HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft 09-08-2011HCAC MinutesCITY OF D UBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES QF: SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 The September 8, 2011 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:01 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson Tutino. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Tutino led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Minniear, Tutino, Halket, Hernandez, Vanderpool, King. Carr arrived at 7:35 p.m. Commissioners Absent: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Cm. Minniear, seconded by Cm. Vanderpool, and by a vote of 5-0-1, the Commission voted to approve the minutes of August 11, 2011 as presented. Vice Chair Halket abstained from the vote as she was not in attendance at the August 11, 2011 meeting. Cm. Carr was not present during the vote. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -NONE PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 AMENDMENTS TO FEE RESOLUTION Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in the Staff Report. Chairperson Tutino opened the public hearing. Seeing none in attendance, Chairperson Tutino closed the public hearing and opened the discussion to the Commission. Cm. King stated that the amended fees were fair. Chairperson Tutino stated that the School Tour additions should be a welcomed addition for school groups. ON A MOTION BY CM. KING, SECONDED BY VICE CHAIR HALKET AND BY A VOTE OF 6-0-0, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO FEE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CM. CARR WAS NOT PRESENT DURING THE VOTE. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -NONE NEW BUSINESS 8.1 HERITAGE PARK & MUSEUMS FACILITY USE POLICY Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in the Staff Report. Cm. Minniear asked if there is a large demand for church rentals. Mr. Hartnett stated that demand has been slow and steady, but not overlapping events."~He further stated that the public has been requesting additional space to hold a reception or after event party in conjunction with church rentals. Cm. Hernandez asked about signage or other steps that would be taken to ensure renters' privacy. Mr. Hartnett stated that there would be a Building Attendant on site for each rental who would be responsible for ensuring that the party is not disturbed by the public. Chairperson Tutino asked if the Kolb House would stay open for tours during rentals. Mr. Hartnett stated that the Kolb House would remain open during regular business hours. Cm. Minniear expressed concern about adequate parking. Mr. Hartnett described the available parking in detail to the Commission. Cm. Minniear asked if set up and take down fees are separate from the regular fees. Mr. Hartnett advised that set up and take down fees are included in rental fees charged except in the case where a group only has to pay for the Building Attendant or more than one Building attendant is required. Cm. Minniear noted that pages 6 - 8 of the draft facility use policy were missing from the attachment. Mr. Hartnett stated that he would email the complete draft facility use policy to all Commissioners the next business day. Cm. Minniear advised that he does not see any mention of commercial photography at the site. He stated that in the future, he would like to see Staff explore a policy for commercial photographers with a fee schedule for each type of use. Cm. Minniear clarified that this would not apply to private parties taking private pictures for their use only. Vice Chair Halket stated that if the park is open to the public, restricting photography would be difficult to enforce. Professional photographers are used all the time to take wedding/party pictures which would classify them as commercial because they are making a profit. Cm. Carr agreed with Vice Chair Halket. Cm. Minniear disagreed and stated that there were many instances where pictures are taken for commercial purposes. Ms. Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Park & Museums Director, advised that the City Manager's office has a policy in place for picture use (other than private photos or videos). Cm. Minniear felt that this was an opportunity to have some control over how the City is portrayed and a way to make some additional revenue. ONA MOTION BY CM. KING, SECONDED BY CM. VANDERPOOL AND BYA UNANIMOUS VOTE OF 7- 0-0, THE COMMISSIONAGREED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE FACILITY USE POLICY FOR THE HERITAGE PARK & MUSEUMS TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS PRESENTED. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 BRIEF INFORMATIONAL ONLY REPORTS FROM HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSIONERS AND/OR STAFF Cm. King recommended a comedy club in Dublin that showcases amateur films, comedy, etc. on Friday and Saturday nights. Cm. Can: advised that Mr. Alan Elias, Parks and Community Services Commission Chairperson, wrote a very nice article in his column in the Palley Times about his thoughts on the Heritage Park & Museums. Cm. Can asked if a docent tour of the new museum had been video-taped. Ms. Elisabeth Isles stated that there is a 30-minute informational video that has great views of the site. Mr. John Hartnett advised that a Poetry Slam hosted by the City's Poet Laureate, Jonnie McCoy-Howell, will be held on Saturday, September 10, 201 1, at the Heritage Park and Museums. Ms. Elisabeth Isles advised that she met with Camp Parks representatives regarding moving the archival collections to the City. Ms. Isles also advised that Staff is currently in Phase III of the MAPS program. She further stated that she will be a guest speaker at the next MAPS conference in Berkeley. The Commission congratulated Ms. Isles on receiving her guest speaker invitation and her hard work with the MAPS programs over the years. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Christie Marks Senior Office Assistant APPROVED: Chairperson