HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 2 Exh A-1 Amd 1 to DA RECORDING REQUESTE~ BY: CITY ~F DUBLIN When Recorded Mail To: City Cierk City of Dublin 100 Civic Piaza Dublin, CA 94568 Fee Waived per GC 27383 S ace above this line for Recorde~'s use P AMEN~MENT NO. 1 TQ DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWE~N THE C1TY OF DU~LIN AND WESTERN PACIFIC HOUSiNG, iNC. FOR TH~ DUB~.IN TRANSIT CENTER E-1 PROJECT EXHIBIT A-l TO ATTACHMENT 2 THIS Amend:ment hlo. 1#o the [7evelopment Agreem~nt Between the Gity of Duk~lin and UVestern Paci~c Hausing ("Amendm~nt"} is made and e~ter~d in the City ofi Dublin on this ~ day of , 2~10, by ~r~ci be~ween th~ ~ity of Dublin, a Municipa! ~orpc~ratic~n {hereafter "Cit~"}, and Western Pacific Housing, inc, a Delaware corparatior~, doing business as Q.R. Hc~rt~n ~hereaf~er "Developer"), pursuar~t #o the ~uthority of §3 6~864 et seq. of the Galifarnia Gov~rnment Gc~de a~d ~ublin Municipal Code, ChapEer 8.56. City and Develaper are from #ime-tc~-tirne individuaiiy r~ferred to in t3~is A~reement as a"Party" and are collectivefy referr~d t~ as "Parties". R~CITALS ~I . C~lifc~rnia Gaver€~m~nt C~de 6~864 et seq. and Chapter 8,56 c~f the Dublin Municipa! Cade (hereafter "~hapter 8.5~"} autharize the Gity to enter into an agresrnent fcar the deveiopm~nt of reai prop~rty ~vith any persc~r~ having a legai Qr equita~l~ interest in su~h prc~perty in arder t~ establish c~rt~in developrr~~nk rights in such prop~rty. 2. C?evelaper d~sires ta d~velc+p and hold~'legal interest ir~ cert~in real prQ~~rty c~nsisting of a}a~r€~xim~tely A.1 acres ~f land, ~acated in the C'sty ofi Dubli?~, ~~unty c~f A#ameda, State ~rf California, ~hich is mc~re parfiicularly described in ~~hibit ~ attached her~to and ineorpr~ra~ed h~rein by this reference, and ~rhich rea6 prc~p~rty is h~reafter ~a(}ed f~~ "F'r~~erfy". The !~r€~perty is generaEiy kr~ovvn a~ fhe "`Trar~sit Genter Site E-1" ~nd is part of the Transit Cent~r Prop~rty Ic~cate~9 ~djacenit to the D~bl~n BAi~T sta#ion. 3. ~ursu~nt tv th~t ~+~#hc~rity, Cify ~r~c~ D~vef~~~r entered intc~ that certair~ "C~evel~pn~~n#l~c~r~errt~n~ ~et~nre~;n th~ ~ify ~f`~ubiin anc~ UVe~~~rn F~aci~c Housing, !nc f+~r th~ Dublin: Transit G~nter Site ~-1 Prc~ject", dat~d ~~t~ruary 7, ZOQ6 and r~c~rdec~ ir~ th~ O~ficial ~;~ct~rds o# Al~arr~~~a Co~nty ("~~fici~l R~ctarcfs"') can ~i~r~~h °i U, ~(ltl6> ~s cl~c~it~enf num~i~r ~~~fi~~J~~3f~ (,<(t» A~r~c;r~n~nf"), C}~v~;la~~;r pr~vica~t~ly fi~rc~~r~~~;ti tk~`~ ci~;v~k€~prr~~r~t F~rca~~;rt~ wich ~OtJ r~sid~r~ti~l ~~rits ~nd a~~r~xin~~t~:ly ~9 ~,Oq(~ 5c~~~~r~ f~~f gr~~~~t~ ~#t~~r rPt~il. ~he ~it~r ~pproved v~ric~us land us~ appro~r~ls in ~~nn~cti~r7 with the devel~~ar~a~nt ~f t}~e ~'rvp~rty, and the A~~e~r~~nt r~f~rr~~ ta th~ pr~p~s~l ~nd ti~~ ~s~r~ciat~d ci~v~lra~ar~~~t ~pprov~ls ~s, re~~ecfiv~ly, "the ~'rr~ject" ~nd'`th~ ~raject ~~~a~c~v~is." "f„h~ "~'r~j~ct A~pr~u~ls" ir~clu~i~d, witk~aut lir°~it~~ticrn, ~~f~~~ 2 Dev~lopm~nt I~I~n {~rd. ~ta, ~-O~j, Sit~ C}~v~lr~prrter~t ~tevi~w {Gity ~~a~nc~( Resol~~tic~~~ Nr~. 6-~6) ~nd ~ v~stinc~ tent~tive ~aarc~[ m~p (F'lanninc~ Crar~~trnission Resolufior~ ~JQ, 05-6£#). The Proj~ct Approv~ls r~m~in in eff~ct. 5. Deve~c~per nc~w pr~p~~es #he d~vel~~ment of #he Praperty w'tth 1(}5 residential unit~ as an ~lternativ~ approvai ("#h~,Alternate Project"j. The DeveEoper has ap~+ii~d for, and the City I~a~ ~~~roved or i~ processing, var~t~us land its~ apprc~vals in cc~nnection with ~h~ development of the Alternate Project, Anaendment No. 1 ta th~ Qev~fapmeni Agreement 8~iween the City of Dubiin and Western Pacific Nousfng for the C3ublin T~ansit Center Site E-1 Project Page ~ of 5 inc€uding, withoui limitation, a Plann~d development Rezc~nin~ (Qrd. NQ. S#ag~ 1 and ~ C}ev~IQpment Piar~ Amendments (Ord. NQ. ~ite Develapmenf Review (City Council Ft~se~lutic~n lVo. and a Vesting Ter~tative Trae# Map ('Planning Commission Resolution No. ~..Y). All such apprauals collectively, #ogether with any apprc~vals or perrr~its 'n~w ~r hereinafter issu~d uvith respect to the Alternate Project as re~errad to as #he "Alternate Proj~cf A~provals", Und~r th~ prc~pased enti#lements, ##te Gleveloper wil! ha~e ihe optian of proceeding vvith devefc~pment ur~d~r eith~r the Project Approvais €~r Altern~te Prflject Ap~pravals. 6. Section 9.3 c~f th~ Agreement requ~r~s that the Agreement be amended wh~re the density or intensify vf uses or term of the Agre~ment are arnended, Developer requ~sts amendrnenfs #c~ the Agreernent regardinc~ the density of uses under the Afternate Praject Apprflvafs, an extension ofi fhe existing term by seven years, an amendr~~nt to fhe affordabl~ housing abligations for the Property, and a provisian on a public art f~e. Thre P~rties agree that these revisions require an am~ndm~nt t~a th~ Agr~~menf. 7. TlZ~ Gify Council h~s fc~und th~t, amon~ other things, ihe Agreement, as arnend~d, is eonsistent wEth its ~en~;ral Plan and the Eastern Dublin S~~cific Plan ~nd h~s been revi+~u~r~d and e~aluat~d in accordanc~ wit~ Ghapt~r 8.55. ~ity and [Jeve4oper have ~e~ched a~reement and desire to express h~r~in an ~m~rtdm~nt to th~ Agr~ement tl~at ~+vi1i faciiifate ~evelo~ment c~f the Prr~ject sut~ject t~a cran~titicans set for~h 3~~r~ii~; ~r~d Qn , 2t~90, t#~e Cit~r ~c~ur~cil of the City c~f ~!u~lin acit~~~~ci t~rc~ir~anc~ ~tc~. ~~~~ir~ving ~frri~ ~rr~er~drt~~~~t. T~~e csrc~it~~n~~ tc~~k eff~ct on , 20~0 {"#he Am~ndment ~~ective I~ate"). NC~~"I, T~-fi~R~~'(J~~, wi~l~ r~ferenc~ tc~ th~ fcrr~c~~~~tc~ r~:citals ~ncf in t,c~n~ic#eratican c~~ fh~ rnu~~~! ~rc~rnis~s, c~blic~~ti~art~ ~~d c~v~t~~nt~ I~~r~in ~c~r~t~in~ci, ~iiy a~~d ~~;v~ic~~~~r ~e~r~~ ~s fr~ll~sw~: ~i~~EEMENI° ~~cfi~r~ Ti~~ t~rr~~ r~~ t~~~ Ac~re~:t~~~ni `a?r~ert~i~d f~llc~w~ ~c~ th~~ ali fi~rtr~~ ~p{alie~f~l~ t~ tt7e Prc~j~ct anr~ ~~4j~ct Ay~~rc~v~ls, ~i~;fii~~eti ia~ th~ l~gr~ement, ~hall ~~ply tc~ x~~~ t~lt~rnat~ F'r~jec# ~nd AI#~rnate Prajee# {~pprovals as defiin~c! in this Ar~endm~nt. Alf r~~erenc~~ t~ "~'rc~j~ct" in ~~ctions 5, 6, 7, S~, 1C?, 't~.2, and 2U c~f the Agre~ment ar~; ~mer~ci~ti ta read "PrQj~ct Qr Alternat~ Rraject". All r~ferer~ces tc~ `"Proj~ct Apprc~val~" in Secli~ns 7, 8, 'I0, 14,2, ~nd 20 of th~ Agreement ar~: amer~d~ci tr~ read "Prc~~ec~ Approvals or Alfernate Praject Approval~". Notwifhstandir~g the faregc~ing, th~ Agreement and Amendment shalf nt~t cre~t~ any right for Developer €a prr~ceed v;ri#h devetopment of both the ~'roject and Altern~te Proj~ct on the Prop~rty, t?nce the ~eveloper Amendment No. ~ to Che Develapment Agreemenf ~efwe~n the Ciiy of dubiin and W~stern Pacific Housing for the [7ublin Transit Center Site E-1 Project Page 3 of 5 I commences w~th d~v~lapment c~f ~ither the Proje~t flr Alternate Praject, the rights under the A~reement relating to the oth~r project not deve#oped ~ha1i be terminated. Far th~ ~urpasgs of this Agr~em~nt, °commences with devel~pmenY~ means the issuance of any building permit. Sectic~n 2, Se~ctit~n 4.2 of fhe A~reerrrent is am~nded in its en#irety tc~ read as follows: "4.2 Terrri. `1'he ferm c~f this Agr~~ement ~hal! cc~mmence on the Approval Date and s'ha(I terminate tw~lve 2} years thereafier on March 9, 2Q18, unless said term is c~kherwise terminated or modi~ed by circumst~nees se# ft~rth in this Agreemen#." Secti~an 3. 5eetion 1~ of the Agreernent is amended in its entirety tfl read as fo{lows: "'f 1`err~ of flroiect Ap~rc~vals and ~t~rna#e P, rr~ject Approval~. The term flf the Prc~ject Apprc~va(s and Alte~n~te Project Approvals are ext~nd~d for ~he #~rm of th~ A~reement suk~ject #o f~~ prc~vision~ c~f Section;4.2 of this Agree~ent. Notwithstan~ing the foregainc~> once the Develo~er ct~r~rrrances vrrith dev~lopment of either fhe Pro~ect or AI#ernate Projeet, the extension o# the #erm c~f ti~e project appra~als ~tnder #Fre Ar~re~ment f~r thc c~ther pr~je~t r~c~t develc~ped sh~ll be terrnin~ted. Fc~r the purpc~ses c?f this Agreement,: "cc~mmences with developm~~t" means; the i~suanc~ of an~ buildinc~ ~ermit. ~+~ctic~n 4. ~tmendrr~en( to Exhi~bif ~xhibif ~ ko t~~ A~r~~~n~r~f i~ i~e~~,~~ repl~~€~d ir~ its ent~r~ty ~vith Cxi~ibit 2 t~ this Am~nti~~n#. secti~r~ ~crunt~rparfs. This }~mendt~ner~t is exeeuted in two duplicat~ oric~i~i~ls, ~aeh c~f wt~ich ~s de~?n~d ta k~~ an rari~in~l. Amendment Nc~. 9 to the C?evelopment Agreement 8etween the ~ity of Dubiin and Westem Paci~c Housing far the Qubiin T~ansit Genter Siie E-~1 Project Fage 4 of 5 ~+~cki4n 6: Recardafion. Gity shall record a copy c~# fhis Amendmen~ within t~n {10} days fallawing ~xecution by aIl p~rties. It~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herefo have caused this Am~ndment ta b~ ex~cuted as af the date and year first above written. CiTY O~ aUBLIN: By: Date: Tim Sbranti, Mayor ATTEST: By: Date: Care~lir~c~ ~a~to, City Clerk , APPRiJilED P,S T~? F4RM: JoF~n Sakk~r, City A#tarney W~ST~RN F~ACf~I'C HC3USING IiVC, a QeEaware ~orpt~r~tian {.J~ I +,"'~.,~~q~F~ S~. Yi'($~~ ~W~l.i:r ~~~2. ~`.~9 . ffi ~ ~t pean K.wMiRs, Assistant Vic~ Presic~ent {NC3T/1Rl~~I TtUN ~t ~T"~1 Cl-l~'~} Ame~dment No. 1 to the t~evel~pment Agreement ~3etween f~e Gify af Dublin and Westerr~ Pacific Housing for the C3ublin 7ransit Center Si#~ E-1 Prc~ject Wa9e 5 flf 5 Exhibit 1 Legal Descriptian of Dublin Transit Center Sife E-1 Praperty Real property in the City of Dublin, County of Alameda, Stat~ of Califomia, described as foilows: Parcel 1, as shown on Parcel Map 7892, filed April 94 2005, in book 280 0# Parcel Maps, Pages 83 85 in the ~ffice of the Recorder of Alarneda County, Assessor's Parcel Number 986-0034-011-00. Exhibit 2 Amended Exhibit B ta the Agreement ~ EXHIBlT B Add'itional Candi#ions The following AdditicrnaM Conditians ~r~ her~by ?mposed ~ursuant to Parag~aph 5.3 af the Agreemenf. Subp~rac~raph 5.3.1 ~ubset~uent ~iscretionary 1#t~~rava(s None. Sub~araaraph 5.3,2 - Nli#i~tati€~r~ ~Qnditions S'ubsectit~n a. fnfr~~tructure 5eau~ncinq Pra~~rarn Th~ tnfras#ructure Sequencing ~rogram #c~r the Prt~ject is set forth below. {i} RQacls: The prc~ject-specifse roac#way improvemerrts (ar~d offers of dedicatior~) identific~d in fvr the Project in ~esc~lutic~n No, 1U-^ c~f the Cily of Dublin Piannin~ ~~rnmissic~n apprQVing 5it~ Deuel~pmer~t Review ~nd Vesting T~ntative Tract Map or fr~r tY~~ Ait~rnate Project in R~sc~lutir~n ~Eo. 1U-~ t~f t~~ City af Dublin ~lanning Gc~mmi~sir~n a~praving Site D~v~iopm~n# Review and V~sfin~ Tent~tiue Tract Map (hereaft~r "~DR and VTM }~esoCution"'~ shall be cam~let~d iay ~evelaper tc~ t~t~, satisfac#ic~n of th~ City Ertgir~ee~ ~t #he tirnes ~nd in th~ rn~nn~r sp~ci~~d in fh~ ~p~licabl~ ~D~ ~nd VTM Re~alutie+n unl~s~ c~th~ruvi~~ proviG3ed t~~lc~v~. ,~11 s~ch road~~r~y impro~e~m~nt~ s'h~ll b~ c~n~truct~d tc~ th~ satisfaction and req~airem~nts of City's G'rfy Engineer (ii~ ~~uv~r: AI! sar~it~ry sew~;r impr~v~:r~~~r~ts to s~rv~ #F~e ~rc~j~ct ~ite {~r ~?~y r~rr~rtl~ci ~~h~~~ c~f fhe ~raj~ct or ~(t~rn~t~ F'~aj~~t} ~h~ll kr~ ~o~~~~a~~te;r~ iK~ accar~ar~ce witl~ [~~F~S~ r~q~airem~nt~. (iii) W~ter:~ e~t~ all we~t#~er rc~~c~w~y ~r~c~ ~~t~ ~a~#~rav~c~ i°~yr~r~r~t ~nc# w~Yer s~~{~~ly system ~~~~.ail b~ ~v~ila~l~ ~nc~ ir~ ~~rvic~; ~t th~ ~it~ in ~ccaed~nc~ vvith t(~~ t~ntativ~ map c4nditir~ns t~f ~pprc~v~E ta th~ ~~tiu#~cti~n ~r~d req~aire~~nts sf t1~~ City's fire d~par#ment. AIf potable w~t~r systern c~mp~nents to serve the praj~c# sit~ shall be eompl~ted in accardance with the DSRSC7 requirements. Amendment No. 't to the Deveiapment Agreeme~t Page 1 of 7 Beiween the City a# G?ublin and Wesfern R~cifc Housing far #he L?ublin Transit Genter Site E-1 RroJect - EXHIB#T B Recycled ~vat~r lines st~all be irtsta!!ed in accardance v+ritl~ tE~e ter~tative map conditions of apprc~vat. (iv) Stc~rm Draina~te: The storm drainage systems off~site, as well as on-site drainag~ systems fiQr the ~reas to b~ occ~pied, shall be improved consistent with th~: tenkative map conditians af apprc~vai and to the satisfaction artd requirements c~f the aublin Public Works Departrn~nf applying the City's ar~d ~one 7{Alameda ~Qt~nty'Flood Contrc~l ar~d Wafer Conservation District, Zon~ 7~ st~ndards and palicie~ which are in force and effect at the time of issu~nce of (h~ permit' fic~r #he proposed improvements. Pursu~nt #o Aiarn~da County's National Pollutian Discharge Elimina~tion Perrnit (NRGES) No. ~AS(}02983~ wifh the Califc~rni~ Regional Water Q~cality G~ntrc~l E34ard, c~r pursuant to`subsequent p~rrnits adnpted by the Board, ail gra~iin~, cc~nstru~t~on and c~evelopment activit~es w~thin ' th~ Gi#y of ~ubfin must com~ly with fhe provi~ions o# the C[ean Water Act. Prc~per erosion control measures must b~ Enstalled at d~velopment sites v~+ithin the Gity during canstruction, and al1 activitie~ shail adhere ta Best Management F'ra+ctices. (v) C?#h~er Util~ties {e,~, t~a~, ePecfricitv, cable televisi~n~, te~~~: ~anstrue#ion s#~afl be cr~mp(eted bY phase prior tt~ issuance c~f tE~e ~ir~t C~rtificat~ af Occu~~~cy for any building within that sp~~ific ~h~s~ of accupancy for the Project or Alternate Pro~~ct. ~~ab~~~ti€~r~ b. ~i~~~~l~ra~t~t~~ {i) ~t~m~t~tinn ~{l~~r ~~ferr~~, Na#wi~h~t~r~cii~aq tt~~ fc~r~g~air~~, th~ ~ity'~ Puk~lic Utlor~c~ C~ir~ctnr m~y, in ~~i~ r~r h~r sc~le c#is~r~#ic~n ~nc~ ~~~~n rec~i~t af dacumer~t~tic~n in ~ fc~rm ~atis~f~~tc~ry tca th~ ~i~t~lir:llV~rlc~ ~ir~~tor th~fi ~s~ur~s c~~~i~af~tic~n, ali~w ~~v~lt~~~r tr~ cl~~~r ~orn~l~tic~n t~f di~crat~ porti~n~ of any p~~bli~ imp~ovecn~nts f€~r th~ Project c~r AEtern~t~ #~r~j~ct i~ tl~~ Public VUor#cs C7irector det~rrr~in~~ th~t tc~ c~o sc~ wauid nat j~op~rdize th~ pu~li~ h~~#th, s~f~fy c~r w~if~r~:: ~ut~ ~ra ra t~ ~.3.3~ ~h~~ir~ `ti~nir~ 1"his Agreem~r~t cant~ins nr~ re~~~irements that D~v~loper rnus~ initi~t~ crr co?~nplete deveiopment c~f kh~ Project ~r AI#~rnate Prc~ject withi~ ~ny period a~f fime set by the City. It is t}~~ inten#i~zn c~fi this provision th~t dev~lc~~aer be ~k~le'ta develap the Property in accord~nce with its own time ~chedules and the Pro~ect Approvals or A!#ernat~ Projec# Apqroval~. Arnendment IVo. 1!o the ~f~uelopment Agreemenk P~ge 2 af 7 Between the City of Dubfin and We~fern Paciftc Hous~ng fcrr fhe E3ubfin Transit Center Si#e E-1 Frojecf EXHBIT S ~ubp~rac~raph ~ 3.4 - F'rnanair~~ P~an Developer wili instal~ aIl impravements necessary f~r the Proje~t or Aiternate Project at its own cost (subj~ct to credits for any imprc~vem~n#s which gualify for cr~edits as pr~vided in Subparagraph 5.3.6 ~~low). Utl~er infrasfructure necessary ta pra~+ide sewer, ~aotabfe vvat~r, and reeycfed water services to fl~e Prr~}ect c~r Alterna#e Prc~je~t wil! bc~ rnad~ avai(able by th~ Dubiin San Ramc~n 5~rvices District, If so required by Dublin San Raman Serviee~ District, Develaper will enter irttc~ an "Area Wide Facili#ies Agrsernent" with the Dubfin San Ramon Service~ Dis#rict #a pay far the cost of extendir~g such services to fhe Projec# c~r AMt~rnate Prajec#. Such s~rviees shall be prcavided as set farth in Subparagra~h 5:3.2{a)(ii} and ~iii} abc~ve. Subr~arat~raph ~.3.5 Fees, Tl~~licati~ns Except as ath~rwise prt~vi~~d in this S~~bpara~r~ph ~.3.~ orthis Devefopment Agreement, D~velaper shail pay any fees re~uired by Subsectic,ns a-g at fhe time such fees ~re due ur~der the r~solutian~ an~/c?r urdin~n~es establi~hing and/or am~nding such fees. Subsecti~n Tr~fF~c ~m~r~c# Fe~s. Develc~per sh~ll pay th~ Eastern Dublin Traffiic Innpact F~e ("T1F"} established by Resc~lution Nc~, 40-'1Q, includinc~ any am~ndments t~ such fee fhat may be in effiect at th~ time of issuance af Faaildinc~ perm~#s. D~v~lcjper wili pay ~uch fe~s n~ later tt~~n t~~ time c~f i~suance c~f t~~rilc~ing p~rmit~ ~nd in th~ amc~~nt ~af tt~~ irnp~~t fe~ in ~ff~ci ~t tim~ caf ~c~ilc{inq ~~Prrnit is~~a~nc~. ~ ~t~~b~~c~i~~ Tra~~~ I~n ~c~ F~ee t~ R+~~m~aurs~ P[~~~~~n°~on ~c~r ~r~ew~i~ Intc~rch~r~q~s. ~~v~lo~~r ~h~ll p~y th~ ~a~t~rn i~ublin I--;at~U Irit~rchan~e in t~h~ amc~unt~ ancl at tl~e tit~~~;~ ~~;t fc~rth in f~e~c~i~~ti~~~ No. '[~:i~9~ ~nci k~y ~r~y r~~c~luii~n w~ich r~vises ~t~ich Fe~ th~t m~y in ~~fect ti~~ tin~~ ~rt issuance of building perrl~its. ~eveloper wiN pa~ ~uch fe~s no l~t~r th~n the tim~ vf is~uanc~ c~f b~aildin~ p~;rr~its. ~~at~s~~~i~n ~uk~li~ ~~~iiit's~~ neveloper shal! p~y a~'ublic ~'~cilities ~'~e ~~t~~lisheci by ~it~ c~f C~~alalin F2esalu#ion No. 214-D2, incltidi~g any ~m~ndments t~ sucl~ fee th~t may k~~ ir? effsct at the time of issu~r~ce af building permits. ~ Develc~pe~ w~ll pay s~ach fe~s no later than the time of issuance of F~uilding permits. Sub~ectior? d. Ploise ~Vli#ic~aticrn Fee. Amendment No. 1 to the Deveto~ment Agreement Page 3 of 7 Beiween #he Cify of [~ublin and Western Pacific Nausing far the Dublin `fransit Genter Site E-1 Project - ~Xt~I~IT ~1 Developer sh~31 pay a Noise Mi#igatian ~ee established by City af Dublin RE'SC7IUft011 NO. ~~-~6, inciuding any amendments to such fee that may b~ in effect at tt~e time of issuar~ce af builcfing permits. Develap~r will pay such fe~es no latar than the #ime af issuance of building permifs. Sctbsecti~n et Schor~l lmpact Fees. Schoal im~act ~ees shall ~ie paid by D~velQper in acc~rdanc~ with ~ouernment Code sectian 53fl80 and the agreernent beiween C~evelc~per Qr ~ts pred~c~ssc~r in int~rest and t~e Qublin UniFied ~choo! Qistriet regarding payment c~f school mitigatian fees. 5~ubsectic~n f. ~ir~ ~~cili#ies Fe~s. Deueloper shall pay ~ fire facilities fe~ estabEished by ~ity c~f C?ub(in Resc~lutic~n N~. 'E2-03 including any amendmenis to sueh fe~ that mray t~e in eff~cf at the tifne pf issuar~ce t~f builda'ng perrrtifs. Developer wi11 pay such fees no [ater #han #he time of is~uar~ce c~f building permits. SubsectiQn . Tri»V~Ilev Trar~sta~r~atic+n t~~vel~,~ment Fe~. Qevelo~er sha!! pay #I~e T~i-Valley Transport~tion a~vel~pm~nt F~~ in the arncaunt and af #he times s~t forth in City'of Dub[in Res~rlufi~n ~io, 5~-98 or any rescalution which r~vis~s such fee. L?e~rel~per will pay such f~es r~a iat~r th~r~ th~ time of i.~suanc~ c~f b~rilc~in~ ~ermits and in the amour~t af fih~ ~m~a~t fee in effieet iime c?f bui(ding permi# issu~nc~. ~tabparac~ra~h ~~3.6 R~imb~r~~m~n~ ~utase~~i~rn a. Tra~ic 1m~~ct F~~ 6rn~rc~v~~ne~its Cr~d~~ Th~ C~ity ~hail ~arc~v~ci~ ~ cr~dit ~c~~inst ~a~f~rn ~ublin T'r~~~ lmp~cfi I~e~~ ~t~ C}~v~lcaper fc~r t~7~s~ ir~prt~v~~ri~r~is c~~~c;ri~+~~ i~i ki~~ r°~scai~~ic~t7 ~~t~i~lisliiri~ t~7~ ~~~t~;~-r~ l~ut~lir~ Tr°ffic Im~a~c~t if ~ucit irr~~r~~iv~r~~~r~ts ~re ~~n~tr~~t~~J t~~r th~ n~v~loper in ~heir uitirr~~t~ I~c~tic~n. All ~~p~cts of tl~~ cr~d€t ~t~~l! b~ c~~v~rn~d by tl~~ °C'l~ Guiclelines. ~u~as~~c~ian ~i. ~'r~~i~ I~n ~~c~ ~ti ~ t~~ar~f~'~°V~ ~~c~i~atic~~~ ?~~F~~li~ 1"h~ City shall prc~~i~'~ ~ cr~dif against ~~~tern DubGn Tr~~fic lmpact ~ees , t~ ~evelc~per for ~ny TIF ~rea righ~aof-way to be dedicated by C~evel~per tc~ #he ~ify which is required far im~rr~vements which are d~scribed in the resulution establishing the East~rn Duk~lin Traffic lmpact Fee. AI( ~spects r~f the creclits s'hall be governe+d by the Tl~ Guidelines. Amendmenf Nv. 1 to the DeveCopment Rgreement Pac~e 4 of 7 Between the Cify of Dubiin and West~rn #'acific Hausing tor the Dubl~n 7'ransit Center Sit~ E-1 , Prpjeet - EXNIBIT B Subparaaraph 5.3.7 - Miscellaneous Subsection a. Affordabte Housinq Requirements. This subsection shal! govern fhe affordable hausing requiremenf for the Property. As between the parties, it replaces irt its enfirety #he affordabie housing requirements applicable to the Property {Transit Center Site E-1 ~ set forth in Sectian 12 af !he First Amendment to Master Development Agreemen# Between City of Dublin and Surplus Property Authority of Alameda Coun#y for the Dublin Transit Center Project, dated October 4, 2005. This subsection does not revise any of the requirements for affordable housing applicable to the Dublin Transit Center Project, other than Site ~-1, set forth in Section 12 in the First Amendment to Master Development Agreement Between City of Dublin and Surplus Praperty Authority of Alameda County for the Dublin Transit Center Project, dated October 4, 2005. The afFordable housing requirement for the Project and Alternate Project shalt be met by the payrnent of an in-lieu fee ra#her #han construction of units on-site. The affordable ho~sing requirement shall be fifteen percer~t {15%} of the total residential units canstructed on the Property. The in-iieu fee shaff be calcuiated as follows: the amount of the City's per-unit fee in lieu of constr~ction of inclusionary units that is in effecf on the Effec#ive Date of the Amendment No.1 to #he Agreement ("Amendment Effective Date") (which equais One Hundred Two Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-One Doflars ($102,151.Q0)) multiplied by a number equai to fifteen (15%} o# the total residential un~ts ta be constructed on the Property ("Tota! Affordable Housing Fee"). For the Alternate Project {105 residentiaf units), the Total Affordable nousing Fee shall equ~l O~a Million ~ix #~iu~dred Thirty-four Thousar~d Fcur Hundred and Sixteen Dollars ($1,634,416). The Developer shafi pay the Tota! Affardable Hausing Fee in accordance with the following schedufe: p~~e Amcaunt Firs# ~ayment 1 Year after Amendment $300,OOU. Effective ~ate ~ecand 2 years afte~ $400,000. Payment Amendment ~ffectiv~ Dat~ Third Payment 3 years after $400,000. Ar~n~r~dr~n~nt Ef#ec~ive Date Amendment No. 1 to the Development Agreement ~ Page 5 of 7 Between the City of Dublin and Western Paciffc Housing for lhe Dublin TransEt Center Site E-1 Project - EXHlBIT B ~'our#h Paymen# 4 years after $534,41~. AmendmenY Ef~ective Dat~ Total ~ $1,634,~4'i 6. For the Project ~~00' residential uni#s), the Tc~#al Affordable ~lousing Fee shafl equal Four Million Five Hundred hJinety-six Th~usand Se+~en Hundred and Ninety-five D411ars {$4,596,79~). The Qevel~p~r shaf) pay the Tc~ta! Affarda~le H~using Fee in accordance wi~h the fc~llowing schedule; ~u~ Date Am~aunt ~irst Rayment 1 Year after Amendr~ent $830,UOQ, Ef~ectiv~ aate Secsand 2 years after $1,1~U,~!tl+~. Rayment Rm~ndr~en# Effec#ive C}~te Third Paym~nt 3 y~ar~ af#er $1,100,~~~. Amendr»ent Effective U~?~~ ~~ur~i~ Paymer~~ ~ y~~tr~s ~~~r $1,5~C,79~, ~m~ndrraer~t ~fte~tive ~?~t~ "~"at~l ~41,596,795. {f th~ L~~velag~er ha~ nt~t ~~s~mitf~c~ ~(~n~ fcsr th~ d~~~l~apr~~nt taf th~ ~'roj~ct ~r }~lt~rnat~ E~'rra~~ct ~~fc~r~ tt~~ C~u~ ~~t~ for ~ny ~f th~ r~c~uir~d' P~~n~~n~~ ~~a~cifi~d ~#ac~v~, th~ ~rr~aur~t raf #i~~ i~~ymer~t sh~ll b~s~c~ on th~: ~a~ym~n~ ~~1~eduf~ f~r the Alternate Prc~jec#'. If ~ev~lc~p~r rr~~kes any payrr~ent af th~ °~~tal ~f~c~rdable Hc~usinc~ ~ee bas~ci ~n t~e ,~I~~rn~t~ ~'r~ject ~nc3 tl~~ ~3evelc~per s~abr~it~ pl~ns for ~he ~rc~j~ct, th~n ~~u~l~~~r ~h~ll ~~~y tf~~ ~at~llt~fc~rd~#~I~ Hau~i~~rg Fe~ f~r tF~e l~rroject in ~~~cardanc~ witY~ ~1~~ ~~ym~nt sch~ciul~ fcar th~ F'i~c~j~ct, provici~cl hc~wever ti~at ~ny P~yn~ent~ ~ire~dy ?ra~ad~ fc~r tl~~ /~It~rn~t~ F'ra~ect ~h~ll be credited t~ P~yments far the ~'raj~ct. Any P~yment~ for t~~ F'r~aje~t that i~~cl ~ Due ~at~ prior to the dafe of sul~rnissi~n af plans for the Praj~ct sh~ll be paid ~t fhe time Qf submission c~fi Project pians. Amer~dment No. 1 to #he Devel~pmer~t Agreement Page 6 c~f 7 Beiween the Cily of Dublin and W~stern Pacific Housing for #he Dublin Transit Center Si#e E-1 Project - EXH1BiT B 7his affordable huusing requir~m~nt constitutes ar~ "alternative m~thod o# complianee" under the City's Inclusionary 2oning Regul~fions {~hapter 8.68 of the Dublin Municipal Code and Section 8.5~3.040E}. Through ifs approval of this subsectian, the City Council hereby finds that #he "alternafiwe method of cc~mpliance" mee#s #he ~urpc~ses c~f the ~ity 1r~cEusit~nary Zc~nir~~ Regulations and will promote the City's afifardabiEity and H~using Element ~r~a1s, and hereby waives f~e specific requirements of the City lnclusianary ~oning Regutatians fior the Praject or Alfernate Prc~ject. !f the City's lnc[usi~nary Zoning Regula#ians are repealed or sus~ended in the • future, then Develo~aer is nt~t obligated ta mak~ any paym~nt of #~e portion c~f the ~ applicable Total AfFordabl~ Ht~using Fee that is due afiter the ~ffective date of fhe repeal or suspension o# #h~ Regufations. Notwiths#anding ~nything tc~ the cc>ntrary in the A~r~~ment, if any payment by develaper required under this subssction is not received in f~rll by t~~ Gity by ihe due date fior such payment, fh~ apprc~val c~f C7evelc~p~r's "alterr~ative mett~od r~f compliance" shall become ineffective. Accordingly, in such event, the City will withh~Ed ~~rther issuan~e c~f buildirtg permits and afher appravals until such tirne as Develaper ~a~ enter~d in~a a b~nding agreemertt specifyin~ I~c~w it will cornply wi#h the Ci#y inclusiona~ Zc~ning F~egulations. The a~€orc~ab~~: hotasing requirerr?~nts sha~f survive terminatian of the Agr~em~nt. ~uk~~ecti+an Pc~#~lic ~rt F~~ R~~uir~m~nt. Fi~r the Project ar #~e Alternat~ Project, the Deuelaper s1~af( pay ~ sir~gle pubfic ~rt fie~ in tt~~ arn~un# af ~ifty T~lousand Doll~rs ~$~O,tID(?.C~t3} p~~ar t~ i~suanc~ nf th~: fir~t b~aildi~c~ p~rmit (~~Put~lic ~rt `~"h~ ~'ia~iic ,~r~ ~~t~l! k~~ us~~! for pu~fic art purposes as ~f~terrrtin~d in ti~~ sole discretion t~f th~ G~fy. The payment c~f th~ Public Art F~e st~~li constitut~: full ct~m~li~nc~ with Gc~r~c~iti~n of A{~~r~av~~ ~1 c~f th~ ~it~ ~e1~~1~pm~nt €~eui~w fcar th~: Proj~ct ~r~~ sl~all cc~n~~it~!t~ €~all ~+ar~~~a{i~r~c~ ~+ith ~all Pd~blic ~rt r,cartcii~ic~n~ nr r~c~?~ir~~n~nts th~f m~y h~ ~~~liPCi to th~ ~(~~rn~tiv~ F'r~~j~:€;f. 1486~5"1.10 Amendment No. 1 to the Dev~lopmenf Agresmen# Pags 7 0# 7 Setween the Ciry af dub9in and Western Pacific Housing tor ihe ~ublin Transit Genker S3te E-1 Project - ~XHI~lT B