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• 951 Turner Court, Room 100
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July 27, 2010
Martha Aja
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Dear Ms. Aja:
Subject: Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration for Dublin Climate
Action Plan (CAP)
Reference is made to your transmittal of a copy of Draft Initial Study and Negative
Declaration for the adoption of the Draft Climate Action Plan, a document that provide
policies and measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the City of
We have reviewed the submitted documents and have no comments to offer at this time.
If you have any questions, please ca11 me at (510) 670-5209.
Very truly yours,
R s e De Leon ,
A si gineer
Development Services Department
Yage 1 oi 1
Martha Aja
From: Diane Lowart
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 9:43 AM
To: Martha Aja
Subject: Climate Action Plan
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Negative Declaration for the Dublin
Climate Action Plan. For the record, I have no comments.
Diane Lowart
Parks & Community Services Director
City of.Dublin
Au~7 5. 2;i1 ii 4;3F'M V:. :l i~ F.
~'',eION sEq pIC
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SEI2VICES 'tng ftlOTein')r", . RAX: 925 829 1180
DTSTRIG"Z' S~NCE 1953 f~~ "~v dsrsd.com
August 4, 2010
Martha Aja, Enviroiunental Specialist
City of Dublin - City Manager's Office
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Subject: Notice oF Intent fo Adopt a Negative Declaration for tlie Dab13n Climate
Action Plnu (C.AP)
Dear Ms. Aja:
Thank you for the oppoi-tunity to conunent on the zbove subject dociiment. The Dublin San
Raanon Services District (DSRSD) has reviewed the Draft Climate Action P(an (CAP) and Iias
the following comment.
The actions in the Draft CAP, wvhich primarily addresses green.house gas (GHG) emissrons, will
not materia3lq affect DSRSD or its operations, Neveilheless, DSRSD is in favor of the adoption
of the Draft CAP in order to ensure the Ciry of Dttblin adequately addresses the issue of CrHG
DSTZSD will eontinue to work with the City of Dublili to mutua.lly provicle services to our
clastorners and residencs wlrile protecting our valuable enviroiunevt.
Thpnkc yott fot the opporttunity to review the Draft Cliinate Action Plan. Yf you have any
qLYestions regarding DSRSD's coxnn.lents, please contact me at (925) 875-2253.
Associate Engiueer
cc, Dave Requa
U~blln 4en h'=on Senice: Dislricl ie a NFlit Entip'
HAENQMprnCk~WOI to adoptNegneo for the AubUn Climsta AcUon Plan nug 20104oc
08/05;2010 THU 15:22 [T1iiRH F1O 65001 U 001
August 5, 2010 ~I~ OF ~}f,~p°0N
`I MarthaAja AiG 17 2010
B A Y A R E A City Manager's Office ~r_!~
100 Civic Plaza
AIRQUALITY Dublin, CA 94568
MANAGEMENT Subject: Draft Dublin Climate Action Plan
D t s r a I c r
S I N C E 19 5 5 Dear Martha Aja:
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (District) staff reviewed the City's
Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) and the Draft Negative Declaration. We
ALAMEDA COUNTY understand that the project is the adoption of the CAP, a document that provides
Tom aates policies and measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within
(Vice-Chairperson) the City. The goal of the CAP is to reduce the City's communitywide GHG
Scott Haggerty
Jennifer Hosterman emissions by 25% below a business-as-usual scenario by 2020. The CAP
Nate Miley describes the baseline GHG emissions produced in Dublin in 2005 and estimates
coNrRn cosrn couNrr GHG emissions in 2020 that could be expected if the CAP is not implemented.
John Gioia The City expects emission reductions to be achieved by a range of ineasures
~ v d H~d on under the City's control, coupled with state initiatives aimed at reducing GHG
Mark Ross emissions.
Gayle B. Uilkema
MARIN COUNTY The District applauds the City's proactive approach to reducing GHG emissions
Harold C. Brown, Jr. and supports its efforts in developing the CAP. Further, the District believes a
NAPA COUNTY Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy, as in this case the City's CAP, is an effective
Brad Wagenknecht and efficient strategy to address GHG emissions. We offer our assistance towards
(Chairperson) ensuring the CAP meets the City of Dublin's goals and the District's standard
SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY elements of a Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy set forth in our recently updated
Er c Mary CEQA Guidelines (June, 2010).
Gavin Newsom
SAN MATEO COUNTY The District has the following specific comments on the CAP.
Carol Klatt
Carole Groom
SANTA CLARA COUNTY Baseline GHG Emissions Inventorv -
Susan Garner
Ash Kalra The methodology used by the City is not consistent with the DistricYs
Liz Kniss recommended methodology for quantifying a plan's GHG emission inventory and
Ken Yeager therefore should not be compared to the District's significance threshold to
SOLANO COUNTY determine the significance of the CA.P's GHG impacts as is stated in the City's
James Spering Negative Declaration. (BAAQMD CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, at page 9-3;
SONOMA COUNTY Draft Negative Declaration at page 6.) To clarify, the CAP should be designed by
Shirlee Zane following the District's recommended methodology and thus meet the District's
Pamela Torliatt criteria of a Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy.
Jack P. Broadbent
~',vvr~~~/ f1~? ~l~1 f .
The Air District is a Certified Green Business Prin[ed using soy-based inks on 100% post-consumer recycled content paper
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Martha Aja - 2- August 5, 2010
The District recommends the CAP's emissions inventory account, at a minimum, for
municipal and communitywide emissions from the following sectors:
1. Transportation
2. Commercial
3. Industrial
4. Residential
5. Solid Waste
The CAP's emissions inventory, however, excludes certain emission sources and may
lack sufficient information. First, District staff was unable to determine how the CAP
addresses tlie relationship betiueen energy and water. The inventory may lack emissions,
for example, from wastewater treatment processes. The CAP states at page 17, "water
related emissions were not included in the inventory While water related emissions are
typically embodied in the energy data for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors,
emissions associated with wastewater may not be. The District recommends the CAP
follow the guidance on quantifying emissions from wastewater treatment processes,
located in the District's GHG Plan Level Quantification Guidance at section 1.4.3. This
document may be found on the District's web site under CEQA Guidelines, Tools and
Second, the CAP further states that emissions from industrial electricity and natural gas
use, as well as Direct Access electricity use have not been included in the inventory.
(Draft Climate Action Plan, July, 2010, at page 20.) The District can assist local
governments in developing and providing non-proprietary GHG emissions data for
industrial facilities that are permitted by the Air Distnct.
Reduction Target
It does not appear that the City's GHG emissions reduction target meets any of the three
options provided in the District's CEQA Guidelines for establishing a GHG reduction
target (BAAQNID CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, at page 4-10.) The emissions reduction
target in the CAP aims to reduce GHG emissions by 25°ro below the City's 2005
business-as-usual inventory by 2020. The District's CEQA Guidelines recommend that a
Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy, in this case the City's CAP, establish a target that is
consistent with the goals of AB 32. The CAP should provide substantial quantitative
evidence that the City's goal is consistent with AB32.
GHG Emissions Forecast
The District recommends that the GHG emission projection, or forecast, for communities
reflect a business-as-usual approach, in which emissions are projected in the absence of
any policies or actions that would occur beyond the base year. Emission reductions from
policies or actions that take place prior to the base would be accounted for in the
business-as-usual forecast. It is unclear whether the City has followed this approach. For
example, the CAP states at page 31 that, "The City of Dublin has a high-density
Martha Aja - 3- August 5, 2010
residential land use designation, which allows 25.1 + dwelling units per acre If this .
land use designation was adopted prior to the 2005 base year, then any future
developments adhering to it would be considered part of the business-as-usual forecast
and the CAP should not use this policy as an emission reduction measure toward the 25%
reduction goal.
The District understands that the CAP uses population and employment information
based on growth-rate projections from the Association of Bay Area Governments
(ABAG) Projections 2005 report. The District recommends the CAP use the most recent
demographic information available, which would be from ABAG's Projections 2009
GHG Reduction Measures
A fundamental purpose of a Qualified GHG Reduction Plan is to evaluate and provide a
range of possibilities and outcomes which would allow future proj ects to select mitigation
measures that are most applicable and effective, sparing future projects from performing
redundant analysis. The City may have unintentionally excluded feasible and effective
reduction measures applicable to communitywide emission sources other than those listed
in the CAP's Appendix D.
District staff recommends the City expand upon the measures identified in the CAP's
Appendix D that, if implemented, would collectively achieve the specified emissions
reduction goal. The current measures address only portions of communitywide emissions
sources and may only apply to specific types of projects. For example, additional
measures could include, but are not limited to, improving water efficiency, implementing
additional transportation and land use measures, and requiring energy efficiency retrofits.
See BAAQMD CEQA Air Quality Guidelines: Mitigating Plan-Level Impacts, beginning
at page 9-8 for a list of specific measures that should be considered to reduce the City's
GHG emissions.
The CAP repeatedly states that, "Estimating the growth of City infrastructure or services
was not within the scope of this project, and, therefore, this document does not include a
forecast of government operations emissions. Consequently, the emissions reductions for
this nzeasure are not included as part of the reduction target. "(Draft Climate Action
Plan, July, 2010, at page 40.) Emissions from municipal operations are typically
embodied in the communitywide inventory and forecast. Therefore, it is not necessary to
develop a separate forecast for municipal operations in order to account for the emission
reductions from municipal emission reduction measures. The District recommends the
City quantify reductions from municipal operations measures and include those
reductions in its accounting towards its GHG reduction target.
In addition, the District was unable to verify the applicability and effectiveness of some
of the reduction measures included in the CAP. The Green Building Ordinance, as an
example, listed under Energy Measures only applies to residential projects with 20 or
inore units. There is little detail provided as to how effective this ordinance has been in
Martha Aja - 4- August 5, 2010
the past or as to identifying the types of green building techniques that have been
required. Similarly, it is unclear how many prior projects were not required to comply
with the ordinance or how many future projects will likely be 19 units or less. While the
CAP does provide some examples of past projects (Id. at page 34), it is uncertain if these
exainples are representative of the type and scale of new development Dublin can
reasonably anticipate occurring in the future. The City should clarify how the standards
in the Green Building Ordinance would apply to new residential development, thus
ensuring the City is able to justify their estimated reductions credited by this strategy.
Regarding the CAP's reliance on measures implemented by the State, the einission
reduction calculations for the CAP's stated measures are not transparent and verifiable.
The einission reduction discussion for each ineasure should clearly state which emission
sector the measure is targeting and how the emission reduction was calculated. For
example, in the discussion on the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard, the CAP assumes
that a 19% reduction in the City's 2020 electricity use emissions will result in a reduction
of 33,594 MTC02E/year in 2020. The CAP's inventory does not list the GHG emissions
for the City's electricity sector for 2005 or 2020, making it unclear how the 19%
reduction is being calculated for electricity use. The City's estimated electricity use
reductions cannot be verified with the given information. Lastly, it is unclear how the
CAP estiinates emission reductions from AB 1493. The CAP should clearly list the total
GHG emissions in the emission inventory's on-road passenger/light duty transportation
sector and how a 15.75% emission reduction would result in a 46,034 MTC02e/year
District staff recognizes that the Draft CAP includes valuable analysis and policies, and
represents a significant commitment by the City. District staff is available to assist the
City staff in addressing these comments. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact Ian Peterson, Environmental Planner II, at (415) 749-4783.
y Air Pollution Control Officer
cc: BAAQMD Vice-Chairperson Tom Bates
BAAQMD Director Scott Haggerty
BAAQMD Director Jennifer Hosterman
BAAQMD Director Nate Miley
OF Dp~
19 11~ az City Manager's Office
Dublin Fire Prevention
DATE: 7uly 7, 2010
JUL 0 7 2010
TO: City~Staff 'u CITY OF DUBLIN
FROM: ` 1Vlartha Aja, Environmental Specialist FIRE PREVENTION
The City of Dublin is circulating a Negative Declaration for public review for the Draft Climate Action Plan
(CAP). The goal of the Draft CAP is to reduce Dublin's community-wide GHG emissions by 25% below a
business as usual scenario by 2020. The Draft CAP identifies a variety of ineasures to achieve the City's GHG
reduction target.
Attached for your review is a copy of the Draft Climate Action Plan and the Initial Study/Negative Declaration.
Please forward any comments you may have to me no later than August Sth, 2010.
The comment period for the Negative Declaration begins on Wednesday July 7, 2010 and closes at 5:00 p.m. on
Thursday August 5`h, 2010.
cc: Chris Foss, Assistant City Manager
Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst (VN
City Manager's Office
MEMORANDUM Commander Casey Nice
~~LIFpR~~ Police Services
DATE: 7uly 7, 2010
To: City Staff
FROM: Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist
The City of Dublin is circulating a Negative Declaration for public review for the Draft Climate Action Plan
(CAP). The goal of the Draft CAP is to reduce Dublin's community-wide GHG emissions by 25°/a below a
business as usual scenario by 2020. The Draft CAP identifies a variety of ineasures to achieve the City's GHG
reduction target.
Attached for your review is a copy of the Draft Climate Action Plan and the Initial Study/Negative Declaration.
Please forward any comments you may have to me no later than August Sth, 2010.
The comment period for the Negative Declaration begins on Wednesday July 7, 2010 and closes at 5:00 p.m. on
Thursday August 5`h, 2010.
cc: Chris Foss, Assistant City Manager
Roger Bradley, Administrarive Analyst
: -jp