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Ord 09-12 Jordan Rch 2 PD Rezone
ORDINANCE NO. 9 - 12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE WITH RELATED STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS JORDAN RANCH 2 SPECIFIC TO FOUR SUBAREAS (APNs 985-0027-007-02 and 985-0027-006-04) PLPA-2010-00068 The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: RECITALS A. On December 13, 2005, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 32-05 approving Planned Development Zoning and a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire 1,134-acre Fallon Village project area (PA 04-040). On December 2, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 45-08 amending the Stage 1 Development Plan to establish revised standards for private yards in Medium Density Residential land use designations on the Jordan and Croak properties. On June 22, 2010, the City Council adopted Ordinance 13-10 approving a Stage 2 Development Plan for Jordan Ranch consistent with then-existing land use designations. B. The Stage 1 Development Plans in Ordinance 32-05 and 45-08 continue to apply to the Project site except as amended herein consistent with the General Plan and Specific Plan amendments, which, among other things establishes overlay and/or underlay designations in Subareas 1 and 2. These designations are related to the potential development of an elementary school on Subarea 1 and possibly portions of Subarea 2. If the school is not built, Medium Density Residential detached units are allowed. C. The Stage 2 Development Plan amends Ordinance 13-10 as to Subareas 2 and 3. SECTION 2: FINDINGS A. Pursuant to Section 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The proposed Planned Development rezoning and Development Plan amendments for the four subareas (the "Property') will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in surrounding areas because: the proposed zoning amendments would allow residential development of the Property consistent with development approved for other areas of Jordan Ranch. Page 1 of 17 2. The Property is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the Planned Development Zoning District proposed because: 1) it is compatible with the overall . plan for Jordan Ranch; 2) The Project will be developed under standards consistent with those adopted for other development in Jordan Ranch; 3) the rezoning and Development Plan amendments will allow the construction of residential communities consistent with the density and character of Jordan Ranch; and 4) the Project will implement all applicable mitigation measures from prior CEQA reviews and all applicable City grading, construction and development ordinances . 3. The proposed Planned Development rezoning and Development Plan Amendments for the Property will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because: 1) structures will be constructed and neighborhoods laid out in compliance with building and fire department safety regulations and codes, 2) development resulting from the proposed rezoning of the Property would be subject to development standards previously approved for Residential and Mixed Use adopted with Planned Development PA 04-040 and PA 09-011 and as set forth in this Ordinance, and 3)development resulting from the proposed zoning amendments to the Property would be subject to conditions of approval under the authority to preserve public health, safety, and welfare. 4. The proposed Planned Development rezoning and Development Plan amendments for the Property are consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan because: 1) the Property has been designated for the requested use under the companion General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan approved by Resolution 92-12 on June 5, 2012, and 2) the requested zoning is consistent with this land use. B. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The proposed Planned Development zoning amendments and Development Plans for the Property meet the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 Planned Development Zoning District of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the proposed project is consistent with and implements the intent of the companion General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, and ; 2) the proposed project complies with the purposes stated in Section 8.32.010 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance by coordinating future development of the Project site with similar existing and planned residential development in neighboring areas.. 2. Development under the Planned Development District Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area because: 1) the proposed zoning amendments to the Property are consistent with development of planned communities within the Jordan Ranch; and 2) adequate hillside slope preservation, drainage, and bio-retention measures will be incorporated to prevent run-off onto adjacent and surrounding developments. Page 2 of 17 C. The City Council approved a CEQA Addendum for the Project, including the proposed PD rezoning, by Resolution 91-12, on June 5, 2012, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the Property to PD-Planned Development for the four Subareas as shown below: i * .? t 1-. _ -3 ru$a r Io i/ 4 a w-1 W ♦im .n y may\ » x. t 1 ' •,Yck " M� • . -a 0) \Q$ '14)'•0 .r fL2jir1 /-4:-, - �Na 'flirt- ----_31 ,. K pA nub- ;/ r . ?'" ;&0% Th'..' �M /, (Subarea wi;`�i7. ilAQ61t�a t , tb) ( 6 tMST .o ? t - 'Us- n' '` , i .. :�, 4 , ::47/a a. '.I : Subarea Q i. �, cv _ �-�! d' 41. 11^ Baal pw .TA... t\ 3 re - ��r Y Y�—_ -i..L�. ., / - e _ subarea no , fete '•e SECTION 4. APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the Fallon Village Stage 1 Development Plans adopted through Ordinances 32-05 and 45-08 and the Jordan Ranch Stage 2 Development Plan adopted through Ordinance 13-10, except as amended below for the Project area, which amendments are hereby approved. Any further amendments to the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans shall be in accordance with section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. Page 3 of 17 Stage 1 Development Plan for Sub Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 1. Permitted, conditionally permitted, and accessory uses as set forth in Ordinance 32-05 for the residential, public/semi-public and mixed use areas identified on the Subarea 1-4 diagrams of"proposed zoning"below. Mixed Use: The maximum would be 115 multi-family units at 25 units per acre and 5,000 square feet of commercial building area at .35 FAR. The combined residential and commercial uses shall not exceed 1.0 FAR. SUBAREA 1 { i , ` SCHOOL / s I ■ I I I ( — — _. __ EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING PD-Public/Semi-Public PD-Public/Semi-Public +/- 10.1 Gross Acres with underlay Medium Density Residential 6.1-14 DU/AC +/- 10.7 Gross Acres Page 4 of 17 SUBAREA2 1.118 - 0 - ..,,.' ' -: l' P.M. 1 I- ; --- . . ; :i I EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Semi/Public (overlay 2.0 acres) and PD-Medium Density Residential/with Medium-High Density Residential underlay Public/Semi-Public +/- 8.0 Gross Acres 6.1 to 14 DU /Acre +/- 7.8 Gross Acres SUBAREA 3 EXISTING ZONING Mixed Use ------ . r. •� d ,r 'El 0 •-- - - -- - 1+/- 6.6 Gross r ■ Acres r _. i R; i 6 . •'1•a Pt NEIGHBORHOOD 1 '1 , 1 0 ,,...-. SQUARE . , - -• Neighborhood Sq. x +/- 2.7 Gross --- -- - t Acres 4 W I.. r ` '. . ° .1 Page 5 of 17 • PROPOSED ZONING PD-Medium-High -- - - .- - - - Density Res. 14.1- y *0 u 25 DU /Acre +/- 6.6 Gross NEIGHBORHOOD • Acres SQUARE z n: PD-Neighborhood Square y g' • +/- 2.7 Gross �,r--- T }, Acres SUBAREA 4 t 'III I _—...__ \. II _ Ih If 1 11 I T. II i . IN i - W ii ,,;3 I(f � Jf III , IA f �1 t11 (., (:„,..4 I L. r ► r r _„,. ,, 't ” ' . .fp--- --i-:==----- , ,, ,..._. . ... ,, EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Open Space PD-Mixed Use 4.6 gross ac. and 48.1 +/- 52.7 Acres gross ac. PD-Open Space 5,000 sf of Commercial/Retail Uses and up to 25 DU/AC Residential Uses Combined FAR maximum 1.0 us to 115 units Page 6 of 17 2. Site plan. See Subarea 1-4 diagrams in No. 1 above. 3. Site area and proposed densities. See Subarea 1-4 diagrams in no. 1 above. 4. Maximum number of residential units and non-residential square footages.As shown in table below. Amended Jordan Ranch Residential Product Type by Land Use/Neighborhood Land Use Designation Proposed Uses Neighborhood Unit Count Gross Acres Units/AC Medium Density Residential 3,200 SF Lots 6.1-14.0 du/ac (Subarea 2) 5 56(1) 7.8 7.2 • Medium-High Density 3 Story Towns w. Residential Flats (Subarea 3) 6 109 6.6 16.5 Combination of.35FAR on up to 5k SF Mixed-Use retail/commercial and 115 Residential Units (Subarea 4) 115(2) 4.6 25.0 Elementary School Elementary School/ with Medium Density Residential Medium Density Underlay Residential Underlay (Subarea 1) 100(3) 10.7M 9.3 Open Space 48.1 TOTAL 280(4) 77.8 (,) Some or all units may be eliminated if DUSD acquires some or all of this site with underlying Land Use Designation of Elementary School. School acreage would increase accordingly. ni Mixed-Use Site(.35 FAR for retaiVcommercial component and up to 25 du/ac for residential component). This designation provides for the combination of medium to medium high density residential housing and non-residential use,such as office or retail. Office or retail uses could include such uses as stores,restaurants,business and professional offices,and entertainment facilities. P) School site will ONLY include residential units if the School District elects not to acquire the site. 100 units is an approximate total based on size and min-point of Medium Density range. 141 Maximum number of units for Jordan Ranch is 964 if all 56 3,200 sf lots in Subarea 2 and 100 units at Elementary School site are developed for residential uses. 5. Phasing Plan. The 189.4-acre Jordan Ranch project is identified in two Phases. Phase 1 corresponds to Neighborhood 1 north and west of the Open Space Corridor. Phase 2 includes the rest of Jordan Ranch, including the Project. 6. Master Landscaping Plan. See Stage 2 Development Plan #6 below. 7. General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan consistency. The Stage 1 (and Stage 2) Development Plan amendments are consistent with the companion General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments approved through Resolution 92-12, on June 5, 2012. Page 7 of 17 8. Consistency with Inclusionary Zoning regulations. The approved Jordan Ranch project encompassed 781 units which provided a community benefit payment in-lieu of providing inclusionary housing. This was memorialized in the Development Agreement applicable to this property. As Sub Area 2 has been reduced in units (-36) from the original approval and the number of units in Sub Area 3 have also been increased by 4 units, an overage of 32 units has been created and would be applicable to satisfying a portion of the requirement for inclusionary housing on the additional units that could be built on Sub Area 1 and 4. In conjunction with subsequent entitlements,once the development potential of Sub Area 1 and 4 are determined, a revised Development Agreement will be executed to determine the applicant's full compliance with the inclusionary housing ordinance.All subdivision maps and Site Development Reviews are subject to compliance with this agreement as a condition of approval. Stage 2 Development Plan for Sub Areas 2 and 3 . 1. Permitted Uses and site plan: See Stage 1 Development Plan, No. 1. 2. Dublin Zoning Ordinance-Applicable Requirements: Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this Planned Development District Amendment/Development Plan, all applicable general requirements and procedures of Ordinances 32-05, 45-08 and 13-10 and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this Planned Development District zoning amendment. 3. Development Regulations/Architectural Standards: Development Regulations would remain consistent with the Development Standards/Regulations established at the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development zoning adopted with Ordinance 32-05, as amended by Ordinances 45-08 and 13-10. However, a new category is hereby added to Medium Density Residential allowing"3,200 square foot lots"configured with front loaded garage access from a public street, as opposed to alley-access. The following Development regulations area adopted for this type of development in Subareas 2. Medium Density Residential Standards Single-Family Detached Subarea 2 3,200 sf Lots Lot Size 3,225 sf Minimum Lot Dimensions 43 feet x 75 feet Minimum Street Frontage 25 feet @cul-de-sac/knuckles Maximum Lot Coverage 50% Maximum Building Height 35 feet Maximum Stories 3 Minimum Front Yard Setbacks to living area 15 feet to porch/deck 10 feet to front of garage 18 feet Encroachments 2 feet maximum into required setback Minimum Side Yard Setback Side yard setback 4 feet minimum Page 8 of 17 corner lot(setback from side street) 9 feet porch/deck 4 feet(7 feet @ corner) Encroachments 2 feet maximum into required setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Living Space 10 feet One-story Garage 5 feet Encroachments 2 feet maximum into required setback Usable Private Rear Yard Space 400 sf[contiguous] flat area minimum dimension: 18 feet in one direction Required Parking 2 covered spaces per unit Guest Parking 1 space / 4. Phasing Plan. The 189.4-acre Jordan Ranch project is identified in two Phases. Phase 2 includes the Project area. 5. Site Plan. As shown below. pi 2. L . i c i I I I =, ,. a =. v = =, :+7.. �M= -- -, IIIIII ""_- I I I I I I I I \ +3 X 75 LOTS: 56 UNITS Ng,� r ■■■■ ..... i■a, :i: ,p ---i -I -i--i—'_—i--i-- i--- --� ' TOWN/FLATS: 109 UNITS i Ms �g.�Iilt�y lial Is® . 181 ' SIDE BY SIDE GARAGES. O rQo7 ems iot I I I I I I I I -- ` 69 ANDEM GARAGES: __ : l I I I I 1 I I I J/ --� +B UNITS in* �afe deed 1■8NI „—_—_—_ �/ 1r TOWNEFLAT GUEST PARKING: ma Enna ■■■■ mu I ?- _. ---4 / 13+SPACffS ism! gills ■■n■■ Ina I . . ' . . : ' : ■� �;am�_�oa q �. _ .-__i-J-J--1--L-i- 1_I I--1- �' �' L. ______,. .i - -- -------- 21.7___ — iiiiitiIc 5 z.- p S y GHBORHOOD SQUARE , -. P '.ia i' i it 1 / 2.7 ACRES _ _ _--■: Mfr r, • = 1(■ I■fl'i i-1 iii = N■ I■r�l F- F 2_ s : 1 r E2 r' hill '■N ''SITE OPTION 28 b • ii.• ion - Rill 11111• I � I se sx. 20s i 6. Landscaping Plan. As generally depicted below. a z I = o a en IA I 1 i _---]LF ti i _ . . -, - STREET THEE AND O.OI.OW1IRIM V SMR/OAKT M V Z II I- . -•I I r r C �� _ ,�s it. 'iliii.le `;� ...I,I „ I •.'. iI..I.I��IR .I '.` I of , ; {POf KWH $. AIOWINN 0 1 'RJA- WMitt CVIAMINTALTOIL TYR OP . — *1W i70o SIP LOTS NSIOUOTAi ira0sn O0 0 f 4. �:\s � -, .1 L-1AA In 10 0 (F. go U 1`+ aeiel rawn� .n. •ror .�.m r:T t . 16•`v. ` -„av Ira �► i1MILIMINAN AK•11YR TTR O WA- • ,: +'v. �3..-. Ni wx d ': 1,r xi —uw�m ew�.+lrs .................... .. , ... ....k....i,, ., :', , ... ; p= '011 4„.......-.o.,1211- :1 _____ —rrsw�wio®11WS • i 1 NM g I WM I _010111!"11 rwrww+.wTOR 1O1■4 t ROMIyIIAIZ IMIICK IllarR4 E ,F i. w=KRirwx.I Jr - Page 10 of 17 ap Color m,Ccio:Copp 1 k F e ,, —� Z W Will and cdJmn cdur:Copper(A.42049) 1- 11.1 .p k 1 1' , W 85 _ -1_ 1 y 1 { I � 45' U 0. 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WPOS •mues4WPIINia•1110.170Prt.11110.rt MI.ilMaSILIIMONINN OINIMINSPIL MIRLINISII *ft wv-or. kw.or-ro 1 4 .,. , y,......„. UN COO.% 1 mem 1—camew. 11.44--saran CINVERII ".."'" wheat mow .“II SIWARIA ..■Ii■p■ ; CONCORSAl NENINA AMF11.1 slIP COOPPIT.10...W3101WWW VaCRVOI 1/241.4.1K0 ll ZIA 1 Page 15 of 17 7. Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. See paragraph 8, Stage 1 Development Plan. 8. Site area, maximum proposed densities, maximum residential units and nonresidential square footages. The following table provides the acreage per land use designation and unit count by residential product type for Jordan Ranch, as amended. See Site plan for figures in Subareas 2 and 3. PD ZONING/LAND USE SUMMARY TABLE FOR Jordan Ranch (PA 04-040, PA 09-011, and PLPA 2010-00068) LAND USE APPROVED PER PROPOSED DESIGNATION PA 09-011 PLPA 2010-00068 Acres Units Acres(1) Units Low Density Residential 52.7 ac 253 du 52.7 ac(2) 253 de) • .9 - 6.0du/ac • • Medium Density Residential 23.4 ac 201 du 37.0 ac 357 du(4) 6.1 - 14 du/ac Medium-High Density Residential 22.3 ac 222 du 16.7 ac 239 du 14.1 - 25 du/ac Mixed Use 6.6 ac 105 du 4.6 ac 115 du Semi-Public(5) 2.0 ac 0 ac Elementary School 10.1 ac 10.7 ac Community Park 11.1 ac 11.1 ac Neighborhood Park 5.8 ac 5.8 ac Neighborhood Square 2.7 ac 2.7 ac Open Space 52.7 ac 48.1 ac Total 189.4 ac 781 du 189.4 ac 964 du 10K - 12K sf 5,000 sf NOTES: At+ e5 feage figures are gross. A portion of acreage to be dedicated toward street is included in each acreage figure. (2) Includes the 1.5 acres dedicated for Positano Parkway. (a) Additional unit approved with Vesting Tentative Map 8024. (4) Includes 100 units on the Elementary School site. (S) Semi-Public is an overlay use within Medium High Density Residential. 9. Other zoning regulations. Pursuant to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, section 8.32.060.C, the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Project shall be governed by the provisions of the closest comparable zoning district as determined by the Community Development Director and of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance except as provided in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, as amended. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days following its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. Page 16 of 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June 2012, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Swalwell, and Mayor Sbranti NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None J/ v ierr-eul Mayor ATTEST: P al/0 City Clerk Ord. No.9-12,Adopted 6-19-12, Item 4.7 Page 17 of 17 at` DATE: January 26, 2017 DUBLIN TO: File PLPA-2016-00066 CALIFORNIA THE NEW CC: File PLPA-2010-00068 AMERICAN BACKYARD FROM: Luke Sims, AICP, Community Development Director ,y SUBJECT: Minor Amendment to Planned Development (PD) Zoning Ordinance 9-12) for Jordan Ranch Phase 2 (PLPA-2010-00068) Background A General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan and a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) were approved in 2005 for Fallon Village, which includes Jordan Ranch. Jordan Ranch is comprised of two properties totaling approximately 189.4 gross acres located within the west/central portion of the 1,134 acre area approved as the Fallon Village Project area. It is bounded to the north by Positano Parkway and to the west by Fallon Road. The southerly boundary of Jordan Ranch generally is located along Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway. The Jordan Ranch properties were part of an earlier annexation known as the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO) annexation area and were annexed to the City in 2002. On June 22, 2010, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13-10 to rezone an approximately 189-acre area known as Jordan Ranch to a Planned Development Zoning District and adopted a Stage 2 Development Plan for the area. The Jordan City Council 925.833.6650 Ranch project included the development of up to 780 residential units within 6 City Manager neighborhoods. On June 19, 2012, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9-12, 925.833 6650 which approved a Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Community Development Development Plan amendments for Jordan Ranch Phase 2 specific to four subareas.925 833 6610 Economic Development On October 20, 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9-15, which amended 925 833 6650 the Jordan Ranch project. The amendments included a General Plan and Eastern Finance/IT Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of a 4.6 acre site925.833.6640 Fire Prevention known as Parcel H from Mixed-Use to Medium Density Residential in addition to 925.833.6606 amending the land use designation of a 3.7 acre site from Community Park to Human Resources Public/Semi-Public to allow for a future school. The project included development of 925.833.6605 Parks&Community Services 45 houses on Parcel H and 105 townhomes on Neighborhood 7. 925.833.6645 Police The Jordan Ranch neighborhoods are shown on the vicinity map below. 925 833.6670 Public Works The Jordan Ranch Stage 2 Development Plan established: the overall layout and 925 833.6630 neighborhood configuration; Development Standards/Regulations; Architecture; Traffic and Circulation; and Landscape. 100 Civic Plaza Dublin,CA 94568 P 925.833.6650 F 925.833.6651 www.dublin.ca.gov b F, l Ao ao boI l' . , :A : no. P o. a o A. t 47,1". r , ,. 00P 49 i1:r` r r ' aa.•Oa• ' -, "` QOM I N-2• p 411 :-'L:paa•'t0, 040°°'000S.,: 1, 1 vv.' dtfaiii55beoo4 CO 05°ddoOQp i %, 1.;" VICINITY MAP I . : AGGG r oCP ti00000q - ,p , . t'1? N et., r's.".e. v d llf/ 0000° 3, N-s Na I • 1 DUBLIN LIVERMORE y Parcel H OgoQ a+ !a 1. 7 7/frionumeatio y=off ' , `'R*r: N 5 PA*„ N4 i\N-6 r xaYA' aW\ LI o t. a 5, x1 A F nt+nursao 1 PLANNING AREA I ite.) Proposal The applicant is proposing to amend the porch side yard setback for Lot 39 within the Slate development (Neighborhood 5 of Jordan Ranch). Lot 39 is a corner lot and per the Development Standards/Regulations set forth in Ordinance No. 9- 12, the porch side yard setback is 7 feet. The applicant proposes to amend the porch side yard setback from 7 feet to 6.5 feet to accommodate the Plan 3X-D on this lot. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed setback modification and determined that the reduced porch side yard setback would not negatively impact circulation or line of sight within the neighborhood. Due to lot size constraints in relation to the Plan 3X, Slate currently only has four Plan 3X's plotted in the community. Plan 3X is specifically a corner lot plan type and only has two different elevations, A and D. The adjacent lot, Lot 56, is currently depicted as a 3X-A and cannot fit a 3X-D due to lot depth constraints. As such, it isn't feasible to swap the elevations and plot a Plan 3X-A on Lot 39. The developer,Tri-Point Homes, is interested in maintaining four Plan 3X's in the community. The Plan 3X includes a first floor bedroom option, which is highly desirable to perspective buyers. This first floor bedroom is what differentiates the Plan 3X from the Plan 3. Minor Amendment to a Planned Development (PD)Zoning District A minor amendment to an adopted PD may be approved administratively by the Community Development Director upon a finding that the amendment substantially complies with and does not materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance for the site (DMC 8.32.080). Approval The Community Development Director finds that the proposed Minor Amendment to Planned Development (PD) Zoning District PLPA-2010-00068 (Ordinance No. 9-12), is in substantial compliance with, and does not materially change the provisions or intent of, PD Zoning District PLPA-2010-00068. The Director hereby approves a Minor Amendment to PD Zoning District PLPA-2010-00068 to allow a porch side yard setback of 6.5' for the plan 3X-D on Lot 39 of Jordan Ranch Neighborhood 5 (Slate). clspoolmrcml2x rslo6normsVo- PLOTTING awe 2016-12-11M 12/1s/m16 ar.sv PM ALAN B J°I° I 10•'\ -°- 29.8' o D p 20.0 25.0 o{, i.4.0' 4.0' a o+ f. 4.0' 7 I 10.0' . i [7 a O. a VYD#!0'olO- cisY zI O Y 348' nn a f 8 185• v o v 1 P cb APO , _o 0 o 11 9 i 220 oI I 1a 150•o u 348' TT 6o r uSao rs.,r 7 o, CARBONDALE CIRCLE 185 v:r o JO.,p a , 1 19.5 v z1,, 34 8' b 18.51 0apv o { 1150 18.0' 10.r : - 220 O - 150' I® 175' oI } 0.L' 28.0' 10.0"a alc 0 185" I oI fSI 200_15.1' 34.8' _ I L Q 23 o u Q 20.0_ 18.5'_ m +o { O. 78.0• - m O°.J185' 18.5' a d qI Io..L' ,,!:,... 1 I 16.0' '# oI t0.o'o I 11E0_1, 0.0'4` + 20.0' i { ,, u 34.8' j 4 ° u a - t I# ,tso' 150' 1 } o - °lo.o ( 0 /50' r5 e o 70- 10.0'- oI 0.' nC 18.5' 8` 20.0' i # 18.0_ n 185' 1 oA I SI I 18.0' I I- j 32.8'CD 7 n I Q { U 18.0' a v vo I.. ' Q ti 185" 18.5" o r lox' Q Io 20.0' 20..5"0ba a W m® 1 r a oI 0r- ate 175. Z 15.f'-5 I qI I-D I Q-.. 10.0' 78.5' 1 Q { to 34.6'M t 4 o 0 18s' m t7s o ° - 10.0'} 10 C 1160' D 150 a O z 185' a " 18.0' - Z N ` y 18.5' W I El w 151•C) 10.01- Q J } . m e'°I I t} Z r 150' I t L 348' - Q p a C C. o _ w o+ 20.0' 18.5' 7 t{ 0 180' ti q 01.----18.5 m 20.0' A'O cO n O _ O 1 n m as 15`_0'10.0'(,, 150• 71 L A 348'- 01 v JO 0'I y G qI } r 185' O s o M - D 0. } }o 16.0'fa rr 0 I18 - ' CO- t0.o' IOa20.0'i O Z o ®I 18s' to.o' 20.0' DI e%' 20.0• 16.5 o t8o' o te.s r no 1 ClaC2_Z ) n oI { 4 1115. 0 16.0' oI I r 10.0'0 JSI' 216' -' o} 34.2' 6 n I J a cj ODmoA15.0' 20.0' I f }O. 718.0, - O° 20.0' o 18.5' s 150' Z '` / ril 10.0 100' a I~ it t V s cn c;, 7.I' 22.4' W O r 111 ,S'Ol 9 0 r o9,A r . O CARBONDALE CIRCLE vSOLO V a 44.9' Z ct m III.I% C;.. alp T.o. ZJ 18 13G' tn.'pi! 11 .-1.---11. O av 'rw © c O -- 4.0'4.0' ' 4.0' 4.0' I 4.0' 4.0' _ 4.0' _ 54' 9 6 4.0' ___4,0' 4.• Ii 40' 1AN ti o c! v p o o v A T Q Z - t A s' 's O ID 4 oZZGC/ 1 v I vo Q M c , vo rrt u an Y6 u yr tt IC 1,..,' Z R O 2 a o o t ;I: A sj .U NgmD c o.N a nn T Is, O j v v : 4" oV co r`v o1 m 2 Ci f 1635402-1 0008 12/21/2016 002 119 CITY OF DUBLIN 'errni Time 008533 $512.00 CITY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DUBLIN Planning Application Form Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. Please print or type legibly. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. Staff strongly encourages you to hold an informational meeting with surrounding property owners and tenants to discuss your project prior to submitting an application for a Conditional Use Permit or Site Development Review. If you are currently working with a Planner on a Pre-Application project, please schedule an appointment with the Planner prior to submitting your application. TYPE OF APPLICATION: General/Specific Plan Amendment[GPA] 1 Tentative Subdivision Map[TMAP] X Rezone[PD REZ or REZ] (M,+10,' I?'b A"41‘1-"144)Site Development Review[SDR] Conditional Use Permit[CUP] Sign/Site Development Review[SIGN/SDR] Minor Use Permit[MUP] Master Sign Program[MSP/SDR] Development. Community Benefit or Affordable Housing Agmt. Variance[VAR] II.GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property: —'t-A-T-E Q J111--r>AJ—I 0-A'J"4 1 I IZ ck B. Assessor Parcel Number(s):C. Site Area: D.Zoning: E. General Plan Designation: F.Specific Plan Designation: G. Brief Description of Project: C--E% H. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: U` I. Within 1,000 feet of a military installation (Camp Parks)? III. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT(Check One L7 PROPERTY OWNER:In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full legal capacity to. and hereby do. authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Note:All Property Owners must sign if property is jointly owned) Name:A-s°,•'`- PLC Title: U• f'• Company: TL). Qfritr'rTE— Fk•tr eS Phone' ( ) `(2S— — 22- 3 O Email: JAS tnA • C-,o'd-t (--E-- -`?1r'`v^l•-e(^'."• C thi"A Fax II: ( ) Address: ' 2vi o C—r'd"`t ~. t q o-4. S 0-4,‘ gZc...o t C A 9 4 3 Signature:Date: (2 ~ (4+—1(v O APPLICANT (OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER): In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained written authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Title: Company:Phone: ( ) Email: Fax#: ( ) Address: Signature:Date: IV. STAFF REPORT DELIVERY(Check One) O E-mail notification when the Staff Report is available to download from the City's web site. Please provide an e-mail address where we can notify you: O Hardcopy delivered via US Postal Service(Please note that we cannot guarantee delivery prior to the Public Hearing). O Pick up the Staff Report at the Planning Department. Please provide a phone number or email address where we can notify you that the Staff Report is available to pick-up: - PLPA - 2-o,(Li -Q O Mk Rev. 4/2015 RECEIVED lii Po DEC 14 2016 H O M L S DUBLIN PLANNING Letter of Transmittal TO: Martha Battaglia FROM: Jason Cole, Project Manager COMP:City of Dublin DATE: December 14, 2016 CC Jackie Mast PHONE 925-804-2230 Office SUBJECT: SLATE AT JORDAN RANCH; N5 TRACT 8268; PD AMENDMENT(LOT 39 SETBACK) Urgent For Review Please Reply For Your Use Martha, Please accept the enclosed SBR wraiusx.application and updated house plotting exhibit as our request for a variance on the corner setback on Lot 39 at Tract 8268 (Slate at Jordan Ranch, N5). We are requesting to keep the plan 3X-D on Lot 39, as originally approved by Kristi Bascom on 4/27/16, with a corner setback dimension of 6.5' instead of the required 7.0', as we have a limited number of lots within the tract that the plan 3X will fit. Due to lot size constraints in relation to the plan 3X, Slate (N5) currently has ONLY four (4) plan 3X's plotted in the community. Plan 3X is specifically a corner lot plan type, and only has two (2) different elevations, A and D.The adjacent lot, Lot 56, is currently depicted as a 3X-A and cannot fit a 3X-D due to depth-of-lot constraints. As such, an elevation-style 'swap' will not be feasible. We at Tri Pointe appreciate the opportunity to offer these four (4) Plan 3X's to our buyers as a true 1" floor bedroom option is highly desirable. This 1"floor bedroom is what differentiates the Plan 3X from the Plan 3. We appreciate your consideration. Best Regards, TRIPOINTE HOMES, INC. citii....„ ,i Jason Cole, Project Manager Enclosed: D elonpm ent Site Plan (x3) SBR-Warver Application Check#95531 for$512 2010 Crow Canyon Place,Suite 380,San Ramon,CA 94583• p.925.804.2220• FAX 925.804.2221•www.TRlPointeHomes corn