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8.02 Ex Parte Contracts Policy
�82 STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ❑[0]0�-©� 04LIFOR�� DATE: September 6, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC . Reconsideration of Ex Parte Contacts Policy Prepared By: John Bakker, City Attorney EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Ex parte contacts are communications of information relevant to a quasi-judicial governmental decision to a decisionmaker outside of the formal quasi-judicial proceeding. On December 20, 2005, the City Council adopted a policy prohibiting City Council members and Planning Commissioners, among others, from the intentionally making or receiving ex parte contacts related to quasi-judicial proceedings such as site development review approvals, conditional use permits, and variances. The policy does not apply to quasi -legislative decisions such as general plan amendments and zoning ordinance amendments. At that time, staff presented the Council with two proposed options for an ex parte contacts policy, one prohibiting contacts and the other permitting contacts but requiring their disclosure on the record. The City Council adopted the policy prohibiting contacts. At the April 5, 2011 City Council meeting, Councilmember Swalwell requested that the policy be placed on a future Council agenda that would allow the policy to be reviewed. In the event that the City Council desires to change the policy, Staff has prepared a resolution that would permit contacts subject to their disclosure on the record of the proceeding. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council either: (a) take no action and thereby leave the existing ex parte contacts policy in place or (b) adopt the proposed resolution permitting ex parte contacts subject to their disclosure on the record. Submitted By Revi wed By City Attorney Assistant ' anager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 0 C:\downloads\STAFF REPORT ABM Amendment 3.doc DESCRIPTIOIV: Ex parte contacts are communications or other information received outside of the formal hearing process that are relevant in an ,adjudicatory matter before city officials. Ex parte contacts can include visits to sites that are the subject of an adjudicatory matter made by city officials outside the hearing process. No state statutes regulate ex parte contacts in administrative proceedings of local governing bodies. However, as the December 20, 2005 staff report explained in more detail, ex parte contacts can result in constitutional due process issues and create the appearance of unfairness in city administrative proceedings. At its December 20, 2005 City Councif ineeting, the City Council received a staff report from the City Attorney recommending that the City Council adopt a policy governing "ex parte contacts." (Attachment 1.) The City Attorney noted that, in order to avoid confusion and the appearance of impropriety, the City might wish to provide guidance to officials with regards to ex parte contacts through the adoption of the proposed ex parte contacts policy. The City Attorney presented two options for the City Council's consideration. Option 1 would have permitted ex parte provided that they are disclosed on the record of the quasi-judicial proceeding. Option 2 prohibited officials from intentionally receiving ex parte contacts and required their disclosure on the records if contacts were nonetheless received. After its deliberations (see Minutes attached as Attachment 2), the City Council chose Option 2, the policy that prohibited ex parte contacts, and adopted Resolution No. 234-05 (Attachment 3). At the April 5, 2011 City Council meeting, Councilmember Swalwell requested that staff provide the City Council with a report on the ex parte contacts policy reflected in Resolution No. 234- 05. We have updated the research underpinning the December 20, 2005 staff report, and we found that nothing of substance had changed. Therefore, consistent with the options outlined in the December 20, 2005 report, the City Council could choose to leave the existing policy in place or to adopt a new resolution (Attachment 4) that permits contacts but requires their disclosure on the record in the quasi-judicial . proceeding. If the proposed resolution were adopted, it would supersede Resolution No. 234-05. NOTICING.REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: No public notification required. ATTACHMENTS: 1. December 20, 2005 Staff Report 2. Minutes from December 20, 2005 City Council Meeting 3. Resolution 234-05, Resolution Establishing a Policy Regarding Ex Parte Contacts in Quasi-Judicial Proceedings. 4. Proposed Resolution Permitting Ex Parte Contacts in Quasi- Judicial Proceedings. 1671180.3 Page 2 of 2 ~ a~'~l~ CITY CLERI~C ~ ~ File # ^~~~-~~ ~ 11i ~,` -~!* s~ ~ ~ l `~~ , ~;~ // .~i, r .~_.-.al~ AGENDA STATEIVIENT CtTY CO~JN~1L ME~TtNG DATE: December 20, 2005 SL]~3,T~CT: t~T'~'AC~iNIEN'~'S: RECQNIMENDATI~N: ~ FINANGiAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: Pmposed Ex parte Contacts Policy Report Prepared by Elizabeth H. Silver, Gity Attnrney 1. Propased Res~lution Permitting ~'x parte Contacts in Quasi- J~dicial P~oceedings (Option 1) 2. Proposed Resolution prohibiting Ex~arte Cantacts in Quasi- Tudicial Proceedings (~ptian 2) 3. List of ~uasi-Juda.cial Proceedings 1. Receive Staff present~-tion. 2. Receive public comrnents. 3. Dcliberatc 4. Adapt Resolution 1 or 2, ox provide direction. Nonc. Ex parte contacts ~re c:omrnunications or other infarmatian received. outside the he~ng process that are relevant in an adjudicatary matter befare city officials. Ex parte c:ontacts can also inciude site visits made by city officials autside the hearing process. No state statutes regulate ex parte. contacts in AdministrAtive procec~dings vf lcyc~l governing bodie~. Additionally, the Municipal Code az~d City policies are sil ent as to ex pr~rte contacts. Yct, as is discussed below, ex partc cax~tACts Can result in constitutional due process issues and create the appearance of unf~irness iri City administrative praceedings. In order to avaid con.fusian and the appearance nf impmpriety, thc City rnay wish ta provide guidance to ~fficials with regards ta ~x parte contacts through the adaption of the praposed ex parte contacts poliey. coP~ xo: ~ ~ Page 1 of6 Attachment ~~~ q'~-~~ WI~y shoulcl t~e C1ty ~ ns~ ~; ado~~~~ ~~~lxcy Regardir~g Ex~ar~te ~ontacts? ~~~ Bot~i t1~e U~it~d States and Calif~~nia Canstitu~ions protect against th~ depriv~ti~~ ofproce~ural due pr~~~~ss r~~k~ts of pArk~es i~ ~~imir~istrativ~ praceedirigs whe~~ a property ri~ht is ~.t stake. (LJ:S. Const,, 14th amend., ~ 1; ~a1. ~anst., ~rt. ~., §?.) ~alifQrnia l~w ~xtends pr~a~~dural due proeess ri~hts for parti~s tc7 ~drnit~~~t~tzv~ ~~`o~~~diri~~ furth~r t~an c~oes federallaw. (See Lockheed Shipbuildang and ~'~nsd~^taClir~rt Co. ~19'~3) 35 Ca1.A~pe3d 77~, ~80-$1.} r}ue pracess before ~n ~dz~niriistt'~tive bo~y requir~s a. fair and impartial hearin~ befare a n~utr~,1 ~d unbi~s~ ~~~i~ion-mak~r. (1Vi~latlife 1'ar~ners, Ltd. v. City of Beverly Hilds (2~0~ ) 108 ~a1.,A~p.4~' $ l, 9Q (1Vightli f~ Przrt~ers}.) iri f~~t~ d~~ ~r~c~ss r~~t ~n1y requi~es a fair and impartial hearing, it re9uires th~ app~arara~~ af a fair and irn~partial hearin~. (lbid.~ A Calif~rnia Appeals ~au.rt h~s hel~. t]~~t th~ ~~~~a~a~ce of im~artia.lity is ~~p~~i~lly ir~p~~ta~xt iri adrninistrative he~rings du~ to the "broad applicability of administr~~iv~ hearin~s to t~e various ri~hts and respans~ibilities of citiz~ns ~nc~ bu.s~~n~ss~s, ~nd the und~niablc pub~i~ in#erest in fair h~aa~ing~ in ~'i~ ~dxn~~,i~~r.~ti~~ ~~~ic~ti~n ar~na." (~bid.~ 'I'h~ ~aurt reasoned that ad~'ninistrat~~v~ he~rings ~~eri affect sigr~ificannt right~ and serve as the first l~vel of ac~judi~~t~ry r~view. ~~bicl.) Even befare s~~h cases broadening #he ~anc~pt af` du~ pt`a~es~, the caurts ha~ hcld that. du~ ~process r~quir~~ t~-~# tk~~ ~e~isian ~nust ~h~ ~~s~~ ~~ the of~icyal ~~ca~ in the case. Thu~, ~ane cauTt held th~t rcliaricc on infarma~ian obtained from discussians ~vith the parti~s ~~tsid~ ofth~ ~~arit~~ wa.~ im~raper because it result~d in an unf~ir h~~rir~g. ~~~e Safeway Sta~~~, Inc. v. CYty ~f~r~rl~ngam~ ~1 ~59~ 170 C~~.App.2d ~i~7, ~45-4'~.) It is well~settl~d thAt du~ p~`~c~e~s ~~`ot~~tj~ns d~ nc~t attach in a11 a~rriinistrative proc~edin~s. {Hr~rn v. CQUraty of Yentura (19?9) 24 Ca1.3d ~05, bI~ ~1~'~rn~.) Rather, due pra~~~s i~ gu~.~tte~ only in administrativ~ q~asi juc~i~ial procecdin~s, and not in quasi-le~isl~tive pr~~~edings. (~~id,) Quasi ~~udi~ial ~race~din~s involve an a.~judicative fiulcti~n wherein ~ity c~#~~~~~ls s~rw~ iri a ju~~~- like ~apacity. The p~rpose of ~ r~~u~i juc~~~i~l pr~~:~~~l~t~~ is t~ a~~1y a 1~gislative tule to an existing set c~f fa~ets. ~Fl~~rn, su~rcr, 24 Ca1.3~ at p. b13; Str~rctnsik~r v. ~'an ~~ego Cau~tty ~mploy~ee,~ R~tir~ra~~nt ~1ssn. { 15~74) 11 ~a1.3d 2~, ~5, n.2 (Struntsky).) Quasx ;j-~~~~ia1 ~~~~ee~ings rn~~t nft~:n arisc in the context af a,n appeal frc~m th~ F1~ririi~g C~c~rnrnission tc~ t~i~ ~ity ~ou~cil. Far exa~npl~, Pl~,t7.111i1~ ~OYYiiI11S310I1 AG'~1~I1S QII Sl~~ C~~V$~,17~~'11~1'1~ T~V1CW ~crmits, conditio~al u~e permits, variances, a.nd tentative s~bdivi~i~a~n r~~~s c:~n ~i~ a~pealed t~ the Cau~cil and. a]] the~~ ~r~ qu.a~i ju~3iui~1 acti~t~s. Hc~vcr~v~~, t~~ Du~1in Munici~al ~ade provic~es far inax~.y c~th~r ~u.asi judicial pro~ceedin~s. (~~ Atta~hment ~ far a List c~f ~u~~i~~udreial Proce~din~s ~ravid~ in the ~ub~in l~uni~ip~l C:ode,} ~uasi-le~islative pro~~edin~s ar~ those in whi~;h ~it~ ~~~i~1s ~~t-ve in a p~licy-malcin~ capa~ity. Th~ purpo~e ~f ~~u~s~-l~~s~~ti~ve ~t~~~~~ding is ta cr~ate a rule of ~eneral applicability for fi~t~ur~ ~u~d~~~~. (Ilorra, su~r~, ~~ ~~1,3r~ a~ ~. ~i1 ~; Strzamsl~~, s~~rra, ~~~a1.3d. at 35, n.2o) As ~orn~~ed to a ca~~-S~f8C~~1C ~L1~S1 ~Ll~]Ci`clI ~~C1S10I'l, a quasi~lc~islative ~roceedin~; has a mu~~h br+~~d~r ~~t~~e that applics to future cases. {~uasi-legisla~ive pr~ce~ding~ in th~ ~ity in~:.lu~~, ~-ut a~r~ not lirnitec~ to, actions on g~n~r~l p~~r~ ~rnet~d~~nts, sp~c~.~c ~1an amcr~dmcnts, zoni~~ decisions a,nd dev~loprn~nt ~~'~~rnents. Pag~~of6 ~ ~ It is n~table that th~ ~tate Administrative Procedure Act APA ~ee~Cs tt~ ensure faix and im ai~~~ ~ ) P adjudicata~'y ~r~~eec~x~ng~ by ~r~~,Xbitirig ~11 ex~aarte ca~t~cts. .~xavernm~nt Code ~ 11430.10. Alt~~ugh th~ APA do~s not ~pply ~01p~~I gr~v~n.xn.~nt~, a re~e~nt ~alifo~rclia A~peals ~aurt decision us~d tl~e prav~isions af thc 1~PA as t1~c stari~ard far imposi~~ duc praces~ pratectians in an ac~minisk~~tive . pro~:e~c~i.n~. .~IV~~htlif'e ~a~°tn~rs, s~epra, ~ 0$ ~al,App.~`~ ~t pp. ~1 ~~2.} Sti11, itx Fla~stad ve G'ity of San Mat~o ~195?~ 15~ Cale App.2d I~B~ ~41, the ~aurt ttpheld a city ~~un~il's ~e~isio~x tc~ gran~ ~.variance f~r ~~~s~.ru~t~on ~nd op~r~tian of~ ~~r`vi~~ st~ti~x~, ev~z~ t~ough the cnuncilmen ha~ visited t~ae proposed sit~ c~ut~id~ t1~e administratfve ~ro~e~dyng. Th~ ~~urt ~el~ that the councilnlen had full~ disclas~d th~ vie~s ~ram their indcpcndcnt i~vcstigatian an thc record, and persons prot~sting the varian~~ w~r~ gi ven fihe vpportu~ity to challen~e th~se views. (Ibir~.~ . Th~s, t~e ~urr~t~t ~t~t~ ~~ th~ Y~~v ~~~e~~s t~ b~ t~at ex prxrt~e co~tacts are permissible provic~e~ that the natt~e of thc cantacts is ~1isclosed on t~c r~~cord of the proce~d.in~ so that th~ parties have a~ opportunity to rebut vr otherwise ~rQVide their vi~ws ~n th~ in.fc~rm~~ic~n ol~tained firotn t~ic canta.ets. 'VVhat ~ptions does the ~~ty h~ve in Ad.aptin~ an ~x p~xr~te Contact~..~~.li~,~ Given the stat~ c~f t~ie l~,w, the Cnu~cil may wish t~ consider the followin~ tvva op#ion~ wh~ri considerin~ th~ adoptian ~f an ~x~cz~te contacts policy. 1. First, t11e ~ity may permit ~x par~t~ ~ontacts and r~q~ir~ ~;ity ~~~~i~~~ fi~ ~e~ort t1~~se c~ntacts on th~ ~-ec~r~ ~t ~ ~u~.~i judi~y~1 ~t~n~~~din~. ~See Attachment 1.} ~'~rnYttir~g ex~art~ ~:~r~t~~ts itr~~~~~s ~o lir~i.t~ ~n ~i~~ c~fficf~ls and is the~ref~re an easily-appli~ ru1e. Adc~itiona,l~y, city c~t`~~i~ls w~u1d r~c~t r~ee~l ta avoic~ c~nta~ets regaxding pending adj~dic~ttary hearings. The disclosure of ex par~e ~antacts facilitat~s a mor~ ~,r~s~~-~e~t~t k~~~in~ ~rra~ess and overall f~~rn~~~ bec~at~~ t~~ ~om.t~~t Xs discl~s~~ ~n t~~ ~`~~~r~l ~t th~ ~amrne~cemen.t afthe hearing. ~-Iowev~r, t~i~ palicy ~r~ui~e~ 1es~ leg~1 ~~'ote~tic~ri ~rorn ct~arge~ af h~as ar unfairness than the s~cond optia~. Furtherm~re, the accuracy afthe disclasure ofthe contact is dependent on t~he r~~lle~-tiQr~ of`the ~ity of~'i.~ial a~d thu~ w~ln~rable tc~ a ch~ll~n~~~ ~.s aan i~~.ccu~r~t~ ~r jn~~m~]et~ disclosurc. ~. ~~~nd, t~ie ~ity m~y ~~`~~ik~it ~~a~t~ ~n~acts ~~~ ~'~c~ui~~ city officials to report any such co~t~c~~ ~t~ t~~ r~~~~~ ~t a quasi judici~l ~rc~c~ec~ing. (~c~ Attachment~.} Pr~hibiting all ex pa~te ~.onta~t.s pTOVid~s city c~f`~i~i~.1s vv~t~. ~~rig~t-line rule in def nin~ t~he ct~mrn~ur~i~~t~.o~: t~iey ~rt~y ~,av~ v~rit~h t~~ ~ub~i~ ~.~d iri~v~lv~~ ~arties re~axding a pendin~ quasi judicial p~c~ceeding. A~~~~i~it~ot~ on ex pur~~ c~ntact~ fc~sters trust between the pu.blic and city of~ieials ~n~ ~crifl prevent accusations ~afbias ~r unfairness. Althau~i t~e ban sACrifice~ th~ v~~ua~l~ ec~rnmuriication b~twccn a. gov~rning ba~y and its canstitucnts, this a~ti~n ~oes the.far~iest tQward ~ss~rin~ f~irly- can~~~ted hearings. Fin~lly, this option provides the mc~st ~.~u~t c~~~~'~tection fra~n char~es of bias or unf'a~r.nes~, t~.~r~by r~~.ucing tl~~ ~a~si~i~ity ot' l.itig~tx~n. ~ ~hat. communicatians a~e covered b~ the F~roposed ~x ~aar~ Conta~ts Ft~X~~Y Q~t~~ris? Th.~ Propc~s~d Ex par~~ ~;ont~.cts P'olic~y ~ptio~s w~ul~ ~~p1y to eantacts such as in~ividu~ canve~rsations, w~r~ttet~ comtr~ur~icati~ns, elect~-~nic rnails, tele~phone calls, axid visits to sit+es th~t ~r~ the sub~ject of a quasi ju.di~ial praceeding. Pa~~ ~ of ~y The Proposcd Ex par~te Contacts Palicy aptions would r~ot apply to communieations made a ~'ec~~ ~t ~h~ proceed.ing. ln a11 aptions, in the event that informatiori is reccived autside the proceeding, the informatian rn~st ~e disc;lr~~~~l ~n the recard at the pro~~eding. To whom wauld the Pro~ased 1:x~rar~t~ Conta~ts Pali~y o~tior~s a~pl~? The Ex parte ~o~t~~t~ Ac~Ii~y ~p#i~~ns wc~uld ap~~y to a~~ ~ity of`ficials t~at ~reside over quasi- judi~ial proceedin~s, inclu.din~, but not linlited ta, members af the City ~ouncil, m~mbers of the Plannin~ Commission, the Zanin~ Administrator, the City 1Vlanager or desi~ee, and any ather city ~mployee c~x off~cer that ~c~s ~s a de~i~i~t~ rn~ke~ i~ ~ qu~si judi~i~X pr~~~e~~ng, All A~endas~Shou~~:_,~aclu.de 'T~m~. far ~fficials to I~isclose an~ _~ur,~~ ~~n c~s We rec~Ynrnend each agend~ that i~nc~ud~s ~ quasi judicial item include a time for officials to disclase any ex parte contacts the rri~mber may have had. "Y`his w~ill be a reminder to o#~'icials ta dis~los~ any suc~ c~ritacts, Ea~h ~ge~-~a wa~ld i~~lu~e ~ state~nent su~ri as t~~ fc~llowing ~~i~r to the Staff prescntatio~: "Disclosure of ~x pczr~e cpntacts (~S~'~ons 1t~vo1ved in ex parte cantact, th~ contcnt of the ex part~ cantact (what information was provided, what was discussed, what was said~, when the ex parte c~nt~~t o~c~rred and where the ex parte contact occurred)." If an ~x p~rrx~ cantact ~has l~een rnade, the rninyrnurn amc~unt of disclasurc required includes the persons involved in the ~x pa~te contact, the cantent of the ~x part~ cantact (e.~., what infarmatian w~s ~r~vi~ed,.~what va~t~ disc:~ss~d, w~at w~ ~aid~, wh~n tlie c~x parte ~n.ta~t oc~~urt~d ~r~~ wh~'e the ex parte contact ac~.ur~d. A good way to remember this is "vvho/whatlwhen/where". To What Pt~c~ce~c~i~gs ~ou1c~ t~e Prc~~o$~d Fx~arte Cc~ntact~~ Po~icv a~tions a~I~`? '~o d~ter~nine when the Frr~p~sal Ex~art~ Cont~cts Falicy applies} yt is i~p~xt~t tc~ ~ist~riguisl~ ~E1W~Ci1 C~llSSf ~ll(~1C1~~ ~.tlt~ ~L1~S1-l~gisl~tive p~-c~ce~ding~, The P~o~nsed .Palicy ~p~i~ns only apply to quasi judicial ~~oceedings. Th~ Folic~r op~ions da r~~t apply to quasi-le~isla~ive praceedings. ~ecausc a quasi judicial procec~ing may rend~ a decision that deprives the party before it of a praperty interest, the government n~u.st ~rovid.e due pracess pratections. {Horn, supra, ~,4 Ca1.3d ~t p~. ~~ 2-l 3,) ~~nv~el.y, a c~uasi-legisI~tive pro~eedin~ daes n~t im.pXi~~t~ due ~~~~s~ ~ro~ectiot~s, because th~re is no canccrn far a~~privatio~ of a~rap~rty interest. (Ibic~.) Som~ pr.a~~e~yz~g~ may ~~fy char~act~ri.latior, ~s either a pu~e quasy ~u~ic~~1 ~~ pure quasi- lc~islative ~roceedin~. When a~mceedirig involves both adjud~ cat~vc and le~isla~ive elements, it may be characterized as a mixed quasi judiciallquasi-legisla~ive praceedin~.~ , ~ ~'or purposes of the Fraposed Palicy op~ions, mixed qu.asi judicial/~uasi-legislative praceedin~~ are treated as quasi-legislativ~ praceedin~s. The quasi-le~slative functian of a mixed pr,c~~e~i»g.is ~f f~~r~~st ij~pox~t~nc~ becau~e the ~~ljudi~a~ion ~~~`t~he ~~s~ ~~nn~t b~ d~~id~d urit~l th~ legislatiori w~ich a~lies to the cas~ 7s s~ttled. ~ Theref~re, the ~rirnary elernent of a mixed proc~~ding is lc,~islative, and the E~~arte Cot~tacts Policy would n~t a~p1y. Nfix~d quasi-judicial/quasi-lcgislative p~oceedin~s in the City P~g~ 4 of 6 i~~c~ud~, ~ut are not limit~d ta, a sit~ dev~lo~ment ~ern~it or ca~~jti~~~l u~e~permit apgroval th~at is ~- conting~~t u~on a~en~t~at P1an am~dment or a r~zQnirig. , F~r ~x~~1~, t~.e ~~.rr~nt~ ~t ~ubl~n R~.n~;h ~~r~a ~ pr~j~ct it~cl~~u~e~ bot1~ quasi judicial and q~a~i- le~islative actians. ~n September 13, ~a05, t~ie Planning ~ammission appraved M~s~ex Teritati~e Traet Ivi~~s f~r ~r~~ F V4~~~t ~Tr~~t ?f ~1) ~nd Ar~~ F~~st ~Tr~~~~ 765 ]), fc~~ t~i~ Sarrcnto at Dublin Ranch Area F project. ~P1ann~ng Commission Reso. U~m52.~ This vesting tenta~ive map action ~~:~s~it~t~s a quasi~ judi~ial prc~ceeding. Hawever, t~ii~ t~nt~tive inap ap~rc~val r~v~s ~n~it~~erit upon the ~ity Council's apprav~I to ~mend th~ Plann~d D~v~1o~rn~~it for I~~b1in R~~h ~r~~t F North, to increase the numb~er of unxts pe~'~nitt~~ ua~~~r. the P1a,nn.~ U~Vel~~ame~.t. (~~ty ~c~uncil Ord. 24~~5.) Fiecause the Sorrento at Du~bli~- Itatlch Area F~ro~ect involved a quasi judicial action contingent upan a yuasi-l~~sl~tiv~ ~~~iori, it wauld be treated as quasi-le~islativ~; th~s, the Ex I'arte ~Qnta~cts ~oli~y wa~~~ ~r~t ~~~1~r. V«hat if t1~e P~ahibitia~ a~ Ex pa~te ~antacts a~tian ~Atta~hment~ is_ a~ ~ted ~-nd is vi~~~~~ If a~ity ~~cer ~~ga~es in ex pur~te contacts with a party ta a quasi judicial proc~eding or inadv~rtently lea~ns af information re~ar~dfn~ the quasi judicial ~proceeding, any Yssu~ ~~gax~ir,g ~t~e ex parte eontacts may be eured t~irou~;h disclosure an the recard at ~~~bs~q~~t pr~~e~~ir~g. (Flr~~stud v. ~ity o,f'S`an ~fateo, su~ra, 15~ ~a1.AA~a-~d at pp. 141-42.) St~~~i ~i~~1~su~.'e at~ t1~e ~~cord cures the Ex ~a~-te ~ot~tacts pc~-licy ~vi~lation ~ecause it affa~c~s a11 parti~s th~ oppartunity to h~ar and re~pon~i t~ th~ carrimunicatian before the body. ~lbic~.) . Th~ Polic~ a1sc~ p~avid~s that if the Poli~y. i~ ~ria~ated, it shall nat ~onstitute ind~p~nd~nt ~r~unds for invalidatin~ t,he decision. I~espite this lan~ruage in the Pali~y, it w~u~~ t~~t ~r~v~r-t t~e parties from a,rguin~ th~t due proce~s was vic~l~#~d. ~Vhat if a Caurt Finds an Itn~ra~er ~'x~a~1e Co~tact has been made? As ele~t~d ot~`i~ials r~s~~nsible to an cl~ctaratc, it seems count~rintuitive to adQpt a~~licy which prolubits comrnunicatian between city officials ~.nd ~ity r~sid~nts x~~;~rdiri~ ~endin~ quasi ~udicial ~r~ceedi~g~. Hc~v~r~ve~r, a l~~re~~~ afdu~ ~racess ri~lits f~ar pcrsons involved in a p~nding quasi judi~ial proc~edin~ can have serious consequences. 'Y'wo reG~nt ~au,rt ~f Appe~ls du~ ~~`o~~ss c~ses ir~validat~d decisians fram ~lmit~i~~tyv~ ~~~ri.n~s wher~ t~ie h~~ing ~~`fi~ials d~d nat provide the "aP~eara,nce ~f fuxn~~~.°' ~11~ightlife ~'c~rtners, ,~u~ra, ~i 0~ ~~1.A~p.4`h at p. 9~; Quintera v. C'ity of Santa Ana (2004) a] 4 C~~, A~. 4 $ 1 Q, ~ 1 7 (~] u i n~~ r o).) A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e ~ a u r t i n b o t h d e c i s i a n s a w a r~ e d a t t o~ r i e~ t' s ~~~~ ~ c~ t h~ plaintif~assertin~ a d.u~ process violation. ~1Vaghtl~fe Partners, s~pra, 10$ C~.~.A~p,4t" ~t p. 99; ~7ui~ctero, s~pra, 114 Ca1.Ap~.4 at p. 8~ 8.} Alt~ho~gh both d~cisians a~idressed ~ue paroc~ss cl#im~ arisrrig ~rarrt t1~c comminglin~ af advisQry at~d ~rasccutorial fiinctions by city att~rncys, the reasanin~ vf tne ~ases is applic~bl~ to ~x parte contacts by city offici~ls. ~n Nightli fe I~ar~r~ers, the ~~urt held that "du~ ~r~~~ss in an administrative hearing alsa d~n~nc~s ~ appear~n~~ af` f~irn~~s ~nd th~ ~b~~c~e of ~~~~n ~~rc~l~ability af outsid~ influeric~ on th~ ~~~~u~i~al~at~." (10~ ~~I~A~~,~~' at p. ~0.} ~t w+~u~~ ~~~m that su~h ``autside influence" might ~e i~~`~rr~~t from a city afficial's ~x~car~e co~.tacts outsid~ th~ quasi ju.d.icial prQCe~ding. In ~u~~a~ero, t~e C~urt h~ld that ~h~~~ity "xnt~s# e~ercise vigil~ce and cau.ti~n, ta ~n~ure n~t t~n~y ~ai~n~ss, but t~e app~earanc~ of fai~~~~,g' (.l ] 4~~,1.App.~~' at ~. S 17.) Thes~ ~u~ ~t'acess cas~s require tne city a#~icials to ~~ ~mpartial atid fair, as w~11 as ap~r~ar im~artial and fair~ when making decisians in a.~mini~tr~ti~+~ ~i~a~iri~s. ~~ge 5 ~f b ~/~{^~~/~~J~ 4 r/ Fin~ll~, good public poii~y wQU1d ~~e~ to t'e~uYxe that eity ofFicials execute their ad,~udicat~~r duties with ~~irn~ss a~~ yr~~artiality. Pral~ibiting e~ parte contacts fosters trust betweezi ~~ty of`~~i~ls and city residents, and pro~rides a clear ra~ianale for why a city Qffi,cia~ must r~frairi from co~nrnunicatin~ abaut a ~en~ing adjudicatiion. . RECOMMENDATI~N Sta#~ recommends th~ ~ity Council hear ~ta~`f s~r~sentation, consid~r any comments fram th~ publac, d~X~be~r~.te ~~~1 ~d~-pt ~?ption 1 ar 2, or p~c~vide othcr directian Sta~f alsa re~ommends t~at the Council dir~ct the Staff ta include a time to d.isclose any contacts on any ag~r~~~ th~t in~ludes a quasi- judicial item. ~ 7~691fi-1;194.1 ~01 Pa~e 6 of 6 ~°'' ~PTION 1 RES~LUTION N~. ~ A RE~OLUTI~N ~F TH~ ~ITY C(~U1VCI~, U~' T~~ ~ITY O~ I~U'~LIN E~TABL,ISH~T~ A P~LiCY RE~AI~DIIV~ ~~C` P~R~"'~ ~~NTA~TS IN QUA~I-JUDI~IAL FRO~EEI~IN~~ W~lEREAS, the Cit~ Council, the Plannin~ ~ommission, th~ ~aning A,drJ~yr~x~t~'ator, the ~ity Manage~r c~r design~e, and other City af~icers ~cand~ct a number of ~uasi ju.r~ici~X hearings in t~~ cc~ut~~e af ~e~rf~o~tning their duties; W~E~EA~, th~ ~u~ pr~~ess ~X~u~~s of t~~ Ut~ited States arYd Califarnia ~anstitutions imgas~ c~rtain requirements on loc~l agenci~s th~t ~~~,t~u~~ s~~1~ f~earit~g~, includin~ a requirerrrent that c~e~isio~ tnakers cansi~er only that evidence that is pre~~n~ed at the h~~rin~; V~~~~EA~, ~t.~rnb~rs o~' t~~ Czty C~~ri~~1, t~e Plat~~ing Cammission, the ~oning Administratar, an~ the ~ity Mana~~r or +~esi~e.~ c:~~ld ~at~ntially ~eceivc informatian perkinent ta quasi ju.dicial h~arin~s autsid~ Qf ~h~ fc~rxnr~] h~~rir~~, ~thich i~fa~-mation is knaw~ generally as "~x parte cantact~"; ~xnd ~ WHEREAS, thc ~ity C4uncil has deterrriined that it wau.ld b~ prud~nt t~ h~ve ~~o1i~y ~c~r~~~nin~ ~x part~ c~nt~.~t~ in qu~si j u~ici~l. p~'o~~~dfng~ that appties ta the City ~ouncil, th~ Planning ~:ommission, tlrie Zanin~ Administratc~r, th.~ C~r~y M~ria~er or desi,~mec, and other ~ity ~fficials that ma1c~ decisions in yuasi-judiai~ prQ+~e~din~~; I~~~', 'I'HEI~~~~, the ~it~r ~ou.n~il af the C~~t}~ ~f` 1~u~1in ~1c~~s RESOL,V~ as follo~rs: 1. P~r~po~~e. Thc purpo~e ~f this paiicy is ta ensure that c~ecisions of the ~ity of ~~u-blin in quasi j~dicial aclministrat~.r~~ pr~c~~~.y.~~ ~,~ ca~ductec~ in an irnpartial manner and comply vv~it~ the requirem~nts of Du.e Fr~cess under the Constituti4ns ~~ t~h~ LTriit~ St~tes a~d the ~tatc of~aliforni~,. 2. Pc~licy. Cit~ Offi~ials shall permit ~onta~ets related ta yuasi judi~ial proce~~.ing~, 3. Di.sclr~sz~r~, ~ity Qf~icial~ sf~a~l disclosc such ~ontacts +on the record af th~ c~u~-~i juc~ieia~ ~r~c~~~ding, t~er~by ~~`~ording it~t~`~sx~d ~e~-~ons th~ ~ppartu~ity to h~ar a,nd resp4nd tc~ ~l~e Contact. In preparing a~~nd~ ~~r qu~si ~~di~i~l h~~ri~g~, ~ity staff shall include an item fr~r disclasurc of ex~r~r~t~ ~ontacts pri~r t~ the apening af t~h~ ~aubli~ hea~ix~g. 4. .4~~licati~r~. The F~ ~ar~~ ~ont~cts Polic~ sha}.1 apply only to qu.~si ju~i~.i~~ pr~~~~~~yng~ ~rid sh~~J not ~pply tc~ q~~~i-~~g~~~~ti~ve c~~ ~nixe~ quasi judi~ial/quasi~I~gisl~tive prc~c~~~iings. P~g~ 1 of 3 ~ ~~ ~. L'ffect of Yrolatio~. ~ vialatian of the ~'~c ~a~t~e Conta.cts Poli~y shall not canstitute in~ependent ~rounds ta in~r~.lidat~ any decisian by ~:ity ~fficials. ~o l~e~nltions. Tlze follow~n~ definitians shall apply tv this policy: "Contacts" means the receipt of an~r information autside a c~uasi judicial proceeding t~a~ ~s ~'~1.~~~t~~ in a q~asi ~udy~ia~ ~ro~eedjrig ~ef~r~ ~ity Of~ricial~e ~nntacts may include, but are nat Ii~nited. to, canversatians, written communica#ions, ~Ie~;troni~ mails, t~lep~ione calls, ~nc~ visits ta sit~s t~at are the sub~ject of a c~uasi judicial proc~e~ing. "~i~~ Official~" mea~s th~ ~ity ~~u~cj1, the P1a~nriing Comrnissic~n, the Zonin~ Adrr~inisk~~t~r.# th~ ~ity M~ri~~~~ c~x designe~, ~.ri~ ~n~r ~th~r city errY~]~~r~ee o~ afficer that auts ~.s ~ d~cisian mak~r in a q~asi jud~~i~1 pr~~~~c~ing, "Discl~sure" m~ans, at a minimum, the persans involwed in the ~x pa~te contact, the ~~ntent of the ~x pc~rte c;ant~ct ~~.g.~ whs~t inforin~tion w~s ~rc~vi.~e~, vcr~~t was dis~ussed, what w~s said), when ~he ~x ,parte cant~~t a~c~~uur. ~d and wh~r~ tbe ~x ~c~rt~ canta~t o~cusred. "~L1R31 )UC~1C1~ }7Y'OC~~C~111~" rneans a City proceeding in wluch a~ity ~fficial appliew c~istin~ le~a1 stan~ards to a particular sct of facts that affects an individu~ or individual~. "~uasi-le~islative ~ra~eeding" me~ns a~ity proceeding in which ~ity (~ffici~,ls create a rulc af gcncral appli~ability far fui~re ~uid.ance. Qu.asi-legislative pr~~eed.in~s in the ~ity of I~ublin inc~u.de, b~t are not limited ta, actians on ~eneral ~1an atnendments, spe~ific plan a~nendments, ~a.~d ~onin~ decisions. "IVlixe~ quasi judicial/quasi-legisl~tive proceeding" mean~ a City prac~eding inv~lvin~ bath adjudicative and legis~ative elernents. Nlixed quasi judicial/quasi- l~~islat~v~ pr~~ee~~~gs in t~.e City a~I~u~I~~ ~~c~~~.~, but ~re t~~t lin~it~d ta, sitc develaprnent pe~rmit approual that is cantin~ent u.pon a zoning ordin~nce amenclrn~nt. 7. Effective ~ute. T~i~ R~solutian sha~1 tak~ e~fect irnrn~~iatcly. S. Severahility ~7au,se. The ~r~visi~n~ of t~is R~so~utio~ ~re s~verabl~ an~ if an~ provis~~~., cl~u~~, ~~r~t~~~;~, wr~r~l or ~~.rt t~~r~~~is ~~~t~ il1e~~1, it~valid, uncc~nstitutional, ~r inapplic~~ble to a.ny p~r~c~n ~r ~ir~uamstan~:e~, suc~ ~1X~gality, ir~v~~idy~y, ~canstitutianality, or ina~aplicability shall not affect or impair any of the r~maining pravisio~s, cla~ts~s, ~entenc~es, ~ecti~n~, words c~r ~a~ts th~reafafthc ardinance or their ~~~li~~~il~ty t~ vth~r ~~rsons or ~ir~;um~~~k~z~c~~~. Page 2 of 3 . I ~ ~ ~ r ~ • ~~~~~D, ~.~~'~.~V~~, AN~ AU~PTED this _~ay of L7ec~mb~r ~QQS, by t~e fc~llowang vc~~~: AYES: ~ NOES: ABS~I~iT: ,~~5-T~~N; AT~`~ST: - -..~.~... ~ity ~lerk 7~3733-1; 114.1~01 M~yo~ Pa~e ~ of ~ ~~ ~.~~1~~ ~ ~~~Q~~~~~~ ~~, A 1~S~LU'T1~~V~ U~' 3`~~ ~ITY ~1~~]1~1~IL ~F '~'~~ ~ITY UF I~UBLIN ESTA~LY~HIN~ ~. F~-I~~~Y R~C~.~D~1'~T~ E~ PA~T~ C~NTACTS I~i ~~T~~I-J~DI+CIAL I~R~CEE~~N~~ ~ ~HEREA~, t~e City Council, the Plat~ing Commission, the Z~ning A.~.rni~istrator, the ~ity 1V€~.ri.~~~r ~~t ~.esy~~~, ~rid c~tt~er ~it~ afficers con~uct a nurnber of quasi j~di~:ial hearin~s in the catuse of perforanin,~ their dutie~; ~VHEREAS, the due pra~ess clauses af the CJnited ~tates a~~i C~li#~~ia Canstitutio~s impase certain ~e~u,irern~nts on local agencies that c~ndu~t sr~~h ~h~~`it~~s, including a requir~m~nt th~t c~e~jsiot~ ~n~ers ca~sidcr only tt~at evidence that is pres~nte~ ~t tk~e ~~rin~; ~YHER~AS, m~inber~ of th~ ~ity C~u.~4~~1, t~he Pl~nnit~g ~a~nmissian, the Zoning Adrriinistrator, and th~ ~ity iVla,na~er ar d~si~nee c~uld ~~tet~fi~~11y rece~ive infarmatian pertynen~ t~ ~ua,~y judi~~a1 hcarings ~utsid~ of the forina.~ hearing, whi~h in~'~m~atyo~ is knawn ~~x~~x~~y ~.s "~x part~ ~~ntacts"; ~.nd W~~~~Aw~, t~~ City ~c~urici~ ~a~ det~rmit~ec~ that it wc~uld ~ae prudent to h~ve ~. ~ti~~ ~:onc~rning ~x~aart~ ~~nt~~#s in. qu~~a ju~.i~x~l ~~'o~~edyn~s t1~at applies to the City Coun~il, th~ P~annin~ ~ammissian, the ~onin~ Admulistratar~ t~h~ ~xty M~r~ag~r or desi~;nc~, and ~~ther City Of~'icials that rnake d~cisiQns in quasi judicial proceedin~s; N~W9 T~IEREFORE, t~~ ~ity ~au~c~1 of the City ~f I~ublin doe~ I~E~C~~VE as follraws: ~ ].~urp~se. `~h~ pur~c~~~ ~f thi~ p~lycy y~ tc~ ~~sure that d.ecisians of the ~ity af ~ublin in yu~si judicial admini~tra.tiv~ pr~c~~din~s ~t`~ ~ot~duct~ in an impar~ial manner and ~omply with the requ.irements of I~ue ~rveess under th~ ~t~n~titut~oa~~ of ~he United States and th~ St~te of ~alifarnia. ~. 1'olicy. ~ity Of~i~i~.ls sha11 n~t int+~ti~~t~.~1y m~ke ar ~-~+ccive ~antacts related to c~uasi- a~di~ial praceedin~s. 3. ~isclosure. I~ t1~e cv~t t~at ~o~taets ar~ noneth~less rec~i v~, Cit y~f~icials sha11 disclasc such Cant~cts an the record af th~ CjllaSl Jl?.t~iGl'c~,l ~~~C~~]ri~, thcrcby affording jt~tcrested persans thc appartunit~ ta hear and respond to .the ~on.t~~t. Tn ~reparing a~endas fi~x qu.~si j udic~~~) l~~~ings, ~iti~ ~taf~` s~~11 i~clude an item far dis~la~~r~ ~f ex ~art~ Cantacts prior ta the opening of th~ pu.~].i~ b~a~ng, . 4. ,~~~alacutian. The Ex ~rzrt~ ~t~~tacts F~li.cy ~hall apply only tv qu~s~ j~u~j~y~] proccedir~~s and. shall not apply to q~~si-le~islative or mix~d ~u~si judicial/quasi-le~islativ~ proceedir~~~, I'age 1 of ~ _ - ~ ~ ~~ Sa Eff~~t ~f Yfolation. A violati~n of t]h~ .~x ~arte ~ontacts Policy shall not constitut~ independcnt graunds to invalidate any decisi~~n by ~ity Officia~s. 6~ ~~~n~~i~ns, 'T"~h~ follar~i~g d~finitians shall apply ta this p~li~y; "~o~tact~" ~ri~ar~S #~e r~~~i~t af an~ informati~an outside a qu.~~y ju~i~i~1 prc~cecdin~ that is relev~n~t i~ ~~u~si j~udi~ial ~roc~eding before ~ity ~fficials, ~ Cc~nxacts rnay include, but are not lim~t~d t~, ~~~v~rsations, written commur~i~~tions, ~) ~~t~'onic mails, telephane calls, and visits ta site~ t~~t ~r~ th~ subject of a quasi judi~i~1 pro~~~~i~~. ~ ``~it~ Offi~i~s" me~s t~~ ~i~ C~uncil, t~e Flaruung ~ommissian, ~h~ Z,c~riing Administratar, the City Mana~~r or ~esign~~, ~rid any other city etnployee ar of~i~~r t~hat acts as a decision ma~cer in ~. q~asi~ju~i~i~ ~~'~~~~~ing. - "Dis~lc~s~xe" rneans, at a m~nirnum, t~ie persan~ inv~lv~d in th~ ~x paYte ~onta~t, t~ie content of the ~x '~ar~~ c~oz~t~~t (~.g., what infc~~tnation was provid~~, w~~t was discussed, what. was sa.id), when the ~,x pa~-t~ ~~tact occurrcd and where t~e ex p~r~~ cc~~rtact ~ccu~red . "~uasi j~~ici~1. ~r~cee~ing" means a Gity proc~edin~; in whi~l~ ~~~ty ~ffi~ial applies existing l~~~l ~t~.rt~~rd~ t~ a~a~icular ~et af fa~ts that aff'e~ts ~ri iric~i~ridual or indiv~idu.als. Yi~uasi-le~islative proceeding" means a~i~y pra~eedzng in which Cit~ Officials ~r.eat~ a r~le ~~t`~~rier~~ a~plicabi~ity for future ~uidance. Quas~-l~~i~lativ~ pro~~ec,iings in tb~ ~:ity ~t` I~u~~jt~ includea but are not limited tv= a~ti~t~~ ori ~~n~ral plan am~n~.~nent~, sp~~i~i~ ~1~n a~terndments, and zaning deci~io~s. "Mixed quasi judi~iaUq~a~i~legi~l~tiv~ ~~ceeding" means a~ity pra~~ding it~volving bath ad~udicative and 1~~;islativ~ ~l.~~rits. Mix~d c~u~.si ~udiciaUquasi- legislative ~racccdings in the ~ity of I~ublin ~n~:)~~.~, ~ut a~e nat lirnit~d to, site ~t~v~lc~~m~nt p~rmit ~,ppraval tl~at is conting~nt upan ~~.~riir~g o~dinanc~ a.mendment. 7. E~'~c~tive Da~e. This ~es~lution shall t~,ke ~t`f`ect irnmediatelyo 8. Se~verabal~ty ~laus~. Thc prov~isions of this ~esol~ti~n ~~'~ s~vera~le ~.nd if any pr.c~v~~i~n, ~1~use, seritenc~, ward ar ~art th~reof is h~ld i~l~g~~, i~v~lid, unc~nstii.u~ional, or inappli~;~bl~ tc~ ~ri~ ~erson or ci~cumstanc~s, such illegality, inv~.~iclity, u.nconstituti~~~Iit~, ~r ir,a~~lic~~ility s1~a11 not affe~t or impair ~.~y ~f t1~~ r~mainin~ provisions, clauses, ~~n~~c~~, se~~y~~~, words or parts thereof of the o~'~in~nce ar their ~.~~licabi~ity to oth~r p~rsons Qr ~ircu~~~t~n~~s. Pa~e ~ ot 3 ~~ ~~ FASSE~, APp~t~~ED, AN~ AD~P'~"~~ t~iis _ day ~fD~ccrnber ~005, by the following vot~e AYES: NUES e A~S~~~': A~STAIN: I1~~yar A'~'TEST: Gity ~1crk ~~3~~~-i; i14.iaai Pa~~ ~ af 3 ~~ - ~ ~TTA+CHMENT 3 ~,ist of ~uasi-Judicial Proceedin~s pravid~d in the Dublin rVlunicipaY ~ode C~uasi judicia~ pro~eed.in~s in the city in~lude, but are not Iimited ta, actians on sit~e dev~l~pment rev~iew p~rmits, canditional use permit~, varian~es, and tentative subdivi~ian ma~s, ~ity ~ouncil heari~~s ta c1as~ hazardaus drivewa~s; ~ity ~ouncil or Boat~d ~f A~~e~1~ Y~nter~r~tati~t~~ ~ftt~~ F~~'e ~o~~; C~~y Manag~r h~a~ing~ tc~ al~ate ~b~ntionec~ v~hi~l~s a.nd ~pp~~ls t~ ~ity +~auncil; T~ Acirnini~tr~~~~ h~~~i~ngs fa~' f~.il~xe t~ collect ar report tr~nsi~nt occupancy tax~s and app~als ta ~ity ~ou.ncil; ~hief af P~lic~ hearin~s to suspend or rev~l~c fortunctclli~g p~rmits and appea.ls t~ City ~our~cil; ~ity ~c~uncil ~earin~.~ ~o r~viev~t pe~`rrY~ts fo~ ~~r~de~; City Cc~ut~~f1 hea~in~;s fa~ ~elinqu~nt paym~nts of` ~~li~l wa~t~ ~~n~~~r~~~t ~~tvi.c~~; G~ty N~anag~r` revy~w ~~`r~cy~~ing faci~ity ~ermit~ ~t~d ~p~~~l~ to ~ity ~~uri~yl; ~~ty ~~ut~~il ~evieru ~t`r~vc~c~tit~t~ c~f p~rrnits u~de~ s~lid w~~te ~~n~~em~nt ~~dinan~:~~; ~ity M~n~ger h~~uing~ t~ su~s~~~nc~ ~r x~r~~l~,~ ar~im~l fan~i~rs permits and appeals to City ~auncil; ~lt~ ~at1S~~ Y1~St117~S t0 A~]8t~ A Vl~lOliS dog and appe~ls ta ~ity Counctl; ~ity 1Vlanager 1~carin~s to suspend or revake permits for cxatic arYim~ls ~nc~ a~eal~ tc~ ~ity ~~unGyl; City M~t~ag~r h~arin~~ ta sus~end ~r revake ~~ceri~~s to ~~~rat~ b~ng~ g~r~nes ~n~ ~pp~~ls t~ ~ity C~uricil; ~~ty C~u~n~x1 ~e~ring~ a~ app~al r~~;ardin~ public ~a.nein~ ~aernut issuance or canditions of iss~ance or the denial or revacatian of su.ch ~errnits ~y ~he ~hief of Police; ~ity ~:au.ncil hearings of adminsitrativ~ ~decisians made by ~it}~ IVlanager under th~ smo~Cing pallution cantral ordinances; ~ity ~aun~il hearin~s of d~cisions made by ~ity Nlana~~r under heritage tre~ ardinances; ~ity Mana~er ~earin~s ta deterrri.ine whether property cansiti~utes a. ~ublic nuisatYC~ and tc~ ~~r~~o~e reha~ilita~ic~ri, r~~~~, ~retn~v~1 or d~m~litiot~ o~fsuch property an~ a~~,~als ~~ ~jty ~~u~n~i~; C'xty Iv~~agear h~~r~ri~s r~~~~r~y.~~ ~oty~~s ~r~d ~r~ers tc~ a~ate gr~~itti ~n priv~te proprety €uld appeals to ~ity ~ouncil; ~ity ~o~,n~il h~~rin~~ t~ ~etermine whether weeds a.nd r~fuse canstitute a pu.blic nuisia~rYCe; ~ity ~ouncil hear~n~s ta r~vievv City 1VV~anager's orders to abate fly nusinance; ~it~ 1VYana~er h~arings regarding impoundment ~f newsracks; City Council h~arings re~ardin~ initial a~splication of cable television ar~d ~orrYmuriic~tian sysytems franchise ap~plicati~ns; ~ity ~ou,ncil h~arings ta review ~hief of P~lice's decisian ta deny or revak a peddler permits; ~ity Manag~r hcarit~gs re~~tdfn~ pe~-mits far rrta~sage est~~lis~ments and massa~e scrvic~s; ~ity NI~n~~~r h~axx~~~ 1.c~ ~~vie~ ~it~ ~~gir~~ex's ~~~x ~zc~~ o~ ~n~roachrn~nts; ~it~r Cauncil h~~rin~s reg~uc~in~; ~hang~s in stre~~ n~unes; Ci#y ~QUncil he~rrings r~~~rding establishm~nt of under~round utility distributian facilities distxict; ~ity ~auncil hearin~;s ta suspen~ or r~vake ~radit~g ~~rmits; ~ity Cc~un~il h~arin~~ r~ga~din~ issuancea denial, cancellati~~t, ~~ ~c~n~ii~i~nirig ~t` ~~~r~mits und~t' w~t~~'~ur~e ~r'c~tection a~dinances; City Cauncil he~in~s r~~ardi~~ va~i~c~s ~~ violation~ ~f flo~d cant~ol ardinances; ~it~ Cauncil hearin~s r~gardin~ applicatian ~f1~uilding r~~ualtion adrninistratior~ orciinances; City C~u~ncil h~arings regardi~g a~Iicatyc~n ofwaste mariagem~t plan ardinaxices; Alam.ed~ ~Gou.r~ty H~alt~ ~~fi~~r ~r ~ity ~aun~il h~~rin~~ to d~t~'miri~ wh~t~er t~tet~~ i~ a public nuisr~nce and w~ther to abat~ the nuisar~ce; Well ~tandards Ac~vis~ry ~o~ur~ t~~` ~ity ~ouncil hearirigs r~~ardin~ vi~l~tions undcr the wells ordinances; and. Plasuzing Cc~mm~~i~n h~~ri.an~s ~r~~ C~ity ~~~nciX ~earing~ rega.~~x.n.~ pxop~s~~ ri~ht-of w~y lines. 7~as7~-i; iiaaaoi - I - i ~~ ~ Praposed .~'x PBrf~ Contacts Policv Se36 p.m. 8.3 (61 ~~20) City A~torney Elizabeth Silver presented the Staff Report and advised that ex parte conta.cts ar~ cornmunications or other informa.tion, including site visits, received outside the hea.ring process that are relevant in an adjudicatory rnatter before Cify officials. The City Council wi11 consider adopting an Ex Parte Conta.cts Policy in order to protect against the deprivation of procedural due process rights of parties in administrative proceedings where a property righ~ is at stake. Sta.ff recommended that the Council adopt a resalution permitting ex parte contacts in quasi judicial proceedings - or -- adopt a resolution prohibiting ex pa~te contacts in quasi judicial proceedings - or - provide other direction to Staff. Crn. McCorxnick asked if the City Attorney would a.d.vise the Council when an issue was considered quasi judicial. City Attorney Silver indicated that a quasi judicial issue ~ypica.lly occurred during an appeal from a Planning Commission ac~ion; however, there were other occasions that it could occur. A merno ~vould continue to be provided fo the Council advising them of a quasi judicial action, and it would now also be included on the City Council agenda. Cm. Zika. asked if a Councilmember could do a site field visit if the resolution prohibiting contact was adopted. City Attorney Silver advised that if, under Opt~on #2, a Councilmember went to a site for the speeific purpose of looking, the site visit would need to be disclosed. Council and Sta.ff discussed various information ga.thering scenarios, including site visits and communications, and appropriate Iev~Is of disclosure, If the Council wanted ta c1o a site visit, it was important for them to do it as a group, even if it delayed the issue. The Council concurred that ~ption #2, prohibtting ex parte conta.cts, was the better practice as it was important for the entire Council to receive the same infarmation to be fair to the person whose rights were at sta.ke. , DUBLIN CIT~' ~OUNCIL MINUTES VULUME 24 REGULAR MEETING December 20, 2005 PAGE 479 w~vc-w.ci. d u blin.ca. us ~Attachment Z ~ -_ ~ ~~ 4n rnotion of Cm. ~2ka, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimo~xs vote (Mayor Lockhart absent), the City Council adopted RES4LUTIUN NO. 234 -- 05 ESTABLISHING A PQLICY REGARl3ING F,X PART~'COIVTA~TS ~N QUASI~JUDICIAL PRQCEEDIIVGS. ~ RECESS 8:50 p.m. ,Mayor Pro Tem ~rave~.z ca.lled for a brief recess. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.me with all Councilmembers present (Mayor Lockhart absent). . ~~ City of Dublin Dra~ Comxnent Letter on fhe Dublin Hi Sehaol Facilities Master Plan Draft Env~onmental Im act R,e rt 8:~5 p.rn. 8.4 (4Q0-20) Public ~tl'orks ~Director Nielissa Morton presented the Staff R~eport and advised that the Cify Councr~ wou~d conside~ comments prepared by Staff related to the proposed. Dublin High Schoo~ expansione At present, the High School is 165,557 square feet and has an enrollrn.ent of 1,300 students and 95 staff. The proposed Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin High School Ma.ster Plan indieated tha~ at build~out in 2013, the High . School would expand to accommoda.te 2,500 students and 166 sta.ff. The draft response lefiter expressed concerns related fio ~raffic and circulatian, parking and noise. Cm. Hildenbrand asked where the visitor park~ng wau~d be and if they would be inciuded in ~he Staff numb~r of spaces. Kim McNeeley, Dublin Unified School District, advised that the current and future Staff lot included visitor parking. Public Works Directar Morton advised. that, collectively, the fiuro lots wauld provide enough parking and shoutd be we11-szgned to incor~orate the vis2tors and s#udents ~ D~BLIN CITY C~UNCIL ~V#~NU~'ES ~'~L L~M~ 24 REGULAR 1~EETI~1~ December 2~, 20Q5 ~AG~ ~so www.ci.dub~in.ca.us l~ ~ RES4LUTI0~ NO. 234 - OS A I~ESOLUT'IUN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT'Y OF DUBLIN *~~~~*~**~*~~*~** EST~BLISHIl~TG A POLICY REGARDING EX PARTE CONT'ACTS IN QTJASI-JUDIClAL PRQCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City Council, the Planning Commissian, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, a.nd other City officers conduct a number of quasi judicial hearings in the course of performing their duties; WHEREAS, the due process clauses of the United States and California Constitutions impose certa.in requirements on local agencies that conduct such hearings, including a requirement that decision makers consider only that .evidence tha.t is presented at the hearing; WHEREAS, members af the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, and the City Manager or designee could potentially receive information pertinent to quasi judicial hearings outside of the formal hearing, which information is known general~y as "ex parte contacts"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined tha.t it would be prudent to have a policy concerning ex parte contacts in quasi judicial proceedings that applies to the City Council, the Pianning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, and other City Of~cials that make decisions in quasi~ judicial proceedings; NOW, THEREFURE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that decisions of the City of Dublin in quasi judicial administrative praceedings are conducted in an impartial manner and comply with the requirements of Due Process under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of California. 2. Policy. City Of~icials shall not intentiona.lly rnake or receive Contacts related to quasi judicial proceedings. 3. Drsclosure. ' In the event that Contacts are nonetheless received, City Officials shall~disclose such Contacts on the record of the quasi judicial proceeding, thereby af~ording interested persons the opportunrty to hear and respond to the Contact. In preparing agendas for quasi judicial hearings, City staff shall include an item for disclosure of ex parre Contacts prior to the openuing of the public hearing. 4. Application. The Ex parrte Contacts Policy sha.ll apply only to quasi-judicial proceedings and shall not apply to quasi-legistative or mixed guasi judiciaUyuasi-Iegislative proceedings. 5. Effect of Yiolation. A violaxion of the Ex parte Contacts Policy shall not constitnte independent grounds to invalidate any decision by City Off'icials. b. Definitrons. The following definitians shall apply to this policy: "Contacts" means the receipt of any information outside a quasi judicial proceeding that is relevant in a quasi judicial proceeding before City O~CCials. Contacts may_ include.___but_.are not iimited_ tn Reso # 234-05, Adopted 12120/05 Pa~e I of 2 Attachment ~ conversations, written communications, electronic mails, subject of a quasi judicial proceeding. ~ ~ ~ telephone calls, and visits to sites that are the "City OfFicials" means the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, and any other city employee or officer that acts as a decision maker in a quasi- judicial proceeding. "Disclosure" means, at~a minimum, the persons involved in the ex parte conta.ct, the content of the ex parte contact (e.g., what information was provided, what was discussed, whax was said), when the ex parte conta.ct occurred and where the ex parte contact occurred. "Quasi judicial proceeding" means a City proceeding in which a City (?ff'icial applies existing legal standards to a particular set of facts that affects an individual or individuals. "Quasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding in which City Officials create a rule of general applicability far future guidance. QU~51-legislative proceedings in the City of Dublin include, but are not limited to, actions on general plan amendments, specific plan amendments, and zoning decisions. "1Vlixed quasi judiciallquasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding involving both adjudica.tive and iegislative elements. Mixed quasi judiciaUquasi-legislative proceedings in the Ci#y of Dublin include, but are not limited to, site development pernzit approval that is corningent upon a zoning ordinance amendment. 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 8. Severabilily Clause. The provisions of this Resolution are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplica.ble to any person or cu-cumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or ina.pplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaiining provisions, clauses, serrtences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. PASSED, APPRQVED, AND ADOPTED this 20~' day of December 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick and Zika, and Mayor Pro Tem Oravetz NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor I.,ockhart ABSTAIlV: None ATT ST: i y Clerk ~.- ~ ~~L. _... Ma~r Pro Tem Reso # 234-05, Adopted i2/20105 Pa~e 2 of 2 ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. XX~11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************ AMENDING AND RESTATING THE POLICY REGARDING EX PARTE CONTACTS IN QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, and other City officers conduct a number of quasi-judicial hearings in the course of performing their duties; WHEREAS, the due process clauses of the United States and California Constitutions impose certain requirements on local agencies that conduct such hearings, including a requirement that decision makers consider only that evidence that is presented at the hearing; WHEREAS, members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, and the City Manager or the City Manager's designee could potentially receive information pertinent to quasi-judicial hearings outside of the formal hearing, which information is known generally as an "ex parte contact"; and WHEREAS, the City Council by adopting Resolution No. 234-05 previously determined that it would be prudent to have a policy concerning ex parte contacts in quasi-judicial proceedings that applies to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, and other City Officials that make decisions in quasi-judicial proceedings, and now desires to amend and restate that policy thereby superseding Resolution No. 234-05; t NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that decisions of the City of Dublin in quasi- judicial administrative proceedings are conducted in an impartial manner and comply~ with the requirements of Due Process under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of California. ~ 2. .Policy. City Officials are not prohibited from making or receiving Contacts related to quasi-judicial proceedings. 3. Disclosure. City Officials shall disclose any such Contacts on the record of the quasi judicial proceeding, thereby affording interested persons the opportunity to hear and respond to the Contact. In preparing agendas for quasi-judicial hearings, City staff shall include an item for disclosure of ex parte Contacts prior to the opening of the public hearing. 4. Application. The Ex Parte Contacts Policy shall apply only to quasi-judicial proceedings and shall not apply to quasi-legislative or mixed quasi-judicial/quasi-legislative proceedings. 5. Effect of Violation. A violation of the Ex Parte Contacts Policy shall not constitute independent grounds to invalidate any decision by City Officials. . ,- - - - - - - -- -- Page 1 of 3 Attachment _ ~ 6. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this policy: "Contacts" means the receipt of any information outside a quasi-judicial proceeding that is relevant in a quasi-judicial proceeding before City Officials. Contacts may include, but are not limited to, conversations, written communications, electronic mails, telephone calls, and visits to sites that are the subject of a quasi-judicial proceeding. "City Officials" means the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or the City Manager's designee, and any other city employee or officer that acts as a decision maker in a quasi-judicial proceeding. "Disclosure" means, at a minimum, disclosure of: the persons involved in the ex parte contact, the content of the ex parte contact (e.g., what information was provided, what was discussed, what was said), when the ex parte contact occurred and where the ex parte contact occurred. "Quasi-judicial proceeding" means a City proceeding in which a City Official applies existing legal standards to a particular set of facts that affects an individual or individuals. "Quasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding in which City Officials create a rule of general applicability for future guidance. Quasi-legislative proceedings in the City of Dublin include, but are not limited to; actions on general plan amendments, specific plan amendments, and zoning decisions. "Mixed quasi judicial/quasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding involving both adjudicative and legislative elements. Mixed quasi judicial/quasi-legislative proceedings in the City of Dublin include, but are not limited to, site development permit approval that is contingent upon a zoning ordinance amendment. 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately and upon becoming effective shall supersede Resolution. No. 234-05. 8. Severability Clause. The provisions of this Resolution are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Page 2 of 3 ~ ~ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of September 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1671202.3 Page 3 of 3