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File# 220-10
Library Community Room Use Policy
Report by Paul McCreary, Parks and Community Services Manager
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Proposed Facility Use Policy
RECOMMENDATION: _ /~ 1. OpenPublic Hearing
2. Receive Staff Presentation and Public Comments
3. Close Public Hearing and Deliberate
4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1)
DESCRIPTION: The new Dublin Public Library includes a Community Room. The
need for the Community Room was identified as part of the Library Task Force Study, which
recommended a room in addition to the standard Library Program Room. The room was envisioned as a
venue for a wide variety of community events and programs. In order to make the room available for use
by the public, a Facility Use Policy must be adopted establishing the rules, regulations, procedures and
fees governing the use of the room.
The room is approximately 1,830 square feet and can accommodate up to 122 people. This is similar to
the size of the Regional Meeting Room at the Dublin Civic Center. The Community Room includes a
kitchenette, podium and built in audio-visual presentation equipment. The room is located off of the
lobby entrance and can be closed off from the main library allowing for use outside of regular Library
Since the Community Room and the Regional Meeting Room are similar facilities, Staff has based the
proposed Community Room Use Policy (Attachment 1) and rental fees on those established for the Civic
Center in October 2002. Following is a summary of the differences proposed for the Community Room.
Classification of Users
Each of the City's Facility Use Policies has the same definitions to classify facility users, which currently
are as follows:
Group 1 - City of Dublin Group 4 - Dublin-based Charitable & Social Welfare Organizations,
Group 2 - Public Agencies Homeowner Associations and Sports Leagues.
Group 3 - Chamber of Commerce Group 5 - Individuals or Other Groups
Group 6 - Commercial Groups
For the Community Room Use Policy, Staff proposes adding a ~Group 1B" user group for the Alameda
County Library system. Per the City's agreement with Alameda County, the Library has second priority
COPIES TO: Pat Zahn, Dublin Public Library Branch Manager
G:\COUNCIL~Agenda Statements\2003\6-17 Library Community Room Use Policy. doc
after the City for use of the Community Room. The proposed Community Room Use Policy would allow
the City to reserve the facility up to one calendar year in advance of the date of use. The Library would be
able to reserve the facility up to nine-months in advance of the date of use. Other users could begin
booking as early as six months in advance for weekend use and three months in advance for weekday use.
Continuous Use
Applicants applying for more than one day of use on a single application are considered "Continuous
Users". Currently applications for continuous use are only accepted for the Shannon Community Center.
When the Civic Center Facility Use Policy was established, continuous use was not allowed at the Civic
Center so that the facility would remain available for civic uses when needed. Continuous Users of the
Shannon Community Center have typically been non-profit groups and churches that need a regular
meeting time and place on an ongoing basis. At the former Library there were a number of community
groups that utilized the facility on a regular basis. Therefore, Staff proposes accepting applications for
Continuous Use at the Dublin Library for resident groups only (Groups 1 through 4). Applications for
Continuous Use would be accepted on a quarterly basis.
General Rental Restrictions
Staff is proposing a couple of restrictions for rentals since the Community Room is in close proximity to
the Library and some rentals may be scheduled during hours the Library is open to the public. During
Library operational hours, Staff proposes prohibiting the use of additional amplification equipment. The
room is equipped with built-in audio-visual presentation equipment and a PA system. This. should deter
facility users from having a band or disc jockey perform during Library hours. Staff also proposes
prohibiting facility users from using the Library lobby entrance area during Library hours.
Rental Fees
The City Council adopted a new rental fee schedule for the Civic Center in October 2002. Staff proposes
adopting the same fee schedule for the Community Meeting Room, which is as follows:
Group lB: Alameda County Library
Community Room No Fee*
Group 2: Public Agencies
Group 3: Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Group 4: Dublin Charitable/Social Welfare Organizations,
Homeowner Associations, 8, Sports Leagues
Use for Conducting a Meeting o~: the Organization:
Community Room No Fee*
*The Security Deposit is a/so waived for conducting
a meeting of the organization at the library.
Use for Purposes of Fundraising:
Community Room $44.00 per hour
Group 5 - Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $65.00 per hour
Non-Resident $78.00 per hour
Group 6- Commercial Groups
Resident $87.00 per hour
Non-Resident $'104.00 per hour
When the Dublin Civic Center Use Policy was adopted, the Council directed Staff to waive the security
deposit and hourly rental fees for Groups 2, 3 and 4 when the rental was for the purpose of conducting a
meeting of the group. If the facility were to be used for a fundraising event, the Council approved
charging the security deposit and an hourly rental fee.
Since the former Library closed, numerous groups that had been using the Library for free on an ongoing
basis have contacted Staff requesting to use the new Community Room. Since many local community
groups had free access to the Community Room at the former Library, Staff would recommend adopting
the same fee schedule as the Civic Center. Under the proposed policy the security deposit and rental fees
would be waived for those applicants qualifying as Group 2, 3 or 4 users. However, for the Community
Room Use Policy, if the group wants to use the presentation or public address system for their meeting,
Staff would recommend charging the $250 security deposit. The equipment is professional quality and
expensive to replace if it is broken or misplaced.
In order to qualify as a Group 2, 3 or 4 user, 51% or more of the group's members must be Dublin
residents. Since the Library did not distinguish between resident and non-resident groups, there will be
some groups under the City's policy that will no longer qualify for free use of the Library Community
Room. However, those groups will still have the ability to book the room for a fee. The groups may also
be able to book the Library Program Room if space is available through the Alameda County Library
System. The City will not be involved in the scheduling of the Library Program Room.
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open Public Heating
2. Receive Staff Presentation and Public Comments
3. Close Public Heating and Deliberate
4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1)
WHEREAS, the Dublin Public Library was occupied by the City of Dublin in April, 2003; and
WHEREAS, the facility was designed to serve as the site for the Public Library for the City of
Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the Library is enhanced by a Community Room which can be used for a variety of
community events; and
WHEREAS, the Community Room is available for use by the public during such times that the
City and County Library are not utilizing the room for City or Library sponsored activities; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to have established Facility Use Policies and Rental Fees for use of
City facilities;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby
adopt the Facility Use Policy and Rental Fees contained in Exhibit A, which will be effective July 1, 2003.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 2003.
City Clerk
Dublin Public Library
Community Room Use Policy
The Dublin Public Library is located at 200 Civic Plaza Priority of User Groups
in Dublin. The Library contains a Community Room
that can be reserved by the community. The Dublin Group lA - Reservations accepted up to one calendar
Public Library Community Room Use Policy establishes year in advance of the date of use.
rules, regulations, procedures and fees governing the
use of the facility. Group 18 - Reservations accepted up to nine months
in advance of the date of use.
Classification of Users
Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4 - Reservations
Group 1A.City of Dublin accepted three months in advance of the rental date
for weekday use; six months in advance of rental date
Group 1B.Alameda County Library for weekend use.
Group 2. Public Agencies (Agencies serving the City Group 5 and 6 - Reservations accepted two months in
of Dublin including Alameda County, Dublin- advance of rental date for weekday; four months in
San Ramon Services District, Dublin Unified advance of rental date for weekend use.
School District, etc.)
Group 3. Dublin Chamber of Commerce Priority of Users for Continuous Use
Applicants applying for more than one day of use
Group 4. Dublin-based Charitable and Social
on a single application are considered Continuous
Welfare Organizations, Homeowner Users. The following reservation schedule applies
Associations and Sports Leagues to Continuous Use:
(Organized non-profit groups with current
501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) IRS status, whose Group IA - Reservations accepted up to one calendar
membership is open to the public and year in advance of the dates of use.
whose primary purpose is to serve the
Dublin community. The membership must Group lB - Reservations accepted up to nine months
be at least 51% Dublin residents. An in advance of the dates of use.
organizational file must be completed on an
annual basis to receive the priority and fees Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4 - Reservations are
of this classification.) accepted on a quarterly basis as follows:
Group 5. Individuals or Other Groups (Groups who · Summer (Jun-Aug)- Accepted starting April 15.
do not meet the criteria listed above and/or ° Fall (Sep-Dec) - Accepted starting July 15.
activities such as weddings, receptions, · Winter (Jan-Mar)- Accepted starting November 15.
anniversaries, birthday parties, etc.) ° Spring (Apr-May) - Accepted starting February 15.
a) Resident (Individuals must reside or own
property within Dublin City Limits; Groups Group $ - Continuous use of the Dublin Public Library
must have membership made up of at least Community Room is not permitted for Group 5 users.
51% Dublin residents)
b) Non-Resident Group 6 - Continuous use of the Dublin Public Library
Community Room is not permitted for Group 6 users.
Group6. Commercial Uses (Companies, groups, or
individuals whose events have the primary
purpose of generating a profit such as Hours of Rental Use
training seminars, trade shows, auctions, etc.) 1. The Dublin Public Library Community Room is
a) Resident (Company facility must be located available for rental Sunday through Thursday
within the Dublin CityLimits andhave current from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., and Friday and
City of Dublin Business License. If there is no Saturday from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight.
company facility, person responsible for 2. The minimum rental period is two (2) hours.
event must reside or own property within the 3. Hours of use must include the amount of time
Dublin CityLimits) needed for the setup, function and cleanup,
b) Non-Resident including any time needed by the caterer, band,
florist, coordinator, etc.
4. The room must be vacated by the time specified
on the Facility Use Application.
How to Make a Reservation Payment Schedule ~ ~ I iNiTiAL:
Please note that the City requires the applicant, not another party, to 1. At the time the applicatTon i"s submitted, a $250
complete all transactions and provide the insurance required for the rental, refundable security deposit is requ ired.
2. Final payment of rental fees must be made no
1. To reserve the Dublin Public Library Community later than one month (30 days) prior to the
Room, a Facility Use Application and a $250 scheduled rental date. Please call the Parks and
refundable security deposit must be submitted. Community Services Department at 925-833-6645
Approval takes 3-5 working days; notification of to schedule an appointment. Payments not
application statuswill be mailed, received by this deadline may result in
2. Applications must be submitted in person at the cancellation of the rental and forfeiture of the
Parks and Community Services Department deposit,
Office, Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza. 3. Security deposits will be returned by mail within
Applications are not accepted via FAX, phone or 30 days of the function date providing there are
e-mail. Applications are accepted between the no violations of the Facility Use Policy, the rental
hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M, Monday through hours exceeded, excessive cleaning required, or
Friday, holidays excepted, damages to the facility.
3. In order to receive a resident rate, the applicant 4. Payments may be made by check, credit card,
(i.e. the person responsible for the activity, money order or cash. Make checks or money
payment of fees and provision of insurance) must orders payable to the City of Dublin.
live or own property within the Dublin City Limits.
Identification confirming residence address will Insurance Requirements [ INITIAL:
be required (valid California drivers license or
current utility bill). All applicants shall provide the City of Dublin with a
4. Groups who are applying under the Group 4 valid Certificate of Liability written through carriers
classification must have a "Group 4 Organization acceptable to the City of Dublin. Such certificate shall
Verification Form" on file, or submit a completed provide Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
Verification Form and the following with the protection in the amount of $1,000,000 per
Facility Use Application: 1) Bylaws, and 2) Current occurrence. If alcohol is to be sold, liquor liability
I.R.S. Tax Exemption Letter. Groups claiming coverage is also required. The applicant must be
Dublin residency must provide a current specified asthe insured. The Certificate shall namethe
membership roster (51% of membership must City of Dublin as an "additional insured" in
own property or reside in Dublin). Facility Use conformance with the hold harmless agreement as
Applications will not be accepted without these outlined in the Facility Use Application and must
items, specify that the applicant's insurance shall be primary
5. Applications submitted less than 30 days prior to to any insurance carried by the City. The certificate
the requested rental date will not be accepted, shall be properly executed with the original signature
6. The City reserves the right to book additional of the authorizing insurance agent. The Certificate is
events before or after an applicant's confirmed due at the time final payment is made.
rental time. Note: Please contact your insurance provider to check if your homeowner's
policy may be extended to cover your facility rental. In the event that
Refund ] INITIAL: ,[ coverage is not available, the City has special event insurnnce available for
purchase. Please discuss your insurance needs with the reservation staff.
1. Cancellation requests must be made in writing by
the applicant. Refunds will be handled as follows:
a) If the request is received three (3) months or more Alcoholic Beverages
prior to the rental date the deposit will be 1. Requests to sell alcohol must be submitted in
refunded, less a $25.00 processing fee. Refunds writing to Dublin Polices Services, 100 Civic Plaza,
will be mailed to the applicant within 30 days of Dublin, CA 94568.
receipt of the written cancellation request. 2. If permission is granted, applicants must obtain
b) If the request is received between three months the appropriate permit from the Alcoholic
and thirty days prior to the rental date the Beverage Control Board, 1515 Clay Street, Suite
applicant will forfeit deposit unless another user 2208, Oakland, 94612 (510-639-0628). Evidence
rebooks the date. If the date is rebooked the of approval is due at the time of final payment.
deposit will be refunded less a $25 processing fee. 3. Alcohol must be consumed inside the room. It is
c) If the request is received less than thirty (30) days prohibited to consume alcohol in any other area
prior to the rental date the applicant will forfeit of the site (City Ordinance Chap. 5.100, Sect. 1,50).
the deposit and one-half of the fees paid (or 4. Alcohol may neither be sold nor served to or by
payable), individuals under 21 years of age at any time.
2. Refunds are not issued for unused hours.
3. Facility Use Permits may not be transferred, Youth Events
assigned or sublet. 1. Groups composed of minors must be supervised
4. Any changes in rental hours less than thirty (30) at all times by two adults for each twenty minors.
days prior to rental date will be assessed a $25.00 2. Alcohol may not be sold or consumed at an event
fee per change, officially designated as a "youth event" (i.e. an
5. Occasionally it may be necessary to reschedule, event at which a majority of the attendees are
relocate or cancel a request previously approved, individuals under twenty-one years of age).
In this event, the group or individual will be given ,, ' "
as much advance notice as possible.
Decorations and Signs Room Descriptions and Capacities ~l ~ ~-~
1. The use of tacks, tape, nails, staples or putty on All capacities indicated conform to the City Fire CO~e
any walls is prohibited. Small tacks may be used Requirements. Applicants will not be permitted to
on the "fabric walls" in the Community Room. exceed the Fire Code Capacity.
2. All decorative materials must be either made of
non-combustible substances or treated with State Cornrnunity Roorn
Approved flame-retardant. The Community Room is a 1,830 square foot
3. Candles may only be used after applicant has rectangular room with a kitchenette and windows that
obtained a permit from the City of Dublin Fire look out to the Dublin Sports Grounds. The room is
Prevention Bureau at(925)833-6606, equipped with a built in PA system, VCR, video
4. Rice, birdseed, confetti, and similar materials may projection system with inputs for a laptop (facility
not be thrown inside or outside the facility, users must provide their own laptop), hearing
$. Any plants or shrubs brought into the building impaired devices and a presentation screen that drops
must be in waterproofcontainers, down from the ceiling. The room is carpeted. The
6. It is prohibited to paste, tack, glue or post any kitchenette features a refrigerator, microwave, sink
sign, placard, advertisement or inscription or erect with disposal and countertops.
any sign at the site (per City Ordinance). Fire Code Capacity:
· Assembly: 122
· Dining: 77 (Tables & chairs with no dance space)
Equipment Setup
1. All exit doors must be operable and no part of any Available Equipment
hallway, corridor, or exit may be used in a way Every effort will be made to provide the number of
that obstructs its use as an exit. tables and chairs indicated. Applicants are responsible
2. A plan showing the table/seating locations, exit for providing equipment needed in addition to the
ways and aisles must be submitted and approved equipment available from the City.
at the time of final payment. · Rectangular Tables (30" x72") 40
· Stacking Chairs (wood) 122
General Rental Information · podium (w/built in AV equipment) 1
1. A responsible adult from the rental party must PleaselVote: £quipment may not be removed from the fadlity for
supervise the premises for proper facility use use outside. Delivery nnd pickup of rental equipment must be
during all rental hours, incorporated within the hours scheduled and paid for. Storage is
2. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED within the interior of the unavailable before or after an event. Applicants are responsible for
building and within 15 feet of the facility entrance the setup and takedown of any rental equipment.
(per City Ordinance).
3. Parking is permitted in painted parking stalls only.
Vehicles parked illegally will be cited. - .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Tables and chairs provided by the CitY may not be The City of Dublin reserves the right to deny
removed from the facility, the use of the Dublin Public Library
5. Storage is not available either before or after the Community Room to any person or group if
6. The City of Dublin does not supply ladders for the such use is deemed to be contrary to the best
applicant's use. interest of the City, the facility, and/or Dublin
7. Applicant is fully responsible for scheduling and residents.
paying for hours to meet caterer's needs.
Caterer's may not request and/or pay for
additional hours. Applicants should thoroughly review the
8. The use of decals, powders, wax, paint, etc. are Facility Use Policy to become familiar with all
prohibited on the floor areas of the facility, rental fees, policies and procedures.
9. Beer kegs are not permitted on carpeted areas.
10. Containers of ice may be placed in the facility,
providin9 that the floor is protected.
11. Easels and extension cords are not available.
Rental equipment not provided by the City must
be included on the setup diagram.
12. The room is equipped with a built-in audio-visual
equipment and PA system. The use of additional
amplification equipment is prohibited when the
Library is open to the public.
13. Use of the Lobby areas is prohibited during
Library operating hours.
14. Requests for exception to the Use Policy must be
submitted in writing to the City Manager, or his
designee, no later than one month prior to the
date of use requested.
Rental Fees
Group lB:Alameda County Library
Community Room No Fee
Group 2: Public Agencies
Group 3: Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Group 4: Dublin Charitable and Social Welfare
Organizations, Homeowner Associations,
and Sports Leagues
Use for Conducting a Meeting of the Organization:
Community Room No Fee~
~The Security Deposit is also waived for conducting
a meeting of the organization at the Library unless
the presentation or public address system will be used.
Use for Purposes of Fundraising:
Community Room $44.00 per hour
A fundraiser is a rental at which admission is granted upon payment
of a designated amount, a donation of an amount left to the
discretion of the patron, or a rental at which funds are collected
through any type of auction, raffle/door prize activity, or other
means designated to generate monies to offset costs or to benefit a
community or charitable agency of cause. Tickets may nat be sold at
the door unless applicant has received prior approval.
Group $ - Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $65,00 per hour
Non-Resident $78.00 per hour
Group 6 - Commercial Groups
Resident $87.00 per hour
Non-Resident $104.00 per hour
General Notes Regarding Fees
1. An additional 50% will be charged for use of the
facility on designated City holidays pending
availability of City staff.
2. Use of the Lobby is included with use of the
Community Room for uses scheduled outside of
the Library's regular business hours (check for
current Library schedule)
Security Deposit I INITIAL:
A $250.00 Security Deposit is due when the
application is submitted. The Security Deposit is
refundable provided there are no violations of the
Facility Use Policy and/or damages to the facility or
excessive cleaning.