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4.15 Arterial System Synch
or 19 82 /ii � 111 DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL July 17, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Joni Pattillo City Manager""' CITY CLERK File #600 -40 SUBJECT: Agreement with Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Program for Arterial System Synchronization (FY 12 -13 Cycle) Prepared by Gary Huisingh, Public Works Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This item seeks City Council approval of an agreement between the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the City of Dublin for participation in the Program for Arterial System Synchronization. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost associated with the execution of the agreement. The City will ultimately benefit from participation in the program by receiving free traffic consultant services to develop updated signal timing plans for the traffic signals, including Transit Signal Priority parameters, on Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Tassajara Road. Staff time will be required to gather data for the consultant and oversee the consultant throughout the project development and implementation stages. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the indemnification agreement between Metropolitan Transportation Commission and City of Dublin for participation in the Program for Arterial System Synchronization. Submitted By Director of Public Works DESCRIPTION: Reviewed By Assistant City Manager The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) released a call for projects in March 2012 for participation in the Program for Arterial System Synchronization (PASS) (Fiscal Year 2012- 13 Cycle). The PASS provides an opportunity for municipalities to receive assistance free of charge from MTC's pre - selected consultants for development and implementation of traffic Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 4.15 signal coordination plans. City of Dublin staff submitted an application on April 10, 2012, for Dublin Boulevard (Attachment 1). Currently, the City of Dublin operates Dublin Boulevard under a coordinated (synchronized) timing plan between San Ramon Road and Hacienda Drive during the morning, midday and evening peak periods on weekdays only. In addition, Transit Signal Priority (TSP) parameters were implemented as part of LAVTA's RAPID project along Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Fallon Road, which helps to maximize green traffic signal indications and facilitate faster service for the RAPID buses. Because traffic volumes are increasing as the City and surrounding communities continue to grow and because travel patterns change as new roadways are constructed, it is important to periodically evaluate signal timing plans and make adjustments as needed to match prevailing conditions. The application submitted by the City of Dublin includes a request for evaluation of the signalized intersections on Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Tassajara Road as well as the Dougherty Road /Sierra Lane intersection, which is a combination of 15 coordinated signals and 6 uncoordinated signals (Attachment 4). The study will: (1) assess existing operating conditions for the coordinated and uncoordinated signals; (2) evaluate the feasibility of adding more intersections into the existing coordinated systems; (3) develop new signal timing plans for the study intersections; (4) update TSP parameters; and (5) assist with implementation of the new timing plans. The proposed indemnification agreement provided by MTC has been reviewed by the City Attorney. The intent of the agreement is to (1) waive any and all claims against MTC for any loss liability or damages resulting from this program (directly or indirectly); and (2) indemnify, hold harmless, and defend MTC against any and all third party claims that may result from the City's participation in the program. A draft resolution is included to approve the agreement (Attachments 2 and 3). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: A copy of this staff report was provided to the PASS Program Manager at MTC. ATTACHMENTS: 1) City of Dublin PASS Application 2) Resolution Approving the Agreement with MTC for PASS (FY 12 -13 Cycle) 3) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Waiver of Claims and Indemnification Agreement Between MTC and City of Dublin 4) Study Area Map Page 2 of 2 Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects O PASS FY 12113 Circle PROJECT APPLICATION N, -. _ PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois Title: Transportation & Operations Manager Organization: City of Dublin Mailing Address: 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone: (925) 833 -6634 Fax: (925) 829 -9248 Email:. Jaimee.Bourgeois@dublin.ca.gov Name: Title: Organization: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Dublin Boulevard 2012/13 Traffic Signal Re- timing Project The project includes the following corridors /signals: • Dublin Boulevard: Twenty (20) signals between San Ramon Road and Tassajara Road • Dougherty Road: One (1) signal at SiexTa Lane [Jj Yes [ j No If Yes, please provide the approx. elate of last signal r•ethning. Oct. 2008 & Nov. 2011 -1- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects Please explain: A majority of the signals were last timed with the 2008 RSTP project or earlier. Four (4) of the traffic signals at Dublin Blvd./Iron Horse, Dublin Blvd. /Arnold, Dublin Blvd. /Sybase, and Dublin Blvd./Hacienda were re- tinned recently (Implemented Nov. 2011) with another project ( LAVTA BRT project) although timing will need to be revised at these locations since timing adjustments will be made at the signals east and west of these intersections. In addition, historic counts (2008 volumes) were used for the re- timing of these four signals and traffic patterns have changed due'to a new parking garage at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and other new developments in the area that have opened since the counts were done. City of Dublin I Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road 1 21 2 3 4 Total Number of Project Signals 1 21 Within 30 days of project approval. City of Dublin No City attorney review already complete with no comments. 2 The goal of the project is to develop and implement new traffic signal coordination plans for the AM, midday, and PM peak periods at twenty -one (2 1) intersections, including twenty (20) signals on Dublin Boulevard between. San Ramon Road and Tassajara Road and one (1) signal at Dougherty Road /Sierra Lane. In addition, the project will include the review and updating of the existing traffic signal priority (TSP) parameters for the LAVTA Rapid Bus Iine that operates along Dublin Boulevard and installation of new equipment at a few locations to repair the existing traffic signal interconnect system. -2- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects PART 11: SERVICES REQUESTED [ J ] Weekday Peak Period Signal Coordination: [ J ] Weekday AM, please specify peak hours (if known): 7:30 to 8:30 AM [ J ] Weekday Mid -day, please specify peak hours (if known): 12:00 to 1:00 PM [ J ] Weekday PM, please specify peak hours (if known): 4:30 to 5:30 PM [ ] Only Additional Services are requested without any Basic Services [ ] Weekend Peak Period Signal Coordination: [ ] Two Scenarios, please specify peak hours (if known): [ ] Three Scenarios, please sped peak hours (if known): > [ ] Other, please specify peak hours (if known): [ ] School Peak Period Tinning Plans, please specify the iveekdays' and hours that ivquire these special tinting plan(s): [ ] Incident Management Flush Plans [ J ] Transit Signal Priority Plans or Feasibility Study [ ] Additional Timing Plans, please specify: [ ] Traffic Responsive Timing Plans [ ] Adaptive Signal Timing [ J ] Other, please specify: Purchase and install new equipment to repair existing signal interconnect system. A cost estimate for the equipment is attached in the Appendix Please indicate if the corridors requesting the above Additional Services are part of any of these Cycles: [ ] PASS FY 10111 Cycle [ ] PASS FY 11112 Cycle [ J ] PASS FY 12113 Cycle [ 1 ] Kimley -Horm & Associates [ 2 ] TJKM Transportation Consultants [ 3 ] URS Corporation [ ] No Preference Please explain your preference for Consultant Rank #1: Kimley -Horn worked on the LAVTA BRT project and transit priority timing development with that project and therefore is familiar with the existing TSP operations. In addition, Kinlcy -Horn provides on -call traffic signal timing assistance to the City and is familiar with our signal system and policies. -3- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects [ J ] YES [ ] NO IfXo, please explain: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ J ] NIA If Yes, please provide the name of the Caltrans Signal Operations staff If No, please explain: PART III: DETAILED PROJECT INFORMATION [ J ] Timing Sheets [ J ] Signal Timing Preferences [ J ] Coordination Plans [ J ] Project Area Maps [ J ] Traffic Signal As- builds [ J ] Synehro Files [ J ] Aerial Photos [ J ] Three Years of Collision Data [ J ] Other, please list: Transit Signal Priority Preferences Describe exceptions and provide clarifications as necessary: -4- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12/13 Cycle of Projects b) IMPL,Bi'ITA'TZO�T ' `� Indicate �ro�v tlae new tzrru�zg plans rtiirll be arzrplerrzer�ted Please praveele rcccuz•�rie z�t��rinairare as Chas ��patl [ J ] Traffic Management Center (1'MC) or remote access to implement neW timing plans, please specify the number of signals: 21 [ ] Field Implementation, please specify number of signals: Please explain in detail: All the traffic signals currently have traffic signal interconnect and the City has a Naztec Streetwise signal system. Communication currently works for a majority of the signals. With the communications fixed, as noted in the request for additional services, communication will be available to all project intersections and accessible to the signal system. SIGN Il TERCONN C ' I zdzeate thepr ©feet signals htrve Comm", bet weep there or lza e z craxnrrzon tam a serzct ce o _enccblecor��ngtzon� [ J ] Yes [ ] No Please explain in detail: There is a combination of existing fiber and twisted -pair signal interconnect between all traffic signals, with connection to the signal system at City Hall, Some signal interconnect needs to be repaired with the project to include installation of new modems at a few locations as indicated in section III f). d� GPS;_CLC3CKS ? ;' i e yvu requestzrg any GI's Clacks on PS toovrde o ©rrrran tine �oxrrce en., any a the ] Yes [ J ] No Althou h communication equipment is needed If yes, please provide the beloly requested information for all locations that require GPS Clocks. (List each intersection in one rou; and ,4 dd or delete rows depending on the # of GPS Clocks needed.): If ii 1 � 1 2 E} ADl3�TIQ�t���'SjCES (lefer< crenr7tecty 5cvpe 3'QC fog= elrgrhle sere} I'lUcse first the acldrttanf�l srrees bezrrg,r egretecl and theurrzla crfprnlectzgta7naLxer eaci I Transit Priority Timing Dublin Boulevard 20 2 Repair Existing Interconnect Dublin Boulevard 4 -5- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects 1. Existing transit priority timing was installed along Dublin Boulevard through the project limits with a recent LAVTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. Transit priority timing will need to be updated when the new signal coordination plans are developed. 2. The City would like to repair their existing signal interconnect along the corridor to provide full connection to all signals. This will require purchasing and installing for four intersections and one traffic server room new Ethernet Switches, as follows. A cost estimate to purchase and install the equipment is attached in the Appendix. A. Dublin Blvd & Dublin Ct B. Dublin Blvd & Dougherty Rd C. Dublin Blvd & Scarlett Dr D. Dublin Blvd & DeMarcus Blvd PART IV: PROM CT BENEFITS [ J j Coordinate local and state -owned signal systems [ ] Establish/maintain communications between Caltrans and local systems [ J ] Operate on corridors of regional significance [ J ] Retime to support Transit Signal Priority [ ] Retime to support Other Regional Programs, please specify: [ ] Other, please specify: Dublin Boulevard is the main corridor running east/west through the City of Dublin and is considered a route of regional significance. The corridor travels through the heart of the City, providing access to shopping areas, office, and residential neighborhoods. The Dublin/Pleasanton BART and West BART stations are located directly off the route and the corridor is a significant transit route with the LAVTA RAPID running along the entire length within the project limits. Dublin Boulevard parallels the 1 -580 freeway and is often used as an alternate route to the freeway when congested. The corridor also provides direct access to the I -680 freeway near the intersections of Village Parkway and Amador Plaza Road. Transit Signal Priority (TSP) timing was recently implemented along the corridor (early 2011) with the -6- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects LAVTA BRT project. New signal coordination plans were not implemented with the 13RT project and TSP was deployed with the timing plans that were previously developed. This project will allow the signal coordination plans to be updated to better handle existing traffic patterns and the new TSP operations, In general, re- tinning of the traffic signals will help reduce vehicle delay and improve travel time, including the transit service, by providing updated signal coordination plans and enhanced TSP operations. The project will update the pedestrian clearance intervals to the newly adopted pedestrian flashing don't walk time standards and update the timings to include green times based on bicycle clearance intervals. In addition, the project will check and update as necessary yellow, all -red, walk, and green intervals. All of the updates to the actuated settings will help benefit all modes including pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicular traffic. Dublin Boulevard carries both the RAPID bus route and local bus service. Updated signal coordination plans and TSP timings will also help improve operations for transit specifically. In addition, as noted two BART stations are located off the route. Improved signal coordination will provide enhanced operations to and from the BART stations. PART V: ATTACM1ENTS Please include the below requested items as separate attachments (five hard copies and a scanned PDF) along with your application submittal. PIease note that this application will be considered incomplete, if any of the required attachments are not included. These incomplete applications will not be reviewed or approved. -7- Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects m Call for Projects - PASS FY 12113 Cycle of Projects PART VI: DEMONSTRATION OF PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT One Public Works Technician and the Transportation & Operations Manager (City Traffic Engineer) will be managing, reviewing, and assisting with implementing the new signal timing plans. Traffic signal maintenance staff will also be available as needed. We do not currently anticipate any factors that would delay the project. Call for Projects - PASS FY 12/13 Cycle of Projects APPLICATION SIGNATURES The Project, Sponsor must sign below. The Participating Agencies can provide a letter of support and intent to participate in the project in lieu of signing below. Applications without the Project Sponsor signature Below and/or Participating Agencies (except Caltrans) signatures or letters of support will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. By signing the application and/or providing letters of support, the signatory affirms that the statements contained in the application are trace and complete to the best of their knowledge, and that they are willing to sign Appendix B: Indemnification Agreement with MTC. 1. Project Sponsor: -a6u, 9#W*h a*"" Sigr&6e Name: Jc IML*e. 13 Title: II Y-d-As tcib Organization: o -Dv,6L" F 13 Mailing Address: 16 b N %i` L<, -p lat:Q Telephone: q"L 5. 4 33 - (a co 31 Fax: 919 & L9 - '72,4 8 3. Participating Agency: 2. Participating Agency: Signature Name: Title: Organization: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: 4. Participating Agency: Signature Signature Name: Name: Title: Title: Organization: Organization: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: -10- RESOLUTION NO. —12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN X X X X X X X X X APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR PROGRAM FOR ARTERIAL SYSTEM SYNCHRONIZATION (FY 12 -13 CYCLE) WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has entered into technical services agreements with several consulting firms to provide assistance to various Bay Area cities in the retiming of traffic signal systems, referred to as the Program for Arterial System Synchronization (PASS); and WHEREAS, signal timings should be re- evaluated periodically to respond to changing traffic volumes and travel patterns, including Transit Signal Priority parameters; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin submitted an application to participate in the PASS and has since been selected by MTC to participate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the agreement with MTC for participation in the PASS. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the Agreement, hereto attached as Exhibit "A." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Cleric -1- Mayor WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT Between METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION And City of Dublin THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 17th day of July, 2012, by and between the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, a regional transportation planning agency established pursuant to California Government Code § 66500 et seq., (herein called "MTC "), and City of Dublin (herein called "CITY "). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, MTC has entered or will enter into technical services agreements with several consulting firms (herein called "the Consultants "), under which the firms will provide assistance to various Bay Area jurisdictions in the retiming of traffic signals in those cities (herein called "the Project "); and WHEREAS, CITY is participating in the Project by receiving assistance from one or more of the Consultants (herein called "the Consultant "); and WHEREAS, the parties wish to define CITY's obligations to MTC respecting waiver of claims and indemnity; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 WAIVER OF CLAIMS AGAINST MTC CITY waives all claims by CITY, its directors, supervisors, officers, employees, or agents against MTC, its commissioners, officers, and /or employees for damages, loss, injury and /or liability, direct or indirect, resulting from CITY's participation in the Project and /or the services provided to CITY by the Consultant under contract to MTC. CITY's waiver shall not apply to liability arising from and caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of MTC, its commissioners, officers, and /or employees. 2.0 INDEMNIFICATION AND DEFENSE CITY agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend MTC, its commissioners, officers, and employees from any and all third parry claims, demands, lawsuits, liability, loss, damages, injury and /or liability, direct or indirect (including any and all costs and expenses in connection therewith), resulting from or in connection with provision of services to CITY by the Consultant under contract with MTC, to the extent such claims, demands, etc. are not covered by the Consultant's indemnification of MTC in the Consultant's contract with MTC. CITY's indemnification obligation shall not apply to liability arising from and caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of MTC, its commissioners, officers, agents, and employees. CITY is responsible for obtaining from MTC a copy of the applicable Consultant agreement(s). 3.0 TERM The term of this Agreement shall continue indefinitely, applying to multiple Consultant contracts, unless terminated by written notice of either parry or superseded by another Indemnification Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto. METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN COMMISSION Steve Heminger, Executive Director Joni L. Pattillo, City Manager Approved as to form: John Bakker, City Attorney - �laarp° -'-• .ter - '. l��a i 9 I, y° �a a U �omvrnsaep,�m2 =ammEm�'c� G7 in 30 = °�d9 L y�(76�CTU O OOH In C, -Qf�2S� -009 aaaaaa2 as aaaaa as vav > > > a n n > > >.> > 5 a > n > F a mIDmm mmm mm p mrQ pp co m o0 mm 67mm �nbaaaaan oS a 25nMnn7i vpn 00000aa0000aoQa ' 0000'o'n' 0 u 'r M 3 O o E N � o u u U � � m E c (j (3 "a a r C) 0 CLO m Q m Q s v Q J C V in N Q C ++ O C4 0 Q N � N U N a C 7 Q U du555...�NIT 3i -u r C) 0 CLO m Q m Q s v Q J C V in N Q C ++ O C4 0 Q N � N U N a C 7 Q U