HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 210-11 Fallon Cross Tr 7617 In Lieu Fees RESOLUTION NO. 210- 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ACCEPTING PARK LAND DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEES AND CREDITS FOR PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR TRACT 7617, FALLON CROSSINGS WHEREAS, pursuant to City of Dublin Municipa'l Code Chapter 9.28, each subdivider of land for residential uses shall, as a Condition of Approval of a Final Subdivision Map, dedicate or reserve lands, pay fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, for park and/or recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the Developer, Standard Pacific Homes, is filing Tract 7617 Final Map for developing 106 residential dwelling units constructed on 106 lots; and WHEREAS, the Park Land requirements for the project based on the requirements of the Municipal Code and the designated land use for Tract 7617 are 1) Dedication of 1.1872 acres of Community Park Land or payment of $1,078,020 in Community Park Land In-Lieu Fees, and 2) Dedication of 0.5088 acres Neighborhood Park Land or payment of $576,004 in Neighborhood Parkland In-Lieu Fees; and WHEREAS, Developer has possession of credits for 1.1872 acres of Community Park Land credits, which the Developer desires to have applied to fully satisfy the Community Park Land obligation for Tract 7617; and WHEREAS, Developer will satisfy the Neighborhood Park Land Dedication requirement through the payment of In-Lieu Park Dedication Fees in the amount of $576,004 to fully satisfy the Neighborhood Park Land obligation for Tract 7617; and WHEREAS, Standard Pacific Homes has deposited with the City of Dublin $576,004 which is the amount required to satisfy the obligation for Neighborhood Park Land In-Lieu Fees for Tract 7617, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid the application of 1.1872 acres Community Park Land Credits and the payment of $576,004 Neighborhood Park In- Lieu fees are hereby accepted as performance of said subdivider's obligation under Subdivision Requirements in Chapter 9.28 of the Dublin Municipal Code. Page 1 of 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Swa Iwe II , and Mayor Sbranti NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTC)/VV {. ;? ~ City Clerk Reso No. 210-11, Adopted 12-20-11, Item 4.2 &~ 1&J' Mayor Page 2 of 2