HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-2013 SCAC Minutes .Ct of SEIV ft a' TER."AAt/t t? IY GOMM1TlEE i'V11iN[1TE3 OE FFBRtI�tRY Call to Order Chairperson Mack called the meeting to order at 9:39 AM. Roll Call Committee Members (CM) Present: Diane Bonetti, Faye Guarienti, Holly lto, Ramona Krausnick, Eddie 10 Mack Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Present: Connie Mack Staff Present: Micki Cronin, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services; Rich lochner, Recreation Supervisor;Anna Hudson, Recreation Coordinator; Diane Guenther,Office Assistant Oral Communicatlons Newly appointed Advisory Committee Members, Holly Ito and Ramona Krausnick were introduced. Each Member of the Advisory Committee shared something interesting about herself. Former CM Lee Sandeman who was in attendance, thanked the Advisory Committee and wished them well.. Public Comments-None Awroval of the Minutes CM GUARIENTI MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER &, 2012 MINUTES. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CM BONETTI. THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER MEETING BY A VOTE OF 3-0-2; WITH CM'S ITO AND KRAUSNICK ABSTAINING AS THEY HAD NOT YET BEEN APPOINTED BY CITY COUNCIL. Written Communication—None Unfinished Business—None New Business ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON The Senior Center Advisory Committee conducted their annual elections. COPIES TO: GACOINIMISSIONS&COMIvllT£EESISRADVCMTEVviinutes\SCAC Committee Final Mintites\24I3 SCAC Committee Final\020713 SCAC Final Minutes.doc •aledpiped jajuaO aoluaS aqj wo.r;sJoluas aAeq o4 sueld jje1S •oajjlwwO ullgnQ AgIIeaH mil aqj of uo suoilsa2Rns asaq}ssed Illm}jejS •s9lgeja2aA uaaJ2i Jo AjalIeA a ajedaid o2 moq Sui}e t4suowap se llam se sadpai uellejaBaA Sulpino.id se q:)ns 'sa!j!Aij:ye snolaeA Supajqo pa4sasans sjagwavq aaj}iwwoO aql •aalsisai of aalndwo:) a of ssaxae paau illm sluecippied 1eq} papuodsai j}e;S *wei3oid aqj ul alediDi:aed ajejaill aalndwo:) you aie ao saal.ndwoa aneq lou op oqm slenpiAlpul asogj pinom moq palse piusnea>l lN) •OZ$snsiaA S$jo aal uollegsigai paanpaa a quecipuped OSZ Isal}aq}sapino.id uoijeuop snoiauag s,wajsAS glleaH aieOAalleA 'SZ AeW ggnojgl uni pue Lt gaieVy JJejs 111M JuaAa slgl •aSUallep ssaullam apron-Allunwwoa a Suposuods si 'walsAS 411BOH ale)AapeA aosuods aljli gjIm 2uole 'juawlieda(l sa:)i/uaS AllunwwoO'8 slied s,uilgn0 3o All) aql „3JN311VHO SS3N113M)133M-OT, Nasna AHIIV3H 3AI1 •lu9A3 uoilpRond jaalunioA lenuuy s,Alla aqj of paIinu! ag Ilim ajow ao sinoq OOT paliom oqm sjaal.unloA aal.uaO IoluaS 09 je41 pajejs •aauepualle ul gwoas e sem Wagl `IleJano 'a.)uepua}je ul aseaaaap a m04S sailiniPe awas g2noglle 11no pajulod ijuapen0 W:) •aauepuaue spallai liodai aqj pajels}}ejS 'Ajinijae aqj puall.e oqm aldoad}o jagwnu aqj ao pa.iallo si AIinil:)e ue sJnoq Jo aagwnu aqj papaljai ljodad Alialienb aqj jo(T Iuawgaejjy) :wodau aouepualIV pallela(3 aqj 11 pa4se plusnei)i 1A1) -:podai 94I10 maiAJano ue saagwaiN aalllwwoO 041 papinoid j}e4S IHOM AlH31Uvnb 11tf3 ZCOZ 'NOSH3dHIVH) 3)IA Sd I11\13Ilfm) W) 031)313 33111WWO) AHOSIAGV 31-1I 0-0-5 30 31OA Sf10WINVNn v A8 'NOS83d2iIVH) 3)IA 2103 SNOIIVNIWON 2I3HIO ON 383M 3M3HI 'NOIIVNIWON 3H1 030NO)3S ILUNOS W) 'NOIIVNIWON 3HI 031d3))V I1N3i2Itfn9 W) `NOS2l3d2{IVHO 3)IA HO3 I1N31uvng W) G31VNILNON )1)VW W) 'NOSH3dHlVH) Sd x)dW W) 031.)313 3311.IWWOO ,kHOSIAGV 3H1 0-0-S 30 31OA snOWINVNn v A8 'NOS83dHIVH) UO3 SNOI.LVNIWON WHIO ON 3V3M 3213HI 'NOIIVNIWON 3HI 030NO)3S IIN318vng W) 'NOIIVNIWON 3H103ld3)3d)1)VW W)`NOS213dHIbH) 2103 }I)VVY W)G31VNIWON I u3N08 W) p 3o Z ate, £I0Z`L I-Uva'dff39 AO S31fININ a3I.LIII►IV03 AUOSIAaV 2I3 N33 2IOIK79S iTI`IHRQ,4O AlIa CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER AmsoRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7,2013 Page 3 of 4 SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE STRATEGIC GOAT.#2 Staff is contracting a vendor to offer a vintage fashion show on May 18. A tea will also be a part of this event. Staff is seeking sponsors for food and soliciting for donations to keep overhead costs low. Staff will recruit students from local high schools to model the clothing. A Committee Member suggested selecting senior citizen models. Staff noted that the models must be small enough to fit the clothing collection belonging to the fashion designer;traditionally teenagers were selected as models. CM Guarienti asked what the ticket price will be. Staff would like to cap the price at$25. The Committee Members felt that$25 was reasonable. Other Business CM Sonettl reported the Foundation elected new officers for 2013.The Foundation announced they will continue their fireworks fundraiser this year. Commissioner Mack reported on the Parks and Community Services Commission meeting. The I Commissioners held their elections in January. Commissioner Mack reported the Commission has recommended Council offer the Splatter event again this year. The Splatter event will receive an award at the California Park and Recreation Society State Conference this year. i CM Bonetti volunteered to attend the Parks and Community Services Commission meeting on February 11. CM Guarienti will attend the March meeting. CM Mack will make schedule for an Advisory Committee Member to attend the Parks and Community Services Commission every month during the 2013 calendar year. CM Mack reported they had little response to the letters sent to local churches offering to make presentations to their congregations about the Senior Center. CM Mack and Commissioner Mack are a part of the Strategic Goal#1 Subcommittee which is to reach out to senior groups and social networks in the.community. CM Guarienti commented that she visited the Albany Senior Services Center and shared they sell used books for 50 cents and greeting cards for 25 cents. Staff shared the Senior Center utilize the donated get well cards to send to seniors who are sick, and sympathy cards to senior supporters to offer condolences. Adjournment--11:00 a.m. Respectfully submi ed, Diane Guenthe Office Asslstan�j uosiadiieya j3evy or arpp3 :p9Aj .t'ddy v 3o v 42vd £IOZ`L AMWIURM d0 SalfiNIN M-LIATMOD A-dOSIAUV xashaD HOMS M-19(i(I Jo kuD