HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Transit Ctr Public Art Project~~~,~ OF DU~~~ #~ ,> a~~.7l~raz AGENDA STATEMENT `` ~ ~ HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION 0~1~~~~~ MEETING DATE: March 8, 2012 SUBJECT: Transit Center Public Art Project Update Report by Ann Mottola, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager ATTACHMENTS:. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT Ph-otographs of Installation ' Receive Report None DESCRIPTION: In May 2003, the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA) entered into a Development Agreement with the City of Dublin for the Dublin Transit Center Project. As part of the Agreement, the Developer agreed to contribute $250,000 for construction of public art, which was deposited into the City's Public Art Fund. The focused area for the artwork was to include the Village Green and the BART plaza. In Fiscal Year 2004-2005, the City Council had a high priority goal to work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green (now called Campbell Green) and the Iron Horse Plaza. In January 2005, the City Council considered art proposals for the first phase of the project, and decided to defer the process to a later date, when 25% occupancy of Site B had been accomplished. The 25% occupancy goal was reached in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and a new artist selection process commenced with the formation of a new Art Selection Committee and the hiring of an Art Consultant in August, 2008 to coordinate the process of selecting an artist or artist teams to commission public art in the two identified locations. In December 2008, the Consultant. and Staff met with the Art Selection Committee to discuss details associated with the Transit Center site, types of artwork that might be appropriate, possible artwork themes; and scheduling and budget issues related to the project. Based on the Committee feedback, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was created to recruit artists. The RFQ was released in March 2009 with 112 artists applying for the Transit Center Public Art Project by the deadline of May 1, 2009. The Consultant and Staff selected the 20 most qualified and appropriate candidates and the Art Selection Committee then reviewed and rated all 20 artists. From the list, five finalists were selected for interviews with the Committee, which took place on June 2"d and 9th. The Committee met again on June 24th to discuss the Transit Center Project, artwork locations, information and perceptions gleaned from the artists' interviews and what the recommendation should be made to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission and City Council. The .Art Selection Committee recommended artist Cliff Garten for the project. COPIES TO: ITEM NO.: 8.2 G:\HERITAGE COMMISSIONWGENDA_STMTS\2012\3-8-12Tvansit Center Public Art Update.doc In July 2009, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission recommend approval of artist Cliff Garten to the City Council. In August 2009, the Ciity Council authorized Staff to enter into an agreement with artist Cliff Garten to proceed with a conceptual design for artwork at the Dublin Transit Center. Subsequently, at the City Council meeting of September 21, 2010, .the City Council approved the proposed concept design developed by the artist and authorized Staff to finalize an agreement with the artist for fabrication and installation of the artwork. The agreement was finalized and approved by the City Council in December 2010. Preliminary fabrication of the artwork began in January 2011; including finalizing engineered drawings and permitting. Fabrication began at the Metal Arts Foundry in Lehi., Utah in late August and was completed in early February 2012. ~Dn February 24, 2012, the sculpture, "Dubliner", was installed at the specified site at the East Dublin BAFZT Station. A dedication and first lighting of the public artwork is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14`h at 7:30 p.m. at the East Dublin BART Station Plaza located at Demarcus Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. Minor adjustments remain to be made to i:he artwork and hardscape prior to recommending acceptance of the artwork to the City Council RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission receive the report. ~~~ub~l~nr~`~ ~y +~iit~ ~;arten ~"ranst ~er>~t~r Pubic art 'rc~je~t C7emareus Blvd ~ Iraa~ Horse P~c~~ Inst.~.ll~t~c~n Phc-~o~: Fr~dary, ~ebrt~aa~r 24t ~'~ I ~ -..--- ._~~__w~ _. ~._, ~..