HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.5 EmerGlenPkII EnvirRev CITY CLERK
File #
SUBJECT: Emerald Glen Park Phase II - Environmental Review and
Authorization to Bid
Report Prepared by Rosemary Alex, Parks and Facilities
Development Coordinator
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration.
2) Resolution Adopting Environmental Study.
3) Plans and Specifications will be available at the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: /i~ 1) Adopt a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative
~ ~ .~fi~ Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring Program for
'?[~/ ~. Emerald Glen Park; and
2) Authorize Staff to Advertise Contract
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Public Facility Impact Fee Fund
Emerald Glen Park, Phase 1I $1,605,535
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center (utilities) $65,000
Transportation Impact Fee Fund $133,135
General Fund
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center (site work) $28,272
Total Available Construction Budget $1.831.942
Construction Estimate for Base Bid $1,896,233
Difference ($64,291)
DESCRIPTION: The 2000-2005 Capital Improvement Program includes funding for
the second phase of development of Emerald Glen Park. Phase II will complete the comer of the park at
Tassajara Road and Central Parkway and will include a lake and trellis structure, a maintenance storage
area, temporary parking, and street frontage landscaping. In order to proceed with development of Phase
II, the City retained the services of Carducci Associates to work with the community on development of
the final design of the park improvements and to prepare the construction documents and bid
The Emerald Glen Park Master Plan was approved by the City Council in 1998. The Master Plan lays the
groundwork for development of the 48.2 acre park by documenting the goals, priorities and design
parameters that will govern the development of each phase of the park.
COPIES TO: Carducci Associates
H/cc-forms/agdastmt. doc /~,i~ :~, . ~ .
Phase I of Emerald Glen Park encompassed approximately 26.1 acres of the park and included the
following facilities: 2 - 60' ball fields and 1 - 90' ball field; 2 regulation soccer fields; 2 lighted
basketball courts; 4 lighted tennis courts; skate park; play area; picnic areas; plaza and promenade;
restroorn/concession building; parking and street frontage improvements. Phase I was completed in Fiscal
Year 2000-2001.
An Initial Study was prepared for the proposed project, involving approval of the design concepts for the
second phase of Emerald Glen Park. The Initial Study determined that with the implementation of
Mitigation Measures previously adopted for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/Amendment Area and with
site-specific mitigation measures contained in the Initial Study, the potential impacts of the project would
be reduced to a level of insignificance and not have a significant effect on the environment. The public
review of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was held from February 8, 2003 through
February 28, 2003. A copy of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is included as Attachment
#1. This analysis satisfied the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and provided the
City with information for project review. During the public review period, no letters or comments were
received from surrounding neighbors.
The project is within the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Area, which was the subject of an Environmental
Impact Report, certified by the City Council in 1993. The General Plan/Specific Plan EIR is a program
EIR, which analyzed the environmental issues, related to the land use locations, development plans and
policies contained in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The project consists of the construction of a water
feature, maintenance yard, temporary parking and landscaping to complete the southeast comer of the
A resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the
second phase of Emerald Glen Park is included as Attachment #2 to this report.
After a series of public workshops in Spring of 2002, the City Council adopted the Conceptual Plan for
Phase II on May 7, 2002. Phase II improvements include the following;
Water Feature - The key elements include an arbor structure, entry plaza, lighting, landscaping, seating,
picnic tables and infrastructure to support the public art. Included in this project the contractor will install
the pump, concrete foundation and piping system below the water line. Once the contractor completes
their portion of work, the artist will install the art element. The art element is not part of the construction
budget; the artist will be paid directly by the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation.
Maintenance Yard - This area will have facilities for materials storage such as infield mix, bark and
gravel; container storage for equipment, electrical, lighting, paved parking for maintenance vehicles, a
decorative concrete screen wall with stone pilasters, planting, irrigation and drainage.
Temporary Parking - This area will include gravel parking for 50 cars, two paved disabled spaces / drop
off, an access drive from the signalized intersection at Central Parkway and Glynnis Rose Dr., and a new
concrete path from the drop off area to the play ground. In addition the area will be graded to allow for
overflow parking onto the adjacent areas for events. As requested by the City Council at the May 7, 2002
meeting asphalt paving for the parking lot has been included as an additive bid item for this project.
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center - Although originally not included in this project, the site
improvements necessary ft)r the Emerald Glen Park Activity Center are included as part of this project due
to the proximity of the improvements to the temporary parking lot. These improvements will be funded
through a separate CIP.
Street Frontage - Improvements include sidewalk, street trees, frontage landscaping, irrigation and
drainage along Central Parkway to the intersection at Glynnis Rose Dr.
Due to the nature of this project three funding sources have been identified to complete the construction.
The primary funding is from the Public Facility Impact Fee Fund which will be utilized to complete the
permanent park improvements. The Transportation Impact Fee Fund will complete all street frontage
improvements for this phase of the park. The General Fund allocation will allow for the completion of
site work for the temporary activity center. An additional source of funding in the amount of $6,800 from
the Beverage Recycling Grant from the Department of Conservation will be pursued for the purchase of
site furnishings that incorporate recycled beverage containers. If received, the budget will be adjusted
Through the development of the construction documents the scope of work has increased to include
asphalt paving in the temporary parking lot, replacement of an existing decomposed granite pathway with
concrete, and scoreboard installation. In order to retain the project near the current budget, those items
have been eliminated from the project's base bid elements and have been shifted to additive bid items.
Currently there are four additive bid items:
1) Scoreboard Installation
2) Replace Existing Decomposed Granite Pathway with Concrete
3) Asphalt Paving for Temporary Parking Lot
4) Decorative Mermaid Paving at Water Feature
Throughout the process Staff has worked extensively with Consultant to eliminate or reduce project
elements to achieve a project that is estimated to be within the project's available construction budget. At
this point, any further reductions in project scope will jeopardize the project's intended integrity and
quality. It is uncertain with the current economic climate how that will affect bids for this project.
Authorization to Advertise for Bids March 4, 2003
Bid Opening April 2, 2003
Award Contract April 15, 2003
Notice to Proceed May 1, 2003
Project Completion October 10, 2003
Staff recommends that the City Council take the following action:
1) Adopt a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the
Mitigation Monitoring Program for Emerald Glen Park, Phase Il.
2) Authorize Staff to advertise Emerald Glen Phase Il for bids.
Emerald Glen Park, Phase II
Initial Study
PA 02-070
Lead AgencT~
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
February 2003
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
Environmental Checklist ...................................................................................................... 3
Project Description and Context .......................................................................................... 4
Exhibits ................................................................................................................................ 7
Environmental Factors Potentially Affected ...................................................................... 11
Determination (To be Completed By Lead Agency) ......................................................... 11
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts ................................................................................ 12
Attachment to Initial Study ................................................................................................ 22
Discussion of Checklist ....... , .............................................................................................. 22
I. Aesthetics ............................................................................................................. 22
II. Agricultural Resources ......................................................................................... 23
1II. Air Quality ............................................................................................................ 23
IV. Biological Resources ............................................................................................ 24
V. Cultural Resources ................................................................................................ 25
VI. Geology and Soils ................................................................................................. 25
VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials ......................................................................... 26
VIII. Hydrology and Water ............................................................................................ 26
IX. Land Use Planning ................................................................................................ 27
X. Mineral Resources ................................................................................................ 27
XI. Noise ..................................................................................................................... 28
XII. Population and Housing ........................................................................................ 29
XIII. Public Services ..................................................................................................... 29
XIV. Recreation ............................................................................................................. 29
XV. Transportation/Traffic ........................................................................................... 29
XVI. Utilities and Service Systems ................................................................................ 29
XVII. Mandatory Findings of Significance ..................................................................... 30
Background Information .................................................................................................... 31
References .......................................................................................................................... 31
Mitigation Monitoring Program ......................................................................................... 32
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
This Initial Study has been prepared in accord with the provisions of the Califomia Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) and assesses the potential environmental impacts of implementing the proposed
project described below. The Initial Study consists of a completed environmental checklist and a
brief explanation of the environmental topics addressed in the checklist.
1. Project Title: Emerald Glen Park Master Plan, Phase II
2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Dublin
Community Development
101 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
3. Contact Person and Phone Number: Jonelyn Whales, Associate Planner
Community Development Department
(925) 833-6610
4. Project Location: 4201 Central Parkway
5. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: City of Dublin
Contact Person: Rosemary Alex
Development Coordinator, Parks and Facilities
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
6. General/Specific Plan Designation: Parks/Public Recreation - City Park
7. Zoning: PD - Park
8. Public agency required approvals: Building and Grading permits (City of Dublin)
Utility, sewer and water connections (DSRSD)
Encroachment permits (City of Dublin)
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
Emerald Glen Park is located near major transportation corridors to ensure convenient access for
all members of the Dublin community. It is within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General
Plan Amendment area. This Specific Plan/General Plan was adopted by the City of Dublin in
1994 for the purpose of directing long-term land use, circulation, infrastructure and
environmental protection for 3,302 acres of land located east of the central portion of Dublin and
north of the 1-580 freeway.
East Dublin is experiencing major growth: this will likely double the size and population of the
City within the next 20 years. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment is
directing the growth of Emerald Glen Park and other park sites to meet the future demands of the
Dublin community. The City's Parks and Recreation Master Plan defined specific program
elements to be included in Emerald Glen Park. The City Council appointed a task force to study
these program elements and design options. Working with City staff and other members of the
community, these design options were refined for the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan. The
Master Plan was adopted by the City Council in June 1998.
The Plan provided the groundwork for development of the 51.7 acre park site by documenting
the goals, priorities and design parameters for development of each phase of the park. Phase I of
Emerald Glen Park encompassed 29.6 acres and include the following recreational facilities:
a. A playground with water features;
b. A skateboard park;
c. (2) 60 foot ball fields;
d. (1) 90 foot baseball field;
e. (2) regulation size soccer fields;
f. (2) lighted basketball courts;
g. (4) lighted tennis courts;
h. A plaza and promenade;
i. Restroom/Concession Building;
j. Children play area;
k. Small picnic areas with tables and benches; and,
1. Parking and street frontage improvements.
The proposed project consists of construction for Phase II design improvements of the Emerald
Glen Park Master Plan. The second phase of development will include those areas of the plan
that contribute to the "signature park" image, such as landmarks features like the water fountain,
focal arbor and promenade. This phase will complete design concepts for the southeast comer of
the park at Tassajara Road and Central Parkway. Subsequent phases will likely include
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
additional ball fields, the amphitheater, community center and other prominent facilities planned
to complement the park. Regional and vicinity maps of the area are shown on Exhibits A and B,
respectively. A schematic drawing of the proposed improvements and detailed site plans are
attached as Exhibits C and D.
Details of the proposed elements for phase II of Emerald Glen Park are as follows:
· Water Feature and Arbor. As proposed, the water feature consists of a "keyhole" design
that reflects some of the existing elements of the park. The Emerald Glen Master Plan
envisioned a gazebo structure for this area, but after several public meetings, design
concepts were refined to include an arbor. The arbor would wrap around the proposed
fountain of the water feature and provide shade and seating areas. Material selected for
the arbor will match the same detail as the existing restroom/concession building design
with stone bases intermingled with a wooden structure.
Corporation/Maintenance Yard. The Emerald Glen Master Plan envisioned a 0.5 acre
maintenance facility for the northwest comer of the park. After several public meetings,
the construction drawings changed to include a fenced corporation yard for materials
storage such as infield mix, bark and gravel. It is anticipated that the facility would
provide storage for equipment, electrical, lighting, materials and other maintenance
activities associated with the park. This area will provide necessary workspace needed
for maintenance personnel while working in the park. There are design concepts for
paved parking areas to accommodate maintenance vehicles within the site. An attractive
and decorative concrete wall with stone pilasters, planting and dense screens will enclose
the facility.
· Temporary_ Parking. The plan for Emerald Glen Park envisions a minimum of 450 cars to
be accommodated on site. In Phase I, surface parking was constructed to allow access to
the site from Gleason Road. As part of these Phase II improvements, a temporary parking
lot will be designed to include gravel parking for 50 vehicles and 4 disabled spaces.
These spaces will allow visitors to park closer to the tiny-tot playground area. A paved
road from the future signalized intersection at Central Parkway and Glyrmis Rose Drive
will provide vehicular access. In addition, the adjacent area on the southeast comer will
be graded to allow for overflow parking.
· Street Frontage Improvements. The proposed street improvements will complete the
sidewalk, street trees, landscaping, and drainage along Central Parkway adjacent to the
project site. As part of the Recreation Master Plan, trees are planned along the frontage of
Central Expressway. Landscape improvements would also be constructed as part of the
project. Landscaping would be located within the surface temporary parking lot and in
areas adjacent to the water feature.
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
· Activity Center. Development of the project will also include placement of a portable
structure that will be used for an Activity Center. This building will be located
approximately 100 feet southeast of the temporary parking lot.
Grading activities would occur on the site to accommodate the proposed improvements to the park.
Construction of Phase II improvements would require grading o£ the south end of the park where
necessary to correct drainage problems. Soil removed from this area would be used to build low
mounds surrounding the lawn areas. A preliminary grading plan has been submitted as part ogthis
Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) in accordance with DSRSD's Eastern Dublin
Facilities Master Plan would provide water, sewer and recycled water services. Sewer service for the
project would be accommodated through a connection to the existing sewer system owned and
maintained by the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD). When available, recycled water
fi:om DSRSD would be used for irrigation purposes, reducing the need for potable water.
Additionally, irrigation and drainage requirements are provided and planned for all on-site
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
Environmental Factors Potentially Affected
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving
at least one impact that is a "potentially significant impact" as indicated by the checklist on the
following pages.
- Aesthetics - Agricultural Resources Air Quality
- Biological Resources - Cultural Resources Geology/Soils
- Hazards and Hazardous - Hydrology/Water Quality Land Use/Planning
Mineral Resources - Noise Population/Housing
- Public Services - Recreation Transportation/
- Utilities/Service Systems Mandatory Findings of
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and
a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an
I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially
significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately
analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by
mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain
to be addressed.
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because
all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant
to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that
are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required.
Signature: Date:
Printed Name: For:
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately
supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each
question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources
show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project
falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based
on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose
sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis).
2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-
site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as
operational impacts.
3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the
checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than
significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is
appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or
more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is
4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the
incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant
ImPact'' to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation
measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level
(mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-referenced).
5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA
process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration.
Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following:
a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review.
b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were
within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation
measures based on the earlier analysis.
c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation
Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or
ref'med from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific
conditions for the project.
6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information
sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a
previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the
page or pages where the statement is substantiated.
7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or
individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion.
8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however,
lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a
project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected.
9) The explanation of each issue should identify:
a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance
Environmental Impacts (Note: Source of determination listed in parenthesis. See listing of
sources used to determine each potential impact at the end of the checklist.)
Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
I. Aesthetics. Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse impact on a scenic vista? X
(Source: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,7)
b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including but X
not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic
buildings within a state scenic highway? (Source: 1,
2, 3,4,5,7)
c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or X
quality of the site and its surroundings? (Source: 1,
2, 3, 5,7)
d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare that X
would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the
area? (Source: 1, 2, 3, 5,7)
II. Agricultural Resources. Would the project:
a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or X
Farmland of Statewide Importance, as showing on
the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland
Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California
Resources Agency, to a non-agricultural use?
(Source: 3, 4,5,7)
b) Conflict with existing zoning for agriculture use, or a X
Williamson Act contract? (Source: 3, 4, 5,7)
c) Involve other changes in the existing environment X
which, due to their location or nature, could result
in conversion of farmland to a non-agricultural use?
(Source: 3, 4,5,7)
III. Air Quality (Where available, the significance criteriaestablisheddistrict mayby be the relied applicable on to make air quality the following management
determinations). Would theproject:
a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the X
applicable air quality plan? (Source: 2, 5,7)
b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute
substantially to an existing or projected air quality X
violation? (Source: 2,5,7)
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of
any criteria pollutant for which the project region is
non-attainment under an applicable federal or state X
ambient air quality standard (including releasing
emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for
ozone precursors? (Source: 2, 5,7)
d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant X
concentrations? (Source: 2, 5,7)
e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial X
number of people? (Source: 2, 5,7)
IV. Biological Resources. Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly
through habitat modifications, on any species
identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status X
species in local or regional plans, policies or
regulations, or by the California Department of Fish
and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
(Source: 2, 5, 7)
b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian
habitat or other sensitive natural community X
identified in local or regional plans, policies or
regulations or by the California Department of Fish
and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
(Source: 2, 5, 7)
c) Have a substantial adverse impact on federally
protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the X
Clean Water Act (including but not limited to
marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct
removal, filling, hydrological interruption or other
means? (Source: 2, 5, 7)
d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any
native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species
or with established native resident or migratory X
wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native
wildlife nursery sites? (Source: 2, 5, 7)
e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances
protecting biological resources, such as tree X
protection ordinances? (Source: 2, 5, 7)
f) Conflict with the provision of an adopted Habitat
Conservation Plan, Natural Community X
Conservation Plan or other approved local, regional
or state habitat conservation plan? (Source: 2, 5, 7)
V. Cultural Resources~ Would the project:
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
a) Cause a substantial adverse impact in the
significance of a historical resource as def'med in X
Sec. 15064.5? (Source: 2, 5)
b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the
significance of an archeological resource pursuant to X
Sec. 15064.5 (Source: 2, 5)
c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique X
paleontological resource or unique geologic feature?
(Source: 2, 5)
d) Disturb any human remains, including those X
interred outside of a formal cemetery? (Source: 2,
VI. Geology and Soils. Would the project:
a) Expose people or structures to potential substantialadverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury,
or death involving:
i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated X
on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Fault Zoning Map
issued by the State Geologist or based on other
known evidence of a known fault (Source: 2, 3, 5,7)
ii) Strong seismic ground shaking (Source: 2, 3, 5,7) X
iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including
liquefaction? (Source: 2, 3, 5,7) X
iv) Landslides? (Source: 2, 3, 5,7) X
b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of X
topsoil? (Source: 2, 3, 5,7)
g) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is X
unstable, or that would become trustable as a result
of the project and potentially result in on- and off-
site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,
liquefaction or similar hazards (Source: 2, 3, 5,7)
h) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table X
13-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994),
creating substantial risks to life or property?
(Source: 2, 3, 5,7)
i) Have soils capable of adequately supporting the use X
of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal
systems where sewers are not available for the
disposal of waste? (Source: 2, 3, 5,7)
VII. Hazards and ltazardous Materials. Wouldthe
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21~ 2003
Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the X
environment through the routine transport, use or
disposal of hazardous materials (Source: 2, 5,7)
b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable upset X
and accident conditions involving the release of
hazardous into the environment? (Source: 2, 5,7)
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous
materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter X
mile of an existing or proposed school? (Source: 2,
d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of
hazardous materials sites complied pursuant to X
Government Code Sec. 65962.5 and, as a result,
would it create a significant hazard to the public or
the environment? (Source: 2, 5,7)
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan
or, where such plan has not been adopted,, would X
the project result in a safety hazard for people
residing or working in the project area? (Source: 2,
f) For a project within the vicinity of private airstrip,
would the project result in a safety hazard for X
people residing or working in the project area?
(Source: 2, 5,7)
g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere
with the adopted emergency response plan or X
emergency evacuation plan? (Source: 2, 5,7)
h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of
loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, X
including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized
areas or where residences are intermixed with
wildlands? (Source: 1, 2, 5,7)
VIII. Hydrology and Water Quality. Would the project:
a) Violate any water quality standards or waste X
discharge requirements? (Source:l, 2, 5,7)
b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or
interfere substantially with groundwater recharge
such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer X
volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table
level (e.g. the production rate of existing nearby
wells would drop to a level which would not support
existing land uses or planned uses for which permits
have been granted? (Source: 1,2, 5,7)
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of
the site or area, including through the aeration of
the course of a stream or river, in a manner which X
would result in substantial erosion or siltation on or
off-site? (Source: 1,2, 5,7)
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of
the site or areas, including through the alteration of
a course or stream or river, or substantially increase X
the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner
which would result in flooding on- or off-site?
(Source: 2, 5)
e) Create or contribute runoff water which would
exceed the capacity of existing or planned
stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial X
additional sources of polluted runoff?. (Source: 2, 5,
f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? X
(Source: 2, 5, 7)
g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as X
mapped on a Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood
Insurance Rate Map or other flood delineation map?
(Source: 2, 5, 7)
h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures X
which impede or redirect flood flows? (Source: 2,
5, 7)
i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of X
loss, injury, and death involving flooding, including
flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam?
(Source: 2, 5, 7)
j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami or mudflow? (Source: X
IX. Land Use and Planning. Would the project:
a) Physically divide an established community? (Source: X
2, 4,5,7)
b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or X
regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the
project (including but not limited to the general
plan, specific plan, or zoning ordinance) adopted for
the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an
environmental effect? (Source: 2, 4, 5, 7)
c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan X
or natural community conservation plan? (Source:
X. Mineral Resources. Would the project:
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
Note: .4 full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral X
resource that would be of value to the region and
the residents of the state? (Source: 2, 5, 7)
b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important X
mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local
general Plan, specific plan or other land use plan?
(Source: 1,2, 5, 7)
XI. Noise. Would the project result in:
a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels X
in excess of standards established in the general plan
or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other
agencies? (Source: 2, 5)
b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive
groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels?
(Source: 2, 5,7)
c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise X
levels in the project vicinity above existing levels
without the project? (Source: 2, 5,7)
d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in X
ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above
levels without the project? (Source: 2, 5,7)
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan X
or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within
two miles of a public airport or public use airport,
would the project expose people residing or working
n the project area to excessive noise levels? (Source:
2, 3, 5,7)
f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip,
would the project expose people residing or working
in the project area to excessive noise levels?
(Source: 2, 3, 5)
XII. Population and Housing. Would the project:
a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either X
directly or indirectly (for example, through
extension of roads or other infrastructure)? (Source:
b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, X
necessitating the construction of replacement
housing elsewhere? (Source: 2)
c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating X
the replacement of housing elsewhere? (Source: 2)
XllI. Public Services.
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
a) Would the project result in substantial adverse X
physical impacts associated with the provision of
new or physically altered governmental facilities,
the construction of which could cause significant
environmental impacts, in order to maintain
acceptable service ratios, response times or other
performance objectives for any of the public
Fire protection? (Sources: 2, 4, 5,7) X
Police protection? (Sources: 2, 4, 5,7) X
Schools? (Sources: 2, 4, 5,7) X
Parks? (Sources: 2, 4, 5,7) X
Other public facilities? (Sources: 2, 4, 5,7) X
XIV. Recreation.
a) Would the project increase the use of existing X
neighborhood or regional facilities such that
substantial physical deterioration of the facility
would occur or be accelerated (Sources: 2, 4, 5)
b) Does the project include recreational facilities or X
require the construction or expansion of recreational
facilities that might have an adverse physical effect
on the environment? (Sources: 2, 4, 5)
XV. Transportation and Traffic. Would the project.-
a) Cause an increase in traffic that is substantial in X
relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of
the street system (i.e. result in a substantial increase
in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to
capacity ratio on roads or congestion at
intersections)? (Sources: 2, 3, 5)
b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of X
service standard established by the County
Congestion Management Agency for designated
roads or highways? (Sources: 2, 3, 5,7)
c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including X
either an increase in traffic levels or a change in
location that results in substantial safety risks?
(Sources: 2, 3, 5,7)
d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature X
(e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or
incompatible uses, such as farm equipment?
(Sources: 2, 3, 5,7)
e) Result in inadequate emergency access? X
(Sources: 2, 3, 5,7)
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
f) Result in inadequate parking capacity?
(Sources: 2, 3, 5,7) X
g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs X
supporting alternative transportation (such as bus
turnouts and bicycle facilities)? (Sources: 2, 3, 5,7)
XVI. Utilities and Service Systems. Would the project
a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the X
applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board?
(Sources: 4, 5)
b) Require or result in the construction of new water or X
wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of
existing facilities, the construction of which could
cause significant environmental effects?
(Sources: 4, 5)
c) Require or result in the construction of new storm X
water drainage facilities or expansion of existing
facilities, the construction of which could cause
significant environmental effects? (Sources: 4, 5)
d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the X
project from existing water entitlements and
resources, or are new or expanded entitlements
needed? (Sources: 4, 5)
e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment X
provider which serves or may serve the project that
it has adequate capacity to serve the project' s
projected demand in addition to the provider' s
existing commitments? (Sources: 4, 5)
f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted X
capacity to accommodate the project' s solid waste
disposal needs? (Sources: 4, 5)
g) Comply with federal, state and local statutes and X
regulations related to solid waste? (Sources: 4, 5)
XVI. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the X
quality of the environment, substantially reduce the
habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining
levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal
community, reduce the number of or restrict the
range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of the major periods
of California history or prehistory?
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Note: A full discussion of each item is found following the Potentially Less Than Less than No Impact
checklist. Significant Significant Significant
Impact With Impact
b) Does the project have impacts that are individually X
limited, but cumulatively considerable?
("Cumulatively considerable" means that the
incremental effects of a project are considerable
when viewed in connection with the effects of past
projects, the effects of other current projects and the
effects of probable future projects).
c) Does the project have environmental effects that will X
cause substantial adverse effects on human beings,
either directly or indirectly?
Sources used to determine potential environmental impacts:
1. Determination based on location of project
2. Determination based on Staff review of the project
3. Determination based on field review of project/site
4. Determination based on the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan (1998)
5. Determination based on Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Parks and Recreation
Master Plan (1994)
6. Determination based on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan (1995)
7. Determination based on the City of Dublin General Plan (1985)
8. Determination based on Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment Environmental
Impact Report and Addendum (1994)*
9. Determination based on City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
10. Determination based City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
*Portions of the environmental setting, project impacts and mitigation measures for this Initial Study refer to
environmental information contained in the 1994 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment
Environmental Impact Report. (SCH 91103064). This document is referred to in the Initial Study as the "Final
Eastem Dublin EIR." Copies of this document are available for public review at the City of Dublin Planning
Department, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA, during normal business hours.
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Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures
I. Aesthetics
a-d) Significant impact on scenic vista, damage to scenic resource, degrade visual character
of the site or create light or glare?
No impact. The project site is an existing City park. Development of the proposed
improvements would not substantially change the visual character of the site. Because of the
location of the improvements, as well as the presence of surrounding development, views of
the site are limited to the immediate surrounding area. Although, Emerald Glen Park is
located one mile north ofi-580 freeway, which is a designated scenic highway, the park is
not within a scenic route. Therefore, the proposed improvements to Emerald Glen Park will
not create any visual impacts that have not been avoided or mitigated to a less than
significant degree during construction of Phase I. Subsequent phasing of improvements to
complete the southeast comer of the park will not create additional adverse impacts.
Specifically, the construction of a water feature and arbor, the maintenance building and
parking lot would benefit the existing visual character of the park. These improvements
would provide street frontage landscaping, ranging from lawn areas to annual grasses, garden
areas and trees and visually improve the community landscape.
Visual quality was discussed in the earlier analysis of the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan
and addressed in the Final Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR. Both documents determined
that development of Eastern Dublin would inalterably change the character of the area. The
development of a community park at this location was addressed by the previous
documentation and found to have a less than significant or no significant effect on visual
quality in the area, based on the resulting visual benefits to the community. A statement of
overriding considerations was previously adopted with the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan EIR.
No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR are expected to
occur as a result of the proposed project.
Additionally, the project contains measures to maintain the visual quality of the area,
especially from views along scenic corridors in Eastern Dublin. Mitigation measure nos.
3.8/1.0 through 3.8/8.1of the EIR require that grading be done sensitively to reduce visual
impacts. These mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project.
The project is not anticipated to create additional light and glare. The proposed project would
not introduce additional nighttime lighting on the site. Sensor lighting lamps with low
wattage is proposed for the temporary parking area and maintenance yard light fixtures.
II. Agricultural Resources
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a-c) Convert Prime Farmland, conflict with agricultural zoning or convert prime farmland to
a non-agricultural use?
No Impact. Surrounding areas near the park have been converted from agricultural to
urban uses. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR, Emerald
Glen Park Master Plan, and other environmental analysis of the area conclude that the
area is urbanized. Approval and construction of the proposed project would allow further
development of an existing park. No impacts are therefore anticipated with regard to
prime farmland or loss of agricultural production.
Based on information contained in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR, no portion of the site is encumbered with a Williamson Act Land
Conservation Agreement. Similarly, no impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR are expected to occur as a result of
the proposed project.
III. Air Quality
a) Would the project conflict or obstruct implementation of an air quality plan?
Less than significant. The proposed project would not conflict with the local Clean Air
Plan adopted by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, since the proposed
amount of non-residential development has been included in Dublin's planned growth as
part of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan EIR and would serve the existing
community. Therefore, such impacts would be less-than-significant.
b) Would the project violate any air quality standards?
Less than significant. Short-term construction impacts related to implementation of the
project, including grading and excavation, could result in exceeding air quality standards
established by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Adherence to Mitigation
Measures nos. 3.11/1.0, 3.11/3.0, 3.11/4.0 and 3.11/12.0 of the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR will reduce short-term air quality impacts to a less-
than-significant level. These measures minimize the creation of fugitive dust during
grading and construction activities and also mandate that construction equipment be kept
in proper running order. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
concludes that potential air quality impacts related to construction equipment could not be
mitigated to a less-than-significant impact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations
was adopted for this impact.
c) Would the project result in cumulatively considerable air pollutants?
Less than significant. The Eastem Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
identifies Mobile Source Emissions and Stationary Source Emissions as significant
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irreversible impacts. Generally such impacts are based on vehicular emission from future
traffic within the sub-region as well as stationary sources. This project will not generate
significant mounts of traffic as it serves the existing community with an adequate
transportation network and roadway. Therefore, vehicular emissions are estimated to be
minimal and no additional environmental analysis is necessary.
d,e) Expose sensitive receptors to significant pollutant concentrations or create objectionable
Less than significant. Proposed land uses would include a temporary parking lot,
portable building, landscaping, and street frontage improvements to the park. Air quality
impacts associated with the proposed project are expected to be less than significant as no
significant pollutant concentration or creation of objectionable odors are anticipated from
the park use. These items have been addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR.
No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR are expected to occur as a result of the proposed project.
IV. Biological Resources
a) Have a substantial adverse impact on special-status species, riparian features, movement
of fish or wildlife species, or conflict with Habitat Conservation Plan?
No Impact. Impacts from the project upon biological resources were thoroughly
addressed in the earlier analysis of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR. There would be no impacts because no sensitive or special-status
species and riparian features exist on the project site.
Additionally, the proposed project is not located within the boundaries of any Habitat
Conservation Plans.
No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR are expected to occur as a result of the proposed project.
V. Cultural Resources
a-d) Cause substantial adverse change to significant historic, archeological or
paleontological resources or human remains?
Less than significant. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
identified a number of potentially significant impacts associated with development in
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East Dublin, including disruption or destruction of prehistoric resources, and disruption to
historic resources. Although there are no historic structures on this site, mitigation
measure no. 3.9/5.0 contained in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR establishes procedures in the event archeological resources are
encountered during grading for subsequent phases of development in the park. These
measure have been incorporated into the project by reference.
No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR are expected to occur as a result of the proposed project.
VI. Geology and Soils
a-e) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse impacts, including loss, injury
or death related to ground rupture, seismic ground shaking, ground failure, landslide,
substantial erosion, unstable soils, or liquefaction ?
Less than significant. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
identifies several potential impacts to soils and geology, including earthquake and ground
shaking, ground rupture, seismic ground shaking, impacts to groundwater resources, shrink-
swell potential due to expansive soils, slope stability, erosion and sedimentation.
Since the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones, the potential for
ground rupture is anticipated to be minimal. Adherence to Mitigation Measure 3.6/1.0
contained in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR will ensure that
all improvements to the park will comply with generally recognized seismic safety standards
so that ground shaking impacts would be reduced to a level of less than significant. A
statement of overriding considerations was previously adopted with the Eastern Dublin
No new impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan
Amendment EIR are expected to occur.
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VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials
a-d) Create a significant hazard through transport of hazardous materials or release or
emission of hazardous materials, and/or listed as a hazardous materials site?
No Impact. The proposed use of the site would include construction of recreational
facilities for Emerald Glen Park and street frontage improvements along Central Parkway.
Recreational improvements in the area were discussed in the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR. Therefore, the project would not involve the use or
transportation of hazardous material so there would be no impact with regard to the
release of hazardous materials.
e,f) Is the site located within an airport land use plan of a public airport or private airstrip?
No Impact. The site is not located within an airport land use plan or within the vicinity
of a public airport; therefore no impacts are anticipated regarding airport noise and crash
hazards zones.
g,h) ' Interference with an emergency evacuation plan, expose people and structures to a
significant risk involving wildland fires, and are nearby residences intermixed with
wildlands ?
No Impact. Since the project would convert vacant land to a paved parking lot, and
recreational facilities with few structures, proposed driveways off Central Parkway at
Glynnis Rose Drive will provide adequate emergency access. Due to the provision of
existing and planned adequate access, there would be no impact with regard to emergency
evacuation plans.
Additionally, the project site is adjacent to an urbanized area and within close proximity
to vacant grassland that is planned for urbanization. Therefore, the risks ofwildland fire
would be minimal and considered less than significant with respect to residences and
other structures in the project area.
VIII. Hydrology and Water Quality
a-i) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, deplete
groundwater resources, alter drainage patterns, effect surface or subsurface water
quality, result in placing housing in a jTood plain?
Less than significant. The project conforms to Zone 7 requirements and will meet the water
quality standards of the City of Dublin's NPDES permit and the Alameda County Urban
Runoff Clean Water Program. Adherence to mitigation measures nos. 3.5/20.0, 3.5/44.0,
3.5/47.0, and 3.5/55.0 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
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will reduce surface water quality pollution to a level of insignificance.
Construction of Emerald Glen Park, Phase II recreational facilities would be consistent with
all the previous actions and environmental documentation approved by the City of Dublin for
east Dublin. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General
Plan Amendment EIR are expected to occur.
IX. Land Use and Planning
a) Physically divide an established community?
No Impact. The project is consistent with the General Plan and planned recreational uses
in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR. Therefore, there
would be no disruption of any established community because the proposed facilities for
Emerald Glen Park are designed to serve new development in east Dublin.
b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation?
No impact. The Emerald Glen Park, Phase II project is consistent with the goals and
policies contained in both the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan, which
indicate that these facilities are needed to serve the growing population in east Dublin.
The Specific Plan and General Plan land use maps include the designation for this park
site, and refer to the Dublin Parks and Recreation Master Plan for a description of the
land use activities and types of facilities to be provided in the park.
c) Conflict with a habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan ?
No impact. No such plan has been adopted within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area.
There would, therefore, be no impact to a habitat conservation plan or natural community
conservation plan for the existing site.
X. Mineral Resources
a, b) Result in the loss of availability of regionally or locally significant mineral resources?
No impact. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR does not
indicate that significant deposits of minerals exist on the site, so no impacts would occur.
Additionally, the site is not shown as a location for mineral resources on State Mineral
Resource maps.
XI. Noise
a-f) Would the project expose persons or generation of noise levels in excess of standards
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established by the General Plan or other applicable standard, expose people to
groundborne vibration, result in permanent increases in ambient noise levels?
Less than significant. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR
addressed potential noise impacts of adopting and implementing the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan/General Plan. Noise related impacts were identified in the EIR which
included exposure of residents to increased levels of noise from construction of
development in east Dublin.
Mitigation measure nos. 3.10/2,0 and 3.10/5.0 will mitigate or minimize construction noise
impacts to a level of less-than-significant. However, short-term construction related noise
could be expected which would be considered significant depending on the specific type of
equipment used in the grading process for the temporary parking lot and maintenance yard.
The City has adopted common practices for all construction and grading operations on the
project site to be limited to 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless the Director of
Public Works approves alternative hours.
XII. Population and Housing
a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly or indirectly?
No impact. Implementation of planned recreational facilities will not induce additional
growth in east Dublin that has not been projected for in the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR. These proposed recreational facilities were planned
well. in advance to serve residential units that have already been approved, and in some
cases, already built. Therefore, no population growth impacts are anticipated as a result
of this project.
b,c) Would the project displace substantial numbers of existing housing units or people?
No impact. The project site is designated as a community park for residents in the
immediate and surrounding areas of Dublin. This site has been so designated as such
since the area was included in the East Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment
EIR. Displacement of housing units or people would not occur because it is likely most
people want to relocate closer to neighborhood parks with recreational facilities.
Additionally, the site was vacant and undeveloped prior to construction of other
development in the area.
Mitigation measures 3.4/20.0 through 3.4/35.0 are designed to ensure that adequate parks
and recreational facilities are expanded to serve the growing population of Dublin. This
project is considered to accommodate growth in the immediate area rather than displace
existing housing units or people.
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XIII. Public Services
a-e) Potential impacts related to: fire protection, police protection, schools, maintenance, or
solid waste generation ?
No Impact. Construction and operation of the proposed recreational facilities will not
create a need for new public services or facilities. The Alameda County Fire Department
and the Dublin Police Department have reviewed the project to ensure that the facility
meets their criteria for public use.
XIV. Recreation
a, b) Would the project increase use of existing neighborhood or regional parks or require the
construction of new recreational facilities ?
No impact. The proposed project does not include residential development, so there
would be no impact on recreational facilities. The project would add a much needed
recreational facility to the east Dublin area, thereby increasing the City's recreational
XV. Transportation/Traffic
a-g) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial to existing traffic load and street
capacity, exceed LOS standards for CMA roadways, change of air traffic patterns,
increase traffic safety hazard, provide for inadequate emergency vehicle access,
inadequate parking, provide hazard or barrier to alternative transportation modes?
No impact. No impacts are anticipated with regard to traffic or parking for the proposed
recreational improvements. Existing and proposed roadway improvements will provide
adequate transportation facilities and transit modes with sufficient capacity for the use.
XVI. Utilities and Service Systems
a-g) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the R VgQCB, require new or expanded
water or wastewater treatment facilities, require new storm drain facilities, require
additional water supplies, require new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities, or
require new solid waste facilities?
Less than significant. Since the subject site is currently vacant and within an area where
urban services are available, the construction of the proposed recreation facilities will not
increase the need for additional water services. The project was taken into consideration
when the wastewater facilities when planned for the east Dublin area. Therefore, there
would be no need for additional mitigation measures than those akeady found in the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR.
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XV. Mandatory Findings of Significance
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife
population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal
community, reduce the number of or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or
animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or
prehistory ?
No Impact. The preceding analysis indicates that the proposed project will not have a
significant adverse impact on overall environmental quality, including biological
resources or cultural resources, with the implementation o£mitigation measures included
in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIR.
b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a
project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the
effects of other current projects and the effects of probable future projects).
No Impact. Although incremental increases in certain areas can be expected as a result of
constructing this project, including air emissions, light and glare, the project site lies
within an area with an approved specific plan which permits urbanized development and
community facilities. Mitigation measures are included in an approved EIR that would
reduce any impacts to less-than-significant levels.
c) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on
human beings, either directly or indirectly?
No impact. No such impacts have been discovered in the course of preparing this Initial
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 Janual'y 21, 2003
Jonelyn Whales, Associate Planner, City of Dublin Community Development Department
The following agencies and organizations were contacted in the course of this Initial Study:
City of Dublin Community Development Department
City of Dublin Parks and Community Services Department
City of Dublin Public Works Department
City of Dublin General Plan. 2002.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 2000.
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment Environmental Impact Report.
Wallace Roberts and Todd, 1994.
Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 1994
Final Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Wallace Roberts and Todd, 1998.
Construction Project Plans dated December 16, 2002.
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Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
As excerpted from the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan
Mitigation Measures/Action Programs/Implementation Measures
8 9W PW Requ~e ~e developer to obm~ proper approvals for sto~ ~ainage. SDR FUO X Condition to provide stom~ ~a~age system approved by COA ~7
Depment of Public Works ~11 be required.
20 9E PL DS~D Standards. Kequ~e ~t desi~ and co~ction of all water and T~ F~P X Condition that i~as~c~e confo~ to policies ~H be COA
recycled water system faciliW ~provements be in accord~ce with SDR G~ requ~ed.
DSRSD policies, standards, ~d ~ster plans.
42 9X PL Require the sing of sto~ ~a~age i~as~c~e be consistent ~ ~e P~Z TM~ X Sto~ ~a~age ~as~c~e s~ll be desired ~ COA VX8
Keso~ce Managemem policies of ~e Specific PI~. ~E SDK conj~cfion ~ CiW smdards and ~11 be consistent
~ZO with ~ese policies.
68 3.4/3.0 PO Provide for PD Dept. ~put ~to ~e desi~ of proposed developmem. T~ FM~ X Police Dept. ~11 be revie~g all E. Dubl~ projects. On~oin~ I~3
74 3.4/9.0 8H FK Ensure DRFA ~put on project desi~ relat~g to access, water pressure, T~ SDR X Pa~ of project review process. Condition assunng ~going ~C4
f~e safe~ ~d prevention. SDR F~ compliance with D~A requiremems Mll be requ~ed on
all projec~
86 3.4/20.0 ~ E~and park ~ea ~oughout ~e Prim~ and Extended Plamg ~eas CONT CONT ~s Ci~ will ~plement this meas~e on a cont~uous ~going
to se~e new development, basis and the Public Facilities fee ~11 ~d new park
development. Also, see memo to Associate Pla~er ~om
Parks and Com~ Se~ices D~ector dated 11-29-94.
87 3.4/21.0 ~ Ma~m~ ~d ~prove outdoor facilities in coffomnce wi~ fl~e CONT CONT Refer to item ~86 Ongoing
reco~endafions of~e Ci~'s Park and Recreation Master Plan 1992.
88 3.4/22.0 ~ Provide active parks and facilities w~ch are adequate m meet clyde CONT CO~ Public facilities impact fee ~11 cover ~e cost of
needs for open space, cul~al, and spoas facilities, as well as ~e local co~u~ park development, and see ~86 above.
needs of ~e Eastem Extended plannin~ Area.
89 3.4/23.0 ~ Acqu~e and ~prove par~ands ~ confomnce ~ ~e priorities and CONT CONT Refer to item ~86 ~going ID 1
phasing reco~ended in the CiW's Park and Recreation Master Plan.
93 3.4/27.0 ~ Ensue ~at park developmem is comistent ~ the s~ndards and T~ FMAP X Ci~ Parks and Recreation Master Plan ~co~orated COA ID4
phas~g recomended ~ the CiW's Park and Recreation Master Plan. Eastern Dublin recreation ~d open space concepts.
Condition for park development consistency will be
94 3.4/28.0 PL Ensue ~e provision of open space, access and areas for public T~ F~ Specific plan ~cludes policies w~ch emure ~e provision Ongoing ID5
recreation, of open space, access and areas for public recreation
'the project area. P~Z, ~Z and TM~ must be
comistent with Specific Plan open space policies.
CiW of Dubl~ ~ge
I~tial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Par~ Phase II, PA 02-070 Janu~ 21, 2003
As excerpted from the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/SPecific Plan
Mitigation Measures/Action Programs/Implementation Measures ·
96 3.4/30.0 ~ RE Develop a Parks Implementation Plan for eastern Dublin that identifies TMAP F'~ This still needs to be done. City hired landscape architect ID7
the following: preferred phasing of land dedication and improvements, 1995 consultant to assist with the plan. Expected to be
facilities priorities and their location, and the design and construction of completed Fall of 1996.
98 ~.4/32.0 PL Establish a trail system with connections to planned regional and TMAP FMAP Established in the Specific Plan and Parks and Recreation Ongoing
subregional system, including the north-south corridors such as EBRPD's SDR BLDP Master Plan.
>roposed trail along Tassajara Creek north to Mount Diablo State Park.
99 ~.4/33.0 PL Establish a comprehensive, integrated trail network that permits safe and TMAP FMAP Established in the Specific Plan and Parks and Recreation Ongoing IIIA4
convenient pedestrian and bicycle access. SDR BLDP Master Plan.
100 ½.4/34.0 PL Establish a continuous open space network that integrates large natural TM_AP FMAP Established in the Specific Plan and Parks and Recreation Ongoing IIIA7
open space areas, stream corridors, and developed parks and recreation SDR BLDP Master Plan.
101 3.4/35.0 PL Provide convenient pedestrian connections between developed areas and TMAP FMAP Policies of Specific Plan accomplish this. Ongoing IIIA8
designated open space areas and trails. SDR BLDP
108 3.4/42.0 PW Require all utilities be located below grade where feasible and designed BLDP FI/O X Write condition. City should also begin contacting major COA IVD2
to City standards, utilities regarding their master plans for the project area.
109 3.4/43.0 PW Work with PG&E to plan the undergrounding of all new electric lines and SDR FMAP X Staff needs to begin meetings with PG&E regarding COA IVD3
to route infrastructure away from sensitive habitat and open space lands BLDP provision of utilities and their location in relation to this
mitigation measure. Condition for placing electric lines
to mitigate the effects of utilities expansion, underground will be required.
127 3.5/9.0 PW Ensure that proposed development is consistent with wastewater TMAP FMAP X A will serve letter will be required to ensure this. COA VC2
treatment plant expansion as set forth in DSRSD's master plan. SDR BLDP Additionally, DSRSD is a reviewing agency on the
project. No expansion of the D SRSD wastewater
treatment plant is necessary to accommodate this project
(per letter to The City of Dublin from DSRSD dated
November 3, 1994).
138 3.5/20.0 PW Require that construction of the recycled water distribution system be in TBD TBD X DSRSD is lead agency regarding recycling and is COA VK1
proceeding in accordance with state and local regulations.
accordance with all applicable State and local regulations. The City will condition compliance with their regulations.
Page 33
City of Dublin January 21, 2003
Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070
As excerpted from the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan
Mitigation Measures/Action Programs/Implementation Measures
141 3.5/23.0 PW Ensure that recycled water projects meet any applicable salt mitigation TBD TBD Recycled water projects must comply with RWQCB -Ongoing VN1
requirements of Zone 7. permit winch addresses salt management plan
requirements. All projects are routed to Zone 7 for their
review as part of the normal process.
143 3.5/25.0 ?W Encourage all development in the Project area to connect to the DSRSD TMAP FMAP [ndividnal wells will be discouraged on a project by Ongoing VO2
water systen~ SDR BLDP project basis.
144 3.5/26.0 9A PW Require water conservation measures to be designed into individual TMAP FMAP X Condition regarding water conservation measures will be Ongoing
projects. SDR BLDP required.
146 3.5/28.0 9B ?W Ensure that Zone 7 has water supply needed to meet requirements of the TMAP FMAP X All projects are routed to Zone 7 for their review as part Ongoing VP3
Project. SDR BLDP of the normal process. Individual projects will be
conditioned that a will serve letter be supplied.
155 3.5/37.0 PW Require that design and construction of allwater system facility TMAP FMAP X Write condition regarding approval by DSRSD regarding Ongoing VR4
hn}Jmvements be in accordance with DSRSD standards. SDR BLDP water system.
162 3.5/44.0 · PW Provide drainage facilities that will minimize any increased potential for TMAP FMAP X To be accomplished with Master Drainage Plans for x VX1
erosion or flooding. SDR BLDP individual developments. Also as Condition of Approval. Ongoing
164 3.5/46.0 9T PW Require the preparation of a Master Drainage Plan for each development. TMAP FMAP X Developers will px~laare a Master Drainage Plan for their COA VX3
SDR BLDP project ~rea if applicable.
165 3.5/47.0 9U PW Require Project area development to provide facilities to alleviate TMAP FMAP X Conditions to comply with Zone 7 requests and pay Ongoing VX4
potential downstream flooding due to Project area development. SDR BLDP required fees
166 3.5/48.0 PW Require the construction of the backbone drainage facilities to be TMAP FMAP X Need condition. Ongoing VX5
consistent with the Storm Drainage Master Plan. SDR BLDP
171 3.5/53.0 PW ReqUire all development to meet the requirement of the City of Dublin's TMAP BLDP X Will be required of each project by condition. Ongoing VZ2
"Best Ma,agement Practices" to mitigate storm water pollution. SDR
172 3.5/54.0 PW Require all development to meet the water quality requirements of the TMAP BLDP X Will be required of each project by condition COA VZ3
City of Dublin's NPDES permit. SDR
173 3.5/55.0 PW Require all development to meet the water quality requirements of the TMAP BLDP X Will be required of each project by condition COA VZA
Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program. SDR
174 3.6/1.0 BL Require the use of modem seismic design in construction of development TMAP FMAP X Required by City Building Code x VIE1
projects, and build in accordance with Uniform Building code and SDR BLDP
applicable county and city code requirements.
Page 34
City of Dublin January 21, 2003
Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase 1I, PA 02-070
As excerpted from the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan
Mitigation Measures/Action Programs/Implementation Measures
182 3.6/9.0 -- P--~- Reduce alteration to existing landforms through the preparation of TMAP FMAP Grading plans are required as submittals on SDR Ongoing VIA 1
grading plans that adapt improvements to natural landforms and SDR BLDP applications. As part of staff review this will be
implementation of such techniques as partial pads and retaining maplemented.
structures. Ongoing VIB5
188 3.6/15.0 PW Implement measures to control moisture in the ground to reduce the TMAP BLDP X See Item 175
~otential for impact resulting from expansive soils and rock. SDR
194 3.6/21.0 PW Require grading plan and mitigation measure compliance with the TMAP FMAP Accomplished by standard City requirements, x VID2
minimum requirements of the Uniform Building Code and applicable SDR BLDP
County and City code requirements.
197 3.6/24.0 PW Require that unreinforced fill slopes should be no steeper than 2:1 and TMAP FMAP X See item #175 Ongoing VID5
provided with benches and subsurface drainage, as appropriate. SDR 3LDP
200 3.6/27.0 PW Require that grading activities be timed to avoid the rainy season as much FMAP BLDP X This is a standard request of City's Grading Ordinance Ongoing VID8
as possible, and that interim control measures be implemented to control SDR and NPDES.
runoff and reduce erosion potential.
201 3.6/28.0 PW Reduce long-term erosion and sedimentation impacts through appropriate TMAP FMAP X Will be reviewed as part of project grading plans and as Ongoing VID9
design, constmction, and continued maintenance of surface and SDR BLDP required by Urban Runoff Progran~
subsurface drainage.
202 3.7/1.0 PL Ensure that direct disturbance or removal of trees or native vegetation TMAP FMAP X This will be renewed with SDR application and conditions Ongoing IItC1
cover be minimized and restricted to those areas actually designated for SDR BLDP will be required where appropriate.
the constmction of hiiprovements.
206 3.7/5.0 PL Ensure that all areas of disturbance be revegetated as quickly as possible SDR BLDP X This is a standard request of City's Grading Ordinance Ongoing IIIC5
to prevent erosion. FMAP and NPDES.
228 3.7/26.0 6M PW Require the placement of all transmission lines underground whenever TMAP FMAP X Write condition. City should also begin contacting major COA IIIC27
feasible, to avoid the potential for raptor electrocutions. SDR BLDP utilities regarding their master plans for the project area.
234 3.8/4.0 PL Reduce the visual impact of extensive grading through sensitive PREZ FMAP X This will be shown in project grading plans. The SDR Ongoing IIID4
engineering design that uses gradual transitions from graded areas to ANNE BLDP and TMAP submittals will contain this information. If not
natural slopes and revegetafion. REZO satisfactorT, conditions may be required.
244 3.8/7.0 PL Preserve views of designated open space areas. PILEZ FMAP X This will be evaluated as part of application submittal. Ongoing IIID 14
ANNE BLDP TM/SDR. Also, the scenic corridor study will review this
REZO issue.
252 3.9/5.0 PW Require grading and construction cease in the event that historic or BLDP FI/O X Standard condition will be required. Ongoing IIIE5
prehistoric remains are discovered during such activities.
Pa~e 35
City of Dublin
Initial Study and Negative Declaration for Emerald Glen Park, Phase II, PA 02-070 January 21, 2003
RESOLUTION NO. - 03 ~/~ ~ ~
WHEREAS, the project site is in Dublin for which the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General
Plan Amendment/Specific Plan to provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development
of recreational facilities in the area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a Program
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15168 (SCH:91103064,
Resolution 51-93, and Addendum dated August 22, 1994, hereafter ("Eastern Dublin EIR or "Program
EIR") which is available for review in the Planning Department and is incorporated herein by reference.
The Program EIR was integral to the planning process and examined the direct and indirect effects,
cumulative impacts, policy alternatives, and areawide mitigation measures for development within the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area;
WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR identified potentially significant environmental
impacts and related mitigation measures, which the City adopted together with mitigation findings and a
Mitigation Monitoring Program (Resolution 53-93), which mitigation measures and monitoring program
continue to apply to implementing projects within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area;
WHEREAS, the City has reviewed construction drawings for the second phase of Emerald Glen
Park, in accordance with the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR and the
City's General Plan and pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65450 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed project have been previously
addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR (SCH No. 91-103064); and the project is consistent
with the permitted land uses and goals of the City's Emerald Glen Park Master Plan to provide
recreational facilities to the public; and
WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study to evaluate the environmental impacts of
constructing the second phase of Emerald Glen Park as described in the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan.
Based on the Initial Study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigated Monitoring Program has been
prepared for the project with the finding that with the implementation of mitigation measures, the
potential site-specific impacts of the project would be reduced to a level of insignificance. The Eastem
Dublin Specific Plan EIR adequately describes the impacts of the project, and there have been no
substantial changes or new information that would be outside the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan EIR; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed 20-day public review period was held for the Mitigated Negative
Declaration, which began on February 8, 2003 and ended on February 28, 2003; and
WHEREAS, no letters of comment on the Mitigated Negative Declaration were received during
the public review period; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution
approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the second phase of
Emerald Glen Park; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a properly noticed public hearing on the project on
March 4, 2003 at which time they reviewed and considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration and all
reports, recommendations and testimony before them.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above recitals are incorporated in this
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby find that:
A. The proposed project is within the scope of the Program EIR Site-specific environmental
effects have been analyzed in an Intial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration which
determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment with the
implementation of mitigation measures identified in the program EIR and the Mitigated
Negative Declaration. There is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before
the City that the project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment.
B. The Program EIR and Mitigated Negative Declaration adequately describe the impacts of
the project. As further discussed in the Initial Study there have been no substantial changes
in the project or new information which necessitate supplementing the program EIR
pursuant to CEQA Section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 in that
1. The proposed project complies with the land uses, densities and development
policies of the Eastern Dublin GPA/SP.
2. There are no substantially changed circumstances that involve new or substantially
more severe significant impacts.
C. The mitigation measures identified in the Program EIR and the Mitigated Negative
Declaration are included in the project description
D. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with State and local
environmental laws and guidelines.
E. The Mitigated Negative Declaration is complete and adequate, and reflects the City's
independent judgment and analysis as to the environmental effects of the proposed project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt
the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program for PA 02-070, Emerald Glen Park, Phase II
project, including the Initial Study incorporated herein by reference.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 4th day of March
2003, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G:LPA#L2002\02-070\EGP CC Reso.doc