HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Spring Qrtly Rpt AGENDA STATEMENT CITY OF HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION DUBLIN SUBJECT: Spring Quarterly Report Prepared by Ann Mottola, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cultural Arts Classes Registration Report—Spring 2013 RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Division strives to develop quality programs that strengthen community image, preserve the City's heritage, provide cultural experiences and encourage appreciation of the arts. This is accomplished by providing a diverse program of offerings for youth and adults in the disciplines of music; dance; fine arts; and visual and performing arts. The Division also provides a variety of programs at the Heritage Park and Museums to support education and stewardship of the City's historic collections. The following report is a summary of programs conducted during Spring 2013. CULTURAL ARTS CLASSES Cultural Arts Classes provide a unique social setting for meeting new people or sharing cultural arts experiences with friends and family members. The variety of classes offered provides opportunities for community members of all ages to attempt new experiences or refine current artistic and performance skills. Classes are taught by contracted specialty instructors and are typically offered from four to eight weeks in duration. A total of 282 participants registered for Cultural Classes during Spring 2013. This was a significant increase as compared to the same period last year. There was also an increase in both classes offered and classes held. Staff's effort in recruiting quality instructors has proved successful as evidenced by their gaining popularity, increased enrollments, and increase in the number of sessions offered. Of particular note, adult and youth dance classes saw an increase in enrollment. This was the second quarter for Argentine Tango, Salsa Dance, International Latin and Ballroom Mix. It was also the second quarter for sculptor Eric Haggin. COPIES TO: ITEM NO: 8.1 GACOMMISSIONS&COMMITTEES\HERITAGE COMMISSION\AGNDSTMT\2013\08-08-13 Item 8.1 Spring Quarterly Report.docx SPRING QUARTER COMPARISON: Cultural Arts Classes Attendance •e 2013 2012 1 1 1 2009 Resident 231 197 N/A N/A N/A Non Resident 56 53 N/A N/A N/A Total Registration 287 250 252 208 323 Classes Held 41 28 27 21 34 AVG Registration per Class 7 8.9 9.3 9.9 9.5 Classes Offered 67 26 Cancellation Rate 39% 48% PUBLIC ART PROGRAMS CITY—Dubliner The City has completed electrical repair to the "Dubliner" and is continuing to work with artist, Cliff Garten, to re-configure the lighting program. PRIVATE DEVELOPER—Avalon Bay AvalonBay Communities, Inc. (Avalon Bay) anticipates an October installation sculptural mosaic by the public art team Wowhaus. The public art project will be sited at Campbell Green, in Avalon Bay's new development currently under construction at the Dublin East BART Station. PRIVATE DEVELOPER—Essex Staff is working with a private developer, Essex, who selected to install artwork at their project located on St. Patrick Way in the new Essex residential development located near the West BART Station. The developer is engaged in the initial design phase with Bay Area metal artist, Eric Powell. Pending completion of the design, Essex will make a presentation to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Committee for review and recommendation of the project to City Council. HERITAGE PROGRAMS Programs The Heritage Park and Museums played host to the annual City of Dublin Community Car Show on Saturday, April 10. This event was coordinated by City Staff with assistance from the Youth Advisory Committee, Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Dublin Senior Foundation. Over 100 cars entered the show and attendance exceeded 500. An estimated 600 guests celebrated the Spring Faire at Heritage Park on Saturday, May 11. In addition to the variety of vendor booths offering Mother's Day gift ideas, the event will offered French inspired foods including sweet and savory crepes, and boxed lunches of quiche and French baguettes. Additional activities at the Spring Faire included springtime crafts, face painting, French lessons, wagon rides, and tours of the 1910 Kolb House and 1850's Murray Schoolhouse. During both events guests were encouraged to visit the Kolb House and Murray Schoolhouse. Exhibits 2of4 "Exhibit Attendance" captures the number of individuals who visit a special exhibit as part of a formal tour, as a walk-in guest, and those who visit during special events when the Museums are open to the public. This spring, the City of Dublin presented "Suburbia: Dublin...Ranch Town to Ranch House," celebrating the changes that took place locally, from 1961 — 1966, as the first housing developments introduced modernism to Dublin. The exhibit opened on April 14 in the "Little Classroom" with an opening reception. The exhibit was open to the public during regular business hours and closed on June 30. The "Suburbia' exhibit featured advertising materials for the subdivisions of San Ramon Village, Silvergate, Ecco Park and Redwing Valley; and presented evocative images by renowned photographer Bill Owens, depicting Dublin's modern pioneers at home. Compared to last year there is a decrease in walk-ins. The Seabees exhibit was exceptionally popular and yielded a much higher walk-in attendance than Suburbia. ATTENDANCE EXHIBIT 1 1375 Tours 77N/A389 738 N/A 496 38 N/A r834 Walk-In 193 N/A 998 N/A Special Events 457 100 554 80 N/A Total Attendance IF 100 I unT 1 1,1391 100 2,048 593 N/A 2,741 N/A No City-sponsored exhibits during this time. Visitors "Visitors Comparison" records the number of people who visit the Heritage Park and Museums as part of a formal tour or as a walk-in guest. This measurement also includes those who experience the Heritage Park and Museums as a participant in one of the many community events hosted at the site by the City. Tours are also tracked to differentiate between those tours that are a school group or those that are for some other formal or informal community group. VISITORS • • 1 1 7Adult Tour 1174595 !915 78 137 58 81 18 30 187 Tour 311 472 216 415 43 15 689 1,370 60 375 998 418 1,851 Special Events 0 1,100 1,100 228 1,000 3,000 980 5,208 Total Visitors 675 1 2,404 3,079 562 1,871 4,059 1,443 71935 School Tour 6 13 19 6 17 1 0 24 Community Tour 1 2 3 0 5 5 3 13 Total Tours 7 15 22 6 2i 6 3 1 37 *Decrease in Adult/Child tour numbers due to cancellation of five Dougherty Elementary School tours. Volunteers 3 of 4 There are currently 58 volunteers on the active Heritage Park and Museums volunteer roster. This group provides approximately 54 volunteer hours per week to support the Museum on a regular basis. The Museum volunteers also contribute to work parties, provide tours, assist at special events and attend monthly meetings. A specialized volunteer group assists with handling and caring for the collections. In the past quarter there was a decrease in the total hours of regular coverage due to the unavailability of volunteers. Most shifts had two volunteers rather than the preferred three. Volunteers provided invaluable assistance at the two events held at Heritage Park. Museum and student volunteers provided 180 hours of service for the Spring Faire. Museum volunteers provided tractor rides and were stationed at the ticked sales area. Volunteers also staffed the boxed lunch concession and staffed the Kolb House and the Murray Schoolhouse so patrons of these events could tour these museums during the event. Additional assistance with set up and clean-up and operating craft activities was provided by youth volunteers from Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon. Interns are also coordinated on a regular basis to work on a variety of projects to enhance the Museum. This past quarter, interns Mimi Loren and Terry Berry provided assistance with the archives. VOLUNTEER • • 2013 2012 A• • • Oct- i Volunteer Type Mar Jun Sep Dec TOTAL Mar Jun Sep Dec TOTAL Museum Volunteer 622 531 1,153 600 730 756 830 2,916 Student Volunteer 43 114 157 29 80 20 68 197 Intern 0 33 33 60 60 20 100 240 Total Hours 665 678 1,343 689 870 796 998 3,353 FACILITY RENTALS St. Raymond Church has been available to the public for private rental since prior to the expansion of the Heritage Park and Museums. The Sunday School Barn became available for private rentals on May 1, 2012. In this past quarter, there were sixteen rentals at St. Raymond Church. FACILITY RENTALS Comparison 2013 2012 A• Oct- • Oct- YTD RentalType Mar Jun Sep Dec TOTAL • Dec TOTAL St Raymond Church 20 16 36 IF W ' zx c ti Sunday School Barn 3 0 3 Total Rentals 23 16 39 vs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission receive the report. 4of4 NOW CULTURAL ARTS ACTIVITIES-SPRING SESSION 2013 TOTAL RESIDENT RESIDENT Adult Tap 1 6 3 3 Argentine Tango NEW 3 3 0 Beginning Ballet I & Character Dance 13 13 0 Beginning Irish Dance 11 7 4 Boogie with Your Baby 8 7 1 Discover the Artist in You 10 9 1 Fun Sculpting for Kids 10 9 1 Fun Sculpting for Kids 7 7 0 Fun Sculpting for Kids 5 5 0 Fun Sculpting for Kids 2 2 0 Give me a "C" for Cheerleading 9 8 1 Guitar & Bass 1 3 3 0 Guitar& Bass II 3 3 0 Guitar & Bass IIA 2 2 0 Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 17 14 3 Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 4 3 1 Hip Hop for Teens & Adults 3 3 0 Intermediate Irish Dance 2 1 1 International &American Latin 2 2 0 International &American Latin & Ballroom Mix 1 0 1 Intro to Sculpting for Teens &Adults 5 2 3 Intro to Sculpting for Teens &Adults 3 3 0 Irish Dance -Teens/Adults 10 3 7 KinderDrama 8 6 2 Kindermusik(TM) Wiggle & Grow with Siblings 4 4 0 Kindermusik (TM) Wiggle&Grow:Time for Lunch&CarnivalofMusic 12 5 7 Kindermusik(TM) Wiggle&Grow:Time for Lunch&CarnivalofMusic 6 6 0 Kindermusik Village - Hickory, Dickory, Tickle and Bounce 11 6 5 KindermusikTM Move & Groove:Jumping Beans &Join the Parade 3 3 0 Line Dancing 0 0 0 Little Hands Art Class 9 7 2 Nostalgia 17 14 3 Pee Wee Art Time 9 5 4 Pee Wee Art Time 8 7 1 Pee Wee Art Time 8 6 2 Pee Wee Art Time 6 5 1 Pre-Ballet & Character Dance 12 11 1 Pre-Ballet II &Tap 14 14 0 Pre-Ballet II &Tap 12 12 0 Salsa Dance NEW 1 1 0 Young Rembrandts- FUNdamental Drawing 8 7 1 GRAND TOTAL 287 231 56 ATTACHMENT 1