010 19 ~~~~82 ~ ~ // ~ ~'~trr~o~~`° ATTAru~r~~vT z DRAFT 1 ~~~ ~ S! Mayor Sbranti asked what the tentative timeline for follow-up meetings is. Joni Pattillo, 1~th Manager, replied that another joint Study Session is expected the week of August Mayor Sbranti confirmed that there will be one more joint Study Session and, if everything goes as planned, Planning Commission will review the draft Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, and then City Council. Ms. Pattillo stated that the meeting's intent is to discuss and get direction as it relates to traffic and the Community Benefit Program for the DDSP. Erica Fraser, Senior Planner, presented the Traffic Background as outlined in the Staff Report. Ms. Fraser clarified that, while the Levels of Service (LOS) do include cut-through traffic, cut-through traffic does account for approximately 50% of the trips made through the Downtown Area. She further clarified that cut-through traffic includes those cars getting off of the freeway and heading down Dublin Blvd. to their destination, not staying within the Downtown Area. Chair King asked for clarification regarding the City of Pleasanton's Downtown being exempt from LOS. Ms. Fraser clarified that Pleasanton exempts their powntown Area from their LOS requirements specifically in their General Plan. She further clarified that Pleasanton's General Plan states that intersections shall have a LOS of D or better except for the Downtown Area, among other exceptions. Mayor Sbranti asked for comments and questions regarding the Traffic Background. Commissioner Schaub asked if the existing LOS for Dublin Blvd. includes a vacant Mervyn's building and vacant Crown Chevrolet car lot. Ms. Fraser replied that the LOS anticipates both properties being operational. Commissioner Schaub asked how the cut-through traffic was calculated. Ms. Fraser replied that RBF Consulting performed a license plate survey while creating the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). She clarified that license plates of cars getting off DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 VOLUME XX ~ oF D~8 SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~~~~;~~ t9 - -Jh az Ju~e 29, 2010 `~~ ~ ~ ~'~a~FOR~'~~ i c~, ~-,~ i s - DRAFT the freeway at San Ramon Road were written down, and then they followed traffic down to Amador Plaza Road to see where traffic was flowing. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Schaub stated that he does not agree with the results of cut-through traffic survey as he believes some of the cars cutting through the Downtown Area may be traveling to their homes in Dublin. He stated that he would consider cut-through traffic as non-resident cars. Commissioner Brown asked, in regards to the LOS report, how the LOS improves from E to D for maximum build-out at Amador Valley Blvd. and San Ramon Road. Jaimee Bourgeois, Senior Civil Engineer (Traffic) replied that the difference between the LOS in the existing Specific Plan and the maximum build-out is not large. She stated that the types of growth are occurring in different locations which, in a maximum build-out case, would be an improvement for Amador Valley Blvd. and San Ramon Road. Ms. Bourgeois confirmed that the difference has to do with the way the intensity of the land use is being distributed throughout the Downtown Area. Ms. Fraser stated that a few minor modifications can be made to help alleviate traffic; however, the intent is to improve the economic and pedestrian vitality that people want to see in the Downtown Area. Commissioner Wehrenberg stated that cities like Walnut Creek have nice Downtown Areas and increases in traffic; however, the scenery is pleasant and vibrant making sitting in traffic more bearable. She further stated that she would not consider the LOS of those cities horrible even though studies show their LOS at an E or an F. There was a discussion regarding the intent and purpose for Dublin's Downtown Area. Mayor Sbranti stated that, back in 2000, three Specific Plans were put together to create the Downtown Specific Plan which was successful in improving the City; however, the City would like to now see more. He further stated that the Council and Commission realizes the concept of doing things differently with the three districts and offering a Development Pool, and the idea that if pedestrian-friendly areas are going to be built, the capacity of these regions needs to increase. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 VOLUME XX ,~ OF DUe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~~ ~ ~~ June 29, 2010 19 ~"-~~`82 `~~~~% ~'~t,FOR~'`° DRAFT ~~ ~ ~ S ~ Mayor Sbranti stated that the intent of the new DDSP is to allow current property owners and new developers more flexibility to help enhance the Downtown Area. He clarified that a vibrant Downtown will come with more people and more traffic; however, that adds to the vitality of the Downtown Area. Vice Mayor Hildenbrand agreed with Mayor Sbranti but stated that she remains skeptical that many changes will be made if the City depends on developers coming in to make changes to the Downtown Area on their own. She stated that she does not see the Downtown Area becoming as walkable as the City truly envisions. Mayor Sbranti and Cmr. Swalwell agreed that the new DDSP would allow more flexibility in improving the Downtown Area. Cmr. Schaub stated that there are 22 stoplight intersections along Dublin Blvd. between San Ramon Road and Tassajara Road and currently it takes 2.5 minutes to get from San Ramon Road to Village Parkway. He clarified that, in a worst case scenario, it would take 4.75 minutes to get from San Ramon Road to Village Park~~vay, which is only a 2.25 minute difference or a 20% increase in travel time. Mayor Sbranti agreed that Cmr. Schaub's finding was an interesting point. Cmr. Schaub suggested excluding San Ramon Road and Dublin Blvd. from the discussion because most of that traffic consists of people getting on the freeway. Mayor Sbranti opened the discussion for public comment. Hearing no comments, Mayor Sbranti closed the public comment period. Commissioner Wehrenberg asked for clarification on the 10-year review of traffic and development impacts. She asked if a Traffic Study would be done 10 years after development or adoption of the DDSP. Ms. Fraser replied that it wouldn't necessarily be a study, but that Staff would determine at that time what level of information would be appropriate to bring before the City Council. She clarified that if, at that time, the City felt a Traffic Study was appropriate, that would be something to discuss. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 VOLUME XX ~ pF D~e SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~` ~ ~~~ Ju~e 29, 2010 19~~~~ ~`~ ~ % ~~Gp~R~~~ DRAFT I~S~~I~} Mayor Sbranti suggested reading the questions and obtaining feedback from the Planning Commission before the City Council provides direction. 1. Should the downtown be exempt from the current Ge~er~l Plan Policy which requires all intersections to operate at LOS D or better? • All Plannin~ Commissioners agreed that the Downtown Area should be exempt from LOS requirements. • All City Councilmembers agreed that the Downtown Area should be exempt from LOS requirements. 2. Should an implementation measure be established in the Downtown Specific Plan to review traffic and development impacts in 10 years following the adoption of the Speci~c Plan? ~ Cmr. Schaub stated that he didn't understand the need for a 10-year review as all projects are reviewed 10 years after they're built anyway. • Cmr. Wehrenber~ asked if the 10-year review were to be established, would the last business going into a project be penalized because they bring in too much traffic. • Mavor Sbranti stated that the Development Pool is one incentive the City can offer. He clarified that the first developers to come in receive the benefit of the Development Pool because they're the ones who can take advantage of maximizing the space available. • Mayor Sbranti stated that the last developer to pick from the Development Pool has no risk and the City is increasing their Floor Are Ratio (FAR) by right in every district within the Specific Plan boundaries. • Chair Kin~ agreed that the traffic should be studied in 10 years. • Vice-Chair Brown agreed with Cmr. Schaub as he didn't see a benefit to establishing a 10-year review for the DDSP as every project is reviewed 10 years later anyway. • Ms. Pattillo stated that the 10-year mark is related to KMA and where the build- out would be at that point. She clarified that 10 years is a milestone recognition that came out of the KMA Report. She further stated that when BART opens, traffic will have to be studied again and 10 years is a good check-in point as this is an evolutionary process. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES s VOLUME XX ~ pF pUe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~~` ~ ~~ 19 ~~~ ~ ,82 June 29, 2010 ~~~~~~ Q~~~Rt1 DRAFT I~~f~ ~~._-%I t • Ms. Pattillo confirmed that establishing the 10-year review is just a commitment to say that the City will formally look at the traffic and development impacts at some point. ~ Mayor Sbranti clarified that there will be a new Council and Commission between now and 10 years and the 10-year review is a reminder that the impacts will be looked at again by Staff. • Cmr. Swalwell stated that he would like to establish a 10-year review. • Cmr. Wehrenber~ stated that she did not feel a 10-year review was necessary. ~ Vice-Chair Brown stated that after discussion, he would like to establish a 10- year review. • Mavor Sbranti and Vice-Mayor Hildenbrand stated that they would like to establish a 10-year review. ~ Councilmembers Biddle Hart and Scholz stated that they would like to establish at least a 10-year review; however, a review may be needed sooner. It was agreed that with the BART Station's opening and the economy possibly not recovering fully, it would be best to have the option to review it in less than 10 years as a lot can change in just 5 years. ~ Mayor Sbranti confirmed that the City will continue to monitor the progress. Ms. Pattillo summarized the Council's responses and points, stating that the City Council would like to make the Downtown Area exempt from Level of Service requirements and that a 10-year review of the traffic and development impacts is preferred, if not sooner than 10 years. Ms Fraser continued with the Community Benefit Program presentation as outlined in the Staff Report. Mayor Sbranti asked for comments and questions regarding the Community Benefit Program (CBP). Chair King asked if in the future, if the economy improves, would there be any money for the City to designate towards making modest improvements to the Downtown area or would it be completely up to developers. He asked if a financial incentive could be offered. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 VOLUME XX ~ oF pUe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~` ~ ~~ June 29, 2010 19 ~~~~~ ``~ ~ ~ ~'~L~~R~~° DRAFT ~a `~ ~ ~ ~ Ms. Pattillo replied that, in the past, the City has discussed fa~ade improvements with various businesses in the Downtown Area but there was no interest shown. She stated that small improvements have been made and if the economy improves, making an investment in the Downtown Area is something the Council could look at then. Cmr. Wehrenberg asked if the Dublin Historical Park area would be included as part of the CBP. Vice Mayor Hildenbrand stated that specifying parks could be dangerous as there are other parks in the City that need improvements. Mayor Sbranti replied that any projects that build in the City are required to pay a Park Fee which could go towards improvements or into a General Park Fund for future decisions. Ms. Pattillo asked Cmr. Wehrenberg if she would be comfortable with the general term of "Parks." Cmr. Wehrenberg replied yes. Ms. Pattillo clarified that the City has phased the construction of their parks to allow for functionality. She stated that, moving forward, the Benefit could be designated as something more generic like "Parks." Cm. Hart stated that he agrees the Benefit of Parks is a great idea; however, Parks require maintenance and that could cost a lot of money to keep the parks maintained. Ms. Pattillo clarified that the proposed Community Benefit Program was something that everyone concurred to move forward and the intent is to benefit the vibrancy of the Downtown Area. She stated that when there is an opportunity, a Benefit can be added as an additional amenity. Mayor Sbranti suggested reading the questions and obtaining feedback from the Planning Commission before the City Council provides direction. 3. Wnat additional benefits would you like to see in the Community Bene~t Program? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ~ VOLUME XX ,~ OF Dpe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;`~` ~ ~~~ June 29, 2010 `"~5~~~ ~~,~RN. DRAFT ~, . ~ ~ fdq"~ '' .~ T • Cmr. Wehrenber stated that she would like to have Parks added as a Community Benefit. • Cmr. Swalwell stated that he would like to add electric vehicle charging stations and Public Safety equipment like a Police car or motorized scooter as the Downtown Area will need active Public Safety. • Vice Commissioner Brown stated that he would like to add Public Art to the Community Benefits as well as a possible developer sponsorship of a Downtown event. • Chair Kin~ stated that he would like to see enhanced gateway features that give the presence of a Downtown Area. He stated that he would like to see a more pedestrian-friendly environment, like more sitting areas and fountains, as well as something like a skate park to produce more energy and vibrancy. • Mayor Sbranti stated that he has not identified any additional benefits. • Cm. Biddle stated that he liked the statement of "Other benefit proposed by developer and approved by the City Council" but would like to change that to "Other benefit proposed by developer and Staff, and approved by the City Council." Cm. Biddle stated that he felt that this would enable the Council to look at more options. • Cm. Hart stated that he likes the outline that Staff has presented for the Potential Benefits but would like to consider Cmr. Swalwell's suggestion of Public Safety Community Benefits, should that be proposed. He stated that putting funds towards Dublin 101 would be acceptable as well, as that would give back to the community. • Cm. Scholz stated that she appreciates and supports the effort to level the playing field for small and large business alike. She stated that she does support additional Benefits such as Parks and Public Safety. She further stated that any services that extend the safety of Dublin's Citizens are very important. 4. Should the Community Benefit Program start at the adoption of the Speci~c Plan or should a two year grace period be put into place which would allow developers to pull from the Development Pool without entering into the Community Benefit Program? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 8 VOLUME XX ,~ pF Dpe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;~~` ~ ~'y June 29, 2010 19 ~"~~~~ ~`\ ~c,~ ~ ~ DRAFT ~.~~~~ ~ 5 j • Cmr. Wehrenbe~ stated that she didn't feel that a grace period of two years is necessary as it may present opportunities for original owners to sell off properties that have problems without advising the new owners. • Mavor Sbranti and Ms Fraser clarified that the two-year grace period is proposed to give developers more time to plan and develop, rather than feeling rushed to get everything done right away. In addition, it could give developers a push to build within those two years as opposed to waiting and leaving land vacant. Ms. Fraser clarified that if the Specific Plan were adopted, developers could pull from the Development Pool and, for two years, no Community Benefits would have to be given. • Vice Mavor Hildenbrand stated that she felt having a two-year grace period would be risky. She stated that with a two-year grace period, there is a large risk of the smaller businesses and property owners paying into the CBP and the larger developers not paying into it because the larger developers can afford to wait two years. • Ms. Pattillo asked Ms. Fraser for clarification in regards to small businesses having an incentive in regards to receiving additional development capacity. Ms. Fraser replied that there is an incentive in regards to the proposed DDSP leveling the playing field for both large business and small businesses. She clarified that today there are properties that are at a disadvantage because they are given very limited flexibility for what they can build, and some other properties have more flexibility and achieved development capacity which they are not using. • Ms. Fraser confirmed that if the two-year grace period were recommended, the City could ask for Community Benefits in exchange for a development potential; however, it could be a way of fostering more support for it because they would have more time (two years) to build what they would, in some cases, not be able to build today. ~ Chris Foss Assistant City Manager clarified that developers would only be allowed to keep the additional development capacity from the Development Pool for two years, after which if nothing were built, the additional development capacity would be available for another developer's use. • Ms. Fraser clarified that a benefit of the CBP is that the City would be entering into an agreement with a developer stating how long they get to keep that increased density. She stated that if a developer pulls permits, their permits expire and their two years is up, they would have to start back at square one. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9 VOLUME XX .~ OF Dpe SPECIAL MEETING ,,;``` ~ ~~ June 29 2010 19 ~"'~~~~ ~ `" ~ ~ ~'~tiFO~~'`D DRAFT ~...~~~ I~ i • Mavor Sbranti opened the discussion for public comment. Hearing no comments, Mayor Sbranti closed the public comment period. • Cmr. Brown stated that he would prefer giving developers the option of deferring their project for two years then entering into the CBP, rather than waiting two years and being exempt from the CBP. • Ms. Pattillo stated that the original intent of the CBP is that some property owners have held on to certain properties and done nothing with them. She stated that the Council and Commission can consider whether or not they agree with the CBP, and whether or not there should be grace period which would allow capacity in the Development Pool to be utilized. • Mavor Sbranti confirmed Ms. Pattillo's statement by stating that although the formula still needs to be defined, the City is basically looking at a Downtown Fee to go towards Community Benefits. He further stated that developers would be providing the request for Community Benefits or paying into a fund that would later go towards Community Benefits. • Vice Mavor Hildenbrand asked for clarification regarding existing owners on Village Parkway and whether or not they are exempt from paying into the CBP because they are close to reaching their maximum FAR and options are limited for future build out. • Ms. Fraser stated that the properties along Village Parkway are being dealt with differently as the majority of them are small business owners and Village Parkway does not offer a lot of capacity for transit-oriented development. She stated that to give current property owners a benefit, the City is not requiring they pay into the CBP. • After a brief discussion regarding what look the Dowtown Area should have and how to achieve that, Mavor Sbranti clarified that when the DDSP is adopted, there are still Design Elements regarding the way the streetscape needs to look. • Cmr. Wehrenber stated that although the transit area has the opportunity to achieve a Downtown Area, the area where Mervyn's and Orchard Supply are located would need to be completely redone to appeal to the Design Elements. ~ After a brief discussion, Vice Mavor Hildenbrand and Cmr Wehrenber~ expressed concern that if developers are allowed a two-year grace period, the City would end up paying for powntown improvements out of the General Fund, as developers would just choose to build during that two-year period and not contribute to the CBP. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ~ o VOLUME XX ~~~.~ OF ~UB~ti SPEC'IAL MEETING ,,, June 29, 2010 19 ~'~~~82 ~`~ ~ %/ ~'~~~~a~~D DRAFT 2 ~~ ~~ P • Ms. Pattillo clarified that any public improvements outside the CBP would have to be discussed as a City. • Cmr. Swalwell stated that he does agree with the two-year grace period because it would enable projects to get started sooner than later. • Cmr. Schaub stated that he feels it would be best to look at projects as they come in because not enough information is available right now. He stated that until the Specific Plan is approved, the City won't know what the most important attributes are for the Downtown Area. • Cmr. Brown stated that he would be okay with a 50% reduction in payment for two years as oppose to a two-year grace period or complete exemption. ~ Chair Kin~ stated that he doesn't feel there's much of an added benefit to giving developers a two-year grace period. • Mayor Sbranti stated that in looking at the existing Specific Plans, there is no identifier in regards to who is going to pay for the Community Benefits such as plazas and parks. He further stated that the CBP will provide direction for the City and developers on how to obtain Community Benefits. • Mayor Sbranti stated that he would prefer the two-year grace period or complete exemption; however, he would be fine with a 50% reduction in payment for two years as well. He stated that there are many vacant properties in the City and alot can be developed. He further stated that if the two-year grace period makes a difference for even one developer, it's a success. • Mavor Sbranti stated that the City has seen successes such as pick-up in residential activity and although some of it may be due to the market, it is also because of the incentives that the City offers. • Vice Mayor Hildenbrand stated that she does not believe in the grace period. She stated that she believes larger projects will pull what they can from the Development Pool and build as fast as they can versus a smaller project that may take their time building. She clarified that this is going to cause the CBP payments are ~oing to ride on the back of small and mid-size businesses. • Vice Mavor Hildenbrand stated that the idea is to have really grand projects come in and develop, especially near the transit area. She stated that she felt that if a grace period is granted, the City would be missing an opportunity for potential improvements that the City may have to pay for instead of receiving them through Benefit funds. ~ Vice Mavor Hildenbrand stated that she would be willing to discuss a 50% reduction for two years, but not a deferment or exception. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ~ ~ VOLUME XX SPECIAL MEETING G```~`o~~`'~ Ju~e 29 2010 19~ ~s~~~~ ~ `" ~ ~ ~~G/FOR~~~ DRAFT Z~~~ ~=~~ • Cm. Biddle stated that he is not in favor of the grace period and thinks the CBP benefits tne developers. He stated that not having a grace period seems more consistent with existing policies and would prefer not to have it. • Cm. Hart stated that he is not in favor of the grace period and agreed with Councilmember Biddle's comments regarding developers already benefitting from the program. • Cm. Scholz stated that she does not support the grace period as economic times are too uncertain for such a grace period. • Mayor Sbranti stated that any developer that decides to move forward, even if they do pay into the CBP, is going to receive a tremendous benefit by being able to increase the density of their site. Ms. Pattillo summarized the Council's responses and points stating that the Council agrees that no grace period is preferred. She stated that there will be consideration regarding the Public Safety and Parks discussions in relation to what is part of the CBP. Ms. Pattillo clarified that developers would not be paying into the CBP unless they wanted to increase their FAR. She stated that she agreed with the Mayor that it activates some desired improvements or amenities that are needed in the Downtown Area. Councilmember Hart stated that considerations may not be as significant for the Village Parkway area; however, it is very significant for the other areas. He stated that it is very important to consider the potential future investments of those properties. Ms. Fraser stated that Staff will be finishing the Specific Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report. She clarified that a joint Study Session will be held in August for the City Council and Planning Commission to review the Draft DDSP. Ms. Fraser stated that after the joint Study Session, the DDSP will be finalized and available for public review along with the Draft EIR to meet the required 45-day public review period. Ms. Fraser stated that after the 45-day public review period, Staff will prepare responses to comments regarding ~he Draft EIR, and the Final EIR will be created. She stated that the Final EIR will, at that point, go to public hearing for adoption. Chair King asked if the City should create some sort of overlay to show what the City expects the Community Benefits to amount to in the future. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 12 VOLUME XX SPECIAL MEETING G`~~`~~e~y June 29 2010 19~ ~'-~~~~ ~ ``~ ~ ~ ~4C/FOR~~~ DRAFT Z(~, r~~ I'~ i Mayor Sbranti stated that the Streetscape Master Plan helps provide direction in regards to what things should look at in the end in relation to public improvements along the streets. After a brief discussion, Ms. Fraser stated that the Design Guidelines will cover some of the main concepts in regards to what the City is looking for in the way of Downtown Improvements and an overall look. Mayor Sbranti confirmed that the draft DDSP and Design Guidelines will be reviewed in August. The Council, Commission and Staff agreed the next joint Study Session will be held on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 9 a.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Minutes prepared by Taryn Gavagan, Secretary. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ~ 3 VOLUME XX G~~~oF pU~~y SPECIAL MEETING June 29, 2010 19~ ~-~~~~ ~`~ ~ % ~~L~t^OR~~~ ,~~~~M~ ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN ~ ~ a~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN = ~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ~ CITY OF DUBL IN c~tY co~n~-i Tim Sbranti, Mayor Kasie Hildenbrand, Vice Mayor Don Biddle Kevin Hart Kate Ann Scholz Planning Commission Alan Brown Morgan King Bill Schaub Eric Swalwell Doreen Wehrenberg Cit~~ Staff Joni Pattillo, City Manager Chris Foss, Assistant City Manager Jeri Ram, Community Development Director Jeff Baker, Planning Manager Erica Fraser, Senior Planner Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner Mark Lander, City Engineer Jaimee Bourgeois, Traffic Engineer Consultants RBF Consulting Keyser Marston & Associates CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ i 8/16/2010 visioN Downtown Dublin will be a vibrant and dynamic commercial and mixed-use center that provides a wide array of opportunities for shopping, services, dining, working, living and entertainment that aitracts both local and regional residents. W 0 U~ _ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN ii~ ~; -.~- ~~ d~' ~ ~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS VISION .......................................................... III INTRODUCTION .............................................1 I. I NUt"F1US@ Ufl~.~ II1t~flY .......................................... .................... L 1.2 Specific Plan Area ........................................... ....................2 1.3 The Planning Process ...................................... ....................5 1.4 Statutory Requirements of a Specific Plan .......... ....................6 1.5 CEQA Compliance ......................................... ....................6 1.b Relationship to Existing Plans and Policies ......... ....................7 1.7 Figures and Images.......~ ................................. ....................7 1.8 User's Guide .................................................. ....................8 SITE AND CONTEXT .........................................9 2 I `.ietting and Euckgiouncl .................................................... ~ i; 2.2 Existing Conditions ............................................................1 1 2.3 Visual Character and Urban Design ...................................32 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ............39 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................4u 3.2 Land Use Framework ........................................................40 3.3 Guiding Principles .............................................................40 3.4 Land Use Designations ......................................................42 3.5 Future Development Assurr~ptions .......................................45 iv CITY OF DUBLIN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES .................................................49 4.1 i~efuil District Development Standards .................................50 4.2 Transit-Oriented bistrict Development Standards .................58 4.3 Village Parkway District Development Standards ..................bb 4.4 Design Guidelines .............................................................74 MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN .......107 5. 1 Vei~icular Lirculutie~~~ .......................................................108 5.2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation ....................................108 5.3 Public Transit ..................................................................109 5.4 West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station Access ....................1 1 1 5.5 Infrastructure ..................................................................1 12 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ..114 6.1 Purpose and Intent ..................................................... .....1 15 6.2 Public Facilities and Infrastructure Funding Mechanism.. .....1 15 6.3 Qevelopment Review Process ....................................... .....1 15 6.4 Development Pool and Community Benefit Program ..... .....1 15 6.5 Specific Plan Amendments .......................................... .....1 1 7 6.6 Nonconformities ........................................................ .....1 17 6.7 Severability ................................................................ .....117 6.8 Interpretation ............................................................. .....1 18 6.9 Future Implementation ................................................ .....1 18 8/16/2010 Ust of Figures Figure 1-1 : Specific Plan Area ................................................. ......~ Figure 1-2: Parcel Map .......................................................... ......4 Figure 2-1 : Project Setting ...................................................... ....1 ~ Figure 2-2: General Plan Land Use Designations ..................... ....1 ~ Figure 2-3: Previous Specific Plans .......................................... ....1 ~ Figure 2-4: Vehicular Circulation ............................................ ....1 S Figure 2-5: Off-Street Parking ................................................. ....21 Figure 2-6: Pedestrian Circulation ........................................... ....2~ Figure 2-7: Bicycle Circulation ................................................ ....24 Figure 2-8: Transit Routes ....................................................... ....25 Figure 2-9: Potable Water System ........................................... ....27 Figure 2-10: Sanitary Sewer System ........................................... ....2~ Figure 2-1 1: Storm Drain System .............................................. ....3C Figure 2-12: FEMA Flood Zone ................................................ ....31 Figure 2-13: Block Structure ..................................................... ....33 Figure 2-14: Parcel Size & Building Footprint ............................. ....34 Figure 3-1 : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts .................. ....41 Figure 4-1 : Retail District Location ........................................... ....50 Figure 4-2: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placements in the Retail District ........................................................ ....52 Figure 4-3: Examples of Site Access in the Retail District ............ ....53 Figure 4-4: Transit-Oriented District Location ........................... ....58 Figure 4-5: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placement in the Transit-Oriented District ........................................ ....60 Figure 4-b: Examples of Site Access in the Transit-Oriented Distr ict bl TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ~ Figure 4-7: Village Parkway District Location ............................... 66 Figure 4-8: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placement in the Village Parkway District ............................................ 68 Figure 4-9: Examples of Site Access in the Village Porkway District 69 Figure 5-1 : Saint Patrick Way ................................................... 1 10 List of Tables Table 2-1 : Summary of Previous Specific Plans Development Ca pacity ................................................................. 1 7 Table 3-l: Land Uses ............................................................... 43 Table 3-2: Summary of Project Market Demand (though 2025) ... 46 Table 3-3: Base and Maximum FAR Per District .......................... 47 Table 3-4: Net New Development ............................................. 48 Table 6-1 : Development Pool ................................................. 1 16 w N ~ .~ v1 8/16/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN v i ~1 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF DUBIIN 8/16/2010 sii 2~2oi o This chapter establishes the purpose and intent of this Specific Plan, its location and relationship to other plans and policies, the planning process, and includes a user's guide. W ~ l`J' V~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 1 ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ 1 ~ INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Intent There are currently five Specific Plans that apply within Downtown Dublin. Collectively, these plans allow for the additional development of nearly 3.2 million square feet of non-residential development, 740 dwelling units, and 150 hotel rooms. Since 2000, when a majority of these plans were adopted, 258,734 square feet of non-residential development and 54 residential units have been constructed and 617 residential units have been entitled (but not yet constructed). This Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (also referenced as "DDSP", "Downtown Dublin", or "Specific Plan Area") replaces and combines five existing Specific Plans, namely, the Downtown Core SP, the Dublin Downtown Plan SP, a portion of the San Ramon Road SP, the Village Parkway SP, and the West Dublin BART SP. This DDSP focuses on strengthening the development standards and design guidelines and providing greater direction as to future land uses, particularly in the transit-oriented area south of Dublin Boulevard. Specifically, transit-oriented developments are encouraged within walking distance of the West Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station. At present, Downtown Dublin largely functions as a regional retail area comprised of a number of large-format "power centers" with ancillary smaller specialty retail sales and services. These retailers (such as Target, Ross, and Marshalls) represent a unique niche in the regional marketplace and attract patrons from the entire Tri-Valley region consisting of the Amador, Livermore, and San Ramon Valleys, and include the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, and Danville. This Specific Plan encourages new development and improvements to existing developments to create a more walkable, urban environment and to enhance the City's tax base. Downtown Dublin generally consists of large block sizes, wide and busy roadways, large building footprints, and expansive parking lots, which foster an environment dominated by automobiles. Opporfunities exist to create a more urban character that enhances the environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders. Design guidelines and CITY OF DUBLIN standards would create a more cohesive built environment and generally improve the character of Downtown Dublin. Financially, Downtown Dublin constitutes a very important source of tax revenues for the City's General Fund. Based on findings presented in the Focused Market Study (Keyser Marston & Associates, 2009), there does not appear to be a strong enough market to significantly expand these revenue sources, particularly in the comparison retail and office markets, and there are only limited opportunities in the convenience retail and hotel markets. Opportunity does exist for future downtown residential development to incorporate the concept of an in-town, transit-oriented urban village associated with the new West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. A set of guiding principles are included to help prioritize the direction and development strategy for powntown Dublin as a whole and within the three proposed sub-areas (see Section 3.3: Guiding Principles). These guiding principles address issues associated with the retention and enhancement of existing retail uses, improving the aesthetic quality, and promoting transit-oriented development. 1.2 Specific Plan Area The DDSP area is 284 acres in size. Figure 1-1 : Specific Plan Area shows the boundaries of the Specific Plan Area and Figure 1-2: Parcel Map shows the existing parcels. The Specific Plan Area is generally bound by Village Parkway to the east, Interstate 580 to the south, San Ramon Road to the west and Amador Valley Boulevard to the north. There are, however, some parfial boundary limits that extend beyond these roadways, most notably for a portion of San Ramon Road, a portion of Amador Valley Boulevard, and all of Village Parkway within the Specific Plan Area. Predominant existing land uses in the Specific Plan Area include regional- serving retail, restaurant, and commercial services. Exceptions include some limited light industrial business in the Village Parkway District, auto sales/service businesses south of Dublin Boulevard, offices, and a senior housing development and senior center just south of Amador Valley Boulevard (norfh of the existing Target store). 8/12/2010 ~~~i~l Z 0 ~ ~ _ 0 a ~ ~ Z 0 m ~ Q ~ a a v ~ ~V m a N ~ m ~ ~ LL O O N N ~ `,` 1 ~ INTRODUCTION ~ ~ r Figure 1-2: Parcel Map M ( n,-i~: . . . m'! ~~ . . ~ ~ Y.. '"~ ' . . ~ _~°~ . . ,~', ~ ". r . . ~ ~ ~ ~' ..~t .,~ .. ~ ~. J . ~,r,.. .. ' ~.i 1 ~ ;~ ~ ~ ` ~.:." ` 1 - t. "~ t ' ' ~.1 1~ '~ "~ ~ . ~ " 3 :~, < ~ti ~ r 9 ,' ~ ~ . ° ~ ~. ~ ~~ , ~s w ~ t ~ ~ ~ '`; , ~ Z:. ~ ~ ~~ ~ f ;~ !~ - 'e!'y ~ t.~ ~ t 1 V` ~ ~~P' ~ _..--r '• 1 ~ ~ ~' i ~ ' *, t _ ^"~ + ~.~ ~ .J ~ "i r `"~-+-. ~ r r .: '~-, 1" ~ ~ ~ _ . 4.. w'~ ~ t 1 ~~ ~ u ~ / ~~ ~ ^`~' ` --~ ~~ `t " "~ ~ 'r',- ~ ~ , " } - i~ j . ,, ~' . _ ~~ -t ~, .~--- ,, ; ~t r-~+,.. .-~ ,_ °A* i 7 ~ f ,~7 •; ~ ' .~ ~~ 4. ~ ~ . ~ ~~~`~` qrr ,~k~V , ~~~~ ..~r~ `~~^' ~l` ~ i ~ , ,`-~i ~--~~ ~ , `' ~. r ~ ` ~ ~ ~j_.. ( ~~ ~ ~1 ~ ,~ .. ~ (`YL~ i . ~ ... {~. y } ~1 ^. ~ C ~ 4 ^ . `~! .{~ y~ ~- ~ - ~ . '~~.~ e . ~~ ~ :-. , - "" ~ ;a'9~~d * " .`°,_ ~ '~ . ~'~ ~ ~~ , ~.~~ '~ ~ ~. ' r~ ~~. ~~~ ~ ,~r ~~," ~ ~ . z ~' ~r~ ~, r ' ~ ~; .r ~„~, . . . ..> ~i t ~, ~,~ ~ .e~ ._.:.r 4 ~"Y' ~. ~ ,~-'S- - f .. f f~ . ~ ,. , ~ , ~ a ,. . 5 V ; ~ , ~. ~ ~ ~,~'~. K . ~ ~ . w ~kk ~ ~ ~ ` , , ~_ M1 /~ ~: r'~, _ . 5~: ^'. ~._ ~;~'~ K ~~~. . .~. .~ ...v T ~ t ' ~ I,~ _ f.-. _.. ~ r ~ n j~ ~ . LEGEND ~ F,, `r`. Q Spacific Plan Bo~ndary ~ City Limi1 Lina ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~,~~ Downtown Buildinys ~ ~ ~{ Porcels ~ ~ x ~~ ~~. ~ ~ . 4 4 ,, ~ ~ _ _i~~ ~ ~ . ~ ,..~, . f '~ c v. ~.:~ t : .w: . ~~~~ , r ~ i f ,-. i ~~1 ~ T",~- ~.I _ : . ,,, ~ ~ ~ f r r ~ f~ £ + ~ .~ f i ~~~~r i ~ "~ ..,. ~ ~~ r r '"-i F ~; 5 '° ~ ~ <""'~~~ ~ ;' ~ t. ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~/ -,-~ '~-~ ~.~~r ~ ~``~ ~ r~._,,.~ ~..,. /q~~^~ : . ~e 3 !j ~. ?" ~'21 , ~ i / , , ~Ct'y ~~ f /; ~ ! ~j~ ~ ° ~ ~ \ j~fs' ~~~ ~ ~ ,~;~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~` ~ ~'~ 1 ~ ~`"`~~~,. `~ `~~~~ ~~~ A _.-~' ~ j ~,.~ City of Pleasunton < 7 1 ,,~ ~ ) ~ 3 /r ~~ 1 / 5 ~ ti l J 4 ~ rk ~ l, ~ E a ~~~~:°`+ "y~ ~ f``"`' ~ _I,~~~ ~ft` ~~~, ~ ' u H~L!CFVen ~ i r~^t3 8/12/2010 4 CITY OF DUBLIN INTRODUCTION ~ 1 1.3 The Planning Process The planning process undertaken as part of the preparation of this Specific Plan involved substantial outreach with the public and stakeholders (land owners, business owners, etc) as well as joint and separate meetings with both the City Council and Planning Commission. This included: ^ Walking site tours of the Specific Plan Area ^ Extensive one-on-one stakeholder interviews ^ Development of a Draft and Final Opportunities, Issues, & Strategies Reporf (RBF Consulting, 2009) ^ City Council/Planning Commission study sessions ^ Public review meetings of the Draft Specific Plan and EIR ^ Community workshop ^ Online surveys W ~ ~ -~ sn 2!2o i o ~ DOWfJTO~vN DUBIIN SPECIFIC PLAN 5 '~ ~ ' ~ INTRODUCTION ~ ~ A series of implementing policies are established in the General Plan, ~ ~ .4 $tCltl3tCiYy' ~~C~1jFYeiit~~'i~'~ ~a ~ ~~:~& ~~'aw~- ~.~- .`> including: ~ Under California Law (Government Code Section 65450 et seq.) cities Allowing development within the mixed use land use and counties may prepare specific plans to develop policies, programs, g and regulations to implement the jurisdictions adopted general plan. A designations to include a combination of inedium to high density specific plan frequently serves as a bridge between the general plan and residential housing and at least one non-residential land use individual development master plans and planned unit developments, or (such as office or retail). other large development projects. ~ Designating a Downtown Intensification Area on the General Plan Land Use Map. e ; ~~;~;:~;~~ ~:,,, ~;N This Specific Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 65451. As prescribed by law, the Plan includes text and diagrams that generally describe the following: ^ The distribution, location and extent of all land uses, including open space. . The proposed distribution, location, extent and intensity of major components of public infrastructure, such as transportation and drainage systems. ^ The standards and criteria by which development will proceed. ^ A program of implementation measures, such as financing measures, policy and regulations and public works projects. California law also requires a specific plan to be consistent with a City's General Plan, and that findings regarding consistency be included in the specific plan itself. . Providing a BART station in Downtown Dublin that will serve customers and workers with and without cars, and to add offices and multi-family dwellings within walking distance. ^ Encouraging mid-rise office/multi-family buildings and parking structures with ground floor retail space, and creating store-lined pedestrian connections between existing shopping centers. . Making Downtown Dublin more understandable to the first-time visitor by installing standardized identification signs and directories. '`m.~ ~..~~~°''~: ~.i~~Yd~s~:C3f'~~i~ The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan has been adopted in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to State and Local CEQA Guidelines the City determined that the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan could create significant environmental impacts, and therefore, an Environmental Impact Reporf (EIR) was prepared in conjunction with preparation of this Specific Plan. N, ~':;a~~ ~ ,? ~` . ....,.~, ~ s~ ~ .. .~. _. ,. F . _ Although an amendment to the City's General Plan will be necessary to allow for the implementation of the Specific Plan, the recommendations and objectives of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan are consistent with the broad goals of the Dublin General Plan. The guiding policy for powntown Dublin, as stated in the General Plan, is to intensify uses in the Downtown Dublin area and provide opporfunities for housing and transit-oriented uses near the transit center and facilities. The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse Number 2010022005) is a Program EIR. As directed by the City of Dublin and in accordance with CEQA, the EIR includes an introduction, project description, description of existing environmental conditions, an assessment of environmental impacts, mitigation measures, and analysis of plan alternatives. 8/12/2010 CITY OF DUBLIN 1.6 Relationship to Existing Plans and Policies 1.6.1 Ciiy of Dublin General Plan The General Plan is the highest-level policy document for the entire City of Dublin. The General Plan serves as an "umbrella" over other policies and policy documents; all of which are required to be consistent with the General Plan. State law requires all general plans include a minimum of seven elements (land use, circulation, open space, conservation, noise, safety, and housing). A General Plan amendment will be required to ensure that this Specific Plan is consistent with elements of the City's General Plan. 1.t5.2 Ci#y of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan The requirements within the Streetscape Master Plan shall continue to apply for areas within the Specific Plan Area. This Specific Plan is not intended to be in conflict with nor replace the Streetscape Master Plan. 1.6.3 Ciiy of Dublin Bikeways Master Plan The requirements within the Bikeways Master Plan shall continue to apply for areas within the Specific Plan Area. This Specific Plan is not intended to be in conflict with nor replace the Bikeways Master Plan. 1.6.4 Ciiy of Dublin Public Art Master Plan The requirements within the Public Art Master Plan shall continue to apply for areas within the Specific Plan Area. This Specific Plan is not intended to be in conflict with nor replace the Public Art Master Plan and Public Art Program (Chapter 8.58 of the Zoning Ordinance). 1.6.5 Ci1y of Dubiin Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Ordinance will be amended as an implementation measure of this Specific Plan to create a Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Zoning District. The new Zoning District will replace the existing zoning standards adopted for this area. Where a conflict occurs between this Specific Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, the standards in this Specific Plan shall supersede the standards and regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. Development standards and land use requirements not a~i 2~2oi o INTRODUCTION ~ 1 specifically addressed in this Specific Plan or in the new Zoning District shall be subject to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. ~ •7 ~igures and Images Figures and images are used liberally throughout this document, especially in Chapter 4: Design Standards and Guidelines. These figures and images are intended for illustrative purposes only. Specific development standards, regulations, and guidelines contained in this document are the controlling language for the purposes of the development regulation. If a figure or image is in conflict with the controlling regulation, the regulation shall rule and the diagram shall be updated by the Community Development Director to prevent future confusion. Such updates do not require a Specific Plan amendment. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN O l7` l11 ~ 1 ~ INTRODUCTION y , ~ 1.~ ~3se~''s ~~rid~ 3 The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan is designed to meet the needs of ~- many users, including property owners, merchants, architects, designers, building contractors, City staff, residents, investors, developers, and other interested organizations and persons in the community. Each of these interests plays a vital role in the future development of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. To most effectively use the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, the following process is recommended: ^ Step 1: Review Chapters 1 and 2 to gain an understanding of Downtown Dublin, including project history, existing conditions, and the planning process. . Step 2: Review Chapter 3 to gain an understanding of the guiding principles and detailed land use development plan for this Specific Plan. . Step 3: Property owners that are interested in developing/intensifying property within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area should review Chapters 3 and 4 to gain an understanding of the development standards and design guidelines for their property. ^ Step 4: Those interested in starting a new business or expanding/enhancing an existing business in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area should review Chapter 3 and 4 to gain an understanding of the types of land uses that are permitted and conditionally permitted in the Specific Plan Area. . Step 5: Review Chapter 5 to gain an understanding of the mobility and infrastructure plan that will accommodate the potential buildout of the Specific Plan Area. . Step 6: Review Chapter 6 to gain an understanding of the implementation and administration of this Specific Plan. ^ Step 7: Schedule a meeting with the City of Dublin Community Development Deparfment to review your concepts, determine project processes and requirements, identify other agencies that may need to be contacted, and discuss potential issues, solutions, and approaches. It is highly recommended that interested property/business owners, developers, and investors contact the City to discuss project proposals before committing large amounts of time and money for plans and drawings. 8/12/2010 CIN OF DUBLIN a~i2~2oio SITE AND CONTEXT This chapter provides background information and describes opportunities, issues, and strategies related to the potential future development and revitalization of the Specific Plan Area. It was developed based on a review of background documents, field surveys, meetings with City staff, public workshops, the Planning Commission and City Council, and interviews with stakeholders in the Specific Plan Area. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 9 ~ ~ Vr ~ ~ m ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT 2.1 Setting and Background ",~ ~; "~ ~ ,,,.:•~_: ~~ ~~ :v:.,~,;i The City of Dublin is located in eastern Alameda County, just south of the border of Contra Costa County. Regional access to the City is provided by Interstate 580, Interstate 680, and the Dublin/Pleasanton line of the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). Cities that border Dublin include San Ramon to the north (in Contra Costa County), Pleasanton to the south, and Livermore to the south and east. ~. ~ .~. _c?c:est ;~~ti¢rsc# The Specific Plan Area is located in the southwestern portion of the City. Boundaries generally include the roadways of and properties along Amador Valley Boulevard, Village Parkway, Interstate 580, and San Ramon Road (see Figure 2-1 : Project Setting). These roadways, along with Dublin Boulevard, provide primary access to the Specific Plan Area. Once complete, the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station will serve the Specific Plan Area and will provide a pedestrian connection across Interstate 580 to Pleasanton. e ..1 .s. ... .'~~+~~~'F~'': This City of Dublin has always played a historical role, sitting at the crossroads of two major trading routes. As these routes grew into regional roads (present day Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road), so did the town. The small town rapidly expanded after World War II and was later incorporated in 1981. The presence of the Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) and the construction of Interstates 580 and 680 and the BART line stimulated much of this development. During this time, much of the historic downtown fabric was transformed into more automobile-oriented shopping centers with large surface parking lots, as was typical during the time. Surrounding areas were largely built with suburban tract housing, schools, parks, and commercial uses along major arterials. Development patterns starfed in the areas generally west of the Camp Parks RFTA, but have shifted toward the areas to the east as well. ~ ~,k ` ~-~ ~ ~~~ ~~ .. a; .~,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~... _ g/12/2010 10 CITY OF DUBLIN SITE AND CONTEXT ( 2 8/12/2010 2.2 Existing Conditions 2•2• 1 Existing Land Uses A majority of the land uses include regional serving retail in the center of the Specific Plan Area. These include: Target, Toys R Us, Burlington Coat Factory, 99 Ranch Market, Orchard Supply Hardware, Ross, Marshall's, and Safeway. There are two auto dealership sites in the Specific Plan Area. One is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive and the other is located at the southeast corner of Saint Patrick Way and Amador Plaza Road. Smaller specialty retail, convenience retail, and services are generally located west of Regional Street, and along Amador Valley Boulevard, Amador Plaza Road, and Village Parkway. Office uses within the Specific Plan Area include the Corrie Center (located southeast of Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road), the Chase Bank building (southwest of Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive) and the office complex (located at the south end of Amador Plaza Road). Other notable land uses include the 238-room Holiday Inn Hotel, Dublin Bowl, Dublin Post Office, Earl Anthony's Dublin Iceland, and senior center with an associated senior apartment complex (Wicklow Square). .....~~~ ~F.r±t~rn.; P{r'~r,'•..C~^'~'`.,.~<.P,r The Land Use Element and Land Use Map in the General Plan establish the policy for change and growth within the City. The General Plan identifies the general locations, density and extent of land available for housing, business, industry, natural resource protection, recreation, and other uses. Land use designations for the Specific Plan Area include: High-Density Residential, Mixed-use, Retail/Office, Retail/Office and Automotive, Parks/Public Recreation, and Public/Semi-Public (see Figure 2-2: General Plan Land Use Designations). ~ --G- DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~~jl~! N n ~ O 0 c ~ z ~ ~ N N O O ~ v o n ~ O ~, Z m -+ ~, rn ~ x ~ ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Figure 2-2: General Plan Land Use Designations 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 13 ~ ~ ~1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT 2.2.3 Previous Specific Plans Prior to this Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, five separate specific plans applied to the downtown area. Brief summaries of each of these Specific Plans are described below. A map showing the boundaries of these specific plans and the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan is illustrated in Figure 2-3: Previous Specific Plans. The Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plans were intended to be for short-term time frame (5-7 years). Downtown Core Specific Plan The 51 -acre Downtown Core Specific Plan (DCSP) area contains most of the City of Dublin's large format (60,000+ square feet) retailers. The DCSP envisioned integrating these large users with newer, smaller scale development as well a series of public spaces including a central landscaped plaza to accommodate public gatherings. The DCSP envisioned that existing major retailers would remain in their present locations along the westerly edge of the core, although building facades would be modernized. To the east, a variety of smaller buildings would be constructed accommodating new restaurants and specialty retail enterfainment. A new vehicular accessway, possibly through a joint private/public endeavor, would be constructed through the center of the Core area from Dublin Boulevard/Golden Gate Drive, north to Amador Valley Boulevard at Donahue Drive. The DCSP called for a maximum development potential of 1.2 million square feet of commercial, retail office and mixed-use development and up to 154 dwelling units. This represents an increase of 737,072 square feet and 154 dwelling units, as compared to existing conditions when the DCSP was first adopted (December 2000). Because the DCSP area is largely built-out, a majority of the increase in density would be achieved through an increased floor area-ratio (FAR) of up to .79 (on average) with buildings up to six stories or 75 feet. A mix of surface parking and garages would help increase site densities. 14 CITY OF DUBLIN West Dublin BART Specific Plan With the adoption of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan (WDBSP) by the Dublin City Council in December 2000, a General Plan Amendment was adopted to change land uses and land use intensification and to modify the FAR for certain properties. The WDBSP area is generally located between I-580 to the south, I-680 to the east, Dublin Boulevard to the north, and San Ramon Road to the west. The area consists of approximately 92 acres of commercial, office and light industrial land uses. Central to the WDBSP area and providing a catalyst for the direction of future development is the new West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station (planned to be open in 201 1), and the associated parking structure, as well as the development of a hotel, retail, high-density housing, and office. The WDBSP envisioned a transit-oriented, mixed-use area, capitalizing on regional transit linkages provided by both the BART line and supported by nearby freeways, I-580 and I-680. Within the West Dublin BART area, a mixture of low-rise and mid-rise buildings for residences, offices, specialty retail, lodging, restaurant, and similar uses are planned that are consistent with a transit-oriented development area. Additionally, the WDBSP called for further intensification of development through an increased FAR of up to 1 for some properfies. As amended, the maximum amount of development for the WDBSP was anticipated to be 2,277,716 square feet of non-residential development, 150 hotel rooms, and 617 residential dwellings. Since adoption, the City has allowed for the construction of up to 150 hotel rooms and 7,500 square feet of commercial uses adjacent to the BART Station. The City Council and Planning Commission has also approved a mixed use development with 150,000 square feet of office and 308 residential dwellings (AMB), which have not yet been constructed. The approvals and preliminary approvals (Stage 1 Development Plan) will continue to apply to these parcels after adoption of this Specific Plan. 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Figure 2-3: Previous Specific Plans F .. . , '.. -' ~~, _. a ~ ~zt.. i~. r . ,' ~ R ~ ~ i ~ 1'" t ...-"~ ,;k N` r ~ R S ~ ~" ~ ' ~' . " M' r~, ~'"., p" sa L .\ '{ '~ . P 1 {`~ ^`~ n+~- ; a w "~ ~ r •' . ?~ { L ~ x"'~, ~ ~}y ' s ~' a, ~.-~ __ ~ ~ i~~ ~.,1Y-Y' ~~ ~t '~-~ ti ~t t"i~Y'~i ~'"i ~ _ y ~ . . .~ ~ ? t t -°-~-+ s~ ~ 4 °~ , ~ _ 't t. ~.1 i ~ r ~ ~ f'.. s'+$..~'i .~ - .. Y-- S ~~ ye.` ~ - ~ . lp4J ~~~ t"`y`-;•i- f~ y~ •`~~/~ e _ - ~, ~ ~ ~ ~` f~~- ~~ ~~~-..~ f ~..~.':~- ° - ,a~,, . ` , ~_ ~ ~i~ h./, ..~ Y ,"k jr ~ ~~~^" ~ " ~ ~ n~~.~~~ ~,~~ ~~~~~~ _ _ ~" ~ ~ P. ~. 1 ~ N . . . " ,.- _° 1. :,;F_.~~ ~ ~k ~~' ' ~ -~, LEGEND ~ 4 D ~Y;. t'~~.V ~ sp.dfit P~a~ so~~dary ~. : .. . :.<. . ._ . ~ ~Ihf ~~tT11~ ~.M9 _ Do,~~ntown Core Specific Pla~ - Dublin Downfov,n Plan Speci~ic P1an _ San Ramon Rood Specific Plan _ ~Ilago Parkway Specific Plan _ 4^lest Dublin BART 5pecific Plan ~~ M~ ~~ x, ~ . ~ ~~'~ ~ ~ ,~-t~ r ~ 4 y ~ i~~" ~ ~ ~,T' "~ ~• , ~ ~ ~ ry ~.s 'c~ » ~~r` '~ ~r _ ~~ / : `~~ j` ~ ;~'~' a` ~~r~ ' ' ~~'`"'`-~,.. ~ ' -~-.~,.' , ~ ~~ ~~-~'',•~ _~ ^~~~~, i r '~-5•,~, ,~ E~ . • ` f ~f 1f ~'"i`5''vftfyyt,; r ~.._~ ~ ~ ,,~ J~ r° ^~'"`-,~..~•, ' '.~ ~~~ ~~ f•~ r f ~,~, ~ ~ ~•, . ~~f f~` w~,,,` ~~~,~...-°~`~ " ~ City of Pleasanton ~e~, ~~~~;~n~~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 15 -~ o(~ ~ v1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT vllage Parkway Specific Plan The Village Parkway Specific Plan (VPSP) consisted of approximately 31 acres of commercial services, retail, restaurant, office, and automotive service land uses. Under the VPSP Concept Plan, these existing uses would not change, but would be stabilized and enhanced. The FAR within the VPSP area was increased from 0.24, equivalent to 308,474 square feet, to 0.35, equivalent to 408,108 square feet, or an increase of nearly 100,000 square feet. The land use plan designated properties west of Village Parkway as Retail/Office and Auto Service (R/O&A) and the east side as Retail/Office (R/O). The VPSP encouraged higher density residential dwellings in the form of multi-family complexes and live/work units. It also encouraged properfy and streetscape improvements to enhance the pedestrian character. While there was considerable discussion and analysis regarding the reconfiguration of the Village Parkway roadway, it was determined that it should remain four lanes, due in part to the fact that it services as an imporfant north-south emergency access roadway. San Ramon Road Specific Plan Adopted in June of 1983, the San Ramon Road Specific Plan (SRRSP) is the oldest of the downtown specific plans and is located west of San Ramon Road between Silvergate (to the north) and Dublin Boulevard to the south. The SRRSP planning area included both residential and commercial land uses. This Specific Plan includes only those commercial areas that are located north and south of Amador Valley Court (identified as Area 3 in the SRRSP). The primary intent of the SRRSP was to provide guidance for development of approximately 30 acres of vacant land for retail commercial, office and multifamily uses. Area 3(13 acres), which included both occupied and vacant commercial land uses, has now been completely built-out with primarily region serving retail and commercial uses. Dublin Downtown Plan The Dublin Downtown Plan (DDP) was adopted by the City Council in 1987 and is generally bounded by San Ramon Road, Amador Valley 16 CITY OF DUBLIN Boulevard, Village Parkway (including land uses to the east) and Interstate 580. The DDP included an area encompassed and superseded by the WDSP, the DCSP, and VPSP, described above. The only remaining properties that are still applicable as a regulating document are Development Zones 5 and b of the DDP: Zone 5: San Ramon Road Retail - Currently oriented almost exclusively to Regional Street, uses in this area encouraged an increased presence on San Ramon Road to improve visual appearances along that frontage. Proposals which provide new access to San Ramon Road and pedestrian linkages to Zone 5 were encouraged. Uses will continue as a mix of retail and commercial services. Zone 6: Central Block West Retail - A continuation of current retailing and service commercial uses with improvements to zone entries, internal circulation and parking lot landscaping were encouraged. Conclusions Collectively, the DCSP, the WDBSP and the VPSP allows for the additional development of just over 3.1 million square feet of non- residential development, 717 dwelling units, and 150 hotel rooms (see Table 2-1 : Summary of Previous Specific Plans Development Capacity). Because the SRRSP has been built-out to allowed densities, no additional development potential exists. 8/12/2010 Table 2-1: Summary of Previous Specific Plans Development Capaciiy' ~s • ~ ~ ~ ~. ' 959,446 sf 132,294 sf 1,091,740 sf `` + 763,175 sf 332,186 sf 1,195,361 ~ sf . _ , 100,000 sf _ -- 74,264 sf 74,264 sf 61,665 sf 16,720 sf 78,385 sf 493,430 sf + 181,630 sf + 675,060 sf 308 du 100 du + 408 du 150 rooms -- - - 150 rooms 309 du -- - - 309 du 2,277,716 sf 737,094 sf 3,114,810 sf •• 150 rooms ~ 00 du 100,000 sf 150 rooms 617 du 717 du Notes: 1 Approved per Specific Plans but not yet construded (including entitled projeds). City of Dublin, 2009 2 Includes 100,000 sf in Village Parkway Source: DDSP Opportunities, Issues, and Strategies Report, RBF Consulting, May 2009 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 2.2.4 Circulation and Paricing Existing Street Nelwork The existing roadway network routes within the Specific Plan Area are shown on Figure 2-4: Vehicular Circulation. A description of each roadway is provided below: I-580 and I-680: I-580 intersects with I-680 immediately adjacent to Downtown Dublin. I-680 traverses in a north-south direction and I-580 in an east-west direction. A full access interchange is located at I-580 and San Ramon Road. Partial access to I-680 is provided through a southbound on and off ramp from Amador Plaza Road and a northbound on ramp at Village Parkway. San Ramon Road: San Ramon Road is a major north-south arterial within the Specific Plan Area with a 40 mph speed limit and raised median. A full access interchange is located at I-580. North of Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road narrows from six to four lanes. No parking is provided on the street. A Class 1 trail facility is provided on the west side of San Ramon Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. Regional Street: Regional Street extends in a north-south direction from Amador Valley Boulevard to its terminus south of Dublin Boulevard. It is a two-lane collector with a two-way-IeR-turn lane. It provides access to the adjacent commercial uses. On-street parking is provided south of Dublin Boulevard, but not between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Golden Gate Drive: Golden Gate Drive is a short, two-lane collector that provides access to the adjacent commercial businesses south of Dublin Boulevard and to BART. The street extends from Dublin Boulevard to the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and parking garage that is currently under construction. On-street parallel parking is provided on both sides of the street. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 17 v! ~ ~ vl r-- ~ ~ ~~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT Amador Plaza Road: Amador Plaza Road is a north-south, two-lane collector with a two-way-left-turn-lane median between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. Between Dublin Boulevard and Saint Patrick Way it is a four-lane collector. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour and the street provides access to the adjacent commercial land uses and access to and from southbound I-680. Village Parkway: Village Parkway is a four lane north-south arferial located to the east of I-680. Within the Downtown, the street has a raised median and on-street parallel parking. Village Parkway has multiple commercial driveways and provides access to smaller properties. The speed limit on Village Parkway is 30 miles per hour. Just south of Dublin Boulevard, Village Parkway provides access to a northbound I- 680 on-ramp. Village Parkway has a Class 3 bikeway facility. Amador Valley Boulevard: Amador Valley Boulevard runs parallel to Dublin Boulevard. Within the downtown, it is a four lane east-west arterial with a landscaped median. The street provides access to most of the large retail shopping centers in the downtown area. The speed limit on Amador Valley Boulevard is 30 miles per hour. Class II bike lanes are provided on both sides of the street. No on-street parking is provided. Dublin Boulevard: Boulevard is a major six-lane east-west arterial that extends through the downtown area with a landscaped median. Dublin Boulevard has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. No on-street parking or bike lanes are currently provided on the street within the Downtown Area, but are planned for. West and east of the Specific Plan Area, Dublin Boulevard narrows to four lanes. Signals are coordinated along Dublin Boulevard from Regional Street to Village Parkway. Dublin Boulevard provides local-serving access to most of the large retail shopping centers in the downtown area. It also carries high volumes of through traffic during the morning and afternoon peak hours, as motorist use the street as an alternative route to I-580. Saint Patrick Way: Saint Patrick Way is a local two-lane connector street with a two-way-left-turn-lane between Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate Drive within the downtown area. Saint Patrick Way will be extended westward to Regional Street as future development occurs. The speed 18 CITY OF DUBLIN limit is 25 miles per hour. No on-street parking is provided along the street. Level of Service Ten signalized intersections in Downtown Dublin were evaluated based on the Levels of Service (LOS) concept. LOS is a qualitative description of intersection and roadway operation, ranging from LOS A to LOS F. LOS A represents free flow, un-congested traffic conditions. LOS F represents highly congested traffic conditions with what is commonly considered unacceptable delays to vehicles on the road segments and at intersections. The intermediate levels of service represent incremental levels of congestion and delays between these two extremes. The City has a goal to maintain LOS D or better for streets of "regional significance." Intersection LOS is identified in Figure 2-4: Vehicular Circulation. 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Figure 2-4: Vehicular Circulation , , __ _ _„ „ . , ~ ~ _ , ~ j '~ '~ Legend \ • _ _ - ` , ~ C~ Spec~ic Plan Boundary ~ l ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ' Exlsting PM Peak Hour Level of 1 1 ~~,~ Serv~e (LO3) r' ~'~ ~ ~_~ ./~'~ ~~''~ ~~ r ~ LOSA-LOSC ~ . ~~~~~.~~ ` , , _ - z _ / ; _ '- ,- - -~~Al ` ' ~J _ ~'1~` ; p ' ~~ ~~ ~. O LOS D . ,~ , Roadway ConBguntlon , ~ . ~,,,~~ .---~~ ~ ~ ~., . - 2•lene Undivided Roadway !yE , ~ ``} ~ ... ~i ~+ ` ._ +'•,~~ ~, •``\ - 2-lane Divided Roadway ~-,- - ~~ ~ , • ~` _~ - 4.lane UndYWed Roadway _ _" Q \ . ~ ~ ~~'~" ~~ ~ ~ = A-lane Divided Roadway J ~~}` ~`-~'' /~~~/' ~ ~ \, ~~ ~ 8-lane DiviOed Roadway __.. /, ~ ~ _ `,' -- eaRT Ra~i u~e - _ ~ __ _ ~ ~ ~ - _ j~_.,~ p ~ f ~"~ &~: ~ - - - ~a o ~~~ „~~' ... ~ , ~ ~~ ~ ' -- ,; ~~ ~ t _ ~ , ~ .-ti=~~ ~ ~ ~ -- ,s" ~ ~ ~,~` . ~ ~ ~` ~ ,~ ,_< ~ -~ ~ , ~ ~., ~ , D ~, ~ - ~ _.- ~ ~ , _ ,~- . ..- '~ ~ ~,~_ .-~ , - ~ ~ , . F~ E~~, I - -- _ _. _ _ . ~`•~ ot St. Patrick Way ~/ .~ t ,` ~ ~~ ~ _, ~ i . - ...~~i.+~~-~y -- ,\ ,. 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 19 N ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ OfF-Street Parking ~ Off-street parking requirements have a significant impact on land uses (`(1 and the spatial orientation of the built form, as discussed in Chapter 3. I~(~ A significant majority of the off-street parking in the Specific Plan Area is surface parking. As shown in Figure 2-5: Off-Street Parking, there are approximately 1 0,000 parking spaces in the Specific Plan Area. Assuming an average of 250 square feet per vehicle (including driving aisles), this represents approximately 62 acres, or 22% of the Specific Plan Area. Future development of some portion of these surface parking lots represents an important opportunity to create a more urban, pedestrian-oriented environment. This could occur through the construction of parking structures constructed as separate structures or integrated into newly constructed buildings. 20 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ( 2 Figure 2-5: Off-Street Parking '. _,~ e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t r^ ~ ~ ~i \ ~y 4 ly~~~3 l. ~ ~ Y : 's ~ ' r: r ~ ~a t ~ ~ ~r-.,.q ~ ~.,::_. ~..a J c ~ . ~ ..t Y.., t~ k~m d~ .~ " ,'~,'~.- i T .'''~, :'. -~~ ~ ~~ Y `yy _}1 ~ ~{ -!Y'~l', .~~~t r~:~,~r { " -~ R t °-*. , . , ~ . r ' t'~ . - _ t v-"' .~°' j -. y ~V'1, {Er " . , *~ ~1 ~...~ ~~ . a. . . . _ ~~:~c ~ . _ ~~ .. ~ N ~ t . , ; F,_., ~ ~.;: ( .~-~ LEGEND ",~a ~ ~ +°'~ ~ Sp~ci#~c Plan Bovndary , ~ ,-; "f) . Gty Limii Line t'i ~i Purking Zones '~;, A.~. ' (###) Approximate Parking Spoces t) .~_ Tofal Parking Spaces within SpecNic Plon Aren = 10,42T ~., -....`~ _ .. . _ . , > , ., . z _ . , ~t ~ , , : ,,w+~i ~ ; ~ ` ~~ ~ ~`~- ~ • , ~~_ ~, ~ ~`' r ,4 R~ ~ ~ ~ ~d ~~ ';:i~'` rF',~-t I -•- ~ 7 . ~' ,~~ ~' ~ ~{,. ~ - , - ~ '~..,,,e L , -...::. .,,~ i ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~{ ~n'~ ~F~`~~g„ ~-;' ~~ J .. ~ ~s ~. ~ ~' ~~ECt d~ ' ~ 3 M r; 1 . LEV,~R,, ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~'` ~ ~ ~~~~..~' , ,~~~ ,< / a S ~~~~f~/ ~Y~ ~ ;~ ~~ . ~ i, ` r= • _~x - ~ _ rt - r ~ i .... . ., '". i ~y, ~ w~ , ~ JZ 'J~ ~-~ ,~ ~ ~y.>~ ,,,:.~, { t ~. ( .~ -`~ ; ~,, , r q"~~a, 1 '' _:s,~. ~.. ~~.~~ ~ . ~- ~ ,~~ 1 ~~ ~, ~~ ~, ~:~ , ~~~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~--- ~ ~ ~,- r--.~,,~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~., K .,~ , City of Pleasanton ,W1tw4'~SE 5P ;~ . '~' _ ~ ~ .~~ 2~ vrl t ~ v 1 `~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ Pedestrian & Birycle Circulation (~ Downtown Dublin consists of relatively large blocks and large arterial ~ streets. Most buildings are set back from the street. On most properties, large surface parking lots are located between the buildings and the street. The streets and development patterns in the Downtown are primarily oriented towards automobiles, and they generally do not promote pedestrian and bicycle circulation (please refer to Section 2.3 Community Character for a discussion of development patterns). Sidewalks are located along all streets within the Downtown, as shown on Figure 2-b: Pedestrian Circulation. A Class I bicycle facility is provided along the west side of San Ramon Road extending north from I-580, while Class II bike lanes follow San Ramon Road north of Dublin Boulevard. Amador Valley Boulevard includes Class II bike lanes in each direction. A combination of Class II and Class III facilities are proposed along Dublin Boulevard, but have not yet been constructed. A Class III bike route (signed bike route) extends along both sides of Village Parkway. Class II bike lanes and Class III bike routes are proposed on existing and future roadways south of Dublin Boulevard (see Figure 2-7: Bicycle Circulation). Transit Service The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) provides transit services through the City of Dublin. Downtown Dublin is currently served by the LAVTA WHEELS Route 3 and Route 10, as shown on Figure 2-8: Transit Routes. These routes provide access to the downtown along Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard, as well as numerous outlying areas. In addition, LAVTA has approved a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route, which would provide improved service between Downtown Dublin and Livermore, and eastern Dublin and the Stoneridge Mall area in Pleasanton. Construction of the BRT route is underway. The Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) operates the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station located east of the Downtown off of Dublin Boulevard via Demarcus Boulevard. WHEELS routes listed above provide daily access to the BART station. 22 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 ~lo~j l51 ~ ~ X ~ z 0 U ~ Z 4 W H ~ ~ 0 a ~ ~ U C O ~ N m -O ~O N a~ L ~ ~ LL . _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q -~ 'n o 25 ~ Z- 'o o ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ h d . ~c ~c ~- ~ E o o ~ 8 y ~ -±~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o p ~ i~ ~ h 3 0 W ~ ~ ry W ~ ~ ~~ ~ O .i ~.....: ~ r~,~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ -T ~ ~. ~~,~ ~~ ~o ,,,. ~`' ~ ~1-~s,~Pt~~ ~~~~~ `~ J ~~--i ~;- _~ „t ~ . a..~ 1, t` ,:t L ~- \'' ~~~, f. ~~~ ~, 0 ~~.f ' ~.T' ~ 8 , "~, . ~ , ' ~ ,-E...~ ~~ _ ~ ~ r ! ~ .h 6 ~ ~ Z g a V V N Z m ~ ~ z O H Z ~ ~ O 0 N N ~ c O `~c ~. o U ~ ~ 4 ~ { s ',l- ^ ~ ~ ~~.~i51 N Ja n ~ O 0 C W Z , ~ ,-~ ~`~:~ ~tt~ ~ ~ r~ ~~ '''' ~`' ~E .~ / r '. ~ - ~ ~.„ ~~. ~i, ~', ` ~ ~ ~ ~~ l ; fi ;,.+••• i ~ i ~ ~`~ ...~~ .`~ ~ ~,t 1~~ +~rr ,~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~,~ .~~ ~~ , ~,, ~ ,,~~m, ~ . ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~~'~ ~~ `t. ~ ` ~ ' ~~ ?~ ° ~. ~ N3o~O9 ~' ..~-- a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~ +~- _. . ~.~`. a rm _ „~ . ~ ' `* ''1 ~ b ~ ~\, ~ ~ ~ w. o ~~ ~~~ ~~~ " ~~~~ ~: a`~-~ ~ ~ `,--y ~ ' ~ .:~~~ ~~ ~~~-- ~ ~; ,.. .~ f _~ _ ~~ ^~~- ~~.-- --~ ~~, : .. ~~..~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ,~ .' ~`,,.~f ~_a~`?~~~.-~> . ,~1~, ,~ldl`~ , <. 684 r , ~ , ~~,~s ~l ~ ; ~ ~~~ ~~• »~~ ``~ 4, y ~ ~' ~ , , , . -,~',c ~~~ '~, ~ ~\~ ~ N \ N O O -, ~ ~ , a ,. ~ )~ ~~' ~ ~ ` `~ \\/ ~ ~ ~ ~~`z ~ ~ , , Y ~,> ~ ~ ` k~~ ;.\~~?; ~ - - ~ ~ ~~ ~ti~ ~ ~,~` ^~ ~\YC ~ ~ ;t ~ , w, ~ yl~,~` ~ '~ ~ ~~C~ ~ y''l-' \ 1 ~ t~ ` ,~ ~ ;_ ~~ f`~ ~ ~ ..~\ ~ ~` .~ / ( t- - f` ~ '~ , , , } ~ . . ~- r ' :~~~y'' > , , , ~ ~ ( r . ~ ; . ~~ /'~~ s.~ ~ y ~ , ~ A~„ t, - ~ ~,`,~n ' . ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~{'jJ ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ „ --~_.. ~`' ~ n i~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~":~ ~ a ~ t~ F _ ~ ~- . ~ ~~ f ~,~ ~~ r~ ~ % +~ ~ a - ~Y -`'. ~ - ~ t p ~ , , ~ x .e<.~. Z o ~ Q ~e -~'' ~ ` r`~~' ~ _ ~-~ ~ K .y x x (~ ~ v+ Q ~ , ~ ~ y: $ ~ ~ ~. ~ ,~ , ~ ~_ . ~- , ~~ ~~~ _ ~ o ~ `f .,~~(J , ~ c~ ~ m c~b 3. n a ~ ~_ _ ,t , ~ -~ ;~ n a n n = ~ r p 1~ I Cl (1 O o 'pr j' ` ~ d~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~' ' ~'. C' ~~ H _ H _ S~ _ ~ r~ _ W W ~ C ~ ~/2 a~ ~ ?' m ~e ~ ~~~! /Cl' r` rn z a p ~ ,2 ~ ~ ~~ J A ~ p ~ S ~ ~~c ~ ° W '~ ~. ~ ~ O; Z ~ i ,;._.~1. .+~.~~~~^._. ~ ~ ' ; , 1 ` ' ~ ,'''-~~' ~~~ ; t_ -~ ° T N ~. - C fD ~ N ~ V y ~ Z ~ o fl ~ ~ ~ Z ~ n `^ C X O ~ O _ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Figure 2-8: Transit Routes i^ i ~ i ~ I r 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1„~ 1 ~ 1 w~'' ~ r ~ ~- .~ '~i 2~ 1 ~` / ~ Z'ry~ ,4 ~`` ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ \ i ~ ~. r ~ ~ ~ ~ `\ ~ ~ ~ • ;r-:~ ~ • U v PR `\ ~ s~y • ~~ ~ ~ 9 ~ 'p~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ / _ ~ o -~~` ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ V i7 G~ ~ V~E`~ P¢0 t 1 l a~euN ~ cb' ~ 1 ~ ~~ ~,~ v • 1 ~ Z S~`~K ~ ,~ ,R ~ ~ A`N~ PP i . ~ '~. ~A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / r~ r.-..` _~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ • ,. .• - .~ ~ ~ ~ ._ .- _ .., ~ ~ ~ ~- _~.~F 58 ' SUBJECT TO CHANGE N 0 250 500 ~ ,000 FK~ ~ LE6END ~ ~ ~ Specific Plan Boundary ~ ~ N# Cify Limif line ~ Contro Costo County Connecfion Routes 121 ond 970 ~ "WHEELS" Route 10 ~ "WHEELS' Route 3 "WHEELS" Route 3V ~ BART Roil Line ~t Bus Stop ~, ~ ~" s ..~ . .«.. ~,. .» .... ,.. .... ~.. .w. .~. ,.t City of Pleasa nton 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 25 ~1 OQ V - -.._ vl ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ ~ In addition, transfers can be made from the existing BART station to the ~~ Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCCTA) or "County Connection" routes 121 and 970. These routes serve Contra Costa Country areas to the norfh. BART has begun construction of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and parking garage, which is located on the south side of the downtown area at the terminus of Golden Gate Drive. The new station platform will be located in the median of I-580. Construction of this station will be completed in 201 1. 2.2.5 Utility Infrastructure Water The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) is the purveyor of potable water in the City of Dublin. DSRSD purchases wholesale water from the Alameda County Water Conservation District Zone 7(Zone 7) who in turn purchases 70% of its water from the State Water Project (SWP). The remainder of the Zone 7 water is from groundwater aquifers located throughout the Livermore-Amador Valley. The existing potable water distribution system for the Specific Plan Area is shown in Figure 2- 9: Potable Water System. DSRSD, in collaboration with West Yost & Associates, completed a Water Master Plan Update in 2005. The update recommends additional storage for the Central Dublin area and potable water system facility improvements to support existing and future conditions. No additional pumping capacity is required for Pressure Zone 1(which includes the Specific Plan Area). Future water demands for the Specific Plan Area were calculated using two methodologies: one based on future population projection and per capita consumption and one based on future land use and unit water use factors. Both are consistent with future population projections and land use buildout under the City of Dublin's General Plan. There is sufficient water supply to service future water demand in the Specific Plan Area over the next 20 or more years. Within Central Dublin, the Water Master Plan Update recommends the construction of a 2.74 million gallon reservoir (Tank 1 C) in Central Dublin (north of Dougherfy Reservoir and north of Amador Valley Road) to meet a storage deficiency at buildout, and to help alleviate low pressure during peak hour demand conditions. In addition, new 12-inch and 20-inch diameter service mains are recommended in the vicinity of the new Tank 1 C to fill the tank and distribute water from the tank to the Central Dublin service area. These improvements have been incorporated into DSRSD's capital improvement program. Sewer DSRSD is also the purveyor of wastewater collection services in the City of Dublin. DSRSD wastewater collection system includes over 170 miles of sanitary sewers ranging from six to 42 inches in diameter that are from five to over 40 years old. Wastewater is transported to a treatment plant located in the City of Pleasanton. As shown in Figure 2-10: Sanitary Sewer System, the Specific Plan Area includes a variety of collection mains located within the existing public streets and on some private properties. Most of the mains ra~ge from eight to 12 inches. All of the sewer mains drain into a 36-inch main, which runs north to south along Village Parkway. DSRSD, in collaboration with MWH Inc., completed a Wastewater Collection System Master Plan update in June of 2005. Land use data form the basis for estimating wastewater flows in the collection system. Land use data for the update were derived from the General Plans of the cities of Dublin and San Ramon and various known development plans as known at the time. 26 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ( 2 Figure 2-9: Potable Water System , v~.~, = -'•„~•-""~'~ !' ,. -a,=~: `,~r., ~~ ~ . _- ~ + ~ „ c.. .,~. 1,: ,Fur ~ IEGEND ~~~~ ~ `~~ J Sp~Nfic Plan Boundary ~~~~ Gty Lirrrit Line Potable Ww~rr Line Dinmeter 8" or (ess to•rot~' ~ 16` ro 2d" City of Pleasai7ton 8/12/2010 __ ~ ., ~ _" __,~I' _ 27 d ~ VI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' 2 ( SITE AND CONTEXT Figure 2-10: Sanitary Sewer System N t.~~~~, , - i, F~, ~ ` ` , ~ LEGEND ';~ ~ ~~ i ~, ;~~~ i ''~~ ~ •y~~~~ ~ 1 5p~cific Plan Boundary ,./''''~ . '~~~J,` ~ 1, . + City Limii Line ~ ~ ~ ~ Sewer Main Dinm~ter ~ ~ ~.r ~~ . ~ . • ~~ ; 6" or (e:s ~ .-~i , i t ~~~~ ~~ , ; $° fo ~ z~. f • ~ ,,.~~• ` \~ 15" io 2~1" . ~~'~ n ~~ ~~~~••~'• ~ ., ~ ~ 27" to 39" ~ ~~- , ~. ; ' , ~ ~, ~ ~ 3~~ a . 1 ~ ~, ~,~, ~~,~,~ >. ~ i ~ a v //~.., ~ ~~ t;~ I~J ~ r ~ ~~ ~ : ,~~ ~ ~ • ~ . ~ , ~ ~~ y,F., , ~ - ~" ~ ~ ~~ ~ "~~' ~ ~~ i_ " ,'; ~ t ~ ~ t ~~~~1 ; + • ~ ~~ 1 'n, ~'~ ~ ( '4'-~~ ~ / - ,1~'?, ; . ~ ,,. ~ ; ~z~ .° -.~ t r* ~,~' ~~~' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~~n~..vm~.~.m».~.. .~ { ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~i i .~`,` ; I'-I~~ i ' City of ~~ ; ^~,,. ' Pleasanton ~~ ..•-~ ~,~-'r'-~~.~` ^ . 7$ __~i'i ~ ,.i ,.~J~il I.. 8~~2~20~~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Storm Water The City of Dublin Public Works Deparfment maintains the City's storm drain pipelines that are located within the public streets (see Figure 2-1 1: Storm Drain System). Zone 7 owns and operates regional storm drain facilities that collect runoff from the City. Because the Specific Plan Area is largely built-out, stormwater flows to collection distribution systems are expected to be similar to or possibly reduced (due to improve management practices) as part of future development. Several properties within the Specific Plan Area are located within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100-year floodplain (see Figure 2-12: FEMA Flood Zone). New construction is subject to floodplain regulations. The Zone 7 Stream Management Plan contains plans to retrofit the culvert that carries water from Dublin Creek under Donlon Way. The retrofit will increase the culvert capacity and minimize the risk of flooding in the area under the existing specific plans. ~ N ~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 29 y1 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ m Figure 2-11: Storm Drain System ~ N ~ ~ ~_`__• .. _ ~.. .. ~ ,-~ ,-,,. ,,.. ~. .~.F_.<.~ ~.. f ~ ~ ~ F° ~ , ' ! ~ ~ ~~ LEGEND " ~~ ~` L~~ ~ Spacifi< Plan Bo~ndary , ~~"` ~ i ~,,~„l1~..*; „ ~~ ~~ Gty limit Line ;~Y~~ ~` r~ ~` S1orm ~rain Rpe ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~«~~Drainage Chunnei •~''J` ~~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~,.,,t. ~,~# ~~~~ ~ ~ r~~t ~~~ .. ~~ ~ .. , ~ 1 - . '.,~~- ~` 1 - ~ ~ 1 ~°~ ~ ~„~• : ~ r~'~~'~ , .. ~~ ~ . ~ r~ y'_~i . t~~ ~`+ . .~.~ ~ ~ "%1, ~~ . / ~ 1 ~ r ~ ~ - 1 'i ~ ` "~ ~. ~ ~ I ~ ~ . :,~ '. ~, 1 ~.Yj~~~~. ~: '~-~ 30 :. :_ ,. , ~ ,, , SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 Figure 2-12: FEMA Flood Zone . ~ ~ . .. ~ . . ,~ ., . ~ . .. . . ~ N . _. / .. . ._ • ~ . ~~.... . , . .. F_. - ~~-~, ~ ..:, :;, . ~.. ,~, ~ ~.. .~ -•-- ~. .U .A -r ~ .~~ , ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~~ ~ , , ,. t . ,-{~`"'.s G ., ~s ~ ~ ~, ^•, ~:, ~ . . ~ ~ -'" ~ ~~, <' A I.EGEND ,. ~ _ , ~ ; ,- v_~ i---; : ~ ~'' ~ ~ ,,~ ~ ` '" ,;, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~~ ;~~~ , ~~ .--- ~ f y~~i" f ~..f ..~~ ` r~, L~~~ ~dfit Plan Bovndary „ Y--,, . _" ~~ .~ ; ~ ` .,~, .<, ,~..: a.. ~ ~~ , . . ( • ~ .~ ,' Gty Limit Lina . ~` _ ~~~~~4~ ~ ~ ~ .,, ,, ' ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - t . ;~ ~ ~~ ~ FEMA Flootl Zone Elevotion ii ~ ?r~ `-1,~y'^i ~siVr ~ ~~ ` ~ ~~ ~`~ ~ _ay , t ~ `T~~ ~~Rivr ` .' ~ ° ~ e~ ~~ ~ DoNntown Buildings ~ Y_ ,;. r. . ~ ~ ::~',~.,~,., '~` ~ ~~:' ~ ~r, .° ~~..'`° `~ FEMA Flood Zon~ ,~ ~ g . ~ „ ~'~ ~ ~ .~ t_~ '",.~.,. .,~, x ~ i .~i~_ °t k ~, ;..,, c ~>-. ~ ' e ~ 0.2°o Ann~ol Chance ` ~ t.- y~~ ` ~, t ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 100-Year Flood Zone a ~ tt~' ' ~ . _~. . ~~~ .. .. . . ,:~ .~.. . . . ~ '~ ~ -~j-' -`'` ~ j I r ~ ~ r„ ~~ `• ~ . ^~ , ~ _. ___ t,a ~ . { ~ ` ' •„ . .~ I _ - : ---~ { , , ~ . ~~ . , ~ , ,:, ~ 3 .e, ,-. ~,~3 ~ ~ .,.. ~-~ ~ ~!~a t~ ~ ~, - ~, ,~~{T , ~ _e _ T^~ .r _ 1 ..~, ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ``~ ,'~ . - ~~ ' ,. l _ ' ¢`-F ~ ~~ F ~~~~ ~ '~'~. ~ • t ?~ . ~ . ~:. ~ > ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^~` ,~ ~ ~~ :; . x. ~ s" 4 ~ . ..: ~ i~i ~ , . ^ ^ ~1t ~` ~~~} ~'.\~ 9 ~ 1 ~ 1 '`' .~j t ~ - • °~ ~ ~ ~. `~ M~ ~ . { ~. ~ ~j ~ .,: ' ~~ ~~ ~ I ,~ ~~~W1~T.r~ CI?y O{ ''~3`~ •~ p•~ ~F Pleasanton >`d ,~ rs~~~~~ ~ , • ~ 4A ~ ~ "*~' , ;?j~~ ~,•Cj '~'>""t~°i ~;:'.` ' t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLI.N SPECIFIC PLAN 31 ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT 2.3 Visual Character and Urban Design 2.3.1 Development Patterns Several factors work together at the macro scale to affect the character and function of the Specific Plan Area. These include the size and configuration of the blocks, the number and spacing of streets, the size of parcels, the size of buildings and lot coverage, multiple ownership, and the location and orientation of buildings. Variations in these factors are responsible for many of the differences in character that exist throughout the Specific Plan Area. Streets and Blocks The development pattern in the Specific Plan Area consists of blocks that are extremely large and are not conducive to a pedestrian-friendly environment (see Figure 2-13: Block Structure). The largest single block is bounded by Amador Valley Boulevard / Amador Plaza Road / Dublin Boulevard / Regional Street. This area is 60 acres in size and extends 1,870 feet between Amador Plaza Road and Regional Street. Streets with cul-de-sacs, namely the south ends of Amador Plaza Road, Regional Street, and Golden Gate Drive, inhibit connectivity and result in the need to backtrack. Also, Interstates 580 and 680 pose a significant barrier to pedestrian connectivity given their enormous scale, intensity, and limited locations to cross. The irregularity of the block sizes and distances between streets also affect the experience of pedestrians. The large blocks and low street connectivity tends to adversely affect the pedestrian's orientation of the Specific Plan Area, making walking inconvenient and reducing the number of through connections within the Specific Plan Area to/from adjacent neighborhoods. Saint Patrick Way, located south of Dublin Boulevard, is planned to be extended west of Golden Gate Drive to Regional Street. This roadway, as well as a proposed secondary informal roadway between the future Saint Patrick Way and I-580 would help promote greater pedestrian connectivity and transit-oriented development in this area. 32 CITY OF DUBLIN Parcel Size The parcel size, like block size, influences the character of the Specific Plan Area. The relatively finer-grained pattern of smaller lots (predominantly less than two acres) along Village Parkway is more pedestrian-oriented, as these parcels include development at smaller scales (see Figure 2-14: Parcel Size & Building Footprint). The area west of I-680 contains large and irregularly-shaped parcels (generally larger than two acres with a significant porfion larger than five acres) with long building frontages, few driveway entrances, limited pedestrian pathways throughout parking lots, and significantly more area dedicated to surface parking, all combining to reduce the quality of the pedestrian experience. Building Footprint/Lot Coverage The size of building footprints (i.e., the area covered by a building) vary significantly throughout the Specific Plan Area (see Figure 2-14: Parcel Size & Building Footprint). Very large buildings (80,000 square feet plus) are generally located in the center of the Specific Plan Area and extend north to south as well as on the east side of Amador Plaza Road. Relatively smaller building footprints are located along both sides of Village Parkway and sporadically along Amador Plaza Road and Regional Street. In general, smaller buildings are located around the perimeter of the downtown. 8/12/2010 Figure 2-13: Block Strudure ~ , .. Y_,z. . ..~ ~ . . 4 y`~rc ' <,_ < Y ~ ~ ~... . . . . . . ... . : . . .. . . ,} e . .. ... _ p ,. ~ '~ ~ ,s,~ ~ i. ~ - ~~.~ . . ~ ~~5: . . =.fa,=~ j -~ ~ ~ ,~ ~, 5K<<~'~ .. ~' ~ • ~ .~ ,:~~~ S~ ~ . r? .. ~ `~ . " ~ ~ +::;xC~''^`i ~. . .. ... V'dp`v ~'~ . . .. .... ~~ ~n14ti'~~.~j~ V 8/~2/2~~~ S~TE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 ~Ity O{ Pleasanton I ~ . . . ... ... ._- ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 33 ~ ~ ~` ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT 34 CITY OF DUBLIN s/12/2010 Fiaure 2-14: Parcel Size & Building Footprint Building Orientation A significant portion of the Specific Plan Area contains parking lots directly adjacent to the public right-of-way (e.g. adjacent to the sidewalk and roadways). When surface parking lots are located adjacent to the public sidewalk, it weakens the streetscape and reduces the quality of the pedestrian environment by placing automobiles on both sides of the sidewalk, requiring vehicular movement across the sidewalks at parking lot entrances. There are many different examples throughout the Specific Plan Area where the pedestrian environment is compromised by surface parking lots. This is particularly acute along Dublin Boulevard, Regional Street, Amador Plaza Road, and the western side of Golden Gate Drive in the Specific Plan Area. The orientation of the building to the street is critical. In order to support pedestrian activity, buildings should have entrances that front directly onto the street, rather than to parking lots (i.e. no parking in between), and have street-facing storefront windows that add interest to the pedestrian environment, rather than just blank walls. Buildings with a strong connection to the street and sidewalk activate the street and encourage more pedestrian-oriented activities such as walking, window shopping, and gathering (e.g. outdoor dining) along the sidewalk. This type of pedestrian activity is a critical success factor for any downtown. The Specific Plan Area includes a variety of conditions in terms of building orientation. The regional retail buildings located in the center of the Specific Plan Area back onto each other and face Amador Plaza Road and Regional Street, but are set back very far from the public right- of-way with parking between the sidewalk and store entrance. Almond Plaza, located on the west side of Regional Street (north of Dublin Boulevard), contains a U-shaped format of buildings with the store entrances oriented inward towards a central parking lot. Elsewhere, building orientation is quite varied, with a high percentage of buildings that do not directly address the street and instead provide access from parking lots and/or present blank facades to the street. 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 35 ~ 174 l7'~ V) .-~ ~^ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT v+ ~ ~ Given their large size and the fact that they are constructed using wood, ~' some of the large-format regional retail stores have a 60-foot no-build ~ easement around the perimeter of buildings to allow access for firefighting equipment. As shown in the graphic below, a no-build easement exists around the perimeter of the Target, former Expo Design Center and Burlington Coat Factory/Toys R Us buildings. Because Dublin Boulevard provides access from the south, development could be expanded (given sufficient parking and other requirements) in the area north of Dublin Boulevard adjacent to the existing Burlington Coat Factory/Toys R Us building. '~g t~ DUBLW BWLEYARD 2,3,2 Building Character Architectural Character The architectural character of buildings in the Specific Plan Area is quite diverse and eclectic. No single architectural style predominates. Instead, the building stock is more a record of the time at which each building was constructed, reflecting both the land use and design trends of a particular moment in Dublin's development history. Most of the commercial buildings were constructed from the early 1960s to the late 1980s and do not establish a distinct identity or memory for the Specific Plan Area. Building surface materials tend to be wood, concrete, cinder block or stucco construction. Building Heights Commercial buildings in the Specific Plan Area are predominantly one- story, ranging from 15 to 25 feet, depending on the type and function of the building. Some buildings along Village Parkway are two stories, but are generally not taller than 25 feet. Office buildings, such as the Chase Bank building and the Corrie Center are three stories (approximately 35 feet in height). The tallest (and only) residential building in the downtown is the Wicklow Square senior housing project, which is three stories over one level of parking at an approximate height of 50 feet. The approved 309 residential unit Essex project (formerly known as Windstar) project will have four floors over one level of parking at a height of approximately 65 feet. 8~~2~2~~~ 3b CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 SITE AND CONTEXT ~ 2 2.3.3 Streelscape Character All public roads within the Specific Plan Area have standard concrete sidewalks, typically ranging in width between four and six feet, along both sides of the street. While adequate to accommodate the relatively low volume of current pedestrian traffic, the sidewalk widths generally do not appear adequate to support a robust and vibrant pedestrian environment. Signage within the Specific Plan Area includes traffic signs, wayfinding signs, and private commercial signs. Commercial signage tends to be the dominant form of signage and there is a wide variety of styles, colors and materials used. As with architectural character, establishing a set of signage design guidelines would help to create a more cohesive and visually aitractive seriing within the Specific Plan Area. Generally, the physical design of the Specific Plan Area conveys the impression that the public streetscape is designed primarily to accommodate the automobile, and only secondarily to meet the needs of the pedestrian or bicyclist (see Figure 2-6: Pedestrian Circulation). While some streetscape improvements have been made (particularly on Village Parkway), overall the pedestrian environment in the Specific Plan Area lacks the quality and character that characterizes a typical walkable downtown. This would include street trees, distinctive hardscape features (such as pavers, colored concrete), and consistent lighting, benches, trash receptacles. To this end, the City is currently working on a number of streetscape improvements along Dublin Boulevard. These include new news racks, and other amenities consistent with the City's Streetscape Master Plan. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 37 d ~ V~ ~ ~ 2 ~ SITE AND CONTEXT ~ r 8„ 2,2~, ~ 38 CITY OF DUBLIN New development will be led by a set of guiding principles and designated allowable land uses that help define a desired form and function in Downtown Dublin. The purpose of the guiding principles is to define a framework for future land uses, development standards and design guidelines. The land use designations identify uses that are both allowed and prohibited. si~ 2~2oi o -~- ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 39 ~ ~ 3 ~ LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ 3.1 lntrasluctria~ ~ The Land Use and Development Plan is the primary implementing component of this Specific Plan. It sets the tone for the overall vision of desired outcomes and defines the type and general location of allowable land uses within the Specific Plan Area. 302 Lanc~ €3~e ~rc~~~~',~~'~c Within the new Specific Plan Area, three districts have been identified to establish unique development standards and design guidelines that are unique to each district's needs (see Figure 3-1 : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts). These districts are: Retail District - comprised of mostly regional serving large-format retailers bounded by Amador Valley Boulevard, I-680, Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road Transit-Oriented District - comprised of land south of Dublin Boulevard and within walking distance to the West Dublin BART station Village Parkway District - comprised of retail and service-oriented businesses along both sides of Village Parkway. Permitted land uses, development standards and design guidelines described in this Specific Plan have been organized according to these three districts. 3.3 ~~~~in~ ~r~re~o~~~~ A set of guiding principles were identified and have been used as part of the preparation of this Specific Plan. These guiding principles are drawn from urban design principles, the focused market study, field observations, interviews with stakeholders and discussions with City Council, Planning Commission and City Staff. The purpose of these guiding principles is to define a framework for future land uses, development standards and design guidelines for the project area and each district. These guiding principles are organized for the overall Specific Plan Area and each of the three districts. . ~ ~. ., ..~ x,:; ~ ./t b ° .. ."%u b 3 .~:.~ J, i Yt ~ , . , The following guiding principles have been identified for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area. ^ Support shorf-term incentives to promote development in downtown Dublin such as expedited permitting, and sales tax reimbursement program (the later of which currently exists). ^ Consider the development of a community benefit payment in return for increased density/FAR (i.e. density bonus/incentive program) that could be used to pay for public improvements in the Planning Area. . Increase the amount of retail sales and related economic activity throughout downtown Dublin. ~ Enhance the visual quality of downtown Dublin, including public streetscape improvements (via the City's existing Streetscape Master Plan), entryways, on-site landscaping and the appearance of individual buildings. . Create a pedestrian-friendly downtown that minimizes potential conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. . Encourage a greater joint usage of parking areas through compatible mixes of uses and enhanced pedestrian connections. ^ Accept increased traffic congestion (i.e. reduced level of service) if it is found that tra{fic impacts associated with future development cannot be fully mitigated. ~ Consider more flexible and appropriate parking standards that reflect verifiable demand and consider the transit-oriented land uses in the area. ^ Enhance the multi-modal circulation network to better accommodate alternative transporfation choices including BART, bus, bicycle, and pedestrian transporfation. g/12/2010 40 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 3-1: Downtown Dublin Specific Plan DistricFs 8/12/2010 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ 3 ~ ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIF~C PLAN 41 u. ~ ~ ~~ .~. ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ^ Encourage businesses that support evening activities for adults and teenagers, such as restaurants, theaters, and bookstores. ^ Work with property owners and business to achieve the goals and objectives of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. ^ Seek other funding opportunities to help leverage city and development dollars. . Work with local businesses and property owners to establish a business improvement district that would help to fund downtown improvements. ^ The cost of infrastructure should be paid for by development. aY.,.~s.~a.. ~.t =E$f; .+ idi..; z „~~E~'4`` , °~'O.:t¢,i,r~...: In addition to the Downtown Dublin Guiding Principles, the following guiding principles have been identified for the Retail District. ^ Encourage and support large-format regional retail as an important community and financial asset of the City. . Develop design standards and guidelines that support and enhance large-format regional retail uses such as optimal building configuration and design, signage, more efficient parking, parking strategies, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, etc. . Encourage a diverse mix of complementary land uses including civic uses, eating establishments, entertainment, and similar uses that complement existing retail land uses. ^ Identify ways to improve/enhance non-vehicular and vehicular circulation and connections that are pedestrian friendly, particularly in areas that contain large, expansive parking lots. a Support relocating the existing storm drain that extends east-west through the district to allow for greater flexibility in future development efforts. ^ Allow higher density housing and additional units. . ~ . . ., ~r ,.~~ 8 , :'. _. , ., "' ~~.,'t~i _ In addition to the Downtown Dublin Guiding Principles, the following guiding principles have been identified for the Transit-Oriented District. ^ Promote transit-oriented development to create a distinctive and active district. ~ Retain existing auto dealerships while supporfing their eventual relocation to other easterly locations within the City of Dublin. ^ Identify opportunity sites for future development that incorporate mixed-use and provide public and/or private plazas and outdoor gathering areas at strategic locations. r Encourage underground and/or above ground parking structu res. ~ Encourage housing along Dublin Boulevard only as part of a mixed-use development with ground floor office or retail uses. 'd ,~,.~' .,. ~ ,~:; ,.,~"o-:: ~.!,, s;~ t,`s~:. rs~"v:`~ In addition to the Downtown Dublin Guiding Principles, the following guidelines have been identified for the Village Parkway District. . Continue to support a diverse mix of complementary land uses along Village Parkway. ^ Create opportunities for integrating live/work units into the Village Parkway area. . Consider an appropriate site for High Density Housing. .e:.~~• n,~oa~"t~a ~~~ ~~'~B~u°3C~t~G6'~a Within each of the Specific Plan districts, there are a variety of land uses that may be permitted. Table 3-1 : Land Uses, identifies the uses that are allowed, prohibited, and permitted with a use permit within each of the districts. Descriptions of each land use are described below, and the Community Development Director can allow similar uses. 8/12/2010 qQ CITY OF DUBLIN LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ 3 Notes 1 Additional and similar uses may be permitted by the Community Development Director. 2 Prohibited unless adjacent to Dublin Boulevard. ~ 3 Assuming accessibility (ADA) standards can be met. 4 May be permitted with a CUP/PC in a mixed-use development. Prohibited CUP - Conditional Use Permit PC - Planning Commission Allowed TUP- Temporary Use Permit ZA - Zoning Administrator ZC - Zoning Clearance MUP - Minor Use Permit Allowed 3 Allowed ~. . ~ ;;;y~~ trt. ;E.~~~i; Any retail business that is greater than 20,000 square feet and generally AlloWed serves a broad population including residents from surrounding communities. Such uses include anchor retail stores, department stores, Prohibited entertainment venues, movie theaters, general retail uses and dining CUP/PC establishments. Allowed ;~ ~i.~' ~ ~r~~cnF~r~:~,,~ .~~~;!7E; l Any retail business that is 20,000 square feet or less and generally serves local resid t d A loWed en s an employees. Such uses include retail stores , entertainment venues (including cinemps), personal qnd professional Allowed services, neighborhood retail dining establishments, cafes and bakeri , es. ZC or MUP/ZA `~.4`~ ~ ~~!ix'~c s"~1;"~' CUP/ZA Dining that occurs in outdoor areas (including private outdoor spaces and sidewalks) that are adjacent to a dining establishment. CUP/PC ~- >~-~n ~r~y'`~~ r~$~,nt' .,, ~?tE~•'~'?; ~ +~-irM . ~. ~'1~ ~ 3~asY'&f?C1'' CUP/PC Any dining establishment that provides alcohol and/or that provides live entertainment. ~~i~ I UN TUP TUP ai~ 2/2o i o ? ~ ., ~ ~=, r,a Any establishment in which the primary activity is the provision of a service to a client or customer who does not necessarily need to go to the business to be served. Such uses include lawyers, architects, graphic designers, health services, insurance agents, real estate offices, and financial institutions. ~ fs' ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PIAN 43 ~ 3 ~ LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ ~` h F .~ „~ o- ; s .n,.,t 'ria~,.';. ~ Any establishment that rents rooms for transient occupancy to overnight guests for periods of 30 or fewer calendar days. Such uses include r hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and hostels. Lodging uses may ~ include ancillary retail uses and dining businesses that provide convenience to the traveling public. "~.=t `~ t 3 v ,r:7`k.',~r`~;; A combination of living space and working space for personal and professional service and office uses that the owner of the unit operates the business. ~,.:. ~,4 ~w9iSNi`:_t- A h,,; is 4 t_Y.'.1~`;4•=..+'. Medium- to high-density residential development, generally in the form of staked flats (apartments or condominiums) and attached townhouses. Residential densities in the General Plan are 6.1 to 14.0 units per acre for Medium Density Residential, 14.1 to 25.0 units per acre for Medium- High Density Residential, and 25.0+ for High Density Residential. Residential uses above 25 units/acre are appropriate and strongly encouraged in the Downtown area, especially in the Transit-Oriented District near the BART station ~.^~.';` ~li3f =+::i" 3..~5°. E~°Cjc S` ~u::••'b.C. ..t~i?. Any property or building that combines multiple uses (excluding Live- Work and Multi-Family Residential) in compliance with the permit requirements for the applicable district. For example, Community Retail and Office uses in separate buildings or within a single building. ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~,.~~~ .s ' ~.. < - ... , ~ , , Any property~or building that combines a Multi-Family Residential use with another use in compliance with the permit requirements for the applicable district. For example, Multi-Family Residential and Community Retail uses in separate buildings or within a single building. Any establishment that generates income from repairing, servicing, and/or sales of vehicles. Auto service businesses may also generate secondary income from retail sales that are related to the auto service. Such uses include auto repair and body shops, service centers, auto dealerships, auto rentals, car washes, and gas stations. Vehicle manufacturing, tow yards, and junk yards are prohibited. . .. ~w~ ~: .~., i a':~-< u ?~~i ::td t+~, ,.r~~C~~~~~e. , ; &3tdgtilc .~wcr;> Any establishment in which the customer or client is served while still present in their vehicle. Any establishment that'is open to the general public or a group of members that involves gathering for religious, social, cultural, or educational purposes. Such uses include museums, churches, gathering halls, community centers, post office, and public parking. Any non-perman~ent use~as defined by Chapter 8.108: Temporary Use Permit, in the Zoning Ordinance. g/12/2010 ,q4 CITY OF DUBLIN 3.5 Future Development Assumptions Development pctivities under this Specific Plan are anticipated to occur over the next 15 to 20 years. During that time, it is assumed that only a portion of the existing land uses will include new development and that many of the existing structures will remain essentially the same in their size and configuration but perhaps remodeled. A brief assessment of development conditions since 2000 is described below, followed by a summary of future market demand. Based on this information, future development assumptions for each district are identified, which will be used as the basis for infrastructure improvements and potential environmental impacts as described in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. Past Developmenf Activities Downtown Dublin is largely built-out and there are very few vacant parcels on which new development could occur. Future development will therefore occur as properties are modified, in some cases at a higher density. Due to existing FAR and parking requirements, limited net new additional density opportunities exist, particularly in the Village Parkway District. Based on City estimates and as described in the Downtown Dublin Opportunities, Issues & Strategies Report (RBF Consulting, 2009), approximately 258,734 square feet of non-residential development has occurred since adoption of the West Dublin BART, Downtown Core, and Village Parkway Specific Plans in December 2000. With the exception of a senior residential development (Wicklow Square) and senior center (15,300 square feet), all of this development (243,434 square feet) has been commercial retail development. There has been no hotel, office or residential development constructed in the Downtown since December of 2000, despite the fact that the three above mentioned specific plans collectively allowed for nearly 3.2 million square feet of retail/office/commercial space, 150 hotel rooms, and 740 residential dwelling units. 8/12/2010 LANO USE AND DEVEIOPMENT PLAN ~ 3 Given the current economic downturn, there is approximately 282,000 square feet of vacant retail space available in Downtown Dublin, which effectively negates the development that has occurred since December 2000 from the standpoint of total occupied space. Proposed New Development Several new projects are either under construction or have been entitled in the Specific Plan Area. The most significant development is the construction of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. The station is being constructed within the median of Interstate 580 with pedestrian access north and south over both sections of the freeway. By the year 2013, the project is projected to accommodate 8,600 users per day. Within the City of Dublin, a 713-space parking garage has been constructed at the southern terminus of Golden Gate Drive for BART commuters. As part of the BART project, a 150-room hotel, 7,500 square feet of retai~ space have been planned for (Stage I Development Plan), and 309 residential units (Essex) have been entitled west of Golden Gate Drive. Adjacent to and west of the BART station project is an existing 225,500 square feet one-story warehouse facility (the AMB site). This property has been entitled for development of 308 multi-family residential dwelling units and a 150,000 square feet office building. Associated with these developments, Saint Patrick Way will be extended, providing a vehicular and pedestrian connection between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street. Other various residential, office and mixed-use developments have been conceptually discussed with the City of Dublin, but no formal applications have been submitted. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 45 ~ 0~1 lJ" ~i r ~ 3 ~ LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ...__ ~ T;~ca; ic~~ ~~?'~~~;z<34 ~ The Downtown Dublin Focused Market Study (Market Study) was ~' prepared by Keyser Marston Associates (KMA, 2009) as parf of the background analysis for the Specific Plan Area. The purpose of the Market Study was to provide an overview market analysis, the potential opportunities and constraints to achieving the mix of land use and future development that would best meet the City's vision and goals for the downtown area. The Market Study focused on six areas, which include Demographics, Retail, Hotel, Residential, Office, and Mixed-use (specifically in transit oriented developments [TODs]). Findings related to these areas are summarized below in Table 3-2: Summary of Project Market Demand (through 2025). A complete copy of the Market Study is available as a separate document from the City. 1 15,000 sf 100 rooms (beyond to ihe 1 SO-room approved hotel at the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station which has conceptual approval); Dublin is well positioned to capture its share of limited opportunity. 3,000 units; residential downtown development should emphasize the concept of an in-town, transit-oriented urban village; greatest opporfunity 2012-2015. Limited demand for new office space except owner or user driven 44,000 (2007) and 63,100 (2015) 16,400 (2007) and 21,100 (2015) Potential constraint to the City's near term future growth is of course the impact of the economic recession on the housing market and local economy. Mixed uses in TOD projeds appear to be successful in enhancing the image of the ciry/ downtown, achieving a high occupancy and/or lease rate, creating a major adivity node or destination, and sparking nearby public and private investments. However, these projects tend to be complex and thus more difficult to finance and implement and often require increased City involvement and a well established and experienced developer. 8/12/2010 Table 3-2: Summary of Project Market Demand (though 2025) ~, • 400,000 sf Comparison Retail and 1 15,000 sf Eating/Drinking; but demand likely to be mostly absorbed by vacant space and space in pipeline; opportunities will still exist for some niche ' and/or one-of-a kind retailers. 46 CIN OF DUBLIN Development Plon This Specific Plan provides a development plan for the next 15 to 20 years. Each Specific Plan district identifies a broad range of land uses that can be developed, either outright or through a Conditional Use Permit. These land uses, which include regional retail, community retail, office, residential, mixed use and public uses, are described in detail in Section 3.4: Land Use Designations. This approach will allow greater flexibility in the ultimate development pattern, while still maintaining a common vision for function and urban character within Downtown Dublin. For each district, this Specific Plan identifies a specific set of development standards that will apply to all new buildings and significantly remodeled buildings. These standards include lot size and building placement, access, parking, building density or floor area ratio (FAR), and building height and setbacks. The actual density of development allowed on a particular parcel will be regulated by the FAR. This Specific Plan identifies both a base FAR that is allowed outright and a maximum FAR that can be constructed based on the use and district. If a property owner would like to develop a project beyond the base FAR, they may obtain additional square footage up to the maximum FAR by drawing on the Development Pool that has been established for specific uses in each district. The density Development Pool applies to both residential and non-residential development. As shown below in Table 3-3: Base and Maximum FAR Per District, the maximum FAR would be greater than the base FAR for the Retail and Transit-Oriented Districts, but would remain the same in the Village Parkway District. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ 3 Table 3-3: Base and Maximum FAR Per District ~ ~ '' • 0.35 0.6 • - 0.50 ~ ,2 ~~,_.I~~I„ 0.35 0.35 Downtown Dublin is largely built out, which means that new development projects will primarily replace (or expand upon) existing developments and land uses. Based on discussions with stakeholders, the general public, and City staff, as well as an assessment of underutilized parcels, a conservative estimate was made that 50% of the parcels within Downtown Dublin could be privately developed with new development projects over the next 15+ years. This Specific Plan allows for a future construction of approximately 3.0 million square feet of non-residential development and 1,300 residential dwelling units. Assuming an average of 1,200 square feet per residential unit (and an average of 500 square feet per hotel room), this represents 4.59 million square feet under this Specific Plan. A breakdown of development potential (including base and maximum FAR) by district is shown in Table 3-4: Net New Development. 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 47 W ~ ~ vl ~ 3 ~ LAND USE AND DEVELOPMEN7 PLAN y, Table 3-4: Net New Development ~ ~ ~ ~ , • ~ 737,100 100 ~*~ 1,100 ; I • - 2,202,710 ~~ ~ ~ , 20,730 100 ~IIC'~ ', , , ~ 3,035,540 1,300 Notes Includes projeds that have been approved, but not yet constructed While this represents the theoretical buildout of net new development in Downtown Dublin, the ultimate amount of future development will likely be less due to non-tangibles such as market demand, ownership patterns, tenant lease terms, other available vacant land (e.g. East Dublin), etc. Additionally, Downtown Dublin is largely developed, resulting in significant physical limitations such as parcel configurations, parking, and circulation. When a project applicant proposes to develop using a portion of the density development pool allocation, they will be required to enter into an agreement with the City and provide a community benefit in accordance with the Community Benefit Program. The life of the agreement will be limited to a specific time period so that if a project is not constructed, the square footage can be returned to the density development pool and available for use by another development project in the same District. See Section 6.4 for furfher discussion on the density development pool and Community Benefit Program. When a project applicant proposes to develop using a porfion of the density development pool allocation, they will be required to enter into an agreement with the City and provide a community benefit in accordance with the Community Benefit Program. The life of the agreement will be limited to a specific time period so that if a project is not constructed, the square footage can be returned to the density development pool and available for use by another development project in the same District. See Section 6.4 for further discussion on the density development pool and Community Benefit Program. 8/12/2010 q$ CITY OF DUBLIN ai~2/2o,0 DEVELOPMENT STAN DARDS A~ DESIGN GUIDELINES There are three distinct districts which comprise the downtown. Each of the three districts within Downtown Dublin has unique characteristics that differentiate them from each other. The following development standards and design guidelines are intended to create distinct districts that have a look and feel appropriate to their respective guiding ~ principles. Development standards are requirements that must be met for project approval. Design guidelines have more flexibility and are encouraged / discouraged rather than required / prohibited. ~`s N ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 49 V) ~ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~` ~ 4.1 Retail District Development Standards ~ ~ ~. i.'; ~_:;~u;t~~o- ~ The location of the Retail District is illustrated on Figure 3-1 : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts and on the map to the right. This map is also used throughout this Section for reference. x w The Retail District will continue to serve as a primary regional and community shopping destination in the City. New and remodeled buildings will complement the existing uses and be designed to create more inviting space that encourage walking between businesses and strengthening the economy of Downtown Dublin. Businesses in the Retail District are envisioned to include a mix of retail (ranging from small independent retailers to national regional-serving retailers), service, office, civic, and limited residential uses east of Amador Plaza Road. Efforts to improve pedestrian connectivity and visually soften the large expansive parking lots through landscaping and reconfiguration of spaces will be strongly encouraged. ~ -.>' 8/12/2010 50 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 4-1: Retail Distrid Location 4.3.3 ~3evelopmen4 atc~n~ard~ The development standards on the following pages shall be used for all projects that require a Site Development Review (where applicable). Design guidelines that ppply to the entire Specific Plan Area or that are specific to the Retail District should be considered with these standards (see Section 4.4: Design Guidelines). 8/ 12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 51 ,,~~,. "~~ ~ ~ ~....`'...--1 ~ ~ , . ~ l, ~'7 ~R~~ ~~~~~i~ 3 ~_----~ { ~ ~ ~ "1 ~~~ ~ B ,q ~ r £ x ~ .,~~ ~ ~~~-~ ~~ ~ ~,. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ 4( DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES 50 fl min 80 ft min p!i i 10,000 sf min 10 R min ~~~ R* g~ * The street setback may be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk if accessible to the public through an established easement 5 ft min The street setback may be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk if accessible to the public through an established easement 15hmin Per Building Code __ o~,~' ~ 10 R min from property lines adjacent to freeway or ~ drainage channel ~ '~ ~~~i _: ~ ~~~p~~~ dl _ . ` Not required Notes• 1 These standards only apply to new land subdivisions and do not apply to condominium subdivisions 2 If residential units are provided, see buildout requirements in the Building Design table, below 52 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 4-2: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placements in the Retail District t I Residential Properfy Non-Residential Property , , . - . ~ . . ~ . . - - • • _ ~ ~ ti~ 1 I r-------~ ~ r,.~..~. ~ ~ Buildable Area ~ Required Setbacks • • - • • ~ Properfy Line 8/12/2010 Dublin Boulevard or 5an Kamon rcoaa DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ a At least 1 public entrance per business with street frontage shall be provided along a facade facing the street Direct pedestrian access shall be provided from the sidewalk and parking areas to building entrances (excluding private service entrances) Driveways may be provided from a street or adjacent property (if a shared access agreement is established) 15 R min for 1-way driveways and 24 ft min for 2-way driveways. Fire access roadwqys (including driveways) shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. Figure 4-3: Exomples of Site Access in the Retail District ~.~~...~..~ ,. I I ~. ~ . . _ . ~ ~ <`n t.._.._.._..~ Street ^ Parking ~k Driveway Access nx~~ ~ Pedestrian Access ^ Building - ' ' - Property Line 8/12/2010 ~ ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 53 . A v{ .~. 1 ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES Allowed on portions of the site that are set back 5 k min from all property lines. The setback shall be landscaped. If a shared parking lot is provided between adjacent properties, a setback from the shared property line is not required. Allowed under the entire site. Allowed to the rear of buildings and on the upper floors of buildings (above a ground floor commercial space) if designed in accordance with the design standards and guidelines for strudured parking. Allowed under all buildings if designed in accordance with the design standards and guidelines for podium parking. Allowed within individual residential units. Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of underground parking areas. Allowed near building entrances (except private service entrances). Allowed on private property adjacent to sidewalks. Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least 6 ft maintained. Non-residential parking areas with at least 20 spaces: 1 bicycle space (on a bike rack or within a bike locker) per 40 vehicle spaces. At least 1 space per residential unit provided within the unit or in a bike locker (if not within the unit). Per the requirements in Chapter 8.76: Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas. Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged. If parking exceeds the min. standard (see row 6) by 10 percent, at least one of the following measures shall be incorporated into the surface parking area: ^ Increase the number of shade trees provided to a r 14 Mbtc~rcycle, Spaces ': ^ Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be connected by drive aisles); or ^ Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and groundcovers surrounding them) between the sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking lots are permiited near sidewalks). All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Shared parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a parking study is prepared (where required) and a shared parking agreement is established and approved by the Community Development Director (pursuant to a Use Permit), and if parking is provided to meet the greatest peak hour demand of the combined uses. Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking areas with at least 20 spaces. Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact". 1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle space in parki~g areas with at least 40 vehicle spaces and labeled as such. Parking lots shall contain a min. of 1 shade tree per 4 parking spaces and have a min. canopy radius of 15 feet at maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than 40 feet from another tree. Additional accent trees are also allowed within parking lots. A 5 ft wide landscaped buffer is required between sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section 8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8/12/2010 54 CITY OF DUBLIN ~ Non-residential parking areas with at least 20 spaces: 1 bicycle space (on a bike rack or within a bike locker) per 40 vehicle spaces. ~~ ~~ At least 1 space per residential unit provided within the unit or in a bike locker (if not within the unit). DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Side of Building 4 '~~' ~' Adjacent ...~ ~_ • - ----- - Property Property Line r~~ Property Line 1 ~ ~ I I I I ~ I NOTE: Refer to the standards on the previous page to determine what each number represents 8/12/2010 Courtyard O DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GU~DELINES ~ V" ~ ~ ~ ~ Permitted within a mixed-use development if designed based on the following standards: ^ The development includes ground floor retail or office space that equals an FAR of 0.3 min ^ Retail or office space is built along at least 80% of the property's total street frontage and set back no more than 10 ft from the building setback requirement ^ Common open space for the residential units are provided at a rate of 15% of the site's total area 6 floors and 75 k max (tower elements, architectural and articulated design features, solar panels, and small-scale wind turbines may extend 10 ft max beyond this height) ~~ __ °~ ~~~ „, ~~, Encouraged on upper floors, but not required ~~ Notes 1 2 At least one of the following frontages (based on the ground floor use) shall be provided on all facades that front a street: ^ Anchor Storefronts ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronts ^ Auto Service Fronis ^ Public Fronts Refer to Section 3.5: Future Development Assumptions For frontage standards/guidelines, see Section 4.4: Design Standards and Guidelines ,~} 8/12/2010 56 CITY OF DUBLIN il 0.35 base 0.60 max (required participation in the development ~ density pool, an agreement with the City, and provision of a community benefit in compliance with the Community Benefit Program)' y I ~ 4 ft max into all setbacks 12 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, pnd private outdoor sppces ~1~1^Itlll~~ Permitted for residential use only 2 ft max into all setbacks 12 k min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, ~~ walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 k max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, pnd private outdoor spaces 6 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 4 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 3 ft max into all setbacks If extending more than 6 in from the facade, 8 ft min verfical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~~ O O ~ O ~ 4 = Properfy Line NOTE: Buildings shown built to setback line 0 ~ 8/12/2010 - DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 57 ~ ~~ ~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ ~ 4.2 Transit-Oriented District Development ~ Standards ~ ~ ~,`~. ; `~~;c~~i~r~: The location of the Transit-Oriented District is illustrated on Figure 3-1 : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts and on the map to the right. This map is also used throughout this Section for reference. ~~.":`.;~ ~~a€ The vision for the Transit-Oriented District is to encourage the development of the area with land uses that supporf and complement transit uses, particularly the West Dublin BART Station. These types of uses would include mixed-use that include office or residential above ground floor retail, high-density multi-family residential, office uses and are generally more urban than the surrounding area. Land uses should provide the opporfunity for a variety of activities such as offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping, etc. to encourage activity both during the day and at night for both youths and adults. A pedestrian-scale, walkable environment will be encouraged by incorporating paseos, plazas, courfyards, benches, and informal gathering spaces. Connectivity within the District and to other areas outside the District will be strongly encouraged. _ •,';\ ~;v..- " 8/12/2010 58 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 4-4: Transit-Oriented District Location DEVELOPMENT STANOARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ~ ~.~ ~?~,yRjo~+menv Stan~ords The development standards on the following pages shall be used for all projects that require a Site Development Review (where applicable). Design guidelines that apply to the entire Specific Plan Area and specific to the Transit-Oriented District should be considered with these standards (see Section 4.4: Design Guidelines). sii 2i2o i o ~~~~° 7 ' _ 1 a~'~ jg ' ~ tl ' ~ ~ ~ ~ t .. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN ~ N ~ ~ 59 ~ ~ ~ v` ~ ~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES 10 ft min The street setbacks from Dublin Boulevard shall be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk and shall be accessible to the public through an established easement 5ftmin Street setbacks shall be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk and shall be accessible to the public through an established easement Per Building Code. However, if segments of the building facade have windows, a 5 ft min setback from the internal properfy line shall be required. 10 ft min. from properfy lines adjacent to a freeway or drainage channel A building facade shall be constructed within 10 ft of the ' I' - ~'~ minimum street setback line along at least 80% of the " property's total street frontage Notes: These standards only apply to new land subdivisions and do not apply to condominium subdivisions. 60 CITY OF DUBLIN <` ~~ Figure 4-5: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placement in the Transit-Oriented District Street Buildable Area ~ Required Setbacks • • - • • ~ Property Line - . -Minimum.Setback ~ ~. I ~ ' Building Facade . ° along at least 80% of ~~; ~ ~ l0 ~ ~ ~ • the properfy~s street ~ ~ ~ ~' I . ~ frontage ; I v~ L . . ~ . . ~ . . ~ . . ~ . . _ . . P~/ 12/2010 + ~ . 50 k min ~ ~_. 80 ft min ~ ; , ~~ 10,000 sf min At least 1 entrance per business with street frontage shall be provided along a facade facing the street Direct pedestrian access shall be provided from the sidewalk and parking areas to building entrances (excluding private service entrances) Driveways may be provided from a street or an adjacent property (if a shared access agreement is established) If multiple driveways from a street are provided on a lot, at least 1 building shall be located between each of these driveways 15 ft max for 1-way driveways and 24 ft max for 2-way driveways. Fire access roadways (including driveways) shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. t 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ a Figure 4-6: Examples of Site Access in the Transit-Oriented District Street ^ Parking ~ Pedestrian Access . ~~~ ~ " Driveway Access Building ~ ' ' ~ Property Line DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 61 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v! V ' ~ (~ V Allowed under the entire site Allowed to the rear of buildings and/or on the upper floors of buildings (above a ground floor commercial space) if designed in accordance the design standards and guidelines for structured parking Allowed under all buildings if designed in accordance with the standards and guidelines for podium parking Allowed within individual residential units Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of underground parking areas Allowed near building entrances (excluding private service entrance) Allowed on private properfy adjacent to sidewalks Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least b h is maintained 1.5 spaces (covered or uncovered) per residential unit. Guest parking should also be provided up to 15% of the total parking amount. Additional parking for residential units does not require additional amenities discussed in 1: Surface Parking, above No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas. Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged. If parking exceeds the minimum standard (see row b) by 10 percent or more, at least one of the following measures shall be incorporated into the surface parking area: ^ Increase the number of shade trees provided to a ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces; ~^ Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is ~\ at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas ~~~~y be connected by drive aisles); or ^ Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and groundcovers surrounding them) between the sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking lots are permiited near sidewalks). All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Shared parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a parking study is prepared (where required) and a shared parking agreement is established and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to a Use Permit, and if parking is provided to meet the greatesi peak hour demand of the combined uses Up to 35% of the vehicle parking spaces may be compact in parking areas with at least 20 spaces Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact" 1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle space in parking areas with at least 40 vehicle spaces Motorcycle spaces shall be labeled as such. Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking spaces and have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than 40 feet from another shade tree. Additional accent trees are also allowed within parking lots. A 5 ft wide landscaped buffer is required be W thnSection sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply 8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8/12/2010 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES by CIN OF DUBLIN Non-residential parking areas with at least 20 spaces: 1 bicycle space (on a bike rack or within bike locker) per ~ " ' " 40 vehide spaces ~~ At least 1 space per residential unit provided within the unit or within a bike locker (if not within the unit) Allowed to the rear of on-site buildings 1 row of parking is allowed to the side of buildings if placed along a driveway connecting to the street ' '~ A l Oft min landscaped buffer shall be provided between the back of sidewalk and the first parking stall along the driveway DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 8/12/2010 Side of Building Properfy Line ~ ~~ q ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~` : ~ ` r~~°% x~~ ~ a~ ~ 10 ft min Landsca Property Line Properfy Line ~ ~ I I I I I NOTE: Refer to the standards on the previous page to determine what each number represents Adjacent Properfy Courtyard DOWNTOWN DUBL~N SPECIFIC PLAN 63 ~ ~ VI 4( DEVELOPMENT STANDAROS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES V• ~ r ~ Permitted within a residential development or a mixed- use development if designed based on the following standards: ^ The maximum residential density shall not exceed a density of 85 units per acre ^ Common open space for the residential units are provided at a rate of 15% of the site's total area ^ The residential units are not included in the base FAR standard above ~'l e,~'~~Y e'~ ~ ~,j ~'~ 8 floors and no more than 75 feet to the tinished tloor ot ~ II the highest story Please adjust the diagram based on this modification ~~I~~~I~~~~~ Allowed on upper floors, but not required Notes 1 2 At least one of the following frontages (based on the ground floor use) shall be provided on all a facades that front a street: ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronts ^ Residential Fronts ^ Public Fronts Refer to Section 3.5: Future Development Assumptions For frontage standards/guidelines, see Sedion 4.4: Design Standards and Guidelines r„~'`~~.\ . 8/12/2010 64 CIN OF DUBLIN 0.50 base 1.20 max (required participation in the development ' ~~ ~ -• ~• • density pool, an agreement with the City, an provision of a community benefit in compliance with the Community Benefit Program)' 4 ft max into all setbacks 12 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, pnd privote outdoor spaces Permitted for residential uses only 8/12/2010 2 ft max into all setbacks 12 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 8 h min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewqlks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces b R max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 4 ft max into front all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 3ft max into all setbacks If extending more than 6 in, 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~; O ~ ~ = Property Line NOTE: Buildings shown built to setback line DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 65 ~ `T vl ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES 4.3 Village Parkway District Development 5tandards ~ ~, , ;,, _ . . .: .. . ~ .. ., The location of the Village Parkway District is illustrated on Figure 3-1 : Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts and on the map to the right. This map is also used throughout this Section for reference. ,~.`~ ' a~s~. Village Parkway will be a pedestrian-oriented district that also accommodates through traffic. Buildings will be sited at or near the sidewalk with parking provided at the rear to encourage walking and create a more consistent street edge. Opportunities for live/work, mixed-use, and multi-family residential buildings will be encouraged throughout the district and compliment the predominantly commercial district, largely developed with retail, office, and certain automotive uses. Revitalizing and continuing to upgrade the appearance and functionality of the Village Parkway District will be encouraged so that existing and new businesses, particularly those providing specialty commercial services, can continue prosper. Pedestrian-friendly amenities and features, including sidewalks with special treatments, gathering places, and landscaping, will be strongly encouraged and thereby reduce vehicular trips. 66 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 4-7: Village Parkway District Location 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ~',3 '~ ~~v~l~;~rrsp~~ i"t°ar~dc?rr~~ The development standards on the following pages shall be used for all projects that require a Site Development Review (where applicable). Design guidelines that apply to the entire Specific Plan Area and specific to the Village Parkway District should be considered with these standards (see Section 4.4: Design Guidelines). ~ 0 a ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 67 +' ~ ~1 _ '~ _~:~'-`°~ .~ „ . ~ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ ~ ~ ..~., ~~ _ . . _ . , _ ,. . Notes 1 10 ft min The street setback may be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk if accessible to the public through an established easement 5 ft min The street setback may be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk if accessible to the public through an established easement 15 k min from shared property lines with a single-family residential property All others shall be per the Building Code. However, if segments of the building facade have windows, a 5 h min setback from the internal property line shall be required. 10 ft min from property line adjacent to freeway or drainage channel A building facade shall be construded within 15 ft of the minimum street setback line along at least 65% of the properfy's total street frontage along Village Parkway If this requirement prevents a driveway from being constructed on a lot, it shall be reduced to accommodate a 24 R wide driveway and a 5 ft walkway (between the building and the driveway) These standards only apply to new land subdivisions and do not apply to condominium subdivisions. 68 CITY OF DUBLIN Figure 4-8: Examples of Lot Size and Building Placement in the ~Ilage Parkway District • ~ I N ~ ~ 0 C ~ / ~ ~ ~ N ', ~ r ~ •~ •1 ~ __ v I ~ ~ ..~ • I ~ N . ~ Q ~ ~ O l a ~ ~ , ~ . ~ .:. I I ` "' . j Street ~ ..~ ~ . -p ~ ~~ ~ ~ .O~ ~ _.._..I.~ ~ Buildable Area ~ Required Setbacks . . ~ . . - Property Line -Minimum,Setback ~ I. ' ~ I ~ ~ Q Building Facade : ° along at least 65% of ~ ~ ~ • the property's street ~ 5~; ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ frontage : °' : ~ ~ L.._.._..-.._.._.. s/~2/2oto . . ~. s/~2/2oio At least 1 entrance per business with street frontage s be provided along the facade facing Village Parkway Direct pedestrian access shall be provided from the sidewalk and parking areas to building entrances (excluding private service entrances) Driveways may be provided from a street or adjacent property (if a shared access agreement is established) If multiple driveways from Village Parkway are provided on a lot, at least 1 building shall be located between each of these drivewqys 15 ft max for 1-way driveways and 24 ft max for 2-way driveways. Fire access roadways (including driveways) shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 Figure 4-9: Examples of Site Access in the Village Parkway District T O 3 a ~ ~ ~ 0 > • . r,.• I .~ Street ^ Parking ~ Pedestrian Access • ~ X ;< ~~' ~.,~h Driveway Access :~;x Building ~ :M~Ak ~ ip?i ~. - ' ' - Property Line DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 69 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ a ~ DEVEIOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES y~ ~ • • ~ • ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ' Allowed to the rear of on-site buildings. ;,:~~ q w ~ r; ~ .,,~~; ~~.,M a ~' 1 row of parking is allowed to the side of buildings if placed along a driveway connecting to the street. 2 rows of parking are allowed to the side of buildings if ~ ~ placed along a shared driveway providing access to multiple properties and connecting to the street. A 10 h min landscaped buffer shall be provided between the sidewalk and the first parking stall along a driveway. ~ 9L'~ ;~ '' Allowed under the entire site. :~~ ,a3~r.,3. ! ~~~r " 70 CITY OF DUBUN Allowed to the rear of buildings and/or on the upper floors of buildings (above a ground floor commercial space) if designed in accordance with the design standards and guidelines for structured parking. Allowed under all buildings if designed in accordance with the design standards and guidelines for podium parking. Allowed within individual residential units. Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of underground parking areas. Allowed near building entrances (except service entrances). Allowed on private property adjacent to sidewalks. Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least b ft maintained. Per the requirements in Chapter 8.76: Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas. Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged. If parking exceeds the minimum standard (see row 6) by at least 10 percent, at least one of the following measures shall be incorporated into the surface parking area: ^ Increase the number of shade trees provided to a ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces; ^ Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be connected by drive aisles); or ._-= , ^ Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and groundcovers surrounding them) between the sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking lots are permitted near sidewalks). All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Non-residential parking areas with at least 20 spaces: 1 bicycle space (on a bike rack or within a bike locker) per 40 vehicle spaces. At least 1 space per residential unit provided within the unit or in a bike locker (if not within the unit. Shared parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a parking study is prepared ~where required) and a shared parking agreement is established and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to a Use Permit, and if parking is provided to meet the greatest peak hour demand of the combined uses. Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking areas with at least 20 spaces. Compad spaces shall be labeled as "C' or "Compact". 1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle space in parking areas with at least 40 vehicle spaces Motorcycle spaces shall be labeled as such. Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking spaces and have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than 40 feet from another shade tree. Additional accent trees are also allowed within parking lots. A 5 k wide landscaped buffer is required between sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section 8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Side of Building Properfy Line Properfy Line ~ ~ _ ~ - --- ~ s~ I • Ca~.._L 10 ft min Landsca ~ Adjacent Properfy v NOTE: Refer to the standards on the previous page to determine what each number represents ~- ~ 8/12/2010 ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 7~ '~" ~ ~ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUfDELINES ~ ~~ ~ Flcror Area Ratics ,~ ~ I .. - ~ ~ (F~R} ~• ; ~ ~ Notes 2 Permitted within a mixed-use development if designed based on the following standards: ^ The development includes ground floor retail or oHice space that equals an FAR of 0.3 min ^ The maximum residential density shall not exceed a density of 15 units per acre ^ Common open space for the residential units are provided at a rate of 15% of the site's total area ^ The residential units are not included in the Base FAR standard above 2 floors and 35 k max (tower elements, architectural and articulated design features, solar panels, and small-scale wind turbines may extend 10 ft max beyond this height) Allowed on upper floors, but not required At least one of the following frontages (based on the ground floor use) shall be provided on all facades that front a street: ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronis ^ Auto Service Fronts ^ Public Fronts Additional FAR (beyond the base) is prohibited within the Village Parkway District For frontage standards/guidelines, see Section 4.4: Design Standards and Guidelines 8/1212010 72 CITY OF DUBLIN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 4 ft max into all setbacks 12 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces ~ PermiHed for residential uses only 2 ft max into all setbacks 12 k min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewolks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 6 ft max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 5 ft max into all setbacks 4 h max into all setbacks 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces 3 ft max into all setbacks If extending more than b in from the facade, 8 ft min vertical clearance required over sidewalks, wolkways, and private outdoor spaces = Property Line NOTE: Buildings shown built to setback line 8/12/2010 d DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 73 ~ ~ ~1 ",~^ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDEL~NES ~` ~ ~5" q~.4 ~~.;i~r ~~6deei~~~ r Q The following design guidelines apply to all three districts within ~ Downtown Dublin. They should be used in conjunction with the development standards specific to each of the three districts, which precedes this section. The terms "shall", "should", and "may" are used in this section. The term "shall" is used to denote a design standard where compliance is required. The term "should" is used to denote a guideline that is recommended, but not required in all circumstances. The term "may" is used to denote a design treatment that is allowed or optional. ~.~, v ..+2:' ~.:~ ~w.t.r~t' ¢ ._e_~'._. . . All facades on a building shall be designed with similar architectural elements, materials, and colors as the front facade. However, the design of side and rear facades may be simpler, more casual, and more utilitarian in nature (but not flat and devoid of articulation) and should include materials that are consistent with the front facade. ^ In general, buildings should be at least 25 to 30 feet in height. To achieve this height, one-story buildings may be designed to look like a 2-story building to help articulate the building facade or create a desired character. ^ Buildings located near major street intersections should be treated as "signature" buildings and should include unique design features (e.g. towers) and prominent corner entrances, plazas and enhanced design which is oriented towards the street. ^ Elevators, external stairways, and external hallways are discouraged along facades that front a street to discourage a motel-like appearance. ^ Franchise architecture is strongly discouraged. Multi-tenant buildings should be designed for use by a variety of tenants and/or uses. When new tenants take over existing buildings, alterations to brand the building (such as by painting the building to match corporate colors) are strongly discouraged. "' , ~~?! . .. <_ ... ..5 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 74 8/12/2010 Appropriate relationship between front, side, and rear facades Example of signature building entry on a major street fntersection 4.4.2 ~~;i9c~;;~f~, wry.:~-~:~::,='~f;t~~ ^ Facades that are visible from streets, freeways, walkways, private outdoor spaces, and parking areas shall be articulated to improve design quality. To achieve this standard, each of the above facades shall incorporate several of the following treatments to ensure that the building is aitractively designed and promotes visual interest along these areas: • Changing the direction of the wall or facade; • Stepping back upper floors (especially above 3 floors); • Providing prominent entrances that are recessed/protruding or include towers or other distinct architectural features; • Altering the height of the building or roofline; • Adding depth and detail to the cornice or roof parapet; • Providing overhanging roof eaves and/or recessing storefronts, building entrances, and windows into the facade to create depth and cast shadows; • Breaking up large smooth surfaces with expression lines, reveals, or changes in texture and color; • Dividing large window openings with smaller window panes; • Providing projecting elements, such as shade structures, stoops, bay windows, and balconies; • Providing stylized windows and doors; • Recessing windows; • Creating a facade composition that consists of a defined base, body, and cap/roofline. • Providing three-dimensional expression lines (vertical and horizontal) between building floors, around storefronts and window openings, and along long walls; and • Using more than one material, texture, or color to break up the mass of the facade. 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Styl ized Windows Expression Line Projecting Siylized Windows Facade Element Overhangs ig height Horizontal Expression Lines Recessed Windows and Entries DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 75 ~ ~ ~ Change of Material Horizontal Change in Recessed Change in Wall Expression Materials Balconies Plane Direction Lines ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES 4.4.3 'V.~ at~t,"~rs~,u eV, x.~tat~it~ ,~:&:,.~ ~...:..~ . A variety of building materials and colors should be provided to create interesting building designs and avoid monotony. ^ In general, buildings should have 1 or 2 main colors and up to 3 accent colors that compliment the main building color(s). ^ Buildings should be painted with muted and soft colors that are complementary to one another and appropriate for the architectural style and character of the building. ^ Bright and bold colors may be used as accents, to highlight key building features, and to add diversity. Extensively bold, bright, fluorescent, and neon colors are discouraged. ^ The following building materials are encouraged: • Plaster and stucco; • Wood and metal siding; • Stone, tile, and brick masonry/veneers (as an accent material and for use along building bases); • Glass windows and doors; • Insulated concrete forms, poured-in-place concrete, and concrete block; • Wood or metal posts, shade structures, and other accents; • Green building materials, including materials with recycled content, materials from resource-efficient manufacturing process, locally-produced materials, salvaged or refurbished materials, and reusable materials; and • Other materials of similar quality and design as approved by the Community Development Director. . Finish materials and colors used on all building facades should be complementary to one another and appropriate for the architectural style and character of the building. Ib CITY OF DUBLIN ,~ _ ~ ~ Examples of appropriate colors ~ ~fr ~~.. `: .~,~.^'•"•" ~ ~ ;~ Examples of inappropriate colors ~ 8/12/2010 ~SY~~\{xY~~~fi~~~4r~.f~' S'~y~. ~ Y , :~ . ~. ~,~. . ~ s„~, ~~. ~.,_ ~ ~< . Building materials and design features used should give the appearance of permanence, be durable, and be designed to withstand long-term exposure to the sun, rain, and wind. . Changes in materials or colors should occur when there is a change in the plane of the facade. The change in material or color should occur on inside corners of the building. Changes in materials and colors are prohibited on outside corners of buildings and materials must wrap around the corner of the building. . Painted building surfaces should have a matte finish; trim work may have a glossy finish. ^ The facades of accessory structures (such as storage sheds) should be designed with similar materials, colors, and details as the primary building(s) on the site. . If used, brick and stone veneer should be mortared to give the appearance that they have a structural function. . The natural colors of brick, stone, and tile materials should be maintained; these materials should not be painted or glazed. ^ Bricks (including brick veneer) should have a horizontal orientation to give the appearance that they have structural strength. However, bricks framing the top of arced windows may curve with the arc of the window. Bricks placed in a diagonal arrangement are strongly discouraged along building facades. ^ Corporate colors or branding is discouraged. 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDElINES ~ 4 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC Examples of materials that change on outside corners (prohibited) Example of materials that change on inside corners (preferred) .~ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES V` ,.[~ ~.4.4 Roofs t~ ^ A variety of roofing forms, slopes, details, and materials should = be used on buildings, and should be compatible with the overall style and character of the building. ^ Multi-formed and articulated roof designs are encouraged to break up the building massing. ^ Appropriate types of roof materials that are encouraged on buildings include: • Slate, fiber cement, or composite shingles; • Clay or concrete tile or shake; • Standing/raised seam or corrugated metal materials; • Composite roofing materials made of recycled natural fiber and/or recycled plastic; and • Tar, gravel, composition, or elastomeric roof materials used on flat roofs shall be concealed by a parapet, cornice, or other integrated design element. ^ Green roofs and rooftop gardens are encouraged to add landscaping, decrease the heat island effect of large expanses of flat roofs, and to reduce heating and cooling energy demands. ^ Roofs should be designed to prevent water damage and stains on building facades and to protect pedestrians from dripping water. If provided, gutters and downspouts should drain directly into a cistern, landscaped area, retention or detention basin, bioswale, or storm drain system. ^ Roof materials should meet or exceed the Energy Star requirements for solar reflectance. ^ Rooftop solar panels and small-scale wind turbines are allowed. ^ Mechanical equipment on roofs (excluding solar panels and small-scale wind turbines) shall be screened from public views from all sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces. ~ ~ - ° . ~ , fi.. ~ ~ ~'°"+p, . G..~~~ ~, e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~~F' a~;: ~`~~ ~"' ; ~ , ,~' ` ' ,~, ~ ° ~ ~;~ !,~ f ~~ r~~ ; ~'V `~ ~wr ~ ~a d ~~ L ~.' "'~ wr~ ~S; ~ ~ , ~, ''`.~_ ,y ;~~ ~'~"'~; 4~ ~g ,~ 1r ~; . ~ ~F ~ ~~~'~~j <' y,~y~q ~~ , ~i~i'.~Y~7~ttS :~.:~ f~:. i~~e~c ~.. 1 fe~~~.,.~'y-~~.St..= s~ftKty. Examples of a roof with solar panels (top) and roof garden (above) 78 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 ~.~..~'~ ~rt7fi:~t~f?< All building facades that front a street are required to be designed as a specific frontage type. Standards and guidelines for the frontages are provided on the following pages. As specified in Section 4.1.3: Development Standards, the following types of frontages are allowed in the Retail District: . Anchor Storefronts ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronts ^ Auto Service Fronts ^ Public Fronts As specified in Section 4.2.3: Development Standards, the following types of frontages are allowed in the Transit-Oriented District: ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronts ^ Residential Fronts . Public Fronts As specified in Section 4.3.3: Development Standards, the following types of frontages are allowed in the Village Parkway District: ^ Storefronts ^ Office/Lodging Fronts ^ Auto Service Fronts . Public Fronts 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELiNES ~ 4 Example of a Residential Front Example of an Office/Lodging Front DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 79 ~ -~ N ~ ve Example of an Anchor Storefront Example of a Storefront Example of a Public Front ~ a ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES y' ~ Anchor Storefronis ~ The following guidelines apply to facades that are designed with anchor ~ storefronts: " ^ Primary building entrances should be highlighted and serve as the prominent building feature with elements such as (but not limited to) recessed or protruding entries, tower elements, different materials/colors, decorative or display windows, shade structures or galleries, and special paving and landscaping. ^ Anchor retail storefronts should be articulated to avoid the appearance of a"b~g box." Appropriate forms of articulation include changing the direction of the wall plane, alternating the height of the roofline, changing facade materials or colors, and providing architectural details or expression lines. ~~ 80 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Examples of articulated Anchor Storefronts (allowed) Example of an anchor storefront that looks like a "big box° (prohibited) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Storefronis The following guidelines apply to facades that are designed with storefronts: ^ On the ground floor, at least 50% of the facade's surface area should consist of windows (including glass on doors). ^ On upper floors, at least 20% of the facade's surface area should consist of windows (including glass on doors). Windows shall be provided on all upper floors of the building. ^ Storefronts should be designed with display windows, recessed entrances, kick-plates, and transom windows. . Storefronts should be recessed at leastsix (6) inches into the facade and may be recessed further to create outdoor dining areas. ^ Awnings, marquees, window shades and trellises, and second floor balconies are encouraged above storefronts to provided shade. ^ To maintain visual access between pedestrians and interior activity within storefronts, mirrored, reflective, frosted, and/or tinted glass is strongly discouraged on storefronts. . If the building is set back from the sidewalk, private outdoor spaces (such as forecourts, plazas, patios, and outdoor dining areas) are encouraged adjacent to buildings for use as outdoor dining and gathering. ^ All storefront windows (including replacement windows) shall match on each elevation. 8/12/2010 ~~ ~.~w 6 ~ _~ -~~~ ~ Examples of Storefronts ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 81 ~ ~ `^ a( DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES V' ~ Residential Fronts (-n The following guidelines apply to facades that are designed with - residential fronts: ^ At least 20% of the facade's surface area should consist of windows (including glass on doors). Windows shall be provided on all floors of the building. ^ Both common entrances (to lobbies or interior courtyards) and private entrances (to individual units on the ground floor) may be provided. ^ If the ground floor is elevated above the grade of the sidewalk, stoops should be provided to provide access to ground floor units. . Front porches, stoops, balconies, and courtyards are encouraged. . Fences, walls, and hedges that are located along this frontage should not exceed a height of 40 inches. ~ Raised planters are allowed between the sidewalk and the building. If the planter is raised, it should be elevated a maximum of 40 inches above the elevation of the adjacent sidewalk. Planters that are designed to retain and filter stormwater runoff from the roof are encouraged. Examples of Residential Fronts 8/12/2010 82 CITY OF DUBLIN Office/Lodging Fronts The following guidelines apply to facades that are designed with office/lodging fronts: ^ At least 20% of the facade's surface area should consist of windows (including glass on doors). Windows shall be provided on all floors of the building. ^ Both common entrances (to lobbies or interior courtyards) and private entrances (to individual business suites on the ground floor) may be provided. ^ Primary building entrances should be highlighted and serve as the prominent building feature with elements such as (but not limited to) recessed or protruding entries, tower elements, different materials/colors, decorative or display windows, shade structures or galleries, and special paving and landscaping. ^ Awnings, marquees, window shades and trellises, and second floor balconies are encouraged to provide shade. r Porte-cocheres (covered driveways providing temporary guest registration parking and valet services) may be provided on lodging fronts. ^ Fences, walls, and hedges that are located along this frontage should not exceed a height of 40 inches. ^ Raised planters are allowed between the sidewalk and the building. If a planter is raised, it should be elevated a maximum of 40 inches above the elevation of the adjacent sidewalk. Planters that are designed to retain and filter stormwater runoff from the roof are encouraged. 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 ~ _ `~ ~ ~~ Examples of Office/Lodging Fronts DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN $3 6~ ~ ~! 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ V ` Auto Service Fronts Auto service fronts would be provided on buildings that are specifically ~ designed for auto services, such as auto repair and body shops, service (~ centers, auto dealerships, auto rentals, car washes, and gas stations. = The design of this frontage could vary greatly based on the internal use of the structure. However, buildings should be designed and oriented to minimize visual impacts by locating service bays away from street-facing facades, performing all service and work within the building, not storing vehicles and other equipment outside, and other similar measures. The design of the frontage would need to comply with the applicable design standards and guidelines provided in Section 4.4.1- 4.4.4. Public Fronis Public fronts would be provided on public buildings that provide a specific public function such as community centers, fitness and recreation centers, schools, libraries, day care centers, senior centers, performing arts centers, and other buildings that hold community, civic, public, or quasi-public uses. Specific standards for public fronts are not provided. However, the design of the frontage would need to comply with the applicable design standards and guidelines provided in Section 4.4.1- 4.4.4. The Dublin Zoning Ordinance (see Chapter 8.84: Sign Regulations) shall be used to regulate the number, size, and location of signs within the Specific Plan Area. The purpose of this section is to provide additional sign standards guidelines for powntown Dublin. Where a conflict exists, the following standards shall be used in place of those in Chapter 8.84 of the Zoning Ordinance. Master sign programs are encouraged for buildings with multiple tenants. Such programs ensure consistency with signage provided and create a more organized look and character. One regional serving sign may be permitted in the Specific Plan Area. This sign shall be intended to create an identity marker for the downtown and to advertise the downtown and businesses located within the downtown area. Advertising on this sign by businesses located within the Specific Plan Area shall not be considered off-site signage. The owner of the sign shall not prohibit regional or destination-serving downtown businesses from locating on the sign and the sign shall be designed to accommodate a variety of businesses in the Downtown Specific Plan Area. This sign will require a Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review and shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The following signs identified in Chapter 8.84 of the Zoning Ordinance are prohibited within the Specific Plan Area: • Freestanding signs (that are greater than 20 feet in height), excluding freestanding signs that allowed on properfy that abuts the CalTrans right of way (which may exceed 20 feet in height) • Permanent Banners • Regional Sign (with exception for the one regional-serving sign as noted above) The following signs identified in Chapter 8.84 of the Zoning Ordinance may be conditionally permitted: 8/12/2010 84 CITY OF DUBLIN • Service Station Display Structures (requires zoning clearance by City Staff and is subject to a Building Permit) • Service Station Price Signs (requires zoning clearance by City Staff and is subject to a Building Permit) ^ Awning signs and projecting signs may project over sidewalks if a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet is maintained. ^ Buildings should be designed with appropriate locations for signs. Signs shall not cover or obscure windows, doors, building entrances, cornices, columns, or other architectural elements or details. ^ Signs should be constructed of durable and weatherproof materials so that they will not discolor, fade, crack, rust, or erode. Signs shall be replaced and/or repaired as needed to maintain the integrity of the sign. ^ Simple and easy-to-read typefaces should be used on signs. Hard-to-read and intricate typefaces are discouraged. ^ The color of letters and symbols shall contrast the base or background color of the sign to maximize readability. ^ Signs may show depth and cast shadows by mounting individually cut letters and symbols on the sign base or carving letters and symbols into the base of the sign. ^ Sign materials and colors should compliment the building facade. Basic and simple color applications should be used. Vibrant and fluorescent colors are discouraged. ^ Signs may use symbols, characters, or graphics that relate to the products sold in the business or to the name of the business. 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ( 4 Example of an easy to Example of a hard to read sign (encouraged) read sign (discouraged) . ~ z ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ :r- ~.~ .~ ~~~ ~ ~` ~ ~ *~-. j ' ~.r; ~ ~'~ ' ~x ', " ~j~(, ~ ~ - o .~ _ „ , ~ ~ ~ ~~ Examples of signs that symbolize what is sold in the business Examples of projecting signs over sidewalks DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 85 ~ '~ ~ vl r--" 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~` ^ Signs may be illuminated by external lighting fixtures, or by ~ providing back-lighting behind individually mounted letters and ~ symbols, and by internally illuminating individual sign letters and symbols. Internally illuminated box signs where the background, -- letters, and symbols are illuminated are discouraged. Externally- mounted neon lighting is prohibited. ^ Sign lighting shall be directed and shielded to illuminate the sign and not to spill over to other parts of the building or site. ^ Colors on signs and structural members should be compatible with one another and relate to the colors of buildings on site. e Sign materials (including framing and supports) should be representative of the type and scale of materials used on the site where the sign is located. ^ Each sign and supporting hardware, including temporary awning signs, should be maintained in good repair and functioning properly at all times. r A nonconforming sign is any permanent or temporary sign that was legally established and maintained in compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws in effect at the time of original installation but that does not now comply with the provisions of this Specific Plan. A nonconforming sign should not be: • Changed to another nonconforming sign; • Structurally altered to extend its useful life; • Enlarged; or • Re-established aRer a business is discontinued for 60 days or more. Backlighting behind individually Internal illumination of symbols mounted letters (allowed) and letters but not the sign background (allowed) ~n ,~"~ Y 1I i'Rflf`f INSt it1Nt~-~( l tt i ~ '"~`~ ~sitcskt:~tti, , ~~_ Internally illuminated box sign (discouraged) 86 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Externally illuminated sign (allowed) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ^ Freeway-oriented signs (signs that are oriented toward motorists traveling along freeways) shall be allowed only on properties directly adjacent to Interstates 580 and 680. The following standards and guidelines apply to these signs: • No more than one freeway-oriented sign is allowed per property. If a properfy has multiple businesses, signs for each business should be co-located on one freeway- oriented sign. Co-located signs should be designed with specific spaces to hold signs for each business represented. The placement of these signs should be well-organized and not create clutter on the freeway-oriented sign. In general, individual business signs sho~ld have a similar shape and size, although anchor businesses may have more area dedicated to their signage. • Freeway-oriented signs that are mounted on a single pole ("lollipop" signs) are strongly discouraged. Instead, freeway-oriented signs should be mounted on a solid structure or a minimum of two structural columns. Sign panels should be limited in width to fit between the structural columns. • Freeway-oriented signs shall be limited to a height of 35 feet. Taller, co-located signs may be permitted at the discretion of the Planning Commission. 8/12/2010 Single-pole or °lollipop" ~ Encouraged ~'j signs are discouraged ~ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 87 ~ ~ \n a( DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES y' ~ ^ The following types of signs are prohibited: ~ ~ K; ~ • Permanent banner signs; ~ . J~~,; . .. • Signs made from plywood; ~"' m~ r~~~,;,. " _•-~-- ~ ~~ <d tu ir~ ~ ~ ~ • Pole mounted or "lollipop" signs; ~J- ~~ `- - ~' t i~ ~~ e„^~ • Billboards; ~ ~~~ ~ ,, • -*~ ~ ~ .,..,~~--~ .. • Externally-illuminated neon signs; "' " ^~"~,,~,~ ;~, , ~ -----•-' ~_' ~. ,~.~ • Signs that produce smoke or sound; • Signs with animated or moving characters; * Changeable letter marquee signs (except for theaters, auto dealers, concert venues, and public facilities); • Window signs that occupy more than 25% of the window's area; • Roof mounted signs; • Permanent sidewalk signs; and • Handheld signs, sidewalk signs, sandwich boards (A-frame) and other portable freestanding signs. Examples of prohibited signs 88 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 ^ Monument signs should be located within the landscaped area between the sidewalk and the building. They should be oriented perpendicular to the street or intersection and should generally be located near vehicle entrances. The following guidelines should be followed when siting monument signage: • No more than one monument sign should be allowed per vehicle entrance (unless the entrance is a shared driveway for multiple properties. When a vehicle entrance provides access to multiple buildings or businesses, signs for each business should be co-located on one monument sign. • The structure of a monument sign should be rectilinear in form and scales for use by both pedestrians and vehicles. In general, monument signs with a horizontal orientation should not exceed a height of five feet, as measures from the adjacent sidewalk grade. Monument signs with a vertical orientation and narrow width may be taller (up to eight feet). • Landscaping, such as or a raised planter, incorporating evergreens and/or flowering plants, should surround a monument sign. • High quality and durable materials such as brick, stone, tile, cast concrete or similar masonry materials are encouraged. Materials, finishes, and colors should be carefully selected to be in harmony with the on-site buildings. 8/ 12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANOARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Examples of monument signs DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 89 N N ~ ~ r... ~ ~+ ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ `~.~. ,v ~i~, , .. :;~ _. ,.., ~ ^ Private outdoor spaces are required for all developments with ~ residential units. The amount of private open space for -- developments with residential units should be at least 100 square feet per unit. Private outdoor space may be common to all residents or private to individual residences. ^ Private outdoor spaces are strongly encouraged for developments with office, lodging, and dining uses. r Appropriate private outdoor spaces include: • Courtyards; • Corner plazas; • Forecourts; • RooRop gardens; • Outdoor terraces (on roofs and/or building stepbacks); • Paseos; and • Outdoor patios and/or dining areas. 1 _ ,~, ~, ~ . r~-- ~; ~ ; ~k ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ „,~ _ ~ *.7 ~. ~ , ~~ 90 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 ^ If provided, private outdoor spaces should be designed to enhance the site and/or building as a place for people to gather. These spaces should include the following: • Direct access to adjacent building/business entrances; • Outdoor seating and/or dining areas; • Trash and recycle receptacles; • Shade trees and/or freestanding/building-mounted shade structures; • Decorative and permeable paving materials; and • Landscaped planters and/or pots with a variety of plant materials. ^ Other amenities that encourage people to gather may be provided. Such amenities include (but are not limited to) barbeque facilities, outdoor fireplaces, space and facilities for live performances, small product vendors, fountains and other water features, public art, and kiosks. . Private outdoor spaces on adjacent sites or buildings are encouraged to include connections or be combined to create larger and more meaningful private outdoor spaces. ^ The edges of private outdoor spaces should be defined by streets and building frontages with active uses, such as retail, dining, and entertainment. The back of buildings or blank walls should not define a private outdoor space. Fences, walls, landscaping, and other similar features may also define the edges of private outdoor spaces. If provided, these fences/walls should be limited in height (no more than 40 inches) or be designed with a low level of opacity to maintain an open feeling while providing some level of privacy. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ~ ~~m. . , ~ .. .,... ~~~~ Examples of private outdoor spaces that are adjacent to building frontages with active uses (retail, dining, and entertainment) N ~ ~ ~, -„ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 91 ~? ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~~ `~ ,.~-~.~, ~7utcloor t`~ining ~ General ~ The following standards and guidelines apply to outdoor dining, ~ including sidewalk dining and dining within private outdoor spaces: ^ Outdoor dining shall require a Site Development Review Waiver issued by the Community Development Director. ^ Tables, chairs, umbrellas, trash/recycle receptacles, and outdoor heating devices (if approved by the Fire Department) may be located in outdoor dining areas. ^ All outdoor dining furniture (such as tables, benches, chairs, and umbrellas) shall be coordinated and shall be made of high- quality materials that have long life spans and are able to withstand constant use and exposure to the elements. Higher grade materials (metal and wood) and/or recycled content materials are required to reduce long-term maintenance and replacement costs. ^ Umbrellas should have no more than 2 colors. Logos or the name of the dining establishment may be printed on the umbrella canvas. Logos for products sold within the dining establishment are strongly discouraged on umbrellas. ^ Advertising banners within outdoor dining areas should only be allowed for special events or holiday festivities. ^ String lighting may be provided within outdoor dining areas to enhance the nighttime environment. ^ Outdoor dining areas (including furniture and dining area barriers) shall be maintained by the owners/operators of the associated dining establishment(s). 92 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Examples of outdoor dining in a private plaza/courtyard (top) and along a sidewalk (above) Sidewalk Dining ^ Sidewalk dining areas shall only be permitted if an unobstructed flat walking surface (sidewalk and/or flush tree grate) is maintained in accordance with ADA regulations. The unobstructed flat walking surface shall be a minimum 5 feet wide. ^ Service stations, bars, counters, shelves, racks, and sofas are prohibited in outdoor dining areas. r Sidewalks dining areas shall not block a building entrance or path leading to a building entrance. . Tables and chairs shall not be permanently attached to the building or the sidewalk. ^ Sidewalk dining is only allowed on the segment of the sidewalk in front of the business serving the food/beverages. ^ If the sidewalk dining area is more than 5 feet in width, a dining area barrier shall be used to define the edges of the dining area. Dining area barriers shall be 36 to 42 inches tall. The dining area barrier may be a sectional freestanding metal or wood fence, freestanding posts connected by a rope or chain with a maximum diameter of 1 inch, or a group of planted pots or planter boxes that surround the dining area. Chain link fences and fences with fabric inserts are prohibited. ^ Sidewalk dining areas that include umbrellas and heating devices shall be defined by a dining area barrier. No portion of the umbrella may extend beyond the dining area barrier, unless at least 7 feet of verfical clearance is provided. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ a ~ ,`'~IW `~,~.,`~-` ~ '..~' ~", ~' ;`e~~ ~ ~ Jt t \ * ~ ~.~~..~: ~ N S ~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 93 j ~.. . ~ ` s ~~5~~ ~ 1 ~ \ `~~ ~ Examples of sidewalk dining `~ ^~ 1 N 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES . , ~. .. ~~ ~ y f ° ~' , ~ ` k~ ~ ~ : ~ .r ,.-„~ ~ ~~_. - U~oMlructad Flat VaN ~S min.) . i • 1( 5~ M 4Q4S Tf!! C/i!! (f1Y]M a Dining Area - 0i!('i!I q 1qt - to Sitrewslk) ~~~ + Pawd ten. ~ k~~~td.~1 S Y : .: 4&'~ ` ~: , a - Sidewalk dining without a d ining area barrier 94 CITY OF DUBLIN , ~~. "UnobstruebA FI~1 Patl~ (S' m ~ y - . . . .... . . . ~ . ~. ~. ..: $idewalk dining with a dining area barrier 8/12/2010 , Itgroaterdw~5; ~~~~ AW11IIlyA/l~BiRItF . k Rpulroo P~~9 2one ~. ~ 4 5_;c~~,s,,,c:, The following standards and guidelines apply to lighting on private development and in pedestrian-oriented areas including walkways, private outdoor spaces, and parking areas. ^ The following areas should be illuminated at night to ensure the safety of users and to minimize opportunities for crime: • Sidewalks and walkways; • Private outdoor spaces and outdoor seating areas; • All entrances to buildings and businesses (including rear, side, and service entrances); • Parking areas; • Service alleys, drive aisles, and internal streets; • Trash/recycle disposal and service/loading areas; • Automated teller machines (ATMs); and • Other areas that are routinely used by pedestrians. . The design, color, and finish of light poles and fixtures should complement the buildings on site. ^ Flood lighting is discouraged on the exterior of buildings; however, uplighting and indirect lighting to highlight key building features (i.e. tower elements) or signature landscaping is encouraged, where appropriate. ^ Site, building, and sign lighting should be located and directed to light the intended area of illumination and to prevent off-site glare impacts on adjacent buildings and properties. ^ Energy-efficient lighting (lighting from renewable sources and energy-saving devices, such as light sensors) are encouraged, whenever feasible. DEVELOPMENT STANOARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 ^ Pedestrian-scaled lighting is required a~ong walkways and within parking areas and private outdoor spaces. Such lighting should be 10 to 15 in height. Bollard lighting may also be used. "Cobra head" lighting is strongly discouraged. ^ Lighting within storefront windows should be provided to showcase merchandise in the storefront, illuminate the adjacent sidewalk/walkway, and create a desirable nighttime ambience. ^ Lighting should be provided at regular intervals to prevent the creation of light and dark pockets, which are undesirable. ^ Over-lighting of buildings and sites should be prevented to avoid ruining desired nighttime ambience. s Cutoff shields should be used to prevent light from emitting above the light source, to the maximum extent feasible. . Where feasible, warm white, energy efficient lighting source types such as metal halide, induction lighting, compact fluorescent, and light-emitting diode (LED) should be used. _ ~ A variety of pedestrian-scaled lighting that is evenly distributed N O~ l.J" .-~ v\ ` 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 95 1n ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES u~ ~ '~f~.~9.~L% ~1'i}s.£: ~ l.e~u:: tG'::.~r~'~,`.~p uiii..:'. .~,/~i~w~':i ~- . Fence, wall, hedge, and gate heights that are between a ~ building and the sidewalk should not exceed a height of 4 -~ inches. ^ The design of fences, walls, and gates should be compatib with the architecture of the building on the site. ^ Fences and walls shall have an arficulated design, which c created by having regularly spaced posts, varying the heig and by using different building materials. ^ Where feasible and appropriate, landscaping should be incorporated into the design of fences, walls, and gates. A landscape buffer should be installed in front of solid walls ^ Fences, walls, and gates should be made of one or more following materials: • Metal and wrought iron; • Wood; • Plaster and stucco; • Concrete masonry; • Natural stone or brick; • Tile (as an accent material); and • Other materials of similar quality, durability, and char to the above. ^ Chain link, barbed wire, and razor wire fencing shall be prohibited when the fence or wall is visible from a public s or public space. 96 CITY JF DUBUN 0 le an be ht, of the a cte r treet ,,,-~ ~,. .~ ~~~,. ~' ~~'~ . Examples of appropriate fences, walis, and hedges 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 4.4.11 i.andscaping and Paving . In general, landscaping (which may be included in planters, pots, or in the ground) is strongly encouraged on all sides of a building along streets, walkways, driveways, parking lots, and private outdoor spaces. A combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers should be used within landscaped areas to provide variety. . Shade trees are encouraged along walkways and near buildings to cool walking surfaces and interior building space. ^ Grass and turf should only be used in areas where it provides functional benefits, such as multi-functional gathering space or recreation and play areas. ^ An efficient, low-volume drip irrigation system should be used to water landscaping. Drip irrigation systems provide water directly to plant roots and minimize the loss of water to evaporation. ^ Drought-resistant plants that minimize water demand should be incorporated into landscaped areas. . Decomposed granite, aggregate rock, mulch, bark, grass turf, and other organic ground covers are encouraged within landscaped areas. . Landscaping and irrigation materials selected should be durable and require minima) maintenance. ^ Landscaping features that are designed to retain and filter stormwater runoff are encouraged. These features include (but are not limited to) bio-swales, rain gardens, underground cisterns, flow-through planters, and roof gardens. ^ Where feasible, impermeable and impervious surfaces should be minimized within landscaped areas. ^ Planters used along sidewalks and within private outdoor spaces are encouraged to also function as seat walls. 8/12/2010 ^ Landscaping shall comply with the standards in the Zoning Ordinance (see Chapter 8.88: Water Efficient Landscaping). Trees selected for use on public sidewalks shall comply with the Streetscape Master Plan. ~ Hardscape areas should be constructed with permeable and decorative paving. r See also Chapter 4 landscaping development standards in the Parking Locations and Requirements tables for each respective district. Planters that function as seat walls serve dual purposes and ~,~,.) encourage pedestrian activily ~ ~ ~ ~' \ DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 97 :~ .'~~:,~ .,y~ .m~4~ ^*~ .M~._ ~ ~ 4.. 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES " ~. ,. .._ .'t:at'7lli"l4y . . _..__. ~ Surface Parking Lots ^ Where feasible, views of surface parking areas from sidewalks (`n should be minimized and parking should be located internally ` and to the rear of buildings that front a street. Landscaped buffers along the perimeter of surface parking areas should include a variety of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers designed to soften views of parked vehicles from pedestrians walking along the sidewalk, walkway, or private outdoor space. These landscaped buffers may include fences, walls, or hedges. ^ Surface parking areas should include measures to reduce impervious surfaces, including, but not limited to: • Vegetated swales/planters; • Green gutters and flow-through planters; • Landscaped medians/planters; and • Pervious/porous paving (for parking stalls, walkways, and driveways). ^ Where feasible and appropriate, walkways that connect surface parking areas to building entrances, sidewalks, private outdoor spaces, and additional parking areas should be provided. ^ The length of parking spaces may be reduced by up to 2 feet if the vehicle will overhang a landscape planter which has been designed to accommodate the vehicle overhang plus additional space for planting. The planter shall be protected by a curb or wheel stop and should include low lying plants where the vehicle will overhang the planter. ^ Where feasible, consider innovative measures to manage stormwater with "leftover' space in front of angled parking stalls. ^ Parking spaces with decorative and permeable pavers are strongly encouraged. ^ Evergreen trees are encouraged within parking lots. ^ A direct and clearly visible pedestrian connection shall be provided through the surface parking lot that connects to the primary building entrance and sidewalk. ~ Landscaping and landscape buffers along sidewalks should be attractive and should encourage and provide interest to pedestrians. Features such as benches may be incorporated into these areas. . Parking lots along sidewalks shall include perimeter shrubs with a minimum height of 3 feet to screen parked vehicles. 98 CIIY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Befo re ~~.__ Conventional 20 foot long parking spaces reduced to 17.5 foot long spaces with landscaping (Source: San Mateo County) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Before .~ ' J --- - J ~ ~~~~~.L!?~!f~'!~ ~~l~,~t~L!Jt~'~~M!t1!~~~!'~~1"t~'~!.1!~!`''; j ~ ;~11f1f~~~i~I~1~~fii_i;'; ~~I~li_i~ilfl{~~l~iii~~~~, ,~-~ Ii~j ~'~y!~t'~!~~ ~!~ ~l.! l.!!=.-~{ ~t~,_; ' ~ f ~~~'F~ ~ ~ ~ ,~i : ~{ ~ _ __,~ ~ _~~:- . ~{ ~' ~! r' ;~ 1 `r`_ ___ °_`" ; __.". i ~~ ......_..,., ~ After ; ~ ~,{ ~ s ~a . kC~~'~~~~~~ ~ , ~ ~~ ' ; ' ~ ;,x,~..,».~: :,. ~ _.~ ~ . _ _ ~_ __ _ _ .-' , _ }-~' ; r~-~Y-~ ria - t~-~r rt.rs;nl ~ n rt ~^ .",~'.~ - ~' ~^' - .-..'s..n "~i :^. t'7 i"4t~ ttT~P't~ 'i.4~~ i ( ~ i ~ ~`t ~ ~.~ l~ ~' `~ ^__ ~ .. ~..~ .,. ~ ~ ~ .. ..__.~ Reconfiguration of an existing parking lot (top) to incorporate more landscaping and walkways (Source: San Mateo County) W N G~ v\ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 99 1(~ -+ ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES v' ~ ~_n f" Before After ~"~ ^~ ~tC(~ k1v '~ q-T~' zYa : ~~~ ~, a t ~+ s C ~ ~ d'"~~ ~ ~ ~ ; -~'r~ . .~ ,~ ~wt ~'~V~ ~ ~ ~ t L'F _ ~'' P'~~ c~ k .. -~,,, ~ y g~ ~ ~ ~ t t ~ ~ ~ '~ \ ~ ~•.~~Y,°"r~,a~~d ~qR ~ ~,." ~~~'~'y ~{ d ~ Y . -t.r ~ ~r~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ,.: ~ ~: ~` ~~ ~~ ti .~.~~ c;~ ,~"..i~' ' ~~ ~` ~s"~"~`°' . "^'°~;:',,r. . ``~~+ti; <w '~+ ~ `_:y,~ _ ,i ~ s ~. - . ... , ,~ ~~-...' ~L . .. .. . Under-utilized parking stalls in the top image is replaced with stormwater planters (Source: San Mateo County) i"'i = i i' ~ ~r Before ~ ~ ~;~ m~a~a~ ~~"-,s~~ e , ~r ~, ` ' ~' x> ~ 1w ty~E ~ ` ' M' +~ '"~Y ~,~ n ; .>~ '~ k . ~ ", ~ ' *,~~'w~`~' ~~: '~ :r~ `~ ' h ' ° ~` ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ^*~ "~ ~- ' ~ ~~' ` ~t ~ ~~» . ~'~+., ~. ~ ~ :~'~ . ~ ..~s..;.:.~r~`~s~ a c. ~ . , f .-.v . . Conventional angled parking spaces in the top image are reconfigured with landscaping to manage stormwater (Source: San Mateo County) 100 Clll' OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 Before ~ ~~ ~ ~c ~ ~~x~- , ' P ~+v~~ ks A k ~ ~I ~ ~5 . 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F $MK Utt ~ ~ j • k - .. Y ~ 4" , ! ~~ 7 t 6 ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ , s ...., - ~. ..,... . . .. .: .~f l ...~.. R'" . ,~.~c..,..:._ ~ ' ~ . _. '~ ~~~. Ca+emeema ~ . ~ Z , { ~',r .-'" ~~ I ~ . ~,~+tl~pa•,m~ „ `~,..~ _i ..„ , . ~ ~ Pe*vw+n Pa+inb ,... • s ..--~'.1 -~, ~_`.m~ ..:~ r ~..d"" _.. " _,, ~;~,,.~.,~,,. ~:^~ ~'t "'.r.~^~ y .,a,,,.;... s"'~ `..: "y"'°"^°' .. ...~.....jd...- ._~ :r '~, f ~ r .~rHe~anE.MW~ v~nt ' ! * 1 .. __._.. _~. -- + ~~tl ~ Gne^ Mttr ~ After ~ Side+ralk - waet rree -'~ ~ :` _.. .d.t .~ `\ ~ ~ / ~~ "1~ T~~~. ~ __._ ~~ , ~' }~ ~ ~ ,, ~~; .R ~ ~ r ~~ ..~.._~_.. _ '1 r/ '^ ~ ~ {, i ~~ ~ ~g "..' __.... ~ ~ '` >, t } Y I }{ ~ . ' ~ .\. ~ ~ ~ /'. . ~ -°--_ , ,w~;y r" ~~ -.. ~,~.~~a Conventional angled parking lot in the top image is redesigned with perpendicular spaces and a vegetated planter/swale (Source: San Mateo County) W ^~ ~ "\ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBIIN SPECIFIC PLAN 101 Parking lots that incorporate permeable paving and green gutters (Source: San Mateo County) 4 ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES v' Structured Parking ~ ^ Parking structure facades that are located along a street, private outdoor space, and are otherwise not screened by a building ~ shall be designed to look like a habitable building rather than a ~ parking structure. The following design techniques are - encouraged to achieve the appearance of a building: • Parking structures should be designed with a facade that conceals parking decks, ramps, and parked vehicles. Stairwells and elevator shafts should be concealed within towers and other similar building elements. • The facade should be articulated to include expansion joints, expression lines, cornices, reveals, architectural details, and changes in material and color. • Parking structure facades should be designed with regularly spaced window openings. Metal frames are encouraged within window openings to provide arficulation and vertical orientation to the openings. • Ground floors of parking structures should be designed with building space for ground floor uses to encourage pedestrian activity. • Lighting provided within a parking structure should be located, directed, and shielded to prevent off-site glare. * Lighting fixtures on the top parking deck should be screened from view and not visible from the ground. ~ 102 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Parking structures that are generally designed to resemble habitable buildings, not parking structures Underground and Podium Parking ^ With the exception of driveway entrance points, underground parking levels shall not be visible from sidewalks and private outdoor spaces. ^ Podium parking may be located below the ground floor of the building, which may be elevated above the grade of the site. Podium parking levels may be visible from a street or private outdoor space, but should include design features that are compatible with the building and that screen views of vehicles. Landscaping should be incorporated into building setbacks to screen views of the podium parking level. ^ Podium parking facades shall be compatible with the rest of the building facade. ^ Window openings are allowed on the podium parking facade to provide ventilation and light to the podium parking level. Window openings should not exceed 3 feet in height and 4 feet in width. Window openings should contain decorative metal screens (excluding chain link). . Entrances to underground and podium parking levels should be designed with similar features as the rest of the building. ^ If non-residential space is placed above the podium parking level, the podium parking level shall be partially below grade and the first floor of the non-residential space shall be no greater than 4 feet above grade. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 0 ~ v! -.~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 103 Podium parking facade that includes metal screens and that are compatible with the building design Parking entrance that includes similar design features as the rest of the building ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~/~ ~` ~'i.~. a ._ _~.......zi i ~..e Y.~'~..e4,^ f"~t ~...a/ ~ ^ All loading areas shall be located to the rear of a building and ~ screened from views from the street. ~ . Access to loading areas may be provided from parking areas, ~ service alleys, and internal streets/drive aisles. . Loading areas on adjacent properties are encouraged to be sited near each other and share facilities (such as driveways and vehicle turnaround space) whenever feasible. . All refuse areas shall be provided within the building, to the rear of the building, or within parking areas. ^ Refuse enclosures are required for outdoor refuse areas. Finish materials, colors, and architectural character (including gates) of the enclosures shall compliment materials used on the adjacent building facade. Landscaping, including vines and shrubs shall be planted around the enclosure, where feasible. ^ A solid roof is required for all enclosures. ^ The refuse area shall be large enough to accommodate trash and recycling receptacle and also composting and grease receptacles for dining uses. ^ Adjacent buildings and properties should consolidate refuse areas, whenever feasible. ^ Refuse areas which are attached to the building shall be integrated into the design of the building. ^ All enclosures shall be covered, with the floor drainage connected to the sanitary sewer and a hose-bib provided for wash down. a~ a~ ~ Street cate loading ties to the rear ~uildings and ~en their view e trash disposal s to the rear of ngs and screen view with trash closures and ~andscaping 104 CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 4 4.4.~ ~ ~~.~r. ,r~~;s~~ . The following items should be screened from public views from sidewalks, walkways, and private outdoor spaces to the fullest extend possible: • Electric and water utility meters; • Power transformers and sectors; • Heating, ventilation, and cooling equipment; • Irrigation pumps; • Satellite dishes (wider than 18 inches in diameter); • Antennas; • RooRop mechanical equipment; and • Other mechanical equipment. ^ Appropriate screening methods include, but are not limited to: • Fencing; • Building walls; • Landscaping; • Roof parapets; and • Equipment enclosures. ^ Screening devices shall be compatible with the building's design, materials, and color. 4.4." _, :~..-:~~-.. ?'c~cEes ~ ~;a, ,.. ~ ..v~;;or ~ . Clear, identifiable, and ample pedestrian pathways should be provided to connect sidewalks, parking areas, building entrances, trails, and other site features by using wayfinding techniques such as signage, landscaping, hardscape, and prominent building entrances, where feasible. . Where feasible, cluster and connect buildings thro~gh a series of pedestrian pathways. . Pedestrian connections should be designed to create a unified design character and may serve as larger functional spaces. . Gathering spaces are encouraged to include a variety of amenities such as mini plazas, courtyards, benches, seating, shade, trash receptacles, art, and water fountains. f`*° ~~~ °i 7" ~~~ ~ ~~ Y,~#~~- ~ ~: ,~t } '~ ~ a~, ~ o ;~"'"~r"'~ ~ '' pQ ~~ .: y - .. . ~Y .. ~ ~ i y ~ >,.. ~.. _z~„ . . -~_ ° y,w..~C:. .XF„t,r~p~ ~ ~l 7 :f..+a*..E.~+s~e.. Examples of clear and attractive pedestrian connections 8/12;201C~ DOVdNTOwN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 105 4( DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ~ 1~ ~ ~.~. ; ,_ , .,, ...~. ~ r Street trees planted should adhere to the recommendations in the Streetscape Master Plan and those below: ~" • Amador Plaza Road: Ornamental Pear trees spaced 30 feet (`~ on center within parkways • Amador Valley Boulevard: Raymond Ash trees within parkways; Canary Island Pine and Crepe Myrfle within medians • Dublin Boulevard: London Plane trees spaced 25 to 30 feet on center within planters (ideally using 4-foot by 8-foot tree grates for new trees and retrofitting existing tree grates to 4- foot square); London Plane and flowering trees within medians • Golden Gate Drive: Aristocrat Pear trees within parkways • Regional Street: Callery Pear trees spaced 30 feet on center within parkways • Saint Patrick Way: Chinese Hackberry trees within parkways • San Ramon Road: Callery Pear, Chinese Pistache, and intermittent California Pepper trees within parkways; Raywood Ash, Crepe Myrtle, and Strawberry trees within medians • Village Parkway: Contrasting color tree (such s Columnar Hornbeam tree) in groups of 3 or 4 on 12-foot centers within parkways, where possible lOG CITY OF DUBLIN 8/12/2010 Chapter 5 establishes the circulation and infrastructure improvements required to permit the development potential of the Specific Plan Area. This Chapter should be read in conjunction with Chapter 2, which describes the circulation and infrastructure conditions in the Specific Plan Area. ~ ~ ~ ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 107 U ' ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 5.1 Vehicular Circulation This Specific Plan does not propose any specific changes to the existing public circulation network; however, vehicular circulation improvements may be required on private property (i.e. the extension of St. Patrick Way). As part of this Specific Plan, the City will amend the City's General Plan related to acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) standards within the City to require a LOS of D or better for all intersections except for nine intersections within the Downtown Specific Plan Area (see the DDSP Draft EIR for a description of these intersections). The objective of this amendment is to balance vehicular and non-vehicular circulation requirements, and thereby create a more pedestrian-friendly downtown. While no specific intersection improvements are required as part of this Specific Plan, the City may underfake limited circulation improvements to improve overall citywide traffic conditions. This could include signal timing, re-striping, additional turning lanes, etc. These improvements would most likely be constructed as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program. In these circumstances, the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan would be used to guide the enhancement of public streets within the Specific Plan Area. 5.1.1 Sainfi Patrick Way Extension As part of future development, Saint Patrick Way will be extended from Golden Gate Drive to Regional Street. This extension will be necessary to move vehicular traffic through the Transit-Oriented District upon completion of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and new development projects on adjacent properties. Construction of the Saint Patrick Way extension would occur concurrent with (adjacent) development of the Essex and AMB parcels. The roadway would be constructed as a two-lane roadway with parking and sidewalks. See Figure 5-1 : Saint Patrick Way, for an illustration of the proposed street configuration. 108 CITY OF DUBLIN 5.2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation 5.2.1 Pedes#rian Pathways The existing or proposed east-west pedestrian pathways on the properfies extending from Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road may be improved to provide a better connection for pedestrians. Access to this pathway should be provided from sidewalks and across the rear service alley behind the retail establishments. This pathway may be improved as a private ouidoor space (such as a paseo) and follow the appropriate standards and guidelines. Landscaping, benches, building-mounted and string lighting, small•product vendors, entrances to retail establishments, projecting shade elements, and other similar elements may be provided to enhance the pedestrian realm. ~ ~ a_ o, _ , n ~ a M s.: . ~ „ ~.~, _ _, The City of Dublln Bikeways Master Plan identifies existing and proposed bikeways throughout the City (see Section 2.2.4 Circulation and Parking). As an implementation measure, this Specific Plan recommends exploring opportunities to expand the network throughout Downtown Dublin and creating improved connections to the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART. Bicycle facilities, such as bike lockers, bike racks, and shower facilities are encouraged in or near the station. Direct access to bicycle parking should be provided throughout Downtown Dublin and turning movements at intersections and into/out of major developments should be explored. 5.2.3 Golden Gate Drive Birycie Improvements This Specific Plan recommends improving Golden Gate Drive with bike lanes (Class II bikeway) between Dublin Boulevard and the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. This improvement should be made only if a traffic feasibility analysis is conducted and it is determined that such an improvement would better accommodate bicyclists with minimal impacts to traffic. If bike lanes are not provided on the street, then additional measures should be taken to highlight this street as a bicycle- friendly corridor. Such measures may include "sharrow" markings on the roadway, special signage, and sensors for bicyclists making left turns between Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive. 8/12/2010 5.3 Public Transit This Specific Plan does not propose any changes to the existing transit service through Downtown Dublin (see Section 2.2.4 Circulation and Parking). However, transit routes may be altered in the future to better connect passengers with the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. Such improvements should consider the timing of BART trains, distance traveled from one transit mode to another, and facilities, such as benches, shelters, signage, and crossings. Improvements to existing and new bus stops should be improved in accordance to the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan. 8/12/2010 MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN ~ S DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 109 ~ ~1~- ~ ~ v! \ (~ ~' S ~ MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN ~ Figure 5-1: Saint Patrick Way f'n ~ 8/12/2010 110 CITY OF DUBLIN 5.4 West Dubiin/Pleasanton BART Station Access The West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station is currently being constructed. The station is located along BART tracks with pedestrian bridges over Interstate 580 that connect to Golden Gate Drive in Dublin and to Stoneridge Mall Road in Pleasanton. Parking structures have been constructed on both sides of Interstate 580 to accommodate BART passengers. Station access is a key element in the planning of BART stations and surrounding development. Given the fact that transit-oriented development is proposed south of Dublin Boulevard, it will be important that future development projects incorporate wayfinding and access features into their plans. Where appropriate, development plans should identify types and locations of directional signage to the station. Signs should be provided at a pedestrian- and auto-oriented level to accommodate multiple types of passengers. Wayfinding maps and signs should be considered to help orient passengers and navigate them to their destination and other mode of travel (such as a bus stop, bikeway, or freeway). BART has prepared two documents that provide guidelines for station access and transit oriented development that can be referenced for general guidance when developing projects within a quarter mile of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART station. These are: ^ BART Station Access Guidelines (April 2003) ^ BART Transit-Oriented Development Guidelines (June 2003) MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ "! ~ 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 111 .~. 5 ~ MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN ~~ ~ 5.5 Infrastructure (~ .:1. ': ~~ ~:.:k ~' As described in Chapter 2: Site and Context, the Dublin San Ramon -' Services District (DSRSD) estimated that there is sufficient water supply to service future water demand in the Specific Plan Area over the next 20 or more years based on a buildout of an additional 3.2 million square feet of non-residential development and 717 residential units, which is within the demand requirements for this Specific Plan. New development projects would connect to existing water lines as shown in Figure 2-9: Potable Water System. DSRSD is also the purveyor of wastewater collection in the City of Dublin. They completed a Wastewater Collection System Master Plan update in June of 2005. Land use data assumed the same buildout conditions as described above for water. Due to projected future demands, the update recommended the following sewer improvement projects (which have been completed) within the Specific Plan Area: Dublin Boulevard West Relief Sewer - construction of a relief trunk sewer on Dublin Boulevard extending west from Amador Plaza Road. This project, completed in 2008, is designed to serve existing residential and commercial development west of I- 680, as well as the future Schaefer Ranch development in western Dublin, new development in the vicinity of the proposed West Dublin BART station, and potential future development and/or densification in the Specific Plan Area. Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) Sewer Replacement - replacement of an existing b-inch to an 8-inch line to address maintenance issues (a sagging line and heavy flows and grease discharged from adjacent restaurants) and to accommodate future high-density mixed-use development projected for the area south of Dublin Boulevard. 112 CITY OF DUBLIN New development projects would connect to existing sewer lines as shown in Figure 2-10. Given the fact that the Specific Plan Area is nearly completely covered with buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, and roadways, stormwater discharge rates are not able to exceed current conditions. Design guidelines identified in this Specific Plan encourage increased percolation through the use of vegetated swales, curb extensions, reconfigured parking lots with increased landscaping, and the use of pervious materials (e.g. pervious pavers) in parking lots. Implementation of these guidelines would result in a net reduction of off-site stormwater discharge rates and improve water quality. Several properties within the Specific Plan Area are located within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100-year floodplain (see Figure 2-12: FEMA Flood Zone). New construction is subject to floodplain regulations. The Zone 7 Stream Management Plan contains plans to retrofit the culvert that carries water from Dublin Creek under Donlon Way. The retrofit will increase the culvert capacity and minimize the risk of flooding in the area under the existing specific plans. 8/12/2010 8/12/2010 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 113 ~" ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ ~ ._.. 8/12/2010 This chapter describes the process for implementing and administering this Specific Plan, including the processes for development review, nonconforming uses, and amendments. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 114 6.1 Purpose and Intent The City of Dublin shall administer the provisions of this Specific Plan in accordance with the Specific Plan and Subdivision Map Act requirements in the State of California Government Code, the City of Dublin General Plan and applicable City Municipal Codes. The Specific Plan elements, procedures, regulations, standards and specifications shall supersede the relevant provisions of the City's Municipal Code as they currently exist or may be amended in the future, and the Specific Plan shall serve as the zoning code for powntown Dublin as identified in this Specific Plan. Where there is a conflict between this Specific Plan and the Municipal Code, the Specific Plan shall prevail. Where the Specific Plan is silent on a requirement, the Municipal Code shall apply as long as the regulation is consistent with the Specific Plan. b•2 Public Facilities and Infrastructure Funding Mechanism The project is expected to be fiscally self-sufficient. Each proposed development project will be required to fund its own on-site and off-site improvements consistent with existing City and special district regulations and requirements. Development impact fees will be required to be paid by each project to help off-set capital improvements that are required in the area as a result of development. These fees include, but are not limited to, traffic community facilities, fire, school, water, and sewer impact fees. A Downtown Traffic Impact Fee was adopted by the City Council to help fund roadway improvements in the downtown area and includes a variety of improvements aimed at improving traffic efficiency and pedestrian safety in Downtown. Public facility improvements for water and sanitary sewer service are managed and maintained by the Dublin San Ramon Services District. In the District's Capital Improvement Plan, the costs of capital improvement projects are assigned to Local Sewer Replacement and/or Local Sewer Expansion. The Replacement fund represents costs that are allocated to existing users (generally through sewer rates), and the Expansion fund 8~, 2,2~, ~ IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ~ 6 represents the costs allocated to future users (generally through connection fees). 6.3 Development Review Process All development project applications will be subject to the review requirements as described in this Specific Plan and/or as otherwise required by the City Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinances. All proposed plans for new buildings, expansion of existing buildings and exterior modifications will be required to comply with applicable provisions of this Specific Plan and Chapter 8.104 (Site Development Review). 6.4 Development Pool and Community Benefit Program Development Pool As discussed in Section 3.5: Future Development Assumptions, a base and maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is provided for each district in the Specific Plan Area (please refer to Table 3-3: Base and Maximum FAR per District). Property owners are allowed to intensify their site up to the Base FAR by right (non-residential square footage only). If a property owner would like to intensify their site beyond the Base FAR established for their District or construct residential dwellings, they may build up to the maximum FAR for their District by entering into the Community Benefit Program and obtaining the additional development potential from the Development Pool. The following Table illustrates the additional development potential (beyond the Base FAR) for each District. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECtFIC PLAN 115 ` ~ ~.1`~ L v~ ~ -~. 6 ~ IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION t~ ~ ~>^ ~ -~z~ << Table 6-1: Development Pool '?' ,'~~ 9> ...", :~~~~~ ~ The Community Benefit Program has been established to ensure that • ~ ~~ ~ developers provide a benefit to the Specific Plan Area in exchange for ~ ~ ~' ' •° ~ r receiving a higher density on their property. - 576,742 100 A developer who is taking part in the Community Benefit Program will e ,~; 1,659,806 1,100 required to enter into a binding agreement with the City that specifies the community benefit that will be provided in exchange for use of density .. -•• ~• 0 ~~~ from the pool. The City will negotiate the terms of the Agreement including the period during which the density will be available to the developer and community benefits that will be provided by the developer. The above Development Pool for the Transit-Oriented District includes the AMB project (150,000 square feet of office and 308 residential dwellings), the Essex project (309 residential dwellings) and the BART hotel (150 hotel rooms and 7,500 square feet of commercial). In the event that these projects are constructed, the corresponding development potential will be removed from the Development Pool. As these projects were approved prior to the adoption of this Specific Plan, the developers are not required to enter into the Community Benefit Program. If these projects are not constructed, the associated development potential will be made available to developers in the Transit-Oriented District. If only a porfion of one of these projects is constructed, the remaining development potential will be returned to the Development Pool for the Transit-Oriented District. For all three districts, the density obtained from the Development Pool will be available to the property owner for the period of time specified in a binding agreement between the City and the developer. At the expiration of that period, the density will be returned to the Development Pool if the project has not been constructed. The City will manage the Development Pool and maintain an inventory of all projects that are developed above the base FAR to ensure that development does not exceed the density cap in each district. A developer may be required to provide one or a combination of benefits in relation to the density they are obtaining from the Pool. Improvements or fees which are required by the Municipal Code are not considered to be a community benefit and are regardless of the project status. Examples of appropriate community benefits that might be provided by the developer include the following. ^ Public Plaza or gathering space; ^ Public Parks or Outdoor Play Areas; . Measures aimed at reducing Greenhouses Gases and Transportation trips including charging stations for electric vehicles, preferred parking for carpool vehicles, site specific transportation demand management programs, etc; ^ Sponsorship of a downtown special event (event to be approved by the City); ^ Public Safety enhancements including substation, vehicles, defibulators, fire extinguishers, etc; ~ Enhanced streetscape improvements (e.g. sidewalks, landscaping, fountains, etc); ~ Pedestrian connections to other sites or facilities ( e.g. easement dedications and pathway improvements). Note: This does not include pedestrian connections within the project site, which are required by good site planning principles; 8/12/2010 116 CITY OF DUBLIN ^ Transit improvements (e.g. enhance or construct bus shelters); ^ Payment into a Downtown Fund for future public improvements; and ^ Other benefit proposed by the developer or City Staff and approved by the City Council. The foregoing list of examples is not intended to limit or constrain the City's discretion to determine the appropriate level of community benefit required in exchange for the use of density from the pool. So far as possible, the City shall uniformly apply the community benefits requirement such that the community benefits required are proportionate to the amount of density obtained and the time period that it is made available to the project. It is acknowledged, however, that the City does not measure community benefit solely in relation to the monetary impact to the Developers. In other words, some proposed community benefits may be considered by the City to be particularly valuable, but they may be of comparatively modest financial impact to a developer. 6.5 Specific Plan Amendments Over time, various sections of this Specific Plan may need to be revised to respond to changing land use, economic or political conditions. Any amendment to this Specific Plan shall follow Government Code procedures (Sections 65453, 65454, and 65456), as well as local procedures as described in this chapter. Furthermore, the proposed specific plan amendment must be consistent with the goals, policies, and implementation measures of the City of Dublin General Plan. Amendments to this Specific Plan will fall under one of two categories (1) administrative amendments and (2) other amendments. The amendments will follow a separate procedure process as discussed below. A decision as to which category an amendment falls under shall be made by the Community Development Director. Admi~isfrative Amendments Administrative amendments to this Specific Plan are considered minor non-substantive revisions and require approval by the Community Development Director, but may be referred to the Planning Commission. 8/12/2010 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ~ 6 Administrative amendments do not deviate from the overall vision and intent of this Specific Plan. Examples of administrative amendments include, but are not limited to, minor non-substantive text changes, corrections and/or updates to existing conditions information, and other relatively minor changes that do not materially or substantively change the nature or intent of this Specific Plan such that it would constitute a change in land use, result in a new environmental impact, or adversely affect the economic development goals of the City. Other Amendments Other amendments to this Specific Plan are considered significant revisions and require a recommendation by the Planning Commission to the City Council and approval by the City Council. Examples of other amendments include, but are not limited to, changes to the land use plan, permitted uses, circulation improvements, and/or substantive changes to the development standards. 6.6 Nonconformities Chapter 8.140, Non-Conforming Structures and Uses, of the Zoning Ordinance shall be used for any nonconforming uses and buildings within Downtown Dublin. Land uses and structures existing as of the adoption date of this Specific Plan may continue to remain in accordance with Chapter 8.140. 6.7 Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Specific Plan, or any future amendments or additions hereto, is for any reason found to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Specific Plan document or any future amendments or additions hereto. The City hereby declares that it would have adopted these requirements and each sentence, subsection, clause, phrase or portion or any future amendments or additions thereto, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsections, clauses, phrases, portions or any future amendments or additions thereto my be declared invalid or unconstitutional. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN 177 ~ ~~ ~ ~ `~' t ~~ ~ ~n r 6 ~ IMPIEMENTATiON AND ADMINISTRATION 6.8 Interpretation The Director of Community Development is assigned the responsibility and authority to interpret the Specific Plan. Whenever the Director of Community Development makes an official interpretation of this Specific Plan, the interpretation shall be made in writing explaining the interpretation and the general circumstances surrounding the need for the interpretation. Any interpretation by the Director of Community Development may be appealed as provided in Chapter 8.136, Appeals, of the Zoning Ordinance. The Director of Community Development may refer interpretation of the Specific Plan to the Planning Commission for a decision at a public hearing. 6.9 Future Implementation ~... i ~A', 3~~ 0.1€V 8 ,.. , , , i..: . Prior to the first payment into the Downtown Fund (as permitted under the Community Benefit Program), the City will establish a Downtown Fund for the Specific Plan Area. The purpose of this fund is to provide the means to improve the Downtown Specific Plan Area. The Downtown Fund would be used by the City to construct or provide financing for improvements in the Specific Plan Area. The Downtown Fund may include some or all of the following: . Financing for fa4ade or site improvements which beautify the downtown(amount and program for offering financing will be determined at the time the fund is created); ^ Land acquisition; ^ Parking garage or surface parking construction; ^ Land assemblage; ^ Streetscape improvements; ^ Infrastructure improvements; and . Branding and marketing. 118 CITY OF DUBLIN Prior to establishing the Downtown Fund, the City Council will review and approve the proposed program including benefits provided by the program. ~~ ~;~.; As a fu,ture implementation measure, the City may establish a parking fund for the Downtown Specific Plan Area. The purpose of this fund will be to provide funding for the construction of surface parking or parking garage(s) within the downtown area. Developers who wish to reduce the number of required parking stalls on their site will be required to contribute to the fund in an amount equal to the number of parking stalls they are reducing on their site. This will allow for the future construction of shared parking to support these developments. The exact contribution amount per stall will be identified at the time the fund is established. 8/12/2010