HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 AVB/StarwardSftyRecmndAGENDA STATEMENT
September 7, 1999
Amador Valley Boulevard / Starward Drive Intersection
Safety Recommendations
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
Report from TIKM
Location diagram
Speed survey for Amador Valley Boulevard
Diagram showing narrowing of Starward Drive
Provide direction regarding use of "zebra stripes" and/or
relocation of crosswalks.
Provide direction regarding any "long-term" improvements.
Provide direction regarding a change of speed limit for
Amador Valley Boulevard.
Sufficient funds were budgeted in the Street Maintenance Operating
Budget to perform the signing and striping work which has been
Estimated costs for other improvements are indicated in the
Description below. If the City Council directs Staff to proceed with
any of these unbudgeted improvements, funds would need to be
appropriated for the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 or budgeted for a future
DESCRIPTION: At the May 4, 1999, meeting, the City Council received a report
regarding safety issues at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Starward Drive. The City
Council suggested a number of potential improvements, which have been reviewed by Staff and TJKM,
the City's traffic consultant. TJKM has prepared a report, Attachment 1, which evaluates a variety of
potential improvements as to whether they will improve traffic safety in the vicinity of this intersection.
Short Term Improvements (See Diagram, Attachment 2)
The short term improvements consisted of signing and striping changes as detailed in Attachment 1. All
of these improvements have been made except that the "zebra striping" of the crosswalk has been delayed
COPIES TO: Gordon Lure, TJKM
pending a decision as to whether the crosswalk should remain in place. (See final paragraph of
Attachment 1.)
Staff requested that TJKM conduct a speed and engineering survey (Attachment 3) in order to support the
second item listed in this section, "Replace Speed Limit 35" sign with "Speed Limit 30." The survey
indicates that a 30 mph speed limit would be appropriate. The Municipal Code provides that changes in
speed limits be adopted by ordinance. If the City Council wishes to approve a speed limit change, Staff
will distribute the appropriate public hearing notices and prepare a draft ordinance for the next meeting.
Long-Term Improvements
Roadway Geometrics- narrowing of Starward Drive (see Attachment 3). This option could be
accomplished by the extension of raised sidewalk at an estimated cost of $15,000.
Traffic Signal'Modification (not discussed in TJKM's report): It is possible to modify the traffic
signal at Amador Valley Boulevard and Donohue Drive to remove the two poles at the median noses in
order to eliminate additional obstructions to a driver's view. This would involve installing two larger
mast-arm poles for the east- and westbound traffic in order to relocate the left turn signal heads to the
mast arms, similar to the Dublin Boulevard/Sierra Court intersection. The median poles also carry the
safety lighting (street lighting) for this intersection, which would have to be replaced by lights on the
traffic signal poles. Current signal design practice eliminates median signal poles, and so this
improvement would also update the intersection. It appears there is sufficient "salvage" from
intersections being redesigned along Dublin Boulevard in the Santa Rita Area to provide most of the
equipment for such a modification; however, the estimated cost of pole foundations and labor would be
approximately $25,000.
Staff is applying to the State for a hazard elimination grant to perform this type of work at several
intersections. Projects applied for at this time would not be funded for about three years, and so if the
City Council were interested in accomplishing this item in the near future, funds would need to be
Lighted Crosswalks: As noted in TJKM's report, there is some question as to whether a lighted
crosswalk would be beneficial at this location. If the City Council is interested in further information,
Staff would try to obtain studies or documented results from other jurisdictions. The estimated cost of a
lighted crosswalk, depending on options and roadway width, is $14,000 to $20,000, plus ongoing
maintenance and energy costs.
Items That Are Not Recommended
Rumble Strips: This device is not typically used in advance of a crosswalk and may create other
problems or cause complaints.
"Speed Limit 25 When Children Are Present" signs: These signs are for use only in school zones
and would be unenforceable if installed on Amador Valley Boulevard at the library.
Flashing Beacons: This device appears not to be appropriate for the type or frequency of pedestrian
traffic crossing Amador Valley Boulevard.
Page 2
Removal of Crosswalks: This is not recommended, as pedestrians would probably not walk the extra
300 to 600 feet to use a signalized crosswalk.
Recommendation: As noted above, the "short term" modifications (striping and signing changes) have
been made. Staffis requesting that the City Council provide direction regarding (1) the use of zebra
striping and/or relocation of crosswalks, (2) the "long term" improvements, and (3) the proposed change
of speed limit on Amad6i')¥alley Boulevard.
Page 3
Transportation Consu~ants
August 30, 1999
To: Cringer Russell
City of Dublin
Lori Hileman via Gordon Lure 'o~
TIKM Project No.: 157-001 T90
Amador Valley Boulevard/Starward Drive Safety Study
Earlier this year, there was a traffic accident involving a westbound vehicle on Amador Valley
Boulevard (AVB) and a pedestrian crossing from the northwest comer of AVB/Starveard Drive
toward the southwest comer. In the wake of this accident and in anticipation of traffic generated
by the S~ s~gle-family residential development, City Cotmeil directed that Staffeonduet
traffic studies at the intersection of AVB/Starward Drive. Per Staff's dirootion, we have reviewed
other alternatives to improve pedestrian safety at the inter~eetio~ of AVB/Starward Drive and
AVB/Albertson's Driveway. Our findings are summarized as the following types of alternatives:
Implemented Alternatives
Feasible Alternatives
Alternatives that are not recommended.
The purpose of the alternatives is to improve pedestrian safety by directing pedestrians to the
prfferred location to cross AVB, warning drivers of the possibility of pedestrians crossing AVB
at either Smrward Drive or the Albertson's Driveway, and improving sight distance between
pedestrians a~d drivers.
Installed "NO PED CROSSING/USE CROSSWALK" (R49): To encourage pedestrians
to use the marked crosswalks and prohibit them fi'om crossing AVB at unmarked locations,
standard NO PED CROSSING/USE CROSSWALK sign~ were installed on the northwest
and southwest comers of AVB/Stavwaxd Drive and AVB/Albertson's Driv~ay.
Relocated Donohue Drive sign: To improve sight distance around the curve for westbound
drivers on AVB, the Donohue Drive sign facing ea~tbomad vehicles in the median has been
relocated to the light pole in the median above the signal head on the west leg of AVB at
Donohue Drive.
Removed "ON LEFT ARROW ONLY" 0R73) signs: Both ON LEFT ARROW sig (one
facing westbound traffic and one facing eastbound traffic) have been removed. The ON
LEFT ARROW sign is outdated and no longer needed for left turn signals.
423~- I-[acienda Drive, Suite 10t, Pleasunton. California 945§8-
Pleasanto. and Santa Rou
Ginger Russell August 30, 1999
City of Dublin Page 2
Installed larger pedestrian symbol (VC54A) sign: To emphasize the possibility of pedestrians
crossing AVB at Sta~vard Drive, the standard 30'x30" ADVANCE PEDESTRIAN SYMBOL
sign facing westbotmd truffle on the north side of AVB, west of Donohue have b~cn replaced
with a larger 36"x 36" ADVANCE PEDESTRIAN SYMBOL sign.
Relocated reflective object marker: To create a larger refuge area on the median for pedestrians
crossing AVB within the crosswalk at Starward Drive, the 6" x lg" (Type K) object marker with
th.r~ yellow r~flo~tors in the median have been reloc.~ted onto the adjacent ligl~t pole. An 18" x
18" yellow (Type N) object marker can be installed in lieu of the Type K object marker on the
light pole.
· Installed pedestrinn crossing (W54) sign: A pedestrian crossing sign has been installed on the north _eide
of AVB facing westbound vehicle~ at the Albert.~n'g cro~mllc
Paint Zebra Stripes: Paint 12" bars perpendicular to the crosswalk (zebra stripes) within the
crosswalks at AVB/S~rward Drive and AVB/Albertson's Driveway in order to make the crosswalks
mor~ apparent to drivers.
Replace "SPEED LIMIT 35" sign with "SPEED LIMIT 30": Radar speed surveys conducted on
May 19,1999 indicate that the posted speed limit can be 30 mph AR~ the Engineering and Traffic
Survey has been finalized and approved for this segment of AVB, the "SPEED LIMIT 35" sign can
b~ r~placed with "SPEED LIMIT 30". Furthermore, ~ac, h of the "30 MPH" advisory speed plates
mounted below thc existing curve warning signs should be removed after the posted speed limit has
been reduced to 30 mph.
Long-Term ln~xn,ements
The following long-term improvement would require civil engineering expertise and may be costly.
Narrowing of Starward Drive: Currently, the southbound approach of Starward Drive is wide
enough to accommodate vehicles turning IeR and right onto AVB at the same time. Therefore, a
pedestrian using the existing crosswalk across Starward Drive may be exposed to two southbound
vehicles. However, this exposure may not occur very often. In order to reduce the potential for
vehicle-pedestrian conflicts at this location, it may be possible to narrow ~he southbound approach of
Smrward Drive to one lane by "bulbing" fl~e corner just a~ the approach and creating a "lr~n,ition"
along the west side of S~vard Drive. However, civil engineering expertise is required to evalu~e
drainage and structural issues. Furthermore, traffic observations should be made to document how
o~en pedestrians crossing Smrward Drive encounter two southbound vehicles.
Lighted Crosswalks: Some imerest was expressed in lighted or "strobing" crosswalks that have been
employed by some other jurisdictions. The lighted crosswalk is typically used to warn approaching
motorists of'pedestrians crossing the street within marked crosswalks at uncontrolled intersections.
The lighted crosswalk consists of a series of flashing light units that are embedded in the pavement
adjacent to a marked crosswalk. The lights reflect toward the oncoming traffic to warn drivers of a
pedestrian's presence.
Ginger Russell
City of Dublin
August 30, 1999
Page 3
An experimental lighted crosswalk was tested at three sites in the City of Santa Rosa in 1994 and
1995. The results of these tests conclude that:
- The concept of flashing amber lights embedded in the pavement at uncontrolled cross~alks
clearly has a positive effect in enhancing driver awareness of crosswalks and modifying driving
habits to be more favorable to pedestrians.
- The experimental lighted crosswalk scans to be particularly effective at locations whore there is
at least a moderate flow of pedestrians (100 pedestrian cro~sing~ per day).
~ At speeds less than 35 mph, drivers seem to be able to respond properly if at least 400 feet of
sight distance is provided to the crosswalk.
The cost of installing a lighted crosswalk is estimated to be $14,000 to $20,000 depending on power
source, the type of activation devices used, and the width of the street. There would also be an
ongoing power and maintenance cost, especially when the street is overlaid and all the lights need to
be replaced.
Based on tests results described above, a lighted crosswalk on the east leg of Amador Valley
Boulevard at Smr~-ard Drive may be beneficial. However, a pedestrian count should be conducted
for at least four hours to determine approximately how many pedestrians may benefit from a lighted
The following alteroatives w~re explored, but are not recommended due to the di~culty m implementing
them. Each of these alternatives is described below.
Rumble Strips: Rumble Strips are bands of raised material or inderttations formed or grooved in the
traveled way. The purpose of rumble strips are to call the motorist's attention to standard warning or
regulatory devises or otherwise alert drivers by transmitting sound and vibration through the vehicle.
Rumble strips should not be used unless standard tn~c control devices have been thoroughly
evaluated and doctunented and their use is considered the only reasonable solution to the identified
problem. The significant disadvantages to the use of rumble strips across the travel lanes are as
Neaflyy merchants may be subjected to continuous noise and vibration prompting citizen's
All motorists are subjected to the noise and vibration, whereas only a few are in need of this
effect to be alerted.
Motorists may take unusual maneuvers to avoid rumble strips.
Rumble s~rips are not typically located prior to a crosswalk. They are mostly used at ends of
freeways, in advance of toll booths, within a construction zone in advance of workers, and in advance
ofa 'T" intersection where the motorist is not expecting to stop.
· "SPEED LIMIT 25'/"WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs: These signs are for use only
in school zones and would not be enforceable if installed on AVB at the library.
Hashing Beacons: A flashing beacon consists of one or more traffic signal sections with a flashing
indication in each section. A flashing beacon on AVB would be considered a H~rd Identification
Flashing Beacon. This type of flashing beacon shall be used only to supplement an appropriate
warning or regulatory sign or marker. The beacon should be operated only during those hours when
Ginger Rus~ll August 30, 1999
. Ci~ of Dublin pa eSg_~-
the hazard or regulation exists, in this ease during peak pedestrian hours, which do not appear to be
consistent from day to day. Given the proximity o£the traffic signals at Donohue Drive, the
installation of flashing beacons may cause driver confusion.
Removal of Cros.nwalk at AVB/Starward Drive: To encourage pedestr/ans to cro~s AVB at the signals at
Donohue Drive, the existing crosswalk across the east leg of AVB can be removed and standard NO PED
CROSSING/USE CROSSWALK signs can b~ installed on the northeast and southeast comers of
AVB/Statward Drive. However, this action is not recommended since pedestrians will most likely continue to
cross at Star~m'd Drive rather than walk an additional 300 to 600 feet to reach theft destination. The
removal of the crosswalk would probably r~-qult in the removal of pedestrian warning signs at
Stanvard. It is preferable to have pedestrians cross at the existing signed and marked crosswalk, than
to cross illegally.
C;~my documentt~nemo~ro.aw~t_lk. 1 $7001T90
R49 -'~
R49 -+
longitudinal '~ ~
' ...... Replace 30" x 30"
-"' - - W54A with 36" x 36",
: ' Relocate r ~' , ...... or 48" x 48~'
..... , , ~'~.F,~'A ........ , ....
· (Oonohue O~~,/~l?_._/
Street Name $1~n- ,.~; ?see below
Move Type K
mark. to '~'-
adlacent pole
· Remove R7.3-s!gne
Remove R73 "ON LEFT ARROW ONLY" signs
Relocate Donohue Drive sign above
the signal head.
Not to Scale
Amador Valley Boulevard/Starward Drive
Safety Improvement Measures
157.001.Tg0-5/g9. LH
City of Dublin
Speed Limit
Engineering/Traffic Survey
Location of Survey
Date Taken
Posted Speed
Pace Speed
% In Pace, Above, Below
Critical Speed (85%)
Range of Speeds
Width (ft):.
Average Daily Traffic:
~~.~,.:.-.:,.:~ ..~.:.~., i"..~:.,~:~:~:,'.:!:::s~:.:.:'..~.:~,:.:*?..:~.:.:::.::~:;.?.
No. of Lanes (Both Directions):
'Z~/~0_0. Date Taken: /M~,,,~ Io -
Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): ~o~47.t~~ ....
, .. ~. , · · · · .... . , ..'.'d.::"~.. ~-,.*--&q~:~.*....%,...:~.~..:,~.~,~.~.,-.~.~.' ..
Accident Period Analyzed: I [I/*~-_ ~{~].~9 - ' .....
Number of A~den~ (List toal ~d each year): II {'~g- 6: '9~- 6)
~ -
Number of Speed-Related AccidenU ~otal & each year): ~. ('90 - [/ _5~- tJ
~lculated Accident Rate: ~. ~' Statewide Avmge Rate: ~. ~
Study Prepared By:
re,e: ~ [ ~.~ / ~o) .......
Approved By:.