HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Water Efficient Landscape Ord G~~~ OF DU~lr2
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DATE: Aprit 12, 2011
TO: Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARfNG: PLPA-2011-00017 City of Dublin Water Efficient
Landscape Ordinance
Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist
Assembly Bill (AB) 1881 directed the Department of Water Resources to update the Model
Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Local agencies have the option to either adopt the
updated State Model Ordinance or adopt a different Ordinance that is at least as effective in
conserving water as the updated Model Ordinance. If a local agency takes no action, the
updated State Model Ordinance takes effect as if it were adopted. The City of Dublin has
elected to prepare a Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The City's Ordinance is based on
the updated Model Ordinance; however, slight modifications have been made to the Model
Ordinance to make it specific to Dub(in. The Gity's Draft Ordinance is at least as effective in
conserving water as the State's Model Ordinance.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the public; 4} Glc~se the public hearing and deliberate; 5)
Adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Ordinance deleting Dublin
Municipal Code Chapter 8.88 Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations and adopting a new
Chapter 8.88 Water E~cient Landscaping Regulations.
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Submitted By: ~ Re ' wed By
Environmental Specialist Planning Manager
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COPIES TO: Applicant
File ITEM NO.:
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G.IPA#120111PLPA-20N-00017 Water Effecient Landscape OrdinancelPCSR 4.12. ? 1.doc
Assembly Bill (AB) 325 (1990) established the first California Model Water Efficient Landscape
Ordinance (WELO). AB 1881, which was passed in 2006, directed the Department of Water
Resources to update the Model WELO.
One of the main objectives of the updated Model WELO is to reduce water use to the lowest
practical amount and set an upper water use limit for development that may not b~e exceeded.
The updated WELO also establishes provisions for water management practices and water
waste prevention. Additionally, the Model WELO promotes the values and benefits of
landscapes while simultaneously recognizing the need to use water efficiently.
AB 1881 contains several requirements to be included in the updated Model WELO, which
• Minimize overspray and run-off;
• Appropriate use and grouping of plants;
• Automatic irrigation systems and schedules;
• Soil assessment and soil management plans;
• Include landscape maintenance practices;
• Encourage the capture and retention of storm water on-site;
• Encourage the use of recycled water; and
• Educate water users.
The City of Dublin's existing Water Efficient Landscaping Qrdinance (Attachment 1) was
adopted in 1997 as Chapter 8.88 of the Dublin Municipal Code. The Modef Water Efficient
Landscape Ordinance recently adopted by the State is significantly different than our current
Ordinance. Some of the major differences include:
• The City's current Ordinance applies to projects that have landscaped areas greater than
5,00~ square feet, while the proposed Ordinance applies to projects that have
landscaped areas greater than 2,500 square feet.
• The Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor (ETAF) in Dublin's current Ordinance is 0.8
and the new ETAF is 0.7. The ETAF is 1.0 in the new ordinance for special landscape
areas, which include recreational turf projects (parks, golf courses, ball fields), projects
irrigated with recycled water and edibfe landscapes. See the discussion under Water
Budget on page 4 of the Staff Report for a complete discussion of ETAF.
• In the Ordinance, local agencies are required to provide information to owners of new
single-family homes regarding water efficient landscapes.
Local agencies have the option to either adopt the updated Model Ordinance or adopt a different
ordinance that is at least as effective in conserving water as the updated Model Ordinance. If a ~
local agency takes no action, the updated Model Ordinance takes effect as if it were adopted by
the local agency. The Model Ordinance took effect on January 1, 2010; however, the City of
Dublin has elected to prepare a Water Efficient Landscape Qrdinance based on the Model
The draft Water Efficient Landscape Regulations (Exhibit A of Attachment 2) woufd amend the
existing Dublin Zoning Ordinance by deleting Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.88 re{ating to
Water-Efficient Landscaping Regulations and adopting a new Chapter 8.88 relating to Water
Efficient Landscaping Regulations.
The Draft Water Efficient Landsca e Ordinance is based on the State's Model Ordinance. Sfi ht
modifications have been made to the Model ~rdinance to make it Specific to the Gity of Dublin.
The Draft Ordinance was prepared with input from Staff, the City Attorney and the City's
consultant landscape architect to ensure that it is as effective as the State's Modef Ordinance.
The following landscape projects will be subject to the City's WELO:
1. New construction and rehabilitated landscapes for City projects and private
development projects with a landscape area equal to or greater than 2,500 square
feet re uirin a buildin or landsca e ermit lan eheck or site devela ment
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2. New construction and rehabilitated landscapes which are developer-installed in
singte-family and multi-family projects with a landscape area equal to or greater
than 2,500 square feet requiring a building or landscape permit, plan check, or site
development review.
3. New construction landscapes which are homeowner-provided and/or homeowner-
hired in single-family and multi-family residential projects with a total project
landscape area equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet requiring a building or .
landscape permit, plan check or site development review.
4. Existing landscapes limited to Sections 8.88A70.
5. Cemeteries. Recognizing the special landscape management needs of
cemeteries, new and rehabilitated cemeteries are limited to Sections 8.88.040.E,
~ 8.88.050.E and 8.88.060; and existing cemeteries are limited ta Section 8.88.070.
The "landscape area" shall be used to determine if a City project, private development project or
homeowner-provided landscape is subject to the City's WELO. As defined in the Ordinance,
"landscape area" means all the planting areas, turf areas, and water features in a landscape
design plan subject to the Maximum Applied Water Allowance calculation. The landscape area
does not include footprints of buildings or structures, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, decks,
patios, gravel or stone walks, other perviaus or non-pervious hardscapes, and other nan-
irrigated areas designated for non-development (e.g., open spaces and existing native
As noted above, new construction landscapes which are homeowner-provicied and/or
homeowner-hired are subject to the City's WELO only if the landscape area (as defined above}
is greater than 5,000 square feet. There are very few single-famiiy homes within the City that
would trigger the City's WELO.
Water Budqet
The City's Ordinance, like the State's Model Ordinance, contains two water budgets. A water
budget identifies the allowable water use for a landscape. The Maximum Applied Water
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Allowance and the Estimated Total Water Use are tF~e two methods used to determine the water
The Maximum Applied Water Ailowance is the maximum amount of water that may be used
annually to irrigate a landscape area. The allowance is based upon the area's reference
evapotranspiration (ETo), the Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor (ETAF} and the size of the
landscape area. Evapotranspiration (ET) is the amount of water loss by evaporation from soi!
and by plant transpiration during a specific period of time. ET data is used to determine the
amount of water to be replaced by irrigation. Special Landscape Areas, including recreation
areas, orchards and vegetable gardens, and areas irrigated with recycled water are subject to
the Maximum Applied Water AI(owance with an ETAF not to exceed 1.~. For all other
landscapes, the ETAF is not to exceed 0.7. ETAF is used as a water conservatian management
tool to reduce the amount of water applied to a landscape area. The ETAF of 0.7 means 70% of
the water loss through ET is replaced. Generally, 100% of ET is not required to maintain health,
appearance and reasonable growth.
The Estimated Total Water Use is used to determine the actual water budget for the landscape
are and is based on the water needs of the plants actually chosen for a given landscape. The
Estimated Total Water Use may not exceed the Maximum Applied Water Allowance.
Chanqes to the State's Model Ordinance
Slight modifications have been made to the Modef Ordinance to make it specific to Dublin,
consistent with the rest of the Dublin Municipal Code and easier to use. The City's Draft
Ordinance is at least as effective in conserving water as the State's updated Model Ordinance.
Some of the more notable changes that were made to the State's Model Ordinance include the
• Removed all the government code citations/references;
• Added definitions for City, decorative water feature, District, private development and
stabilizing mulch products,
• Modified the applicability seetion by referencing the "landscape area" definition;
• Revised the Landscaping Documentation Package section to be consistent with current
Dublin procedures,
• Used 46.2 as the Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo} in the Maximum Applied Water
• Modified the Maximum Allowed Water Allowance calculations - examples that are
specific to Dublin;
• Changed the mulch requirement from 2 inches to 3 inches because 3 inches is what is
recommended by the Bay Friendly Landscape Guide(ines and the Alameda Countywide
Clean Water Program C.3 Stormwater Technical Guidance;
• Removed the model homes information fram the public education section and created a
new model homes category;
• Added DSRSD's provisions for using recycled water;
• Modified the Storm Water Management section to reference Chapter 7.74 (Stormwater
Management Discharge Control) of the DMC; and
• Made modifications to the water waste prevention section.
A red-lined version of the City's Draft Ordinance is included as Attachment 3. The red-lined
version compares the Cify's WELO to the State's WELO.
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The Draft Ordinance was distributed internally to the various City Departments ta review,
including Parks & Community Services, Public Works, and the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Additionally, the Draft Ordinance was reviewed by MCE and the Dublin San Ramon Services
District. The changes recommended by the various departments were incorporated, as
The City's Draft Ordinance was distributed to the development community for review and
comment. The City received two comments, one from Jeff Lawrence of Braddock & Logan and
one from Aaron Ross-Swain of Standard Pacific. The City reviewed the comments and provided
a response to comments (Attachment 4). No additional changes were made to the City's Draft
Ordinance based on the comments that were received from the development community.
A Public Notice was published in the Va(ley Times and posted at several locations throughout
the City and e-mailed to the devefopment community.
This Ordinance is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15307 of the State
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Regufations (14 Gal. Code Regs. Section 15307).
Section 15307 establishes a Categorical Exemption for actions taken to assure the
maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection of a natural resource where the regulatory
process involves procedures for the protection of the environment. The adoption of this
Ordinance will result in the enhancement and protection of water resources in the City, and will '
not result in cumulative adverse environmental impacts.
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Chapter 8.88 (Water E~cient Landscaping ;
Regulations) Dublin Zoning Ordinance. !
2} Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an
Ordinance de(eting Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
8.88 Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations and '
adopting a new Chapter 8.88 Water Efficient
Landscaping Regulations, with draft City Council
Ordinance attached as Exhibit A.
3) Red-line version of the City's Water Efficient
Landscape Regulations.
4) Response to Developer Comments
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