HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 PCSR PH RevisionsToDublinGenPlan&EcoDevElement OF
DATE: March 26, 2013
TO: Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PLPA-201 1-00050 Revisions to the Dublin General
Plan and a New Economic Development Element
Report prepared by. Mamie R. Delgado, Senior Planner
One of the City Council's key initiatives for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 was to revise the General
Plan and create a new Economic Development Element. The purpose for the revisions is to
bring the text current with changes that have occurred in the community since incorporation as
well as changes in State Law and local ordinances. The revisions include adding information
about the City's growth and development since the inception of the General Plan, updating the
maps and exhibits to improve their graphic representation, and reformatting the document so
that it is more readable and user-friendly. A new Economic Development Element is also
proposed which is based on the recently adopted Economic Development Strategy. The
Planning Commission is being asked to make a recommendation to the City Council on the
revised General Plan and new Economic Development Element as well as the environmental
document that has been prepared for the project.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5)
Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council adoption of a Negative Declaration for a
General Plan Amendment for the revised General Plan and new Economic Development
Element, and 6) Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of a General Plan
Amendment for the revised General Plan and new Economic Development Element.
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Submitted By Reviewed By
Senior Planner Assistant Community Development Director
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One of the City Council's key initiatives for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 was to update the General
Plan and create a new Economic Development Element.
Since the Dublin General Plan was adopted in 1985, the community has grown and changed
dramatically. The General Plan has been used to help guide this growth. While the General Plan
has been amended over the years, the amendments have occurred over time and some of the
original 1985 text has become outdated. This General Plan update looks at the document as a
whole in order to bring the text current with changes that have occurred in the community as
well as changes in State Law and local ordinances. Therefore, the scope of work for the General
Plan update was not intended to revisit and revise policy direction but rather to update existing
Updating the existing Elements included adding information about the City's growth and
development since the inception of the General Plan, updating the maps and exhibits to improve
their graphic representation, and reformatting the document so that it is more readable and
user-friendly. A discussion of the changes to each of the Elements is provided below; a redlined
version of the revised General Plan is included as Attachment 1 and the final, reformatted draft
of the revised General Plan is included as Attachment 2.
Additionally, the City Council expressed interest in preparing new General Plan Elements that
have been deemed of interest to the community. Three new Elements have been identified and
include an Economic Development Element, Energy Conservation and Generation Element, and
Water Conservation and Management Element. The Economic Development Element was
selected to be the first new Element created. The other two Elements will follow at a later date.
The creation of a new Economic Development Element is based on the Economic Development
Strategy which was adopted by the City Council in November 2012; the Element includes
policies and implementation measures in support of the Strategy and is discussed in further
detail below.
State law requires that the Planning Commission review amendments to the General Plan at a
public hearing and make a recommendation on the amendments. Therefore, the Planning
Commission is being asked to review the revisions to the General Plan and the new Economic
Development Element and make a recommendation to the City Council.
Chapter 1: Background
The Background chapter provides historical context for the City and sets forth the purpose and
format for the General Plan. It describes the location and characteristics of each of the City's
three Planning Areas as well as the land use designations within each Planning Area. Each of
the land use designations states what is allowed; in certain instances, where a land use
designation is the same across Planning Area's, the description has been simplified to ensure
internal consistency and accuracy. Residential population densities have been updated to reflect
average household size as reported in the 2010 U.S. Census. There are no substantive
changes to the land use designations or densities and no properties are being re-designated on
the Land Use Map. Additionally, there is no intensification of potential new development from
the revisions to the General Plan.
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Figure 1-1 is the General Plan Land Use Map; this map has been updated to reflect all General
Plan Amendments resulting in land use changes through 2012. Figure 1-2 (Extended Planning
Area Land Use Map) is proposed to be replaced with the Planning Areas map to reflect Dublin's
three Planning Areas (Primary Planning Area, Western Extended Planning Area and Eastern
Extended Planning Area). The Development Elevation Cap policies are proposed to be deleted
from Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-4 (Development Elevation Cap Eastern Extended Planning Area)
is also proposed to be deleted as the policies are contained in the text of the General Plan (see
Attachment 2, Section Development Elevation Cap) and retaining them in the figures
would be redundant.
Chapter 2: Land Use Element
The Land Use Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law. The Element has also
been updated to reflect development activities which have occurred over the years in each of
the City's Planning Areas. Current housing and job estimates are included in the updated
descriptions of each Planning Area as well as a table which summarizes the land use and
development potential within each Planning Area.
Figure 2-1 (Sites for Housing Developments) has been updated to reflect development within
the Primary Planning Area. Figures 2-2 (Development Potential) and 2-4 (Development
Potential: Western Extended Planning Area) are proposed to be deleted as the information
contained in these Figures is outdated as a result of development activity and/or the information
is contained in other Figures in the General Plan. The development potential within the Eastern
and Western Extended Planning Areas has changed significantly since this Figure was last
updated in 1992. The General Plan does not currently contain a Figure 2-3.
Chapter 3: Parks and Open Space Element
The Parks and Open Space Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law and
acknowledges two additional categories of open space lands, as defined by Government Code
Section 65302(e) and 65560: 1) open space in support of the mission of military installations,
and 2) open space for the protection of Native American historical, cultural and sacred sites. No
new policies are proposed for either of these open space categories.
The Parks and Open Space Element has been updated to reflect changes in the amount of land
that remains under Williamson Act Agreement contracts. Under the Williamson Act, property
taxes are based on the agricultural value of land rather than its market value. While many
properties in the Eastern Extended Planning Area were previously under Williamson Act
Agreement contracts, none remain so today. Portions of the Western Extended Planning Area
remain under Williamson Act Agreement contracts and existing policies in support of preserving
these agricultural lands remains in the General Plan. The State Department of Conservation,
Division of Land Resource Protection was consulted in the review and update of Williamson Act
Agreement contract information.
Two new implementing policies ( and 3.4.1.B.3) are proposed to be added in support of
the requirement that cities prepare a plan that qualifies and quantifies the need for recreation
facilities which has been accomplished through the City's adopted Parks and Recreation Master
Plan (May 2006). These implementing policies document current practice to maintain and
update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as needed to establish the need for recreation
facilities as well as preserve and provide open space for outdoor recreation. Figure 3-1 (Parks
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and Open Space) has also been updated to reflect parks and open space lands in all three of
Dublin's Planning Areas.
Chapter 4: Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element
The Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law
and in accordance with Government Code Section 65302(a), an implementing policy has been
added ( that requires notification of military representatives at the Parks Reserve
Forces Training Area (Parks RFTA) of General Plan Amendments and development
applications for projects within 1,000 feet of Parks RFTA. A new Figure 4-1(Schools and Public
Lands) has also been added to identify the location of all public schools, federally owned land
and county owned land.
The Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element has also been updated to reflect the City's
current solid waste and recycling collection programs, wastewater collection and treatment
services, and potable and recycled water services. The Environmental Services Division and the
Dublin San Ramon Services District was consulted in the review and update of this Element.
Chapter 5: Circulation and Scenic Highways Element
The Circulation and Scenic Highways Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law
and in accordance with the California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (Assembly Bill 1358), a new
section (5.4 — Regional Transportation Planning and Complete Streets) was added to the
Element. This section describes the regional transportation planning efforts underway and
incorporates by reference the elements of the City's new Complete Streets Policy, which was
adopted by the City Council on December 4, 2012.
In addition to the new section noted above, a thorough review of the Element was completed
and references to outdated information were corrected, policies already implemented were
removed, and exhibits were updated to reflect current information. In addition, Section 5.2.1
(Roadway Standards) was simplified by removing many of the technical details and shifting that
information into a separate standards manual that is maintained by the Public Works
Chapter 6: Housing Element
The Housing Element was updated and certified by the State of California Department of
Housing and Community Development in 2010 so no changes have been made to this Element
as part of the General Plan update. State Law requires that Housing Elements be updated and
recertified by October 2014. The General Plan will be amended in 2014 to incorporate the
updated Housing Element.
Chapter 7: Conservation Element
The Conservation Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law and in accordance
with Government Code Section 65302(d) the list of resources addressed in this Element was
revised. Many of the resources are addressed in the Conservation Element while others are
addressed in the Parks and Open Space Element; Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element;
and, the Seismic Safety and Safety Element. Resources that are not found in Dublin's Planning
Areas are also noted. The following additional updates were made to the Conservation Element:
• Updating existing text to include the Eastern Extended Planning Area within the drainage
basin. The existing text pre-dates the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and therefore did not
reference Tassajara Creek within Dublin's Planning Area.
• Updating and/or deleting implementing policies related to erosion and siltation control
consistent with the current Municipal Regional Permit for stormwater.
• Revising the implementing policy requiring the development of a Heritage Tree
Ordinance. A Heritage Tree Ordinance was adopted in December 1999.
• Adding an implementing policy requiring an air quality analysis for new development
projects that have the potential to generate significant air emissions.
The Public Works Department and the Alameda County Flood Control District, Zone 7 was
consulted in the update of this Element.
Chapter 8: Seismic Safety and Safety Element
The Seismic Safety and Safety Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law and in
accordance with Government Code Section 65302(g) the list of seismic risks was updated.
Various minor textual updates have also been made including replacing the word "should" with
the word "shall".
The Earthquake Response Plan implementing measures were also updated to replace the 1980
Alameda County Earthquake Response Directive with the Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan adopted by the City Council in January 2004. Additionally, the guiding policy
on emergency preparedness was updated from requiring the development of an emergency
preparedness plan to requiring a periodic review of the 2010 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Seismic Safety and Safety Element was also updated as it relates to fire hazards and fire
protection to replace the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority with the Alameda County Fire
Department and to update water supply requirements for fire protection. A number of
implementing policies have been revised and/or deleted in accordance with current building and
fire code requirements and the wildland urban interface regulations. The following additional
updates were made to the Seismic Safety and Safety Element:
• Updating of flood control channel improvements and other efforts to address regional
flood protection.
• Updating of the City's hazardous materials team and implementing measures to
reference the City's Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan and related Hazardous
Materials Response Plan.
• Adding a guiding and implementing policy to address minimizing the risk of exposure to
hazardous materials from contaminated sites and requiring site specific hazardous
materials studies for new development projects.
• Updating Figure 8-1 (Geologic Hazards and Constraints) and Figure 8-2 (Potential
Flooding) to reflect current hazard areas including liquefaction, landslides, fault
boundaries and traces and flooding.
The Building Division, Alameda County Fire Department, Public Works Department, Alameda
County Flood Control District Zone 7, Dublin San Ramon Services District and Environmental
Services Division were consulted in the update of this Element.
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Chapter 9: Noise Element
The Noise Element was reviewed for conformance with State Law and in accordance with
Government Code Section 65302(f) was updated to acknowledge noise generated by the Parks
Reserve Forces Training Area (Parks RFTA) and the Livermore Municipal Airport. One
implementing policy related to the construction of sound walls along Interstate 680 was removed
due to completion in carrying out this implementing policy. A new implementing policy was also
created to address new noise transmission standards required by the California Green Building
Standards Code.
Table 9.1 of the Noise Element was also updated to correct overlaps in the community noise
exposure levels of Normally Acceptable, Conditionally Acceptable, Normally Unacceptable and
Clearly Unacceptable. Figures 9-1 (Existing Noise Exposure Contours) and 9-2 (Future Noise
Exposure Contours) were also updated to reflect current (2011) and projected (2035) noise
Chapter 10: Community Design and Sustainability Element
The Community Design and Sustainability Element is a newer Element that was adopted by the
City Council in September 2008 and updated in 2012 to include sustainable neighborhood
design policies. The following minimal changes have been made to this Element:
• Updating the status of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan under "Relevant Plans and
Policies" to reflect adoption of the Specific Plan. At the time this section was prepared,
the creation of the Specific Plan was still in progress.
• Removing Implementation Measure H to "Create a comprehensive Specific Plan with
design guidelines for the downtown". This was accomplished in February 2011 with the
adoption of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan.
Chapter 11: Economic Development Element
The Economic Development Element is a new General Plan Element that will guide the City's
efforts to foster business expansion and job growth and provide the City with a framework for
economic development programs and activities. On December 11, 2012, a Study Session was
held with the Planning Commission to review and solicit feedback on the draft goals, policies
and implementation measures for the proposed Economic Development Element (Attachment
The overarching objective of the Economic Development Element is to enhance the
competitiveness of the City of Dublin and maintain a strong and diverse economic base. The
Element includes specific goals, policies and implementation measures to promote economic
vibrancy, improve conditions for small businesses, encourage development of the strategic
employment-supporting sites, and achieve the Downtown vision. The Economic Development
Element is included in Attachment 2, Chapter 11.
Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending City
Council approval of a General Plan Amendment for the revised General Plan and new
Economic Development Element (Attachment 4).
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The revised General Plan has been reviewed for internal consistency and will remain internally
consistent with the amendments. The revisions have also been reviewed for consistency with
the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Village Historic Area
Specific Plan and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; no inconsistencies were found.
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Environmental
Services Division, Dublin San Ramon Services District and Alameda County Flood Control
District, Zone 7 reviewed the project and provided input where appropriate to ensure the
accuracy of the revised General Plan.
In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was published. in the Valley Times and posted at
several locations throughout the City. In accordance with California Government Code Section
65352.3, the City requested a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native
American Heritage Commission (NAHC). According to the SB 18 Tribal Consultation Guidelines,
the NAHC should respond within 30 days of receiving a request and provide a local contact list.
As of the date of this staff report, the City had not received the requested contact list from the
NAHC and therefore no further action is required.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City
environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts
and when applicable, environmental documents prepared. A Negative Declaration was prepared
(Attachment 5) and circulated for public review from February 15, 2013 to March 18, 2013. No
comments were received on the environmental document. Staff is recommending that the
Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending City Council adoption of the Negative
Declaration (Attachment 6).
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Redlined version of the revised General Plan.
2) Final, reformatted draft of the revised General Plan including the new
Economic Development Element.
3) Planning Commission Study Session minutes of December 11, 2012.
4) Resolution recommending City Council approval of a General Plan
Amendment for the revised General Plan and new Economic
Development Element, with draft City Council Resolution attached as
Exhibit A.
5) Initial Study/Negative Declaration dated February 2013.
6) Resolution recommending City Council adoption of a Negative
Declaration for a General Plan Amendment for the revised General Plan
and new Economic Development Element, with the draft City Council
Resolution attached as Exhibit A.
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