HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 Starward/AVB ImprvmtsCITY CLERK FILE # 820-20 AGE N DA STATE M E NT CZTY COUNCZL MEETZNG DATE: October 3, 2000 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Traffic lane Improvements on Starward Drive at Amador Valley Boulevard Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 2) Exhibits I, II, III and IV RECOMMENDATION: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing Receive Staff presentation and public comment Question Staff and the public Close public hearing and deliberate Adopt resolution approving recommended traffic lm~e improvements on Starward Drive at Amador Valley Boulevard FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The City has a current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project to implement traffic improvements at the Amador Valley Boulevard/Starward Drive intersection. This CIP project has a budget of $24,000o DESCRIPTION: On September 21, 1999, the City Council approved a pilot project for the enhancement of traffic safety at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard / Starward Drive. The pilot project was implemented shortly thereafter and included placing longitudinal white stripes within the crosswalk markings on Amador Valley Boulevard, lowering the speed limit on Amador Valley Boulevard to 30 mph, and narrowing the Starward Drive approach at the intersection. The narrowing of the Starward Drive approach was implemented as an interim measure by installing temporary tubular delineators for a distance of approximately 105 feet, as shown on Exhibit I. These delineators reduced the number of approaching lanes on Starward Drive from two lanes to one lane. This lane reduction was implemented as a measure to enhance pedestrian safety on the Starward Drive crosswalk at this location. The other two measures on this pilot project were implemented on a permanent basis. The City Council requested that City Staff return to Council with any problems arising from the narrowing of Starward Drive after the Starward subdivision development has been occupied to determine if permanent improvements are warranted. COPIES TO: 6 ~ ITEM NO. *~ G: Ld GENMISCIstarward drive traffic improvements. doc No traffic accidents have been reported at this intersection since the pilot project was implemented last year, however, City Staff have received several complaints by citizens regarding traffic backups during the morning and evening peak periods on Starward Drive as a result of the lane reduction to one lane. The concern conveyed by the citizens is that left turning vehicles from Starward Drive have to wait a considerable amount of time during the peak hours until a safe gap in the traffic stream becomes available on Amador Valley Boulevard. As a result, right turning vehicles from Starward Drive are forced to back up and wait unnecessarily behind the left turning vehicles during these hours. Based on recent turning movement counts at this intersection during the AM and PM peak hours, the majority of traffic on Starward Drive tums right at Amador Valley Boulevard. These counts include trips from the Starward development, which is now fully occupied. Furthermore, the consulting firm of Omni-Means conducted a level of service (LOS) analysis at this intersection as part of the traffic study prepared for the Downtown Specific Plans. According to this analysis, the Starward approach operates at LOS "E" (31 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the AM peak hour and LOS "F" (101 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the PM peak hour. If the right-turn lane were opened again to traffic on Starward Drive, these levels of service would improve to LOS "C" (17 to 23 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the AM and PM peak hours. In view of these adverse impacts the narrowing of Starward Drive has had on traffic conditions on Starward Drive, it is recommended that the temporary delineators be removed to allow for returning this approach to two lanes, one right turn only and one through and left tum. City Staff have devised two design alternatives for improving traffic channelization on Starward Drive (see Exhibits II and III). Both of these alternatives take into consideration preserving pedestrian safety on the Starward Drive crosswalk, while also accommodating a separate right-turn lane from Starward Drive for a more efficient traffic flow. The specified improvements in Exhibit II or III would help make the crosswalk on Starward Drive more pedestrian-friendly by providing a raised pedestrian island or by extending the westerly island to the east. Also, a list of pros and cons associated with each alternative is attached (see Exhibit IV). Although both alternatives would bring safety and efficiency enhancements to this intersection and should be given equal consideration, Public Works Staff recommend implementing Altemative 2. This is because Alternative 2 limits pedestrian exposure to one approaching vehicle at a time on Starward Drive due to the proposed traffic island that would physically separate the right-tum lane from the shared left-turn/thru lane. This separation between the two lanes would also reduce any sight distance interference between vehicles turning simultaneously left and right from Starward Drive. Both alternatives would require approximately 109 feet of red curb zone on the west side of Starward Drive approaching the Amador Valley Boulevard intersection. In addition, both alternatives would accommodate large trucks with large turning radii to turn right from Starward Drive onto Amador Valley Boulevard. A Public Hearing Notice on the Starward Drive traffic lane improvements were mailed on September 26, 2000 to area residents on Caroline Court, Firebrand Drive, Galaxy Drive, Gunshot Court, Oxbow Court, Oxbow Lane, Serena Court, and Starward Drive. Staff recommend that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the traffic lane improvements on Starward Drive at Amador Valley Boulevard, as shown in Exhibit III. RESOLUTION NO. - 00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING TRAFFIC LANE IMPROVEMENTS ON STARWARD DRIVE AT AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD WHEREAS, on September 21, 1999, the City Council approved a pilot project for the enhancement of traffic safety at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard / Starward Drive; and WHEREAS, the pilot Project included narrowing the Starward Drive approach on an interim basis by installing temporary tubular delineators for a distance of approximately 105 feet; and WHEREAS, the tubular delineators reduced the number of approaching lanes on Starward Drive from two lanes to one lane; and WHEREAS, this lane reduction was implemented as a measure to enhance pedestrian safety on the Starward Drive crosswalk at Amador Valley Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City Council requested that City Staff return to Council with any problems arising from the narrowing of Starward Drive after most of the Starward subdivision development has been occupied to determine if permanent improvements are warranted; and WHEREAS, no traffic accidents were reported at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard / Starward Drive since the pilot project was implemented in 1999; and WHEREAS, the Starward subdivision development is now fully occupied; and WHEREAS, City Staff have received several complaints by citizens regarding traffic backups during the morning and evening peak periods on Starward Drive as a result of the lane reduction to one lane; and WHEREAS, based on recent tuming movement counts during the AM and PM peak hours, the majority of traffic on Starward Drive turns right at Amador Valley Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Starward approach is operating at Level of Service (LOS) "E" (31 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the AM peak hour and LOS "F" (101 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the PM peak hour, based on a traffic analysis conducted by the consulting firm of Omni- Means; and WHEREAS, if the right-tum lane were opened again to traffic on Starward Drive, the levels of service on this approach would improve to LOS "C" (17 to 23 seconds of average delay per vehicle) during the AM and PM peak hours; and WHEREAS, reinstating the right-turn lane on the Starward Drive approach would require installing 105 feet of red curb zone on the westerly curbline of Starward Drive; and WHEREAS, it is essential to allow the crosswalk on Starward Drive to be more pedestrian- friendly; The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. The temporary tubular delineators on the Starward Drive approach at Amador Valley Boulevard shall be removed to allow for retuming this approach to two lanes, one right turn only and one through and left turn. Section 2. Construct traffic lane improvements on the Starward Drive approach at Amador Valley Boulevard according to design Alternative 2 as recommended by City Public Works Staff, including installation of a raised pedestrian island. Section 3. Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.250, and in the interest of public safety, parking is prohibited on the westerly curbline of Starward Drive, J?om the northerly curbline of Arnador Valley Boulevard, north a distance of 10g feet. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk G : IA GENMISCIreso starward drive traffic improvements. doc / / / / / / / / / / / / / f / t / t / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / t / / t / / / / / / / / FXHIBIT IV Starward Drive Traffic Channelization @ AVB Alternative I Remove the existing channelizer posts. Extend the westerly corner and re-stripe the S/B approach to accommodate a right-turn lane and a shared leffJthru lane. Pros: (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) Minimizes the distance to cross Starward Provides a straight crosswalk for handicapped pedestrians Allows for a considerable area of additional landscape/hardscape Provides a standard two-lane approach that is intuitive to motorists Puts crosswalk closer to the intersection for improved sight distance of traffic traveling along AVB ConS.' (1) A left-turn/thru vehicle might affect the sight distance for a right-turn vehicle, and Vice-a-versa (2) A pedestrian could encounter two simultaneously approaching vehicles on Starward Alternative 2 Remove the existing channelizer posts. Re-stripe the S/B approach to accommodate a right-turn lane and a shared left/thru lane with a raised channelizer island in-between. Pros: (1) Reduces the sight distance interference between left-turn/thru and right-turn vehicles (2) Allows for some hardscape on the island (3) Puts crosswalk closer to the intersection for improved sight distance of traffic traveling along AVB (4) The raised island provides an intermediate refuge area for pedestrians (5) A pedestrian would only encounter one approaching vehicle at a time on Starward (6) Allows for a larger radius corner to accommodate large trucks as they turn right from Starward onto AVB Cons: (1) Increases the overall distance to cross Starward (2) Provides a non-straight crosswalk that may be less friendly to handicapped Pedestrians (3) Forces motorists on Starward to make a lane decision at the island as they approach the intersection (4) Requires additional approach signing including a "Watch For Pedestrians In Crosswalk" sign for right-turn traffic (5) The island might give the false impression of a free-right-turn unless properly signed