HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 DRAFT minutes 03-07-2013 i i i I w a, i a� Call to Order Chairperson Mack called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Roll Call Committee Members (CM) Present: Diane Bonetti, Holly Ito, Ramona Krausnick, Eddie Jo Mack Absent: Faye Guarienti Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Present: Connie Mack Staff Present: Rich Jochner, Recreation Supervisor; Anna Hudson, Recreation Coordinator; Diane Guenther, Office Assistant Oral Communications Staff shared an article that appeared in the Independent Magazine March 2013 Issue about the Tri Valley Trail Trekkers. Public Comments-None Approval of the Minutes ON A MOTION BY CM KRAUSNICK, SECONDED BY CM ITO, AND BY A VOTE OF 4-0-0 WITH CM GUARIENTI ABSENT, THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 2013 AS PRESENTED. Written Communication—None Unfinished Business 6.1 2013 DUBLIN CAR SHOW UPDATE Staff reported that the Car Show would be held April 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Dublin Heritage Park and Museums. City Staff, Senior Center Advisory Committee and Youth Advisory Committee are currently working on this event. Staff brought samples of small toy race cars for children to decorate during the Car Show. Staff recommended charging $1 to decorate the toy cars to defray material costs. It was suggested coloring sheets of cars be available for younger children to color at no charge. COPIES TO: G:\COMMISSIONS&COMMITTEES\SRADVCMTE\Minutes\2013\Past\SCAC 030713 rf fm.doc 1 CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MARCH 7,2013 Page 2 of 2 KKIQ radio station Disc Jockey, Steve Fox,will provide a broad range of music at the event. CM Krausnick asked about advertising for the event. Staff stated they have advertised in the Dublin Doings newsletter and the Spring Activity Guide. In addition, announcements will be made on KKIQ radio station, City of Dublin and car club websites, City of Dublin marquees, and in local newspapers. This year Staff plans to increase the quantity of signage directing visitors to the show. The pre- registration entry fee for owners to show their cars is $20 and the same-day registration fee will be $30. The registration fee will be refundable if the show is cancelled due to weather. 7.1 2013 SENIOR CENTER OUTREACH UPDATE Staff reported on an outreach planned for residents of Carlow Court at Emerald Vista and the Groves on Thursday, March 21. CM Krausnick expressed an interest in joining the Subcommittee for this event. Currently, the Subcommittee consists of Advisory Committee Member Eddie Jo Mack, and Parks and Community Services Commissioner Liaison, Connie Mack. New Business- None Other Business CM Bonetti reported on the Dublin Senior Foundation's meeting and sponsorship of a fireworks booth again this year. The Foundation announced they would continue to host the Craft Fair at the Senior Center and also plan to offer a Second Annual Pasta Feed. Commissioner Mack reported that Staff made a presentation to the Parks and Community Services Commission on the Live Healthy Dublin 10-Week Wellness Challenge. She proudly announced that the City's splatter event received the Award of Excellence at the California Park and Recreation Society Training Conference in March. Commissioner Mack further reported that she attended the Bikeways Master Plan public meeting. Adjournment—10:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Guenther Office Assistant Approved: Eddie Jo Mack Chairperson