HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.10 Final FinRpt FY2001-2 CITY CLERK File#1 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Final Financial Report For Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Report Prepared by: Carole Perry, Administrative Services Director and Fred Marsh, Finance Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison 2. YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison 3. Financial Statements for the Month of June 2002 RECOMMENDATION: ~/'ff Receive the Reports FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Staff Report. DESCRIPTION: This report provides the final financial statements for Fiscal Year 2001-2002, and incorporates the audited results for the Fiscal Year. A. GENERAL FUND Significant General Fund Revenue Variances In Fiscal Year 2001-2002, the actual revenues in the General Fund were below the budget estimate by approximately $1.0 million (3%). The following revenues contributed significantly to the final outcome: Proper .ty Taxes ($537,000, or 6% over budgeted proiection) The assessed valuation of all residential and non residential properties located within the City limits increased by $659 million (22%) over the prior Fiscal Year, due to the large number of new residential and non residential properties added to the tax roll for the first time in Fiscal Year 2001-2002, as well as a significant increase in property values within the area. Sales Taxes ($387,000, or 3% under budgeted proiection) Sales taxes declined in comparison to the amount collected in the prior year, primarily due to a weak economy and a decline in sales at some of the City's auto dealers. This was offset somewhat by continued strong sales in the General Consumer Category. Real Property Transfer Tax ($15,000, or 3% under budgeted proiection) Real Property Transfer Taxes came in somewhat under budget due to lower than expected proceeds from the sale of non residential properties due to the delay or cancellation of several new non residential projects originally included in the budget estimate. Transient Occupancy Taxes ($225,000, or 22% under total budgeted proiection) Transient Occupancy Taxes are lower than in the same period in the prior year due to lower than expected occupancy rates resulting from the national events of September 11, 2001, as well as the weak economy. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. _~~ GSAuditXFY 2001-02\cafr\agenda REV statement preliminary Year End Financials.doc / ~ ? Franchise Taxes ($131,000, or 10% over budgeted proiection) Franchise Taxes are higher than in the same period in the prior year due to an increase in cable rates that occurred during the year, as well as a larger than expected increase in the number of new residential customers in Eastern Dublin. Licenses and Permits Revenue ($630,000, or 21% under budgeted proiection) Building Permits came in below the original budgeted projections as the activity related to commercial construction occurred at a slower pace than was originally anticipated, resulting from the cancellation of several commercial and office projects that were originally due to be issued building permits in Fiscal Year 2001-2002. Due to the nature of this revenue, the expenses for inspections may actually be recognized in Fiscal Year 2002-2003. For example, a Building Permit may be obtained in May or June, with the majority of the inspection costs incurring in the following year. In addition, Engineering and Plan Check Fees came in below the original budgeted projections due to the delay and/or cancellation of several commercial and office projects, as noted above. These fees typically have corresponding expenditures related to Staff and/or consultant time associated · with project processing. Interest and Rentals ($142,000, or 8% over budgeted proiection) Interest income exceeded the original budgeted projections as the General Fund had a larger cash balance available for investment than was assumed in the budget estimate, primarily due to deferrals that have occurred on some capital projects that are funded with General Fund monies. This was partially offset by an interest yield that was lower than originally assumed in the budget estimate. Intergovernmental ($129,000, or 7% over budgeted proiection) Intergovernmental Revenues exceeded the original budgeted projections due to higher than expected Vehicle License fees. The higher projections are reflective of growth in new car sales statewide that occurred in Fiscal Year 2000-2001, which increases the Motor Vehicle in Lieu fees collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Charges for Services ($328,000, or 7% under budgeted proiection) Charges for Services fell below original budgeted projections as Engineering Plan Check and Inspection fees were below the original adopted budget due to the itelay and cancellation of several commercial and office projects noted above. This is somewhat offset by lower than expected expenditures for development related engineering contract services. In addition, the negative budget variance for Charges for Services was partially offset by higher than expected zoning and subdivision fees due to reimbursements received from developers for staff, legal and consultant costs incurred for the processing of new development in eastern Dublin, primarily related to the proposed annexation in this area. Fines and Forfeitures ($16,000, or 16% over budgeted proiection) Parking fines exceeded the original budget projection due to an increase in the amount allocated to the City from the receipt of court fines over the prior Fiscal Year. Other Revenues ($387,000, or 44% under budgeted proiection) Other revenues came in under the original budgeted estimate due to a.) Delays in the receipt of reimbursement funds for the Dublin Boulevard Undergrounding project; and, b.) The receipt of the majority of the DSRSD reimbursements for work performed on the Dublin Boulevard widening project in Fiscal Year 2000-2001, instead of in the current Fiscal Year. Significant General Fund Operating Expenditure Variances The City's General Fund operating expenses were approximately $1.8 million (7%) less than the amount budgeted. The following breakdown examines major areas of savings by category: General Government ($296,000, or 7% under budgeted proiection) Factors which contributed to budget savings in this category included a combination of delays in filling certain staff positions and some staffing vacancies, as well as lower than anticipated expenditures for technical support for the "Computers for Our Schools Project." Public Safety ($200,000, or 2% under budgeted proiection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily from lower than anticipated expenditures for contract Police and Animal Control services from the County, due to lower than expected costs for contract police personnel and lower than expected usage of Animal Control services by residents of Dublin. Cul{ure and Leisure ($342,000, or 8% under budgeted proiection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily from lower than expected costs for maintenance at the City's parks, salary savings in several of the Parks and Community Services divisions and lower than expected utility costs at the Swim Center. Community. Development ($951,000, or 17% under budgeted proiection) The budget savings in this category occurred due to staffing vacancies in the Planning Division, lower than expected expenditures for contract building services (which corresponds to the lower than expected building permit revenue noted above), and lower than anticipated expenditures for contract engineering services (which corresponds to the lower than expected amount of engineering plan check revenue related to private development). General Fund Capital Project Expenditure Variances The City expended approximately $3.1 million (35%) less in Capital Expenditures than originally budgeted. This variance primarily represents timing differences in the completion of these capital projects. All of the identified capital projects listed below have been carried over to Fiscal Year 2002- 2003. Other budget adjustments may be needed during Fiscal Year 2002-2003 when these projects are completed. General Fund Unspent Capital Projects Budgets for Project Name Fiscal Year 2001-2002 City Cablecast System $121,250 Geographic Information System $101,134 Civic Center Generator $123,760 Civic Center HVAC $954,835 Downtown Improvement Implementation $565,943 Freeway Underpass Art at Dublin Boulevard & Amador Valley Boulevard $204,945 Sidewalk Reconstruction Underneath 1-680 on Dublin $78,226 Boulevard & Amador Valley Boulevard Murray Bell School Tower $65,691 Dublin Swim Center Roof Replacement $72,107 Senior Center $131,768 Dublin Boulevard Underground Utilities - Village Parkway to Sierra Court $298,317 Communications System Upgrade , $33,831 Computers for Our Schools Project $45,650 Telecommunications Plan $32,620 Bus Shelters $36,177 1-580 & Fallon Road Freeway Interchange Improvements - Phase I $35,103 Other Capital Improvements - General Fund $212,749 Total $3,114,106 B. SPECIAL REVENUE AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS Gas Tax Expenditures were $568,000 under budget due to the carryover of portions of thc Annual Street Overlay and Annual Slurry Seal Program into Fiscal Year 2002-2003. Expenditures and Grant Revenues in thc State Park Bond Fund were $389,000 under budget due to the carryover of the Dublin Sports Ground Renovation Project into Fiscal Year 2002-2003. Expenditures and Grant Revenues in thc State Transportation Improvement Program were $1,869,000 under budget due to thc carryover of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra to Fiscal Year 2002-2003. C. IMPACT FEE AND HOUSING IN LIEU FUNDS Impact Fee Revenues in all of the City's Impact Fee Funds were significantly under budget due to the delay and cancellation of several office projects in Eastern Dublin that were included as part of the original budget estimates for impact fee collections. Housing In Lieu fees were below budget due to lower than expected sales of new residential units. Traffic Impact Expenditures were under budget due to the carryover of the Tassajara and Fallon Interchange projects to Fiscal Year 2002-2003. Public Facility Impact Fees were under budget due to the fact that Public Facility impact fees will be used to fund library construction expenditures in Fiscal Year 2002-2003 rather than in Fiscal Year 2001-2002, as originally budgeted. Fire Impact Fees were under budget due to the carryover of the Emerald Park and Fallon Fire Stations to Fiscal Year 2002-2003. Housing In Lieu expenditures were under budget due to the carryover of expenditures for Affordable Housing Programs to Fiscal Year 2002-2003. D. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive these reports as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code. City of Dublin 2001-2002 YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending June 30, 2002 Total General Fund Revenues ~ ~ · 97% Property Taxes ll06yo Sales Taxes ~ · 97% Real Property Transfer Tax ~ ~ · 97% Transient Occupancy Taxes ~~ 78°~g Franchise Taxes 11'}% Licenses and Permits ~~ 79!/o Interest and Rentals 10~ % Intergovernmental from State ~ ~ ~ 107 % Charges for Services ~~~93% Fines and Forfeitures ~~~ 16% Other Revenues ~ ~5 6% : 0% 30% 60% 90% 120% 150% 100% of Year Complete FY 2001/02 FY 2001/02 % of FY 2000/01 Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Property Taxes 8,258,100 8,794,711 106% 7,174,290 Sales Taxes 13,200,000 12,813,111 97% 12,985,986 Real Property Transfer Tax 450,000 434,832 97% 575,282 Transient Occupancy Taxes 1,035,000 810,220 78% 1,010,799 Franchise Taxes 1,254,830 1,385,816 110% 1,313,087 Licenses and Permits 2,957,140 2,327,251 79% 3,028,655 Interest and Rentals 1,787,578 1,929,610 108% 2,626,838 Intergovernmental 1,948,150 2,076,649 107% 2,006,116 Charges for Services 4,792,586 4,464,260 93% 3,719,568 Fines and Forfeitures 102,000 118,191 116% 106,234 Other Revenues 880,972 493,723 56% 2,715,620 Total General Fund Revenues 36,666,356 35,648,374 97% 37,262,475 D ..... {nted: ~ ....... s7 PM ATTACHMENT 1 City of Dublin 2001-2002 YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending June 30, 2002 Total General Fund I Expenses General Government Police Fire 100% Other Public Safety ~ 83% Transportation 7% Health and Welfare 81% Culture & Community Services Community 83% Development Capital Improv. Projects 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100% of Year Complete FY 2001/02 FY 2001/02 % of FY 2000/01 Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual General Government 4,225,914 3,929,918 93% 3,085,726 Police 6,804,324 6,668,235 98% 5,842,598 Fire 4,712,148 4,698,608 100% 4,331,237 Other Public Safety 292,463 241,626 83% 227,974 Transportation 1,127,147 1,094,099 97% 959,762 Health and Welfare 64,495 52,017 81% 13,483 Culture and Community Services 4,354,294 4,012,732 92% 3,332,420 Community Development 5,594,915 4,643,652 83% 4,526,077 Capital Improvement Projects 8,902,142 5,788,036 65% 2,682,560 Total General Fund Expenses 36,077,842 31,128,923 86% 25,001,837 General Fund Operating Expenses 27,175,700 25,340,887 93% 22,319,277 GRAPH DATA ....................... ATTACH MENT 2 CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2002 (FINAL FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002) Prepared by The Finance Department February 19, 2003 ATTACHMENT 3 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 GENERAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********************** PROPERTY TAXES 8,258 100.00 8,794,710.89 (536,610.89) 7,174,289.56 7,174.289.56 SALES TAX 13,200 000.00 12,813,1t1.10 386,888.90 12,985,986.39 12,985,986.39 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX 450 000.00 434,832.20 15,167.80 575,281.78 575,281.78 HOTEL TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 1,035 000.00 810,2t9.79 224,78~.21 1,010,799.01 1,010,799.01 FRANCHISE TAXES 1,254 830.00 1,385,815.52 (130,985.52) 1,313,086.74 1,313,086.74 LICENSES & PERMITS 2,957 t40.00 2,327,250.77 629,889.23 3,028,655.28 3,028,655.28 FINES & FORFEITURES 102 000.00 118,190.93 (16,190.93) 106,233.99 106,233.99 USE/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 1,688 988.00 1,843,673.66 (154,685.66) 2,512,223.69 2,512,223.69 USE/MONEY & PROP-RENTALS 98 590.00 85,936.82 12,653.18 114,614.48 114,614.48 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,948 150.00 2,076,648.50 (128,498.50) 2,006,116.43 2,006,1t6.43 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,792 586.00 4,464,259.66 328,326.34 3,7t9,568.13 3,719,568.13 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 880 972.00 493,722.65 387,249.35 2,715,619.50 2,715,619.50 TOTAL REVENUE 36,666 356.00 35,648,372.49 1,017,983.51 37,262,474.98 37,262,474.98 ************************** GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY COUNCIL 266 439.00 217,946.55 48,492.45 157 649.46 157,649.46 CITY MANAGER 684 838.00 560,359.16 124,478.84 451 460.84 451,460.84 CENTRAL SERVICES 311 657.00 297,049.71 14,607.29 254 490.40 254,490.40 CITY ATTORNEY 764 485.00 764,484.52 .48 566 876.47 566,876.47 ADMIN SERVICES 958 814.00 922,865.72 35,948.28 755 484.16 755,484.16 BUILDING MANAGEMENT 681 962.00 657,327.17 24,634.83 561 347.95 561,347.95 INSURANCE COST CENTER 389 3t5.00 385,395.68 3,919.32 273 267.70 273,267.70 ELECTIONS COST CENTER 22 532.00 14,507.57 8,024.43 12,013.21 12,012.21 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 145 872.00 109,981.56 35,890.44 53,136.03 53,136.03 ACTIVITY TOTAL 4,225 914.00 3,929,917.64 295,996.36 3,085,726.22 3,085,726.22 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 6,804,324.00 6,668,234.72 136,089.28 5,842,597.93 5,842,597.93 CROSSING GUARDS 63,495.00 56,677.08 6,817.92 49,327.13 49,327.13 ANIMAL CONTROL 180,757.00 138,935.98 41,821.02 136,903.24 136,903.24 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 48,211.00 46,012.48 2,198.52 41,743.47 41,743.47 FIRE SERVICES 4,712,148.00 4,698,607.54 13,540.46 4,331,237.29 4,331,237.29 ACTIVITY TOTAL 11,808,935.00 11,608,467.80 200,~467.20 10,401,809.06 10,401,809.06 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS 574,025.00 557,207.53 16,817.47 504,545.32 504,545.32 STREET MAINTENANCE 6,406.00 6,406.00 79.88 79.88 STREET SWEEPING 139,200.00 132,383.34 6,816.66 105,015.72 105,015.72 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 55,629.00 51,079.02 4,549.98 52,929.t7 52,929.17 STREET LANDSCAPING MAINTENAN 351,887.00 347,022.86 4,864.14 297,191.50 297,191.50 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1,127,147.00 1,094,098.75 33,048.25 959,761.59 959,761.59 HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 8,395.00 1,807.38 6,587.62 1,483.29 t,483.29 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 GENERAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE CHILD CARE 15,000.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 SOCIAL SERVICES HOUSING PROGRAMS 41,100.00 35,209.87 5,890.13 ACTIVITY TOTAL 64,495.00 52,017.25 12,477.75 13,483.29 13,483.29 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES 400,725.00 376,276.00 24,449.00 362,922.00 362.922.00 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 149 328.00 119,409.29 29,918.71 48,979.05 48,979.05 HERITAGE CENTER 84 170.00 69,081.56 15,088.44 64,337.03 64.337.03 DUBLIN CEMETERY 39 687.00 30,077.98 9,609.02 35,168.63 35,168.63 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,142 023.00 1.086,713.48 55,309.52 863,488.51 863,488.51 COMMUNITY TV 90 982.00 80,087.02 10,894.98 65,376.81 65,376.81 RECREATION ADMIN 398 810.00 374,416.72 24,393.28 299,517.33 299,517.33 PLAYGROUNDS 236 890.00 207,515.47 29,374.53 179,746.06 179.746.06 SHANNON CENTER 265 856.00 250,834.31 15,021.69 223,534.64 223,534.64 PRESCHOOL 58 975.00 57,470.25 1,504.75 54,26t.57 54,261.57 TEENS PROGRAM 108 839.00 t06,183.40 2,655.60 95,263.42 95,263.42 ADULT SPORTS 80 704.00 76,886.84 3,817.t6 74,298.29 74,298.29 YOUTH SPORTS 93 023.00 82,402.67 10,620.33 76,437.85 76.437.85 COMMUNITY GYM 37 990.00 23,572.33 14,417.67 37.226.81 37,226.81 SPECIAL EVENTS 320 247.00 314,735.18 5,511.82 200,963.28 200,963.28 SENIOR CENTER 167 065.00 146,824.25 20,240.75 137,807.83 137,807.83 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 130 t22.00 145,812.50 (15,690.50) 116,758.13 116,758.13 AQUATICS 368 051.00 322,391.18 45.659.82 300,625.35 300.625.35 PARKS/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 180 807.00 142,041.19 38,765.81 95,707.64 95.707.64 ACTIVITY TOTAL 4,354 294.00 4,012,731.62 341,562.38 3.332,420.23 3,332,420.23 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 1,689,970.00 1,486,541.67 203,428.33 1,330,195.42 1.330,195.42 BUILDING SAFETY 1,622,000.00 1,276,343.20 345,656.80 1,334,934.18 1,334,934.18 ENGINEERING 1,999,416.00 1,609,544.48 389,871.52 1,606,493.94 1.606,493.94 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 283,529.00 271,222.90 12.306.10 254,453.24 254,453.24 ACTIVITY TOTAL 5,594,915.00 4,643.652.25 951,262.75 4,526,076.78 4,526,076.78 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 6,095,010.00 4,582,889.35 1,512,120.65 1,435,693.5t 1.435,693.51 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 1,198,376.00 273,283.82 925,092.18 180,763.5t 180.763.51 PARKS 665,863.00 351,854.08 314,008.92 462,208.60 462.208.60 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVEMENTS 942,893.00 580,008.92 362.884.08 603,894.29 603.894.29 ACTIVITY TOTAL 8.902,142.00 5,788,036.17 3,114,105.83 2,682,559.91 2,682.559.91 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 36,077,842.00 31,t28,921.48 4,948,920.52 25,001.837.08 25,001,837.08 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) 588,514.00 4,519,451.01 (3,930,937.01) 12.260,637.90 12,260,637.90 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 16,784.89 (16,784.89) 17,201.67 17,201.67 TRANSFERS OUT FROM OTHER FUNDS (2.400,000.00) (2,400.000.00) REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 588,514.00 4,536,235.90 (3,947,721.90) 9,877,839.57 9,877,839.57 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 SPECIA REVENUE FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ************************ PROPERTY TAXES 90,175.00 91 099.68 (924.68) 81,587.21 81,587.21 SALES TAX/OTHER TAXES 230,500.00 206 812.62 23,687.38 218,443.36 218,443.36 FINES & FORFEITURES 145,155.00 149 023.41 (3,868.41) 136,129.03 136,129.03 USES/MONEY & PROPERTY 110,312.00 135 432.87 (25,120.87) 186,396.07 186,396.07 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 3,857,849.00 1,601 090.43 2,256,758.57 1,401,011.82 1,401,011.82 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY 234,000.00 241 589.50 (7,589.50) 235,575.00 235,575.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FEDERAL 1,124,720.00 782 793.26 341,926.74 486,386.87 486,386.87 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 876,760.00 865,790.08 10,969.92 766,872.19 766,872.19 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 5,000.00 30,997.14 (25,997.14) 17,930.25 17,930.25 TOTAL REVENUE 6,674,471.00 4,104,628.99 2,569,842.01 3,530,331.80 3,530,331.80 ************************** PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE 383,518.00 377,390.53 6,127.47 163,769.23 163,769.23 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LTG 175,041.00 t45,399.20 29,641.80 87.789.56 87,789.56 FIRE SERVICES 193,801.00 t93,800.29 .71 188,299.58 188,299.58 ACTIVITY TOTAL 752,360.00 716,590.02 35,769.98 439,858.37 439,858.37 TRANSPORTATION: STREET MAINTENANCE 209,801.00 209,801.34 (.34) 348,601.7t 348,601.71 STREET SWEEPING ACTIVITY TOTAL 209,801.00 209,801.34 (.34) 348,601.71 348,601.71 HEALTH & WELFARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT 1,049,577.00 1,030.807.37 18,769.63 1,108,496.91 1,108,496.91 SOCIAL SERVICES 7,500.00 7.500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 HOUSING PROGRAMS 10,000.00 9,999.54 .46 9,918.66 9,918.66 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1,067,077.00 1,048,306.91 18,770.09 1,125,915.57 1,125.915.57 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ENGINEERING 6,000.00 6,000.00 4,999.00 4,999.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 6,000.00 6,000.00 4,999.00 4,999.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS COMMUNITY PROJECTS 82,317.00 73,425.55 8.891.45 86,648.98 86.648.98 PARKS 411,119.00 41t.119.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 4,875,671.00 2,259,994.81 2,615,676.19 760,517.95 760,517.95 ACTIVITY TOTAL 5,369,107.00 2,333,420.36 3,035,686.64 847.166.93 847,166.93 T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 7,404,345.00 4,314,118.63 3,090,226.37 2,766,541.58 2,766,541.58 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 729,874.00 209,489.64 520,384.36 (763,790.22) (763,790.22) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 16,786.00 16,784.89 1.11 15,061.59 15,061.59 EXCESS <REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 746,660.00 226,274.53 520,385.47 (748,728.63) (748,728.63) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING ~') REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ************************ SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 429,448.00 431,564.21 (2,116.21) 384,648.76 384,648.76 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 20,187.00 20,738.74 (551.74) 26,456.80 26,456.80 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 6,000.00 1,995.50 4,004.50 2,300.37 2,300.37 TOTAL REVENUE 455,635.00 454,298.45 1,336.55 413,405.93 413,405.93 ************************** PUBLIC SAFETY: TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIG 237,340.00 198,138.51 39,201.49 119,085.13 119,085.13 ACTIVITY TOTAL 237,340.00 t98,138.51 39,201.49 119,085.13 t19,085.13 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS 5,561.00 3,277.32 2,283.68 2,753.02 2,753.02 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 15,065.00 7,713.24 7,351.76 4,175.26 4,175.26 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 297,320.00 231,458.34 65,861.66 130,649.00 130,649.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 3i7,946.00 242,448.90 75,497.10 137,577.28 137,577.28 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 20,073.00 20,071.01 1.99 11,050.38 11,050.38 ACTIVITY TOTAL 20,073.00 20,071.01 1.99 11,050.38 11,050.38 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 2,519.14 2,519.14 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPRVMNT ACTIVITY TOTAL 2,519.14 2,519.14 T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 575,359.00 460,658.42 114,700.58 270,231.93 270,231.93 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 119,724.00 6,359.97 113,364.03 (143,174.00) (143,174.00) EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 119,724.00 6,359.97 113,364.03 (143,174.00) (143,174.00) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING ~ ':~ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FORTHE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE *********************** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 1,640,682.00 1,743,568.68 (102,886.68) OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 37,719,269.00 19,685,683.29 18,033,585.71 8,882,376.17 8,882,376.17 TOTAL REVENUE: 39,359,951.00 21,429,251.97 17,930,699.03 8,882,376.17 8,882,376.17 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENE~L GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY ATTORNEY ACTIVITY TOTAL 1,140.08 t,140.08 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: HOUSING PROGRAMS 1,854.726.00 96,133.06 1,758.592.94 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 8,586.00 8,585.61 .39 30,854.96 30,854.96 ACTIVITY TOTAL 8,586.00 8,585.61 .39 30,854.96 30,854.96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 12,869,967.00 4,324,162.75 8.545,804.25 936,862.45 936,862.45 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS PARKS 1,422,224.00 125,589.57 1.296,634.43 18,854.85 18,854.85 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 15,830,258.00 4,085,145.94 11,745,112.06 7,890,520.72 7,890,520.72 ACTIVITY TOTAL 30,122,449.00 8,534,898.26 21,587,550.74 8,846,238.02 8,846,238.02 T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 31,985,761.00 8,639,616.93 23,346,144.07 8,877,092.98 8,877,092.98 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE (7,374,190.00)(12,789.635.04) 5,415,445.04 (5,283.19) (5,283.19) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 1,140.08 1,140.08 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE (7,374,190.00)(12,789,635.04) 5,415,445.04 (4.143.11) (4,143.11) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 TRUST/AGENCY FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********************** SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 237,264.42 (237.264.42) 237,172.56 237,172.56 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 8,099.29 (8.099.29) 16,539.29 t6,539.29 TOTAL REVENUE 245,363.71 (245,363.71) 253,711.85 253,711.85 ************************** GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 233,734.00 233,733.39 .61 234,093.57 234,093.57 ACTIVITY TOTAL 233,734.00 233,733.39 .61 234,093.57 234,093.57 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 233,734.00 233,733.39 .61 234,093.57 234,093.57 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 233,734.00 (11,630.32) 245,364.32 (19,618.28) (19,618.28) EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 233.734.00 (11,630.32) 245,364.32 (19,618.28) (19,618.28) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/0t/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ************************ USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 298.835.00 262,597.72 36,237.28 205,273.76 205,273.76 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,171,448.00 1.103,647.14 67,800.86 944,535.35 944,535.35 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 17,000.00 22,267.13 (5,267.13) 6,495.00 6,495.00 TOTAL REVENUE 1,487.283.00 '1,388,511.99 98.771.01 1,156,304.11 1,156,304.11 ************************** GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,141,941.00 1.092,88t.67 49,059.33 1,018,788.52 1,0t8,788.52 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1,141,941.00 1.092,881.67 49,059.33 1,018.788.52 1,018,788.52 PUBLIC SAFETY: FIRE 45,828.00 4t,899.88 3,928.12 40,700.28 40,700.28 ACTIVITY TOTAL 45,828.00 41,899.88 3,928.12 40.700.28 40,700.28 TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: 189,750.00 t89,750.00 T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 1,377,519.00 1,134,781.55 242,737.45 1,059,488.80 1,059,488.80 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE (109,764.00) (253,730.44) 143,966.44 (96,815.31) (96,815.31) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 2,400.000.00 2,400,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE (109,764.00) (253,730.44) 143,966.44 (2,496,815.31) (2,496,815.31) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 06/30/2002 ENTERPRISE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T,D, VARIANCE ************************ USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE ********EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 20.00 20,00 FINANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL 20.00 20.00 PUBLIC SAFETY: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES 20.00 20,00 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 20.00 20,00 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS T~NSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 20,00 20.00 CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Jun2002 GENERAL SPECIAL SPECIAL CAPITAL TRUST/ T 0 T A L S REVENUE REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY ---MEMORANDUM ONLY--- FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH (50,970.048) 2,978,798 491,159 41.469,698 187,509 (5,842,885) (23,808,781) CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 170.522 170,522 166,814 AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW 109,300 INVESTMENTS AT COST 94,923,499 94,923,499 76,149,328 RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS 1,612,3tl 1,442,511 3,987 47,247 3,106,055 3,5t7,725 INTEREST 823.625 823,625 744,407 ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS 1,124,961 1,124,961 550,856 INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 15,221 15,221 5,175 FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 1,553,500 1,553,500 1,652,500 TOTAL ASSETS 47,529,568 4,421,309 495,145 41,516,944 1,911,531 95,874.497 59,087,323 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL (654,899) (654,899) (512,334) DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES (11,556,340) DEPOSITS OTHERS (893,646) (893,646) (414,923) PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS (5,802,262) {780,233) (50,955) (1,198,176) (7,831,626) (5,323,868) INTEREST PAYROLL (655,124) (655,124) (547,869) DUE TO OTHERS (51,144) (1,124,961) (1,176,105) (603,122) DEFERRED REVENUE (146,433) (146,433) (147,203) DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE (1,671,000) (1,671,000) (1,770,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES (8,203,508) (1,905,195) (50,955) (1,198,176) (1,671,000) (13,028,834) (20,875,659 FUND BALANCES (39,326,060) (2,516,114) (444,191) (40,318,768) (240,531) (82,845,663) (38,211,664 TOTAL FUND E (39,326,060) (2,516,114) (444,191) (40,318,768) (240,531) (82,845,663) (38,21t,664 TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (47,529,568) (4,421,309) (495,145) (41,516,944) (1,911,531) (95,874,497) (59,087,323 CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 300un2002 INTERNAL ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG T 0 T A L S SERVICE FUND GROUP OF TERM DEBT ---MEMORANDUM--- FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH 6,352,062 6,352,062 5,3771230 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS 1,191 1,t91 6,495 INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS FIXED ASSETS 36,183,959 12,492,387 48,676,346 38,136,473 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 50,682,757 50,682,757 41,688,500 TOTAL ASSETS 42,537,211 12,492,387 50,682,757 105,712,356 85,208,697 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS (40,026) (40,026) (15,141) INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE (50,682,757) (50,682,757) (41,688,500) TOTAL LIABILITIES (40,026) (50,682,757) (50,722,783) (41,703,641) FUND BALANCES (42,497,185) (12,492,387) (54,989,573) (43,505,056) TOTAL FUND E (42,497,185) (12,492,387) (54,989,573) (43,505,056) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (42,537,2tt) (12,492,387) (50,682,757) (105,712,356) (85,208,697)