HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PLPA-2011-00004&PLPA-2011-00012 Dublin HyundaiG~?? OF?DUe?L
April 12, 2011
Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PLPA-2011-00004 & PLPA-2011-00012 Dublin
Hyundai Master Sign Program/Site Development Review and Electronic
Readerboard Freestanding Sign Conditional Use Permit
The Applicant is requesting a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review approval to
establish a comprehensive and coordinated signage program for Dublin Hyundai including new
wall signs and freestanding directional signs and modifications to the existing Electronic
Readerboard Freestanding Sign. A Conditional Use Permit is also required for the proposed
modifications to the existing Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing
and deliberate; 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Master Sign Program/Site Development
Review for Dublin Hyundai; and 6) Adopt a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for
an Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign at Dublin Hyundai.
Submitted By:
Senior Planner
evi ed By:
Planning Manager
G: IPA#120111PLPA-2011-00004 Dublin Hyundai MSP AmendmenAPC 04.12. STAFF REPORT
COPIES TO: Applicant
File Q
ITEM NO.: {? •
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The project site is located at 6015 Scarlett Court and is occupied by Dublin Hyundai. The site
has a General Plan Land Use designation of Business Park/industrial & Outdoor Storage, is
located within the Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District and has a zoning designation of M-1
(Light Industrial).
In 1995, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 95-18 (Attachment 1) approving a
Master Sign Program/Site Development Review to establish a comprehensive sign program for
Valley Auto Center which is now occupied solely by Dublin Hyundai. The Planning Commission
also adopted Resolution 95-16 (Attachment 2) approving a Conditional Use Permit for the
installation and use of an Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign at Valley Auto Center.
Since 1995, a variety of automobile dealerships have occupied the Valley Auto Center site (later
known as the Dublin Auto Center) including Nissan, Datsun, Volvo, Mitsubishi, Dodge, Audi and
Volkswagen. Dublin Hyundai is currently the sole occupant of the site and is utilizing all three
buildings for their sales and service operations. On January 7, 2011, the Community
Development Director approved a Site Development Review for Dublin Hyundai to make
exterior modifications to the existing buildings where the automobile dealership is located. The
Conditions of Approval placed on the Site Development Review require that all signage comply
with a Master Sign Program. Dublin Hyundai is requesting to install new wall signs and
freestanding directional signs and to modify an existing Electronic Readerboard Freestanding
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Because of recent exterior modifications to the existing buildings and advances in sign
technology since 1995, the signage proposed by Dublin Hyundai requires that a new Master
Sign Program/Site Development Review be approved. Additionally, modifications to the existing
Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign require that a new Conditional Use Permit be
approved. Therefore, the Applicant is requesting approval of a Master Sign Program/Site
Development Review and Conditional Use Permit.
The purpose for a Master Sign Program is to contribute to effective and attractive identification
of businesses, services and uses and to encourage a design quality that is superior to the
quality that would result under the regulations and standards of Chapter 8.84 (Sign
Regulations). The intent of the Master Sign Program is to ensure that all signs proposed are
compatible in style or character with existing improvements on the site and that all signage is
well related to each other.
Master Sign Program/Site Development Review
Dublin Hyundai is proposing new wall signs and freestanding directional signs and modifications
to the existing Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign.
Wall Siqns (Signs A-D)
Four new wall signs with the Dublin Hyundai logo are proposed (Attachment 3, Sheets G.2-G.5).
The wall signs would be constructed of aluminum, individual channel letters with internal LED
illumination. The face of the letters would be white with silver trim caps and returns and would
have a depth of 5-inches. The Dublin Hyundai logo would accompany each sign and would be
constructed of an individual channel letter with halo LED illumination. The face of the logo
would be polished aluminum with a depth of 3-inches. All wall signs would be flush mounted to
the building wall and all electrical components of the sign would be fully concealed behind the
building wall. The following summarizes the proposed height and length of each wall sign:
Sign A -
Hyundai Logo: 2-feet, 2'/2 -inches high by 4-feet, 4-inches wide
"Hyundai" Letters: 10-inches high by 5-feet, 9'/4 -inches wide
Sign B -
Hyundai Logo: 2-feet, 9 %2-inches high
"Dublin Hyundai" Letters: 2-feet high
Sign Panel: 3-feet, 6-inches high by 34-feet, 6-inches wide
Sign C -
Hyundai Logo:
"Used Cars" Letters
Sign D -
Hyundai Logo:
"Service" Letters
2-feet, 9 %2-inches high
2-feet high by 16-feet, 10-inches wide
2-feet high
1-foot, 6-inches high by 9-feet, 7-inches wide
Freestandinq Directional Signs (Signs F-1 and F-2)
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Two, freestanding directional signs are proposed (Attachment 3, Sheet G.7). The signs would
be single-faced post and panel signs constructed of aluminum and painted to match the
dealership buildings. The Hyundai logo and letters would be located at the top of the sign and
the sign panels would include arrows and text directing customers to Sales and Parts & Service.
The signs would be 4-feet high by 2-feet wide; the sign area would be 2-feet high by 2-feet wide.
Sign F-1 is an existing sign that would be refaced and Sign F-2 is a new sign. Both signs would
be located in existing landscape planters.
Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sian (Sign E)
The Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign is an existing sign that was approved in 1995 by
the Planning Commission (Attachment 4). The Applicant is proposing to remove the existing
electronic readerboard cabinet and replace it with an electronic LED unit that has a slightly
larger changeable copy area (Attachment 3, Sheet G.6). The existing changeable copy area is
10-feet high by 35-feet wide (350 square feet); the proposed electronic LED unit is 15-feet high
and 30-feet wide (450 square feet). Both the existing and proposed electronic readerboard
cabinets are double sided. The existing sign support is proposed to be painted with a text coat
finish and three new aluminum accents would be added to the sign support below the electronic
readerboard cabinet (Attachment 3, Sheet G.6).
Conditions of Approval No. 12 and 16 have been placed on the Master Sign Program/Site
Development Review requiring that all applicable permits be obtained prior to installation of any
signage to ensure compliance with the Master Sign Program and to ensure that all signs are
installed in accordance with local building codes and ordinances. Condition of Approval No. 13
has also been placed on the project to ensure that all signage is well maintained (Attachment 5).
While the Master Sign Program includes the design for the Electronic Readerboard
Freestanding Sign, the use of the sign is subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
Therefore, approval of the design of the Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign is contingent
upon Planning Commission approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the use of the sign.
Conditional Use Permit
Chapter 8.84 (Sign Regulations) requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit for an Electronic
Readerboard Sign. In 1995, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 95-16 approving a
Conditional Use Permit for the installation and use of the existing Electronic Readerboard
Freestanding Sign. Because the size and type of electronic readerboard is proposed to be
modified a new Conditional Use Permit is required.
The existing electronic readerboard (Attachment 4) is approximately 350 square feet in area.
An approximately 152 square foot sign area is located above the electronic readerboard to
identify the auto mall name (previously Valley Auto Center). Additional signage is located below
the readerboard to identify the various auto dealerships that occupy the site. This sign area is
approximately 156 square feet. The total signage area on the existing freestanding sign is
approximately 658 square feet. The proposed electronic readerboard is 450 square feet
(Attachment 3, Sheet G.6); no additional signage is proposed below the readerboard resulting in
a reduction of 208 square feet of signage area.
The message display program proposed for the new electronic readerboard is included in
Condition of Approval No. 11 (Attachment 6) and would include both commercial messages
related to Dublin Hyundai and public/community service messages which are non-commercial
messages that are of general public interest. The existing Conditional Use Permit requires at
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least one public/community service message for every four commercial messages and that
standard has been included in Condition of Approval No. 11.
Additional Conditions of Approval have been placed on the project to ensure compliance with
the State of California Outdoor Advertising Act which regulates the rate at which messages can
change and the illumination of messages (Attachment 4).
The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Business Park/industrial & Outdoor
Storage, is located within the Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District and is zoned M-1 (Light
Industrial). Auto dealerships are conditionally permitted in the M-1 Zoning District and the M-1
Zoning District is consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation of Business
Park/industrial & Outdoor Storage. The Master Sign Program/Site Development Review and
Conditional Use Permit promote an orderly, attractive and harmonious signage program that
serves to identify the Dublin Hyundai auto dealership;
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, and Dublin Police
Services reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure
that the Project is established in compliance with all local Ordinances and Regulations.
Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the
attached Resolutions (Attachments 3 and 4).
In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300-feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times
and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no
objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. A copy of this Staff Report
has been forwarded to the Applicant.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City
environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts
and when applicable, environmental documents prepared. Staff recommends that the Planning
Commission find this project to be exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), Section 15311(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines which exempts the construction or
replacement of minor structures accessory to existing commercial facilities including on-premise
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Planning Commission Resolution 95-18.
2) Planning Commission Resolution 95-16.
3) Project Plans dated March 16, 2011.
4) Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign approved in
5) Resolution approving a Master Sign Program/Site
Development Review for Dublin Hyundai.
6) Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for an
Electronic Readerboard Freestanding Sign at Dublin
Guy Houston, California Gold Advocacy Group, 7080
Donlon Way, Dublin, CA 94568
Don Endo, Dublin Properties, LLC, 901 Van Ness Ave,
San Francisco, CA 94109
6015 Scarlett Court
941-0550-032-02 &-03
Business Park/industrial & Outdoor Storage
Project M-1 Business Park/industrial & Automobile Sales & Service
Site Outdoor Storage
North M-1 n/a Mini-Storage
South n/a n/a Scarlett Court & Interstate 580
M-1 Business Park/industrial &
City of Dublin Corporation Yard
Outdoor Storage
West M-1 Business Park/industrial & Automobile Sales & Service
Outdoor Stora e
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