HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 InitiateStreetNameChngCITY CLERK
Initiation by Council for Street Name Change
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
1) Copy of Municipal Code 7.08.070
2) Referral Letter to Agencies
3) Location Map
r/~ ~r~Initiate street name change of Plata Way to Mape Way and direct
that a referral letter be sent to agencies for changing the street name
Cost of street name signs and labor for installation will be
approximately $150. Sufficient monies have been budg'eted in the
Street Maintenance Operating budget.
DESCRIPTION: At its last regular meeting, the City Council asked the Public Works
Department to look into the process of changing the name of the street directly adjacent to Mape
Memorial Park, presently ~known as Plata Way, to Mape Way. Tiffs street is essentially a connection for
the southern ends of Calle Verde Road and San Sabana Road. There are no residences facing Plata Way,
but use of the street is essential for access to Mape Memorial Park.
Mape Memorial Park is currently undergoing renovations, and it is hoped that the Park will experience
increased attendance when renovations are complete. The street name of Plata Way is not well-known
among the City's residents, and visitors may have difficulty locating Mape Memorial Park if they are
looking for Plata Way. Changing the street name to Mape Way would be a logical change and a sensible
association for the Park.
C!;y Municipal Code Section 7.08.070, Street Name Changes, Subsection B stipulates that a street
change can be initiated by the City Council. Subsection D specifies that in the event there are no
addresses on a street, the Council may make such change without official referral to the Planning
Commission for hearing and without a public hearing at the City Council. Subsection F states that the
proposed street name must first be referred to the City Planning Commission, Police Department,
Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, U.S. Post Office, Alameda County, the Cities of Livermore, San
Property Owners/Residents of~
Calle Verde and San Sabana Roads
4. 7
Ramon and Pleasanton, and any other agencies that Council designates prior to approving the actual street
name change.
It is anticipated that Staff will bring this proposed name change before Council at the regularly scheduled
meeting of July 1, 1997, after receiving comments, if any, from the referral agencies.
Staff recommends that City Council initiate the street name change of Plata Way to Mape Way and direct
Staff to send out the letters of referral to the above listed agencies and any others agencies so designated
by Council requesting responses to the requested street name change.
Page 2
after ten (10) days' written notice install
numbers and names as required or shall be
guilty of an infraction.
B. Each owner or occupant shall be
guilty of a separate offense for each and
every day during any portion of which any
violation of any provision of this section is
committed, continued, or permitted by such
person. (Ord. 5-89 § 1: Ord. 4-87 § 6)
7.08.060 Enforce~nent officer
This chapter shall be enforced by the
City Manager or his designated representa-
tive. (Ord. 4-87 § 7)
7.08.070 Street name changes.
The following procedure shall apply to
the changing of street names:
A. Authority. The City Couucil may, by
resolution, change the name of any street
within the city if the street name is identical
or similar to another street name in Alame-
da County, if one continuous street is
known by more than one name, if a street
different from the official name is ill com-
mon use, or for other just cause.
B. Initiation. Except as otherwise provi-
ded in this section, a street name chauge
may be initiated by any of the following
I. By action of the City Council;
2. By action of the Planning Commis-
3. By request of any adjoining local
4. By petition representing not less than
twenty percent (20%) of the households or
addresses on the street to be renamed, ex-
cept that the petition need not represent
more than ten (10) addresses.
C. Procedure. Wheu a street name
change has been initiated pursuant to sub-
section B of this section, a public hearing
shall be scheduled before the Planning
Commission. At least ten (10) days prior to
the public hearing, the city Community
Development Director shall cause notice of
said hearing to be posted in conspicuous
places along said street, said notice to con-
taiu letters a minimum of one-eighth (~h)
inch in height reading "NOTICE OF PRO-
with a general description of the proposal.
The city Community Development Director
shall also cause notice of said hearing to be
mailed to each owner, as shown on the
latest eqnalized assessment roll, of property
along said street at least ten (10) days prior
to the,Public hearing.
After the closing of tile public heating,
the Planning Cosmnission shall make a rec-
ommendation to the City Council. If the
Planning Commission recommends a
change, tile City Council may adopt a reso-
lution putting the recommended change into
effect without a hearing, or tile City Council
may hold a public hearing at its option. Thc
City Council shall not change any street
natne contrary to the Planning Commission
recommendation without first holding a
public hearing thereon. If the Planning
Commission recommendation is for no
change, the matter may be summarily dis-
missed by the City Council or a public
hearing on the proposal may be scheduled.
If the City Council is to conduct a public
hearing, the notice requirement for said
hearing shall be the same as contained itl
the first paragraph of this subsection.
D. Exceptions. In the event there are no
addresses in use on a street the name of
which is to be changed, or if all households
or occupants on such street consent in writ-
ing to tile chaugc, tile Council may make
such change without referral to Ihe Planning
Commission and without a public homing.
E. New Street Names. Names for new
streets shall be established by the adoption
of a resolution by the City Council or by
approval of a final subdivisiou map or final
parcel map containing staff-reviewed and
approved names. No public hearing need bc
F. Refenal. No new street shall be
uamed nor shall any street name be changed
without first refe~ng ail proposed names to
the City Pl~ning Dep~ment, Doughc~Xy
Regional Fire Authority, United States Post
Office, county of Alameda, each adjoining
city, the city Police Dep~ment, and any
other agency as approved by the City Coun-
cil. Upon receipt of replies from these agen-
cies, or npon the expiration of fifteen (15)
days after notice was sent, the city Commu-
nity Development Director shall forward his
findings and recommendations to the Plan-
ning Commission or City Council, whichev-
er has prima~ jurisdiction.
G. City Clerk Duties. Whenever fl~e nan~e
of any street is adopted, es~blished or
ch~ged, the City Clerk shill promptly for-
ward a copy of the resolution providing for
such new name, ch~ge of name, or house
number to fl~e Doughefly Regional Fire
Authority, United States Post Office, county
of Alameda, each adjoMing city, the city
Police Dep~ment, ~d ~y other agency as
approved by fl~e City Council, and those
property owners affected by the name
chm~ge. (Ord. 5-96 ~ I (pan); Ord. 1-93 ~ I)
PO Bo>: 2340. Dunlin. Cahisrn~a 9-'56B
June 4, 1997
Interested Agencies
Change of Street Name in the City of Dublin
City Ofi~ses. 10,3 C~v~c Piaza. DuDish. ~' ....
Dear Sir/Madam:
At their regular meeting of June 3, 1997, the Dublin City Council initiated the process to change
the street name of Plata Way to Mape Way. At present, Plata Way is the name of the street
that accesses Mape Memorial Park. The Council is recommending that the name be changed
to Mape Way.
Would you please review this request and respond to the Department of Public Works within
fifteen (15) days with your comments. If no response is received by June 20, 1997, it will be
considered that you have no objections to this change in street name.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Lee S. Thompson
Public Works Director
cc: City Manager
City Council
g:~on'esVstVnay9 7'~rnapeway
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