August 20, 2012
The August 20, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Parks & Community Services Commission was called to
order at 7:02 PM at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chair Elias.
Chair Elias led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners (Cm.) Present: T. Elias, Mack,Totaro, A. Elias
Commissioner Absent: Boboc,Jones
Ms. Caroline Soto, City Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Tristan Elias.
Senior Center Advisory Committee
Ms. Faye Guarienti reported that the Advisory Committee discussed the spring 2012 quarterly report for
Senior Center activities, as well as the Advisory Committee's strategic goals. She noted that for the
spring quarter there was a slight increase in volunteer hours and the Senior Center received $1,250 in
donations from various sponsors. She informed the Commission of the upcoming Senior Info Fair
scheduled for October 6, 2012, and the Spring Fashion Show tentatively scheduled for May 18, 2013.
Youth Advisory Committee—None
Due to a lack of quorum in attendance from the Commissioners that were in attendance at the June 18,
2012 meeting,the approval of minutes was postponed to the meeting of September 17, 2012.
P&CSC Meeting Minutes—August 20,2012—Page 2 of 6
8.1 Proposed Building Plan for Emerald Glen Park
Mr. Paul McCreary, Parks and Community Services Director, presented the specifics of the item as
outlined in the Staff Report.
Vice Chair Totaro asked if there would be adequate funding available to move forward with Phase I of
the project as presented, and Mr. McCreary said yes.
Vice Chair Totaro asked about the projected timeline for the build-out of the project. Mr. McCreary
explained that the timeline and funding for the build-out of the project would be discussed during the
next Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) update. Currently only Phase I of the project has available funding.
Future phases will depend on the pace of residential development.
Chair A. Elias asked about the location of the spectator section in the Fallon Sports Park Lower Terrace.
Mr. McCreary pointed out the proposed spectator section on the diagram.
Vice Chair Totaro asked about additional field lighting proposed for the soccer fields in the lower terrace
at Fallon Sports Park. Mr. McCreary explained that an amendment to the existing Environmental Impact
Report would need to be prepared before additional lighting could be included in the proposed plans.
Vice Chair Totaro asked if the project scheduling for the proposed Dublin Swim Center modernization
and the proposed building Plan for Emerald Glen Park would be coordinated in order to avoid the
absence of a functioning aquatics facility in the City, and McCreary said yes.
Vice Chair Totaro asked about the proposed two-year timeline for the potential Mini-Phase of Fallon
Sports Park. Mr. McCreary explained that the timeline provides for the design and construction of the
improvements, which includes the construction contractor's timeline. He stated that Staff would work
towards completing the Mini-Phase as quickly as possible once funding is identified for the project.
Cm. Mack asked about the future cost of the $1.6 million estimated for the synthetic turf soccer fields.
Mr. McCreary stated that each year there is a potential for the project budget to increase by an
applicable cost factor, as determined by outside sources.
Cm. T. Elias asked about the maintenance costs of synthetic turf versus grass turf. Mr. McCreary
explained that given the capital outlay costs of maintaining synthetic turf, the difference in costs is
approximately neutral.
Chair A. Elias asked about the timing for the Proposed Building Plan for Emerald Glen Park. Mr.
McCreary explained that there are about 15-18+/- months remaining for design work and about 24+/-
months anticipated for construction. Chair A. Elias asked how the timing would affect future phases of
Fallon Sports Park. Mr. McCreary explained that the subsequent phases of Fallon Sports Park are
currently scheduled to begin in the fifth year of the 2012-2017 CIP.
Vice Chair Totaro asked about utilizing the City's General Fund as a resource for the $1.6 million needed
to install synthetic turf soccer fields for the potential Mini-Phase of Fallon Sports Park. Mr. McCreary
stated that this decision would need to be made by the City Council.
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Vice Chair Totaro asked if the design of the potential Mini —Phase of Fallon Sports Park could begin prior
to securing funding for the remaining construction of the project. Mr. McCreary stated that he would
caution against this due to the potential for changes in the Building Codes prior to funding being
Mr. James Fulweiller, Dublin United Soccer League (DUSL) Vice President, spoke in favor of moving
forward with the potential Mini-Phase of Fallon Sports Park. He stated that he would like the phase to
include an adequate spectator seating area. He expressed interest in partnering with the City on
financial assistance for the$1.6 million needed to install synthetic turf soccer fields.
Mr. Karl Danielson, Project Consultant with the Dahlin Group, introduced himself to the Commission and
made himself available for questions.
Vice Chair Totaro stated that he supports a reduced option for Phase I of the proposed building plan for
Emerald Glen Park in order to reallocate funding to Fallon Sports Park. He suggested that Staff work
with DUSL on its offer of financial assistance.
Cm. Mack asked about the possibility of working with DUSL on its offer of financial assistance. Mr.
McCreary stated that the possibility of future discussions exists.
Cm. T. Elias stated that he is in favor of a reduced option for Phase I of the proposed building plan for
Emerald Glen Park in order to reallocate funding to Fallon Sports Park.
' Chair A. Elias stated that he is not pleased about the further delay of the 90-foot baseball field. He
stated that he recommends reducing the option for Phase I of the proposed building plan for Emerald
Glen Park in order to reallocate funding to Fallon Sports Park.
Chair A. Elias suggested that the proposed Fallon Sports Park Lower Terrace spectator seating area be
extended to part of the hillside. In addition, stepped seating should be added to allow unobstructed
views of the fields. Mr. McCreary stated that Staff would explore the costs options for an improved
seating area.
On a motion by Vice Chair Totaro, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a vote of 4-0-0 with Cms. Boboc and
Jones absent,the Commission voted to recommend to the City Council the Reduced Option for Phase I
of the proposed building plan for Emerald Glen Park in order to reallocate funding to the next phase of
improvements at Fallon Sports Park.
6.1 Amendments to Master Fee Resolution
Ms. Micki Cronin, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services, presented the specifics of the
item as outlined in the Staff Report.
Cm. Mack expressed concern about the increased fee for the Spring Eggstravaganza event due to other
financial obligations parents have at Easter time.
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Vice Chair Totaro asked about the potential for the increased fees to jeopardize sufficient registrations
for some classes. Ms. Cronin stated the increased fees will jeopardize classes because the increases are
straightforward, conservative and remain a value in the market.
Chair A. Elias asked about the fee increase for Preschool classes. Ms. Cronin explained that the increase
is due to increased part-time staff and facility costs.
Vice Chair Totaro asked why the Senior Center does not have a non-resident drop-in fee. Ms. Cronin
explained that verifying residency during drop-in activities would be difficult to regulate and Staff does
not want to discourage visitors from drop-in participation.
Chair A. Elias opened the floor for the Public Hearing.
Ms. Faye Guarienti, Dublin resident, commented that Senior Center drop-in activity fee should be
rounded to$1.00 or$2.00, where feasible, in order to eliminate the hassle of dealing with quarters.
Seeing none, Chair A. Elias closed the floor for the Public Hearing.
On a motion by Cm. Mack, seconded by Cm.T. Elias, and by a vote of 4-0-0 with Cms. Boboc and Jones
absent,the Commission voted to adopt the Resolution approving a Master Fee Schedule for Parks and
Community Services Department Programs and Services.
8.2 Spring 2012 Quarterly Report
Ms. Micki Cronin, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services, presented the specifics of the
item as outlined in the Staff Report.
Vice Chair Totaro stated that it is good to see the attendance at the Senior Center increasing. He asked
about the low attendance for the Velocity and Rockin'Jump activities. Ms. Cronin explained that off-site
contractors sometimes combine the registration received through the City of Dublin with registration
received through their facilities; therefore, the low numbers do not indicate that the activity was not
Vice Chair Totaro asked about the 2010 attendance for Recreational Swimming in comparison to the
2012 attendance. Mr. McCreary stated that prior to budget cuts; the Swim Center opened during spring
break of each year. In 2011 and 2012, the Swim Center opened in May, with Recreational Swimming
starting at the end of May. Vice Chair Totaro asked about the possibility of the Swim Center opening
during spring break in 2013. Mr. McCreary stated that at the time of the cuts there was not sufficient
attendance to offset the additional cost. Staff will monitor should demand for spring recreational
swimming increase.
Vice Chair Totaro asked about the low attendance for the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor
class. Ms. Cronin stated that Staff would continue to look at ways to increase the number of registrants
for this course.
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8.3 "splatter" Update
Ms. Ann Mottola, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Cm. Mack asked about the event sponsors. Ms. Mottola explained that many wineries are sponsoring
the event by waiving the per bottle charge for the wine tastings. In addition there are numerous media
Cm. Mack asked about the list of participating food trucks for the event. Ms. Mottola stated that the list
is currently being tabulated and will be posted on the website by the end of the week.
Vice Chair Totaro stated that the event looks great. He asked if the marketing for the event was done by
Staff. Ms. Mottola stated that most of the marketing was provided by Staff, with the exception of the
mobile phone application.
Vice Chair Totaro stated that there seems to be a lack of participation in the event from Dublin-based
restaurants. Ms. Mottola stated that Staff approached the Dublin-based restaurants first and found that
many were not setup to staff this type of event. She indicated Staff will continue to pursue Dublin
restaurants and be as flexible as possible to encourage participation.
Vice Chair Totaro asked if parking would be an issue during the fireworks display. Mr. McCreary stated
that there would be designated parking areas for the event as was done for the City's 25th Anniversary
fireworks show and concert.
Cm. T. Elias stated that it sounds like it will be an awesome event.
Chair A. Elias stated that it looks like a great event. He asked if the wineries would be allowed to sell
bottles of wine at the event. Ms. Mottola stated that the participating wineries would be allowed to sell
wine at a specified location a short distance from the tasting area.
Chair A. Elias asked about the location of the 'SPLAT-demonium' activity. Ms. Mottola stated that the
activity would take place on a grass field with water-based paints, and the sports fields would be
Cm. Mack informed the Commission of the Dublin Senior Foundation fundraising Pasta Feed on
September 14, 2012, at the Dublin Senior Center.
Mr. McCreary and Ms. Cronin provided program and project updates.
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Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Franklin
Administrative Aide
C airperson