HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.08 G&O StatusCITY CLERK FILE # 100-80 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 3, 2000 SUBJECT: 2000-2001 Goals & Objectives Status Report & CIP Schedule Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Goals & Objectives Status Report Capital Improvement Program Schedule RECOMMENDATION/C~L/P': Receive the Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On February 29, 2000, the City Council adopted the Goals & Objectives Program for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001. In order to keep the City Council abreast of Staff progress towards the objectives assigned by the City Council, Staff has prepared a bi-monthly status report for the period ending August 31, 2000. As of that date, a total of 28 of 117 objectives (23%) have been completed. With respect to high priority objectives, a total of 21 out of 88 (23%) have been completed. Of the 88 high priority objectives, only 9 have yet to be started. There has been one major additional assignment since February 2000. In June 2000, the Council established a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2000-2005 and appropriated funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. The attached CIP schedule lists 56 projects that received funding in Fiscal Year 2000-2001 and identifies an estimated start and completion date for each project. The schedule only includes a time frame for those projects that are funded in Fiscal Year 2000- 2001. Subsequent phases and future projects included in the 5 year CIP but not ~mded in Fiscal Year 2000-2001 are not listed on the schedule. Projects that have a portion of the construction costs appropriated in Fiscal Year 2000-2001, but will continue for several years (Library, Emerald Glen Fire Station etc.) include notes indicating estimated final completion dates. The City has completed 2 CIP projects since the program was approved in June 2000. RECOMMENDATION: It is Staffs recommendation that the City Council receive the report. H/cc-forms/agdastmt. doc COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/3'1/00 PAGE '1 # I. 1. COUNCIL PERSON YEAR '(~)OAI~OSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADMINISTRATION High Carter 1998 Renegotiate Cable Television Franchise Agreement 2. Hi~'h Herma 1998 3. High Herma 1999 4. High Carter 5. High Pappa Complete Civic Center Modifications to accommodate growth in City Complete Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Documents for Civic Center Library 1995 Update Performance Evaluation Process 1999 6. High Ambrose 2000 7. High Keck 2000 8. High Keck 2000 Develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) including tl'~e integration of existing City information systems Provide level of funding for "Computers for' Our Schools". Appoint Council Subcommittee to Investigate Expanding Sister City Program with trade opportunities Photographs of Mayor & City Council in City Offices ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) ITI Z -I B. FINANCE High Ambrose 2000 High Admin Svcs 2000 Director Negotiate Tax Sharing Agreement with BART and City of Pleasanton to facilitate development of Western Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station Initiate an on-going audit program for the Transient Occupancy Tax to ensure proper collection and compliance with the tax 'ESTIMATED , START 1999 Sept. 1999 Aug. 1999 1998 July 2000 Sept. 2000 Oct. 2000 ESTIMATED '.STATUS COMPLETION Oct. 2000 "0NDERWAY; Introduction of Ordinance/Agreement scheduled for November 2000 Council Meeting. Oct. 2000 NEARLY COMPLIc I E; Final walkthrough and acceptance scheduled for 9/28/2000 Construction UNDERWAY; Bid set on schedule for Documents Jan January 2001 2001 Dec. 2000 UNDERWAY; review of final documents underway Feb 2001 UNDERWAY: Implementation plan drafted. Awaiting CC approval of contract with Calif CAD Solutions- COMPLETE COMPLETE; Lockhart and McCormick appointed 4/18/00 Nov. 2000 UNDERWAY; Meeting scheduled with photographer week of 10/9. Logistics & Individual Council appointments to be scheduled mid to late October. Dec. 2000 COMPLETE UNDERWAY # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE 3,Medium Admin Svcs 1996 Director 4. Medium Ambrose 1999 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FINANCE) ADOPTED 2000-200'1 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/31/00 PAGE 2 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Report on cost effective alternatives for processing small purchases. (Cal Card Program- Sponsored by the State of California) Undertake Formation of Dublin Ranch Infrastructure Financing District and issue Bonds ESTIMATED STATUS COMPLETION COMPLETE NO PROGRESS; Property owner has notified the City there is no interest in proceeding with the Assessment District at this time C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS High Peabody 2000 Participate in Tri-Valley Vision Project 2. Medium Thompson 1999 Work with Zone 7 Flood Control and other cities to update and fund major Valley storm facility improvements ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) July 2000 July 2001 UNDERWAY; monthly meetings - 3 task forces COMPLETE - Advisory Committee has completed their job until further notice by Zone 7. 1. High 2. High PUBLIC RELATIONS Carter Carter 2000 1999 3. High Carter 2000 Produce Video newsletter Support Sponsorship of Teacher Participation in League of CA Cities "Participating in Local Government Program" Publish a City Newsletter 4. High Pappa 2000 Expand City's Website Information 5. Medium Carter 1999 Develop a plan to implement "Know Your City Week" ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PUBLIC RELATIONS) Mar. 2001 July 2000 Mar. 2001 June 2001 NO PROGRESS COMPLETE Oct. 2000 UNDERWAY; articles and layout design in progress June 2001 NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS # !COUNCIL i PRIORITY E. High 5. Medium ADOPTED 2000-200'1 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 813tl00 PAGE 3 ! PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED I RESPONSIBLE GOAL START CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 2000 Perform Contract Evaluation on the following services: Carter Crossing Guards · Peabody Building &Safety Cunningham Animal Shelter Services FY 1999.-2000 Ambrose/ Police Services Cunningh.am Ambrose 1996 Report to Council on Countywide review of Library Services ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) i II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING 1. High Peabody 2000 Process $175 million in new building valuation July 2000 2 High i Peabody 1999 Village Parkway Specific Plan FY 1999-2000 High Peabody 1999 High Peabody 1999 High Peabody/ 1999 Thompson High Peabody 1999 High Thompson 1998 High Peabody 2000 High Peabody 2000 High 'Peabody 2000 High Peabody 1999 Western Bart Station Specific Plan Downtown Core Shoppin~ Area Specific Plan (Montgomery Wards Shopping Center) Downtown Physical Improvements Plan Implementation Program for Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (include review of Senior Housing) Street Landscape Master Plan for eastern Dublin Update Housing Element Identify & Expand Alternative Funding Sources for Purchase of Open Space and/or Development Rights Evaluate the desirability of detaching lands West of Skyline Ridge (with the exception of Schaefer Ranch) from the City's Sphere of Influence General Plan Study of proposed weste"rn Dublin Urban Limit Line FY 1999-2000 FY 1999-2000 Sept. 2000 FY 1999-2000 FY 1999-2000 Mar. 2001 Oct. 2000 FY 1999-2000 FY 1999-2000 ESTIMATED 1STATUS ~COMPLETION Jan 2001 COMPLETE; Except for review of additional crossing guard as warranted COMPLETE UNDERWAY COMPLETE ' NO PROGRESS; Pending reporting from County Library . I July 2001 Oct. 2000 Scheduled for Council Meeting 10/17 Oct 2000 UNDERWAY; Scheduled for Council Meeting 10/17 Oct. 2000 . UNDERWAY; Scheduled for Council Meeting 10/17 April 2001 UNDERWAY; RFP in development, target award 11/7 Jan. 2001 Jan. 2000 Dec. 2001 Feb 2001 Feb. 2001 Dec. 2000 UNDERWAY; Study Session 10/3 scheduled; later implementation UNDERWAY NO PROGRESS UNDERWAY; Program to Council 10/3 UNDERWAY; To be completed after Open Space Implementation UNDERWAY; implementation after' election # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE 12. High Peabody 2000 13. High Peabody 1996 14. Medium Peabody 1999 15. Medium Peabody 1997 16. Medium Peabody 1999 17. Low Peabody 2000 18. Low Peabody 1999 19. Low Peabody 1998 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PLANNING) ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/3'1/00 PAGE 4 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Complete annexation request for Tassajara Road FY 1999-2000 properties (Quarry School, etal) Develop City Telecommunication Policy beyond FY 1999-2000 Zoning Ordinance amendments for wireless communication Undertake General Plan Amendment for eastern FY 1999-2000 Dublin Transit Center Update & conduct 5 year review of Dublin's General Plan Revise General Plan and Zoning Maps and create new City maps Develop View & Solar Access Ordinance Study establishment of a Redevelopment Design Review Committee for project areas identified by City Council Study feasibility of developing a recreational vehicle storage facility in Dublin ESTIMATED STATUS COMPLETION Mar. 2001 UNDERWAY; LAFCO target March 2001 June 2001 UNDERWAY; Zoning Ordinance portion of project scheduled to go to Council 10/3 Mar. 2001 UNDERWAY; Pre-application received; No formal application NO PROGRESS; Not funded COMPLETE NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS; Project abandoned; no redevelopment NO PROGRESS B. BUILDING & SAFETY 1. High Thomas 2000 2. High Thomas 2000 Provide throe building code seminars for the counter Staff and Inspectors Complete ADA Evaluation of City buildings 3. High Thuman/Pappa 2000 Develop Program to Encourage Homeowners to Put House Numbers on Residence through Neighborhood Watch Program & Website 4. Medium Thompson 2000 Develop Curb Addross Painting Program ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (BUILDING & SAFETY) July 2000 July 2000 July 2000 Jan. 2001 June 2001 July 2001 Ongoing June 2001 UNDERWAY; 1 of 3 completed as of 8/31/00 UNDERWAY; Consultant selection underway UNDERWAY; Community Safety Assistants, during Neighborhood Watch Meetings, routinely stress importance of house numbers on residences. NO PROGRESS # ~ COUNCIL]PERSON ~YEAR PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE C. ENGINEERING 1. High Thompson 1996 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ENGINEERING) ' D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. High Foss ~2000 2. High Foss 2000 3. High Foss 2000 4. High Foss 2000 ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/31/00 PAGE 5 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Update and expand standard street improvement details (street lights, decorative paving, median landscaping) July 2000 Make 400 business recruitment and retention contacts for the City of Dublin Target 200 mailings to attract businesses to Dublin Prepare and distribute Space Available report 3 times per year Implement 2000 Farmers' Market July 2000 July 2000 July 2000 5. High Foss 1999 Complete City Promotional Video 6. High Foss 2000 Prepare Comprehensive Economic Development Marketing Program for the City 7. Medium Foss 2000 Participate in selected Trade Shows to market properties in Dublin ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (EC_ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) i Oct 2000 July 2000 III. 1. CULTURE & LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES High Peabody 1999 Complete Open Space Study as directed by City Council for land outside the Urban Limit Line in Western Dublin High Thompson 1992 Complete develop~nent of Iron Horse Trail __ FY 1999-2000 ~ FY 1999-2000 ESTIMATED COMPLETION STATUS Mar_ 2001 UNDERWAY I June 2001 June 2001 June 2001 Feb. 2001 June 2000 UNDERWAY - Staff has made 95 business contacts to date. UNDERWAY - Staff has prepared 15 letters to date. UNDERWAY -. 1 st report completed NO PROGRESS - City Council action on 3/7/2000 directed that the Farmers' Market be placed on hold for an indefinite period. COMPLETE - 250 copies have been prepared for distribution- UNDERWAY; Council approved consultants in September, 2000. Project is expected to take 15-20 weeks. NO PROGRESS - No funding was made available in the FY 2000-2001 budget for this activity. I COMPL..ETE July 2000 June 2001 UNDERVVAY; City's portion is under design # 4, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High High High High High High High High High High High PERSON RESPONSIBLE Lowart Ambrose/ Lowart Lowart Lowart Lowart Thuman/ Lowart Ambrose/ Lowart Thompson/ Lowart/ Peabody Thompson Lowart Lowart Lowart Lowart YEAR 1995 1997 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ADOPTED 2000-200t GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/3t/00 PAGE 6 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL Develop a Parks Implementation Plan for eastern Dublin Work with U, S. Army to secure conveyance/lease for Jan. 2000 additional park land at Camp Parks ESTIMATED START Conduct a dedication/grand opening celebration for Emerald Glen Park Investigate feasibility of expanding afterschool recreation program to Dougherty Elementary School if space permits Undertake an evaluation of park play areas to determine compliance with state and federal safety criteria and ADA accessibility Develop an enhanced park security program for Emerald Glen Park Aug. 2000 Sept. 2000 Update Use Agreement with Dublin Unified School District to maintain District Fields/Playgrounds and use of School Facilities May 2000 Develop Public Information Program for bicycle & pedestrian routes/paths/facilities through out Dublin Install Second Kiosk along Iron Horse Trail Expand teen programming to include summer camp/excursion programs for middle school teens Expand programming to include monthly special events for middle and high school teens Expand summer playground program to Emerald Glen Park in Summer 2001 Oct. 2000 Nov, 2000 O~.2000 Jan. 2001 Evaluate locations for a Community Garden Aug. 2000 ESTIMATED STATUS COMPLETION COMPLETE TBD UNDERWAY; proposal submitted to Army in January. Army put proposal on hold until Fall 2000. COMPLETE Nov. 2000 UNDERWAY; program will be implemented upon completion of classroom construction estimated for November, 2000. Oct. 2000 UNDERWAY; consultant contract awarded 9-20-00 and evaluation to be completed by 10-20-00. COMPLETE; funding for an additional police officer included in the FY2000-2001 budget. June 2001 UNDERWAY; Parks &Community Services Commission input on agreement obtained in May 2000 and subsequent meetings will be scheduled with District; however, funding was not included in FY2000-2001 Budget for field/playground maintenance. Dec. 2000 NO PROGRESS June 2001 UNDERWAY COMPLETE; R.A.F.T. Daycamp program introduced in Summer 2000 with average weekly attendance of 14 participants. June 2001 UNDERWAY; newly seated Youth Advisory Committee will provide input on events. June 2001 UNDERWAY; funding included in FY 2000- 2001 Budget; planning for program will begin in January 2001 and implemented in June2001. Mar. 2001 UNDERWAY; data collection initiated. # COUNCIL PRIORITY 16. High PERSON YEAR RESPONSIBLE Lowart 2000 ADOPTED 2000-200'1 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/3'1/00 PAGE 7 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Explore feasibility of purchasing a 15 passenger van Sept. 2000 for the Senior Center 17. Medium Lowart 2000 Evaluate the need for a youth/teen center 18. Medium Lowart 1999 19. Medium Lowart 1999 20. Low Thompson 2000 21. Low Lowart 2000 Report to Council on a "kick-off' concert to the summer concert series Undertake feasibility study for BMX park Implement a Community Wildflower Planting along Dougherty Road Identify potential income generating activities using City facilities 22. Low Lowart 2000 Undertake feasibility study for dog park ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES) B. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS 1. High Lowart 1999 Pursue construction of a storage unit on the Dublin Heritage Center grounds ] Nov. 1999 2. High Lowart 1999 3. High Lowart 2000 Undertake an assessment of community interest in arts and heritage programming Develop a long-range plan for heritage and cultural arts Aug. 2000 4. High Lowart 1999 5. High Lowart 1999 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the Park projects for Mape Memorial and Kolb Parks Evaluate what hours the Heritage Center should be open to maximize public visits and increase open hours Se~.1998 July 2000 6. High Lowart 1999 7. High Lowart/ 2000 Thompson Revise/amend Public Art Policy to identify alternate funding sources and approval process for Public Art Fund Freeway Underpass Art at Dublin Blvd & Amador Valley Blvd Dec. 1999 May 2000 ESTIMATED STATUS COMPLETION Dec. 2000 UNDERWAY; Staff is conducting survey of other senior centers. Study is scheduled for completion Dec 2000 NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 2000- 2001 budget. COMPLETE NO PROGRESS. NO PROGRESS; Not funded NO PROGRESS. i COMPLETE Mar. 2001 Dec. 2000 Oct. 2000 Mar. 2001 Feb. 2001 May 2002 UNDERWAY; plans & specifications are being developed. Project will go to bid Oct 2000 COMPLETE UNDERWAY; draft plan under development by the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission. UNDERWAY; installation underway UNDERWAY; hours have been changed to reflect assessment results. Staff is monitoring attendance to determine if additional hours are required. UNDERWAY; research involving Bay Area cities and counties completed. UNDERWAY; Initial meeting with Caltrans completed. Art consultant contract approved. I # i COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PRIORITY; RESPONSIBLE '~'. High Lowart/ 2000 Thompson 9. Medium Lowart 2000 10. Medium Lowart 2000 ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/31/00 PAGE 8 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Develop a maintenance program for Public Art Mar. 2000 owned or on-loan to the City Establish a policy for acquisition/acceptance of museum artifacts Develop plans for documentation, certification and cataloging of City's collections (historical and art) ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS) IV. 1. Lowart !2000 i PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE High Thuman 2000 High , Thuman 2000 High Thuman 2000 Develop a plan and a schedule to proceed with the replacement of three bus shelters in downtown Dublin Increase Neighborhood Watch participation at the Arroyo Vista development by at least 20 participating units Reduce vehicular accidents by 10% at major intersections in the City Pursue funding for School Resource Officer Sept. 2000 July 2000 July 2000 4. High Thuman 2000 5. High Thuman 1997 Medium Ambrose/ Cunningham Medium Thuman 8. , Low Thuman ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) 1999 1999 1999 Develop and implement a Citizen Volunteer Academy Develop a Police Officer Trading Card Program (ADOPT-A-COP) Report to Council on Police Dispatch Service alternatives Revisions to Parking Citation Program to comply with current law Complete Evaluation of Smart Kids/SafeKids Program Mar. 2001 July 2000 I ESTIMATED COMPLETION · Nov 2000 STATUS [JNDERWAY; Second letter to artists requesting specific requirements sent-__ NO PROGRESS I NO PROGRESS I Nov_2001 UNDERWAY; plan and schedule being · developed in consultation with LAVTA June 2001 UNDERWAY; currently Neighborhood Watch participation has ~ncreaseo Dy '~ O units, from 4 to 19, since July 2000. IJune 2001 UNDERWAY; increased traffic enforcement efforts in progress. COMPLETE; notification received on 9/15~00 that federal COPS grant for SRO |lad been awarded to the City of Dublin. Anticipated start date for SRO is Oct 2000. "rMay 2001 UNDERWAY; curriculum for program has been developed and course is scheduled to begin upon completion of the Youth L Academy. '. ' COMPLETE; trading cards have been received and distributed to sponsors in the · community. COMPLETE Nov.2000 LJNDERWAY; document revisions and form ___ development in progress. ' COMPLETE i ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES # I COUNClLJPERSON ]YEAR PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE B. ANIMAL CONTROL ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ANIMAL CONTROL) C. FIRE SERVICES 1. High ! Ambrose/ 1998 Finaiize future locations for fire stations in eastern McCammon Dublin BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/3t/00 PAGE 9 IPROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Establish financing time line for new fire station construction Complete joint fire station prototype design process with Alameda County and the City of San Leandro 2. High Ambrose/ 1999 McCammon 3. High Herma/ 1999 McCammon ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FIRE SERVICES) I D. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 1. High Carter 2000 Undertake multi-functional disaster training 2. High Carter 2000 Develop a Call List of Emergency Professionals (i.e. Doctors, Nurses, Fire, Police, etc) living in Dublin 3. High Carter 2000 Conduct City Council Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and EOC Training 4. Low Carter 1997 Develop a formal Disaster Service Worker Program ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) E. WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. High Carter 1999 Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of the expanded Commercial Recycling Program 2. High Carter 2000 3. High Carter 2000 Implement the Construction & Demolition Ordinance Monitor City Diversion rate and conduct a new Diversion Study NSTATUS FY 1999-2000 Aug. 1999 TBD UNDERWAY; Emerald Glen Fire Station site finalized; Fallon Road Station will be finalized once Dublin Ranch receives Army Corp of Engineers report COMPLETE COMPLETE April 2001 NO PROGRESS; Countywide disaster exercise is scheduled for April Mar. 2001 NO PROGRESS Jan. 2001 NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS Feb. 2001 Jan. 2001 Jan, 2001 Ongoing Se~.2000 UNDERWAY; Program was extended through June 2001. Next report to Council January 2001 COMPLETE Mar. 2001 UNDERWAY; Waste audits are nearly complete. New base year numbers will be ready for 2000 annual report due August 2001. COUNCIL PERSON I YEAR PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE "'High Carter 2000 ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 813'1/00 PAGE 10 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Discuss a Project with Camp Parks &Waste Mar. 2000 Management Authority to Implement Recycling of Demolition Materials at Camp Parks Medium Carter/Marsh 2000 , Medium Carter 2000 Develop administrative guidelines for implementing the new recycled content procurement policy Evaluate effectiveness of purchasing 64-.gallon recycling carts ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) I I V. TRANSPORTATION A. MAINTENANCE 1. High Thompson 2000 Implement 5 new community volunteer projects Sept. 2000 Sept_ 2000 .July 2000 2. High 'Ambrose/ 2000 Thompson 3. Medium Thompson/ 1992 i Peabody ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (MAINTENANCE) B. TRANSPORTATION 1. High Thompson 1997 2. High Ambrose/ 1997 Thompson/ Silver 3. High Thompson 1995 4. High Thompson 1999 5. High Thompson/ 1988 Peabody Work with Dublin Housing Authority to investigate options to improve the overall appearance of Arroyo Vista Identify potential locations for new City maintenance yard facility Work with Caltrans & ACTA to open downtown hook ramps, Complete negotiations with Contra Costa County to pay for needed roadway improvements in Dublin Complete alignment studies for eastern Dublin major arterials (Fallon Road) Participate in development of Measure 'B' Reauthorization Program Report to City Council on Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Jan. 2001 FY 1997-1998 FY 1999-2000 Nov. 2000 ESTIMATED STATUS COMPLETION , TBD by Camp Parks · Oct. 2000 ! UNDERWAY; Preliminary discussions with ' ACWMA and Camp Parks have begun, waiting for response from Camp Parks on ·feasibility. . UNDERWAY; Guidelines have been drafted · April 2001 '. UNDERWAY; Carts delivered in September. First report to Council in April after first six months of use [ May 2001 June 2001 UNDERWAY; Interior of Alamo Park restrooms painted by Eagle Scout' in August 2000 NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS FY 2001-2002 Fallon-Mar 2001 Gleason-Dec 2001 UNDERWAY; (one ramp opened) COMPLETE UNDERWAY COMPLETE Mar. 2001 UNDERWAY (after Specific Plan approvals) # COUNCIL YEAR PRIORITY 6o Medium 2000 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (TRANSPORTATION) PERSON RESPONSIBLE Thompson ADOPTED 2000-2001 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHLY REPORT AS OF 8/31/00 PAGE 11 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED GOAL START Develop a policy with respect to allowing street- naming through non-profit organizations JESTIMATED COMPLETION STATUS NO PROGRESS F:\G&O\BI-MONLY~2000\as of 8-31-00 bi-monthly,doc ITI Z ""1 ID 1 10 11 12 13 14¸. 15 Number Project Name 93450 Civic Center Library (Design Development, Bid Documents, Construction to begin April 2000) 93310 Computers for our Schools Project 93220 Communications System Upgrade 93150 Network System Upgrade 93192 Geographic Information System 93930 Civic Center Roof Replacement 93970 Automated Document Storage & Retrieval 93915 Civic Center Automatic Doors 93320 Telecommunications Plan 93157 Electrostatic Printer 93190 Central Data Processing System Upgrade 93325 Automated Notification System 93155 Computer System at Senior Center 93510 Emerald Glen Fire Station 93200 Automated Building Permit System CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2000-2001 CIP SCHEDULE General l.~.o91 Duration Jun Jul 'au~""Sep,~ Oct" nov. Dec, Jan 249days r ..... ~ ..... :T::-' ; " Fe'l~ MaF'; Apt 249 days [ ........... : .; -.. .... 115 days 142 days 141 days 56 days 166 days .... 83 days 82 days 104 days 57 days 89 days ......... 35 days ................... 43 days ................... 0 days ...............· coMPLETE May Jun Ju, IAu91se. loctl.ov!Dec '] Complete 'FebrUary 2003 J i ": ................~ ................:""i ................................~ .............................. ID Number Project Name 1 94192 Dougherty Road Tree Planting 2 94960 Street Name Identification Sign Replacement 3 94290 Aurahie Pedes:r,an SLqr'als 4 94226 Freeway Underpass Art (Design) 5 94701 Downtown Improvements Plan 6 94230 Arroyo Vista Roof Repair 7 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair (Grinding) 8 94641 Irrigation Controller Upgrade (MCE) 9 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair 10 94051 Iron Home Trail Amenities 11 94251 Widen Village Pkwy Sidewalks 12 94615 Village Pkwy Median Landscaping 13 94255 Sidewalk Reconstruction under 1-680 14 94956 Eastern Dublin Banner Additions Duration 106 days 137 days 49 days 131 days 110 days CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2000-2001 CIP SCHEDULE Community Improvements Jun Jul Aug Sep ) Oct )Nov ~ Dec ~2%0aln ) Feb ~ 46 days .............................: .............i ...................................... 40 days 118 days 56 days 0 days · Awaiting city council Action on Village Parkway Specific Plan 0 days ...........~ Awaiti.g City Cou.~. Action on W.age Parkway Specific P~an 0 days ..............~""~i~ing a~i~t selec~io. fo, Freeway U.demass A.. 0 days .............~ Awaiting response from DUSD regarding student pafficipation in banner program r ar I Apr !,v, ay!.,.. ! .,., ID Number Project Name 1 95911 Swim Center Painting & Fence Replacement 2 95635 Park Play Area Evaluation 3 95501 Heritage Center Storage Building 4 95830 Dublin Sports Ground Renovation 5 95600 Emerald Glen Park (Phase II Design & Construction Documents) 6 95405 Shannon Center Parking Lot Paving 7 95461 Shannon Center HVAC 8 95930 Senior Center (Conceptual Design) 9 95451 Shannon Center Doore 10 95110 Community Gym at Valley high CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2000-2001 CIP SCHEDULE Parks Duration Jun ':lul '/~ug ! ~'p Oct ' Nov Dec I?:n~ I Feb Mar 147 days 296 days 165 days 172 days ............... 138 days ...................... 173 days "'; ........... 61 days I 0 days .........e 4 year project funding to bq completed'in FY 2001-2002 ID 1 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 Number Project Name 96400 Eastern Dublin Arterial Street Improvements 96380 1-580/San Ramon Interchange Improvements (PSPJPR) 96430 1-580/Fallon Intemhange Improvements (Design, Plans & Specs) 96772 Alamo Canal Bike Path- Iron Horee to 1-580 96920 Dublin BIrd. Improvements- Village to Sierra (Construction to begin FY 2001-2002) 96770 Alamo Canal Bike Path - AVB to Iron Horee 96420 1-580rrassajara Interchange Improvements (Design, Plans & Specs) 96560 Traffic Signals - Village Parkway 96852 Dougherty Rd Improvements- Houston to 1580 (Environmental Documents) 96580 Annual Street Overlay 96410 1-580/Hacienda Interchange Improvements 96015 AVB/Starward Safety Improvements 96890 Dublin Blvd. Widening- Dougherty to Scarlett 96021 Bedford Court Subdrain 96023 Hansen Dr. Drainage Improvements 96080 Dublin Blvd. Underground Utilities (Construction to begin FY 2001-2002) 96561 Traffic Signal-Hacienda Drive @ Summerglen CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2000-2001 CIP SCHEDULE Streets Duration Jun Jul Aug 's,;.'~ oct "~ov ' be~'i Jan I-eb Ma;"i Apr 'i~y Ju~'- Jul . Aug ..... 248 days Sep Oct I Nov 325 days 248 days ' ' -' : ; . - ...... .~ _: .......... ~ ~, - Complete Sept. 2002 146 days 206 days 136 days 191 days 242 days 187 days 187 days 195 days i' .... ' .:':" """ Complete Sept 200'~ ........................... 0 days ..... ~ COMPLETE