HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 17-97 Rez Dublin/HaciendaORDINANCE NO. 1'7 .. 97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND HACIENDA DRIVE IN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLANNING AREA (APN: 986-001-001-10) The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1 Chapter 2 of Title 8 of the Dublin Ordinance Code is hereby amended in the following manner: Approximately 11.9 acres generally located at the northeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive in the Eastern Dublin Specific Planning area, more specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Number 986-001-001-10 are hereby rezoned from a Planned Development to a Planned Development Multi-Family Residential as shown and described on the application for a Planned Development Rezone and on Exhibit 2 (Resolution No. 90-97 Approving and Establishing Findings, General Provisions and Conditions of Approval), exhibit to the Staff Report dated June 17, 1997, to the City Council, on file with the City of Dublin Department of Community Development, and hereby adopted as the regulations for the future use, improvement, and maintenance of the property within this District. A map of the rezoning area is outlined below: Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days from and after its passage. Before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, with the names of the Councilmembers voting for and against same, in a local newspaper published in Alameda County and available in the City of Dublin. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 1st day of July, 1997, by the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ' C~it~Clerk ~ - CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM ]VOTE: Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. ~ Some of the items listed might not apply to your specific application. Please print or type legibly. Attach additional sheets,sf necessary. 1. TYPE OF APJPLICATi(lN: Administrative Conditional Use Permit [ACUP] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] X Site Development Review [SDR] Variance [VAIt] X Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] Sign/Site Development Review [SIGN/SDR] Master Sign Program [MSP/SDR] X Planned Development Rezone [PD REZJ Rezone [REZ] GeneraUSpecific Plan Amendmem [GPAj II. GENERAL DA A A. Address/Location of Property: NEC Hacienda Drive/Dublin Boulevard B. Assessor Parcel Number(s): 9 S 6.1 .1 .1 0 C. Site Area: 1 6~cr~Zoning: MHD E. General Plan Designation: MHD Multifamily F. Existing/Propased Use of Property: vacant/324 unit a artment development G. Existing Uses of Surrounding Properties: vacant-north, vacant-south, vacant-west, town ome/multifamily-east iIl. W R P I A. P Oj',~Z'Y OW1VF_R,- In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that 1 have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authori2e the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding. 1 agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I, further cert~ that the information and exhibits submitted are true artd correct. ,4 (Note: A11 Property Owners must sign !f property is jointly owned) Name: R 7 Capacity: Pro~rty i?wner/Agent Company:~_~ ,p. S. }t tt~ a.>~ Phone: (gip) O b Address: 2 -vN '~'! 5- Fax #: ~ltj 6 7C~ 6 S z~s X Signature: ~ ~ Date: TZ~'~l ~ B• TY N In signing this application, 1, as Applicant, cert~+ that 1 have obtained written authorisation from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. 1 agree to be bound by the conditionu of approval, subject only to the right to abject at the hearings or during the appeal period 1 further cert~ that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Stephen G. Crozier Title: Proiect Manager Company: Security Capital Pacific Trust Phone: ( } 510-583-2113 Address: _ 22320 Foothill Blvd., Suite 220 Fax #: Signature: 510-728-7111 • • CITY OF DUBLIN CHECKLIST OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING {PD REZ) On a case by case basis, a City Planner will place a checkmark (~/} next to the information required to be submitted. The City Planner may determine that specific information is not needed to process a particular application. If the City Planner decides to waive certain information, the City Planner will initial the waived information and keep a copy of the form for City records. Incomplete application submittals will not be accepted unless a Planner has signed a submittal requirement waiver specifically identifying those items waived. Incomplete or inaccurate information may result in processing delays or denial of the project. An example of a situation in which a Planner might waive certain submittal requirements: Planned Development Rezoning request for a.single family residential project without any common areas. In this situation, the Planner may waive the requirement to submit a preliminary landscape plan. To comply with State law, the following represents a comprehensive list of information which must be submitted prior to acceptance of an • application far a Planned Development Rezoning:, GENERAL INFORMATION: Project Street Address/Location: NEC Hacienda Drive/Dublin Boulevard Project Name: Villas at Santa Rita Project Description: 324 unit apartment development Zoning District: Medium High Density APN: 986.1.1.10 Applicant Name: Security Capital Pacific Trust No. of Copies 1. Completed Application Form including address and 1 signatures of property owner{s} and applicant. 2. Completed Environmental Information Form including 1 signatures of property owner(s) and applicant. ~.r9•'~. ~, ~'~ /submitls - 1 - n~~ln ~~ July 13, 1992 i 3. A_plicatior'~eposit (cash or check pay~le to City of Dublin in the amount of $ }. Contact Planner to determine the amount to submit. • Fish and Game Environmental Filing Fee: ' Environmental Impact Report ($850.00) Negative Declaration ($1,250.00) County Administrative Fee ($25.00} Initial Study Fee ($25.00} . Environmental Impact Report Special Studies (traffic, noise, etc.} N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N1A 4. Written Statement describing the project in detail 1 and stating the benefits and costs the rezoning will have upon the City. The statement shall also indicate whether the project is located on a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 2.fi59fi2.5). If the 'site is included an a list of hazardous waste and substance sites, the list shall be specified on • the statement. 5. n 6. 7. Preliminary Title Report/Property Profile to document 1 ownership prepared within three months. Public Notice Materials: a. reproduced copy of Alameda County Assessor's parcel map showing project parcels} outlined . in red and a 300 foot radius drawn from the perimeter of the site drawn•in blue; b. 1•ist of names and addresses of current property owners within 340 feet of site typed on labels; and c. plain envelopes {4q" x 9~"}with postage (29~} {no return address) Vicinity Map showing site in relation to nearest cross streets. 8. General Provisions Statement indicating general development and land use provisions for the Planned Development {i.e., setbacks, heights, permitted and conditional uses}. 9• Site Plan drawn to 1" = 20' scale and fully dimensioned (folded, 9" x 11" maximum). The plans must be prepared and signed by licensed civil engineer, surveyor, architect, or designer. The boundary and topography must be prepared and signed by a licensed civil .engineer or land surveyor. The grading information must be prepared and signed by a licensed civil engineer. • The site plan should show the following: 1 1 1 set 1 1 10 lsubmitls - 2 - July 13, 1992 • a. north arrow and scale 1"= 20' b. Legal Boundaries - property lines, easements,. right-of-way, trails, paths, and utility poles. c. TopocLraphy - topography of the site with one- foot contour lines for land with a slope of 5$ or less, and 2-foot contours for land over 5$. The contour interval may be increased for land with over 20~ slope. Any faults, • flood zones and slide areas must be shown. d. Grading - Preliminary grading plan showing existing and .proposed contours carried a minimum 50 feet beyond the project boundaries. Show direction and path of existing and proposed drainage. Indicate total quantities of cut and fill, building pad and other finished elevations and retaining walls (with height and materials specified). e. Streets and Lots - Proposed locations and dimensions of lots, off-street parking and loading areas, streets and sidewalks. f. Buildings - The locations and exterior dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, trash enclosures and accessory structures. g. Public Areas - Areas proposed to be dedicated . or used in common for parks, trails and other public areas. h. Trees - The species (common name}, size, condition, location and dripline of existing trees over 12 inches in circumference, 24 inches above grade. Any trees proposed to be removed shall be identified. i. Project Summary - The proposed land use(s), floor areas, number of units and parking spaces, the total amount and percentage of landscaping, and phasing. Phasing limits • must be shown on the site plan. Z0. Preliminary Landscape Plan showing locations of 10 proposed plant materials (folded, 9"~x 11" maximum), including the following: a. plant palette with the name of the proposed plants (both common and botanical), quantities, spacing-and container sizes; and b. locations of proposed plants, berms, concrete curbs, paths, fencing and miscellaneous structures (including above grade utility structures such as PG&E transformers). • /submitls - 3 - July 13, 1992 11. Building E~vations, fully dimensione~nd drawn 10. to 1/8" = 1' scale of all sides of all proposed structures (folded, 9" x 11" maximum}. Elevations must include building materials, colors, trash enclosures, fencing and roof screening details. 12. Reduced Copies (8 1/2" x 11"} of each plan. 2 13. Site Color Slides showing views of and from site, l set including neighboring development. 14. Aerial Photo legibly showing a direct overhead view of the project site and surrounding area not more than one year old. 15. Traffic data specific to the site or proposed project: traffic generation rates, peak hour counts, trip distribution and similar information. (Planner checks with Public Works for additional information.} 16. Special Information in such a form and number as N/A may be required by the Planning Department. For help in understanding this information, please contact: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF- CITY OF DUBLIN .100 CIVIC PLAZA DUBLIN, CA 94568 . ~ (510} 833-6610 i /submitls - 4 - July 13, 1992 RESOLUTION N0.90 - 97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS .FORA. PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING CON~G PA 97-007 THE VILLAS AT SANTA RTTA WHEREAS, Security Capital Pacific Trust has requested approval of a Planned Development Rezoning fora 324 unit multi-family project on 11.9S net acres in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; and WHEREAS, Security Capital Pacific Trust has submitted a Land U_se and Development Plan as required by Section 8.31-13 of the Zoning Ordinance which meets the requirements of said section; and WHEREAS, a developmern agreemern will be approved prior to recordation of a Parcel Map for the project as is required by the conditions of approval of the Tentative Parcel Map and the Eastern Dublin Speafic Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the City has found, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section IS 1.82, that the proposed residential project is ~ within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan which was certified by the City Council by Resolution No. S 1-93, and the Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 (the "EIR"), and has further found that the proposed project is consistent with the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Plan and Planned Development Standards are attached as Exhrbit 1 to this Resolution and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing. on said application on May 27,1997, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Councr~ approve and establish findings, general provisions and developmern standards for a Planned Development Rezoning for PA 97-007; and ~ ~ S, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on June 17, 1997; and WHEREAS, the StaffReport was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the application; and ~~etirh~-~ ~. 1. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the general provisions, intent, and purpose of the PD District Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planned Developmem Rezone will be appropriate for the subject property in terms of providing General Provisions which set forth the purpose, applicable provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, range of permitted and conditionally permitted uses, and Development Standards; which will be compatible with existing residential and commercial uses in the immediate vicinity, and will enhance development of this area; and 2. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the general provisions, intent and purpose of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Rezone implements the intent and development standards identified in that documern and will thereby serve to implemern the provisions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in this area; and 3. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the intent of the General Plan which designates this area as Medium High Density Residential iri that the Planned Development Rezone will implement the intent of this Land Use Designation and because the project would create development within the densities allowed by this Designation; and 4. The Planned Development Rezoning will not have a substantial adverse affect on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public~welfare or be injurious to property or public improvements as all .applicable regulations will be met; and S. .The Planned Development Rezoning will not overburden public services as all agencies will have to commit to the availability of public services prior to issuance of building permits as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies and mitigation measures;. and 5. The Planned Development Rezoning will create an attractive, efficient and safe em~ironment through the implementation of the standards identified in the Rezone document; and 7. The Planned Development Rezoning will benefit the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and is in conformance with Sections 8-3 I.0 to 8-31.19 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and 8. The Planned Development Rezoning will be compatible with and enhance the general development of the area because it will be developed pursuarn to the standards and site development review; and 9. The Planned Development Rezoning will provide an environment that will encourage the efficient use of common areas to create an innovative type of multi-family development. BE IT FfTRTHER RESOLVED THAT except as specifically included in Exlu~bit 1, attached and made a part of this Resolution, development and operation of land use activities within BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby approve a Planned Developmem Rezoning subject to the following General Provisions and Development --~ . Standards which constitute regulations for the use, improvement and maintenance of the 11.9E acre APN 985-001-001-10 and included as Exlnbit 1 attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1997. AYES: Councilmembeis Burton, Lockhart and Mayor Houston NOES: Councilmembe~s Barnes and Howard ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Mayor A Jerk PA9?-~7lccpcbes KZ%G/7-1-97/resovila. doc :~ ~~. ~__ ~~~ ,~ EXHIBIT 1 THE VILLAS AT SANTA RITA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (General Provisions and Development Standards) 1. Intent: The intent of these Development Regulations is to regulate site development and to promote flexibility using site planning criteria specifically for the'Alas at Santa Rita" multi-family site. These regulations are intended to encourage innovative site design. The architecture far alI of the structures on site is intended to be harmonious and compiementaryto each other. ll. Permitted Uses: A 324 unit multi-family apartment project on 14.fl1 grass acres {11.5 net acres) with a density of 23 dwelling units. per gross acres (development in substantial compliance with the land use and development plan (Exhibit A to the Staff Report). lll. Building Setbacks from rights of way: 1 ~ fleet from Dublin Blvd 15 feet from Hibernia Drive 1 ~ fast from Central Parlcv+-ay , 20 feet from Hacienda Drive IV. Height of Buildings: No building or structure shall have a height in excess of 50 feet. V. Parking: This project is retluired to have 1.9 parking spaces per unit as follows: 1 covered assigned parking space per unit .9 unassigned spaces per unit Location of all spaces shalE be as indicated in the land use and development plan (Exhibit 1 to the Staff Report) Vi. Separation Between Structures: 27 feet minimum between main buildings 15 feet between accessory buildings {car wash, laundry, recreation buildings, etc. and main buildings) VI[. Landscaping/Open Space: 42 percent open space pAS~aon=.xn~nits ~j yr