HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.14 Bikeways Master Pl Update STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK File #600-30 CITY COUNCIL DATE:July 17, 2012 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Procure Transportation Consulting Services for the Update of the Citywide Bikeways Master Plan and Development of a Pedestrian Plan Prepared by Ferd Del Rosario, Senior Civil Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2007 Citywide Bikeways Master Plan is being updated to reflect the current status of the Plan and to achieve consistency with recently updated regional transportation plans. Staff is also proposing the development of a Pedestrian Plan with emphasis on the Downtown area. The City Council will consider the procurement of transportation consulting services to update the Bikeways Master Plan and develop the Pedestrian Plan. The two master plans will be combined together to create Dublin Bikeways and Pedestrian Master Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total cost to update/develop the Bikeways/Pedestrian plan is $146,970. The project will be funded with Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Program funds and adequate funds have been budgeted for this project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council Authorize the City Manager to procure consulting services with Fehr and Peers for the update of the Citywide Bikeways Master Plan/development of Pedestrian Plan for an amount not to exceed $146,970. Submitted By Reviewed By Director of Public Works Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: The Bikeways Master Plan was originally developed in 2007 to help the City implement a bikeway system that could provide a viable transportation alternative to the automobile, improve safety for bicyclists and provide residents with access to open space, trails and other recreational amenities.The Plan included an evaluation of existing conditions, a prioritized list of ITEM NO. 4.14 Page 1 of 2 recommended improvements for both on and off-street facilities, and recommendations pertaining to bicycle parking, safety, education and enforcement. To reflect the current status of the Plan and to achieve consistency with recently updated regional transportation plans prepared by Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), Staff has included the update of the Bikeways Master Plan in the City’s Budget and Financial Plan for FY 12-13 and 13-14. Similarly Staff will update the bicycle design guidelines of the existing Plan as well as possible inclusion of state-of-the-practice solutions included in the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Design Guide. The NACTO Design Guide provides cities with solutions that can help create complete streets that are safe and enjoyable to bicyclists. Also being proposed is the development of a Pedestrian Plan which will include adoption of a pedestrian policy framework and implementation strategy with emphasis on the Downtown area. The two master plans will be combined together to create a single Bikeways and Pedestrian Master Plan document. In scoping the work to update the Plan, Staff had asked participants in the bi-annual Bikeways workshop conducted in May 2012 for feedback on the scope of work. Based on the feedback and suggestions received from the East Bay Bicycle Coalition, the scope of work will include a corridor study of Dublin Boulevard from San Ramon Road to the Alamo Canal Trail through Downtown, as recommended in the existing Bikeways Master Plan. The consultant will develop up to three design alternatives and prepare a technical memorandum identifying the pros and cons of the alternatives including conceptual design level cost estimates. The results and recommendations of the study will be presented to the stakeholders and the most viable alternative will be incorporated into the Plan. The scope includes conducting a community workshop to discuss existing conditions and needs, and a follow up workshop to discuss priority projects including the results of the Dublin Boulevard corridor study. Stakeholders and the public will be invited to the workshops which will be advertised and open to the public for input. The Draft Plan will be presented to the Planning and Parks & Community Services Commissions for input and comment, and eventually to the City Council for review and approval. The City has an existing on-call consultant services agreement with Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants, who developed the first Citywide Bikeways Master Plan and is very familiar with the local bicycle and pedestrian network. The cost of the effort is estimated at $146,970 and will be funded with Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian program funds. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to procure consulting services with Fehr & Peers for the update and development of the Bikeways/Pedestrian Master Plan. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Copy to Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants ATTACHMENTS: 1. Consultant Scope of Services to update and develop the Citywide Bikeways Master Plan/Pedestrian Plan Page 2 of 2 City of Dublin Bicycle Plan Update and Pedestrian Plan Scope of Work, Schedule and Fee The following scope of work includes the necessary elements for Dublin to update their 2007 Bicycle Transportation Plan and develop a Pedestrian Plan as discussed with Fehr & Peers. This plan update is intended to comply with the California Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) guidelines as well as achieve consistency with recently updated regional transportation plans prepared by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), and the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC). 1.0PROJECT INITIATION 1.1KICK OFF MEETING Fehr & Peers will meet with the City project manager to review the scope of work, schedule and key project milestones. We will identify roles and responsibilities, obtain relevant available data, and identify key meeting dates for the TAC, commission meetings and community engagement. 1.2TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fehr & Peers will work with the City project manager to identify a project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to ensure that each relevant City and partner agency is engaged in the project and can provide appropriate review of interim deliverables and recommendations prior to presentation of draft plan elements to relevant commissions. The TAC will include representatives from Public Works & Engineering, Community Development, and Parks & Community Services. The TAC may invite outside agencies such as East Bay Regional Park District, BART or Alameda County Transportation Commission to participate in individual meetings if appropriate. Generally the TAC will meet to review major deliverables at key project milestones. Proposed TAC meetings are identified as subtasks below. 1 2.0EXISTING CONDITIONS UPDATE 2.1UPDATE EXISTING DATA The 2007 Bicycle Transportation Plan has served as an effective policy guide and capital projects list for the past five years and requires a strategic update to ensure that the document continues to provide the Dublin community and city staff with appropriate guidance. Bicycle and pedestrian plans must be periodically updated to respond to changing land use, demographics, travel behavior, transportation infrastructure, design standards, funding availability, and other factors that influence bicycling and walking. The baseline update to the 2007 Plan would include the following elements in response to BTA requirements and City of Dublin needs: Review and update most recent bicycle mode share and count data  Identify built projects and bikeway expenditures since adoption of the 2007 Plan  Identify land use changes  Examine most recent available collision history and community input on safety; map collision  locations and summarize incident reports This task will also serve to document baseline conditions for walking in Dublin including: Pedestrian mode share  Identify build project and pedestrian-focused expenditures in the last five years  Examine most recent collision history and community input on safety  Assemble baseline GIS inventory of existing pedestrian infrastructure including sidewalk network,  marked crossings, pedestrian signal information and key pedestrian trip generator/attractors 2.2TAC MEETING 1 Fehr & Peers will facilitate a meeting with the TAC to review existing conditions, ensure accuracy of findings, and plan for the community workshop and discuss complete streets policy development. We will provide an agenda, facilitate the meeting, and prepare follow up documentation. 2 2.3COMMUNITY WORKSHOP – EXISTING CONDITIONS & NEEDS Fehr & Peers will conduct a community workshop to discuss City of Dublin investments and accomplishments related to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and programs and to identify bicycling and walking needs in the community. We will provide and introductory presentation emphasizing the quality of existing infrastructure, identifying the local opportunities to increase walking and bicycling trips, and soliciting input from attendees on specific opportunities. This input will aid the consultant and City team in updating the recommended bicycle network map, strategies for improving walkability in the Downtown area, updating the recommended bicycle design standards, and creating additional pedestrian design and project guidance for the City. In addition, it is necessary to community through the presentation that the Plan will focus on strategic corridors for bicyclists and on the Downtown for pedestrians. We will include specific interactive exercises in the workshop format to facilitate focus on these areas. Fehr & Peers will document the outcomes of this workshop to identify recommended areas for geographic focus and to generate lists of candidate capital improvements for integration into the updated plan recommendations. 3.0PROGRAM AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT 3.1PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Fehr & Peers will conduct an assessment of the City of Dublin’s existing pedestrian and bicycle programs including education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. We will document the existing program staffing, focus, budget, sources of past/current/future funding, and city-owned resources and staffing. The City of Dublin departments responsible for existing programs will provide Fehr & Peers with standard information in response to a questionnaire/data solicitation. Existing programs includes: Bike to Work Month, bicycle safety classes, ‘Bike to Market’ activities, adult safety classes, trail maps, City team bike challenge, and the Flat Tire Repair Clinic and Bike Donation Drive. Based on the data obtained and staff interviews, we will identify capacity to continue the identified programs. In addition to the assessment of existing programs, we will work with staff to identify programs gaps for further exploration in the recommendations phase of work below. Fehr & Peers will use the recommendations provided by the League of American Bicyclists in response to the City of Dublin’s Bicycle Friendly Community Application to support this task. 3 3.2COMPLETE STREETS POLICY Fehr & Peers will coordinate with City of Dublin staff to review the City developed Complete Street Policy in preparation for the development of more detailed bicycle and pedestrian design guidelines. 3.3BICYCLE FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES Fehr & Peers will update the 2007 Plan bikeway design standards recommendations to conform with current state-of-the-practice and relevant design manuals and identify where modifications to City of Dublin street design standards may be necessary and should be considered by staff for recommendation to commissions and Council. Fehr & Peers will develop design guidance that addresses recent changes in the 2012 California MUTCD, updated AASHTO Bikeway Design Guide (2012 release), NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide and Caltrans Highway Design Manual (2012 Complete Streets). Collectively these manuals have been significantly changed in recent years and include a much larger toolkit for urban bikeways. We summarize current standards, prepare a table reference linking to existing published materials, and prepare guidance to Dublin staff encompassing basic quantitative and qualitative measures for implementation of new bikeway design practices. The expanded guidance will address on-street bicycle facilities, bicycle parking, and off-street bicycle facilities. 3.4PEDESTRIAN FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES Dublin has the opportunity to build on the General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan to provide detailed guidance on pedestrian facility design standards and appropriate level of pedestrian accommodation associated with all future Downtown and TOD area development. In addition to the focus area policy and design standards development, there is an opportunity to review citywide development standards to ensure community walkability. This review will include development of policy and design recommendations for pedestrian walkway connectivity, sidewalk dimensions, crossing design standards, and other facilities impacting pedestrian access and mobility. Fehr & Peers will review existing adopted policy, standard design details, and street design standards to ensure that local pedestrian infrastructure standards are consistent with current national state-of-the-practice for both safety and walkability. Based on this review, we will prepare a memorandum summarizing recommendations and options for staff, commission, and Council consideration. 4 3.5TAC MEETING 2 Fehr& Peers will facilitate a meeting with the TAC to review the Bikeway Design Guidelines, pedestrian facility design guidelines, and application of the revised design guidelines to the recommended bikeway network and Downtown area. This meeting is an important step to ensure that staff is comfortable with the facility type recommendations prior to Fehr & Peers preparing the draft updated facility recommendations map. We will discuss the findings coming out of the community workshop and specific bikeway design approaches for the primary corridors where major investments are needed. 4.0RECOMMENDED NETWORK AND PROGRAMS 4.1UPDATE RECOMMENDED BIKEWAYS & FACILITIES Based on the above findings, Fehr & Peers will prepare an update to the recommended bikeways and bicycle support facilities from the 2007 Plan. This update will reflect changes in facility location, changes in recommended facility type, and changes in supporting bicycle infrastructure including signal detection, bicycle parking, other end of trip facilities and related recommendations. Fehr & Peers anticipates that much of the recommended network will remain and that the substantive changes in the plan will relate to the type and quality of recommended bikeways and supporting infrastructure. Fehr & Peers will prepare this draft update to the Recommended Bikeways in GIS and incorporate findings from staff, community input and field review. We will prepare updated Recommended Bikeways figures including an existing and proposed bicycle network/facility map and existing and recommended bicycle parking map. 4.2RECOMMENDED DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN NETWORK Fehr & Peers will prepare an infrastructure map and framework for the Downtown pedestrian recommendations that provides for continuous access, transit accessibility, safe crossings and increased pedestrian prioritization within the Priority Development Area established by MTC/ABAG. The Downtown Pedestrian Network recommendations will draw from the pedestrian design guidelines developed above and apply these standards to specific candidate capital projects. 5 4.3RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS Fehr & Peers will develop recommendations for continuing existing “4 E’s” programs – education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation – as well as creating and delivering new needed programs as identified in Task 3.1 above. These recommendations will include a program description, program intent or objective, planning level staffing and budget suggestions, potential sources of funding and/or revenue, as well as recommendations for the appropriate lead agency and partnerships. Programs recommendations will include opportunities for City programs, public-private partnerships, and City encouragement of private initiatives to encourage/incentive walking and bicycling. 5.0PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Fehr & Peers will aid staff in identifying bicycle priority project design feasibility, planning and capital costs, grant funding opportunities and development conditions strategies for project implementation, and next steps in design and operations analysis to move the identified projects forward. Generally these priority project conceptual design efforts will include supplemental field work, scaled drawing development (preliminary engineering), and cost estimating. The result is a reasonably detailed understanding of specific projects such that key design issues, community outreach needs, detailed planning level costs and implementation strategies are well documented. Fehr & Peers will develop conceptual design and feasibility analysis for two project corridors, as identified below. Based on staff guidance and recent community input, we have selected Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Boulevard. If through the Plan update process it is necessary and appropriate to substitute or add priority bikeway projects under this task; Fehr & Peers will prepare a memorandum documenting the required changes in the scope of work. 5.1DUBLIN BOULEVARD BIKEWAY FEASIBILITY Fehr & Peers will develop conceptual bikeway design for Dublin Boulevard through Downtown along the three lane section. Project limits are from the intersection with San Ramon Road to the intersection with the Alamo Canal Trail. 6 5.1.1DESIGN ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT We will develop up to three design alternatives for the corridor in typical cross section and conceptual design plan layout. As a supplement to the conceptual design development, we will prepare a summary technical memorandum identifying the pros and cons associated with each of the alternatives including conceptual design level cost estimates. 5.1.2OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Fehr & Peers will conduct an operations test of the design alternatives based on current City of Dublin traffic operations standards and complete streets standards. City of Dublin will provide existing data on signal timing, traffic volumes and speeds, bicycle and pedestrian volumes and roadway layout. The City will also provide data and analysis from the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan that will inform this corridor analysis. We will prepare spot intersection and segment analysis to identify where any required changes in lane configuration and intersection operations may result in significant impacts. We will prepare a technical memorandum that presents findings from the testing described above. 5.2TAC MEETING 3. PRIORITY BIKEWAY PROJECTS Fehr & Peers will meet with the TAC to review the findings on the priority bikeway projects and facilitate staff level decision making on recommendations for the preferred alternative for each of the priority projects. Based on the findings and outcomes from this meeting, Fehr & Peers will refine the analysis and prepare recommendations to incorporate in the Draft plan. 5.3PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Dublin is a recently developed community with continuous sidewalks and current signalized intersection equipment and overall high quality pedestrian infrastructure consistent with the rate of walking among Dublin residents. The pedestrian priority areas however will benefit from strategic or programmatic improvements in order to upgrade the quality of pedestrian infrastructure, improve pedestrian safety, or improve pedestrian mobility between specific locations -- such as the Downtown, planned TOD area, and school areas. Under this task Fehr & Peers would define pedestrian projects for individual corridor projects, intersection crossing projects and/or groups of projects relevant to a specific area such as Downtown or a school zone. 7 Fehr & Peers assumes that up to three (3) pedestrian priority projects will be identified and that we will develop conceptual improvements plans, cost estimates and basic operational analysis for associated crossing and intersection improvements. We have assumed that projects are corridor-focused; however they could also be area focused and include several intersections in a given area in contrast to corridor segments. As a part of this effort, Fehr & Peers would assemble the priority project materials such that they are ready for inclusion in grant program submittals such as Safe Routes to Transit, CMAQ, ACTC Measure B competitive share funds, as well as other relevant programs. 5.4TAC MEETING 4. PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS Fehr & Peers will meet with the TAC to review the findings on the priority pedestrian projects and facilitate staff level decision making on recommendations for the preferred alternative for each of the priority projects. Based on the findings and outcomes from this meeting, Fehr & Peers will refine the analysis and prepare recommendations to incorporate in the Draft plan. At this TAC meeting we will also prepare for the community workshop focusing on priority project recommendations and design standards. Fehr & Peers will provide input to staff on appropriate timing and sequencing of the community workshop in relationship to commission and Council briefings, depending on the policy and traffic operations implications of the priority projects. 5.5COMMUNITY WORKSHOP – PRIORITY PROJECTS Fehr & Peers will conduct a community workshop to discuss the overall plan structure and recommendations and emphasize the priority project design recommendations and operations analysis. We will provide and introductory presentation covering the work complete and prepare a project presentation materials conducive to an open house discussion format. Fehr & Peers and City staff will be stationed at presentation boards and posters graphically summarizing the design and technical considerations. Fehr & Peers will document the outcomes of this workshop to identify refinements to the priority projects and design recommendations. We will prepare a memorandum and summary presentation to enable staff to update the City Council on the findings from this workshop and overall project direction at this stage of the project such that Council members are aware of status prior to preparation of the Draft Plan. 8 6.0DRAFT & FINAL PLAN 6.1PLAN OUTLINE Fehr & Peers will prepare a Draft Plan outline inclusive of findings from each of the above tasks. We recommend creation of a seamless ‘Active Transportation Plan’ with elements addressing complete streets policy, bicycle network and projects, pedestrian network and projects, and supporting design guidelines and specific code changes to guide future projects. In addition to these sections we will develop guidance to provide for ongoing future performance monitoring. We will review this outline with the City project manager (with TAC input) and formalize for development of the Draft Plan. 6.2PERFORMANCE MEASURES Cities throughout the SF Bay Area and nationally are increasingly gathering pedestrian and bicycle data as a part of a performance monitoring and measurement program. Ongoing performance monitoring can demonstrate the value of specific capital improvements and overall programmatic investments in walking and bicycling. Under this task, Fehr & Peers will work with the City of Dublin to: Identify existing sources of pedestrian and bicycle data (ACTC, EBRPD, US Census, etc.)  identify needs for supplemental data collection necessary to document baseline rates of walking  and bicycling Identify data collection technology and strategies (automated counters, use of existing signal  technology, manual counts, etc.). Identify other relevant performance measures and data sources (Special event participation,  collisions, walking and bicycling rates, etc.) review and consider League of American Bicyclists recommendations from honorable mention  selection from Bicycle Friendly Community application 9 Fehr & Peers will also develop a streamlined template that will enable staff to easily report to Council, funding agencies, and other interested parties on annual capital expenditures for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, on each identified performance measure. 6.3DRAFT PLAN Fehr & Peers will prepare an Administrative Draft of the comprehensive draft plan based on the agreed upon outline and incorporating the additional performance monitoring material. We will provide the administrative draft to staff and respond to one set of consolidated internally consistent comments to prepare the Draft Plan. As a part of the Draft Plan, Fehr & Peers will prepare guidance for staff to complete the required amendment to the General Plan maps and policies. Fehr & Peers will prepare a memorandum to staff identifying required policy modifications and map changes. 6.4COMMISSION HEARINGS Fehr & Peers will prepare for and attend up to two (2) commission hearings to present the Draft Plan. These hearings will include one (1) presentation at the Planning Commission and one (1) presentation at the Parks & Recreation Commission. We will respond to staff direction from the commission hearings and make required modifications to the plan in order to carry it forward for Council review and approval. 6.5ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW City of Dublin staff or contractors will prepare the necessary CEQA environmental clearance documents for approval and adoption of the Draft Plan. Fehr & Peers has included hours for one meeting with City staff and/or CEQA contractors to facilitate transfer of data and previously conduced analysis for integration into the environmental review process. Fehr & Peers is available to provide additional support staff in this analysis for an additional scope and fee. 10 6.6CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fehr & Peers will present the Draft Plan at one (1) City Council meeting for review and approval. We will work with the TAC to identify required changes to create the Final Plan in response to City Council comments. 6.7FINAL PLAN We will prepare the final plan in electronic format and package supporting design, analysis and mapping materials for future use by City staff. 11 COST TABLE Key Staff Person Labor (Hours) Fehr & Peers Matthew Ryan Carrie Ian Moore Task RidgwayMcClainNielson Graphics Principal-Associat Project Project / in-e-in- EngineerPlannerAdmin Total Total Cost ChargeCharge Support $260.00$200.00$150.00$130.00$115.00 Hourly Rate 1PROJECT INITIATION 1.1KICK OFF MEETING2444 14 $ 2,440.00 1.2TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE22 4 $ 660.00 2EXISTING CONDITIONS UPDATE 2.1UPDATE EXISTING DATA148248 45 $ 6,300.00 2.2TAC MEETING 1144 9 $ 1,580.00 2.3COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - EXISTING CONDITIONS & NEEDS882416 56 $ 7,760.00 3POLICY DEVELOPMENT 3.1PROGRAMS ASSESSMENT416424 48 $ 7,960.00 3.2COMPLETE STREETS POLICY12 3 $ 460.00 3.3BICYCLE FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES21223232 80 $ 11,060.00 3.4PEDESTRIAN FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES21222432 72 $ 10,020.00 3.5TAC MEETING 22444 14 $ 2,300.00 4RECOMMENDED NETWORK 4.1UPDATE RECOMMENDED BIKEWAYS & FACILITIES284168 38 $ 5,720.00 4.2RECOMMENDED DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN NETWORK284168 38 $ 5,720.00 4.3PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS14126 23 $ 3,310.00 5PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 5.1DUBLIN BOULEVARD BIKEWAY FEASIBILITY244 10 $ 1,920.00 5.1.1DESIGN ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT216242412 78 $ 11,820.00 5.1.2OPERATIONS ANALYSIS2824164 54 $ 8,260.00 5.3TAC MEETING 4. PRIORITY BIKEWAY PROJECTS28484 26 $ 4,220.00 5.4PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT18162412 61 $ 8,760.00 5.5TAC MEETING 5. PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS4484 20 $ 2,900.00 5.6COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - PRIORITY PROJECTS882416 56 $ 7,760.00 6DRAFT & FINAL PLAN 6.1PLAN OUTLINE2428 16 $ 2,660.00 6.2PERFORMANCE MEASURES412 16 $ 2,360.00 6.3DRAFT PLAN11083224 75 $ 10,380.00 6.4COMMISSION MEETINGS884 20 $ 3,260.00 6.5ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW12 3 $ 660.00 6.6COUNCIL HEARING1448 17 $ 2,580.00 6.7FINAL PLAN1421616 39 $ 5,280.00 34179144360218 935 Total Hours $8,840$35,800$21,600$46,800$25,070 Total Labor Costs$ 138,110.00 OTHER DIRECT COSTS: 10 Bicycle/Pedestrian Counts@ $175 per intersection$ 1,750.00 200 Mileage@ 55 cents per mile$ 110.00 Communications & Reproduction$7,000.00 TOTAL DIRECT COST$ 8,860.00 TOTAL$ 146,970.00 12 SCHEDULE 13 20122013 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug 1PROJECT INITIATION 1.1KICK OFF MEETING 1.2TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2EXISTING CONDITIONS UPDATE 2.1UPDATE EXISTING DATA 2.2TAC MEETING 1 2.3COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - EXISTING CONDITIONS & NEEDS 3POLICY DEVELOPMENT 3.1PROGRAMS ASSESSMENT 3.2COMPLETE STREETS POLICY 3.3BICYCLE FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES 3.4PEDESTRIAN FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES 3.5TAC MEETING 2 4RECOMMENDED NETWORK 4.1UPDATE RECOMMENDED BIKEWAYS & FACILITIES 4.2RECOMMENDED DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN NETWORK 4.3PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS 5PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 5.1DUBLIN BOULEVARD BIKEWAY FEASIBILITY 5.1.1DESIGN ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT 5.1.2OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 5.3TAC MEETING 3. PRIORITY BIKEWAY PROJECTS 5.4PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY PROJECTS CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT 5.5TAC MEETING 4. PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS 5.6COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - PRIORITY PROJECTS 6DRAFT & FINAL PLAN 6.1PLAN OUTLINE 6.2PERFORMANCE MEASURES 6.3DRAFT PLAN 6.4COMMISSION MEETINGS 6.5ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (City Lead) 6.6COUNCIL HEARING 6.7FINAL PLAN 14