HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 PCSR Kingsmill Group/DiamondHtsInvestmentsSDR OF
DATE: March 26, 2013
TO: Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PLPA-2012-00060 Kingsmill Group/Diamond Heights Investments,
Site Development Review for the Kingsmill Mixed-Use Retail/Residential
project on two parcels at the former Crown Chevrolet site in Downtown
Report Prepared by Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner
The Applicant, Kingsmill Group/Diamond Heights Investments, is proposing to construct 314
residential units with 17,000 square feet of commercial/retail space on a 4.74 net acre site and a
72-unit affordable housing project with preference for military veterans on a 1.37 net acre site
within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area. The project incorporates related site
improvements including multi-level parking structures for both sites, frontage improvements
along all public rights of way, and amenities for the project residents. The project will implement
one of the City Council's key strategic initiatives, which is to provide affordable housing for
veterans of the U.S Armed Forces.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing
and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review permit to
construct 314 residential units and 17,000 square feet of commercial space on 4.74 net acres
and 72 residential units on 1.37 net acres within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area.
Submitted By: Reviewed By:
Kristi Bascom '-J6ff Baker
Principal Planner Assistant Community Development Director
COPIES TO: Applicant
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G:IPA#120121PLPA-2012-00060 Kingsmill Mixed Use SDRIPC hearing 03.26.20131PCSR Kingsmill 03 26 2013.docx
In February 2011 - after several years of input and participation in the process by a wide range
of community interests - the City Council adopted the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP).
The overarching goal of the DDSP is "to create a vibrant, dynamic commercial and mixed-use
center that provides a wide array of opportunities for shopping, services, dining, working, living,
and entertainment in a pedestrian-friendly and aesthetically pleasing setting that attracts both
local and regional residents." The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan allows for a total of 1,100
residential units to be constructed in the Transit Oriented District (south of Dublin Boulevard
between Interstate 680 and San Ramon Road)
Since the adoption of the DDSP, a number of development projects have taken place in
Downtown, including the opening of REI on Amador Plaza Road, the re-tenanting and
remodeling of a vacant building with Sports Authority on Dublin Boulevard, and the re-tenanting
and remodeling of the Sprout's and Jo-Anne's building on Amador Valley Boulevard. The
Planning Commission also reviewed and approved a Site Development Review permit for a
4,500 restaurant pad building to be constructed in the same shopping center.
Additionally, 309 residential units are under construction at the Essex Properties site on the
southwest corner of Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way near the West Dublin/Pleasanton
BART station. The City of Dublin is also contributing funds and resources in the Transit-
Oriented District through the multi-modal streetscape improvements currently being installed on
Golden Gate Drive.
Current Request
The project sites were previously home to the Crown Chevrolet automotive dealership, at the
_ southeast corner of Dublin
w. " Boulevard and Golden Gate
Drive (Site A) and the
southeast corner of St.
Dublin Blvd Patrick Way and Golden
Gate Drive (Site B) in the
` Downtown Dublin Specific
7 Plan area. Please refer to
Market-rate site tom. Figure 1 for the project
(314 units) ,, St. Patrick Way
The dealership has been
closed for several years and
Eden affordable is currently occupied by an
site (72 units) ,w _ auto body repair shop. The
site is considered a key
r « location for re-use and re-
°' �- development. The
dealership building and
associated uses on the
larger site will be
demolished in the near future and the site will be prepared for construction. The smaller parcel
has been used solely as a parking lot for the dealership facility, and no buildings will need to be
removed prior to construction.
The project sites have a General Plan and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan land use designation
of "Downtown Dublin — Transit-Oriented District". This land use designation allows a variety of
uses, including residential and mixed-use developments. The project needs only Site
Development Review approval. In addition, the City Council previously approved a Community
Benefit Agreement/Development Agreement with the Applicant that vests the land use and
number of residential units from the Development Pool of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan.
The Agreement was approved by the City Council in December 2012 (Attachment 1).
The Kingsmill Group currently requests approval of a Site Development Review permit to
construct 314 residential units with 17,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial uses facing
Dublin Boulevard on 4.74 net acres at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Golden
Gate Drive ("Site A") and 72 residential units of affordable housing with preference for military
veterans on 1.37 acres at the southeast corner of Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way ("Site
B"). The project also includes multi-level parking garages for each building and related site and
frontage streetscape improvements along Dublin Boulevard, Golden Gate Drive, and St. Patrick
Way. A Resolution, with the Project Plans incorporated as Exhibit A, is included as Attachment
The analysis of the project throughout the Staff Report is broken up into separate discussions of
Site A and Site B. Although two different sites, the project is being reviewed and considered as
a whole, and the Project Plan Set (Exhibit A to Attachment 2), contains drawings for both
buildings and sites.
The development standards contained in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) are fairly
permissive in an attempt to allow flexibility in project design and implementation. The two
proposed buildings and sites meet all of the development standards as noted below in Table 1:
Table 1: Compliance with DDSP Development Standards (Chapter 4)
Development Standard Project Compliance
Lot Size and Setbacks Yes. Site A and Site B both meet minimum lot size, minimum
setback requirements, and required frontage buildout (bringing the
building fa ade to the property street frontage)
Site Access Yes, with one exception. Site A and Site B both meet the
requirements for building entrance locations and pedestrian and
vehicular access. At the request of the Public Works Department,
the entrance driveway off Golden Gate Drive is 26 feet instead of
the maximum 24 feet as required by the Specific Plan to allow
easier ingress/egress close to the intersection.
Parking Yes, with one exception. Site A meets the requirements for
amount of required parking provided, allowed parking locations, and
the provision of bicycle parking. Site B meets the requirements for
the above, except for an allowance made to address the parking
demand for special-needs housing, as described in a later section
of this staff report.
Building Design (FAR, Yes. The Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) of the commercial square
height, density) footage is well under the maximum for the DDSP. The residential
Development Standard Project Compliance
density, at 64 units/acre on Site A and 53 units/acre on Site B, is
well under the maximum 85 units/acre allowed. The amount of
common open space is slightly in excess of the 15% requirement.
At five stories tall, the building height is under the maximum
requirement of 8 stories and 90 feet
Projections and Yes. There are no projections or encroachments into the proposed
encroachments setbacks.
Overall Site Plan and Circulation, Sheets A-2.0 and L-1.1 of the Project Plan Set
Kingsmill — Site A
The larger of the two parcels (approximately 4.74 net acres) will be developed with 314 market
rate apartments and 17,000 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor of the building
facing Dublin Boulevard. Residential uses occupy three of the four parcel frontages, with the
fourth frontage utilized primarily by the parking garage (which is on the eastern portion of the
project site and faces the back of the adjacent retail center.)
Vehicular access to the site is provided by three driveways: a driveway with porte-cochere off
Dublin Boulevard and a driveway off Golden Gate Drive, both of which access the at-grade
parking area for commercial uses as well as the residential parking garage. The other driveway
is off St. Patrick Way, which provides the main vehicular access point to the residential parking
Pedestrian access to the site is provided along three public street frontages: Dublin Boulevard,
Golden Gate Drive, and St. Patrick Way. A plaza feature has been designed for the Dublin
Boulevard/Golden Gate Drive corner with signature architectural treatment that features an
outdoor seating area and a public art piece as described in more detail later in this staff report.
Although the site is intensely developed at 64 units to the acre (plus the commercial square
footage), there are several portions of the site that are not covered by any building: the at-grade
parking lot to serve the commercial space, the two courtyards off St. Patrick Way, and the
pool/recreational area in the middle of the project. In addition, there is a rooftop deck on the
Dublin Boulevard elevation on top of the first story.
The parking requirements of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan are to provide 1 space per 300
square feet of retail commercial uses and 1.5 spaces per residential unit (plus an additional 15%
for guest parking). The project meets these requirements. There are a total of 599 parking
spaces on site, both at-grade and in the parking garage, as noted in Table 2.
Table 2: Parking at Site A (Kingsmill)
Ratio Parking Spaces Parking Spaces
Required Provided
Residential Parking 1.5 spaces/unit 314 units = 471 spaces 471 spaces
Guest Parkin 15% of total 15% of 314 = 71 spaces 71 spaces
Total Residential Parking 542 spaces 542 spaces
Commercial Parking 1 space per 300 SF 17,000 SF = 57 spaces 57 spaces
of ross floor area
Total Parking 599 spaces 599 spaces
Eden — Site B
The smaller of the two parcels (approximately 1.37 acres) will be developed with 72 below
market rate apartments where preference for occupancy will be given to veterans of the U.S.
Armed Forces.
The site is long and rectangular, with the western-most two-thirds of the site occupied by a four-
story building and the eastern-most one-third of the site occupied by a two and one-half story
parking garage to serve the residents of the project. Access to the parking structure is provided
off St. Patrick Way. The main pedestrian access point to the building is at the corner of Golden
Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way, where a plaza anchors the site with an outdoor seating area
and other site amenities.
The building forms around a private courtyard with private seating areas, passive open spaces,
a playground, and an outdoor dining space.
Resident and guest parking is provided in the attached parking garage. The DDSP does not
contain a residential parking standard for special-needs housing. The City's Traffic Engineer
considered a request from Eden Housing to identify an alternative parking requirement on this
project site due to the specific demographics of the future residents, which will be veterans with
special needs and families earning below 50% of the area median income. Studies have shown
that there are lesser parking demands for residential buildings with these specific types of
income characteristics and resident profiles.
The City's Traffic Engineer has determined that the data provided justify the reduced parking
rate for the special needs population that is proposed to be served by the project. Condition of
Approval Number 25 states that a Parking Reduction for an Individual Use (in accordance with
Section 8.76.050.E of the Zoning Ordinance) shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator
prior to issuance of any building permits on Site B.
Parking on Site B is provided as noted in the table below, with a total of 98 on-site parking
spaces in the garage.
Table 3: Parking at Site B (Eden)
Ratio Parking Spaces Parking Spaces
Required Provided
Resident Parking
Family Apartments 1.5 spaces/unit 36 units = 54 spaces 54 spaces
Veterans Apartments 1.5 spaces/unit 36 units = 54 spaces 29 spaces
Total Resident Parking 108 spaces 83 spaces
Guest Parkin 15% of total 15% of 108 = 16 spaces 15 spaces
Total Parking 124 spaces 98 spaces
Proposed Parking Ratio for 1.36 spaces/unit
Special Needs Population
Building Architecture and Materials
Kingsmill — Site A:
The architectural design for Site A is illustrated in the following sheets in the Project Plan Set
(Exhibit A to Attachment 2):
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The three unnumbered sheets immediately following the cover sheet are perspective
illustrations of the project from various vantage points;
The fourth unnumbered sheet following the perspectives is a massing diagram that serves to
illustrate the variation in wall planes and building heights on Site A;
Sheets A-5.1 and A-5.2 contains the line drawings for each elevation;
Sheets A-8.1 and A-8.3 are the colored elevations for the Dublin Boulevard frontage as well
as a full street scene for the Golden Gate Drive frontage that includes both Sites A and B;
Sheet A-9.1 details the colors and materials to be utilized on the building facades; and
Sheet A-10 details the typical window, railing, and metal awning treatment.
The proposed project is characterized by a contemporary expression of traditional building
forms that is complementary to several of the buildings in the immediate project vicinity. One of
the main goals of the building architecture is to respond effectively and authentically to the
context of the area while creating a development project with a strong visual sentiment of its
own and the establishment of a sense of place. The building attempts to create a design for the
future while incorporating elements that can be found on residential buildings in a more
traditional downtown setting.
The exterior material is primarily stucco with generous use of slate and brick veneer to provide a
strong building base — emphasizing the commercial tenant spaces along Dublin Boulevard. The
brick and slate are used to anchor the building and modulate the streetscape with varied
building surface planes, which are also articulated with different colored stucco surfaces and
incidental use of horizontal siding. Glass storefronts are prevalent and the plaza space at the
corner is highlighted by an angular feature on the building with glass and metal accents. The
corner treatment serves to anchor the building and create a distinctive entry point into the
The building mass is further broken up with the introduction of various architectural projections
providing building articulation along both Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive. There is
also a second story courtyard on Dublin Boulevard, for the private use of the residents, which
adds visual interest to the building form. There are two at-grade courtyards along St. Patrick
Way that provide variety to the building frontage. The east elevation of the project is primarily
parking garage, but the architectural design has been enhanced so that it reads like the rest of
the building, with varied materials, metal "window" frames, articulated building planes, and an
undulating roofline. The southwest corner of the building on Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick
Way has projecting corner balconies with decorative railings and generous window glazing.
The roofline has a traditional contemporary form that rises and falls with the building plane along
the run of each fagade. The signature tower element at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and
Golden Gate Drive has a capped roof form with a metal clad cornice. The building is further
accented with metal railings at the second story courtyard and at each balcony, metal awnings
over selected windows, metal canopies over storefront entries, and enhanced foam banding and
Eden — Site B
The architectural design for Site B is illustrated in the following sheets in the Project Plan Set
(Exhibit A to Attachment 2):
The three unnumbered sheets immediately following the cover sheet are perspective
illustrations of the project from various vantage points;
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Sheets A-5.3 and A-5.4 contains the line drawings for each elevation;
Sheets A-8.2 and A-8.3 are the colored elevations for the St. Patrick Way frontage as well as
a full street scene for the Golden Gate Drive frontage that includes both Sites A and B;
Sheet A-9.2 details the colors and materials to be utilized on the building facades; and
Sheet A-10 details the typical window, railing, and metal awning treatment.
The architectural design of the Eden Housing project has a more traditional building design and
color palette, but it retains features that will help it connect visually to the Kingsmill building
across the street as well as other buildings in the immediate project vicinity. The color palette is
comprised of subtle earth tones that work well with the simple, refined pattern of the building.
The body of the building is composed primarily of a stucco finish with several portions of the
building fagade treated with horizontal cement fiber siding.
The building is anchored at the corner of Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way by a plaza
space that provides outdoor space and a statement project entry.
Along both St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive, the building facades are articulated with
variation in rooflines and roof elements. Additionally, faux-balconies, metal awnings and
canopies, and variation in the paint palette provide a rhythm to the building design.
Floor Plans and Unit Types
Kingsmill — Site A:
The proposed project provides studio, one-bedroom, and two bedroom units in twelve different
floor plans ranging in size from 603 square feet for the studio unit to 1,218 square feet for the
largest two-bedroom plan. Floor plans are all configured as single-story flats. Individual unit
floor plans are shown on Sheets A-7.1 and A-7.2 of the Project Plan Set.
Access to the units will be from interior corridors and direct access is provided from the corridor
on each building level to the corresponding level of the parking structure. Building Floor Plans
for the first through fourth floors are shown on Sheets A-3.1 to A-3.5 of the Project Plan Set.
All units (except the studio units) are arranged with living area, dining area, kitchen, bedroom(s)
with a walk-in closet, at least one full bathroom, and most units have private deck space. All
units are provided with space for a stacked compact washer and dryer. For those units that do
not have a private balcony, many of them open directly to common open space such as the
second story rooftop courtyard, the recreation courtyard in the center of the project, or one of
the two landscaped courtyards on St. Patrick Way.
A summary of the unit types is noted in Table 4:
Table 4: Residential Unit Types at Site A
Unit Type Number of Units
Studio 20
One-bedroom 172
Two-bedroom 122
Total Residential Units 314 units
The number of units on each floor of the building is noted in Table 5:
Table 5: Units per Building Floor at Site A
Building Floor Number of Units or Amount of Commercial Square Footage
First 58 units plus 17,000 square feet of round-floor commercial
Second 77 units
Third 81 units
Fourth 81 units
Fifth 17 units
Total 314 units plus 17,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial
Eden — Site B:
The proposed project provides one-, two-, and three-bedroom units in four different floor plans
ranging in size from 649 square feet for the one-bedroom unit to 1,156 square feet for the
largest three-bedroom plan. Floor plans are all configured as single-story flats. Individual unit
floor plans are shown on Sheet A-7.3 of the Project Plan Set.
Access to the units will be from interior corridors and direct access is provided from the corridor
on each building level to the corresponding level of the parking structure. Building Floor Plans
for the first through fourth floors are shown on Sheets A-3.1 to A-3.4 of the Project Plan Set.
All units are arranged with living area, dining area, kitchen, bedroom(s) with a walk-in closet,
and at least one full bathroom. A laundry room is one of the common facilities that all residents
have access to use. By design, none of the units have private balconies, as it is Eden
Housing's goal to have residents interacting with one another in common spaces such as the
outdoor landscape courtyard or community room within the project.
A summary of the unit types is noted in Table 6:
Table 6: Residential Unit Types at Site B
Unit Type Number of Units
One-bedroom 20
Two-bedroom 172
Three-bedroom 122
Total Residential Units 72 units
The number of units on each floor of the building is noted in Table 7:
Table 7: Units per Building Floor at Site B
Building Floor Number of Units
First 15
Second 19
Third 19
Fourth 19
Total 72 units
Landscape Design
The landscape design theme and plant palette is consistent between the two project sites and is
illustrated in the following sheets in the Project Plan Set:
Sheet L-1.1 is the schematic landscape plan, which gives a general view of where major
landscape elements are going and it also highlights the potential location for public art;
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Sheet L-1.2 has detailed views of the signature plaza elements planned for the corner of
both Site A and Site B;
Sheet L-1.3 highlights the site furniture, paving concepts, and tree species to be used onsite;
Sheet L-1.4 includes the proposed plant palette and planting details.
Site A has decorative hardscape and landscape at the commercial tenant spaces fronting Dublin
Boulevard, along the project perimeter, in the inner recreation/pool courtyard, and in the two
landscape courtyards that face St. Patrick Way. Features within the courtyards include a pool
and spa with an adjacent recreation room, grilling area with tables and chairs, passive lounging
areas with shade trellises, and a variety of other seating options.
Site B has decorative hardscape and landscaping along the project perimeter. In the private
courtyard on the southern portion of the project site there are a variety of seating options, a grill
area with tables and chairs, a clubhouse patio area, intimate seating area, and mounded lawn
The landscape design is shown in concept, and the detailed planting plans for both sites (that
are in line with the concept drawings) will be reviewed by Staff and the City's consulting
Landscape Architect after project approvals.
Streetscape Enhancements
Development of each of the parcels will include a full range of streetscape frontage
improvements including 36" box street trees with tree grates, generous sidewalks, decorative
plazas on the key corners, and landscaping in all common areas throughout the site (Sheets L-
1.1 and L-1.2 of the Project Plans). The streetscape improvements will be consistent with the
work currently being done in the Golden Gate corridor, where the City is currently installing new
pedestrian lights, 8 to 10 foot wide sidewalks, street trees and tree grates, landscaped street
medians, benches, trash and recycling receptacles, bike lanes and bike boxes, and on-street
parking in a few locations (Attachment 3).
An 8 foot wide sidewalk will also be installed on portions of St. Patrick Way along the project
frontage and entry elements are proposed to flank St. Patrick Way near the eastern project
property line (Sheet L-1.1 of the Project Plans). The entry treatment has been designed to
provide a cue to vehicles that may be entering the project area after exiting Interstate 680 that
this is a mixed-use neighborhood with residents, pedestrians, and bicyclists present and that
vehicles should slow down. The conceptual design of the entry elements is shown on Sheet A-
10 and their location is shown on Sheet L-1.1 of the Project Plans.
Public Art
The City of Dublin has a robust public art program and a requirement that residential and
commercial projects contribute to the development of public art in the community. The
Applicant's design team is developing a concept for the future public art installation, which is to
have a succession of pieces on the project site beginning in the signature plaza at the corner of
Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive and that repeats in some fashion down Golden Gate
Drive along the length of the project frontage.
The art concept will be explored further as the Applicant goes through the City's art selection
process in cooperation with City Staff and the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. It
is expected that this will bring a strong design element to Golden Gate Drive and into the heart
of the Transit-Oriented District.
Project Correspondence
Congressman Eric Swalwell has provided a letter of support for this project (Attachment 4). In
addition, Eden Housing and the Kingsmill Group have submitted a letter to the City Council
expressing appreciation for the City's partnership on this project (Attachment 5). The letter also
outlines some of the timing and funding challenges that Eden Housing needs to manage in
order to successfully build the project.
The project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Downtown Dublin
Specific Plan — Transit-Oriented District.
The proposed project has been reviewed for conformance with the Community Design and
Sustainability Element of the General Plan. The project itself is a portion of a larger project
already approved that has implemented pathways, gathering spaces, open spaces, and a
village concept. In general, the proposed project furthers the goals of the Community Design
and Sustainability Element of the General Plan by providing a high quality of life and preserving
resources and opportunities for future generations.
Compliance with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan
The DDSP was written as a comprehensive plan for future development in the Downtown area.
The Specific Plan contains the allowed uses, development standards, and design guidelines
that all projects within the boundaries must be in compliance with.
In terms of compliance with the DDSP design guidelines, both projects have the key guidelines,
• Using high-quality building materials and treating all building facades that are visible from
the public realm with similar architectural elements, materials, and colors;
• Designing buildings near major street intersections as "signature" buildings and
incorporating unique design features (i.e. towers) and prominent corner entrances,
plazas, and enhanced design that is oriented towards the street;
• Incorporating treatments into the building design to ensure articulation and visual interest
by utilizing techniques such as stepping back upper floors, altering the height of the
rooflines, providing projecting elements such as canopies, balconies, trellises, and
breaking up large surfaces with logical changes in materials, texture, or colors;
• Use of bold colors as accent features only and maximizing the use of muted or soft
• For residential uses, porches, balconies, and courtyards and providing ground-floor
access to both individual and common building entrances; and
• For commercial uses, provide at least 50% of the fagade surface area as glass and
include outdoor spaces wherever possible.
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The Applicant is meeting the requirements of the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance by the
residential units that are to be developed by Eden Housing. The specifics of compliance with
the Ordinance are detailed in the Kingsmill Community Benefit Agreement/Development
Agreement (Attachment 1).
The Kingsmill project is unique in that Sites A and B encompass the first two residential
developments being reviewed and considered under the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan.
Additionally, the project will implement one of the City Council's key strategic initiatives, which is
to provide affordable housing for veterans of the U.S Armed Forces, and the City Council was
interested in receiving a presentation on the project and its design. Therefore, the proposed
project architecture and site layout was presented to the City Council and Planning Commission
at a Joint Study Session on February 5, 2013.
At the Study Sessions, comments were received from Councilmembers and Commissioners
related to several topic areas (Attachment 6). The main comments (summarized) are noted
below, as well as a brief response:
Comment Response
Concerns about building materials, building Building elevations for Site A have been
articulation, and utilizing a more traditional refined to further emphasize traditional building
design approach forms and to break up the building massing
into more vertical elements. Additional brick
and slate veneer has been added to the Dublin
Blvd. elevation to provide a more classic look
and to enhance the commercial tenant spaces.
Ensure quality building details and upscale Building elevations for Site A have been
finishes refined to include more subtle finishes.
Building details such as window treatment and
balcony railing details have been provided.
Explore project enhancements to create a Opportunities for public art that could tie the
sense of place and strong project identity site back to the history of Dublin and/or the
historical use of the site should be considered
through the City's Public Art selection process.
Concerns about the building fagade of the The East Building Elevation for the parking
parking garage on Site A and the need to garage on Site A has been modified
modify so it appears more integral to the substantially.
Concerns about having visible bicycle parking Additional bicycle parking has been added
and secure vehicle parking near the commercial tenant spaces. Methods
to secure the vehicular parking for customers
and residents (not BART users) will be
explored by the Applicant.
Ensure safe vehicular movements at and near The City's Traffic Engineer and Civil Engineers
the corner of Dublin Blvd. and Golden Gate have re-examined the turning lanes and
Drive movements at the intersection to ensure that
they are designed to function safely and
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Comment Response
Explore methods to slow traffic coming off I- Entry monuments on St. Patrick Way have
680 onto St. Patrick and into the project area been added to the project plans to help narrow
the perceived width of the street and help slow
traffic entering the project area.
Both the Applicant's Design Team and City Staff worked together to address the comments
raised at the Study Session. The Project Plans address those comments while also recognizing
the contemporary nature of the project vicinity and the character of its surroundings in the
Transit-Oriented District. Staff believes that the Applicant has made refinements to the Project
Plans that address the comments and concerns raised at the study session while still respecting
the overall design intent to create two attractive, compatible apartment buildings in a district that
is transitioning towards a place of vibrant activity.
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services
and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of
Approval where appropriate to ensure that the Project is established in compliance with all local
Ordinances and Regulations. Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies
have been included in the attached Resolution (Attachment 1).
The project is located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of
an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse number 20100022005. The
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Final EIR was certified by City Council Resolution No. 08-11
dated February 1, 2011. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Guidelines section 15168(c)(2), the project was examined to determine if another environmental
document should be prepared. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of Site
Development Review approval for this project were analyzed in the Specific Plan EIR. There is
no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation
measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental
environmental review under CEQA Guidelines section 15162 exists.
In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing.
A public notice also was published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations
throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Ordinance 22-12
2. Resolution approving a Site Development Review permit to
construct 314 residential units and 17,000 square feet of
commercial space on 4.74 net acres and 72 residential units
on 1.37 net acres within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan
area, with the Project Plans attached as Exhibit A.
3. Layout plan for Golden Gate Drive Streetscape Improvements
4. Letter from The Kingsmill Group and Eden Housing dated
March 1, 2013
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5. Letter from Representative Eric Swalwell dated March 11,
6. Meeting Minutes from February 5, 2013 Joint Study Session
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APPLICANT: Keith Fichtner
Kingsmill Group/Diamond Heights Investments
4900 Hopyard Road #100
Pleasanton, CA 94588
PROPERTY OWNER: Terri Costello, 571 Hartz Ave., Danville, CA 94526
LOCATION: 7544 Dublin Blvd. (Site A) and
6707 Golden Gate Drive (Site B)
(APNs 941-1500-015-09 and 941-1500-032-02)
Site A is located on the southeast corner of Dublin
Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive and Site B is located
on the southeast corner of St. Patrick Way and Golden
Gate Drive in the Transit-Oriented District of the
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area
ZONING: Downtown Dublin Zoning District
SPECIFIC PLAN: Transit-Oriented District
North DDZD Downtown Dublin Retail Shopping Center
Retail District
South DDZD Downtown Dublin Business Park/Offices
Transit-Oriented District
East DDZD Downtown Dublin Retail Shopping Center
Transit-Oriented District
Downtown Dublin Essex Residential building
West DDZD Transit-Oriented District (under construction) and
3-story office building
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