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3.2 Appoint Commiss Committee
STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ❑0]11161-©n] DATE: December 21, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC . Mayor's Appointments to City Commissions and Committee Prepared By: Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Following the City of Dublin's general municipal elections in November of even -numbered years, terms expire on each of the City's commissions/committee. In response to 2 openings on the Planning Commission, 9 applications were received. Six applications were received in response to 3 openings on the Parks & Community Services Commission; 3 applications were received in response to 4 openings on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission; and 4 applications were received in response to 3 openings on the Senior Center Advisory Committee. New members will be sworn into office in January. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the Mayor's appointments to the various Commissions and Committee, or provide other appropriate direction. (i, 4. P �,, Submitted By City Clerk 2tl---- Revi we By Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. • Z- Qom. DESCRIPTION: Following the City of Dublin's general municipal elections in November of even-numbered years, terms expire on each of the City's Commissions/Committee: Planning Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, and Senior Center Advisory Committee. Openings were advertised extensively within the community by: ¦ Placement on the City's website with a link to either download or submit applications online; ¦ Newspaper advertisements in the Valley Times on October 30th and November 14tH; ¦ Posting of and application pick up at the Civic Center, Dublin Library and the Senior Center; ¦ Distribution to the City's Dublin 101 Academy participants on October 25, 2010. PLANNING COMMISSION A total of 9 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to the 2 openings. Applications were received from: Tara Bhuthimethee, KC Davis, Lisa Dillon, Arun Goel, Michael Harris, Christine Kaehuaea, Angela Muetterties, Sean O'Keefe, and Christine Rodrigues. Mayor Sbranti recommends the appointment of Tara Bhuthimethee and Sean O'Keefe each to four year terms which expire in December 2014. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION A total of 6 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to the 3 openings. Applications were received from: Martin Baron, Robert Boboc, Albert Edge, Alan Elias, Connie Mack, and Sheila Jessup Schwarz. Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Alan Elias, and the appointment of Robert Boboc and Connie Mack each to four year terms which expire in December 2014. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION A total of 3 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to 4 openings. Applications were received from: Anita Carr, Pamela Hernandez, and Delilah Vanderpool. Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Anita Carr, and the appointment of Pamela Hernandez and Delilah Vanderpool each to four year terms which expire in December 2014. Staff recommends extending the application deadline to January 18, 2011, with the additional appointment anticipated to be made at the February 1, 2011 City Council meeting. SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Four applications were received by the advertised deadline, in response to 3 openings. Applications were received from: Diane Bonetti, Susan Cervantes, Eddie Jo Mack, and Lee Sandeman. Page 2 of 3 Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Diane Bonetti and Eddie Jo Mack, and the appointment of Susan Cervantes each to four year terms which expire in December 2014. Due to the appointment of current Senior Center Advisory Committee (SCAC) member, Delilah Vanderpool, to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, there will be an unscheduled vacancy on the SCAC. Staff recommends extending the application deadline to January 18, 2011, with the additional appointment anticipated to be made at the February 1, 2011 City Council meeting. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Openings were advertised extensively within the community by: ¦ Placement on the City's website with a link to either download or submit applications online; ¦ Newspaper advertisements in the Valley Times on October 30t" and November 14tH; ¦ Posting of and application pick up at the Civic Center, Dublin Library and the Senior Center; ¦ Distribution to the City's Dublin 101 Academy participants on October 25, 2010. ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of Current Commission and Committee Members 2. Applications Submitted for Planning Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, and Senior Center Advisory Committee Page 3 of 3 CITY OF DUBLIN , LIST OF CITY COUNCIL, COMMISSIONERS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS 11-30-10 PLANNING COMMISSION PARKS & COMMUNITY HERITAGE & CULTURAL SENIOR CENTER SERVICES COMMISSION ARTS COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Morgan King 12/10 Alan Elias 12110 Anita Carr (Chair) l2/10 Martin Baron 12/10 8348 Creekside Drive 3720 Oakhurst Way 11801 Bloomington Way 8683 Waterford Court Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 H 829-2816 H 829-4912 H 353=2787 C 200-7935 H833-0438 mor~an c~mor ankin l.com elias2000 c~sbc lobal.net ab-carr u~att.net YBBSNB2P a~ ahoo.com Bill Schaub ~ 12/12 Richard Guarienti 12110 KimHalket 12!12 Diane Bonetti 12/10 7822 Bloomfield Terrace 8279 Rhoda Avenue 6875 Langmuir Lane 7721 San Sabana Court Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 ~ Dublin, CA 94568 Cell 548-6258 H 829-8376 H 829-4719 W 833-3300 x7278 H 828-1800 bschaub a.comcast.net guari~comcast.net hallcetkim(c~dublin.kl2.ca.us sunnydi(cz)lanset.com ' Vacant Steven Jones (Chair) 12/12 Connie Mack, 12/10 Eddie Jo Mack 12/10 7762 Tamarack Drive 3115 Finnian Way #238 7000 Ann Arbor Way Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 'Dublin, CA 94568 H 828-3514 W 510-867-0099 829-2457 W 997-3692 828-6870 W- N/A steve6 d a ahoo.com foxelad comcast.net E'mack2001 ahoo.com Doreen Wehrenberg 12!12 Angela Muetterties 12/10 Steve Minniear 12/12 Tim Pedersen 12/12 11323 Bloomington Way 8151 Vomac Court ~ 11902 W. Vomac Road 8096 Marquita Ct. , Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 C:783-6269 W:510-618-5823 H 803-7725 H 829-2124 W 423-9872 H 829-3799 W 785=8676 doreen.wehrenbere@,ku.org amuetterties@kw.com mnuiiear(q~comcast.net ta~eder@,yahoo.com Alan Brown 12/12 Anthony Totaro 12/12 Georgean Vonheeder-Leopold Delilah Vanderpool. 1°2/12 , 3985 Stafford Court 8130 Brittany Drive 7112 Portage Road 12/10 7943 Castilian Road Dublin, CA 94568' Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94568 H 829-6429 W 875-4290 H 829-8119 W 875-_4512. H 828-8332 W 426-7744 H 828-6533 abrowns usbc~lobal.net ajtotaro c~comcast.net vonleo a~aol.com (hm) Ssdv333~aol.com Georgean(a~syacpa.com (wk) Matthew Reinemann 6/11 Dayna Tutino .12/12 (Student Rep) 11652 Fenwick Place ' ~ Dublin, CA 94568 ~ H-833-161.6 W 803-4444x5844 tutinoda a c~dublin.kl2.ca.us p-' Sonal Nuckols 12/10 ~ 8163 Via Zapata Dublin, CA 94568 H 551-3140 W 719-4500 - - sonate1200~yahoo.com ~ ~~.,nT..~ - - - - ~ - - - -The. following form. was submitted via yoir website Planning Commission Application' p~ ~ 1~... °z . Date(mm/dd/yy): 11%29/2010. ~ - ~ - ; • FOR COMPLETE " Name:: Tara Bhuthi - ~ ~ INFORMATION PLEASE Street Address:: RK'S City; State:Zipcode..; Dublur':.CA 94568 - CONTACT'THE. CITY CLE OFFICE AT (925) 833:-6650 Phone (home)::; Phone (cell or work • :Email Address:: " Occupation:: Landscape Archietect • ` • t _ _ Why are you interested m serving on the Planning Comnussion~i For a long time; I've believed in ..:.community building and active community. involvement, but~I never felt like. I could have a real "stake" in a community until I settled there. Earlier this year; I bought a house m Dublin and I am now exploring what roles . _ _ • I cans play for my community. I believe that`one of the best ways to give to a communty is to offer time in your field of expertise. For me, that expertise is in landscape architecture and land planning: I am interested in the future of Dublin and not only its growth :and economic development, but particularly its quality `of development . • `arid even more so, its quality of life and`its potential for happiness. "In~many ways; I think that Dublin: is still a nascent city in that it is. just beginning to. come into its. own in terms of its chiaracter and identity. For many . , ` " comxnumties to be truly successful, the City.'s residents must have buy m and believe in their community. In. order. to have buy-in; the leaders of the community-those in.office and on commissions-must clearly identify -and define the valuesof the community and then offer avenues for involvement for. those residents. I think that " residents~here are still trying to define what it really means_to be a resident of Dublin. Many opportunities still exnst for Dublin's future, evolution, but •many pitfalls_are`also lurking about: I would like to be involved in - helping to further define Dublin and in guiding Dublin's growth nn a thoughtful, community-oriented, and _ sustainable way. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?: ~I have professional experience with ' these issues as a landscape architect, both in pnvate practice and on staff at-the City of Fremont. For the past few years, I have been reviewing development plans3as a landscape architect-for the City of Fremont. (4th , .largest -city. in the Bay Area)." The projects reviewed have been varied, mcludiig commercial, single=family _ residential subdivisions; multi-family residentialdevelopments; and industrial areas, including proj ects in the "midtown". (downtown) area of Fremont and the, current expansion' of the Pacific Commons retail area. IVIy job for the.City of Fremont'also allows me to design parks; 'operispaces, and streetscapes for the residents of Fremont, which I find particularly important when creating attractive visual and character connections through the City: My profession as a landscape archutect and land planner requires fariiiliarity with concepts that create successful community-oriented environments through pedestrian-friendly; bicycle-friendly, and vibrant outdoor . spaces. Perhaps even more importantly, the connections and ease of navigation between these resources create a cohesive urban fabric. Multiple studies have shown that the successful planning and design of a space can actually shape human social behavior. For residents to have buy-in to.their community, they have to be able to ` see each other, know each other, recognize each other, and share a pride and.identity as.fellow Dublin residents. In order for this to occur, we must get people out of their cars and onto the sidewalks where we can see each "other and make those face-to-face connections so that there is some accountability in behavior. I am interested in helping to shape Dublin into a City whose social behavior and whose values will attract like-minded others to further build and elevate our City. My commitment to community building• has helped to-shape my professional -life. Before T worked for the City of Fremont, I "worked for a private firm in the East Bay; where my work included some projects in the City of Dublin';(I remember being impressed with Dublin's tenacity as an advocate foz trees in its city.) One of the reasons: why I took employment with Fremont was because I had long believed in developing communities, and I knew that.working for Fremont, I would be able.to concentrate on helping to build and create spaces for one community; one city, and one group of residents, instead of working ` on scattered projects throughout the bay area. f--- - ` Attachment 2 V I~ow do you feel about the growth. that has occurred in recent years in Dublin While the buildings . ~I - - - ce articularl ' in denser areas ` could be enhanced b ~ . themselves are ve nice e rY ~ pedestrian expenen ~ P..... ,-Y. . , . , Y g p mcludm ~ ,wider landsca a easements to accommodate planting Buffers from traffic and wider'sidewalks to~give.. people space to travel side-by-side with each other, with their kids; andlor--with their pets. People need more space-in order to feel safe to choose walking over driving. Space~needs.to be reserved and designed so that the pedestrian.experience:iscuch that it is~a pleasure to walk.rather than a chore. I am glad to see that pedestrian - and bicycle.connections have been made in the trail systems of east Dublin developments. However, the bicycle connections.beyond'tlie trail systems still have space for improvement. I think that it would Be wise to be . cautious about higher density development in Dublin, particularly near public transit. Space in these areas needs.: _ to be'desi"gned so.that there are easy_and attractive visual connections; and inherently. defensible space; in order . _ . to dissuade creme; _ ; What should the City's position be regarding growth?: The City should welcome growth, but keep a close. ' . eye:on the quality: andaype of growth to assure appropriate .development in its neighborhoods and especially to facilitate connections to its surroundings. Stopping growth will kill cities, as problems in St: Louis have shown - for example, but allowing the right kind of controlled growth can lead to city revival and invigorating communities. Walnut, Creek's development stands as an example of the latter., - What type(s) of housing do we need?: I think that the type of housing Dublin needs will be necessarily varied and' defined by market demand. However, the City. must exert appropriate planning based on the neighborhood; the surroundings, and the specific situation..Denser housing-.near downtown and transit and retail centers makes sense to encourage pedestrians, and larger housing makes sense toward the outer areas of town. However, for all types of housing that continue to develop iri Dublin; it is important to .plan for their particular situation and to . create connections to them. , - What do'you think are. the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?: As a still-new- _ resident of Dublin myself, I am not yet current on the major concerns that Dublin residents might have concerning future planning. However, I am eager to learn what those concerns are, and I do have some experience with: addressing various residential concerns from my experience with working for the City of - Fremont: Some concerns regarding-planning .and development might be similar in nature. Concerns of Dublin residents'couldrure the spectrum from the threat of suburban sprawl, to the threat of_high density housing near transit_centers attracting crune,Responsibleplarening can help deter both of these very different situations.: What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?: Activating the sidewalks ~ - and streets is the key to a vibrant downtown. The current downtown business districts have not done this, but instead they have lined their streets with parking lots and have set their buildings too far to the backs of their lots, i.e: Big Lots, Target, OSH, etc: It seems that opportunities existed recently with Panera and Elephant Bar as'significant restaurant anchors, but the pedestrian experience along Amador Plaza Road was marginalized and: instead of these buildings facing the road, they closed off access and only. allowed for only a very narrow sidewalk and landscape easement for pedestrians even when the space was available. The sidewalk along the west side of Amador Plaza Road is'so narrow that any couple walking together would Have to squeeze together or walk in single-file to get past some of the trees. This is not a comfortable or pleasurable experience, not to mention that there is little to no buffer from passing cars. Additionally, better screening could have been required for PetSmart's loading dock. Some things I would propose for the downtown business districts would be wider landscape easements (a 5' wide landscape easement as shown in the DDSP for the retail district is not enough!),-wider sidewalks, and more enhanced landscape structures and elements; front-facing or street-facing businesses with pedestrian connections; better screening for loading areas, utility. areas, and parking lots; bicycle lanes and bicycle parking where possible; encouraged and enhanced outdoor dining areas on wide sidewalk areas like Hacienda Starbucks or Chipotle anti Panera. . :What considerations should the City be,:concerned with m future developments Dublin?: The City.of _ , ~ Dublin should, be concerned with the well-being and quality of life of its current citizens and weigh if Heavily ' with its expansion. Future developments should always enhance the current state of Dublin, always adding.to its quality of`life. The. City should take steps to assure connections to different developments and deter the creation of development "islands." The City should also be concerned with the longevity and sustainability of . developments over the next. several hundred years, not just the next fifteen or twenty years. This includes planning for housing and developments to be'"inherited" or passed on to the next group of users and for planning on how the related spaces will be used in the future. How do you feel about making a decision for- the overall good of the community, but unpopular with '.some neighbors?: -The;overall ood of the community, should typically be put first, but it would depend on the g specific situation.and the level of compelling argument brought forth by the neighbors in question. I view the . ~ function of the Planning Commission as an important body to facilitate acid administer a process of public., review in order, to' balance competing concerns. ~ . Whaf~is the most important contribution you can make as a member ofthe Planning.Commission?: Ican offer~my. expertise and experience`as a landscape architect and land planner, and T have a professional critical eye for quality design; as described above in my work for the City of Fremont. I am a registered landscape architect (RLA), .and have credentials as a LEED accredited professional (LEED AP) and a Bay Friendly `accredited professional. I also Have a love for art; culture, ecology, design, and function, which can all contribute to the shaping of a healthy, green, sustainable; and beautiful City. However, I consider my most . important contribution to the Planning Commission to be my belief in the strength of local community and how `that community and its social interactions can be guided through planning efforts. Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/29/2010 4:57:51 PM ` -The following form was submitted via your websrte Planning Commission Application :i . . - . _ _ ~ yy): - _ , ~ ~ Date mm/dd/ 11/12/2010. - ' ` ` Name:: KC Davis - . , , .Street Address::. : . City, State.Zipcode: Dublin .CA 94568 Phone (home):: - Phon-e (cell `or work Email Address: Occupation:.Legal`Secretary' ' . Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?: Because I am a homeowner and am invested . - _ in the development and continued prosperity of Dublin. Downtown Dublin continues to be a mess, but ' improvements havebeen made and.I'd like to see that trend continue. - ~ ~ . What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning, and Zoning: Very little: I am not trained. or schooled . in the area of planning and zoning. The~strongest contribution I can make is my sincere love of our community: How do.you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?: I'm disappointed in some of . the growth that has taken place over the past 15 years. _ What should the City's position be regarding growth?: Be more careful and conservative. Be more considerate of the open space used by local wildlife. Growth is important, but we don't have to and should riot build on every . available open space! The high density building in East Dublin is a great disappointment. (Any chance we can just lop of East Dublin and give it to Livermore?) ~ ' . - .What type(s) of housing do. we need?: Far less high density housing. It's ghetto..:a million dollar ghetto, but . embarassing just the same: • , What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future ,planning?: Greater , - consideration and. care must be taken before :rubber-stamping. future prod ects. Anything like-the huge electric auto - sign that-can be seen from the Dublin: Grade should be_AVOIDED:.. ~ - . y - ~ _ What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?. Improve the appearance of. the box buildings on Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard. The new light~posts on Village ,Parkway look great. Do something about the old Mervyn's shopping cenfer. It's an eyesore.: , What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments. in Dublin?: Maintain reasonable growth; preserve open spaces, which serve to enhance to beautyand.enjoyment of our community. Not every bit of land needs to be developed. When considering new housing developments; we MUST consider whether those developments can be supported by our infrastructure (roads, schools,.hospitals, fire departments, etc.). How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community; but unpopular with some neighbors?; I think it's impossible to please everyone: After all, I'm sure there are many in our community who don't find the Huge electric auto sign nearly as offensive. as I do. As a member of the commission, I would listen to and consider all opinions and then let my. conscience be my guide. ~ . . What is the.most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission?: i am . willing to speak up and express myopinion: Pm not easily swayed by group=think.:I am emotionally ingested in Dublin. I am willing to volunteer! Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/1212090 4:41.45 PM - _ . . , ' ~i~v~d PLANNhNG -.CQIV~MIS~I~N APPLICATION - ~ 2 . . . ; N 01Q ' ~ i~IAME LI~S~=. 1 ~ l (~d1 DATE' J~'0~: ~ ~ k ~~',~r~'~ ~$°~°4 ~ - , - - n: u ADDRESS:.. . , - ,a_;.. , - , _ _ _ C~( PHO?~lE # (HOME). E-Ivlail . - - - , 1• ~ . 'Why ax_e you interested in serving on the Planning.Cor~?niissp~r~? Z'c~ 11~~`-Io~ can -~'h~P [~n~~r~ ~'~~~~n_i sS~ Sri k~e v~~nQ u ~ I~C~ cn~ \ e ; fl ~2 ('r~w~iy~cRk~~11,r - r.~~, c~~~ ~ +~P c~Q ~IQ _ ~ , - 2: What Ys your 1{nowledge of and experience in Planning`a~nd Zoning? - ~ l ~ - ~ _ _ . - ' ouf the growth that has occurped in irecent years in Dublin? 3. How do you feel ati ' ` _ . . ~ _ • . ~ ~ Du ~ ~r~, 2 alp \~r~1 ~r~ a ~~Q 1` ~ ~~.~,ec~ ~~c~m,~~,c ~ r - ~ _ , - . - 4: Whaf should the `City's position be regarding growth? G o~F- D' ~ . ~ e~ s S. What type(s): of housing. do we need? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'oa~ a i ~ S r~~ ~~i~.S; ~ t~ ~ ~~G~2 ~N~~~U ~1~~1~~~~ C~Q~~ C ~c- ar~~~-h~~-S ~ ' . - - ~ . . 6. V~'hat do you th~nk~ are the mayor concerns of Dublin residents regard ng future plapning~ ('~5~Cn~`S G~~ <;oc~c.Q~_ ~5~~ G, ~~~x~s~h-tzio, ~o ~~.5 _ ~ (r ` ; Se,~ C1-t~~ ~ x~~rns i~C1C IU~~t t . ~ _ _d 7. ~ ~ W>at, if.anything, should be done to enhance the Dowatto~vri business districts? - . ~ - Sc~g~S Sri S ~~o ~f1V,.N, '''s: 8: What considerations should. the City be concerned with in future developments . in T)ublin?. . ; ; ~ ~ i S - c o~t~r~.erC~ ca 1 _ nr Sl~~~ ~1~~ ~ v~o~,~ ;l~'~ _ 9':. ~Iow do= you feel about :making a- decision for. tlie_ overall go©d _ of the community,;but.unpopularwith some zteghbors?. . . = 10 What' is the` most important contribution you 'can make as a_ member of the _ Plan~ii;r~g C~nimis~ion? S ice, 1 ~ : • ~ ~ - r~~ i t - SIGNATU OCCUPATION ~cc~,a~.1-~~ Please.return. this completed form ao the attention of Caroline Soto, City Clerk, .100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by end of day Monday, November 29, 201 Q. Postmarks ~~ill not:.. be accepted.; . GaAPPTrt~iTSfZ0l0APPOlAPPLICATFONSIPLANNINGCOMMISSIONAI'PLIC~ITION.DOC " The followmg`form,was subnutted_via your website: Planning Comimssion,Applicahon _ . - • Date(mm/dd/yy):: 11%18/10 - Name:: Arun Goel - Street~Address:: .City, State Zipcode:: Dubhri, CA 94568. - - Phone (cell or work);; . ~ Email Address: • " Occupation:: Civil Engineer Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?:.Serving on the Planning Commission will allow me to assist with the guidance of the, City development from a commercial, retail, and residential " perspective. Along with insuring the vision. of the City and the General plan met along with: ensuring - - .direction with the Go Green Initiatives, Transportation Oriented Deyelopmcnts and ease of access to the " community using multimodal methodology. " . 'What is your knowledge of and' experience in Planning and Zoning?: Have worked with the planning. department for the County of Alameda reviewing plans, subdivisions;, and, commercial maps... - How do you feel ;about~the growth .that has occurred m recent years in Dublin: The growth in Dublin . , has.been excellent in the past 7 years that I have, been a residenf. Redevelopmept acitivites in West Dublin • and.expansiori in East Dubin: During tlus,tough:econorruc tune the.City needs to show attraction to - incoming developers and commercial businesses: What should -the City's position be regardmggrowth~ The City should take a position with growth in alignment with its overall capacity in the road network" and rriake the City inviting enought to lure businesses that meet the'communities needs and desires-along with bringing additiorialrevenues to the City. What type(s) of housing do we need?: Dublin is a diverse; City that needs~housing in all categories and along with providing opportunities for low uicome residents. _ What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?: Dublin . residents are concerned about traffic impacts and congestion as we are near a major transportation cooridor. In addition, issues with schools arid its associated growth, parks; and ammenities that provide the community with a. sense of value and ownership: Future residents of the City are also seeking key attractive components like schools;.:parks, and. ease of transport. . .What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?: The Downtown ...business districts should be improvement further; to make the area more inviting to both businesses and the community by making the area more.inviting. As a result the "magnets" will come to the area invigorating. growth and expansion. ~ , " -What considerations should, the City be concerned with in future developments in Dublin. The City ~ should be concerned with traffic impacts; multimodal;access_along with gap closures, and diversity e developments can bring, . How do you. feel about making a decision for the overall good of the: community, but unpopular with . some nei hbors?: The overall , ood of the corrimuni is the one.that should be ursued but should be done g g. t}! p . , with'taking~uito consideration comments and concerns to see that the bcstsolution is achieved. -.What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission?; The contribution that I canbruig is,the background in Civil Engineer,with background in Transportation,. Land Development, Flood Design,-.and Construction Maxiagement.. Along witH in depth knowledge the . various funding opportunities in Alameda County and, the; State that maybe able to assist when corisideririg the vanous.developments and their associated potcntiaTs. ' Additional Lnformation: Form submitted on: 11/18/2010 9:38:08 AM The: fohlowin form was submitted via our websrte Phannm Commission A hcation ~ - g Y g - pp a . Date(mm/dd! 11%12/10: . YY) . Name::. Michael Hams Street Address:: City, State Zipcode . Dublui, CA 94568'- Phone (home):. - . Phone (cell or.work):: - - - _ . r.. , . Email Address ~ . - . Occupation:: Architect;, LEED AP:'BD+C Why;are you interested m serving on the Planning Commission?: Serving on the Plannuig Commission would allow me, to serve the, community I have lived in since 2001 while utilizing my knowledge from my professional experience (14 years) in the field of architecture: It would also allow me to gain. a greater _ appreciation and.understandirig ofthe process. Please note that most of the projects'I work on are in Santa Clara _ County and would not present a_ conflict of interest.. _ ~ - - What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?: As an architect; I have had vast experience with the Planning DeparCment including the Planning Commission at various cities throughout the Bay Area. The range of projects L_have worked on have included simple planning approvals integral to the building permit process to separate and more complicated planning. approvals including variances;. special use _ permits, planned devehopmentpermits, architectural review~boardsenv~ronmenfal clearances; etc.. I have also _ made presentations to various Planning Commissions: For zoning ordinances, my experience includes . - . ,incorporating-the various setback requirements; height restrictions; parkuig regulations and allowed/conditional t ;uses (for example) into projects based upon the zone of the. property. In general,.. the purpose of the zomng . ordinances~is to:limit incompatible growth and provide a'vehicle to" enforce the City's General Plan: hor various - . . public noticing projects in the Cityof Dubhin I have reviewed the development along with the proposed. conditions arid, in the past, provided comments to the Planning Department.. How do you feel atiout the growth that has;.occurred in recent years in.Dublin?: Overall, I am excited with- the direction the City is going.. The incorporation of medium density housing along with the attraction of - corporate-business centers has made Dublin an attractive plan to live and work. I am concerned; about some of the urban sprawl on the east end of~Dublin along with the increasing traffic: What should the City's position be regarding growth?: Dublin's priority should be smart growth, balance of resources, promotion of mixed use development; limitation of urban sprawl, preservation of open space east of Fallon Road; increased movement towards sustairiabihity ("green") and.equal facilitation. In addition,: Dublin should support small and local businesses. What type(s) of housing do we need?: Integrated medium density and mixed use housing. In addition, an increase of affordable housing is needed along with incorporation of "green" housing. What do you think are the major.concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?:Costs, sustainability, traffic; sense and pride in community; ' . . . _ . _ _ . - en ance the Downtown business districts?. Downto I ~ D'~lblm~should . What, if anything, should, be done to h, be. the envy of.the:Tn :Valley area -The retail and,busiriess areas need _to be modernized .(continued progress) : and tied together to promote a sense of cornriiunity: Currently; it is scattered-with no sense of identity.-There should be promotion of pedestrian access along with bicycle use and main vehicular traffic areas should be on the perimeter. Bart is key for the downtown revitalization. In addition, community entertainment nights such as Farmer's Market, BBQ'slive entertainment. within downtown would help with the identity,and sense of community.. ' - - :What considerations should, the ,City be concerned, with in future developments in Dublin?: Economic viability with existing residents and businesses with respect to the new developments: Green, promotion of pedestrian and bicycle use; safety, activities for the youth; balancing resources, traffic and maintaining harmony. - with the existing community....., ~ . How do.you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the'community, but unpopular with : ~ _ some neighbors?:-After listening to all concerns, I would make a decision in a professional manner that is consistent with the City's General Plan and overall good of the community. I know that certain decisions are not " going to satisfy everyone; With.my experience as an architect I have been in situations that various parties do not agree with each other and have provided conflict resolution~througli listening, documenting; rationalizing and trying to have the parties reach a final resolution. Sometimes there are compromised resolutions (when appropriate) with this technique: Being, forthright ,and honest with the basis of my decisions is the best policy. . Whaf is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission?: - Applying my knowledge and professional experience with a standard of care to serve the community that I . deeply care about: . Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/12/2010 7:07:45 AM ~ _ The following form was submztted_eia your websrte Plamm~g Corriimssion Application . Date(mm/dd/yy) c : 11/13/10 Name:: Christine - Street Address:: .City; State Zipe de: Dublin`."CA 94568 - Phone (home):: - . Phone (cell or work Email Address:: _ ; . Occupation::Busmess Owner "Why."are you, interested in serving on the Planning Commission? I started with, the Dublin Leadership Academy back in 2005, then was' appointed to the Dublin Housing Committee which recently. ended in 2010. , ~ , I'm a~big supporter of the City of Dublin, have'a large amount of resp.ecf for staff and would like to continue to lieu part of Dublin's growth. . What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?,:,Having been on the Dublin Housing Committee from 2006.-2010; as well as throughout my life having worked for- construction corripanies; residential home builders, an architectural defect firm. and a commercial real estate developer, - . I've learned quite a bit about the pre=submission processes; trip studies, urban planning and building codes to plan checks; mixed-use verses medium/low density, reading blueprints and writing performas. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred. in recent years in Dublin: I do realize and . . . understand that many residents'of the Tri-Valley, remember: how things used to be and wish that the growth would stop.-it's .changed a bit. As a child growing up in Castro. Valley back in 1975, I remember traveling to see my uncle in Livermore and all -you saw was Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail and. Stoneridge Mall. Today, I'm so proud,of the City and the. path it's taken to ensure natural landscapmg,,water features, art, textures and. 'natural stone with a hint of modern glass enclosed structures from the commercial developers, and~resdential . developments encouraged to compliment the environment and current city style, as well. Our progression of growth, especially with the. new city clover markers, define Dublin as a place~you want to live, work and- play,within;which is why~out of all the cities I've, hued in over.;the years; I call Dublin Home today.' a - .What should the Ci 's osition be re' ardin~ rowth~. As,with an ci o_wth is inevitable I believe the difference in making the growth painful or welcoming comes with lisfemng to `the community, including the developers/real estate professionals;: making sure that the decisions made compliment the existing tone of the. city, that any growth continues to encourage a sense of community and that commercial and residential ...balance. What type(s) of housing.do we need?: Having been a part of the Housing Committee, especially during the development of the Housing Element, I believe that we currently have a good,balance and will enjoy an even progression over the next several years to build out. .What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?: _I feel that traffic congestion is a main concern. I experience that now living in East Dublin and we still have a way to go until build out. I believe the. next concern_might be that of cementing over.the now vacant parcels in East Dublin with strip malls, high-rise buildings and box stores. As for residential homes, this could possibly be another thought as to how far up into the lulls are homes going to be built? Will Dublin be another Castro Valley? I think educating residents as to just how detailed projects are researched and planned.regarding these concerns is important. What, if anything, should be done: to enhance the Downtown business. districts? It's certainly painful to i see the."for lease" signs; but what can you do. I'd hke to see more of a defirutionto the business di cts-r. - , which are not just iri the Downtown area but s- rinkled u Dublin Blvd. and will soon Have a hi P . P concentration in East Dublin once the Charter Properties projects develop: As a concept, maybe give the .areas actual district designations like San Francisco does: Civic Center, Market, South of Market, the Wharf.. Then, possibly start branding these areas; celebrating the businesses in those areas and do a couple of marketing cariipaigris'geared to highlighting "Dublin's Business Districts -where you can define your footprint in the world marketplace"? . What.considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments in Dublin?: Being part- . of or interested in some of the current development avenues in the city, I feel that decisions-which have been . made to :date are. iri line with mandating hat developers mix'iri lush greenery, water features and artwork/sculptures; as well as_textural accents that work with the current old world, modern twist look and charm of Dublin: My view. would be to stay on this path ensuring balance for future generations to enjoy. .How do you feel about making a decision. for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with ; some neighbors?: I have no problem in making decisions that benefit the.community as opposed to the uiterest of one: My collaboration on the Smoking Task Force as a representative for the Housing Committee . was just such an experience. At times the meetings were explosive, filled with strong opinions, but in the end, the task was; to find compromise with the developers,."community. acid private associations and we did.. It was tough, but it.had positive outcome to where the Housing Committee blessed the decisions, then with very minor changes; it passed as a new ordinance. It felt good. What.is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the. Planning Commission?: As a.member of the Planning Commission, with my experience in land development and construction plus my ~ . love of this city, I feel that the most important thing that I can contribute is to listen -hear all sides grid make honest decisions based on the needs of the entire city and future generations to come. Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/13/2010 2:48:28 AM . _ . PLANNING_-COMMI~SION APPLIC.ATI®N:.~~f , - . ~ 1.6. 2010. - - ~ , a. _/.~t~~ h~.~.~~~~.~~~`~~ ~~°~=AGE' NAME 2S DATE I I.._ U . ADDRESS _ , - PHONE # (HOME) ~ ORK -Mail ~I . ; ~ ' serving oa the. Planning C®ininission~ . ~1. Why are you interested gn _ ' .4 1- ~ . ~ D G ~ ~ 2. What is your l~owledge of and experience in Planning; and Zoning? ~ . ~ t . ~ i.J L rr Gt at vt X . ~ S~ h~ 1, ~2 tr r e S i' A IS S i C~ S (.Cl-~ l~ S (,C~ S 3. How do you feel about the. growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin? . . ~ ~ 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? 1 E ~J ~ ' _ C S Gt _ Ci - 5. What.type(s) of housing do we need? r 1 G~ S ~ ~ 2 . ~ ~ 1 eve: r 6. .What` do you think are the ffiajor concerns of,~I)ublin residents reg~a5rdi f~it~are plannm ~ . g y 7. Wliat,`if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts? V-~ i~~~t G - ~ f1 ' - I M ~ ~ 1 ,1, i S-CS I ee -C~~ J ~ , ~,i 8. What.. considerations` should the City be concerned with in future. developments in Dublin?.: , i 4 I. r • 9.. ::How, do : you feel about making a _ decision for the overall good of the community; but unpopular.with`some neighbors? . • ~ 1 ~ _ . J~~I E1~~j1~I S I l>l~ C ~ 1`~G~,~ ~ ~"3P (1-~~ r `'t-'~ ~(1 ~C~ i. s , , - , C1 ~ n ~ n e~-~-~y ~ ~ ~r~ j • ~o~~nec~ n _tit S a(u~ct c~. S Y~~. 10. What is .the most impo~~n~ contribution you can make as a member of the - Planning C:omuiission? _ , . a'r I S . ~ - lh ~ ~ _ _ - . SIGNA , ~ - J UPATION ~ e1'~ ~~C' ~ Please .return this completed form .to the attention, of Caroline Soto, City Clerk, 100 CivicPlaza; Dublin, CA 94568 -'by end of day 1Vlonday, November 29; 2010. Postmarks will not be accepted.: : . G: IAPPTMTSI20I0.4PPOIAPPLICATIONSIPLANNING COMMISSIONAPPLICATIONDOC The following form was submitted-via your website Planning.Commission.Application = ~j l~ . Date(mmldd/yy):: 11/23/10: , ~ _ Name:: Sean O'Keefe; _ - . Street Address;: ~ ~ _ ; Ci -State Zi co tY~ p de.: Dublin, CA.94568.' Phone (home):: Phone ce . - ( 11 or work):;:: . _ , - , Email Address . . , . _~Occupation:: Vice Presdenfi; Shamrock Office Solutions - Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?: I am interested in becoming amember of - the Planning Commission'because I am passi"orate about maintaining and enhancing our quality of life in: Dublin: Dublin has been my home for the past eight years aril I plan to lie here for the next thirty. I also believe that my experience m business will benefif the Planning Comriussioii as I am~ very. comfortable processing vast "amounts `of information in order to,make complex: decisions: I have long had an interest.in serving my . community:.. During college,:I coached and` mentored middle school student `athletes After college --and to this day.;,:==I serve as an educator and career advisor to students at Santa Clara Umversity, .Cal State University East Bay; St. Mary's College; and UC Santa Barbara. _In 2008, wanting to gef more involved with my city acid local community; I joined the Dublin Lions Club. In 2009, I signed up for Dubhri 101 and I thoroughly enjoyed the - ~ - - experieiice. Later that wine year, I received:ari email from:the,City about.the Green Task Force; I anxiously applied and thereafter was appointed to the comrmttee. in 2010. After my service on the task force;. I pondered how;I should continue to serve my community and in; what c` apacity I deterinmed the role Planning Commissionerbest suits my skill sef , . - What is your knowledge of and experience m Planning and Zoning: I am familiar with our City's General , Plan and Strategic Plan Strategies, as:well as:Dublin's Mission, Vision, and.Value,Statements: While I do not _ • , . have anyformal education or experience in Planning and Zoning, I air a Dublin.101 graduate and I' haee a Master's. in Business Administration' from Santa Clara University, both of which provide me a skill set tliat . mclides strategic, rational; and guided decision-making: L believe that the role of Planning Commissioner requires the ability to process large amounts of data to make important decisions and_coiiclusions for our City. I excel at making these types: of decisions: I have a strong track record for improving the organizations I have .worked for. At my current company, Shamrock Office Solutions; a leading IT company based in Dublin, I helped spur 50% growth in our IT services division this past calendar,year: Also, during my graduate studies, I was awarded Santa. Clara University's Belotti Award for best graduation paper on strategic decision-m'akirig. How do you feel, about the-growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?: Dublin's recent growth has improved the quality of life for all Dubliners: Although a majority of the growth in the past ten years~has been concentrated ~in East Dublin; the benefits of growth have been distributed equally throughout our City. I live and work. in Dublin. 'As an 8=year resident and Yiomeowner, I am proud of the development of Dublin, both in terms of growth and stature. As a business~persori for a company headquartered in Dublin, I feel our City's growth has helped increased our attractiveness as a.business-friendly destination. What shoutd the City's position b,e regardmg growtli? I believe the City's position regarding growth should" balance between no growth aril high growth According to tfie Association of Bay Area Go..vernirients, the - 'projected population growth of the Dublin area is: expected to have,the highest percentage growth in Households for the county with a 114% increase by 2035. With this anticipated growth, the Planning Commission will be responsible for maintaining and enhancing-the state of our. community by providing a balance of jobs, housing, and, services. What type(s) of housing do we need?:- We must provide a range. of housing options for our community. With a second BA.RT~ Station under construction, we should.increasetiansit-oriented developments: Additionally, we should encourage pedestrian-oriented developments in which residents can easily access grocery, employment, transportation arid-recreation . What do you think are the mayor. .concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?: -From conversations I've had with neighbors, co-workers, business. `contacts; Lion°s Club colleagues, and fellow. residents;-I believe the major concerns of Dublin residents are: traffic, public safety, ;and.employment. Also, residents, want fizture.plannirig and development to contribute positively to the City's fiscal health. Further, . residents would -like to see more green building and increased environmental responsiveness: What, if.anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?: Bay Area News Group wrote that it expectsahe Dublin City Council to approve downtown revitalization plans in early 201 1. This should provide incentives for business development in the Downtown district. Dublin has had recent success with our incentives for business to move to Dublin.: We Have attracted Grocery Outlet, Sports Authority, DSW Shoes;,Fidelrty~Investment; Coco Cabana and many others:,We must continue this effort. Iri regards to the ;planning of downtown, we` should help facilitate aesthetically pleasing development that fosters a sense of place. This should be done with a balance ofpedestrian=oriented access, parking and having a unique downtown identity. ,What. considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments in Dublin?: Similar to . what L Believe are the~concerns of Dublin residents, as stated in Question 6; I believe traffic; public safety, and , :employment are tfie areas that~must ~be considered~witli fixture development.,'The City should. also consider sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas'errussions; Of course, the City must consider fiscal . , unplications of all future development." - How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good,of the community; but unpopular with some neighbors?: While it can be difficult making an unpopular decision, as long as proper diligence was. done and.those neighbors where accommodated.fairly, Ifeel very comfortable making these types of decisions. I . make encounter situations of this nature frequently as a business person. I will make each decision independent of each other: I wi111isten to all points of view. and reach the best decision for our City. What is.the most important contribution you-can make as a member of the Planning Commission?: The role of Planning Commissioner requires the ability to read and digest a great deal of information, i.e. staff: reports, development proposals, legislative documents, environmental reports; etc. One of the most important contributions I can make is my ability to absorb vast amountsof data to make, support, and justify decisions and conclusions. Another important contribution I can make as a member of the Planning Commission is to make decisions in adherence to the guidelines and.principles setforth in.our City's General Plan; 10-year Strategic . Plan, Zoning Ordinance acid iri accordance to our City's mission, vision, and values. I have lived ui Dublin for eight years and I-plan to be here for the next thirty. I will be methodical and unbiased in my effort to preserve . and enhance Dublin's quality of life. Additional Information: . Form submitted on: 11 /23/2010: 7:15:02 PM The following form was submitted Via your website Plamm~g~Commission Application 1~ l~? , Date(mm/dd/yy):. 11/29/10, : {'T - ,Name : Chnstire N.: Rod"ri ' "es n . , ` Street Address:: City, State Zipco e:~ u "lui CA 94568 - Phone (home);.: Phone (cell or wor Email. Address:: , Occupation:: City ' - . anner ' ' ~ . Why. are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?: I am interested iri serving on.Dublin's Planning .Commission for two pnmary reasons The first is to volunteer and contribute in a positive;way to the., ;z _ City of Dublin. I am'excited at. the opportunity to serve on the Planting Comrmssion and give something back to'this amaziri Ci Further,' as a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners AICP it'is-m ethical responsibility and privilege to volunteer my planning expertise when possible The second reason I am, _ - interested in serving on the Commission, is to ensure the. continued positive growth and development of the . City. IDublin is one_ofthe best places in the Bay Area to raise~a family and~serving on the Planning Commission . will.allow me to work. others (City staff, Commissioners; and Council"members) to ensure it.remans that way. .What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning: I have a Mastex's degree in City and Regional Planning from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I have also been certified by the American Institute of ..Certified Planners. (AICP). I have been working in:the profession as a city planner for nearly. ten years. In my current position as Associate Planner for a neighboring local governrrient I evaluate development applications. and make recommendations and verbal presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council on a regular - - . basis. I am also certified as a Form Based Coding expert by the Form Based Code Institute~and.was lie project manager iri my City's. first ever comprehensive update of rts zoning code; a two year endeavor which involved , substantial community outreach; grant management, consultant management, and.many Council presentations.: _ How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin Dublin has been an _ . ~ : . .amazing place, to live and raise my children. The recent. growth, despite the economc downturn has had a . positive impact on the City via increased parkland and recreational opporturuhes; as well as increased economic growth: The vitality of the. Citycan be felt from the revitalization of existiig shoppmg centers; to park ~ . . openings,; and to the bustling construction activity on the, east-side of town' In the iridst of the biggest economic:: ` challenge Dublin has had to face the. City has managed to keep rts head above water This is mostly.because of . . _ _ the policies and goals in place regarding development within City limits As a Plariniilg Commissioner I wish to , . . continue the trend and even go a step further by working to increase the diversity of our~economic base. What should the City's position be regarding growth?: The City-should-focus on infill development to . maintain the existing buffers around the urban edge to allow Dublin to keep its. established sense of place. Properly managed and diversified growth (housing, commericial, industrial, etc.) can contribute to a sound. economic base. In turn, a sound economic base allows Dublin to continue to provide wonderful: amenities to the' residents and allow Dublin to continue to be one of the best places to live, work. and play in the Bay Area. - Growth is. a good thing, provided an informed City staff, Planning Commission; and City Council work together - to ensure new development mitigates its own impacts, pays its. own way, and contributes. positively to .the . . community. What type(s) of housing do we need?: Dublin has a good track record of providing a variety of housing types. However,~Dublin definitely needs to.continue to meet a variety of housing needs. Dublin has.a good. mix of housing types including: apartments, townhomes, senior living, special needs housing, single family homes and estate type homes: The senior housing development on Amador Valley Boulevard and the special.needs and affordable housing-near the BART~station helps an underserved segment of the population. Dublin residents consist of senior citizens; high, middle and low income wage earners and as such a variety of housing types. are: ` needed. In addition; the City must, strive to meet State law housing. requirements:' - 1 What` do you think are the mad or. concerns of Dublin residents, regarding future, planning? As i the, case throughout the'B.ay Area and Tn=Valley community, local residents are concerned about increasing traffic; . ~ . affordable Housing; retail` shopping opportunities,- j ob growth, and recreational opportunities. With the economic downtown, development pressures have been less. However, in 'good economic times Dublin residents in particular,seem concerned with maintaining the small community feel and fabric balanced~with healthy economic growth; ~ _ What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts: The Downtown business _ districts can be enhanced.through working_with Council to develop economic incentives and other programs . . which aid: inbusiness recruitment and retention: Facade improvement programs, community outreach and - education.to increase. public-.support and awareness of the Downtown are critical elements of any incentive program. Public education is important to increase awareness and activity in they area, which will help make the _ _ _ area a profitable place to locate a business. The Downtown Specific Plan will need to consider such incentives . . 'and outreach.-The Downtown Specific Plan can incentvize'development through sound policy and land.use regulation which allows for both housing.and retail~opportunities. _ . What considerations should the -.City be concerned with in future developments in Dublin?: While meeting the needs of the residents, the City needs to' encourage development whicH allows the City to' maintain fiscal, responsibility and foster economic growth:,A-good Planning Commissioner will make sure that projects will not only be a good fit for Dublin; but will contribute in a positive manner to the City. New developments should achieve superior site design and. aesthetics.. Walkability and human scale: are also important project elements and are important for the public welfare and general success of the community. How do you feel about making a:decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? Being a successful Planning Commissioner means being good at balancing what are often competing interests. A Plarinirig Commissioner must work closely-with City staff, the public and the. Council to . _ , . _ .balance individual concerns With project outcomes and benefits. If there are options, a Planning Commissioner " should look for a course of action that would be most consistent with applicable zoning and General Plan policies while compromismgto meet neighbors' needs. Iwould be.comfortable in such a position; as it is a rriajor component, of my profession as a city planner I would strive to work with the developer, staff and. the neighbors to at the very least get to a point of a, agreeing to disagree. Because my primary job as a phannuig > ~ commissioner would be to serve the pubhc`good~through upholding City zoning and General Plan regulations, it _ is also to inaintam and even enhance the. public trust in the planning process... The latter cannot be achieved if . the neighbors are left feeling ununportant and disenfranchised. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of.the ]Planning Commission?:,As a Planning Commissioner I can utilize my years of professional planning experience, academic background, and professional ethics to help Dublin implement its General Plan and zoning code. I believe I will be a strong and dedicated Planning Commissioner: I will help shape the community one project at a time by approving, denying, or conditionally approving projects consistent with City goals and policies. I will also strive to maintain and enhance the public trust in the planning/development process by considering the interests of the entire community and evaluating the project against the backdrop of.all available information. I look forward to working with tiZe residents, the Planning Commission, Citystaff and the City Council to further enhance .the ..quality of life for Dubliners, and increase our sense of place and pride through good planning. Additional Information: Form submit#ed on: 1 1729/201 0 9:54:34 AM z_ , . - The following form was submitted via your.website Farks c&.Commumfy Service"s Commission Application, I)ate(mm/dd/yy);: 11/29/2010 - ol.-D ~ . ' _ _ . . Name:: Martin B .Street Address:: City, State_Zipco e:: u : Phone (home)::, _ .Phone (cell o~ wor - IEmai1 Address:. ~ - . . ®ccupation:. Refire - Why are you interested. in serving on she IParks.~ Community Services Commassioaa? I would like to . . , actively participate m matters and issues related to the planning, implementation;:operation, maintenance and audit of faciltiies and services which enhance the quality_of life for Dublin's citizens and ensureahe most , . r effective"and efficient use of the City's assets fo the benefit~of all its citizens. f What. knowledge do'yon. have of the park's and recreation facilities m Dublin.?: Having lived in and raised a . family in Dublin since 1985; Lhave witnessed the.; growth and development of improvements iri the: City and . participated in many activites, festivities, and classes throughout Dublin's Parks and Recreation Facilities. Our . family participated in and enjoyed the many diverse sports, picnics, and other recreational services offered through the City's Parks and Community Services Department. ` . What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services: Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program. sponsored. by the. Department?: My family and I have enj oyed many of the varietal'programs over the years;. including the St. Patrick Day. Festivities, breakfasts, dinners and dances, volunteer. parties; concert series; Heritage Park programs; Picnic in the Park, and Senior. Center programs such as fitness/bridge/art classes, bingo, special lunches, trail walks and . socials.. Our daughter was married in the Old St. Raymond Church. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe.: ~ . I would like to continue the theme which I brou t forward to.the Senior Center Advisory Commuttee; namely _ joint activities with the Youth Advisory Comrruttee. One thought would be o encourage transfer of video . ~ ' : games. to real-life activities; one example being the PaperToss game- so popular these days However; as I have learried'through my membership, on the Senior Advisory Committee, the best new programs are: thosethat grow ouf of grass roots efforts- ones such as the Trail Trekkers acid Ukelele programs. We can do abetter job. of encourging new ideas. by active polling at the various recreation and park,venues: How do you feel about user fees for. recreation: programs and park/facility reservations?.: User fees are needed to ensure the best quality resources and assets. available for each program and to ensure the continued fiscal health of Dublin. Free services tend to become~oversubscribed and dilute the overall benefit of the City's programs and services. All valuable programs must have a user value to be cost effective and -offer the best services. How do you feel about.making a decision for the overall good: of the community but unpopular with neighbors or_ organizations?: The vitality of the. City is slated to those programs that offer services to the majority of its citizens. The overriding factor in decision making is related to overall community needs which make effective-and efficient use of City facilities, resources and assets not the factors that.may ignore a small percentage of the community. That said, it is.imperative to. offer every opportunity possible for community comment; transparent sand honest communications.. _ , 'What is the moss; im ortant~ contribution: ou can make as a member of the Parks & Commune Services ' ` P Y ~Y Co~amissiop~. As a member of the Semor:Center Adviso Committee and Chair for the ast 2 ears; I have , rY.:. ~ p y , learned to, focus on community and sector~reeds and further to work with. City Staff, and rts resources to proffer . ideas, `programs, and services to enhance/benefit Dublin's Citizens.and/or assure a; safe and secure set of , services. I care also be available to contribute as Parks and CommunityServices liaison to the Senior Advisory Coinsnittee: - - . Additional lnfo~mation: Form submitted on`11/29/2010 1;42:48 PM . ~ . _ , ~ . , Tle following form. was submitted':via your website Parks &`CommumtyServices Commission Apphcahon Date(mm/dd/yy) :11/08/10 02~.. , _ rl 1>1ame:: Robert Boboc-' ; f-; , ~ .Street Address:: . - _ City, State Zipcode :Dublin; CA 94568: -.a _ Phone (home) _ - Pirone (cell or work):.: , Email Address . Occu ation:: U.S Air:Force.`. P - , _ , ' the Parks & Community Services Commission?: I have always Why are you interested in serving. on ~ - - been drawn to community.and/or public service: I strongly believe in volunteer work as. a way to improve the quality'of life for the ~cominunity: Having a young 'son, I would like to ensure that all city parks have safe and -secure parks/playgrounds. Also, I believe in the: Youth Fee Assistance Program that provides; financial • assistance to those citizens who might not be able to afford the programs that are available: What knowledge do you have of the parks `and recreation facilities in Dublin?: I have a very good working knowledge of the parks and recreation. facilities. My family has visifed. ,every park and recreation facility in the City. This summer I took m sonto_every'citygark to see first hand the safety of the Y playground equipment. It was reassuring to find that there were no major safety egtupment discrepancies. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services . Departments Have you or,a family~member participated m a program sponsored by the: Department? ` ` In my tell years as a Dubhn resident, my fauuly has participated m-many of the progrars offered through the _ :Park & Cominuiuty Services .Department: Some.of,the`prograins include: Dog.obedience class, 3 years of Dublin soccer, Tennis lessons, Bowlingleague, St Patricks Day Fun Run, Veteran's`Day services .and Teeball league. _ Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs. needed by the community? Please describe.: A basic course in First Aid to include CPR certification would be a useful class for Teens and Adults. Also, a possible program that will open up,the High School track to the community for a couple of hours on the weekend: A small fee could be offered ,that would go to the Boosters. How do. you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations?: Given the current economic conditions, Ithink-user fees are necessary for recreation programs and park/facility - - _ .reservations as long. as they are affordable., I would be interested to learn how the. user fees are determined. . , . a~: ~ ~ . ~ _ . _ How.do ou feel about makm a decision for the ovei"all ood of the communi but_un o ar with Y g . g _ tY P. P neighbors or organizations?: I have no problem-with malting. a decision for the overall good. of the community that is unpopular with neighbors or organizations. I believe communication is very important . when making any kind of decision involving the community: I think if you explain your reasoning in detail and help people understand whylthe decision is best for the overall good of the community, most people will respect and b:e able to live .with the decision. halso believe when making decisions for the community, it is very unportant fo:.not.only look at the intended consequences, but the unintentional consequences that might come from the decision:. . . What is the ixiost iffiportant comt~ibution you can ffiake ~s a ~enaber of the Parks ~ Cox~aniunity _ _ .Services C.offiiriission?: To ensure that"all parks and recreational facilities are safely maintained and to grow, the Parks and Recreation facilities & programs; as the City grows to meet the needs of the communuty, . Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/8%20103:39:28 PM . - ~ . The' following form was: submitted via your. website Parks ~ Conaanunflty.~ervACes Connmis~ion A~iphcation ~a~~ late mm/dd/ 11/02/2010 , v c ~ Dame::. Albert Edge... ' _ <.a ~ _ . Street Address , City, State Zapcode Dublin, CA 94568 ` Phone (hoffie): _ . - . . Ph®ne (cell or woriC) , ; . Email Address : ~ F I ®ccupation:: Retired - _ Why are you interested in serving on-the Parks Community Services Commission?i In order for Dublin to grow and prosper;I believe it is imperative to plan activttes and events for all ages;and especially to support _ . youth programs;and as president elect of the. Dublin Senior Center Foundation,I want to be a contributing voice - ' to the planning of outdoor activities. What knowledge do. you have of the parks and recreation facilities in IDubhn?: I have.been to most parks in Dublin,and gain extremely unpressed with'them,and I walk my dog of Ko1li Park fiequently.I am currently: working-with the Senior Center Advisory Committee and'the Youth Advisory Committee on an upcoming car show at Fallon. Sports Park iii April of 2011. - _ _ . - What knowledge do you have of the'programs: offered through the Parks ~ Community Services . ]Department? Have you or :a family. member participated in a program sponsored by the ]Department?: I : have ;brought `my Grandchildren ,and Great. Grandchildren ~to the' Easter Egg Hunt,and the Breakfast with : . Sanfa,at ther{Senior Center and the new Shannon Hall Have attended, the Police Night Out,Day_on the Glen;and activities and Luncheons `at the~Semor Center ~ _ - . _ , . Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the comffiumity~ Please describe , ::.The: Park at the, Heritage Center needs, to be expanded , _ How do you feel about user fees,for recreation programs. and park/facility reservations?: Fees are necessary to offset the actual cosf of programs and facility rentals,but not to make a profit: ~ - How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good`of the community but, unpopular with neighbors~or.organizations?: I feel very strongly about Dublin,and it's residents,and I would support whatever is the best decision for the majority.: What is the most important contribution you_can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services .Commission?: Again,I want to reiterate that as upcoming president of the Dublin Senior Center.Foundation,I want to work closely with.the Parks and Community Services Commison,and as a member,I will have that opportunity, Additional Information:. , Form submitted on: 11/2/2010 11:07:22 AM . ~ - . The following. form was, submitted via your website Parks &,Commumty Services Commission Application - , ..Date mm/dd/ 11/18/10 a"5 ~I YY) I+lame:: Alan Elias Street Address - .;..City, State Zipcode Dubhn:CA 94568 _ _ . . _ Phone (home): I ~ _ . : - Phone (cell or work) _ , " . - Email Address:: I . I ®ccupation .Public relations/marketing; journalism ' Why are you interested in serving on the"Parks & Community Services Commission?: The Dublin Parks & Community Services Commission'accomplished agreat deal during my first term as a _ commissioner: We provided insight and;guidance-for the creation of several new parks and facilities, including thie very well-received Fallon Sports Park; "the Dublin.Heritage Park, and the rebuild "of the . Shannon. Community Center., We provided insight to city staff on the best ways to expand or curtail - ro ams and se~ces, mcludin su estlons for improving St:Patrick s Day festivities, susperiduig"Day on p ~ g gg the Glen; and makuig the Parks & Communty Services fee structure as equitable as possible: We now enter the next phase of Dublin's growth.and'parks programming: Some would-argue that this next phase maybe extremely. challenging given the economic climate I would very much like to continue my service to the city - by utilizing the. experience I've` gained during my firsf term, as well as the continual feedback I receive as a . _ - local j ournalist from local residents young and old = to help continue the effort to make Dublin's Parks and. Community Services the best in"the Tn Valley. : " ~ - - ~ _ r What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities m Dnbhn?• 1VIy first term as a _ . p g Y P y k attnbutes and the shortcomin sego ~exam~e, I reco ~f z the 1 eallnewrnfac Mies we have at Shanno e~ g P _ n-Par _ that allows for everytliuig from cooking classes to. the hostuig'of wedding receptions: I understand what a femfic facility Fallon Sports Parks as well as.the areas within the park that could be improved. I have been _ an advocate for the new, neighborhood parks; and if ensuring that we understand wfiat type of park local . _ residents would like to see built: In addition, having seined as the commission's liaison to the .area youth sports organizations; I well:understand the ways' in-which the city has. already worked and still needs to work to make enhancements (e.g.' changes and upgrades at thie Dublin Sports Park and Emerald Glen Park) ' to benefit local baseball, occer, football and basketball programs. What knowledge do you have of the programs:-offered through the Parks-& Community Services-. Department? Have yon or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department?: I am extremely knowledgable about the programs offered by the Parks & Community Services Department both as the result of my personal-.use as well as from serving on the Commission. My family and I first moved to Dublin in 2000 when my children were. all elementary school age.: They immediately participated. (and I coached and/or:refereed) m citysponsored basketball, played Little I;eague and Dublui.Umted soccer; they attended Fun iii the Sun in its inaugural year;. and Have participated in other city sponsored' camps ' We ` have also: regularly used the Dublin Swui. Center:. I have attended (and written about) several events at the _ Dublin Senior Center: . ~ _ a6 " ~t Area there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the. community? Please describe.: In my opinion, Dublin has done a tremendous. job of building and programming parks and community services.: That said, and ignoring the ~eurrent recession for the moment, I believe there are several enhancements that.could,be put into play, including: 1) building a new swim center at Emerald Glen Park that can serve as a great competitive swim center, as well as to provide highly improved recreational: sv~rimrriing for Dublin resident.: 2) Build out the Fallon Sports Park as planned..:AND also include'a 90-foot, lighted .baseball field. Dublin has plenty of Little League fields; we do riot have full" sized baseball fields.:. This would not.only support local;older youth sports Teams, but could also. serve as "a revenue generator by utilizing the "field for use by areas men's baseball leagues that are always searching for facilities, 3) the. .continued improvements to the Dublin Sports Grounds. Some: work is currently being. done to provide better drainage.and grass for soccer, etc; but many ofthe baseball/softball fields need to be renovated, including ; -new and.better: infield dirt and"grass..:4) Continued improvements to bike lanes and hiking trails. Solid work is currently tieing applied towards this goal. 5}Better programs for teens. The Parks Department is working to find the kind of programming that will attract today's teens and, truthfully, has been struggling towards meeting that -goal: Many teen programs have been poorly attended or cancelled. Finding he right combo will . definitely be a";challenge in the coming,years: How do you feel aboutuser fees for recreation programs, and park/facility reservations?: I personally believe that essentially all of the fees being. collected for use of parks and facilities are fair and equitable. While I personally wouldn't mind seeing fees for non-Dublin residents tweaked upward slightly, I believe . that individuals and groups receive great value for the fees paid. I applaud Parks & Community Services staff for the diligent way they have been managing the fees component of the operation. FIovv do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with. neighbors or organizations?: Malting tough decisions is something I've had, to do professionally and' ,:personally, virhially all of my life: While. I'm always respectful and appreciative of input I receive from residents, at the end of the day I have to make a decision based upon all input that I believe best serves the . _ . : majonty of residents. For example, during this past year when the commission was working with the city to put. together recommended fees for use of turf fields at Fallon., Sports Park, there was a move by one; , ;h _ commissioner and members of Dublin United Soccer to try arid, gain'special; lower rates just for" tfiat . . - " organization: While I understood the economuc challenges that all organizations .face, I did not believe it was _ fair to all`residenf§ and organizations that would use the turf fields. They were not built just for Dublin` United Soccer. I voted against the proposal, which"was, then sent to, and approved by the City Council. What is_the~most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission?: Lbelieve I have a unique and valuable set of skills. My background in marketing and public. relations allows me insight and experience in being able to provide relevant and useful suggestions to city staff. I have, during my first term, worked to provide input on ways to improve and' enhance both the promotion and positioning of Parks & Community Services programs, but ways to enhance the programs themselves. As a local journalist; I'm continually writing about various Parks department programs;' and receive regular input from local officials and local residents (including many senior citizens) -about the city"and its Parks 8i Community Services facilities and programs. I also bring with me the perspective. as the father of three kids who have all participated in Dublin city programs. And, finally, IHave the experience ofhaving served what I humbly believe was a very successful first term on the commission and would be honored to serve. once again. Additional Information: Form submitted on: 11/18/2010 12:38:46 PM ~ _ _ _ - ~ s. ?mot r1 EJ r.: _ ~17.~&SSIJ ~ ~~1i`A~L'g.8 1X 3.~9.1~ ~~~~IA~~~~~~~~::. 4c~~ c~ rt ~ a ~ ~ NAtV~ ~~~/I~/~/~ . ~ : ~I~C~ DATE f [ r ~1 d r . S . , n . , .l`, - P. ~ _ _ HQNE # (H01~IE (WORK} E-il~ail . ~~rl~ : Conni~ty Ser~ces 1 ~ ~n~sslonon Ynterested serv~t~ ~~a ~~e . , ~1~~U.TF l ti~ .S~/%1 ~ c~~ TlGC = ~C ~ r/~ fG~S ~/~E ' ~Ia~~ l~ov~ledge do you have'of, the papks~ and recreation facilities in ~lttblin? . . _ . ~ ; ~l~a~ I~o~lodge do:.you ,have. of the_ pr®gi a~n~ ,o~e~ ed. ~th~ou~ tlae ~'a~ks ~ . ~ounitp Services ~ep~~tert? lave y®~ or a ~fagnily ~neanber p~.rticigated ~ . . , P g ni spdnsored by tide Il+epartment? a ro ra . r ~%7 ~~fj1~l~/~,¢r" ~l~iyliL.~,P G~f%~f Tff~ ~,201~/~l_S . _ _Q!%F~2C...t~ ~ f~-,~Ji1C'!~ ~~P~.s . ~ f~i~1~~~/~~iT V s~etl~~_s ` ~~J OL~~f-~/tP ~ L~-~,~/l'1~ 7'D Si~/r'/~~ J'/~~ ~~l~Gi,~~ Sc~~ irl . L~~~ii 4 -Are :there additional park facilities and recreation pre~rams needed. by the community? Tease describe. ~ ~ ~C~ ~?~Y Oil-~-~ ~~6,~A~1.s %11~~~ ~ . . ,~i i - ~ ~t1 ~ R.~©~ f=~tirli~LiH~ LrJ~ ~ ~L L . D~ Tr~ f~4~'/~~~ Tf~i`,cll~ T,~13~XS: ~ ~1j2~1U,f~~ ~~~/~c~ f~v~,~~ y~~s < i~-~2. c . B y . s~~+r~~`N6: ocl?~ ~ ~~~-~s :.sve r~~y ~,~-~~;rf6 f o,iJ Tirf~ ~ ~ ~>s . lr/~~~~T~ - ; ~o~:-do. y~~,,,feeI ?l~o~t , maser =fees for recre~tg~~ ~~a~~~~s ..~nd...~ark/~. cil~~y ; . , re~e~~ions?' _ ~ ~ r~ ~ y TIC ~w~~S 6. I~o~ : do.°= ~?o~~ feel: ab~~~t. ma.k~~ - de~i~i~n for the ~v~~a~I ~o~d ~f t~~ ~ , - - ebunit~ ~s~t uap®~ul~~ ~~fltl~ n~i~hb~~s d~ o~ganiz~~i®ns? . . . - - / ~S Loh G A-S ~ ~~cl Z`T s T~~- ~ti~E 7. What, is the inmst ino~ortant e4n~'ibula~~ you can make as a ~neaniBer of the ~a~i~ - ~ ~bmx~tui~itg~ Servy~e~ Ci~~~ni~si~~~? _ ' S~GAIA'TURE ~~2~Ly OCCUPA'I`tO3~ ~~T~~ a ~tiG . _ Please return this coanpleted foran to tlpe attention of Car~live Soto, amity Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, ~A, 94s6~ by end of day 1~onday, ~oveffiber ~9, 20.0. P~st~arks ' wall rnat be aceep~ed.. - G:41PPTd1~lTS12U10 APP01ApplicationslP'~ks Commission Applica$on:rtf - .The following: form was subrmtted via your website "Parks & Community Services Commission ; Date(mm/dd/yy) 11/13/10. - ~ _ Name:: .Sheila Jessup Schwarz _ Street Address:;; ~ ~ - City; State Zipc ~ _ u m; TM 8 Phone .(home):: Phone (cell or work : i Email Address: Occupation;: CP : _ ~ ~ - Y' . _ y g , . Ty . . Wh are ou interested in servin on the Parks & Communi Services Commission?: A community . needs volunteers that are willing to serve in;order to make abetter-community for a11.After being on my - - IiOA board for four years; I would likeao. explore this opportunity with the city of Dublin and the Parks - } and Community Services. Commission since this is our.home, our neighborhood and our:community. What:knowledge do you have of the`parks and recreation facilities in Dublin?:1VIy knowledge is. . . limited at this point to the parks that we have visited/explored, read about in the Dublin Rec guide and the classes, that we have taken. I do not feel that is a limitation to my ability to serve on the commission since there would still be committee members whose terrris~ do not expire until-2012 who could provide the necessary background to upcoming decisions. : What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the. Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department?: My knowledge is limited to the information in the Dublin Rec Guide and what is available on the city's website. My family and' I have participated iri several of the programs offered. Most recently, we participated in the Family Catnpout at Emerald Glen. This adventure then lead our family to go tent camping in Big Sur and Half MoonBay in the following months. ' Are there additional park facilities and recreatton programs needed by the community? Please ,describe.. I would love to see the Tassajara Creek park more fully,utilized and possibly joined with the trails by. Wndemere parkway: We love to hike and the hills, around Dublin are its gems .Additional' dog . . P g ~ y •g: p _ unity' " ~ arks or do fnendl venues e ooch"`parade} might be welcomed by.the c omm ' - w do you feel aboutuser fees.for recreation programs and park/facility reservations?: I would Ho need more facts to determine how I feel about user fees: What are the programs that would benefit, liow would the funds be used, who would be excluded if the fees were implemented etc: How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the' community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?: I have had to make these types of decisions as.an HOA board member for the past four years. It is not pleasant_but.tlie decisions need to be supported by facts that can withstand scrutiny in the present and in the future. - What is the most important contribution-you can make as a'member of the Parks & Community .Services Commission?: The most important contribution that Ican make as a member would be that I will be completely engaged in the process and will objectively evaluate the pros/cons of the decisions to .determine the best course of action for our community.. . Additional.lnformation: Form submitted on: 11/13/2010 6:49.:54. PM~ - i ~ ~II~gg ,IryT~GE: ~ C.-CTL'I'IJRAI,~ ARTS ~®1VIl~/II~SIO~T , god ~ ~ APPLICATION 2~i0: N'1~1Y1 ~ , ' ~ ~.r, ra R .A, " ~ l /2~ y,Q~~,~i j,//7 f /s~ ADDRESS . _ J / ~ . ~j~'~- . PHONE # (NOME), 'WORK)" E-Mail ~ 1 1. Why,are you interested in serving on the Heritage ~i Cultural Arts Co~n~aissi®n? f - / - . ~ L 4 ~i , 2. In:what organizationsJare you current y a~member? Dublin Fine Arts Foundation_ i -Dublin Historical Preservation Association vOt~er (Please list) - ~ ~-~/'~V'. / C~~~ ~/~C7 ~/?!l ~rr.A ~i6~_. . T%r~ /~~/~?~~~-rr ry S 3. What .,experience do you have serving on advisory co mittees, task forces, .boards or. commissions? ~ ~5 ~ ~ aa" d c~ ~ ? r ~~-~-s 1;~ o ~ s c1 ~ 6 - - - _ • 5~~~~~; ~h A r6t:l.Jo:~,~.,~ ~ (z C~ (I rd~~~ v ~ p~ 5. ~ ~o `Q~S ' ' ~ r A ~-~h t~-~~l i~~~~~ vS/a~~5 0 VD ~v„ ~s 4. `What educati. n, tramm or ex•p rie-~ice'do yo`h:have~~~ur~`l~ar~ts~er`tage?_ - L ~ ~ 5. ist t e ar istil~c,tcultur 1; . an or historic activities. in which you have participated;`particularly within the City of Dublin. f : ~ ~ • , 6. -What knov~led~e clo ou have of the Dublin I~er><tage Center? 4..~ , , . , . , . _ . . 7. What knowledge do you. have of public art and public~art programs"in Dublin? . _ -y, G l`~ . ~ . _ , .]Hove do you feel about making a decision f®><- the overall good of the community that:may. be unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ~ , /~?1/.i~ ~ ' ~ a 9: What is the- most ><4nportant contribution you feel you can make as a member of .the Heritage,...& Cultural Arts, C_oinmission? - ~ ~ , v . ~ ~ . Y - - SIGNATURE ` ~ ~ OCCUPATION ~s~7`~=~ Please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline Soto, City Clerk; 100 Civic Plaza, Lublin; CA, 9456 by~ end of day Monday, November 29, 2010. Postmarks will not be accepted. - - G:~APPTMTS~2010 APPO~Applications~F3eritage &.CA Application.rtf , - .il Y _ , ~ , . .The=following forirr was submitted via your website: Heritage Cnltural Arts `Commission Application Y - , Date(mm/dd/yy):: 10/28/10 Name:: Pamela Lynn Hernandez - Street Address:: - ,.:,L..,., City, State Zipcode:: Dubhii, CA- 94566 ~ = . _ _ i .Phone (home):: Phone (cell-or work):: . . - _ . Email. Address:: , . . Occupation:: Interior Designer Why are you interested iii serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?: I am a new residence of Dublin and I want to become involved in the city I live. I believe 'it is important to become immersed into the culture of ones surroundings: I am a huge advocate~of preserving our nation's history and have'a passion for,the arts: As a citizen what better,way to give back to the community than volunteer ones time in the development of our cultural, heritage;and the arts: I choose to live in Dublin because of it warm welcoming- environment anti, the opportunity to participate in the city assisting in the nourishment of its past and play a role in the attractions of local identities would be a privilege.. . , - . - ' In what organizations -are you currently a member?: Other (Please List Below) - . Other;: A member LA Tree People; San: Bernardino County Youth Corp.. Orange County Performing Arts . , . ~ ~ Center. and a Member of the CA Legislative Coalition for Interior Design:' - `What experience do you have serving; on advisory committees, task forces, boards or commissions?: I . , . am~not a member of an Advisory Committee; Task Force; Boards or Comrrussions but I have been in . . involved in committees in college, work and communities: I have helped organize food fairs in college, worked in our community organizing neighborhood holiday events and work in" an industry that constantly reviews art, blue prints and designs. I understand about working in teams to accomplish a goal; . organizational charts, lists, delegating responsibility, follow-up and review. I have worked with volunteers in .the Theater; Planting trees and minors: What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or heritage?: I have taken several art classes; History of art, History.of Furniture, IDesign, Life Drawing, Graphic Arts and I have a background - in Interior Design. ~I love the arts and history. - - _ _ - . - List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have participated; particularly within the City of Dublin.: I have volunteered for the City of Brea's Museum; Orange County Performing Arts Center acid assistedin aFashion Show for the City of San Bernardino Youth Program. I have also, . - wolunteered an the preservation of Fullerton s Fox Theater. ~ . " Wliaf knowledge do you have of -the Dubhri Heritage Center?: Being new to the .community; T do not ' " . .have firsthand knowledge of the Center. I know it is a family museum with free admission. Its mission "is to'- collect, preserve;, and interpret the material culture of Dublin to provide, an historical .and cultural focal point- that will enrich.the community." I know.Community Centers need"to serve their communities;,not only as a positive economic and social impact, but to assist in establishing and reinforcing the identity, of its cultural heritage. ` _ What knowledge do yon have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?: Art is an instrument that facilitates harmony and understanding among people; it supports culture and defines who-we are as a society Public Art programs help in continuing a civilized society. Tliey cari help bridge young and old in all 'economic categories:-.Who said it "without art there is no civilization." - How do.you-feel-about making a"decision for the overall good of the community that maybe " `unpopular with neighbors or organizations?: It is never easy making a decision that others may protest; but as an individual given. a responsibility to do what is. best for the overall good, of the community, one has ' . to except that responsibility and do what is right not what is popular. I feel confident I could do what is right. What is the most important contribution you, feel you can make as a member of the Heritage & ".Cultural Arts Commission?: I am a person of integrity; I am hard working and will give the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission my full commitment. - Additional Information: Form submitted on: 10/28/20101:40:04 PM - - ~I ~.::The.followmg form was submitted yia your.websrte. Heritage;& Cultural-Arts Commission Apphcati ` Dafe(ynm/ddlyy):.` 11/11/10 Name:: Delilah. v er of - , Street Address:: , _ ~ ` City, State Zip e: Dublin` CA 9 68 Phone (home):.. , .Phone; (cell or work)' . - lmail Address: .Occupation:: Retire aro e - - - .Why are you initerested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?: I have lived in Dublin " for..44.years, and have~seen many changes; I feel_it is important to preserve the History of Dublin and to keep myself iriforined of what is going on iri my Commuty; which I would like to. be a part of helping with the Education of the Heritage and Cultural Arts: - In whaforganizations.are you currently a member.?:, Other:: Dublin Senior Center Advisory Committee . ~ . What.experience do you have serving on advisory :committees, task forces, boards or commissions?: Dublin Senior Center Advisory Committee Firearms Committee for Dept. of Corrections Sub-Committee with the Youth Advisory Committee. Sub-Committee working witfi Senior Center and The Groves for Picnic in the Park _ - - , What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or heritage?: Just have Love for the " arts and heritage . ; . . List-the. artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have participated; particularly within the " , • : City of Dublin.: Docent for San Ramon at-the Forest Home Farm Historical High Tea in Safi Ramon Dublin . _ lOl class'. - _ , . . - _ a . - What knowledge do you, have. of the Dublin Heritage Centers Some knowledge of the the-old church and . Gravesife, and the new area which'was the Home., of Carol Strom acid her family.: ' What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?: Not alot How do you feel about making,a decision,for the overall-good of the community that may be unpopular with neighbors or organizations?: I do riot have a problem of expressing my viewpoint. I was in Law Enforcement, so you learn quickly to speak up. " What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?: Hopefully make decision to better educatate the Community on the History of Dublin and to continue to improve the Heritage Center. . Additional Information.: Form submitted on: 11/11/2010 10:34:48 AM , . ~ . - ~ENIOR~.CEN.TER ADVISORY C®MI9~ITTEFJp~ ~ ~ zOt~ L . - - ~ APPLICATION - . a _ NAME / D DATE 1~-= ~ - ! b ADDRESS _ ~ , . - TELEPHONE~# (HOME) ORK} . . E=Mail Address 1.: Why are you interested m~serving on the Senior Center Advisory - Committee? > ~ - _ - Q: . rl n r} Z u tvc • ~ L~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~,-,r, ~ t~ ~fi"~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~f~~ t~ r1 2. What knowledge do.you have of the piograms.~and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center? . , ~ ~ ~ r/~ 'L~ ; r, ~on7P ~ t }gin <`P ~Cn~, a~2n c1 ao ~ ctrl ~-hr n~Lr~~ra..-~n~ ~.~^,P a1 • o~ S U ~ _ t . . _ , _ rnrn ~t~"A ~ Sno h~1:oPec3 ~ . . 3. Have you.or a fam~Iy member_taken.advan#age of the programs, and services offered through' the Dublin Senior Center? . CZL n 0 G ,D ~ . . 4. ~~Are there additional programs .and services that should be offered through the Dublin Senior Center.? . PIease describe. td.~2L1'~ ~Sa L~)c~'~.~h e n ,~~L3 e..S J J1~L L~~57_ ~ Q-riCl) ~ a`.nrT~ _ , :i.f T ~ rYz.~ L? ~n'~''~ .1 t , D rYi L ~ GLn ~ h ~ G 110 h O b~ t~ c ~7 h ~ ~Jl _C l Q~~ D E~ ' Li'L~-#d~~?"~)p _ ~ n . s - T dS~. r~_ e of the most, ressm issues facm ~ elder ~ 7"~ _ 5. _ What, do; you feel are som . , : p g , , . g . , adults an 'our society?: _ ~f2DU?~ .1i 9'E .~~1a~1 ~ ('i,.'1z-~',~=a/,•rf-rte C ~~1n- 1~~~~~ F1r.!-e.h~P1~1~''i i7RJt~ ~h~/1,Q1'!`~~ i ,_(sy 2 (fie l~ ~N 7 . - 9 D ~h„^. -'f~..~:~ - t1-~ilc.:, -~iP~.~.-ns~ ~-Ec... L1:L tu'tG~'~'i.Qm:, `~.~~.w. - . _ 6. How do you fee~a out making a decision for the overaIi good of the . comanunty but unpopular. withneighbors or organizations?: - . - , . - us iL. rj~ - - q~ "1'.r, Sv o T FZR'~ r• " .s•t v~Lrr d_]E c~ "'Fi, r~ `L131'Yi m rat Q~ ~ ~ ~ l~.•~ 1 h. ru tip ~ ,t. _ ' ~r•i ~~~n n~ _ G'n~ . r't L~C}S ~•~A- -L~s '~f1~rl:~ ~ hl- f3t.'L~_ I~~ ~ ' 7: `What is the: most important; cbntrilbution you can make as a member of . the Senior Center Advisory.-Committee? ~ . - Q ~ - _ . . 1 , = ` " - f ~ i - ~ Z ~ )O~ r~ m,-rt o r}ls_ : .:r '~-Yto ~ r h r3~ .r_ c~:t li^~ ,fio nJ'~Cc+_ ...h M n rn P , ~ i~t?`t~ h n Prl _ rt / Q~„~ Q-nr~ f? i 1 ~ r~ fPl~]_S .g g-/ , e _~'rv~ r r~ Ci.b rn t'7~ n' /~~n : ~'1 &j~? ~ . ' r- ~ SIGNA OCCUPATIO Please .return this completed form to the attention of Caroline Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA .94568_ by end of day Monday, November '29, 2010:\.Postmarks will not be accepted.. G:IAPPTMTS12010 APP01Applications~Senior Ctr,Comm Applicaiion.doc _ L C~~°Y.€~~ Via, 4~~_~~. ~ NIOR~~CENTE]E~'AI)VI~OR'Y~ ~~1~11~J[ITTE~ ~~1 _ ~OV~~z1. .[~PPI.ICI~TION . . DATE - 2. , (O: NAME - _ ADDRESS , , TELEPHONE # (HQME) (WQRK) s -E-Mail Addres . r _ _ 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center advisory Committee? ~ . ~ ~ ~~1~2 ~G S - - Cd - o~~~~-~ ~ (Z ~ -fib, e ~~y~S o~'` ~.bL~ n~a~nch ; _ _ 't c~2S . ~ D ; `2: What-knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered - tlirough the Dublin Senior Center?° _ ~ _ ~~o ~ 1~e~ w/,~N ~l ~ ~u~ ~ t~ n ~ ~ 1~~ ~ ~ ~n~~ ~ ,~v ~ lh . . , . w . _ Have-you, or a family member taken advantage of the programs; and 3. _ services offered hrough the Dublin Senior Center?, , ; S .~~e . bin do - t s "tom ~ Yl 01 ~ ~ ` . • ~ o Ski c b ~ ~ S ZZ. 4.- Are.there additional programs and.services that should be offered through the Dublin Senior Center? Please describe. - _1 . . o~ ~1 v ca. - _ -z ~ , 5. `What do you feel are some of the most'pressing issues. faciEng:elder . ~~I . ~ adults iin our.society. . : 1~ S ~ , v ~ r . -'~z~ 7 ~ ~('t .P~' l,v _ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 6:: ~Iow do-you feel about making a decision fir the overall g®od of the . community :but unpopular with neighb®gs or ®rgairflizations? cJ' Out ~ _ _ _ j 7.. What rs the most, important contribution you can malke as a gnember of the`Senior Center Advisory Com~it>Lee? t~ ~ ?/1. l~ t ~C~'1i,C){~ i . , S S ' ~D~ Y1 Yle ~ ~ h , C~. ~C~S~ ~ ~ CD~Q(~~ SIGNA C ATION Please- return. this completed form to the. attention of. Caroline Soto,. City Clerk,-100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by end of day Monday, November 29 2010.. Postmarks will not be accepted.. ' G:IAPPTMTS\2010APP01App1ications~SeniorCtrCommAppiication.doc ~ . _ - SENI0r12 ~ET~ ASR`~_.~®I~ , F : ~ ~ . . ; ' " APPIrIC~iTI®~4T O w ~ . ~ 20i0 : i, ~ k Ir L~ u"f' ~~~czi.gi=i t ~ '~.~Fx ~eG. ..NAME . "EDDIE JO MACK ~ DATE 11 /24/10 ~ ~ . ADDRESS a... ; . . _ , NE # (HOME) (WORK) _N/A TELEPIiO " - E-Mail Address 1. ~'hy- are you interested ~n serving on .thee Beni®r Canter Advis®ry - - Committee? I am a senior and I loge working with other seniors. I love talking to them, learning about their history and how they plan to live the remainder of their lives. I learn from them as I give to them some of tfie companionship that they desire... ~ - Some of them have no familyor they live faraway; so they are alone. Some of them don't. know their neighbors or don't speak the same .language so they feel handicapped. To be able to put two people together m a good relationship makes me feel accomplished. , 2. ~ What knowledge do you- have of the programs and services offered "through. the Dublin .Senior Center? . I have worked with the Senior.Center years .ago in a collaborative manner as I started ,x - ' . ~ various organizations, and volunteered with the American Cancer Society ~I became aware of , , what they.had to'offer theri'and now'and feel.that I can enhance their now by listening to the participants as: they discuss`be programs or what they would like to Rave offered; etc. I have - participated in a few. programs; but: my passion is on this side of the, Center; a . , volunteer:: . 3. wave you or a faanily member taken advantage of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center? I have attended some of the.events and classes in the past yeaz, but I prefer to be on the ..vin: side helm - - _ . ~ g P~ .g . others: 4. Are there additional ro rams and services.that hould be offered . P.~ g through the Du61n Senior Centers Please describe - ` ~ If we were fiuided, I would like to see some basic an aclasses ve 'to hel 'those , ~ P . who are adrift right now. _ - .1. . . ~ 5: What do you feel are some of the anost pressing issues faci®g_ elder adults in 'our society? Given the current economic situation, the growth of our community and the growth of our senior population - I see the most pressing issues are where/how to spend the decreasing funds they have, the language problem; and how to meet others with similar interests. 6. ~ . ~Iow do.~you feel about.makang a decision for the.overall good of the comanunity but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? If the neighbors or other organizations have- not explored or listened to the complaints or criticisms voiced by those we fiear, they cannot come to the same conclusion or decision that I or one of the other members can make. By carefully analyzing the results of our deliberations I feel' that we will make'the most viable decision given the information that we have received. - . _ 7. What-is the: most important.contribution you cam make as a member of the Senior,Center Advisory. Committee? . I believe that~the most important contribution that I can make. is by listening to the seniors as they ask questions and explain their problems and by trying to understand that they need to be listened to more often than resolutions are needed. Many are lonely. and they need companionships, when I showsome empathy. or sensitivity, they open up more about what is really the problem, and they seek me out when they come into the center. l' . - SIGNATURE OCCUPATION .Retired >Please return this completed form to the. attention of Caroline Soto, City Clerk, 100 ..Civic Plaza;. Dublin, CA 94568. by end of day Monday, November , ; . 29;2010: Postmarks will not .be accepted: ~ G:~APPTMTS12010 APP01App1icationslSenior CIi Comm Applicationdoo -The following'form was submitted via your website Senior Center Advisory Coinrmttee Application` . _ Date(mm/dd/yy):: 11/12/2010 ~ I Name:: Lee Sand - Street Address:: City, State Zipco e: i Dublin` CA 94568 - Phone (home).. Phone (cell or wor ~ - _ . Email Address:: Occupation::. - Why are you interested in_serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: The Dublin 101 program was ;inspirational. Want help make a difference in the Senior community: Now retired, would like to spend more time "giving back... - - What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered through the Dublin-Senior Center?: Since July 2008; volunteer twice a week, 2-4 hours iri the Dublin Senior Center-office. Keep track of Volunteers' hours, and other assignments from staff. Participate in discussions with the staff on Center's events _ and issues. Have you or a family member taken. advantage of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: During 2008-09, enjoyed Thursday walks with the Wonderers, line dancing. Attend some of the luncheons-and events. ~ r Are there additional programs and services that should-be offered through the Dublin Senior Center? .Please describe.: Enjoyed the recent-Advisory Committee "Coffee" on Thurs. Nov 4. Interesting ideas presented, such as including beginning art; teaching simple, nutritous cooking; exercise programs for those who can only sit...considering'Seniors' wants/needs feedback. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society?: Getting medical help'and transportation. Difficulty in maintaining independence; maybe too'proud to ask for help. Lack of good nutrition, excercise, socialization and family support. Lost friends and family members. Many disabled and/or suffer varying levels of depression, Alzheimer's or dementia. _ . - How ~do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or, organizations?~: Don't expect approval, but for the good of the community, understand decisions aren't always welcome: Important'to listen and understand neighbors'/organizations' adversity to help qualify Advisory Committee feedback to City of Dublin: What is the most important contribution you can make.as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: USF BS degree.in Organizational Behavior, and background in Human Resources. From 2006- . 2008; most of my time spent taking care of my mother who passed away at 96. Most important contribution: maintain positive attitude, work effectively with committee~members, follow-through and. keep commitments. Additional Information: ~ - ~ - Form submitted on: 11/12/2010 11:24:14 AM.. . . ,