HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PCSR Buick/GMC SDRG~~y OF DU~~~
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April 24, 2012
Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PLPA-2012-00004 Buick/GMC Site Development
Review Permit
Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Coordinator
The Applicant has requested approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow facade
modifications and related site improvements to the existing Buick/GMC showroom building
located at 4400 John Monego Court.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing
and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for
facade modifications and related site improvements to the Buick/GMC Dealership Building
located at 4400 John Monego Court.
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Submitted By
Environmental Coordinator
e ~ ed By
Planning Manager
Property Owner
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G:IPA#120121PLPA-2012-00004 Buick GMC SDRIPIanning Commission 4.24.121PC Staff Report 4.24.12.doc
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Project Location
The project site is located at 4400 John
Monego Court and consists of the existing
Buick/GMC dealership building, which
includes a showroom, service reception,
offices, parts storage and service area.
This site has a General Plan and Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan land use designation
of General Commercial. The project site is
zoned PD, Planned Development. Car
dealerships are a conditionally permitted
use in the PD. There is an existing
Conditional Use Permit for the dealership.
Surrounding Uses
`'°' '; The location of the project site is shown on
~.~~ ~ .~~` ~ ~ the vicinity map to the left. The future Kia
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~a_~°~~,a„ ~~: ~ Dealership (approved by the Planning
Commission on October 11, 2011) is
located to the south of the project site. Residential development is located north of the project
site across the street from Dublin Boulevard. The Tassajara Creek is located to the west and the
Dublin Corporate Center is located to the east.
Project History
In 1998 the City Council approved a Planned Development (PD) Zoning District for the entire
General Motors Auto Mall site, which is comprised of three (3) parcels (Parcels A, B, and C) on
nearly 13.5 acres. The PD allows up to 120,902 square feet of development across the three
In 1998 the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review
and Tentative Parcel Map for the General Motors Auto Mall that led to the construction of the
25,645 square foot Dublin Buick/GMC dealership building on the project site (Parcel A).
In 2000, the City Council approved a Planned Development Zoning District amendment that
realigned the three parcels and reassigned building densities on the parcels. There was no net
change in the allowable building area for the auto mall, just some adjustments to where the
building would take place.
In 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development
Review for the development of a 23,108 square foot addition to the Buick/GMC dealership
building. The expansion was to add a substantial service area to the existing sales and service
facility and to allow the dealership to expand from Parcel A onto Parcel B. The Conditional Use
Permit amended the PD to again transfer densities across Parcels A, B and C. The Site
Development Review for the Buick/GMC expansion expired and the Applicant never moved
forward with the proposed expansion.
Project Description
The Applicant is currently requesting approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow
fagade modifications and related site improvements to the existing Buick/GMC dealership
building located at 4400 John Monego Court.
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Site Layout
The project site was improved with the original construction of the dealership buildings (Exhibit
A to Attachment 1, Sheet A-1 ). Access to the site is provided from a single driveway on John
Monego Court. The Applicant is proposing to make minor site improvements including required
ADA upgrades (signage, striping, path of travel, truncated domes, etc.).
There are currently four storage containers on the southwesterly portion of the Buick/GMC
project site that were discovered during a recent site inspection. Storage containers require a
Temporary Use Permit and are allowed for up to one year. The Applicant has applied for and
received approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow the storage containers for up to one year.
The Applicant has indicated that the contents of the storage containers will be moved to the Kia
site once that building is completed. Condition of Approval No. 14 requires that the outdoor
storage containers be removed prior to the Temporary Use Permit expiration date on March 20,
2013 (Attachment 1).
Staff also observed two unpermitted outdoor service bays located to the west of the service
portion of the building. One of the service bays will be relocated to a facility outside of Dublin
and the second service bay will be moved into the Dublin Chevy-Cadillac service building once
the expansion has been completed. Condition of Approval No. 15 requires that the two existing
outdoor service bays be removed from the site and/or relocated indoors prior to the project
being finaled (Attachment 1).
Staff also observed a tent structure located to the rear of the service center building, which is
used for detailing. Condition of Approval No. 13 requires that the temporary tent structure be
removed prior to the project being finaled (Attachment 1).
Parking requirements for the proposed dealership are regulated by the City of Dublin Zoning
Ordinance (Section 8.76.080.D). The parking requirements for the project are the sum of the
different uses. The following table illustrates the number of parking stalls that are required for
the use.
TahlP 1 ~ Reauired Parkins
Use Parking Requirement Total Area Required Number of
Parkin Stalls
Indoor/Outdoor Dis la 1 er 1,000 s . ft. 3,700 s . ft. 4
Service Area 1 per 400 sq. ft. plus
one er service ba 9,910 sq. ft. and 17
service ba s 42
Office 1 er 250 s uare feet 3,150 ft. 13
Com an Vehicle 1 er com an vehicle 3
Total Stalls Required 62
Total Stalls Provided 7D
As shown on Table 1 above, a total of 62 parking stalls are required by the Zoning Ordinance for
employees and visitors. There are an existing 268 parking stalls on the site. Of these stalls, 70
parking stalls will be designated for employee, visitor parking, in-service cars, ready cars and
company vehicles and the remaining spaces will be used for display and inventory parking.
Therefore, the proposed project will exceed the minimum parking requirements.
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The Applicant will refresh the existing landscaping. Condition of Approval No. 16 requires that
the Applicant submit a landscape plan prior to issuance of building permits for the proposed
facade improvement. As part of the landscape plan submittal, the Applicant is required to
refresh the landscaping at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/John Monego Court, along the
John Monego frontage and the landscaping median on John Monego Court (Attachment 1).
The existing Buick/GMC dealership building is constructed primarily of split-face masonry block,
with canopy projections over the east elevation (facing John Monego Court). The building walls
are finished at the top with a cornice band using smooth-faced block for contrast. The dealer
signs and logos are located on the main canopy elements. The building ranges from 20 to 24
feet in height. Please refer to Sheet A-3 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for plans showing the
existing elevations.
The Applicant is proposing to demolish the canopy projections located on the east elevation.
The Applicant is proposing a new entry arch element in the center of the east elevation. The
Applicant is proposing to modify the building materials on the majority of the east elevation
(facing John Monego Court) with aluminum composite material to emphasize the showroom
area. The Applicant is also proposing to locate the aluminum composite material on the
showroom portion of the north elevation (facing Dublin Boulevard). The east and north elevation
include column elements, which will be modified to the white aluminum composite material. The
existing storefront glass on the east and north elevations will remain. The Applicant is
proposing to leave the split-face masonry block on the south, west and a portion of the north
elevation. Additionally, the service portion of the north elevation will also be left as split-face
masonry block. The proposed aluminum composite material will upgrade and enhance the
overall appearance of the building. The new materials will be white and provide a modern
appearance. Please refer to sheet A-5 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for the proposed exterior
elevations and Attachment 2 for colored elevations.
East Elevation (John
~ ,. xa~ .,
north elevation (Dublin Blvd.)
All signs shown on the plans are conceptual in nature. All new signs on the Buick/GMC building
shall be consistent with the Master Sign Program for the General Motors Automall.
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Conditional Use Permit
An auto dealership is a conditionally permitted use. There is an existing Conditional Use Permit
for the dealership. The project will remain consistent with the approved Conditional Use Permit.
The project site has a General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. An auto
dealership is consistent with that land use. The proposed project is consistent with the
Community Design and Sustainability Element in that the project includes a facade modification
which will create dimension and visual interest. The Applicant is proposing a variety of materials,
including aluminum composite, storefront glass, smooth face masonry block and split face
masonry block. Additionally, the Applicant is proposing a new entry element. The project site is
zoned PD, Planned Development. Car dealerships are a conditionally permitted use in the PD.
The proposed project is consistent with the existing Conditional Use Permit for the project site.
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police
Services, and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project and provided
Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance
with all local ordinances and regulations. The Applicant has reviewed and agreed to these
Conditions of Approval for the SDR (Attachment 1).
In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times
and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no
objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. A copy of this Staff Report
was provided to the Applicant.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City
Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts
and when applicable, environmental documents prepared. Staff is recommending that the
Planning Commission find this project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution approving a Site Development Review
Permit for facade modifications and related site
improvements to the Buick/GMC dealership building
located at 4400 John Monego Court with the project
plans attached as Exhibit A.
2) Colored Elevations.
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Inder Dosanjh,
Dublin Real Estate, LLC
4200 John Monego Court
Dublin, CA 94568
4400 John Monego Court
General Commercial
PD (Planned Development)
Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of
Pro e
Site PD (Planned General Commercial Automobile
Develo ment Dealershi
North PD (Planned Medium Density Residential Residential
Develo ment
South PD (Planned General Commercial Automobile
Develo ment Dealershi
East PD (Planned Stream Corridor Tassajara Creek
Develo ment
West PD (Planned Campus Office Koll Center
Develo ment)
General Plan
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Zoning Ordinance
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