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4.06 SlurrySeal FY99-00
CITY CLERK File # 0600-35 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL'MEETTNG DATE:" May16, 2000 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract No. 00-06 1999-2000 Annual Street Slurry Seal Program Report Prepared by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson ATTACHME~S: 1) 2) 3) 4) Budget Change Form Resolution of Award Bid Results Map of Slurry Seal Streets REcoMMENDATION: /7 ~ f~ Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Graham Contractors, Inc. and /,/u apProve a budget increase of $34,500.00 from Gas Tax ReServes. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: ITEM OF 'WORK BUDGET FOR THIS PROJECT "BUDGET AMOUNT LOW BID FUND 1 Slurry Seal Streets 2 strip~mg of Slurry Seal Streets (remainder in budget) ' $50,000 $ 66,492.04 Gas Tax (206) $41,700 $ 53,697.01. Gas Tax (206) TOTAL: $91,700 $120,189.05 The low bid received was $120,189;05, which exceeds funds budgeted for this projeeL An additional appropriation of $34,500.00 (includes a 5% contingency) to the Street Maintenance Operating Budget from Gas Tax reserves is needed to complete the project. The pavement failures for the slurry streets were completed with the Annual Overlay Project. DESCRIPTION: On April 18, 2000, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for Contract 00-06, 1999-2000 Annual Slurry Seal project. Slurry seal is a preventive.maintenance technique used to prolong the life of asphalt surfacing. It consists of a sand/oil mixture which seals small cracks and provides a new uniform wearing surface. City streets are on a 5- to 7-year rotation for slurry seal, depending upon the level of wear. COPIES TO: Graham Contractors, Inc. ITEM NO. g:kmteeprojXsturry ~awrd Failed pavement repairs, which are required prior to the placement of slurry seal, were previously performed as part of the Overlay contract The following streets will be slurry sealed as part of the 1999-2000 Annual Slurry Seal Program: Silvergate Drive (San Ramon Rd. to Dublin Bi.) Han.qen Drive (Silvergate Dr. to Dublin B1.) Regional Street ( AVB to south end) San Ramon Boulevard (Silvergate Dr. to AVB) Clark Avenue (Maple Dr. to Village Parkway) Peppertree Road (W. Vomac Rd. to Shannon Ave) Dillon Way (Beflen Dr. to Silvergate Dr.) Village Parkway (Dublin BI. to Clark Ave.) Woodren Court (Silvergate Dr. to north end) Kolb Place (Manzanita Ln. to north end) Casa Linda Court (Peppertree Rd. to west end) peppertree Court (W.-Vomac Rd. to north end) Six bids were received, the lowest of which was $120,189.05 from Graham Contractors, Inc. (see Attachment 3). It appears that ~e higher cost for this project came in the form of higher oil prices and the bidding climate being that most contractors are busier than they have been in the past. Staff has reviewed the low bidder's proposal and is familiar with the work of this contractor. Staff is therefore recommending that the City Council approve the additional appropriation and adopt the Resolution awarding Contract No. 00-06 to Graham Contractors, Inc. Page 2 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM ~-~' New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): From Unappropriated Reserves (If Other than General Fnnd, Fund No ' 206) From New Revenues Budget Transfers: CHANGE FORM # From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Deparmaents (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: Name: Slurry Seal $19,817 Account #: Account #: 206-30200-750-050 Name: Name: Street Maintenance Operating Budget $14,683 (for striping) Account #: Account #: 206-30200-740-025 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: . Name: Name: Account #: Account #: City Manager: Date: ASD/Fin Mgr Signature Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: The low bid for the slurry seal and striping (including a 5% comingency) exceeded estimated costs for the 1999-2000 Annual Slurry Seal Program. Mayor: Posted By: tt:lCC-FOPa~,~tFOP, M-bt*dget change, doc Date: Signature Date: Siguature RESOLUTION NO. -00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 00-06 1999-2000 ANNUAL STREET SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM TO GRAHAM CONTRACTORS, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on May 9, 2000, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract No. 00-06 1999-2000 ANNUAL STREET SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM authorized by the City Council on April 18, 2000, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the reqUest for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has recommended that the bid hereinafter mentioned is the lowest and best bid for doing said work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin dOes hereby award City of Dublin Contract No. 00-06 to the loWest responsible bidder therefor, to wit Graham Contractors, Inc., at a bid of One hundred twenty thousand, one hundred eighty nine dollars and five cents ($120,189.05), the particulars of which bid are on file in the Office of the City Engineer. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 2000. AYES: NOES: ABSTAINING: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk g: lm~scprofislurryb'esoawrd ..... :...'7Z....~-~ ..... £:.- ....... ~[ .......... · .... ...... ENGINEER'8 EST. GRAItAM CONTR. VALLEY 9LURRY AMERICAN ASPHALT CALIFO~I'i~ I'~.q BOND BLACKTOP CA PAVEM~:iq'~*~TCF BIO UNIT OF -- ' 'l .... -- ITEM ITEMDE$CRIPTION MEASURE _ QTY UNITPRICE TO~TALPRICE UNITPRICE TO'-"-' "UC~E UNI_._.~TpRIC8 TOTALPRICE UNITPR_ IC.__E TOTALPRICE UNITPRICl TOTALPRICE UNITPRICE TOTALPRICE UNITPRICE TOTALPRICE I $treetSlurrySealSurfaclng ___ SF fflffi/f/ffi $' 0.00 $.__~='--' 'J $ 0.068 $: '4.04' $ 0.070 $ 57,227.10 $ 0.084 $ 68,6?2.52 $ 0.070 $ 57,227.10 $ 0.072 $ 58 .;'6 $ 0.087 i$ 7t,125'~1-'~- 2 Remove Oil Deposl[s SF 1,000 $ 0.75 $___ I $. 1.70 $ '' 1.0~0 $ 1.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1.50 $ 1,500.00 $ 4.90 $ 4,' ~-I $ 1.00 $ I lO $ 3 Crack Sealing LS I $ 5,0nnn~31$ L ,~ 9200.00 $ . 1.00 $7,950.00 $ -~ $7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 ;';';;;.'~'.';'.'~;,,'~';$ 12,- -I $20000.00 $ 20 ---)0... $14,465.0015 i'" 4 SP Remove Detail2, Thermop~asllc LF 1,554 $ !. $___ ') 9 0.15 $ ,;-I.10 $. 0.16 $ ' -; .$... 0.15 $ 233.10 $ 0.16 $ ~-" :1 $ 0.15 $ ,--'-'--'0 $ 0.16515 5 SPRemoveDelalll0, Thermoplastlc LF _,t~^,} $ . : :!_L -': ) 9 0,15 S -'='.).00 $ 0.16 $~ '_'."_~ $ 0.15 $ '""~0 $ 0.16 $ -- l._'$. 0.15 $ ~ "= ~0 $ 0.165:$ .... -) 6 sP Remove Deta!121,~herm0pl~llo.. .- LF __-- $ $ ,-[ $ ' -! $ 0.40 $- ,-i,00 $ 0.42 $ ',-~ $ 0.40 ~ .-)0__ $ 0.4315 "'; $ 0.40 $ ','~ ~0 $ 0.44 $ '.--'--_ 7 SP_RemoveDetsi122, Thermoplastlc LF _ _ $ ,-)~ ~_ --,-I $ 0.58 $ ''-_1.~8 $ 0.58 $ ';~": $ 0.55 $ ' )5 $ 0.59 $ 1, ,, ~ $ 0.55 $ 1 ;-~5 9 ~'"; $ ''.,.-i 8 8PRemoyeDetal123, Thsrmopleslt¢ ..__LF -- '; $ !.L" ';; $ 0.50 $ :.5__~.0 $ 0.52 $ · , $ 0.50 $ lo $. 0.53 $ · ' ,.~$ 0.50 $ "-:-.0 $ : , $ 9 $P RemoveDetal127B, Thermoplastic LF _ ! $ -[ $__._ ' -~ _L"."q $ ' '.8_...~0 $ 0.21 $ ,"-' $ 0.20 $ ~10__ .$.. 0.21 $ "~'J '~ 0.20 $ :"-'-0 9 - .-,: $ -':-,--~ t0 sP RemoveDetai129, Thermoplastic LF , $ !.IL" 'i 9 · ~ S · ;,00 9 1.05,9 '.",, $ 1.00 9 ' ~0 9 1.00 $ ",' ~ 9 1.00 $ ;- -,0 9 "? $.. - "~ 11 sP Remove Detai132, Thermoplastic LF '; $ ~_[$_~.... ~ $ --' $ - '-.45 $ 0.g0 $ ;- .-'. ' $ 0.85 $ ,- -',45 $ 0.90 $ 2__.~,'-;'~ $ 0,85 $ :)- ;,-~ $ '-~': $ , -.-=." 12 SPiRemoveDetai137, Then~oplasllc _~__LF ~ $ ' .$-L. ~ $ L $__. ..90 $ 0.6B __$__ ~' -'$ 0.65 $. '~O $ 0.70 $ '.' $ 0.65 $ ~' '~ $ ~',:_ $_~__ "-::. %3._S.~l_R.?._m_o. zf.~!~!L~.e.~T_Tb?~_o.~!,_~_t!~ ............. L.F_ ....... '-" ';'.l ~. ..... ~ · .~._,',' :~ ! ....... -'- !_~4._1_..1.7. ! .... 0.~_. ..~.~ .-. .!. .... O..[O.._ ~l.._.~' , !O.. ..l ...... .0.~5.. $_3, ,' · .$ ....... .O..T~. ..?._.2.. -',.~ ,0_..~__ : ' ~..._'- ' , ,._~' !~..§P_ RomoveDelal139, Thermop_l.a.s_ll~ ..... _LF__ ...... ;' ~'_$ .... "..$__~':''-]_.__$.__-"_..$_ 2__4,.8.30__~,7_~_0 .L_ ;~' _$_'_..~"-' '- I 0.35 $ ,~"-,:"';0 $ 0.37L$ 2,~'1-:' $ 0.35 $. 2'"~""0 $ ' .="__ S ,~"'_", 15 $P Remove Detal139A, Thermoplastl¢ LF __ ' ' $ ·' $~ ' $ -~' $ 412.50~$ ---L $___ ;~'' ' $ 0.25 $ -'. ,0 $ 0.30 !'~---495.00- $ 0.25 $ ' ,, 0 $ ;.r'. ~-- ,.-::, 16 $P Remove TypelllArrows, Thermoplestk EA 7 $ ' $· $ - -_ $ ..... ~$ :'-I $ '.'-. _ $ 70.00 $ '0 $ 75.00__. $ 525.00__i~ 70.00 $ ; .0i $ -'~ ~$ --;-, 17_~S_P Remove Type IVArmws Thermoplastl._j ~____ _ . 69 _$__- ' $.~._,-' · $ ; ,'- $ · :" ,- $.~.__,- ; i._ $~ '~ ' ;-- $ .. 25.00 $ ' ',-' ~ $ 26.00 $_.._.t,794.00~ 25.00 $ 1 ~,-' '0 $ ,. - _ $..~._' "-~, , i18 SP RemoveT..~p~VlArrows, Thermop~asll__J__L_ . 4 $ '_~$_ '- _ $ ~- _ $.~.._ · $~- L.$.~_. ,-'' · $ 70.00 L" ~ $ 75.00 $ - ~_ $ 70.00 $ , -'0'$ .- -_ $.~___ ' 198P RemoveT_Y~h.e~rmo. EA 8 $ '_ $ ,' $ ;- $ · :- $ ,- ,~_~_ ,;" -- $ 25.00 $ .-' O $ 26.00 $ . ~_:.._$ 25.00 $ ]- .O $ ":' _ $_L ,'' "' ~osP Remove12" Une, Thermoplastlo EA.__ 2.503 $ - $ - $ ' '._ $_.__,--.==' $... '- ~ $ , : L.$_.__ 1.00 $ ,~ ~' $ 1.00 $ ,- - 8 :$ 1.00 $ ;--- :~' $ 1.10 $ Z1SP Remove "STOP" Legend, The[moplasti EA 31 $ " _ $ ' $ '" ._ $.~_..' - ' $_~__','-} $ ] 9 40.00 $ ,''--0 $ ';'""~ $ ---0 $ 40.00 $ ',' '0 $ 44.00 $ ·'--, 226P Rem0ve"2~"L__egend, Thermoplatlc EA ..... 9 $ $ · $ ,'- $ .~-': $ ,-,i $ ,- ,- !9 25.00 $ ,,'~.00 $ _ $_~.__ . ' ~ $ 25.00 $ ,:," ~ $ 2?.50 $ -' - = i:~SP Remove "$TOP AHEAD", Th.e.r.m.o: ...--EA __ g $ $ ;- ~0Z $ _' _ $ $ '-::] $ $ 70.00 -~-- ~.00 $ :- - $ -~- $ 70.00 $ '--'0 $ 77.00 $ -,_- 2_4 SP Install Detall2, Thennoplastic LF - ' $ . . $~___ ,0 $ _'~- $ .'- - $ -''.; $ "='- $ 0.40 $ --- _..60 $ $ -- 0 $ 0.40 $ -.-'-~ $ 0.44 $ '- I'Z5SP InstallDelaill0, Ther~aplast!c ..... LF ; $ : $ '0_. $ $ .... .. $ 0.,~2 $_~._. ' $ 0.30 $ ' :J.60 $ -.; $.. 4 $ 0.30 $ -- ,iO $ 0.3~"~'"- - ~6SP InstalIDelal121 Thermoplastic LF __ -" .$____: $ .~5 $ - $ - · ~_$ 0.63 ~ - -' 9 0.60 $ "~.0~0 $ $. . ' 5 $ 0.60 $ · ~ )O i $ 0.66 $ - 207.~' ZTSP Install Detail 22, Thermoplastic.. LF · $ $ ~O $ $ - '- i$ 0.78 L" $ 0.750 $ .~.00 $ - - ' $ "· -~- $ 0.75 $ ' -. I01 $ 0.825 '~ 1,498.20 z~8sP Install Delal123, Thermoplastic ~ LF__'" $ $ 5 $ -_ $..~._ ; ,.; I$ 0.94 $ '~ $ 0.90 $ ''. ;.50 $ · $ · 5 $ 0.90 $ ' ', -i0 9 0.99" $' 1,569.15 295P InslallOelal127B, Thermoplastlc LF __: - $ -- $ ~0__ $ -' $ '- -,--' $ 0.31 $ ' --- $ 0.30 $ · .70 $ :.=_ $ '' .8 $ 0.30 $ ' "'~0i $ 0.33 $ 1,174.47 ~0SP InsletlDetai129, Thermoplastlc LF $ , $ ' ' ' ;0__ $ · $ ,---,;, .~. 1.68 $ ~ - $ 1.60 $ - '~_~_ $ ' ' $ .... '0_ $ 1.60 $ ',-":}0 $ 1.76 $..1,381.60 :H SP InslallDetai132, Thermoplaslic LF ' $ · · $ ; i0 $ ~ $ ; ''' $ 1.47 $ .... $ 1.40 $ ;,- .00 $ '~__$ ' ,0_. $ 1.40 $ ,'. -)0 $ · 1.54 $ 4,627.70 32SP InslallDelal137, Thermoplasllc LF '' 9 = $ 10 $ . $ -', $ 0.90 $ ' $ 0.85 $ uu.10 $ :'_, $ "'0 $ 0.85 $ -' !0.. $ 0.935 $ 99.11 335P InslellDetai138, Thermoplastic LF 4,029- $ - · $ ,;.' '~5 $ ' : $~-: "-'. $ 0.95 ~ .' $ 0.~__ $ 3,626.10 $ : $ --' ,5 $ 0.90 $ 3,626.10'9 0.99 $ 3,988.71 346P InslallDelall3g, Thermoplastic LF 7,110 $ : -'.. $'~' ;0 $ ,._ $.~__.=~- ~ $ 0.52 $ ', $ 0.50 $ 3,555.00'$ ~ $ --;~ $ 0.50 $ 3,555.00 $ 0.55 $ 3,910.50 356P InslallDetal139A, Thermoplastic LF 1,650 $ ~ ~ $ ;0 $ '' $ ~'.: I $ 0.475-%'= $ 0.45 $ 742.50 $ -~ $ . ~0 $ 0.45 $ 742.50 $ 0.495 $ 816.75 366P InslallTypelll.Arrows,~hermoplastic EA 715 luu. uu $ ~0 $ '- ~_ $~ ~ $ 126.00 ~ --· $ 120.00'$ 840.00 $ ','-, $ ~ ~0 $ 120.00 $ 840.00 $ 132.00 $ ';;.00 376P Inslall Type iv Arrows, Thermoplastic EA 75 5 25.00 $ ;0 $ ' ~_ $~ ,--- ~ $~47.25 $ - ':- $ 45.00 $ 3,375.00 $ ~ , $ -,-' ~0 $ 45.00 $ 3,375.00 $ 49.50 $ '"/.50 385P InslallTypeVIAn'ows, Thermoplasti¢; EA _ 55 100.00 $ )0 .$._~-, ] $ ~uu.L.~ $ 126.00 $ ':.)..~_.~ $ 120..__~_. $ 6000.00 ~___'. :~' $ ~' $ 120.00 $ 600,00 $ 132.00 ~ -].._~_~ 395P InslellTypel(24) Arrows, Thermo. EA 4 $ 7~:00 ~ 300.~)0-- $ 80.00- $ 320.00 $ 84.00 $ ;.00 ..~ ...80.._~_~-$----~0.'--~- $ 85.00- $ 340.00 $ 80.00 $ 320.00 $ 88.00 $ -;.00 4,0SP Install Typel(10),.a~rrows, Thermo. EA 9 $ 75.0015 675,00 $ 50.00 $ 450.00 $ 52.50 $ ' ,'.._.~_~ $ 50.00 $ 450.00 $ 53.00 $ 477.00 $ 50.00 $. 450.00 $ 55.00 $ ' ,.-~' 416P Instal112"Une, Thermoplastic EA 2,503 $ 1.85i$ 4,630.55 $ 1.25 $ 3,128.75 $ 1.26 $ ~ L78 $ 1.20 $ 3,003.60!$ 1.30 $ 3,253.90 $ 120 $ 3,003.60 $ 1.32 $ --~.-~' 426P Install "STOP" Legend, Thermoplasiic EA 31 $ 55.00 $ 1,705.00 $ 60.00 $ 1,860.00 $ 63.00 $ '- ~.-'~ $ 60.00 $ 1,860.00 $ 64.00 $ 1,984.00 $ 60.0~ $ 1,860.00 $ 66.00 $ ,:'-~.-'~- 435P Inslall "25" Legend, Thermoplasllc EA 9 $ 40.00 l'$ 360.00 $ 45.00 $ 405.00 $ 47.25 $ -,;i.-~- $ 45.00 $ 405.00 $ 450.00 $ 450.00 j._$ 45.00 $ 405.00 $ 49.50 $ '-'..5'-~ $ 1,350.00 ....... -- 448P Inslall"$TOPAHEAD",Thermo. EA 9 $ 150.00 $ 170.00 $ 1,530.00 $ 173.25 $___ ~.25 $ 165.00 $ 1,485.00 $1,575.00 $ 1,575.00 $ 165.00 $ 1,485.00 $ 181.50 $ ' .50 TOTAL-BI-~i '~'- 92,727.72 $12-~1~'~.05 $120,452,53 -$-~281--~.-~- ~9,687.72 I $131,559.76 $143~657.,~- // 1999-o0 ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL PROG ,RAM ,,,~ Map I of 2 \ 1999-00 ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM Map 2 of 2 I IN T£F, S YA, T£ 5 ~0-