HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Meeting Minutes 07-06-1987 ! . . ~ . . • . . . . . Regular Maetin~ - July 6, l.9$7 A reguiar meeting of ~he City of Dublin Planning Commissian was held on July 6, 19$7, in the Meeting ltoom, Dublin Li,1~rary. Th~ meeting was ca].led ta order at 7:00 p.m, hy Cm, Raley, Chairperson. ~ ~ ~ ~ ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Mack, and Raley, Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director, Rod Barger, Senior Planner and Maureen 0'Halloran, Associate Planner. ~~~~r PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TQ THE FLAG Cm. Raley led the Carnrnission, Staff, and those present in the pledge af allegiance to the flag. ~ ~ ~ ~ ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AG~NDA None. ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes for the Planning Commission meeting af June l, 19$7, were accepted as presented. Cm. Barnes requested tha~ the minutes of the June 15, 1987, rneeting be ~ corrected on page 116 to reflect that Comrnissioners Bar~nes and Raley were not present at the June 1, 1987, meeting. The mizyutes for the June 15, 1987, meeting were accepted as corrected. ~ ~ ~ ~ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ~r~~~ Regular Mee~ing PCM-7-128 July 6, 1987 . • + WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Tong advised that the Commissioners had received 15 Action. Letters, as well as several additional items, for informationai purposes only, He referred to a letter of resignation from Cm. Petty, wha has relocated to Seattle, Wask~i.ngton. Mr. Tang indicated that no appointment had yet been made to replace Cm. Petty, but that this will occur at a subsequent City Council meeting by the appropriate Councilmember. Cm. Raley expressed appreciatian for the time spent by Cm. Petty as a Planning Commissioner. All of the Commissione~s stated that they thought Cm. Petty had done an excellent job durzng his term as a Commissianer. ~r*~t~ PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: Appeal o£ the Zonin~ Administrator's action appraving PA 87-071 Raether Fence Variance~ 7634 'Turquoise Street. Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and calZed for the Staff Regort. Mr. Tong advised that Mr. and Mrs. Raether had requested a Variance to establish two 9'+ length sections of solid wooden fencin,g with a maximum height of 5' - 4° atop an elevated deck with a maximum heigh~ o£ 4' - 8" elevated deck, creating a structure with a cambirzed height of 10'. He said approval was also requested for a 4' - p" wooden picket fene.e atop the rear portion of the proposed deck, creating a structure with a combined height of 8' He stated that the subjact applicatian had been heard by the Zoning Administrator on July 16, I9$7. He incticated tliat Staff's review of the Variance request revealed a unique physical circurnstance in that the sits backs up to the Southern Pacific Railraad right-of-way and has a 4'+ slope drop-off at the rear property line. • Mr. Tong stated that the Zoning Administrator candit3~onally approved the Fence Height Variance request restricting the height of the fence above the deck at the narthwest carner of the property to a maxirnum height of 4' - 0", with a total combined deckjfence height not tp exceed 8' Mr. Tong advised that Staff felt this would be consistent with the Zoning O~dinance. Mr. Tong indicated that an appeal had been received from th~ Applicants' neighbors, Gary and Steven GessZer, who indicated a desire for the authorization of a 6' fence o£f the deck, Additionally, Mr. Tong said an appeal had also been filed by the Applicants. Mr. Tong advisec~ tttat Staff continued ta reca~nmend the Planni.ng Commission conditi4nally approve the application and concur with the Zoning Administrator action, limiting the fence height to 8' - 4". He said Staff felt that appraving up to 10' would be inapprapriate and may set an adverse precedent. Cameron Raether, Owner and Applicant, said th~: original plan reflected a solid plank enclosure under the deck. He expressed concern regarding tha number of children playi.ng in the vicinity of the pool, and said he wanted ta prevent a potential fortress from being built under Che deck. He stated that the existing lattice wark did not afford the protection needed. He referred to Regular Meeting PCM-7-129 July 6, 1987 . ~ • Staff's desire for a pleasant architectural a£fect, and discussed the proposed plans which depict a~apered pic~et fence to the west from the eorner of the 6' fence down ~o the 4' level in front of the lot. Regarding obstruetion of views, Mr. Cameron said he and the Gesslers, adjacent praperty owners to the north, would be the people most impacted by the fence, and that both he and the Gesslers were requesting approval ta maintain the 6` height. He said this would a£ford mare privacy to the neighbors on the narth. Regarding approval of the Variance request setting an inappropriate precedent, Mr. Raether said he hoped each request would be considered on its individual merits. In response to an inquiry by Cm. Raley, Mr. Tong said the fence bordering the park site, which is at least 6' in height, is a City gark £ence which does not fall under the ~urisdiction of the Zoning Ordinance. Gary Gessler, Appellant and adjacent property owner, said a 6' €ence currently exists between his progerty and the Raether's property, He said if the fence must taper down to 4', a privacy problem could aecur. Mr. Gessler said he concurred with Mr. Raether's comments. Cm. Raley closed the public hearing. Cm. Burnham said he had visited the site and thou~ht the construction of the fence was well-done. However, he said he had a concexn regarding the aesthetic aspect af ~he slope of the fence decreasing to 4'. He said he thought tapering the fence would saften the entire hill site. He referred to the fence which had been instal~ed by the Develaper and ~hich was tapered with the terrain. Cm. Raley statefl that he could not envisian utilizing a tapering fence. Cm. Mack said she thought the tapared fence would be more attractive. Cm. Barnes concurred with Crn. Mack. On motion by Cm. Burnahm, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by a-three to one vote (Cm. Raley opposed), a Resolution was adopted upholding; the Zaning Administrator's action appraving FA 87-071 Ra~ether F'ence Height Variance request. RESOLUTION N0. 87 - 05I UPHOLDING THE ZONING ADMTNISTRATOR'S ACTIUN APPROVING PA 87-071 RAETHER FENGE HEIGHT VARIANCE REQtTEST TO ALLOW A REARYARD/SIDEYARb FENGE TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FENCE AEIGHT LIMI'TAT30N5 AT 7b34 TURQU4ISE STREET ~~~~r Regular Meeting PCM-7-130 .Tuly b, 19$7 + ~ • SUBJECT: PA 87-088 St. Raymond's School Conditianal Use Permit ~ 11555 Shannon Avenue. Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. Ms. 0'Halloran advised that the School is located on the sauthwesterly portion of the Church site. She said a Conditional Use Fermit was approved an February 18, 1986, which authorized the use of portable buildings ~or grades kindergarten through eighth. She stated that a sutssequent Conditianal Use Permit was approved to utilize the existing parish hall far a kindergarten classroom and other school functians on July 7, 1986. Ms. 0'Halloran indicated that bath approvals expired on July 1, 1987. She said that the location and operation af tha School has not changec~ since the previous applications were approved. Ms. 0'Hallaran said the Applicant was requesting approval for a five-year period; however, it was 5taff's reeommendation that the approval be granted for three years, with the possibility of a two-year adrninistrative extension conditioned upan compliance with all findings anct conditions. She said a condition hac~ been appliad which would require additional landscaping on the northern portian of the praperty. Ms. 0`Haliaran saiti Staff was reGOmmending approval subject to the conditions provided in the draft Resolution of Approval. Dennis Moses, Representative of St. Raymond's Catholic Church, advised that the Applicant had no prablems with tahat was present~d by Sta£f. Cm. Raley closed the public hearing, On motion by Cm. Maek, seconded by Cm. Baznes, and by a unanimous vote, a Resolution was adopted approving PA 87-0$$ Conditional Use Permit. RESOLUTION NQ. 87 - 052 APPROVING PA 87-088 ST. RAYMOND'S SCHOOL CONDITI4NAL T7SE PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONTIN[TE LISE OF THE EXISTING PORTABLE BU~I.DINGS AND PAR~SH HALL FOR AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (GRADES K THROUGH EIGHTH) AT 11555 SHANNON AVENUE ~ ~ ~ ~ SUBJECT: FA 87-093 Howard J~hnson HQtel Conditional ~ iJse Permit request - Sign, 668~ Ragional Street. Cm. Raley opened the public hearing and caZled for the Staff Report. Ms. 0'Halloran advised that the subject Conditiortal Use Permit request is basically the same as the ane for th~ Freestanding Sign which was approved in September, 1986. She indieatefl that the major differenee between the requests is that the current request is to set the sign 20' back fram the rear property line and 5' from the east side property line, whereas the previous request was for a a sign set back 9' from the rear praperty line and ~.ocated in the rniddle of the lot. She elarified that the change of location was being requested due to the existence of trees on the Zone 7 praperty, which would block the view of the proposed sign. Regular Meeting PCM-7-131 July 6, 19$7 ' ` ~ ~ Ms. 0'Halloran indicated that since approval of the previous sign, the Zoning Ordinance has been amended and currently requires the City to consider the rear property line as street frontage. Sha advised that the proposed sign is nat consistent with the revzsed Oxdinance in terms of setback and height. She stated that if the Applicant wishes to keep the sign at the proposed height, it would be necessary ta adjus~ the setback. She said she had not had an opportunity ta diseuss this requirement with the Applicant. She said it was Staff's recommendation that the Commission adopt the Resoiution as ~raposed, amending Condition #3, requiring a 32' setback from the rear property line, or reduce the height and area of the sign if located at a 2q' setback. Louise Clark, Representative for Motor Lodge Assaciates, said she could not respond to the 32` setback require~ent until she has had an opportunity to view the placement of the sign in relatianship to the location of the existing trees. On motion by Cm. Barnes, seconded by Crn. Mack, and by a unanimous vote, PA 87-093 Howard Johnson Hotel Freestanding Sign Conditional Use Permit request was continued until the Flanning Commission meeting,of July 2~, 1987. ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW BUSINESS OR UNFINISHED BUSINES5 SUBJECT: Negative Declaration for the Gity of Dublin Civic Center. Mr. Barger advised that as part of the City's plan to build and operate a new Civic Center facility, an Environmental Assessment must be campleted prior to beginning construction. He indicated that per the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has completed an Initia2 Study analyzing the potential environmental impac~s assoeiatad with the construction and operation of the proposed facility, and has found that the project will not have a significant effect on the enviranment, Mr. Barger indicated that a Negative Declaration has been prepared for the projeet. Mr. Barger said it was Sta£f's recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Cauncil adopt the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance which finds that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the envirannent. Mr. Tong indicated that Paul Rankin, Assistant to the City Manager, was present to answer any questions raised by the Cammissioners in ~egards to the Civic Center project, as was George Meiers, the Fro~ect Architect. In response to an inquiry by Cm, Mack, Mr. Barger indica~ed that it is the responsibility af the City Engineer, the Praject Architect, and t~e Pro~ect Engineer to insure that appropriate systems are established to prevent ~ structural faundation support problems frorn occurring, Mr. Rankin indicated that the City is embarking on a dynamic analysis related to slope stability, foundation support, and associated issues. He assured the Commissioners that dur3ng the pracess of interviewing soils and geotechnical firms, their responses were ones of surprise at the e~tent to which the City was going in regards to the subject analysis. Regular Meeting PCM-7-132 July 6, I987 . ~ ~ Mr. Barger indicated that Sectian 6.1, the second statement (page A-7) of the Environmental Assessment Form, should have been checked as a"Qualified No". In addition, he said nane of the iterns in 5ection 11.1, on Page A-8, should have been blank and the Form will be modified to indicate each of those items as "No" or "Qualified Na", whichever is appropriate. Cm. Raley asked for clarification regarding Section 6, related to traffic impacts. Mr. Barger explained that an application submi~ted previously for the subject site had required that a traffie study be conducted to determine the level of traffic which would be generated by a facility similar to that of the proposed Civic Center. He said that study indicated traffic impacts w~uld be negligible, and as a result Staff did nor think it necessary to undertake an additional traffic study, particularly since the size of the praposed Civic Center is considerably smailer than that proposed for the previous application. Cm. Raley suggested that the second item in Section 6.I, page A-7, shoulfl be marked as an "Qualified No". In response to an inquiry by Cm, Raley, Mr, Rankin indicated that the creek, which runs adjacent to the praperty, actually belongs to Zone 7: George Meiers, Project Architect, discussed briefly the wind mitigation measures which wi11 be incorporated in~o the landscap~ plans. On motion by Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burnham, and by a unanimous vote, a Resolution was adopted recommending the City Council adopt a Negative Declaration o~ Envizonmental Significance for construction ancl operation of the praposed Civic Centar facility. RESOLUTIQN N0. 87 - 053 RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIR013MENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR CONST~.UCTION AND OPERA.TION OF THE PROPOSEF3 52,000+ SQUARE FOOT GIVIC CENTER FACILITY 4N AN I1.6+ ACRE SITE LOCATED ON ~HE SOUTHW~ST CORNER OF Di7BLIN BOULEVARD ANb STERRA COURT ~ ~ ~ * OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Tong advised tha.t on June 22, I9$7, the City Couneil held the first reading of the Enea Plaza Rezoning request. He said discussion focused primarily on the propased roadway dedication, and that the Council basically modified Staff's recommendation, but held firm in requiring the Applicant to dedicate the subject road at the time the pragerty is developed. At that same City Gouncil meeting, Mr. Tang said the Cauncil upheld the Planning Commission's action regarding the Kentucky Fried Chicken appeal, and considered the sign an illegal one. He said the Gouncil established a three- year timeline £or the remaval of the sign. Regular Meeting PCM-7-133 July 6, 1987 . . • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSIONERS' CUNGERNS In response to an inquiry by Gm. Burnham related to paper bins, Mr. Tong advised that the Zoning Investigator had visited several sites where the bins had been located, but when she returned to ~he sites ~he bins had been removed. Mr. Tong said no cane seems ta krtaw who is responsible for the placement of the bins, and that they appear to be installed and removed almost overnight. Cm. Burnharn indicated tnat bins had been placed in the area of the Romley's, Mervyn's and Albertsons Stares. He said that for a long time a bin had been placed near the Well~ Fargo Bank on Amador Valley Boulevard. Cm. Mack inquired about the memorandum which called for the return of the CiP and Budget documents. Mr. Tong respanded that if the Cornmissioners wanted their documents updated, they should return thern to the Finance Department. Cm. Barnes exprassed concern regarding the depressions in Arnador Valley Boulevard which have occurred as a result of rscent construetion. Mr. Tong explained that in the process of construction for the Villages project, difficulties had arisen rel.ated to the sewer line, and that the dirt surrounding the lines had not been properly compacted and so was settling into the sewer ditch. He advised that Rafanelli & Nahas, the Developers, are responsible for repairing the damage. Cm. Burnham asked that the repair to Arnador Valley Boulevard be hastened, as the road poses a threat to vehicles, particularly to bicycle riders. Mr. Tong indicated ~Chat City Staff has definitely been in contact with the Developers, and has directad them to repair the road as soon as possible. Cm. Raley inquired about the status of the accessway between the parking 1ot for the praposed Target Store and the Library. Mr. Tong said access had been diseussed with the Froperty Owner. He said the Target Store Conditional Use FermitjSite Development Review application was tentatively scheduled for review by the Planning Commission at the meeting of July 20, I987. Mr. Tang said that in meeting with the Applicants, they do not have any problams with the proposed accessway, but that the Applicants and Property Owner are not the sarae. He said the Owner hsa been sent a copy of the Draft Downtown Plan, which emphasizes the need far the access. In response to an inquiry by Cm. Raley, Mr. Tong verified tha.t the proposal includes access to Albertsons. Mr. Tong responded to an inqu.iry by Cm. Barnes, clarifying that althaugh the Albertsons and Target Store properties are back to back, there are approximately 12 different progerty owners involved< He said the three properties of primary concern for the accessway are the Library, the Target Store site, and the Albertsans property. Reguiar Meeting PGM-7-i34 Julp 6, 1987 ~ , ~ ? . ~ . . 9Y' ~Y ~'C ~C ADJOURNMENT r There being no further business, the meeting was ad,journed at 8:03 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~ ~ Planning Commission Chairpers l Laurence L. Tong Planning Directar . * ~ ~ ~ Regular Meeting PCM-7-135 July 6, 1987