HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 Sr Ctr Advisory Appointmt~~~~ Off' nU~~~ /ii ~ 111 L~~ - ~ ~~~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File # 110-30 February 7, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers ~~ Joni Pattillo, City Manager ° ~' Appointments to Senior Center Advisory Committee Prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There were two recent unanticipated vacancies on the Senior Center Advisory Committee. An application period was held and Mayor Sbranti has reviewed applications and recommended two Dublin residents (Diana Threlkeld and Faye Guarienti) to fill those vacancies. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council confirm Mayor Sbranti's appointments to the Senior Center Advisory Committee, or provide other appropriate direction. _.. . Submitted By City Clerk DESCRIPTION: .,_~_ . ~. r~~". Reviewed By Assistant City Manager There were two unanticipated vacancies on the Senior Center Advisory Committee. These vacancies were posted in the City Clerk's Office, the library and Senior Center, and placed on the City's website. One vacancy term expires in December of 2012, the other in December of 2014. The deadline for acceptance of applications was January 17, 2012. Mayor Sbranti has reviewed applications and recommended two Dublin residents to fill those vacancies. A total of four (4) applications were received by the advertised deadline, in response to the two (2) openings. Mayor Sbranti recommends the appointment of Diana Threlkeld to fill the remainder of Tim Pedersen's term which expires in December 2012. Mayor Sbranti recommends the appointment Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 3.2 of Faye Guarienti to fill the remainder of Susan Cervantes' term which expires in December 2014. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Openings were advertised in the City Clerk's Office, the library, the Senior Center and on the City's website. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Senior Center Advisory Committee Applications Page 2 of 2 The following form was submitted via your website: Senior Center Advisory Committee Application ^ate{~nmlddlyy}:: 01!01112 Name:: Faye Guarienti Street Address:: City, Sta#e Z~pcode:: Dublin, CA 94568 Phone {home)::. _ _ ~_ _ Phone {cell or work):: Email Address:: Occupation:: Retired teacher Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: It is important for residents to be involved in their community. I've lived in Dublin for twenty years and now that I'm retired !have more time to contribute to my community. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: As a Senior Center supporter I receive Dublin Doings, the center's c{uarterly newsletter, which I use to make decisions about what activities are available. Have you or a family member #aken advantage of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: Yes. l participate in several senior center activities, including Trail Trekker hikes, line dancing, and various other exercise classes. Are there additional programs and services that should be offered #hrough the Dublin Senior Center? Piease describe.: Adrop-in yoga program, a daily meetup walking program, telephone chats for senior shut ins are a couple of my ideas. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society?; Maintaining connections with others, finding affordable activities, keeping up with rising costs of everyday necessities. How do you fee[ about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organ[zations?: Communication of important facts is key to helping all interested parties understand the issues. The neighbors are the community. What is the most important contribution you can mace as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: I play well with others! Additional Information: Form submitted on: X11/2012 10:13:58 AM Submitted from IP Address: 24,4.46.37 Referrer Page: No Referrer - Direc# Link Form Address: http:l/www.dublin.ca.govlForms.as~x?FiD~122 Y`~bj~9~~ ~~f SENIOR CENTER ADlliS®RY COMMITTEE APPLICAT[ON NAME; Diana Threlkeld []ATE; .~/.Z,2/201Z I`1llQR~w7J; WOME TELEPW®NE #. li '',,i ° ~~ WORK #; _ . Email address. •i" "~ ~ S~ 6 V Fl ~.. Why are you interested in seising on the Senior Center Advisory Committee? • I`m a CA. Bay Area native and a .~5 year Dublin resident~homeowner • 1 know our local history • 1`ve been in the insurance business for 33 years but am now semi-retired • I find l have spare time to share and give back to my Dublin • I'm a recent graduate of fhe "Dublin Citizens Police Academ y"-- z0~ ~. • I'm a recent graduate of the "Inside Dublin' program -- 203.E ~- Both programs sparked my interest in community government • I want what is best for m y peers....l'm a good communicator and a good listener. ~. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? ® i am a current 20 year f Neighborhood Watch `Black Captain' • 1 faithfull y receive the 'Dublin Doings' • I visit the Sr. Center every week to view the posted activities s f receive the Dublin Patch via small every day • I regularly search the Dublin 5r. Center webslte ~ I talk with fellow Senior neighbors,..,,.. I'm connected 3, Wave you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center? a I watched and wafted with anticipation as the new Center was being built.... My husband and 1 attended the Gala Grand Opening on Aug 4, 2005. Dublin Seniors waited a very long time for a building of their own. • We have participated in the following programs,' • Van trips to various locations..,. Howard is a wonder tour driver! • Completed two separate AARP `Mature Driver' courses aver 4 years, This is a great program as auto insurance premiums are reduced with the AARP completion certificate, • 1 attended regular `Chair Pilates' classes, every Monday for z years ~ l have used the one-on-one campu~er classes • We have attended the Health Fairs and the lunches at Shamrock Cafe 4. Are there additions! programs needed for elder adults in our community? please describe. • In my opinion, Dublin does a great jab of offering many varied programs. We go beyond other local centers -- We can be proud of that. However, trends and needs change over time. We shou#d always be alert and open to opportunities and listen to new ideas, 5, What do you feel are some of the mast pressing issues facing elder adults in our society • Many Seniors feel isolated ar invisible. We need to personally reach out to them. Give them a feeling of `belonging'. ® Cash flow is an Issue ~- We need to make them aware of the free food and low cast programs • Transportation • Senior personal safety 6, How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? • Tough decisions are a part of adulthood -- or any successful organization. 'Immediate gratification' in not the attitude of fhis Senior generation. We understand patience. We are not afraid to stand up far what needs to be done for the overall goad. 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? • My enthusr'asml 1Vly interest! My Dublin pride! My 33 years in the insurance industry has made me organized, detailed, dedicated and campasslonate. l3ut~ l also have a spirit of fun (! was Santa's Elf at our company Christmas Party last month i am able to communicate well with others and !lave meeting and working with new people. I'm healthy (you mightsee me walking the hills of Silvergate and Briar Hill communities every dayJ and 1 have the time to serve/give back to my City, i would be honored to serve my peers and to serve Dublin. r._ SIt~NATUR~ Cv __ ~CCUPAT'~~N ~~~ ~,~~/ piease return this completed form to the attention of Caroline Soto, City Clerk, J.00 Ciuic Center Plaza, Dublin, CA. 9~5f8 ay end of day Monday, January J,6, 2A~.2. postmarks will nat be accepted The following form was submitted via your website: Senior Center Advisory Committee Application Da#e(m mlddlyy):: 01/13/12 Name:: James Ketner Street Address.. ,I~. City, State Zipcode:: Dublin, CA 94568 Phone (home):: ~~ I! Phone (cell or work):: Email Address:, Occupation;: Director of Cloud Adoption Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Cen#er Advisory Committee?: I believe this committee to be a credible communication vehicle regarding the quality of life for all alder persons in the City of Dublin, I feel that i can help by serving on a forum that provides for consumers and deliverers of seniors' services and facilities to identify issues, explore passible remedies, and work to implement them. I have a strong beliefs that all older persons should have multiple opportunities for healthy aging, and a full range of supports to assist them. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: I am familair with the classes and activities that are offered at the center as well as the actities that are sa critical in keeping older minds youthful such as board games, computer workshops, creative writing. I am also familair with the services such as the H.I.C.A.P. (Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program), Diabetes Management Classes, A.A.R.P. Safety Driving Course, Health, Senior Support Case Management and Memory Screening. I am also famiiar with the rotating training classes for various safety. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: I have not, I am new to Dublin moving from San Ramon. Are there additional programs and services that should be offered through the Dublin Senior Center? Please describe,: Giving the vast demographic population that has moved to Dublin and the diverse ethic background and the ever changing laws in insurance, taxes and the unstable economy I feel that the senior population could benefit from Retirement Income Planning, Tax Reduction, Insurance Services, Estate Planning, and IRA Distribution Planning. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society?: i believe the ever increasing cost of living, decreasing of services, and every changing health care situations are some of the most pressing issues. That coupled with the increases in age reaped mind degeneration makes senior services a must for the ever aging population. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?: Making unpopular decisions with neighbors or organizations is nothing I am unaccustom to in my current employment. I have to make unpopular decisions daily that are benficial to the overall good of my clients, so that fear is not there, in the end, people see benefits long term more than they do in the heat of a moment. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Seni®r Center Advisory Committee?: Today, Americans over the age of 60 are the fastest growing segment of computer and Internet users. Technology and use of the Internet can improve and enhance quality of life, inform and educate, and promote independence. My background for the past 20 years has been in information Technoiogy with specialities in Health Care, Data Privacy, and Security, I feel that this knowledge can help in enhancing the centers goals in providing the finest in services to the Senior Community of Dublin Additional Information: Form submitted on: 1/13!2012 4:38:28 PM Submitted from 1P Address: Referrer Page: http:liwww.dublin.ca.govlindex,aspx?N1D~1100 Form Address: httpJlwww.dublin.ca.govlForms.aspx?FID-122 The following farm was submitted via your website: Senior Center Advisory Committee Application Phone (cell or work):: Email Address:: '~ -' ~~ ,~ Occupation:: Marketing & Advertising (Co-owner of Creativeworks) Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: My mother just passed away and I have been her sole caregiver for the last '! 0 years. My experiences with caring for her in our home, then in an assisted living facility, then back in our home, then into a nursing home provide me with a unique perspective on services and programs available for seniors overall and specifically at the Dublin Senior Center. The support systems that are in place today in many eases do not reflect the needs of the elders or their caregivers. They instead are created far the convenience of the "system". Another key issue is the demographic itself -- a 55-60 year-old "senior" has interests and needs that are far different from an 85-90 year-old. There seems to be a "one size fits all" mentality that does not quite fit today's demographic. A second major issue right now is economics and the need for real economic assistance and support within the senior community. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: I made myself quite aware of the Center's services during the years 2008 and 2009, the last time my mother was living at home with us. Prior to that, I had become involved with the Pleasanton Senior Center- on my mother's behalf, because the Dublin Senior Center at that time was not in its current location and the Pleasanton Center offered many more programs and services. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?: Yes, fora 2-year period, as stated above. Are there additional programs and services that should be offered through the Dublin Senior Center? Please describe.: My primary objective for applying for this position is to take a more micro view of the senior demo and develop programs and services that mare closely address the needs of each age segment. Here are 2 small examples: A 60 year-old does not want to attend a luncheon where the music of the Big Band Era is the entertainment. A 60 year-old in mast cases cannot even attend a luncheon at the Senior Center because they may be still working. A housebound senior who cannot get Meals-On-Wheels services on the weekends may need some supplemental meal alternatives, What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society?: Isolation, depression, inability to function within the society at large and economics. The "Boomers", of which I am one --are galloping into their senior years at an alarming rate. Municipalities that claim to service seniors need to get prepared. The right market research needs to be done, or current available data and study results need to be examined in detail, so that the programs and resaurces that will be needed to support these younger seniors can be put into puce. And the current senior population that is being serviced cannot be neglected in any way, as their needs are growing ever more demanding as they continue to age. A 2-prang developments! strategy needs to be in place in order to address these demographic and psychographic circumstances and shifts. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?: It would certainly depend upon the issue, but I have held positions of responsibility in my professional and personal life for years. 1 have learned to deal with the fact that not all decisions I make have complete consensus among the various stakeholders. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee?: As a marketing professional, I believe that my background iswell-suited #o applying a kind of critical thinking to the process of developing services and programs for seniors at the Center. With what I have personally experienced over the last decade, I feel that I have even more insight than most, My contribution would be based on my knowledge of the Center's support services for the more elderly seniors, as well as my desire to address in a studied way the current and future needs of the younger age groups. I would be most intersted in serving the City and the Center and look forward to being considered and possibly selected. Additions[ Information: Form submitted on: 1/1412012 9:49:12 AM Submitted from lP Address; 99.100.9 78.5 Referrer Page: No Referrer - Direc# Link Form Address: http:llwww.ci.dublin.ca.usfForms.ast~x?FiD~122