HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Div Goals&Obj 2003-04 AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 11, 2002 SUBJECT: Planning Division Goals and Objectives for FY2003-2004 (Report prepared by: Jeri Ram, Planning Manager) ATTACHMENTS: Status of Goals and Objectives for FY2002-2003 Draft Goals and Objectives for FY2003-2004 RECOMMENDATION: 2. 3. 4. Receive Staff presentation. Question Staff. Deliberate. Give Staff input on the proposed Goals and Objectives for FY2003-2004 and recommend any additions to be shown under Planning Commission Suggestions DESCRIPTION: Annually, the City Council has held a special study session in March to define the City's Goals and Objectives for the.upcoming year. Prior to the Goals and Objectives meeting, City Staff prepares a status report on the current year's Goals and Objectives and prepares Goals and Objectives for the coming year. These Goals and Objectives for the Planning Function of the City may include development projects, amendments to any of the City's Specific Plans or General Plan, as well as Planning related administrative projects that Staff may recommend be implemented or modified. Once approved by the City Council, these Goals and Objectives form the basis for the Planning Staff's work program for the upcoming fiscal year. At the November 19, 2002 City Council meeting, the Council indicated a desire to hold a joint workshop with the Planning Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, and Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission prior to the City Council's Goals and Objectives Study Session. At the January 3, 2003 City Council meeting, it was agreed that the Council would meet with all three Commissions at the same time in order to discuss those Goals and Objectives under the purview of each Commission. Each Commission would have the opportunity for dialog with the City Council to discuss the Commission's thoughts about the proposed Goals and Objectives related to their respective area of responsibility. The workshop has been scheduled for Saturday March 1, 2003 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Regional Meeting Room at City Hall. Attached to this Staff Report is a copy of the Status Report on the Goals and Objectives from FY2002-2003 as well as the draft Goals and Objectives for FY2003-2004. Staff is asking that the Planning Commission review the draft Planning Goals and Objectives for FY2003-2004, prioritize those objectives, and provide direction on any additional Goals and Objectives the Commission would like the City Council to consider. The Commission should prioritize each Planning related objective by reaching a consensus as to whether the objective should be given a high, medium, low or delete priority. G:L4.gen dasL?.003 ~PC S R2 - 11-03G&O. doc COPIES TO: In House ITEMNO. r~¢] ADOPTED 2002-2003 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/03 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 1 Ai PLANNING # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 1, High PeabOdy 2002 DeVelop a 5 year Affordable HOuSing Program; JUly 2002 March 2003 NEARLY COMPEETE; Report scheduled . for City c°uncil in March 2003. 2i High Peabody 2002 open Space Implementation Plan. JUly 2002 April 2003 NEARLY COMPLETE; preliminary plan and financing oPtions report to City council in ~ril 2003, 3." High PeabodY 200! cOmPlete Transit Center Development General Om. 2001 Dec 2002 COMPLETE plan Amendment. 4. High Peabody 2002 complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan OCt, 2003 Oct 2004 DEFERRED bY the City COuncil to Oct. Amendment. 2003; COUncil Will need to evaluate DOughertY Road Plan line & circulation issues in May 2003. 5. High Ambrose/ 2002 Resolve Final Boundaries of SportS Park in Aug. 2002 June 2003 UNDERWAY; Alternative proposal Lowart/ Eastern Dublin. exchanged With Dublin Ranch Nov 2002. 6. High Peabody 2002 COmplete Resource Management Plan for July 2002 June 2005 UNDERWAY; Revising scope of work ' Eastern Dublin Property Owners AnneXation. with AppliCantsi 7. High Peabody 2002 comPlete Silveria___A_ n nexation. COMPLETE 8. High Peabody 2001 Complete rezoning of Downtown Specific Plan COMPLETE Areas. 9i High PeabOdy/ 2001 DevelOp plans for Historical District designation Aug, 2002 TBD uNDERwAY;Conducting histOrical LoWart of Donlon Way making certain AlUm/lie sPrings (Dependent evaluatiOn. Report to council June 2003 and Green Store are included, upon on Whether to proceed with Special alternative) zoning districudesign gu/deli nes, Specific Plan or General Plan changes. 10. High PeabodY/SilVer 2002 Develop a policy and/or ordinance to May 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Draft Repo~to CitY , accommodate more communitY fac/l/ties inthe (Dependent Council Feb !S; father WOrk dependent CitY~ upon on alternative selected bY Council. alternative) 11. High Ambrose/ 2002 EValuate Juvenile Hall/CourthoUse proPOSal. June 2002 Dec 2003 UNDERWAY; EIR being evaluated; SDR PeabOdy has not yet been sUbmitted to the City. ADOPTED 2002-2003 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/03 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 2 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 12 High Peabody/ 2002 Develop Streetscape Guidelines. Oct. 2002 Jan. 2004 UNDERWAY; Technical work complete; Thompson Policies under review by Departments & landscape architect. 13. High Peabody 2001 Dublin Ranch West Annexation.(Wallis)GPA, June 2002 jan 2004 UNDERWAY; City is alSo proceSSing SPA Amendments : General plan & Specific Plan Amendments. 14. High Foss 2002 Investigate options for property on S.E. corner of COMPLETE Village Parkway & Amador Valley Blvd. 15. High Peabody 2000 Evaluate the desirability of detaching lands west of COMPLETE Skyline Ridge (with the exception of Schaefer Ranch) from the City's Sphere of Influence. 16. Medium Peabody/Foss 2001 Investigate parking and access alternatives for March 2003 June 2004 NO PROGRESS Village Parkway Specific Plan Area. 17. Medium Peabody 1996 Update City's General Plan. NO PROGRESS; Not funded in FY 2002- O3 18. Medium peabody 2002 Investigate options and/Or develop Specific Plan Aug. 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Council has authorized for San Ramon Village ShOpPing center . General Plan Study; however proper (southeast corner of san Ramon Rd & AlCOSta oWner has not submitted complete Blvd.). _ application; , 19. Medium Peabody 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area NO PROGRESS; Council tabled Army General Plan Amendment request until March 20_03. 20. Low Peabody/ 1996 Develop City Telecommunications Policy beyond NO PROGRESS; Not funded in FY 2002-03 Thompson Zoning Ordinance for Wireless Communications. 21. Low Peabody 2001 Develop Ordinance to limit amount of square footage NO PROGRESS increase on remodel of existing houses. 22. Low Peabody 2000 View and Solar Access ordinance. NO PROGRESS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PLANNING) 23. peabodY I 2002 Complete Commercial Linkage Fee StudY Dec. 2001 june 2003 UNDERWAY; Information will be received from Census Bureau in early March 2003. ADOPTED 2002-2003 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/03 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 3 !1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 24. Peabody 2002 Complete General Plan & Specific Plan Aug. 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Council has authorized Amendment and Planned Development Rezone General Plan and Specific Plan ' study;Awaiting site plan from IKEA; for IKEA Site Traffic Study completed; Fiscal Impact Study underway. 25. Peabody 2002 Complete General Plan & Specific Plan Mar. 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Awaiting issuance permit Amendment and Planned Development Rezoning from Army Corp of Engineers. for Dublin Ranch Area F (Gleason Road) 26. Peabody 2001 Complete General Plan and Planned June 2001 June 2003 UNDERWAY; Final EIR nearly Complete; ~ Development District for Valley Christian scheduled for May Council meeting. 27. Peabody 2002 Work with Alameda Co. Waste Management Aug. 2002 June 2003 UNDERWAY; Draft Report nearly Authority to undertake Sustainability Inventory complete. Report to Council not yet ~ scheduled. 28. Peabody 2002 Complete Pak and Save General Plan Sept. 2002 : TBD UNDERWAY; Council has authorized , Amendment & Planned Development Rezoning i General Plan Study; however property = owner has not submitted an application. 29. Peabody 2002 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Residential COMPLETE Temporary Signs 30. Peabody 2002 Amendments Complete Recreational Vehicle Ordinance Dec 2002 Aug. 2003 standards UNDERWAY; as requested Evaluation by of City alternative Council ~in progress. 31. Peabody 1996 Finalize Housing Element Jan 2002 Sept, 2003 NEARLY COMPLETE; City Council in , May for adoption; HCD final review 60 days thereafter. : UNDERWAY; Predevelopment 32. Peabody 2002 Implement Senior Housing Project adjacent to Sept 2002 July 2005 Agreement (Eden) completed Feb 2003; the Senior Center Completion of entitlements May 2003; Application for tax credits, HUD May- ... Sept 2003. F:\G&O\2003 G&O mtg\Plan Comm 2002 Status Report.doc CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2003 - 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 1 A. PLANNING To develop plans for future growth & development; administer the zoning, subdivision & sign ordinances; analyze environmental reports; & provide assistance to developers, merchants, & residents with planning issues. # PLAN COMM STAFF PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L RESOURCES TIME PRIORITY REQUIRED REQUIRED 1. High 2002 Evaluate Juvenile Hall/Courthouse proposal. Required by Consultant Services 6 months annexation agreement; minimize impact on the City 2. High 2002 Develop plans for Historical District designation of Donlon Evaluate historical Consultant Services TBD Way making certain Alamilla Springs and Green Store are potential for Donlon included Way and complete new Specific Plan and Zoning for area 3. High 2002 Complete General Plan, Specific Plan and Planned Completion of study Consultant Services TBD; Development District for Dublin Ranch Area F (Gleason and entitlements will awaiting Road) allow construction of community middle school to facility study proceed & Army Corp of Engineers 4. High 2002 Complete General Plan, Specific Plan and Planned Evaluate benefit vs. Consultant Services TBD Development District for IKEA site impact of General Plan Amendment to the City 5. High 2002 Finalize Housing Element Complete final review Consultant Services 3 months and approval process for Housing Element as required by State 6. High 2001 Complete review of Dublin Ranch West Annexation (Wallis) Fulfill policy of Specific Consultant Services 7 months General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments Plan and resolve environmental issues necessary to permit development CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2003 - 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 2 # PLAN COMM STAFF PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L RESOURCES TIME PRIORITY REQUIRED REQUIRED 7. High 2002 Complete Resource Management Plan (RMP) for Eastern Fulfill policy of Specific Consultant Services 36 months Dublin Property Owners Annexation and General Plan, Plan and resolve Specific Plan Amendments environmental issues necessary to permit development 8. High 2002 Develop a policy and/or ordinance to accommodate more Address alternatives None TBD community facilities in the City. for additional public and semi-public uses throughout Dublin. 9. High 2002 Investigate options and/or develop Specific Plan for San Evaluate future land Consultant Services 6 months Ramon Village Shopping Center (southeast corner of San use for area in Ramon Road and Alcosta Blvd.) transition 10. High 2002 Complete Pak and Save General Plan Amendment and Evaluate opportunities Consultant Services 6 months Planned Development Rezoning for mixed use on this vacant property 11. Medium 2002 Develop Streetscape Guidelines Coordinate landscaping Consultant Services 7 months and location of public art 12. Medium 2002 Complete Recreational Vehicle Ordinance Amendment Improve aesthetics of None 2 months residential neighborhoods 13. Medium 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan Amendment Evaluate future land Consultant Services 12 months use and circulation for area in transition 14. Medium 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area General Plan Determine impact vs. Consultant Services 21 months Amendment. benefit on City 15. Medium 2003 Report to Council on consideration of a General Plan Determine appropriate None 6 months Amendment Study for the transportation corridor north & use of transportation south of Amador Valley Boulevard corridor 16. Medium 2003 Implement State law requirements on 2°d unit, density bonus New regulations in None 12 months and emergency shelters by completing Zoning Ordinance Zoning Ordinance as Amendment mandated by State law CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2003 - 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION PAGE 3 # PLAN COMM STAFF PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L RESOURCES TIME PRIORITY REQUIRED REQUIRED 17. Low 1996 Update City's General Plan Make certain that Consultant Services TBD General Plan meets the current needs of the City 18. Low 2003 Develop a fee for General Plan revisions Update fee program to None 12 months address cost recovery for General Plan revisions. 19. Low 1996 Develop City Telecommunications Policy beyond Zoning Identify future direction Consultant Services TBD Ordinance for Wireless Communications for regulations needed in evolving technology changes expected in the future. 20. Low 2001 Investigate parking and access alternatives for Village Implement Village None TBD Parkway Specific Plan Area Parkway Specific Plan 21. , Delete 2001 Develop Ordinance to limit amount of square footage Preserve neighborhood increase on remodel of existing houses character 22. Delete 2000 Develop View and Solar Access Ordinance Protect view corridors and solar access ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (From the Planning:commission) F:\G&O\2003 G&O mtg\Plan Comm 2003 Prel G&O.doc