HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 G&O DiscussionC I T Y 0 F D U D L I N PRELI~~IINARY G~ALS AND ODJECTIUES 19n2-Ei3 PROGRA~~i AREA/GOAL PROPOSED OQJECTIVES FOR ACCOhiPLISNING GOAL C0~~1I~1UP;ITY DE'lELOPi~1Er~T , TIME FRAPiE FOR, ACCOhIPLISHhiENT OF PROPOSED OQJECTIVE CU~~IULATIVE CITY COUPlCIL'S PRIORITY STATUS ON SCALE OF OF 1 TO 5 ODJECTIUE . ~~ilgfl~ ~LOhl~ Plannina/To develop plans for future 2~ 3 ~evelop the General Plan for the City. R 83 - 84 ~ 1.4 • PC Rev~•~g Issues; Consult , growth and develop~nent; administet~ eview the.ultimate desirable boundary configuration for the Cit t f h II3 - 44 l.o\ ant selection unden~~ay tne existing zoning, subdivision and y as a par o t e;,eneral Plan Review Process. To be reviewed by PC sign ordinance and revise them as ~ l. Determine areas of planning responsibilit,y betwe_en City Council/ B2 - 83 1.75 '~ Completed necessar;/; analyze environmental• ~ Planning Co~rl~ission and Staff. reports and provide assistance to 4. Improve the coordination of the planning application review On-going l.B Improvements unden~iay developers and applicants in a timely process in order to ininimize delay and inconvenience to manner. . . applicants. 6. Develop City Sign Ordinance in accordance with new Zoning II4 - a5 2 To be revie~r~ed by Staff Ordinance. ~ and PC . 5. Develop City Zoning Ordinance in accordance with new General Plan. 84 - 85 2,2 Plo action to date . . 1. Determ~ne status of all tentative maps ~~hich liave been filed with 82 - 83 2.2 Partial list received the County, fran County. , S, Update-assessor's maps to include all previous planning actions 83 - 84 2.2 50;~ Complete ~~rhich impact individual parcels. ~ ' 9. Review adequacy of planning and zoning fees. 83 - 84 2.75 hlo action to date CITI' COUi;~IL CG~~1;1E~~TS OR ADDITIONS ~ 10: ~ga~i-~e-~i-taz~a-~homea~ner~hus_iness/landQ~ner/develo_p_er representatives into the General Plan process with special advisory groups assigned .. to particular General Plan elements. 11. Creation of Dublin's General Plan together with determination of its sphere of influence, should have #1 priority making certain that -~. decisions made during the interim period do not conflict with the final General Plan. 12. Planning process should proceed as follows: the individual/developer .,. in question should submit his plan to the City Planning Director. Q Prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the City Planning Director ~ will call a general meeting of the full Planning Staff, the developer ~ and any interested parties for review. Any comments/suggestions of ( . the Planning Staff should be dealt with by the developer prior to "'- the Planning Commission hearing. The Planning Staff will then make ~ its reco~endation/denial to the Planning Commission who will then Cf make its decision. If the developer does not choose to meet all the ~ ni _ • ~L_rt ~ ~,..,, nr ~.,. ~+~.,,,.., a....:..:,._,. demands af tr~e r i aliii i uy J LQ I I QIIU/ V f f l. ~ fIC IIIQ~' Q~1f1CQ I LIICJC UCI. I J I VIIJ directly to the City Council. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1982-83 ' ~ TIME FRAME FOR, PROGRAM AREA/GOAL ~ PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL PROPOSEDIOBJECTI~E Building & Saf~y/To administer and en orce e tty s Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Housing and Zoning Codes to ensure the safe con- struction and maintenance of buildings and structures. 2. Effectuate orderly transfer of all building records from the County to the City. _, 82 - 83 CITY COUrJCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS En ineerin /To provide local review of subdivision and parcel maps; '~ recommend solutions to traffic ' safety problems; act as an advocate for the City on all engineering ' related problems. ; CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS l. Secure cnntract building inspection services.~ 3. Resolve.Nichandros building violat~ons. 4. Nave a committee including developers/manufacturer, Staff, Planning Commission review new State laws that pre-empt local codes on modular or pre-built manufactured homes to determine where and how to implement. #3 should coincide with resolution of San Ramon Road master plan, 5. Strict enforcement of the City's building and safety codes is an obli ation of the City Council. 6. The Nichandros case is a prime example of a blatant violation of the City's codes and the City's lack of enforcement thereof. This condition should be corrected immediately and future viola- tions should not be allowed to happen. 1. Secure contract Engineering Services 3. Recommend alternative configurations for improvement of San Ramon Road. 5. Development of a City base map system. 2. Propose solution for traffic safety problem at Dublin Boulevard and Silvergate Drive 4. Review the necessity of center street medians throughout City. 6. The City should contract with a local engineering firm. 7. Decision must be made on whether or not to widen Amador Valley Blvd. from Village Parkway to Dougherty Road. 8. Medians should be evaluated and future maintenance should be improved,i.e. rock should be replaced/supplemented with plants,etc. 82 - 83 82-83 CUMULATIVE CITY COUNCIL'S PRIORITY STATUS ON SCALE OF OF 1 TO 5 OBJECTIVE . (High) (Lo~~r) 1.75 No action until Bldg, Insn,Svc. secured RFP nearly complete - Z Several proposals rec'd 2 Pending review of ~an Ramon Road Contract to be appr~ ~ 82 - g3 1.6 by City Council $2 ' 83 1.8 Staff has reviewed with County its proposal. 83 - 84 2.6 No action to date $2 - 83 2.75 Solution ~pproved,by CC Design underway 82 ' 83 2.8 No action to date PROGRr,i4 AREA/GOAL Community Iden~tit,y /To enhance the identity of the ty, so that it's viewed as a distinct entity. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS PUBLIC SAFETY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL 2. Provide more adequate signing to identify interim City offices. 3. Mark police units with local identification 1. Development of a City seal and logo 4. Consider placement of monument signs at entrance to the City. 5. Replace all street name signs to include block number and City identification. TIME FRAh1E FOR, ACCOMPLISHMENT OF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 82 - 83 82-83 82 - 83 CI~(Y COUNCIL'S PRIORITY STATUS ON SCALE OF OF 1 TO 5 06JECTIVE . (Nigh) (Lo«) 1.2 Complete 1.8 Some I.D. installed -tc be negotiated 2.6 Design underway 4.0 No action to date 4.25 No action to date 6. Development of a unique City seal and logo should be accomplished as soon as possible. 7. Dublin, the crossroads of the Valley, should be made highly visible and identifiable to passers by through proper use of signs, markers, etc. City offices should be recognizable and easily located and all City vehicles should be properly marked. 8. Have large (8" x 20"±) number signs located at each '100' on main business streets. Could be in median strip where available. Study where entrance welcome signs and over-the-street banners should be located. Police/To deter crime, respond to Z, Determine how police services provided by Sheriff's Dept can be calls, apprenend criminals and improved. enforce traffic regulations in 3. Develop and implement more effective crime prevention programs. order to maintain community safety and security. l. Review of acle~uacy of ~olice services presently provided. 4. Determine if other alternative means of providing police service should be evaluated this year. 82 - 83 1.6 Staff review underway 82 - 83 1.8 merciagv~lo~ed ~sn~ua~rd ~o lr~ n~e~to~a~oone ~~~ a ~io~~reviewrp~r~c~~s, ~'pgic Or~ nan°ces~~a~acou~d~~elmo~di~ied°~olmee~l~u~~ingsur nee~ds. hxu t e o fice of crime rev ntion pff'cer S t D ~a~cli rogra~iing communit~ ln~erest in ~eighb~rfioo~ Fu€nishin~ peak~rs,to schools and co~nmunitv or$ani za ions w t~h emp asis on crime preven ion measu es. 82 -~3 2 Staff rev. UndeLway 82 - 83 " 3.6 No action to date. G11Y COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS . The citizens of Dublin seem satisfied with the present police services. Thought should be given, however, to the fiitiirA whAn tha f.itv will h~va itc nwn nnlira fnrra anri will nnt ha rnntrartinn thrnunh tha ('niintv C I T Y 0 F D U B L I N PRELI«INARY GOALS A~~D OE3JECTIVES 1982-83 ` CU~~IULATIVE . CITY COUNCIL'S TIME FR AME FOR, PRIORITY STATUS PROGRAi~ AREA/GOAL ~ PROPOSED OQ~ECTIUES FOR ACCOh1PLISHING GOAL PROPOSEDI OBJECTI~E ON1ST~ALS OF OB~~ECTIVE _ . . (High) (Lo~~~ ) Animal Control/To protect persons, animals and property through ade- 2. Determine if more effective animal licensing program could be 82 - 83 :.8 Study underway provided in-house. quate enfor~ement of animal regulations 1. Investigate the feasibility of increasing services to provide 82 - 83 3.2 Study underway . adequate leash law enforcement. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS 3. As a community service, have vaccination and licensing clinics every 6 months or a year in a downtown location. Leash law enforcement should not take up much manpower time exceptas required by complaints. 4. Leash law should be enforced. PUBLIC WORKS Capital Improvements/To develop a. l f ~~• ---- --- Develop~a 5 year Capi,tal Improvement Program. 82 P ib - 83 City No action to date p an or additiona investment in oss le project might include: Council community facilities. a. Road widen or redesign Response b. Removal, redesign or beautification of street center medians Inconsistent c. Additional traffic signal installations d. Undergrounding of utilities e. Resarfacing program ~ f. Identify site and acquire, build or lease permanent City offices 2. Identify sources of funding for capital improvement projects 82 - 83 2.2 No action to ~'~ 3. Review federal Aid Urban (FAU) eligible projects. • 82 - 83 2,8 Underway with ~,,unty CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS 4. Plan f~r future City facility. 5. The most important street in town is San Ramon Road between the freeway and Silvergate Drive. This is the only opportunity we will have to develop a "first class downtown street". Planning by a professional shopping center designer should be started immediately. Plans for a Civic Center should be discussed with the community before most of the options (land/buildings) are lost. What does the c~mmunity want in their civic center? Administration building only? Meeting facilities? Auditorium? Culture art center? This will determine location, parking, land area, etc. 6. Removing overhead wires on Dublin Blvd should be instituted as soon as possible ~ r n r n ~,,..... ~ ~ . . . . Wlth r~~~ futi,~ra fIPVP~f111111PYItC fl117111~1/~Y1fi Cor~~i~o ~~ ii+il;+~~ +,J;..~.,,,:...~ L__.__ .L_.____J i~~ -r •-••-- ~•,r•~•"a• ~ u~~~i~y u~~caauiCn~ ui~~i i~t, uel~~y ~uriueu wi~~cy part~cipating. PROGRA(~ AREAJGOAL 'ntenance/T~ maintain and improve the overall quality and appearance of public facilities and property. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS Transportation/To assess and attempt to meet where possible the needs far public transportation in the community. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS C I T Y 0 F D U Q L I N PRELI~~INARY GOALS AND ODJECTIVES 19a2-83 PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL TIME FRAh1E FOR, ACCOMPLISHMENT OF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE CUMULATIVE CITY COUNCIL'S PRIORITY ON SCALE OF 1 TO 5 . (Nigh) (Lo~~r) STATUS OF OBJECTIVE '.. ;Set-up a local street lighting assessment district 82 - 83 1 Pending CC review , Review condition of street center median and parkways and 82 - 83 1.6 No action to date develop a program for improving maintenance 1. Identify service levels of m~intenance provided by the Alameda 82 - 83 2.2 Staff review underway County Road Department 5. Develop a street tree ordinance or policy along with specifica- 82 - 83 3 No action to date tions for securing private tree maintenance firm 2. Develop a service request/complaint system 82 - 83 3.4 Partially developed 6. Should review having other agencies, public or private, bid on street maintenance. Doubtful whether County Road Dept will be in our best interest in the long run. 7. Medians should be evaluated and future maintenance should be improved, i.e. rock should be replaced/supplemented with plants 8. Present local street lighting is inadequate and should be improved. 1. Work with Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore, MTC and ABAG on On-going 2 Request sent to MTC for the feasibility of developing a tri-valley bus system. transit study funds 2. Review the performance of the dial-a-ride program and determine 82 - 83 2.6 Staff has met with whether or not to continue with the San Ramon Valley Community County Paratransit CC Center as a provider. & Contra Costa Cou„~y Groups 3. Small local bus that toured Dublin and possible San Ramon could be used by school children, shoppers, seniors, commuters, etc. It would be subsidized by the City because the sales tax revenue generated in Dublin would offset much of the costs. Fares should be minimal. 4. Plans should be started to build wind and rainproof bus stop shelters at key downtown locations, especially at BART transfer stops. If organized properly, citizen's groups or service clubs could participate. CITY OF ~U4LIN PRELIMINARY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1982-83 ' TIME FRAME FOR, ACCOMPLISH~~ENT OF PROGRAI~ AREA/GOAL ~ PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT FinancelTo effectively manage the 10. City's financial resources; maxi- l; mize City revenues; control 2. expenditures; and develop an 4. adequate reporting system. 7. 3. 6. 5. 8. 11. 12. 13. 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS Prepare Fiscal Year 1983-84 Budget Develop Chart of Accounts Set up accounting and financial reporting system Develop an investment program which maximizes the return on all available cash Prepare a mid-year financial forecast. Set up inventory control system Work with County Departments in developing adequate reporting on bills for services Draft City purchasing procedures Improve internal controls in financial function Develop a business license regulatory program and ordinance Develop a hotel occupancy tax ordinance Investigate use of data processing for financial reporting Change payroll system from monthly to semi-monthly 14. Give consideration to contracting out data processing for the next several years 15. Summarize warrant register instead of itemize (If interested, Council can go to office for details) 16. Report dollar amounts charged to budget categories for month. CUh1ULATIVE CITY COUNCIL'S PRIORITY STATUS 0(J SCALE OF OF 1 TO 5 OBJECTIVE . (High) (Lo~~~) 82 - 83 1.25 No action to date 82 - 83 1.3 Complete 82 - 83 1.3 Complete 82 - 83 1.5 Staff reviews invE nent return on regular oasis 82 - 83 1.5 To be presented to CC 1/83 82 - 83 1.7 No action to date 82 - 83 1.15 Billing information being refined 82 - 83 2 No action to date 82 - 83 2 Nearly completed 2.5 No action to date 3 No action to date 83 - 84 3 No action to date 82 - 83 3.5 No action to date Camplete C I T Y 0 F D U B L I N PRELI~~INARY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1982-83 PROGRAl~ AREA/GOAL Administration/To ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of those services provided to the comnunity. PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL 1. Recruit and hire a planning secretary 4. Draft a Personnel Ordinance 5. Provide training for Staff in the area of election administra- tion and other areas which improve services to the community 6. Investigate and acquire the equipment approved in the budget 2. Hire part-time bookkeeper 7. Set up municipal code utilizing municipal code service 3. Set up employee fringe benefit programs , CUMULATIVE CITY COUNCIL'S PRIORITY STATUS ON SCALE OF OF 1 TO 5 OBJECTIVE . (Nigh) (Lo~~~) TIME fRAhiE FOR, ACCOMPLISHMENT OF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 82 - 83 82 - 83 82 - 83 82 - 83 82 - 83 82 - 83/83 - 84 82 - 83 CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS Inter4overnmental Relations/To work with other agencies on problems of area wide concern; keep abreast of legislature impacting the City. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS 8. All of above should be sought after in next year. Ti~ning shoulci be Stai'f's decision. The emphasis with Staff concerning community services should be on accessability, expediting, and public relations. Staff should be visible to the community as much as practical to reduce the "We - They" syndrome. _ _ ._____ _ . _ _ 1. Work with City of Pleasanton in securing representation on Pleasanton Housing Authority. 2. Determine most appropriate means of providing fire service to Arroyo Vista. 3. Continue discussion with DSRSD on services which are provided to residents of Dubtin. 1 Complete 2 Under Staff review 2 FPPC Training Seminar 2.25 Major acquis comply d 2.3 Selection imminent 2.3 Staff investigating cost 2.5 Partially complete 82 - 83 2.4 Request sent to City af Pleasanton 82 - 83 2.4 Dependent upon City ofPleas/ response On-going 2,4 4. Work with DSRSD to determine if recreation program is feasible 5. Develop a better working relationship with the DSRSD Board 6. Suggest that Pleasanton and Dublin (& San Ramon in the future) exchange agendas and minutes of their meetings that pertain to each other to open up a dialogue. We all impact each other on almost every major decision. Common areas of discussion already are: fire, Police, hazardous wastes and spills on the freeways, transportation, taxi service, water, sewer, traffic, commercial development, housing, etc. 1. After the March elections, serious discussions should start with DSRSD re parks and recreation, fire, water and sewer. The City should have more control Of Snme nf thP~P ~Pryirac ~nrl/nr ha ranracantari in tha rlaricinn, - - -r• ---•^-- PROGRAhi AREA/GOAL CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS COUNCIL/MANAGER RELATIONS To develop a working relationship that recognizes the necessity of teamwork by clearly defining the duties and respon- sibilities of each party. C I T Y 0 F D U D L I N PRELIf~1INARY GOALS AND ODJECTIVES 1982-II3 PROPOSED 06JECTIVES FOR ACCOI~IPLISHING GOAL 1. Develop a system of exchange of information that is equal for all parties. 2. Conduct a goals & objective study session once a year with a follow up session at the end of the year to determine status and re-evaluation of priorities, as necessary. ' CU~~IULATIVE CITY COUP~CIL'S TIME FRAPIE FOR, PRIORITY STATUS ACCOh1PLISHME~~T OF ~ ON SCALE OF OF PROPOSED ODJECTIVE 1 TO 5 O4JECTIVE ~ . (Nigf~) (Lo~~~)