HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Fallon Gateway Shop 7 (Phase 3) Di%((Cot' // 0 STAFF REPORT V -44. 82 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 13, 2013 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PLPA 2013-00032 - Fallon Gateway Shop 7 (Phase 3) Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit to amend the Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan and a Conditional Use Permit for a Quick-Service Restaurant with Drive-through Facilities Report prepared by: Mike Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant, Stanforth Holding Company LLC, has requested several actions relating to Phase 3 of the Fallon Gateway commercial project (PA 08-034). The requested Conditional Use Permits would represent a minor amendment of the Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan including a revised site plan to change the orientation and related improvements to Shop 7 and to include a drive-through and amend the color palette allowing flexibility for identification of users. The Planning Commission also will consider a request for a Site Development Review to construct a 6,504 square foot building and related site improvements. Fallon Gateway was approved as a commercial center located along the west side of Fallon Road between Dublin Boulevard on the north and Interstate 580 (1-580) on the south. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for a minor Amendment to the Planned Development Zoning for Fallon Gateway (PA 08-034) to modify the orientation and Site Improvements for Shop 7 and to amend the color palette and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the operation of drive-through facilities for Shop 7; and 6) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review for a revised Shop 7 and related improvements at Fallon Gateway. Submitted By 'e lMed By Consulting Planner Planning Manager COPIES TO: Applicant File f ITEM NO.: • Page 1 of 8 G:IPA#120131PLPA-2013-00032 Fallon Gtwy Shops 7 CUP.SDR AmdIPCSR Fallon Gtwy Shops 7 8.13.13.doc BACKGROUND: Fallon Gateway commercial center is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area. The General Plan and EDSP land use designation is General Commercial. The 33.91- acre site is located along the west side of Fallon Road between Dublin Boulevard on the north and 1-580 on the south as shown on the vicinity map below. � DUBLIN RANG 1 ,1 DUBLIN RANCH DRIVE NVgl • 1 ' 4 "J a ' k'.SVAf ^rFiART BouLyvArtb Or: PROJECT S1TE Vicinity Map Uses surrounding the Fallon Gateway project include: 1) to the north across Dublin Boulevard - General Commercial, Medium Density Residential, and Open Space; 2) to the south - 1-580 right-of-way; 3) to the east across Fallon Road - vacant land designated for General Commercial use; and 4) to the west is vacant property owned by Kaiser Permanente and designated for Campus Office use for the anticipated and eventual construction of a medical facility. Planned Development Zoning for the project site was originally adopted on November 18, 1997 (Resolution 141-97 and Ordinance 24-97). In June 2009, the City Council adopted a Planned Development (PD) Rezone (Ordinance 09-09) which amended the Planned Development district. The Development Plan for Fallon Gateway limited the potential development on the site to 379,053 square feet distributed among 19 building sites to be developed in four phases. The PD Ordinance also established: 1) architectural and landscape design criteria; 2) specific parking standards; and 3) permitted, conditional, and temporary uses for the all phases of the Fallon Gateway project site. Among other things, the PD allows drive-through facilities with approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) by the Planning Commission. The Development Plan fulfilled the requirements for specifying the circulation system, defining development sites or parcels, refining the development standards, and specifying the infrastructure requirements and their sequencing. 2 of 8 ,I'.MelC41,0,Eb,VKtiDSSC$OL ... ` ^.•• BO RAA B{PN W4EH 1-� ir- r. .z .- _ -• . ......... . • ��' —___ PRO PORED P000 B.LINE it cr DICK'S — K , E ■ri_n- TARGET SPORTNG _ ' ` : L I rS r GOODS , t .„,•_ �Ttr .t _ - t 1 - - _E_ C . . _ ' _?' y= = 1= __ - , - v- :T ;;11:: __- _•y_ : =:-!-:, 4: -7_.....,: _ = _y _ s- t ' -- _ - - K -T- _ -T' ._ - . _ .. ..w: .. 4 I .III , My:• ` r``:=1 I - 1 I r r y• w• 1HY1 N _ ` 3 I • 4,\ ..1,L111 11-1111 1 �,-i. I� - • C 1, L - PROPOSED r•N NPIP•nN s .ii--. .-. I ....<..... �l REVISION �" y j FALLON ROAD I•1 A Site Development Review (SDR) for the Fallon Gateway commercial project (PA 08-034) was approved by the Planning Commission on April 28, 2009 (Resolution 09-18). The approved SDR addressed the initial Phases 1, 2, and 3 for development of 311,553 square feet specific to four major tenant spaces (Major A, Major B, Major C, and Major D) and 6 smaller retail buildings (Shop 5 through 10). It also provided a master landscape plan. The remaining areas of the shopping center would be addressed by a future Site Development Review application for Phase 4 (Shop/Pads 1 through 4) and Major E. Subsequently the SDR for Fallon Gateway was amended on August 19, 2010 by Planning Commission Resolution 10-32. The amendment revised the sequencing from four to five phases and addressed changes in proposed exterior building profiles, surfaces materials, landscaping, and signage including Target (Phase 1/Major A). A Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Stanforth Holding Company LLC also was adopted by Ordinance. In September 2011, a Conditional Use Permit for a minor amendment to the Planned Development Zoning was approved along with a Site Development Review (PLPA 2011-00031) to combine Shop Sites 8 and 9 and allow development of up to 8,376 square feet for a free- standing, full-service restaurant and micro-brewery (BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse). The Fallon Gateway site is partially developed with approximately 236,000 square feet approved for Phases 1, 2 and 3: 1) The Target store (Phase I); 2) Dick's Sporting Goods (a portion of Phase II); 3) BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse ( a portion of Phase III); and 4) a large portion of the overall parking area. Construction is currently underway on Shop Buildings 5, 6 and 10 (Phase 3). The currently proposed plan for Shop 7 is to change the building orientation and construct a two- tenant building of approximately 6,504 square feet, slightly larger than the 6,400 square foot building shown in the originally approved plan. The proposed restaurant served by the requested Drive-through would occupy 4,400 square feet, the southerly portion of the building, 3 of 8 and the remaining 2,104 square feet in the northerly portion of the building would be leased to a separate retail tenant. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.32.080 Planned Development Zoning District) states that a CUP may be granted for a minor amendment to a Planned Development as long as the amendment does not materially change the provisions or intent of the Planned Development Zoning Ordinance for the site. The Applicant currently requests approval of: 1) a CUP to amend the PD Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan to revise the orientation and related improvements for Shop 7, and to amend the approved color palette for Fallon Gateway to allow greater flexibility; 2) a CUP to allow a drive-through facility at Shop 7; and 3) an SDR to construct Shop 7 and related site improvements including drive-through facility, parking and landscaping. The current application also includes a Site Development Review (SDR) to reflect the drive- through facilities, proposed building configuration, and surrounding parking areas. The proposed restaurant with Drive-through Facilities addressed by this Planning Action application is part of Phase 3. ANALYSIS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — PD AMENDMENT Color Palette The amendment to the approved color palette would allow tenants to incorporate colors specific to their business, thus allowing flexibility for potential users. As the base colors were approved as a part of the original Stage 2 Planned Development, an amendment to that document is needed and that is accomplished with a Conditional Use Permit. Site Plan Shop 7 is proposed to be reoriented with the front of the building facing Fallon Road. This requires a Conditional Use Permit to amend the original Stage 2 Development Plan. The entrance to the drive-through approach would be located from a drive aisle along the east side of the building and run parallel to its north side. The stacking area would wrap the northerly and westerly elevations with the pick-up window facing west. Drive-through traffic would then exit at the south side into the parking lot area near the spine road between Shop 7 and the recently approved freestanding restaurant to the south. The proposed plan essentially would screen the drive-through from Fallon Road and change the structure's orientation for pedestrian access from the west side to the south and east sides. The proposed resulting change would relocate perpendicular parking from the west side to the east side of the building. This change would eliminate back-out maneuvers into the primary spine road, thereby creating safer and more functional on-site circulation. Public Works has reviewed the revised configuration of the parking and driveways as well as the drive-thru and supports the proposed change. The drive- through lane also would be screened from the spine road by a landscaped buffer installed as an extension of the landscaping adjacent to Shop 10 to the north. 4 of 8 The approved and proposed site plans are shown below: 1 a _Z_ ;PA � ::::.E ., A r- i 4..-.-.. 1 r#., - '* ' -+ i; • ;r`a`r`{ 4 t' Ki 1 t„,.-,Z M 1,, 2 1,A.t kk? Y...v�h. ii .,-11_L f.I M6iZ.:--0I. ` 46 :A �. „,..j11L __1114. ,; 1 , 1 i ,D*, .', FPS? -II r �- --_ = r C, l ,� k►". ' - r� r`- . ,r,,_ t.ilJ1111111 , , L— L-'71 i SHOPS e r `�:"": u o IL —ri+�fi,_ ti ,.I. ,11-I 1 I l I .1,_LI L{ �,;,,__.�. —,._ .r��s-,--, PROPOSED / t _,., .. REVISION fie . -- -- -- -. i -- i FM I MI Mtn Existing Site Plan Proposed Site Plan CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — DRIVE THROUGH The Planned Development Zoning for Fallon Gateway lists a series of permitted and conditionally permitted uses. Drive-through facilities are listed as a Conditionally Permitted Use to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. Drive-through Facilities are regulated by Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to development regulations for off-street parking and loading. Drive-Through aisles are required to be distinctly marked or otherwise dedicated and delineated as separate from other parking and traffic circulation lanes, especially with regard to ingress and egress. Entry to the drive-through is proposed from a parking aisle near a collector lane which separates Shop 7 from Shops 6 and 10 to the north. An ample landscaped planter with screen trees will be provided as a separation between the drive-through lane and parking circulation routes. The distances have been reviewed between the entry location to the proposed order boards and the pick-up window in conjunction with the SDR and adequate vehicular stacking space is available. A Resolution approving the Conditional Use Permits is included as Attachment 1. SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Site Plan In addition to the site modifications discussed above, the application includes a landscape plan which shows the planting concept, planter areas, plant materials, hardscape, screening, and irrigation to be installed as part of the project. The SDR also reflects changes to exterior elevations, parking and on-site circulation in the immediate vicinity of the building, and signage for efficient operation of the drive-through. The loading and trash areas are located in proximity to a parking area near the northeast corner of the building. Elevations The proposed elevations for the Shop 7 building are consistent with the approved design guidelines, including color and materials, adopted in 2010. The building is extensively articulated with a variety of textures, materials, colors, and parapet heights. Exterior materials primarily would be: textured and smooth cement plaster with square, rectangular, and diamond shaped patterns of reveals. The accent material is proposed as Roma brick "bracciano" El Dorado Stone veneer. The color and materials board is provided on Sheet M1 of Attachment 2. Six of the 11 colors shown are proposed for the various surfaces and textures (Proposed Colors: 1 , 3, 5, 6, 8, and 11). 5 of 8 Parking The Fallon Gateway project originally provided for 1,518 surface parking spaces. Based on proposed occupancies and uses within each building, the required parking would be 1,291 spaces (a surplus of 227 parking spaces). This requirement is based on all 379,053 square feet of the space in all five phases of the project as retail use with parking required at one space per 300 square feet. Modifications to the original parking lot plan, which may have minor impacts on the supply and requirements, occurred with the construction of the free-standing restaurant approved in 2011, the current proposal, and a concurrent application for a gas station, convenience store, and car wash for Phase 4. The parking supply provided on site with the existing surplus will be sufficient to satisfy parking requirements. Signage The Fallon Gateway project is subject to a Master Signage program. Signage specific to Drive- through Facilities have the express purpose of directing traffic through the placement of orders to the pick-up window with a minimum or avoidance of conflict with on-site parking and circulation. The proposed location and general appearance of the signs for this Drive-Through are shown on Sheet 3, Attachment 2. Public Art The project remains subject to the approved Public Art Compliance Plan. The original condition of approval pertaining to the payment of fees for Public Art states that the fee is to be paid at the time of building permit issuance subject to the Dublin Municipal Code. The specific amount of the pro rata fee for Shop 7 will be calculated along with the building fees at the time that building permits are issued. A Resolution approving of a Site Development Review is included as Attachment 3. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The proposed building size and configuration would not exceed the allowable building area or create adverse conditions on-site or for surrounding properties, but would expand dining options in the area and keep traffic moving safely. The proposed exterior design elements are consistent with the Development Plan and the Design Guidelines for Fallon Gateway. The proposed drive-through is consistent with the Planned development Zoning with approval of the Conditional Use Permit. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the Project is established in compliance with all local Ordinances and Regulations. Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached Resolution (Attachment 3). 6 of 8 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Applicant. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (SCH # 91103064), certified by the City Council in Resolution No. 51-93 and Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994. The General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan EIR is a program EIR, which anticipated several subsequent actions related to future development in Eastern Dublin. The EIR identified some impacts of implementation of the General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan that could not be mitigated. Upon certification of the EIR, the City adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for such impacts. The City also adopted a Mitigation-Monitoring Program, which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. In 1997, a Negative Declaration was approved by the City Council in Resolution No. 140-97 for the Planned Development Rezoning of Dublin Ranch Areas B-E, which includes the Fallon Gateway site. After completing an Initial Study, it was determined that the rezoning would not have any significant environmental impacts which were not already adequately described and analyzed in the Program EIR. The project as proposed does not exceed the thresholds identified in the Negative Declaration. No further environmental document is needed because the environmental impacts of this project were fully addressed and within the scope of the Final EIR for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and subsequent Addenda, and the 1997 Negative Declaration. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for a minor amendment to the Planned Development Zoning for Fallon Gateway (PA 08-034) to modify the orientation and site improvements for Shop 7 and to amend the color palette and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the operation of drive-through facilities for Shop 7. 2. Project Plans dated received August 1, 2013. 3. Resolution approving a Site Development Review for a revised Shop 7 and related improvements at Fallon Gateway. 7 of 8 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT/ Stanforth Holdings Company LLC PROPERTY OWNER: 4080 Grafton Street, Suite 200 Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: James Tong (925) 463-1666 LOCATION: West side of Fallon Road between Dublin Boulevard on the north and Interstate 580 (1-580) on the south ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: A portion of APN 985-0027-009-03 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: General Commercial SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: General Commercial SURROUNDING USES: LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY [north of Dublin Boulevard] North PD Medium Density Vacant Residential/General Commercial/Open Space South 1-580 1-580 1-580 East PD [east of Fallon Road] Vacant General Commercial West PD Campus Office Vacant 8 of 8