HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Small Business Activities~~~~ Off' nU~~~ /ii ~ 111 L~~ - ~ ~~~ DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File #470-50 November 1, 2011 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers ~~ Joni Pattillo, City Manager ° ~' SUBJECT: Update on Small Business Activities and Partnership Opportunities with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Prepared by Hazel Wetherford, Economic Development Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One of the City Council's FY 2011/12 strategic initiatives for Economic Development is to identify partnership opportunities with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to assist small businesses. To that end, the City has developed the following small business activities: small business incentives; small business resources brochure; partnering with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to launch business seminars and a Shop Local Holiday Campaign; and updates to the City's website. This report will provide an update on small business activity and partnerships with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL IMPACT: This is an information item only, and all costs associated with each activity have been included in the FY 2011/12 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council accept the report. ~ '~ ~ ° ~.~ /a~,~ /~ ~~ ,,, , , _~, ...., f Submitted By Reviewed By Economic Development Director Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. 8.2 DESCRIPTION: One of the City Council's FY 2011/12 strategic initiatives for Economic Development is to identify partnership opportunities with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to assist small businesses. To that end, the City has developed the following small business activities: small business incentives; small business resources brochure; partnering with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to launch business seminars and a Shop Local Holiday Campaign; and updates to the City's website. The following will briefly discuss each of these activities. Small Business Incentives The City has the following incentives available for small businesses: Fee Deferral Program The Fee Deferral Program allows development to pay the Traffic Impact Fee to the City just prior to occupancy for non-residential development. Sewer Capacity Assistance Program In partnership with the Dublin San Ramon Services District, the City offers financial assistance to businesses that require new or additional sewer capacity. As part of the Program, the City can provide up to 25% of new sewer capacity to the business. Fagade Improvement Program (Proposed) As one of the key economic development initiatives by the City Council, Staff is preparing a Fagade Improvement Program for the City Council's consideration. Staff expects to bring the program forward for direction before the end of the calendar year. Small Business Resources Brochure City staff has completed a Small Business Resources Brochure (Attachment 1) that outlines City programs, City incentives, financing opportunities, and support services. The brochure addresses many questions that small businesses often have, and how to obtain additional information if needed. The brochure will be available at City Hall and to applicants as they file their business license application. This brochure will also be available on the City's website. Partnering with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce The City has partnered with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to provide two programs to the small business community -business seminars and a Shop Local Holiday Campaign. Business Seminars In partnership with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Alameda County Small Business Development Center, a series of business classes will be held from October 2011 -September 2012. The schedule of classes is listed below: • October 4, 2011 -Social Media & E-Marketing Seminar • January 17, 2012 -Successful Business Plans • March 20, 2012 -Sole Proprietor Small Business Tax Workshop • June 26, 2012 -Successful Advertising & Marketing Plans • September 11, 2012 -Search Engine Optimization Page 2 of 3 The first class held on October 4t" had an attendance of approximately 41 participants. Classes are three hours long and all classes are held at the Dublin Library. Shop Local Holiday Campaign In partnership with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, a Shop Local Holiday Campaign has been created and implemented via social media. The campaign will run from November 1St -December 31St and will allow local businesses to showcase their business profile, store promotions, product features, and store events on a Discover Dublin Facebook page. Updates to the City's Website City staff made updates to the Economic Development Department's webpage to include two new pages -Business Seminars and Small Business Resources (Attachment 2). The Business Seminar page highlights the 2011-2012 seminar schedule on the various interactive classes that help support business owners as described above. The webpage provides information on how to register for a class, class location, and a class flier. The Small Business Resources page highlights a variety of tools to help small businesses prosper. The page outlines all the information that is available in the Small Business Resources brochure, but in an online format that is easily accessible from any Internet connection. Staff presented the above mentioned activities to the Economic Development Ad-Hoc Committee which provided positive feedback on the recent activities. Staff will continue working with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce on future partnership opportunities to assist small businesses. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Small Businesses Resources Brochure 2. Business Seminars and Small Business Resources Webpages Page 3 of 3 s Term: Loans up to 5150,000. ~Pjine Seasonal Line of Credit This program offers short-term, guaranteed loons ro help small businesses get past cash crunches aaributoble to seasons! changes. s Uses: Loans maybe used for working capital, faced assets, receivables, and inventory. s Term: Businesses must have been in operation continuously for one year immediately preceding the application date. wvrw.sba.gov The follovring agencies are available to provide assistance, training and netvrorking opportunities. Alameda Counri Workforce Irnestment Board Offers employment and training, education, and economic development services, vrhich include: • One-Stop Career Center • Rapid Response Team www.acvrib.org Alameda Counri Small Business Development Center Offers classes, consulting services, and business planning resources to businesses. Consulting services are available at no charge to eligible established businesses and companies that are primarily interested in grovrth and expansion. The Alameda County SBDC supports small business growth, productivity, and economic development. vrvrvr.acsbdc.org East Bav Economic Development Alliance Provides assistance and incentives to businesses in terms of site location, financing, regulatory coordination, vrorkforce issues, and business climate issues. vrvrvr.eastbayeda.org j-GATE: A California State Innovation Hub DATE is a regional public-private partnership designed to support small businesses and maximize the economic potential of green transportation and clean-energytechnologies. tGATE provides collaboration opportunities, entrepreneurial education and assistance, an Academic Alliance, and a business incubator for the development of high-grovrth green businesses. vrvrvr. igatei hub.org Innovation Tri-Vallev The goal of Innovation Tri-Valley is to create an interconnected hub of innovation to spur job grovrth and sustain a healthy economy in California's Bay Area's fastest grouting region-the Tri-Valley. vrvrvr.innovationtrivalley.org Training & Development Solutions-Chabot-Las Positas Community College District in Dublin Provides innovative, practical, and cost-effective learning solutions from assessments to employee training services for businesses and organizations. vrvrvr.tdsolu[ions.org Tri-Vallev One-Stop Career Center Offers a vride range of employment services to the business community, and most of them at no cost. wvrvr.tri va I I eyonestop. org For more information, please contact: Linda Smith, Economic Development Director, or Hazel Wetherford, Economic Development Analyst ~~~ 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 925.833.6650 SMALL BuslNESs RESOURCEs ~hUC DEt•~1.OP?~i~NI' DEPART.'1•SIIVT Attachment 1 Business License Fee The City of Dublin has a minimal business license fee, no payroll tax, and no utility user taxes. • 550 registration fee each year • The fee is prorated on a monthly basis for the first year the business began operation in Dublin. • Fee Deferral Program The City offers a Fee Deferral Program for non-residentiar development. This deferral allows development to pay the Traffic Impact Fee to the City just prior ro occupancy. • Sales Tax Reimbursement Program For businesses that generate more than SIO minion in taxable soles, the City will here offset investments in improvements to the sire or building chat the business proposes to occupy. • Sewer Capacity Assistance Program The City offers;Snancior assistance to businesses that require new or additional sewer capacity, up to 25Qo of new sewer capacity to the business. • Coming Soon! - Facade Improvement Program The City wilt offer jsnonciar assistance to businesses that are in need of repairing the exterior of their building. City staff is also available to provide the follovring services: • One-to-one assistance with zoning related ques- tions • Site Selection Statewide Communiri Infrastnxture Pra~eram (SCIP) SCIP is a financing program that enables developers to pay most impact fees and finance public improvements through an acquisition agreement. wvrw.cacom munities.org California Capital Access Proeram (Ca)C'AP) Encourages banks and otherfinancial in.stit~mons to make loans to small businesses thatfalljust outride of most banks' conventional undervrriting standards. vrvrvr.treas urer.ca.gov/cpcfa/ca I ca p/ California Economic Development lendine Initiative A co•lending program that targets loans to emerging businesses that are currently not able to qualify for conventional bank financing. wvrvr.cedli.com California Small Business loan Guarantee Program Enables a small business to obtain a term loan or line of credit and increase the availability of loans through private lending institutions. wwvr. business.ca.g~y Dublin San Ramon Services District Regional Wastewater Fee Installment Proeram Enables nevr commercial, industrial, or institutional customers of DSRSD to spread payment of the regional capacity reserve fee up to a period of 10 years for those meeting the program's requirements wvrw.dsrsd.com Industrial Development Bond (IDB) Financing Proeram IDBs provide manufacturing and processing companies lour<ost, lour-interest financing for capital expenditures. wwvr.eastbayeda.org Small Business Administration (SBA) The SBA offers the follovring financial assistance: • 7fa) Loan Guaranty Proeram This program is designed to reduce the risk to honks in making loons and thereby increasing the availability of short-term capita! for small businesses. » Uses: Land, buildings, equipment, expansions, renovations, and/or vrorking capital + Term: Loan guarantees up to 75% of a bank loan under 5100,000 A row documentation loan guaranty program for business roans of SI50,000 or less. This program is designed ro reduce the paperwork invorved in the SBA coon programs forsmollerloan requests. » Uses: Working capital and equipment. • Term: All loans are to be adequately secured, but loans generally are not declined vrhere inadequate collateral is the only unfavorable factor. PregualifKation Loa n Proeram This program is designed to assist the borrower with the preparation of the roan prequalifxaeon and application process by providing an intermediary such as the Smo!! Business Development Center. » Term: Loan guarantees up to 75% of a bank loan under 5100,000. CDCl504 Loan Proeram This program provides small businesses with long-term, fixed-rote;Snancing to acquire major fixed assets for expansion or modernization, such os the purchase of land, including existing buildings, the purchase of improvements, the construction of new focilrties, and the purchase of long-term machinery and equipment. » Uses: Proceeds from 504 loans must be used for faced asset projects. • A x r This program makes it easier and fasterfor lenders to provide small business loans by allowing the lenders to use their own forms. • , ~~ :. ~:•. `~~~` .:~ ~~ ,~ Search ~ J ~- _ ~~ ~ -~~-~ Available Space __-=' .-,-_____'_:' _ - ~' > Business Seminars Business Assistance Business Seminars Business Incentives The City of Dublin in partnership with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Alameda County Small Business Business Seminars Development Center will be providing a variety of interactive business seminars to support business owners. Seminars are led Commune and Economic Profile by a panel of experienced experts who will provide several real-world examples. participate in a lively questions and answer session and stay afterwards to speak with attendees one-on-one if time permits. Federal Stimulus Dollars in Dublin Small Business Resources The Business Corner -News and Info REPORT AN ISSUE ~ ' ~f;~tti C'ar W~: ~hl~? NOTIFY ME <`~2cil~ Lit. i /'~t; KitOWI ~~ NEWSLETTER '~'~ vu~ixrt/c: To Tt: TWITTER ~Ot~SLI' li>i Home 2011-2012 Seminar Schedule • October 4, 2011 -Social h~ledia & E-P~9arketinq Seminar • January 17, 2012 -Successful Business Plans • March 20. 2012 -Sole Proprietor Small Business Tax Workshop • June 26, 2012 -Successful Advertising & Marketing Plans . September 11.2012 -Search Engine Optimization All classes will begin promptly at 9 a.m. and end at 12 p.m. Classes will be held at the Dublin Library with respect to the initial class on October 4th, which will be held in the Dublin Council Chamber. Cost: There is no charge for members of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. and a $25 nominal fee will be applied to non- chamber members payable to the Alameda County Small Business Development Center. For more information, please contact the Dublin Chamber of Commerce at (925) 828-6200. Contact Us Sitemap Accessibility Copyright Notices Internet ..`ebsite Policy Powered by CivicPlus Attachment 2 Business Assistance Business Incentives Business Seminars Community and Economic Profile Federal Stimulus Dollars in Dublin Small Business Resources The Business Corner -News and Info ,;~ REPORT AN ISSUE ~~\ NOTIFY ME NEWSLETTER TWITTER a!1 s;v i;.,~ Small Business Resources Helping Small Businesses Prosper The City of Dublin encourages the development of small businesses. The City's Economic Development Department has compiled a list of resources that can offer assistance (both financial and training) to help you develop your business in our community. This information is also avaiable in a printable version. City Incentives Fee Deferral Program The City offers a Fee Deferral Program for non-residential development. This deferral allows development to pay the Traffic Impact Fee to the City just prior to occupancy. Descriptions and contact information for local business assistance organizations are listed below. Sales Tax Reimbursement Program For businesses that generate more than 510 million in taxable sales. the City has developed a program to help offset investments in improvements to the site or building that the business proposes to occupy. The City will reimburse a business up to 50% of their annual sales tax for a period of five years, up to the amount they invested in the property. For users that generate more than S50 million in taxable sales. the City will reimburse a business up to 50% for a period of 10 years. Example: Business A is expected to generate 520 million in taxable sales annually (attributable to the City of Dublin). Business A needs to invest 5500.000 in building improvements. Business A enters into an agreement with the City to be reimbursed for their improvements. Business A generates the anticipated 520 million in year one. This results in 5200.000 in new sales tax revenue to the Clty of Dublin. Of this amount. Business A is eligible for 5100.000 in year one (50% of the new sales tax revenue to the City). Sewer Capacity Assistance Program In partnership with the Dublin San Ramon Services District (provider of water and sewer service), the City now offers financial assistance to businesses that require new or additional sewer capacity. As part of the Program, the City can provide up to 25% of new sewer capacity to the business. Attachment 2 Available Space Home > Deoartments > Economic Developm~r~ > Small Business Resources