HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo PA#/Prpsd.PlanLine/NewRoad-1CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT SUBJECT: Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 4, 1988 Proposed Plan Line New Road Parallel to and Southerly of Dublin Boulevard (Between Amador Plaza Road and Regional Street) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibits A) Resolution Recommending City Council Adoption of Negative Declaration B) Resolution Recommending City Council Adoption of Plan Line Attachments 1) Proposed Plan Line 2) Cross Section in Downtown Specific Plan 3) Proposed Cross Section 4) Description of Proposed Plan Line 5) Environmental Assessment Initial Study 6) Negative Declaration RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing 2) Receive Staff presentation and public testimony 3) Question Staff and the public 4) Close PublicHearing and deliberate 5) Take the following actions a) Adopt Resolution Recommending City Council Adoption of Negative Declaration b) Adopt Resolution Recommending City Council Approval of Plan Line FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No direct financial impacts would occur from the recommended action. Costs to the City as a result of development of the road would depend on the financing mechanism selected for this project. A separate action would be required by the City Council to authorize financing the project. DESCRIPTION: The circulation plan for the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan includes recommended changes to improve downtown circulation. One such improvement is a new street parallel to and south of Dublin Boulevard connecting Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road. The Downtown Plan shows the approximate location of this road midway between Dublin Boulevard and 1-580. The precise alignment for this new street must be established through the adoption of a plan line. City Staff, including TJKM, the City's traffic engineer, has examined the area and prepared recommendations for the plan line (see Attachment 1). Need A parallel road south of Dublin Boulevard will offer the following benefits to downtown circulation and traffic flow. 1) Traffic conditions at major intersections along Dublin Boulevard will be equalized. This cross-connection would allow alternative routes out onto Dublin Boulevard and relieve congestion at the Regional Street/Dublin Boulevard intersection. 2) Three long cul-de-sacs will be eliminated, facilitating movement, especially for emergency vehicles. 3) Access from one cul-de-sac to another can be provided without requiring travel on Dublin Boulevard. ITEM NO. 8.3 COPIES TO: Property Owners File 4) Internal circulation will be provided in the area south of Dublin Boulevard, which will encourage development of property consistent with the land uses designated in the Downtown Specific Plan and provide additional pedestrian links in the area. 5) Access will be provided to the future BART parking lot from three access points rather than concentrating traffic at Golden Gate Drive. In general, the road will have area-wide (downtown) circulation benefits by providing an alternate route. Size and Capacity Diagram 6 of the Downtown Specific Plan shows a street right-of-way section of 65 feet (see Attachment 2), which would provide two traffic lanes and a center two-way left turn lane (44 feet) plus parkways on either side (15 feet and 6 feet). TJKM, the City's traffic engineer, has evaluated the projected traffic for this road and has revised the optimal section to be 68 feet (see Attachment 3), to include two eight-foot sidewalks and two traffic lanes (20 feet each) and a center two-way left turn lane (12 feet). Final design of the road, given a 68-foot right-of-way, could still take advantage of a wider parkway on one side (e.g., 12 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other). Due to limitations of space between existing buildings, the right-of-way section'will need to narrow to 64 feet for approximately 600 feet. This narrower area between the rear of the existing Ross/Orchard Supply building (APN 941-1500-44) and the Unisource building (APN 941-1500-47-2) will provide a minimum 110 feet maneuvering area for trucks at the Unisource warehouse. ~ The 64 68-foot right-of-way will be able to accommodate about 17,500 average daily trips (ADT). A description of the proposed plan line is contained in Attachment 4. Impacts The roadway will necessitate the removal of 174 parking spaces (52 behind Ross/Orchard Supply and 122 from the front of Unisource). Mitigation measures are included in the project to provide additional parking for Unisource (see Initial Study and Mitigated Negative DeclAration - Attachments 5 and 6). The reduced parking on the other parcel is not considered significant due to the low parking occupancy rate in Downtown Dublin. Depending on the final design of the roadway, the street may be able to accommodate on-street parking Which would further reduce impacts from the loss of on-site parking. The project will also reduce the back-up area for truck loading at Unisource from 121 feet to 110 feet. The 110 feet is considered adequate for 55-foot-long trucks. The right-of-way between Golden Gate Drive and Amador Plaza Road is across undeveloped property, and therefore, there will not be any significant impacts to existing development. The resulting parcel size for the property behind Crown Chevrolet will be approximately 155 x 400 feet (1.4+ acres). This size is sufficient to accommodate a commercial or office use as designated in the Downtown Specific Plan. Timing No precise schedule has been established for constructing the road. The need for the road may become critical when BART develops their property and may be tied into that schedule. Other, more intensive land development in the area could also trigger the need for the road. Costs Preliminary estimated costs for acquisition, design, improvement, and environmental mitigation of the road are about $3 million. The actual financing of the project may include off-site improvements required for development in the area. -2- RESOLUTION NO. 88- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COl(MISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNGILADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE CONCERNING A PLAN LINE FOR A NEW ROAD PARALLEL TO AND SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD BETWEEN REGIONAL STREET AND AMADOR PLAZA ROAD, CITY OF DUBLIN WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended together with the State's administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and City environmental regulations, requires that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq., a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department with the project specific mitigation measures outlined in Staff's Initial Study of Environmental Significance dated March 28, 1988, regarding: 1) Land Use WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and considered it at a public hearing on April 4, 1988; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given as legally required; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the project, Parallel Road South of Dublin Boulevard (Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road) Plan Line has been cha~ged by the Applicant and/or the Applicant has agreed to provide mitigation measures resulting in a project that will not result in the potential creation of any significant environmental impacts identified in the Initial Study of Environmental Signficance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission recommends that the City Council find that the Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and Local Environmental Law and Guideline Regulations, and that it is adequate and complete. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1988. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 88- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISH A PLAN LINE FOR PARALLEL ROAD SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM REGIONAL STREET TO AMADOR PLAZA ROAD WHEREAS, the Dublin Downtown Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council of the City of Dublin by Resolution No. 55-87 on July 21, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan contains an objective in the vehicular circulation plan to develop a plan line for a new street south of Dublin Boulevard connecting Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on April 4, 1988; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been recommended for adoption (Planning Commission Resolution No. 88- ) for this project, as it will have no significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Staff report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth; and WHEREAS, the plan line is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being cqmpatible to existing and proposed land uses and conforming to the underlying land use designation and it will not overburden public services; and WHEREAS, the plan line will not have a substantial adverse effect on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council approve the plan line as described on the attached Exhibits A and B dated March 28, 1988. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1988. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Director ATTACHMENT IIIIII PARKWAY PROPOSED R.O.W. 65' STREET SOUTH OF DUBLIN BLVD. Proposed Street Sections DUBLIN DOWNTOWN PI_A,N DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Diagram 6 ATTACHMENT, PARALLEL ROAD SOUTHOEDUBLIN BOULEVARD:_.:.. (REGIONAL STREET_TO AMADOR PLAZA ROAD) /~2 WAY LEFT TURN OPTIMUM SECTION ATTACHI ENT Proposed Street Right-of-Way SOUTH 07 DUBLIN BOULEVARD BETWEEN AMADOR PLAZA ROAD AND REGIONAL STREET Ail that certain real property situated in the City of Dublin, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west 1 ine of Amador Plaza Road on the south line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Enea Plaza recorded December 19, 1980, as Instrument No. 80-224805, Records of Alameda County; thence northerly along said west line of Amador Plaza Road 427 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said west line of Amador Plaza Road along the arc of a non-tangent 30.00 foot radius curve, concave to the northwest, to a point on the prolongation of the north line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Robert T..& Betty J. Wolverton recorded December 20, 1978, as Instrument No. 78-248211, Records of Alameda County; thence on a course tangent tothe previous curve westerly along said prolongation of said north 1 ine (78-248211) a distance of 285 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said Wolverton Parcel (78-248211); thence westerly along said north line (78-248211) and its prolongation 430 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of Golden Gate Dr ire, hereon referred to as Point "A"; thence in a southwesterly direction 380 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 966 feet; thence along the arc of said curve ~105 feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Peter B. Bedford recorded November 21, 1982, as Instrument No. 82-193550, Records of Alameda County, said point hereon referred to as Point "B", lying South 4 feet, measured at right angles to, the prolongation of the south line of an existing warehouse lying on said Bedford parcel (82-193550);thence westerly on a course parallel with said south line of the existing warehouse 330 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 332 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 125 feet, more or less; thence on a course tangent to the previous curve southwesterly 130 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 266 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 120 feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of said Bedford parcel (82-193550); thence on a course tangent to the previous curve along said south line (82-193550) a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to the east line of Regional Street; thende leaving said south line (82-193550) southerly along said east line of Regional Street to a point 68 feet south, measured at right angles to said south line (82- 193550); thence in an easterly direction parallel with said south line (82-193550) a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius 334 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 90 feet, more or less; thence on a course tangent to the previous curve, ATTACHMENT northeasterly 130 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 268 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 80 feet, more or less, to a point 68 feet south of, measured at right angles to, the prolongation of the south line of said existing warehouse lying within the Bedford parcel (82-193550); thence easterly parallel with said prolongation 330 feet, more or less, to a point south 64 feet from Point "B", at the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 1034 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 105 feet, more or less; thence on a course tangent to the previous curve, northeasterly 375 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of Golden Gate Drive, said point being South 68 feet from Point "A"; thence easterly on a course parallel with the north line of said Wolverton parcel (78-248211), and its prolongation 735 feet, more or less, t'o the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 30 feet; thence along the arc of said curve 40 feet, more or less, to a point on the west line of Amador Plaza Road; thence northerly along said west line of Amador Plaza Road 130 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. cITY OF:'l~.LtESl~ltq ~.. PA No., " ENVI~ t~ h.t~V~ENTAL~' ASSESS~/]E~dT (Pursuant fo Public Resources Code Section 2~000 et se~.) Based on the proiect information suhmitteH in Section ] Genera[ Data, the Planning StaFF will use Section 3, Initial Study, to determine whether a Ne;=tive Dec[arbtlon or cn Envlronmenta] ImpacJ' R~por't is required. -. '"' SECTION 3. iNITIAL STUDY - - - to be completed by the PLANNING STAFF "Name oF Pro]ect or Appl!cant: DUBLIN 'BOULEVARD PARALLEL ROAD ' A... ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING - DescripHan oF project site before the project, including · inFormaHon on: topography; soil stcbility; plants and anlmal.s; historical, culturals and scenic aspects; existing structures; and use oF structures INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL'ARE~S, 1/2 OF 'PROJECT SITE IS DEVELOPED AS PARKING & DRIVEWAYS. THE OTHER 1/2 IS UNIMPROVED LAND. Description oF surrounding properHes, including information eh: plants and animals; historical, cultural, and scenic aspects; type and intens[~y oF land use; and scale or deveJopment. DEVELOPED AREAS WITH COMMERCIAL' RETAIL & OFFICE AS WELL AS WAREHOUSE. NO SIGNIFICANT NATURAL FEATURES SUCH-Ag P~iANTS GRAPHY~ ETC.~ EXIST IN PROJECT AREA. ; ANIMALS: TOP0- ENVIRONMENTAL I~PACTS - Factual explonatlons o~ all c.'~,vers except "no" are re- . qulred on attached sheets. logic ~ronce? !.2 ~ound Water Will the project direct the q~l;~ or q~nt~ of ground ~tcr supplies? 1.~ D~pth to Wa~r T~blo Will the rote o~ ~tcr ,,;thdra~l change the depth or grod;enl of Ih~ ~ter 1.4 Dra;~oe and ~onnel Fo~m Will const~ct[on impede the natural drainaga ~tte~ In~lu~ ;nra ad[ac.hr ~ter bad;es? 1.7 Water Oua'llty Does drin~clng federal s~ondards? Will receiving ~tefs frill Will ground ~tef ~[[cr con,minor;on by s,~Fu:e 2.0 ~m 2.1 Air Pollullon . Will there be genemtlon ' by protect relat~ aclR.;,ics ' ' q~lily s~ndards? 2.2 Wi~ Alteration Will structure 3.2 Foundation Su~ort Will there be ri~ excessive d~o~/~on ~ 3.3 ~n~l[dar[on Will there be r;~ ~ life o, properS/ heca~,~e cf 3.4 S~sidence Is th:re rls~ of ~ior gr~nd whh the project? 3.5 ~;c Act~v~ Is there risk of do~ge or loss reudth~g fm~ earth- 3.7 Er~;l{~ ' Will there be s.~stant;al loss struct~ practices? 3.8 Pe~bil;~ Will Ihe perm~b;l(ly of )reject preset of wells? 3.9 ~;q~ F~tures Will any ~;que geological reafuresbe doma3ed ' or des~oyed by pro}act oct~vlties? 3.10 M~neml Re.ureas' . Are Ihcre g~loglc dcposirs ~lue close to 4.0 P~NTS AND ANIMALS ' 4.1 Plant and Ani~l Species Are there rare m endangered spec;es pre=n,? Are there ~c~es pre:~n~ w~ch are pa'l~culorly suscept~le lo impact from hu~n oct;v;~? Is thoro ~etat~ p~esent~ the ]oss of which will den)' fo~ m ~bltat to ~mpo~tant Are there nu;~nce :pccies of plant or n~im=~s rnr whJc~ co~Zl~ons will ~,e ~mproved hy tFe p~ojcct? 4.2 Vegetative ~mmun~ T~es Are there any ~usuaJ populations o~ plnnts that ~y :be of scientific ~ntere~t? :Are Ihere vege~t~ve commun{ty ~pes v,~ich are :par t ~cularl)' late there ~[or trees or mater veaetntlb~ thai will ' ' Ar~ ~hcr~ ~D:~aH~'~ rnmmunJty typ~s ~'~?~. t~e Jo:~ 4.3 Diversity Is Ihere substan:inl diversity in t~ n~"m~ enm~,n!:7 species p,esent or Ihe thren-d;mcnsinnel or~ng~m~nt of plont ~ec;cs p,e~cnt? A-6 ~ ~ Ill. ACTS SCALE .. NO QUAL~ 5.0 FACILITIES AND SERVICES 5.1 ~ducot;o~l Facilities Will pro~ecte~ enrollments adversely affect t~e ex- Isling ~ pro~sed fac;Iii;es ;n terms o[ ~aclng ~ all acS;vit;es, Incl~;ng class,~s, recreational : Will the p,oiect ;m~ct the p'~il/teacher mtlo ~ as to [mp~e the learning process? Is Iht scSool located such thnt it presents a for o pml;on 6f the enroUment in terms of travel time, distance, or ~fety ~zards? 5.2 ~mmerc;al Fac~liHes Will there be an /nadeq~te supply of and access 1o 5.3 L~u~d Waste D~I Are provh~ons F~ ~e ~pac{~ ~nadeq~te for Will the project be ex~d Io nu[mnces a~ ~ors as~c~ated w~th ~ste~ter ~ment plants? ~ 5.4 ~l~d Waste D~I Is there ~nad~te prov;s~on Jar d~l o~ ~stes generat~ by the project? 5.5 Wat~ ~ply Is lhere ;~d~te q~ntlty ~ q~llty o~ ~ter , s~ply ~ meet the needs oF the project? 5.6 Stem Water Drainage Will storm ~ter dro;nog~ be ;~d~te to pre~nt do--strum [Io~[ng and to meet F~eral State a~ 1o~1 stewards? 5.7 Police Will t~ pro~ect's add;riehl ~puloHon, Facilities, ~ o~her ~t~es gen~ote on ;n~se in police serv;ce~ or ~te o pol~ce hazard? 5.8 Fire Will Iht project's add;lionel papulat;~, or oth~ [ea~es gen~ate an incr~ in ~[e services or cr~te a ~re hazard? 5.9 Recr~t;~ Will the pro~ect ~ve ;nad~te fac;lit;es to meet the recr~t;onal needs of the ,es;den~? . 5.10 Culturol Fac;Ih;es Will cultural ~ac;1;tres be una~Z~able ~o the project :6.0 T~NSPORTATION ,6~ Tran~r~Hon Facilities Are the Ha[EJc demo~s ~ adjacent r~s c~rentlr - at ~ aSove m~c;Jy? IF nor, will Iht t~fflc gani [ erol~ by the project cause the adjacent r~ds to ,~ch m exce~ co~cJW? ~ project {nad~te lo accomm~ate the project's frove~ de~sT 6.2 'C~rculaH~ ~fllcts [Will design oE the pruiect or co~;t[ons ~n the smrou~- :lng or~ ;n~ acc;dents d~ ~ c;rculati~ ~gllch? ~ 6.3 R~d ~Fe~ and Design Will project residents and u~ers be exposed to ~n~sed occ~denl rls~ dun to r~d~y and street design ~ lack o~ traffic controls? 7.0 ~u~ 7.10d~s Will lhe project be ~xpos~ to or generate any intense 7.2 '~o~ing e~ DensJ~ Will the residents ond useri be exp~d to cro~ng ~ 7.3 Nul~nces Will the project be expo~ to ~ generate Jotters Iht ~y be co.s;d~r~ a~ nut.noes? ~ 7.4 Slrucl~oJ ~[e~ Will design and proposed consJruct[~ techn[q~s foil Jo meet stole o~ local bu[lding c~es? ~ 8.0 NblSE 8. l Noise Levels Will the project be cxpo~d tn *r Oen~ote odve,~ ~ nohe lewis? 8.2 V;brotions Will the p~j~ct bo expo~ to v~ot;~s hnnoylng to ~ IMPACSS --------- iSCALE OF IMPACT · IPl ,.H ~i~Ioi~ 9.2 ~enel~ a~ D~vers~ Will the project c~nge the ¢~racter o~ tho I I ~.3 ~mm~;~ StaSillty and Will Ihe proiect be expos~ ~o ~ generate an ~ys;~l ~ndit;~s area el p~r stab;li~ a~ phfdcal co~Jlti~s? X 10'0 VIS~LQ~LITY . I I I 10,1 VJe~ Will res~denls o[ the s~r~ng a~ be ad~ersel~ J J j ~i0.2 5~do~ Will the project b~ expos~ I~ or geneote excessive J J I I I 11.~ HISTO~ICAND CULTL~L ' J J J .~so~Es I i . I I I- i 1.l Hhtor~ and Cultural W~II I~ project ~n~lw the ~estruct~on ~ oiler- J J J R~ces oH~ of a historic re~c~? ~ I J I . Will the project result in J~JatJon o~ a ~stor~c ' re~urc~ from its smro~dlng env~men~? ~ J J J ' ' Will IRc p~oiecl introduce physical, v;s~l, aud~Je or a~motpherJc elements t~ ore not Jn c~roct~r w~tf J J J 11.2 Arc~!og[cal Shes Will the project involve th~ destruct;on ~ aJtarolJ~ and Structmes oF an arc~lo2~cal re~rce? ~ j J J Will I~ project result ~n i~)lot;~ oF an arc~eolog~caJ Wili the project ~ntr~.~ce ~col, vJ~l, audible j j ~ at,spheric elements t~t ore not in c~ractcr wJlh j j j an ar~o~log~J re~ce ~ its setting? ~ j j j 12.0 ENERGY I I I I I I eneroy requJr~ for the project? ~ I I I O~ t~e /~v;c~ utility com~ny? ~ I J J Will the~, b~ o net ;nc,~s~ in tner~ ~ For the j j j 12.2 ~ser~t;on Mea~res Does the proiect planning on4 ~s[g~ [n;J to ;ncl~e' j j j a~ilab~c c~,~ c~r~;on race,urns? ~ j j j . I .I I t3.1 Site ~:ords Do co~;tlons oF the s;te, pr~ site development, ' J J ' ' j or surrou~ng ar~ c~ate potcnHolly hazardous si/u- J J I I t 1312 Ph?~;~l Thr~t. W;I~ the project m th: ~rround;ng or~ ~ente a feeling I · I I of insecurity and physical Ihr~l o~ng the res~,l~nts j j j nohe, air, or ~jrface ar4 gro~d ~.lcr pollu/{on J J J er other nu;~,nces ass~c;atel ~ilh a sanitary landfill ? 13.4 Water~ys Will th~ project afFecl an exist;nD ~ter~y through filling, dredging, dro;nlng, culverting, ~ste dis- J J J I I charges, loss oF v;s~l q~lify ~ other land uso J j I I I I I I I ! I I I i I I I .I I I I t I LAND USE use of property wl~ich would result in impacts to general plans or local ordinances? .... Other [nvl~m~/al C. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE (2) (4) Does the pro]ec~ have the potential to degrade the quality oF the environment, substantially reduce the habitat oF a fish cr wildlife species, cause a Fish or wildlife population to drop below selF- sustaining levels, threaten to elimlnc,;e a plant or animal 6ommunity, reduce the number or restrict the range oF a rare ar end'angered plant or animal or eliminate importa.uf examples oF the major periods or CaliFornia history cr prehistory? Does the project hove the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage oF long-term, envlronmentcl .goals? Does the project have impacts which are individually . limited but cumulatelvely considerable'?. (A proiec,~ may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, b'ut where the eFFect oF the total oF those impacts-on the environment is signiFicont.) Does the project, hove environmental eFFects which will cause substantial adverse eFFects on human beings, either directly or indirectly.'? NO NO -N-ES X X X X D. MITIGATION MEASURES - Discuss[on of the ways to mltiga'e the significant effects DETERMINATION - On the basis of this initial evaluation: ~ The' City of D0. blih Finds that there will not be any'significant effect, lhe par- ticular characteristics of this project and the. mitigation measures incorporated into .the design of the project provide .~he Foctual bas~s for the Finding. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION iS REQUIRED. I'--I The City of l~Ub~ in Finds that the proposed project MAy have a significant effect on the environment. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS REQUIRED** Signa'ture and date: Name and title: **NOTE: Where a proiect is revised in response to an Initial Study so tho: po:,~.:~:ial adverse effects are mlHgated to a point where no signffic,mt environmental effects would occur, a revised Inltial.S.~udy will be prepared an~ a Negative Declaration will be r~u~red i~s*ead of an E IR. March 23, 1988 PARALLEL ROAD SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD (REGIONAL STREET TO AMADOR PLAZA ROAD) 'INITIAL STUDY B. Environmental Impacts Factual Explanations 2.1 Air Pollution Temporary construction-related air, quality impacts will occur by increasing dust, especially if existing paved areas need to be removed. Construction techniques should include watering exposed areas to reduce dust, especially during windy periods. Project will improve traffic circulation in the vicinity which will result in fewer idling vehicles, having a positive benefit to local air quality. 5.2 Commercial Facilities 6.1 Project will improve access to commercial properties. Transportation Facilities Traffic demands on vicinity roads and intersections are projected to approach the design capacity, offering Levels of Service D or E. This project will help alleviate some of that congestion. ~ 11.2 Archaeological Sites and Structures Much of the project site has been disturbed with no evidence of archaeological resources. Occasionally, resources are discovered in previously disturbed areas. Project will include condition that construction will be halted in the event that archaeological resources are discovered in order that a qualified archaeologist can examine the find. 13.5 Land Use The project involves the acquisition of property currently used for parking and driveways. In one case (APN 941-1500-47-2 Unisource), parking will be reduced below the amount that is required per the Variance and Conditional Use Permit for Unisource (PA 85-024) and zoning requirements for a warehouse. Zoning normally would require 300 spaces; however, the Variance/Conditional Use Permit specifies 187 spaces, with annual review to determine if additional spaces should be provided up to 236 spaces. The project would remove 122 existing spaces, leaving 65 spaces. Areas allocated for the additional 49 future parking spaces are not affected by this project. - 1 - The project will also result in reduced back-up space for the truck loading and parking area for this same parcel. Currently, 121 feet is available. The resulting 110 feet is the mtnimum back-up required for 55- foot tractor-trailers. The largest trucks currently using the site do not exceed 55 feet in length. The zoning and Site Development Review (PA 83-069) for APN 941-1500-44 (Orchard Supply Hardware and others) requires 619 spaces. This plan line would remove 69 spaces for this property. The Downtown Specific Plan indicates that this area had a peak parking demand for 26% of the spaces provided. Even if all of the 242 parked cars identified in the survey were on this property, the peak demand mould be only about 45%. The parking that will be removed is used primarily for employees. Upon construction of the road, they will be displaced to parking at the front of the building. This reduction in available parking is not considered significant. The new road will provide a landscaped walkway, thus meeting one of the goals of the Downtown Plan to provide more landscaped areas among paved surfaces. ! , J ~1^11:10 ::1J.¥9 N::i090O I~i=IEllS qYNOl~)=:ltl Development Services P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 CITY OF DUBLIN Planning/Zoning 829-4916 Building & Safety 829-0822 Engineering/Public Works 829-4927 NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: PARALLEL ROAD SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD (Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road) (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000~ et seq.) LOCATION: New road located approximately midway between Dublin Boulevard and 1-580 between Regional Street and Amador Plaza Road PROPONENT: DESCRIPTION: FINDINGS: INITIAL STUDY: City of Dublin Plan line for a new road with a 68-foot cross section at the above location. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. The initial study is available with a brief discussion of the following environmental components: Air pollution~ transportation facilities~ archaeology~ and land use. MITIGATION MEASURES: See attachment. PREPARATION: This Negative Declaration was prepared by the City of Dublin Planning Staff, (415) 829-4916. SIGNATURE: DATE: ATTACHMENT PARALLEL ROAD SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD (Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road) Mitigation measures included in project to eliminate impacts or reduce impacts to a level of insignificance. Land Use Additional parking shall be provided on-site for APN 941-1500-47-2. Annual review of the number of employees and parking demand will determine how many spaces are needed, to a maximum indicated below. The additional parking can be accomplished as described below (see also Figure 1). 1. Restripe driveway along west side of building to provide 90° parking and a drive aisle (net gain of 12 spaces). 2. Build new parking area west of building (47 spaces). 3. Restripe front area to preserve 17 standard size spaces and 5 handicapped sized spaces. 4. Provide the parking spaces shown on the variance permit at the rear of the property as expansion parking (49 spaces). 5. Encourage a 7,200~ square foot property exchange between this property and the BART property to the east. The exchange will furnish an area of sufficient dimensions to provide 42 spaces, plus will provide the BART property with direct street frontage on the new road. The total 122 spaces which will be removed as a result of this project can be replaced with 108 spaces, with an additional 42 available if the property exch'ange is executed (total of 150). The City is currently preparing an ordinance that would provide a conforming status to properties rendered non-conforming due to a City action such as condemnation. If this ordinance is enacted, it should be applied to this project. If a new business wants to locate at the Unisource site, the parking will have to be re-evaluated, considering that the parking may be less than the standard requirement due to the loss of available parking area.