HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.02 Circlepoint Svcs AgreementG~~~ OF D~j~rr_ ~ ~L ~9, C+=' =7,~)`82 ~~~`~ STAFFREPORT CITY CLERK `~~1~~`~~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~~-~~] DATE: September 6, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Authorization for the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Contract with Circlepoint for the provision of environmental services for the Sphere of Influence Amendment Study for poolan Canyon. Prepared By: Michael Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Consulting Services Agreement with Circlepoint, an environmental consulting firm, for the preparation of the necessary environmental documentation in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to support and Amendment study to the City of Dublin's Sphere of fnfluence to include Doolan Canyon. The agreement will be for an amount not to exceed $800,000. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact to the City. All costs associated with the execution of the contract and the provision of the environmental services, if authorized by the City Council, would be borne by the Applicant, Pacific Union. The contract will not be executed until the applicant authorizes the initiation of the consultant work. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and.execute a contract for Environmental Consulting Services with Circlepoint for an amount not to exceed $800,000. / Su itted By: Revi wed y: Community Development Director Assistant ~ anager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. /' ~ DESCRIPTION: Background On December 7, 2010, the City Council approved the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. (See Attachment 1- Staff Report from the December 7, 2010 City Council Meeting). Since the December 7, 2010, City Council meeting, Staff has been working with the applicant, Pacific Union Holdings and the City Attorney to refine and prepare a detailed Scope of Work outlining the proposed General Plan Initiation Study. Staff has been working with Circlepoint, an environmental consulting firm, to detail the various components necessary for a comprehensive California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review for the proposed Study. The Scope of Work and Fee Proposal from Circlepoint is under review and it is anticipated that a negotiated fee will be agreed upon by the applicant, the City and the consultant shortly. The cost of the contract with the Consultant is not to exceed $800,000. Staff, the applicant and the Consultant are currently refining the work tasks which will result in a final fee amount. Once that final fee amount is agreed upon by all parties, the City Manager would be authorized to execute the contract between the City of Dublin and Circlepoint. ATTACHMENT: 1. City Council Staff Report, December 7, 2010 2. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement between the City of Dublin and Circlepoint for the Provision of Environmental Services in Conjunction with a General Plan Initiation Study to Consider including Doolan Canyon within the City of Dublin Sphere of Influence. Page 2 of 2 G~~~ OF' Dp~~ 19, . -' _~ ,82 ~`~~~1 STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K `c~~~ ~ DUBLIN C1TY COUNCIL File # ^[~~~-3~~ ~LIFpR~ I ~ DATE: December 7, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: . Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJ . Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres located immediately east of the existing boundary of the Dublin City Limits and Sphere of Influence. Prepared By: Michael Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider whether to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres located immediately east of the existing Dublin City Limits and Sphere of Influence within unincorporated Alameda County to create a new General Plan Land Use Designation and policies to guide future development of up to 1,990 residential units for active senior housing, preservation of open space, park provisions, an extension of the Development Elevation Cap, major ridgeline protections, grading, and other implementation measures. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact to the City. All costs associated with the processing of the proposed Amendment, if authorized by the City Council, would be borne by the Applicant, Pacific Union. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Receive comments from the public; and 3) Adopt a Resolution approving the fnitiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon; OR 4) Adopt a Resolution denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon and directing Staff to begin discussions with the City of Livermore and LAFCo Staff on the future of Doolan Canyon. , ubmitted By: Community Development Director Revie y: Assistant City Manager z~-~, ~- ~~ q/~ ~, Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMEN~1 DESCRIPTION: Background a ~ Pacific Union, on behalf of Dublin Active (nvestors, L.P., has requested that the City Council consider initiating a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres of land east of, but directly adjacent to, the current City of Dublin Boundary and Sphere of Influence. The site is located along Doolan Canyon Road on land commonly referred to as Doolan Canyon (Attachment No. 1). In 1993, the City Council of the City of Dublin certified the Environmental Impact Report, approved the General Plan Amendment incorporating 6,920 acres and approved the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan incorporating 3,328 acres for lands in the eastern part of the City. The General Plan Amendment included 17,970 residential units and 10.:5 million square feet of non- residentia! development. Two alternatives were presented and the City Council adopted Alternative 2 with modifications. The modification consisted of a reduction of unit count to 14,000 units and the non-residential development potential was reduced to 9 million square feet. With respect to Doolan Canyon, Alternative 2 eliminated Doolan Canyon from the General Plan Amendment removing 2,744 acres of land and approximately 3,970 residential units. Doolan Canyon was further designated as a"Future Study Area - Agricultural." In 2000, the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO) began processing an annexation request, environmental documentation, General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for what eventually became Positano, Jordan Ranch, the Croak property and the various lands along the north side of I-580 easterly of Falion Road. At that time, and in conjunction with the EDPO annexation and approvals, the Cities of Dublin and Livermore entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachment 2) which states that Dublin would amend its Generaf Plan to take out the "Future Study Area - Agricultural" for poolan Canyon. The approvals for this took place in June 2002. At that point, all of the infrastructure (roads, fire stations, parks, public facilities, sewer, water, and storm drains) were sized for the ultimate buildout of EDPO and did not include Doolan Canyon. Figure 1 Vicinity Map Page 2 of 4 ~ ~~ .~ Doolan Canyon is located in unincorporated Alameda County. The Area is currently designated RM "Resource Management" under the Alameda Country General Plan and under County Zoning the site is designated "Agricultural." ANALYSIS: The proposed Study would consider creating a new General Plan Land Use Designation and policies to guide future development of up to 1,990 residential units for active senior housing, preservation of open space, park provisions, an extension of the Development Elevation Cap, major ridgeline protections, grading, and implementation measures which may include the adaption of a new Specific Plan or an amendment to the existing Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Study would also be the basis for a future application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) to include the property within the City of Dublin Sphere of Influence. ~~ ~„a~.~..~.~ --- _ a..,........~.,~..,,.y ;, .~~,... ----;~,°'~.,.^~..-+.~., ~.:,.~:~ -_-_--._- OyYOWeA'l~ `iM0`w:Wa.Mt~ FiOS.Y ' _ _.. q,aOr.R~..au.w ~ ~u. ...~.~..~ $pirwy~lMti~I~Are W M.Illn~ Mc4110f~xdiNYf~CiMy/lTaRAIYMU~ ae r.~NC~ ~'~M~dh~ ~ tlwws~Ywywi t OfYal a~ cw.aa ~ flytMws~M y[!'CNVrw-f~~watY~~1w~~Wa6£YY~0~6 'V G~a~uJJM~~ s V.~~/Y~14\apre~MlrpfO~~ 0 [Mw.Yy4Y`' ~~„e ex~ u~w w ~'a ww. ra.odu L$P~ a15GL _..•,•». G!0"ei M1O'NS _ UNt6 C~Oii S~ (7D4f M9G l:tti L ,••• „„, 4oii RaarceNxaC~rtl .i~ 1$ .9]' ~ ~ ~ anune-i7snen^r~ - EEO 1490 3.E. Mi~w^Paeme-OOen9wce - B7d TuWF ld55 bi91 T~33~ 3,p GENERAL RLAN AMENQMENT DLIBLIN PRESERVE , ~ / 1~ ~' A~ ~}V~ Figure 2 City of Dublin practice has been for the City Council to initiate General Plan Land Use Amendments prior to Staff accepting an application and beginning work on such projects. Staff has prepared finro Resolutions for City Council consideration. The first is a Resolution (Attachment 3) approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study. Should the City Council choose to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study, Staff would: 1. Examine the topography and overall site constraints; Page 3 of 4 (~Prt~!ral Plan i anri l lcac General Plan Land Uses ~ ~~ ~ 2. Determine if there would be any associated environmental impacts from the land use change such as, but not limited to traffic, noise, biological, cultural, historic, or view impacts; 3. PerForm any studies that may be required; ' 4. Determine if the density requested is appropriate for the site; and 5. Prepare an analysis for the Planning Commission and the City Council. Once the Study is complete, Staff would then bring the proposed General Plan Amendment action to the Planning Commission for their recommendation to City Council. The City Council would then take action on the General Plan Amendment. It is anticipated that the Study could be completed by early 2012. ~ As noted above in the "Background" section, the future of Doolan Canyon has been discussed for many years. Staff is proposing the option of denying the initiation of the Study and working with the City of Livermore and LAFCo to determine the ultimate future of Doolan Canyon. Therefore, the second Resolution (Attachment 4} provided for City Council consideration denies the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study and directs Staff to begin meetings with the City of Livermore and LAFCo on the ultimate future of Doolan Canyon. NOTlC1NG REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public noticing is not required to review a request to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study. Although not required, it has been the City's practice to send notices to alf property owners within 300 feet of the property in question. The City, therefore, mailed notices to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the subject property. A notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted in the designated posting places. A copy of this Staff Report was distributed to the Applicant. ATTACHMENT: 1. Applicant's Letter of Request. 2. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 3. Resolution approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. 4. Resolution denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon and directing Staff to begin discussions with the City of Livermore and LAFCo Staff on the future.of Doolan Canyon. Paqe 4 of 4 RE ~ ~ C~'~11! , ~ PACIFI~ ~NIC~N NOV 2 ~. 2010 DU~LIN pL~IVNIfVG Novelnber 1$, 2010 Ms. Jeri Rasn Comz~uni.ty.Aevel~pment Director City of Dttblin 100 Civic Plaza llublir~, CA 94568 Re: Rcquest for General Plan Amendment and Sphere ~f 7n#lu~nce Asljustment for the "l~ublin Preserve" pr~perty APNs 905-0002-004, 905-0002-005, 905-0003-Q03-Qp, 9~15-0~(,)3-~~4-00; 905- 0403-005-00, 905-00~3-OQf~-00, 9p5-A003-pQ7, 9f~5-(~003-008, 905-pUU3-L109-~1, 9(}5-00~3-009-02,905-0003-010-01,905-0003-Q10-02,905-0003-011,905-0403- 012, 9~5-~093-014-02, 905-C1003-014-03, 905-OOQ7-OQ2-03, 985-Q02$-QO1-00 Dear Jeri, On behalf of Dub2in Active Investoxs, ~,.P., we would like to reques~ a General Plan A.zuendm~nl for ths approximatsly 1,450 acrss referenced abDVa and generally located along Doalan Road and a.djacent ta the eastem boundary of tl~e current City iunits. Tl~e pla~uuiig and envuo~uneutal re;vi~v~r for the proposed General Plan Amendment would also ~rovide the basis far a future appticalion to the Alameda County LAFCO to include tl~e property witlxin the City of Dublin's sphere of inlluence. Attachment #1 iliustrates the property's Incation in relatifln to the City of Dublin. The property is currently located ui unulcor-porated Alamzda Coi,uity vvith a~c~uniy Genera.i Plan iand use category of "Kesource Management" and County zoning as "Agricultural." The re~uested .(~',reneral Plan A.m~ns~ment would incorporate this area iuto the Dublin Gencral Plan and Eastern Extended Planning t~rea and ~reate a new land use category caIled "Dublin Prescrve." This new tand use category would rec~uire preservation of ~0 perce~t of the property as open ~p~~c with development of no more than I,99fl residential units on the remAinder of the site for active senior housing and related uses. Attachment #2 illustrates a conceptual d~sfibuti~.n o.f oren spacc a.nd d~velapahle area~ on the property. The General Plan Amendmenl would also depict major roadways. l~n extension of Central Parkway ~rom the adjacent Fallon Village development area to the west would sexve as prunary access for the Project Site. Secondary ae~ess to the praposed futur~ developm~nt would he provided by tl~e existing Doolan Road. ~ ~ ~ Th~ proposed Dublin Pressrve land u,se category would not detail any specifc development. The proposed General Plan Amendment would contain policies, standards and rn~chanisms to guid~ pot~ntial futur~ ~cvctopmcnt of this are~, Polici~s dealing wit~ iss~~es sueh a~ ~xtendi~~g the F~.s#en~ n~~blin T~evelc~pment ~'icvation C'a{~, park and open space pro~~i~a.qns, zx~aj~r xidg~line prote~tions, ansi gr~.ding would be addressed, along ~vith how these goals would be impletnented by a future East D~iblin Specific Plan amendmenl ~r new SpQCific Plan lor the properky. Thank yQU in advan~e for c~nsidering our rcqzicst, If you ha.ve any ~uestions or res~uire any additional informatian, please conia.ct me directly at ~925) 314-3826. Si~~cerely, r ; Bruce Myers Vice President of Land Development ~ ~ ~ ,I.1~t~~~iJtf.I1H Arr~c~t~rrr 2 ~ ! ~ ~ MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CTTY OF DUBLIN AND CITY OF LIVERMORE REGARDING LAND-USE PLANNING ISSUES OF MUTU.AL CONCERN This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into on May l, 2002 by and ,~,~ between the City of Livermore ("Livermore"), a municipal corporation of the State of a a California, and the City of Dublin ("Dublin"), a municipal corparation of the State of California (collectively, "Cities"). The Cities agree as follows: 1. Dublirr Approval. On Apri12, 2002, the City of Dublin certified a final revised supplemental environmental impact report ("EIR") for and approved the East Dublin Property Owners' Sta.ge 1 Development Plan and Annexation Project ("East Dublin project" or "project"). The East Dublin project is entirely within: the City's General Plan and sphere of influence, and portions of the project aze within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The project includes approximately 1,120 acres and is pzoposed for up to 2,526 residential units and 1.4 million square feet of commercial and industrial uses. 2. Livermore Concerris. Throughout Dublin's review process for the project, Livermore expressed its concerns regarding the adequacy of environmental review of the project and its potential impacts on Livermore and the surrounding region. 3. Statute of Limitations. The statute of limitations for legal challenge to Dublin's approval of the project under the California Environmental Quality Act expires on May 6, 2002. 4. Efforts to Resolve Dispute. The Cities both seek to preserve the environmental quality and quality of life in the Tri-Valley. In an effort to achieve this goal and avoid litigation aver the project, a liaison committee consisting of two city council members representing each of the Cities (the "Liaison Committee") met on several occasions to discuss resolution of issues of concem to the Cities. Agreements in principle reached among the members of the Liaison Committee are included as appropria~e in ~1us I~10U. S. Airport Protection Area. Livermore operates a municipal airport located in the western azea of Livermore and in the vicinity of the project area. In the portion of the project area designated as the Livermore Airport Protection Area ("APA'~, Dublin has identified approxunately ninety-two (92) acres as a"Future Study . Area." Exhibit A, attached hereto, depicts the APA and Future Study Area. In order to resolve concerns raised by Livermore regaziling potential future land uses within the APA, Dublin agrees to add a General Plan policy that states that land uses to be established within the Future Study Area will be submitted to the Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission to determine consistency with the APA. It is Dublin's intention to approve no school or residential uses (other than RRA) in the APA "Future Study Area" as the "Future Study Area" is MOU Behveen City of Dublitt and City~of Livermore Page 1 of 4 Regarding Land-Use Planning Issues of Mutual Concern May 1, 20G 2', . 6 ~ ~ ~ currently designated. Livermore agrees to. formally review its general plan and zoning for consistency with the APA. 6. Conservation Easements. Approximately two hundred sixty nine (269) acres in the northern portion of the project area aze designated as Rura1 ResidentiaUAgricultural Areas ("RRA") and would allow development of one residence per one hundred (100) acres and agricultural-related uses. This RRA azea is generall-y depicted on Exhibit B, attached hereto. Livermore desires that ~ the RRA remain permanently protected to preserve the resources and habitat in the azea and to provide a community separator between the Cities. Dublin agrees to adopt a policy that requires the City to use its best efforts to secure conservation easements or similaz instruments that would permanently resbrict development outside of a reasona.ble development envelope on the lands designated RRA in the project area. 7. Resource and Open Space Plannin~. The mitigatian monitoring plan applicable to the project area requires developers to prepare a Resource Management Plan for the project area. Similazly, Livermore has initiated a Habitat Conservation Plan program for open space. Dublin and Livermore agree to cooperate during the preparation of their respective plans. Specifically, Dublin and Livermore agree ta consider habitat preservation and restoration in the Doolan Canyon area and to address requirements of resources agencies to protect or preserve habitat lands to offset the impacts of urban development. 8. Water Sunplv. ' Both the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan and the 1993 EIR require a will serve letter from The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) prior to grading pemut approval. DSRSD has approved the Final Revised Water Service Analysis for Eastern Dublin (December 2001). (See, in particulaz, Section 2.) Dublin agrees to use recycled water to the greatest extent possible. 9. Reeionai Transporta.tion Funding. Currently, the Tri Valley Transportation Commission {"TVTC") imposes a fee on development in the Tri Valley to fund needed regional transportation improvements ("T'~ i C Development Fees"). Livermore has expressed concerns regazding the insufficiency of the T'VTC Development Fees to fund regional h~ansportation improvements needed as a result of development of the project and other Tri Valley development, including development in the City of Livermore. The Cities shall form a transporta.tion committee that meets as necessary to address regional and local trausportation issues of mutual concern to the Cities. The Cides shall invite #he City of Pleasanton to be part of the transportation committee. The transportation committee shall consider the adequa.cy of the TVTC Development Fees for existing and future regional transportation improvements and shall present the transportation conamittee's conclusions and the basis for those conclusions to the city councils of the Cities. Dublin and Livermore have adopted model development agreements that require the payment of all development impact fees ; MOU Between City of Dublin and City of Livermore Page 2 of 4 ~ Regazding Land-Use Planning Issues of Mutual Concern i-aQ~ t ~nm ~~~~ at building pernut issuance in the amounts in effect at such time. It is each city's intention to utilize such provisions for a11 projects that include development agreements. 10. Dublin Boulevard Extension. Implementation of the project will include extending Dublin Boulevard east of Fallon Road and establishing an alignment for this extension. Determination of the alignment will require extensive study and environmental review. The Cities agree to cooperate regazding the timing and aiignment of the extension. 11. Doolan Canvon Redesignation. Currently, Dublin's General Plan designates Dooian Canyon as a"Future Study Area" Dublin has initiated a General Plan Amendment ("GPA'~ to remo~e the "Future Study Area" designation from Doolan Canyon. Dublin represents that approval of the GPA would result in removal of the DooIan Canyon area from Dublin's planning azea. At its Apri16, 2002 meeting, the Dublin Planning Commission recommended approval of the GPA to the Dublin City Council. The Dublin City Council shall take actian on the proposed GPA no later than June 21, 2002. 12. Central Pazkway Ali ment. The Dublin General Plan includes a conceptual aligiunent for Central Pazkway tha.t merges Central Pazkway with Dublin Boulevard within the project area east of Fa11on Road. See Exhibit C[Figure 2-K from revised supplemental DEIR], attached hereto. The existing land use map in Dublin's General Plan does not depict the correct conceptual alignment for Central Pazkway. No later than June 21, 2002, the Dublin City Council shall take action on the proposed GPA amencting the land use map of its General Plan to depict the correct conceptual alignment for Central Pazkway. 13. Further Environmental Review. The EIR for the project is a programmatic EIR, and as noted on page 1-3 of the January 2, 2002 Revised Draft Supplemental Environmental Tmpact Report and elsewhere in the EIR, futnre discretionazy approvals by Dublin for the project aze subject to the Catifornia Environmental Quality Act, thereby providing additional opportunity for public participation. In recognition of this factor, and as a result of t'ue agreements set forth in fnis MOU, Livermore agrees not to oppose nor bring any legal challenge to Dublin's approvais for the project approved on Apri12, 2002 and not to oppose nor bring any legal challenge to annexation of the project azea by the Loca1 Agency Formation Commission. Except as expressly provided in the previous sentence, Livermore reserves any and all rights to challenge a.ny future action of the City of Dublin, including but not limited to any action that violates the terms of this MOU. 14. Effective Date; Approval of East Dublin Property Owners' Annexation. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution. The agreement shall terminate in its entirety, if the East Dublin Property Owners' Annexation is not approved by LAFCO (or is disapproved by the voters), does not become effective for any other MOU Between City of Dublin and City of Livermore Page 3 of 4 Regarding Land-Use Planning Issues of Mutual Concern Mav 1. 2002 ~a ~~, reason. If the anaexation is approved with alterations, the parties agree to discuss revisions to this MOU. ~ 15. Amendment. This MOU may not be amended except in writing. Any such amendment must be approved and executed by both Cities. 16. Severabilitv. Should any portion of this MOU be deternuned by any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to make such a determination to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining portions of the MOU shall not be affecfed by that determina.tion. CITY OF LIVERMORE a California municipal corporation Dated: ~Q.(,~~ ~-i ~JO ~' By: 12~1~~.P ~ Nazne: _ ~/ !C~`~~~t~ ~C~2e~,.c~ Title: ~~1-Y ~ ~ Approved as to f By: ity Attorney Dated: _ ~~~ ~-DO 3- i' Dated: Q (~,~ Approved as to form: CITY OF DUBLIN a Calif 'a munici,pal rporation By: Grk~6 ~ N~ : Janet Lockhart ~ Title: Mayor Attest: By: ~~`~~~ ~ ~7-~. ~ City Attorney City Clerk Dated: ~~~~i i; 2~`'~' ~ G:1CC-}N7'GiS12U02~4ti2~MAYlS-1-02~Dublui Livermorc MOU.doe Dt}PLICAT~ ORIGfNAL MOU Between City of Dublin and City of Livermore Page 4 of 4 Regarding Land-Use PlanninQ Issues of Mutual Concern t~rA~ t ~nm LEGEND ' ES - Eiementary. 5chool . JIi - Junior Fiigh School . Ir Low Density Residential 1VI - Medium Densify Resideatial I MH - Medium High Density Residential NS - Neighborhbod Square i3~~~ ~~ ~fisrtmru~ NP-Neighbarhood Park ' ~ 1 : ~ •~ ~~ j CP- Community Park ~ ' ~ ( ~ ,~,.<,~ ~___ OS - Opea Spacc ~ ;~ J~ ! , RRA - Rural Residenfiall Agricufture / ~ ' ~ --- --,~ ~ ~ NC - Neighbor6ood Commercial ! ~ ~ ~ `~ ! _ _ ; ~ f % ~ ~ GC - General Commercial Ft ..~r.... / ~ ; ~ ~ ; I - Iadustria[ Park , ! ; ; ` ~~ f \ : `. i ~`.~ ---•,, ~ j ~ f o..~ ~.\,, ~ a.ms.~ `~`. j ~ ',1 i ~ i ~ ao'ae~ ' ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ... ~~ i i ' `. ~~ . ~~ . . O~ +di ~~ . i' ~ i ~i . . ~...c.~ ~ ~~ ~i i ~ . ~-fa' AGGIGnJNRB ' ~ ~~ .. ~ ~~ L ` ~` i i ' - -' ~B~YI~i1, \'~4%C / ~~ ~~C / ~~ / ~~~~ ~-`,: ~ .,r~~ ``` ` ` •~~ ~ .. `~~ / ' ~~1` ~.~ ~~~~~ ~` i~~ri1,.1~ ```,~ ai~1C~~ ll. ~` / , ~O~K/~ ` . ~ ~~~ ` 't ~~~ IP 1 \ t ~ ~ L .~ u.«I f L'Kw ` f ~-~ ; ~ . o~+TGU'~~~% ~~ ~ / I ~~~. ' --~ ~a`. 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E . ~ ~p d ~ i id w~w e~v~ ~ ~~~0 ~o eoo ~ °°° . e~u ~ ~ 8 d , ,z, x~~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ . . ss~~eo ~ ~ ' 3. . 61.7'~00, ~ .12.BG0 d~ tit:600 ~ ~. g Dubtin Qenerai Plan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ East t7ubfin Existrg and 2Q~t,p proje~t~d Tr~fflc Volurnes-. .. 20~ 0 and Beyohtl Networlc . •7t.001•Tp•Nf-HA ~ • ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~ RESOLUTlON NO. XX-10 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ******* APPROVING THE INITiATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR 1,450 ACRES COMMONLY KNOWN AS DOOLAN CANYON WHEREAS, a General Pian Amendment Study has been requested by Pacific Union, on behalf of Dublin Active Investors, L.P. for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon; and WHEREAS, the property is located in unincorporated Alameda County and is currently designated RM "Resource Management" under the Alameda Country General Plan and under the County Zoning the site is designated "Agricultural"; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, site development review,.tentative parcel map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quaiity Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report provided information regarding the Appficant's request and provided finro options: approval and denial of the requested General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such information and testimony hereinabove set forth and supports the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Counci! of the City of Dublin on this 7~n day of December 2010, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk i~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. XX-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~****** DENYtNG THE INITlATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR 1,450 ACRES COMMONLY KNOWN AS DOOLAN CANYON AND DIRECTING STAFF TO BEGfN DISCUSSIONS WITH THE CITY OF LIVERMORE AND LAFCO STAFF ON THE FUTURE OF DOOLAN CANYON WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Pacific Union, on behalf of Dublin Active Investors, L.P. for 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon; and WHEREAS, the property is located in unincorporated Alameda County and is currently designated RM "Resource ManagemenY' under the Alameda Country General Plan and under the County Zoning the site is designated "Agricultural"; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, site development review, tentative map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report provided information regarding the Applicant's request and provided two options: approval and denial of the requested General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such information and testimony hereinabove set forth and does not support the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1,450 acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby direct Staff to begin discussions with the City of Livermore and LAFCo Staff on the future of Doolan Canyon. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 7tn day of December 2010, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ia ~ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk . ~~~ RESOLUTION NO. XX - 11 '~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********~~********~********~***,~****~****~ AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND CIRCLEPOINT FOR THE PROVISION OF ENVIRONEMENTAL SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH A GENERAL PLAN INITIATION STUDY TO CONSIDER IIVCULDING DOOLAN CANYON WITHIN THE CITY OF DUBLIN SPHERE OF INFLUENCE WHEREAS, Pacific Union Holdings requested that the City Council of the City of Dublin initate a General Plan Amendment Study to consider amending the City of Dublin Sphere Of Influence line to include Doolan Canyon; and WHEREAS, On December 7, 2010 the City Council of the City of Dublin considered the applicant`s request to initiate the General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, At their meeting of December 7, 2010, the City Council did authorize Staff to commence the General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, Staff and the City Attorney began investigating what was necessary to conduct the Study and determined that compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was a prime consideration; and WHEREAS, The applicant, Staff and the City Attorney refined the project description and developed a Scope of Work for the CEQA compliance; and WHEREAS, Staff and the City Attorney contacted Circlepoint, a qualified and reputable environmental consulting firm for the purposes of defining a Scope of Work for CEQA compliance; and WHEREAS, Circlepoint has shown that they have the ability to perform the Environmental consulting services required; and WHEREAS, Circlepoint prepared a detailed Scope of Work and Fee Proposal which has been reviewed by Staff, the City Attorney and the applicant; and WHEREAS, Refinements are being made to the Scope of Work which will resuft in revisions fo the proposed Fee; and WHEREAS, Circlepoint will perForm the work outlined in the Scope of Work and Fee Proposal once final negotiation are concluded and the applicant has agreed to fund the necessary environmental work; and WHEREAS, a not to exceed budget of $800,000 has been determined. Reso No. XX-11, Adopted XX/XX/XX, Item 7.2 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 2 ~ ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Circlepoint for a fee not to exceed $800,000 with the above-mentioned consultant upon an agreement with the applicant that all funds necessary for the completion of the contracted services will be borne by the applicant. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso No. XX-11, Adopted XX/XXlXX, Item 7.2 Page 2 of 2