HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 079-96 Reorg-Schaefer Ranc RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 96
WHEREAS, Schaefer Heights, Inc. (the applicants) have submitted a request for annexing 500+
acres to the City of Dublin and annexing the 500+ acres to the Dublin San Ramon Service District
(DSRSD), and annexing 340+ acres to Zone 7 of the Alameda County Flood Control & Water
Conservation District(Zone 7), and detaching 329+ acres from the Hayward Area Recreation and Parks
District (HARD); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Govenunent Reorganization Act of 1985 (the "Act")
(Government Code Section 56000 et seq.) an affected city and affected district, as therein defined, may by
resolution adopted by its legislative body make a proposal for a "reorganization", as defined in Section
56073 and request initiation of proceedings thereon;
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is an affected city, and the Dublin San Ramon Services District
(DSRSD) and Zone 7 of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Zone 7)
and the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD) are affected districts for a reorganization
proposal which contains territory proposed to be annexed to said city and to DSRSD and to Zone 7, and
HARD territory proposed to be detached from said district.
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is an affected local agency for this reorganization proposal.
WHEREAS, the reorganization proposal is made pursuant to the Act. The proposal would
annex 500.28+ acres to the City of Dublin (as described in Attachment 5-A, and 500.28+ acres to the
Dublin San Ramon Services District, and 339.63+ acres to Zone 7 of the Alameda County Flood Control
and Water Conservation District (as described in Attachment 5-B); and would detach 328.68+ acres from
the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (as described in Attachment 5-C); and
WHEREAS, the territory described in Attachment A is uninhabited territory within the
meaning of Government Code Section 56046.
WHEREAS, this reorganization is proposed at the request of landowners of the territory to be
WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the Schaefer Ranch Project,
including the General Plan Amendment, Planned Development Prezoning, Annexation to the City,
t~'Tentative Subdivision Map, Annexation to and/or detachment from various service districts, and approval
of subsequent development entitlements, in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act, and
WHEREAS, the City Council certified the Schaefer Ranch Project Environmental Impact
Report as complete, adequate, and in compliance with CEQA and the City of Dublin's Environmental
Guidelines, and approved a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development (PD) Prezoning to
establish land uses, general provisions and development regulations for a development consisting of up to
474 single family homes and 11 acres of commercial office uses on approximately 500 acres, generally
located on the north side of the 1-580 freeway, at Schaefer Ranch Road, in Alameda County, adjacent to
Dublin's Western City limits; and
WHEREAS, no new effects could occur and no new mitigation measures would be required for
the reorganization that were not addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Schaefer
Ranch project, and the reorganization is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report, and
WHEREAS, the impacts upon and need for services for the territory to be annexed is set forth in
the Schaefer Ranch Final EIR, including the DSRSD's Plan of Service Investigation (Appendix C of the
EIR) which addresses water and wastewater services, and
WHEREAS, the proposed reorganization would be conditional upon agreement of affected
service Districts for annexation of the territory to the Dublin San Ramon Services District and Zone 7 of
the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and agreement of affected Districts
for detachment of the territory from Zone 2 of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District and the Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District, and
WHEREAS, this proposal is consistent with the City of Dublin sphere of influence, and
WHEREAS, if determined appropriate by the LAFCo, the City Council consents to act as the
conducting authority for the proposed reorganization, and
WHEREAS, Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation code provides, among other things, that no
local agency jurisdictional change can be completed without the agencies affected by such change first
having agreed upon an exchange of property tax revenue between and among the affected agencies, and
WHEREAS, the territory subject to the PA 94-028 Schaefer Ranch Reorganization application is
within "Western Dublin" as that area is defined in the ':Agreement Between County of Alameda and City
of Dublin Regarding Transfer of Property Tax Revenues Upon Annexation of property in Western Dublin
"("Agreement"), dated October 26, 1992, and
WHEREAS, the Agreement sets forth the agreement of the City Council of the City of Dublin
and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda on the method for distributing property tax
revenue for annexed land including the PA 94-028 Schaefer Ranch reorganization; and
WHEREAS, a notice of the City Council public hearing to consider initiating a request for
reorganization to the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) was distributed to
all public service providers and interested individuals; and
WHEREAS, the City and the applicant have been cooperatively planning for the provision of
services to the project site and have notified the service providers of the proposed annexation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Schaefer Ranch
project Final EIR, General Plan Amendment, Planned Development Prezoning, and Annexation Initiation
on July 9, 1996, and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at or prior to the public hearing;
WItEREAS, following the July 9, 1996 public hearing the City Council adopted resolutions
certifying the EIR, adopting the General Plan Amendment, and approving the Planned Development
Prezone, and adopted an Ordinance prezoning the project site.
A. The foregoing recitals are true and correct.
The City Council of the City of Dublin, as the legislative body for an affected local agency, does
hereby adopt the foregoing recitals and makes a proposal for a reorganization, as described herein,
pursuant to Section 56800 of the Cortese-Knox Act, and does hereby request that proceedings be
taken pursuant to said Act.
C. This proposal is consistent with the sphere of influence 0f the City of Dublin.
The proposed annexation is appropriate because it is contiguous to the existing city limits and
would provide a logical extension of development under the City' s jurisdiction to provide
residential, co .rnmercial, public, and open space land uses for the community.
E. This proposal is made subject to the following terms and conditions:
The description and the maps in Attachments A, B, and C are preliminary and are
subject to more detailed description(s) and map(s) to be prepared and submitted to
the LAFCo. Adjustments to the description of the territory (Attachment A) are to
be made as deemed necessary by the County Surveyor.
The annexation to the City of Dublin is conditional upon agreement of affected
service Districts for annexation of the territory to the Dublin San Ramon Services
District (DSRSD) and Zone 7 of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District, and agreement of affected Districts for detachment of the
territory from Zone 2 of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District and the Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District
(HARD). The Community Development Director is hereby directed to acquire
agreements from DSRSD, the Alameda County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District, and HARD to participate in this reorganization.
The City Manager is hereby directed to send a letter to the Alameda County
Administrators officer to request certification from the County of its agreement to
the terms of the preexisting tax sharing agreement.
The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Executive Officer of
the LAFCo.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilmember Howard
Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Moffatt and Mayor Houston
K2/g/7-9-96/reso-th4. doc
g:\pa#\ 1994\94028Xrstf-rpts\7-9ccmtgNr-anx I
April 1996
(document sent under separate cover)
July I, 1996
TYPically, there are mmor wrapup items to revise or mclude m the Final EIR For thIS
document, these c1anficatlOns have been included for the following reasons.
Late EIR comment letter and response This letter from thi) Alameda County
CongestIon Management Agency was submitted to the CitY~well after the close of the
comment penod on the EIR, and thus no response to this comment letter is required
by CEQA. However, the letter IS included for the Council's informatIOn, as
miscellaneous correspondence. Responses to the comments are attached to thiS letter.
2. Minor typograohical and printing correctIons. These corrections are provided for cross-
referencing, accuracy and completeness of the Final EIR. ..
These clarIfications do not affect the conclusions of the EIR, and do not add any new impacts
or mitigatIon measures.
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June 20, 1996
JUl'l 21.t 1SjS
Ms. Tasha Huston
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
G'_lllll.iirnvf"nl~ Sub1ect..
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C~-cr arDubllllo
Cit;r pf~l;nille
Comments on the Draft Ell\~ronmental Impact Report With Revisions for
Schaefer Ranch Project/General PllUi Amendment dated April 1996 ill the
City of Dublin
Dear Ms. Huston.
Ci<yCt.=:~ Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Revised Draft Enviroomental Impact
'j. ;,;:;;::;, Report for the Schaefer Ranch Project/General Plan Amendment (GPA) located in the
c;~ uffu,....~ni City of Dublin. Volume 2 of this document, Response to Comments and Appendices,
~l:.VN d d b
R,"'"' "'ora respon e to comments su mitted by the CMA on February 15 1996 The CMA
c;~ ufL;_~~ respectfully submits the following additional comments:
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The CMA requires a Year 2000 analysis for CMP pmposes. Year 2010 traffic
volumes were provided to the City of Dublin on July 7, 1995 A year 2000 model
TIm was not completed because the City of Dublin does not expect the project to be
occupied until 2005 This should be stated in the environmental documentation.
Otherwise, a Year 2000 traffic analySIS needs to be included in the DEIR
In the CMA's comments dated February 15, 1996 and consistent with the CMA's
request to all other jurisdictions, it was requested that the Final EIR mclude a
comparison of the results from the Tri-VaIley and the Countywlde models to show
that the higher projections were used to deter:mme project impacts. This companson
was not provided in the response to "omments, The response stated that "a more
detailed companson of the two forecasts would not be a salient addition to the
document for purposes of enVIronmental review" It IS, however, requIred for the
pmposes of eMP compliance and could affect the City of Dublin's conformance
status. The document needs to be revised to show the comparison of the two model
L.-.~;;:'n:':.R"";: .. Responses to CMA's February 15, 1996 comments labeled 1\.2, K5, and K8 in
Volume 2 should be modified to acl;nowledge that the enVJronmental docUIDentation
!:!.i!Ji identified proposed mitigation on CMA monitored facilities. CMA monitored
facilities include, in additIon to 1-580 and 1-680, San Ramon Boulevard, Foothill
Boulevard, and Dublin Boulevard. Given this infoIIDation, a discussion ofproposed
~333 BROADWAY :sCITl}. 220 OARLA)"..!) CA 94612 PHOJ'.""E: (510) S3('.~~~60 FAX; (510) 836-21E~,
Ms. Tasha HustoD
June 20, 1996
Page 2
funding sources for transportation IllItlgatlOn measures identified in the
environmental documentation, adequacy of project mltigatlOD measures, and
consIStency with the C:MP CapJtallmprovement Program should be included in the
environmental documentation.
We appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have an}
questions, please feel free to call me or Beth Walukas at 510/836-2560
Jean Hart
Deputy Director
cC' Beth Walukas, SenJor T;ransportatJon Planner
File: CMPlEnvironmental ReVJew Opinions - Responses - 1996
Response to CMA followup' comment 1. Model run vear This comment IS acknowledged
The record is hereby clarified to state that a year 2000 model run was not completed because
the City of DublIn does not expect the project to be occupied until 2005
Resoonse to CMA followuo comment 2. comoarlson of TrI-VaI)ev and CountvWlde models,
The response to Comment KI (FEIR Volume 2, page 101) states that the Tn-Valley model is
more appropnate and more conservatIve than the Countywide model. Since the more
conservative model IS used, the traffic analYSIS III the EIR IS adequate as far as CEQA IS
concerned, If further detailed compansons are required for CMA complIance, this can be
completed later In the review process, but does not need to be included in the Final ElR,
Response to CMA followup comment 3. MitigatIon for CMA monitored facilities, Comment
K2 IS a request to discuss funding sources, The response (FEIR Volume 2, page 101) states
that the remamIng funds will be collected through TIP fees and other available sources,
Comments K5 and K8 refer back to thIS earher response.
FEIR Vol1!-me I
Page S-Il Revise Impact 4M to read: Dublin Canyon RdlSchaefcr Ranch Rd, (cumul.) pcajeet will
oor>tHI...te ts Tleed for slgTlalizall...., Previously identified m itigaIion will reduce impact to less-than-
significant/eve/. Column 2. Change "5" to "L" Column 3 delete lext as follows, 4.:M.1. CeTlml"'l.
fa;; share af f..tare sigoali211tiBo 5est..
Page S-18 Impact 7,3D Change to read:
[Column 1] 7.30 Medical emergency responsc time impacts, A possible extension of one mmute
re.ponse time to the most remote parcel, and one-half minute average in residential areas, is-Ret
consideJed to be a sigmficant impact. [Column 2] Change "L" to "S" [Column 3] Add: 7.3.] (See
Impact 7.3('); 738, (See Impact 7,3J) [Column 4J Add "L"
[The above corrections are provided to provide consistency between the summary and the EJR text.
Page S-l of the EIR summary states that If there is a quesllon of interpretation, the applicable chapter
shall take precedence over the summary ]
Page 5.21, Impact 8 lA. Under column for mitigatIOn measures, delete Ilem 8 1.5 and renumber
remaining meaSUles in sequence [proVIdes consistency belWeent tcd and summary ]
Page S~24, Jmpact llA, Under column for mitigallon measures, revise to read as follows:
11.A.l Cancral r.~IlITe"'eTlts. Apply Cil) 's Tlaise eelll1'al st....dallls. I LP.,;!" Existin2
reSidences, Arrange for residents to move off site, or phase grading.
[provides consistency betwcen lext and summary ]
Page S-28, Impact 18.3H. Under "Jevel of significance before mitigation" add "S" Under "Level of
Significance after mitigation" add "L" [correction oftypograplucal error]
Add Figure S-I (attached) following page 5-29 [Figure S-l was illcluded ill Draft EIR].
Figure 1-7 legend. Under "RetaiVOffice", delete the following:
SElT\1ee Etatien, l~t fleer R-etail arul Office Allcw. "
[deleted to proVIde consistency With EIR text]
Page 4-15 Add the following sentence under Impacl4G:
Mitigation Measure 4 G.1 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significantlevel.
[This repeats and clarifies information in the FEIR summary ]
Page 8-4 Revise sentence beginning on line 12 to read:
Mitigation Measures 8.1.1 tbrough+-h-t- 8.18 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant
level. [Correction of typographical error]
Page 8-8 Under Mitigation Measure 8.2.2, removc strikeout to restore text as follows.
8.2.2 Treated Water Discbarge. [Correction oftypogmplucal error]
Page 18-7 Add the following sentence under Impact 18.3 C
Mitigation Measure 18.3.5 would reduce ihis impact to a less-than-significant level.
[This repeats and clarifies information in thc FEIR summary ]
Page 18-7 Add the following sentence under Impact 18.3D and change the text as follows:
Police Protection. The City shall continue to uSe the budget strategy FeCfliiFe iIRjlr-e'lemElHt!i Bllll
85snss fees fer Be,. ae ,<elejlmeat to cover the costs of additional police protection for new development.
Mitigation Measure 18.3.6 would reduce Ihis impact to a less-than-significant level.
[This repeats and clarifies information contained in Chapter 7 and in the FEIR summary ]
Page 18-7 Add the following sentence undCl ImpaclI8.3E:
Mitigation Measure 18.3. 7 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level.
[This repeats and clarifies information in the FEIR sununary ]
Page 18-8. Add the following sentence under Impacl18.3G:
Mitigation Measure 18.3.8 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level.
[This repeats and clarifies information in the FEIR summary ]
Page 18-9 Add the following teAi under ImpacllK.3H;
The cumulative demand onfire protect/on/emergency medical response facilities in the Western
Extended Planning Area is a potential significant adverse cumulative impact. Mitigation
Measures 18.3.9 and 18.310 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level. [This
repeats and clarifies information in the FEIR summary ]
Page 18-9 Add the following sentence under Impact 18.3I:
Mitigation Measure 18.3 11 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level.
[Tlus repeats and clarifies information in thc FEIR sununary ]
Page 18-9 Add the following sentence under Impact 18.3!.
Mitigation Measure 1 R.3 11 would reduce Ihis impacl to a less-Ihan-significanllevel.
[This repeats and clarifies information in the FEIR summary ]
FEIR Volume 2
Pagc 138, line I Change UI6 to UI7 [corre~tion of typographical error]
Page 138 Add the followmg after response to comment UIS
U16. Commenl. Growth inducemenl.1fthe City .chooses 10 require that roads be slubbed out to the
project boundary, a subslanlial growlh inducing impact will result. The community voted against
massive developm enl in the western hills.
Response 10 Comment.' See response 10 commenl Q1
[Note' this addition of a cross-reference does not affect the content of the EIR, Sroce the full text of
the comment and response are included elsewheJe in the document: Vol. 2, pages 75 and 123 ]
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