HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-2000 Adopted CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING - May 16, 2000 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, May 16, 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Howard, McCormick, Zika, Vice Mayor Lockhart and Mayor Houston. None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PROCLAMATION 7:10 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) Mayor Houston read and presented a Proclamation to Elsie Jennings, recipient of the 2000 City of Dublin Crossing Guard of the Year award. Ms. Jennings was also presented with a City key pin and a City Song tape. CLOSED SESSION 7:12 p.m. 10.1 (640-30) Conference with Legal Counsel ~ Anticipated Litigation ~ Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subsection (b) 54956.9 of the Government Code - One potential case. lO.2 (60o~$o) Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code Section 54957.6) ~ City Negotiators: Mayor Houston and Councilmember Zika ~ Unrepresented Employee ~ City Manager. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May '!6, 2000 PAGE 204 REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION At 8:18 p.m., the meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present. Mayor Houston announced that no reportable action was taken. CONSENT CALENDAR 8:19 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.13 Cm. Howard pulled Item 4.1 as she was not present at the May 2na meeting and would abstain from voting on the minutes. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Received (4.2 330-50) the Preliminary Financial Report for the Month of April 2000; Adopted (4.3 700-40) RESOLUTION NO. 63- 00 AMENDING THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM RULES RESOLUTION NO. 64- 00 AMENDING THE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE SERVICE AND PRESCRIBING LEAVE BENEFITS FOR THE POSITIONS and RESOLUTION NO. 65- 00 Adopted (4.4 600-35) AWARDING CONTRACT 00-05 DUBLIN SWIM CENTER FENCE REPLACEMENT PROJECT TO GOLDEN BAY FENCE PLUS IRON WORKS, ($72,000) and approved $27,225 Budget Change from reserves to Capital Improvement Project No. 95911; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING i~ay 16, 2000 PAGE 205 Adopted (4.5 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 66 -00 and APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR TRACT 6956 (DUBLIN RANCH - NEIGHBORHOOD L-l) RESOLUTION NO. 67- 00 ACCEPTANCE OF PARKLAND DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEES FOR FINAL TRACT MAP 6956 ($361,361) Adopted (4.6 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 68 - 00 AWARDING CONTRACT 00-06 1999-2000 ANNUAL STREET SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM TO GRAHAM CONTRACTORS, INC. ($120,189.05) and approved a $34~500 budget increase from Gas Tax Reserves; Authorized (4.7 600-35) Staff to advertise Contract 00~05, Traffic Signals on Village Parkway ~ Tamarack Drive, ~ Brighton Drive and ~ Davona Drive, for bids; Adopted (4.$ 600~30) RESOLUTION NO. 69 - 00 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH JENNIFER LIN, REGARDING DESIGN OF THE 1-5801FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE Adopted (4.9 360~20) RESOLUTION NO. 70- 00 ' INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 99-1 (STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE - CLIFFDEN PARC, TRACT 7067) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 206 Adopted (4.10 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 71 -00 APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES WITH CCS PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. Authorized (4.11 900-50) Cm. McCormick, Recreation Supervisor Bonnie ~onard and Art Consultant Lynne Baer to go to Tucson, Arizona to view a variety of freeway/ transportation related public art projects at an estimated cost of $1,200; Authorized (4.12 600-30) the City Manager t° negotiate and execute a multi-year agreement with Eckerstrom Productions (Pasta Festival) for an annual fee not to exceed $24,500 plus 10% of cash sponsorships and 40% of any net profit, and directed Staff to change the dates of the Festival to October 7-8, 2000; Approved (4.13 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,340,523.00. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4. I) Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 2, (Cm. Howard and Mayor Houston abstained) and Adjourned Regular Meeting of May 3, 2000; PUBLIC HEARING WEEDS AND COMBUSTIBLE REFUSE ABATEMENT ORDER 8:20 p.m. 6.1 (540-50) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Fire Marshal James Ferdinand presented the Staff Report and explained that by adoption of a Resolution in April, the City Council declared that there is a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible debris growing and accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property within the City of Dublin. Property owners have subsequently been notified of violations and the need for abatement. If the abatement is not completed, the City of Dublin shall, at the expense of the owner, have the weeds or refuse removed. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 207 On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to proceed with abatement and to provide a Season End Report for Completion of Abatements and Associates Costs. PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMALL STAGE 1 & STAGE 2 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE PA 00-002 8:20 p.m. 6.2 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Dennis Carrington presented the Staff Report and advised that this PD Rezone request is to change parcel and building sizes in the General Motors Automall. Parcel A would be increased in size from 3.5 acres to 4.43 acres and the building on Parcel A would be increased from 26,145 square feet to 28,775 square feet. Parcel B would be reduced in size from 3.0 acres to 2.07 acres and the building on Parcel B would be reduced in size from 22,000 square feet to 19,370 square feet. Parcel C will not be changed. Mr. Carrington stated in the future Parcel B will most likely become part of Parcel C through a lot line adjustment. Michael Goldsworthy, Architect, representing GM stated Parcel B was never really a dealership. They still have their 3 dealerships planned. Parcel B will probably be seen again in the future. He stated they are in agreement with Staff's recommendations. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if they will have above or underground storage tanks. Mr. Goldsworthy advised that they are all above ground; they're not allowed underground anymore. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Vice Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance and scheduled the second reading for the Council meeting of June 6, 2000. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 208 PUBLIC HEARING ~ AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S RETIREMENT CONTRACT WITH THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BENEFIT PLAN 8:25 p.m. Vo.$ (720~60) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Assistant to the City Manager Julie Carter presented the Staff Report and advised that on an annual basis, the City conducts a benefit survey of approximately 30 Bay Area local government agencies. This analysis is performed in an effort to keep the City's benefit structure competitive with the market in which the City competes for labor. In accordance with the market survey and with the employees' request, it is proposed that the City's Benefit Plan be amended to enhance the retirement to include 2% ~ 55, single highest year benefit. Ms. Carter stated the Ordinance and Resolution being presented for adoption at this time, would provide for amendments to the City's contract with PERS to provide for a 2% @ 55, single highest year benefit plan. The Ordinance was introduced at the April 18, 2000 Council meeting and would amend the City's retirement contract with PERS effective July 1, 2000. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 12- 00 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM and RESOLUTION NO. 72- 00 AMENDING THE BENEFIT PLAN (2% (~ 55, SINGLE HIGHEST YEAR) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 209 PUBLIC HEARING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE I~5$0/TASSAJARA ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 8:26 p.m. 6.4 (400~20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. ?ublic Works Director Lee Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this project will provide capacity improvements to the I~ 580/Tassajara Road Interchange as needed for traffic impact mitigation from Eastern Dublin development. Approval of this environmental document is a necessary step in completing the Project Report required by Caltrans. Tom Winch with CCS made a brief presentation. He stated he is Vice President of CCS and Project Manager of the consultant team for the I~580 Tassajara Road improvements. He discussed the physical features. They expect to have a plan document by June of this year. Construction will take about 18 months so should be open to traffic about October of 2002. They are working closely with Caltrans and the City of Pleasanton. Total construction costs are estimated at $8.7 million. These are being paid by development contributions. Cm. Zika asked about the length of the acceleration lane on the Dublin side. Mr. Winch explained that the Dublin side is shorter than the one on Pleasanton's side due to limited right~of~way. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if they will be working on both sides at the same time. Mr. Winch stated yes, they are working on all the ramp improvements and when it goes to bid it is anticipated that it will be one construction project. A significant amount of the construction should be completed before homes are built in that area. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked about the soundwall issue. What about the Dublin side? Will there be a need? Mr. Winch advised that typically they look at residential units close to the freeway. The Dublin side will be more commercial. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 210 John Schwartz, Environmental Consultant discussed environmental issues and the approach they took. The facility is actually a Caltrans facility but they have allowed the City to be the lead agency on this project. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 73 - 00 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE 1-580/TASSAJARA ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DUBLIN ~ CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE 8:41 p.m. 7.1 (390-20) City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that this agreement with Contra Costa County will provide for Contra Costa County to establish a traffic mitigation fee and to collect this fee from Dougherty Valley developers. The fee will generate $113,250,220 to be transmitted to Dublin to pay for roadway improvements needed to mitigate Dougherty Valley traffic impacts. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that the draft Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement came to fruition without litigation. It serves as a model for all communities for how two jurisdictions can work together cooperatively to do what is in the best interest of the region to deal with traffic which extends beyond the boundaries of adjacent jurisdictions. Mr. Ambrose commended the City Attorney and Engineering Staff for this report. Mayor Houston commended Staff for getting some closure on this. It has been a long road. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 211 RESOLUTION NO. 74- 00 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO DUBLIN-CONTRA COSTA FEES BY AND BETWEEN CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AND CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST BY ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY TO INITIATE A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR A 91 ACRE SITE, LOCATED GENERALLY BETWEEN ARNOLD DRIVE, DUBLIN BOULEVARD, THE FORMER UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND 1-580 AND TO CONSIDER EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR SITE 15 ADJACENT TO THE ABOVE PROPERTY 8:46 p.m. 8.1 (420-30) Community Development Director Eddie Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that this is a GPA Study request to consider changing the present agriculture land use designation to the proposed high density residential and campus office land use designation. The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA) originally acquired this property from Camp Parks in 1991 and 19~6. It comprises the immediate property adjacent to the Pleasanton/Dublin BART Station. A proposed new BART parking structure would be built on a portion of the ACSPA and BART property; in return for which ACSPA would develop portions of the BART property for office and residential uses. In addition, it is proposed by ACSPA to transfer some residential units now on Site 1 $ of the present Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to this proposed GPA under consideration; thus allowing the remainder of site 1 $ next to the Sybase site to be redesignated for office use. Mr. Peabody stated the timing and processing of this GP and SPA project comes at a time when Staff is heavily involved in Downtown, West Dublin, and large scale planning projects, all of which are high priority projects. Staff has concluded that the proposal has significant merit and that it is appropriate to initiate this GPA Study. Mr. Peabody stated information had been supplied with the packets regarding the Staff impact of processing this request. The Council may wish to consider either directing that the GPA Study be initiated now, or instruct the applicant to return in September 2000 to initiate said GPA Study. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 10, 2000 PAGE 212 Cm. Zika referenced the proposed square footage uses (4 million for office, 70,000 for retail uses and 1,700 units) and asked if these are the maximum numbers allowed. Mr. Peabody stated yes, but the actual figures will ultimately be determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. It is currently designated as agriculture at the moment. The figures are just outside figures to be resolved as part of the process. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked about the project list that Staff is working on, and asked to what extent Staff is involved in the Tri-Valley Vision project. Mr. Peabody stated 3 people are involved and are participating in the meetings. They have been following this for a number of months. There will be more Staff time required to deal with this in the future as the committees draw to conclusion. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked, under major planning projects, which are consultant driven. Mr. Peabody responded that consultants are providing a major amount on Sybase and lesser amounts on Shea, and Shamrock Village is just getting started, as is DiManto. Consultants will work on some parts of these. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked why this was designated medium. Mr. Ambrose stated because at the time the Council considered the Goals & Objectives, there was no application. It did not exist at the time. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked about the ramifications of waiting. Mr. Peabody stated in his opinion, Staff is working on projects of high priority and they are loaded up at the moment. They are doing what they can to finish the projects as directed by the City Council. His alternative suggestion would be to have consultants help us get started with the environmental documents. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if getting started would be acceptable. Mayor Houston stated he felt this would get us out the gate. The Council would have to look at the impacts of other projects. He stated he would like to see us get out of the gate and get this going. Mr. Peabody stated in September the Downtown Plan goes to hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 213 Cm. Zika clarified that consultants could get the EIR process going with a minimum of Staff involvement. Mayor Houston stated he felt the Housing Implementation Program and New Housing Element could wait. He stated he thought the Telecommunications Study had been on the back burner for quite some time. Mr. Peabody stated in June and July there should be some drafts going to the Planning Commission. Adolph Martinelli stated they concur with the approach of starting the environmental documentation with consultants. They recognize the substantial impact on Staff. This is, however, not completely just starting; certain information exists. It isn't uncharted, unpristine land. The extent of uses proposed consists of 1.93 million square feet of office and 1,000 dwelling units, top end. Decisions are being made that reflect the potential development of this property. The EDSP didn't include the transit property because it wasn't taken out of Army ownership during the process. They concur with a phased approach. The City Council indication was they wanted to go forward with a phased approach. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Vice Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 75- 00 INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY THE ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY Mr. Ambrose clarified that if we get into a squeeze, the housing items would be delayed. They would have to slide a few months. There is a shortage of project managers and there is a tremendous learning curve for our General Plan and East Dublin Specific Plan. Mayor Houston asked that Staff keep the Council apprised during the course of the process with regard to what time adjustments are happening. They want to know what's going on. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 214 APPROVAL OF STREET NAMES FOR TRACT 7148, TOWN CENTER, AREA G ~ JENNIFER LIN, ET AL. 9:09 p.m. 8.2 (820~60) Contract Planner Mike Porto advised that MacKay & Somps has provided a list of potential street names for the various public streets within the Dublin Ranch Town Center, Area G. Primary street names include: Grafton Street, Brannigan Street, Keegan Street, Chancery Lane, Parnell Way, Finnian Way, and Maguire Way. Secondary street names include: Ashling, Derry, Pearse, Callanan, Devlin, Leeson, Harcourt, Flannery, and Brady. Mr. Porto stated the property owner is proposing the name Grafton for the street tentatively referred to as Main Street during the GP/SP and zoning review. Grafton is one of the largest pedestrian oriented shopping streets in Dublin, Ireland. Mr. Porto discussed the Irish correlation of the various suggested names. The street names provided by the project applicant were circulated to Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Sheriff, Alameda County Fire Protection, the Building Department, Dublin Unified School District, the U.S. Postal Service, Alameda County Planning and the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton to determine if there were conflicts in street names that could confuse rescue response time. Vice Mayor Lockhart stated she liked these names a lot better than the Spanish Explorer names as they are a lot easier to pronounce. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 76- 00 APPROVAL OF NEW STREET NAMES FOR STREETS IN TRACT 7148 STATUS REPORT ON SB 1982 AND SB 2000, LOCAL FISCAL REFORM 9:13 p.m. $.3 (660~40) Management Assistant Jason Behrmann presented the Staff Report and provided an update with regard to the status of recent legislation that would modify the distribution of future sales taxes to local governments. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 215 In addition to SB 1982 and SB 2000, there have been many other reports, proposals and legislation intended to improve the state-local fiscal relationship. All of these diverse efforts have prompted the Legislature to create a conference committee to address issues relating to local government finance in a comprehensive fashion. Mr. Behrmann reported that the City recently received a letter from the City of Pleasant Hill urging the City's opposition to the intent language contained in the two Senate Bills. Pleasant Hill objected to language that stated that the intent of the Legislature was to "modify the distribution of future local sales and use taxes to address land use concerns arising from the current distribution method". Fortunately, since receipt of Pleasant Hill's request, the Bills have been further amended to remove the objectionable language. While the language referring to sales tax distribution has been removed, it is still unclear what recommendations will ultimately come out of the conference committee. Mr. Behrmann stated Staff will continue to monitor any proposal that would modify the current method of sales tax distribution and provide updates to the Council as needed. Cm. Zika asked if Staff knew all the members of the committee. Mr. Behrmann stated he did not have a list, but there is also representation from the League of California Cities on the committee. Mayor Houston commended Mr. Behrmann for doing a great job of following through on this. It is important to go to Sacramento next week and talk about this. The Council expressed appreciation to Staff for the update. OTHER BUSINESS 9:16 p.m. Mr. Ambrose advised that there will be a celebration recognizing the opening of the extension of the Iron Horse Trail to the community on Saturday, June 3~d at 10:00 a.m. It will be held in the park on Village Parkway near Alcosta Boulevard in San Ramon. Cm. McCormick thanked the IMAX Theatre for the opportunity to raise money for the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2000 PAGE 216 Cm. McCormick mentioned that there will be a mystery author signing event at the Dublin Library on June 4th at 2 p.m. Cm. McCormick stated she had a lot of fun at the opening of the Village Parkway/I~680 on-ramp last Friday. She showed a picture of Caltrans Manager Ruben Woo, who did a good job. Cm. Zika also thanked IMAX on behalf of the Dublin Senior Center and Lions Club. They raised about $500 for each group. Cm. Zika commended those involved with the recent Dublin High School accident simulation exercise. A drunk driver was involved. He stated he had never seen hundreds of high school kids so totally quiet as they were while listening to the speakers. It was like a real drunk driving accident. The Fire Department, Police Department and the medivac helicopter were them. It was timed extremely well, just before prom night. Vice Mayor Lockhart thanked Jeff Jenkins with IMAX; it was a great event. DPIE benefited. Positive comments have come in from the community and she offered kudos to Staff also for making sure we have such a nice project. Everyone in the community was very impressed. Mayor Houston stated Cm. McCormick talked about the Village Parkway on-ramp opening and he reported that Cm. Zika's car, Betsy (Rust), was the first car over the ramp. This was the first part of the 1-580 flyover project to open. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 Them being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. ~ "" (.f Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 19 REGULAR MEETING May 'i6, 2000 PAGE 217