HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 136-13 Dougherty Rd Improvements RESOLUTION NO. 136 - 13
WHEREAS, on February 7, 2012, the City of Dublin entered into an Agreement with
Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. to perform preliminary engineering services for the Dougherty
Road Improvement project from Sierra Lane to North City Limit under CIP No. 960025; and
WHEREAS, on February 19, 2013, the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted the
project Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved the preliminary engineering plans for the
Dougherty Road Improvements project from Sierra Lane to North City Limit, and
WHEREAS, on June 4, 2013, the City Council of the City of Dublin directed staff to
proceed with final design of the Dougherty Road Improvements project from Sierra lane to North
City Limit to get the entire project ready for construction; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to amend Kimley-Horn & Associates' existing Agreement to
complete the final design of the project from Sierra Lane to North City Limit.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin
hereby approves the Amendment to the Agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the
Amendment to the Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of August, 2013, by the following
AYES: Councilmembers Biddle, Gupta, Hart, Haubert, and Mayor Sbranti
NOES: None
City Clerk
Reso No. 136-13,Adopted 8-20-13, Item 4.4 Page 1 of 1
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin entered into an Agreement with Kimley-Horn &
Associates, Inc. on February 7, 2012 to perform preliminary engineering services for the
Dougherty Road Improvements project from Sierra Lane to North City Limit under CIP No.
960025; and
WHEREAS, the Scope of Work is proposed to be expanded to include final design
of the Dougherty Road Improvements project from Sierra lane to North City Limit to get the
entire project ready for construction, and the not-to-exceed contract amount is proposed to be
increased $1,202,400; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin desires to extend the term of the Agreement to end
December 31, 2016;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Scope of Work
Scope of Work shall be modified to include additional scope of work as described in
Consultant's letter dated July 25, 2013 (attached).
The total cost for time-and-materials work under this amendment shall not exceed an
additional $1,202,400 based on the attached cost breakdown.
Term of Services
The term of the agreement shall be extended to end December 31, 2016. •
Joni Pattillo, City Manager
Brian Sowers, P.E., Vice President
Ci Users'john.ptlllinm%A ppDatalLocaN MicrnsolltWindacslTempormy Internet File Contept.Omloott OXU113Kli\Exhibit A-Amendment to Agml 3-20-
ODD pt. Kimley-Horn
nal& and Associates,Inc.
July 25,2013 suite 200
6150 clan=.ridge Mall Road
Mr. Peril Del Rosario
TEL 0253984840
Project Menace£
City of Dublin—Public Works Department
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94565
RE: Scope, Schedule, and Fee fUr the Fined Design of Me Dougherty Road Improvements
Project firm,Sierra Lane to North City Limit
Dear Mr. Rosario:
It has been our pleasure to work with you on the first phase of this project, and we thank you
again for the opportunity to provide engineering services to the City on this important project.
As requested by the City,we have developed a scope, schedule,and fee proposal for completing
the final design engineering, including acquisition of necessary regulatory permits and expanded
right-of-way services. Attached to this letter we have included the scope of services as
Attachment A, the corresponding fee estimate as Attachment B,and a proposed schedule as
Attachment C. We propose to provide these services on a "Compensation Schedule with a Not to
Exceed" basis.The proposed Not to Exceed Consultant Services Agreement maximum amount is
We look forward to continuing to provide you with exceptional, prompt,proactive, and
personalized service. If you have any questions, please call me at(925)39S-4856 or email me at
job mulliatnukimlev-horn.com.
Very truly yours, •
John Pulliam, P.E. James E. West, P.E.
RCEN68897 Vice President
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
The City of Dublin (`City") amends the scope of service to include the preparation of the fatal plans,
specifications and estimate (`final design") for the Dougherty Road Improvement project that will widen
Dougherty Road from Sierra Lane to the northern City Limit. The total length of the project is
approximately 1.9 miles. The City requested Kimlcy-Horn and Associates, Inc. (9iimley-Horn") to provide
scope and fee estimate for completing die final design for the entire project,including acquisition of
regulatory permits,additional right-of-way services,and design support during construction.
Iiimley-Horn Team's services will include the following key tasks:
E. Project management
2. Data gathering(supplemental data collection)
3. Permits and Monitoring
4. R/W Clearance
5. Construction Contract Documents—65%Design
6. Construction Contract Documents—95% Design
7. Construction Contract Documents— 100% Design
8. Design Support During Bidding& Construction (Time and Material Basis)
Major Milestone Activities (See Proposed Schedule at end of scope for more detail)*
Begin Final Design August;2013
65% Design Submittal November, 2013
95% Design Submittal April, 2014
100°/, Design Submittal July, 2014
RN'Acquisition August,2014
PG&E Pole Relocation September, 2011
Permit Acquisition August,2014 •
Begin Construction April,2015
End Construction October 31,2016 (assuming 2 seasons)
*The proposed schedule is dependent on an August 20,2013 contract approval by Dublin City Council and
a 6-week review period by the City for the 65% and 95%deliverables.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Task 1. Project Management
IGnaley-Hon; assumed the management activities in the original scope would last nine (9) months and
would take the project from startup through the 35°/n design. This task will be revised to extend die project
management effort another 12 months from July 2013 through July 2014. Because of an extended delay
between the preliminary and final design services, there is no overlap of the Project Management effort
between these nvo phases. This is contrary to the assumption in the original scope and this revised project
management task accounts for that additional effort. The management activities include:
o Project Coordination (Internal &External)
o Project Administration
o Technical Meetings (Assumes up to 2 meetings per month for 10 months)
o Quality Assurance/Quality Control & Constructability(Assumes three submittals)
Iu addition, Kimley-Horn's subconsultant CirciePoint will assist the project by reviewing project design •
against the "mitigation monitoring program" developed during the preliminary design and environmental
phase. They arc tasked to ensure that the mitigation commitments are met and/or incorporated in final
design for implementa don during construction. They will also work with the City, designers and California
Department of Fish and Wildlife Services to obtain incidental take permit for mitigating impacts to CA
Tiger Salamander. They will also work with the agencies for completing mitigation measures for potential
impacts to Borrowing Owls.
Kimley-Horn and CireiePoint will also assist the City with coordinating the potcutial relocation of the Camp
Parks sign. Our team will attend up to four (4) meetings with the City, Camp Parks,and interest groups, and
will assist the City in developing a relocation strategy.This does not include scope to cover the design work
associated with removing, transporting,and re-erecting the sign.
CirclePoint will prepare a CEQA addendum for the City to address the inclusion of a temporary impact to
wetlands (Waters of the United States).
Task 2. Data Gathering
The Kimley-l-lorn Team will supplement previous data gathering efforts with additional data gathering
activities required for final design.The specific activities required for this activity include:
o Additional field visits and data gathering to complete final design, involving field verification of
environmental mitigation measures, assess utility-impacts and project conforms (Task 2.1).
o Utility potholing to physically locate existing underground utilities and depths. This subtask assumes
a maximum of thirty (30) potholes.
O 24-hour traffic counts at up to 4 locations (tubc'counts) for detour and traffic handling plans.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
O Supplemental design surveys to pickup pothole information and miscellaneous design darn. It is
assumed that this activity will include up to three (3) days of field crew time and one (1) day of
survey data and survey note processing office time.
Sub-Task 2.2 Supplemental Field Surveys
The Kimley-Horn team will complete supplemental field surveys of utility pothole information (subsurface
utility information) and record underground utility information to the aerial base map mapping. Additional
design elevations for pavement,sidewalk,parking and other project conform details will be completed
during final design.
Surveys will be completed using the same control information utilized for basemap preparation and
previous topographic surveys in the original contract scope of work. No additional survey control work is
included in this subtask.
Deliverables: Supplemental survey data and survey notes
Sub-Task 23 Uti/it3'Potholing, Evaluation, and Relocation Coordination
Kimley-I-loin will review readily available record plans received from utilities and analyze utility data
captured during topographic surveys to identify potential conflicts with the proposed improvements. It is
anticipated that design changes in the roadway profile and cross slopes from 35% to 65% will lead to
changes in the number and types of conflicts. In some instances to determine whether or not an
underground utility is in conflict, it is necessary to physically locate the facility by excavating to expose and
determine location.
The location method assumed for this task is a lion-destructive vacuum excavation method. This task
assumes that a maximum of thirty (30) potholes will be excavated. Each excavated pothole will be
hackfilled with the native material that was excavated from the hole and will be patched with cold mix
asphalt concrete. This task also includes coordination with utility purveyors required for relocations Our
scope does not include payment of any, design or encroachment fees, or any other utility assessments
necessary for the project.
Deliverable:Utility type,size, depth and location data on the base map.
Sub-Task24 Traffic Counts andAnalvsic fn.Detour Routes and Lane Closures
rivalry-1-loco will obtain 24-hour traffic counts at up to d-locations within the project limits to identify
potential detour routes and allowable lane closure troves. The counts will use tube counting devices and data
will be obtained for both weekdays and weekends.
Assumed alternate routes will include Village Parkway,Amador Valley Boulevard, Alcosta Boulevard and
Old Ranch Road. Coordination with the City of San Ramon for detours that utilize streets in San Ramon is
included in this task. These detours are assumed to be short term closures only during off peak periods.
Deliverable:Traffic counts and detour/lane closure recommendations.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope otservices-Dougherty Road Improvements Project .
Final Design Services
From:Malley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Task 3. Permits and monitoring
Sub-Task 3.1 Biological Resources Permitting/Mitigation Coordination
Biologica/A ssarrmw/
Kimley-Flora's subconsultant CirclePoint will prepare a Biological Assessment (BA) that will be used by the
lead federal agency to initiate format consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).This is
necessary because the mitigated negative declaration prepared for the Project conducted that the federally
endangered San Joaquin kit fox (V%ulpcs macrons mutica) and the federally threatened California red-legged
frog (Rana draytonii) and California tiger salamander(Ambystoma californiense)may be present on the site.
The BA will include a description of the project;background information on the San Joaquin kit fox,
California red-legged frog, and California tiger salamander,and their potential occurrence and distribution
on the project site;an analysis of project impacts on the species;and avoidance,minimization, and
compensatory mitigation measures proposed For the species. Because the Project site is located within the
area covered by the East Alameda County Conservation Strategy (EACCS), avoidance and minimization
measures will be based on those in the EACCS. The draft BA will be submitted to the City for review prior
to submittal to USFWS.
• CirclePoint will coordinate with USFVV(S on the BA,including a site visit with USFWS staff if necessary.
This task also includes time for coordination with the City regarding potential mitigation requirements,if the
USFWS requires compensatory mitigation for impacts on the San Joaquin kit fox, California red-legged frog,
or California tiger salamander.
The amount of coordination necessary to identify suitable mitigation and obtain a 130 from USFWS cannot
be known at this time, therefore additional budget may be necessary if the required effort exceeds 72 hours
of biologist's time. For budgeting this task,we have assumed that only the federally listed species for which
incidental take approval will be needed are the San'Joaquin kit fox, California red-legged frog,and California
tiger salamander.
Lnlden/a/Take Permit
CirclePoint will prepare a California Endangered Species Act(CESA) Section 2031 incidental Take Permit
application requesting take approval for the San]oaquin kit fox and California tiger salamander at the
project site. We will submit the application to the City for review prior to submittal to CDFW
This task includes some time for coordination with the CDF\Vr following submittal of die 2081 application,
and to coordinate with the City, CDFW, and others as necessary regarding potential mitigation
requirements. Because the amount of coordination necessary to identify suitable mitigation and obtain an
incidental Take Permit from the CDFW cannot be known at this time, additional budget may be necessary-
if the required effort exceeds 30 hours of biologist's time.
For the sake of budgeting this task,we have assumed that the only state-listed species for which incidental
take approval will be needed are the San Joaquin kit fox and California tiger salamander.
Prepare(311(1ProreSS USAGE.Senior(404 Nationwide Perm Application Park(se
Based upon review of the project description, this task assumes that the proposed work qualities for a U.S. •
Army Corps of Engineers (USACF.) Nationwide Permit.We will assemble a Nationwide Permit application
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
package that includes Eng. Form 4345, a project description,summary of previous environmental studies,
and an assessment of impacts and discussion of suitable mitigation measures.
We will submit a first-review administrative draft USAGE permit package for review and comment. After
incorporation of any changes, the package will be submitted to the USACE_ We will maintain regular
contact with the USACE. to monitor processing of the permit application. This task includes time for one
site visit with a USAGE representative,if necessary. Time has been included to respond to comments
received on the draft application and to generate a final report and process this permit application.
'Wart and Premiss RI17003 401 CeRifinslion/I I%as/e.Disohm!Requirement Applim/ion Parka&
CirclePoinr will prepare a water quality certification/waste discharge requirement application to submit to
the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).The complete permit package includes much of the
same information that is submitted to the USAGE as described above,but will also include Form R.2C502-E
and several additional materials. The submittal will include all copies of the CEQA documents,all
correspondence with USAGE and RWQCB staff,impact assessment, and project drawings. In addition, the
R\\'QCB requires a processing fee for handling the application.
CirclePoint will submit a first-review administrative draft RWQCB permit package for review and comment.
After incorporation of any changes, the package Jail be submitted to the RWQCB. We will maintain regular
contact with the RWQCB to monitor processing of the permit application. 'This task includes time far one
site visit with a RWQCB representative, if necessary.Time has been included to respond to comments
received on the draft application and to generate it Final report and process the permit application.
Rnrrnnaii,g Qnr/Ivmael Asffss yen/
CirclePoiut will conduct surveys for owls according CDFW's 2012 Sta(J Report onBmrowiIQ;On.'/dliigation.
Surveys will be conducted during the burrowing owl peak nesting season (April 15 through July 15). Three
additional site visits,with each visit separated by a minimum of three weeks, will he performed to investigate
each burrow for signs of owl use and to determine whether owls are present in areas where they could be
affected by the proposed activities.
CirclePoiut will prepare an Impact Assessment Report summarizing the methods and results of the
burrowing owl survey described above. if applicable, the report will delineate the extent of burrowing owl
habitat on the site, and will discuss potential impacts on the species, including whether such impacts could
potentially be considered significant under CEQA,and mitigation goals.This task includes time for making
minor revisions to the report based on one set of comments from the City.
Wit is determined that burrowing owls may be impacted by the proposed Project,CirclePoiut will develop a
Mitigation Plan to avoid and minimize impacts on burrowing owls based on the guidance provided by
EACC$.To the extent practical, this plan will include measures to reduce impacts that are potentially
significant under CEQA to less-than-significant levels.
Dote:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From;Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Nestbig Ebel A SSW/Held
CirclePoint wilt assess the site as well as surrounding areas equivalent to the protective buffer zone to
determine the potential for the site to support nesting birds protected by any applicable statutes (i.e., the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code). Following completion of this initial
assessment, they will prepare a written report summarizing the results of the assessment and their
recommendations regarding measures that can be taken to minimize construction impacts on nesting birds
as well as the constraints that the presence of active bird nests would have on Project activities.
Pre-Cousrnrrliml Sauey and Cmr.drndion Aloui/arug for Ca/farnin Red-/gged Frogs and Cn/0 min Trgu Saloum telos
CirclePoint will perform a single daytime and nighttime visual encounter survey for California red-legged
frogs and California tiger salamanders two weeks before the onset of activities and again within 48 hours
prior to commencing ground-disturbing activities.This survey will cover the entire construction and
immediately adjacent areas that could be subject to disturbance during construction. Following the
completion of the surveys,we will prepare a brief written report summarizing the results. In the event that a
California,red-legged frog or California tiger salamander is detected, the budget for this task includes a
minimal amount of time (approximately 24 hours) to coordinate with the USFWV'S (and CDF\C'in the case
of a California tiger salamander)in order to determine the appropriate mitigation measures to be
implemented. •
Pre-Conshm lieu Smxep for.Sin Joaquin Ki/.Fi.vec and An:erfrnn Bncierr
CirclePoint will conduct a pre-construction survey no mote than 30 days and no less than 14 days before the
beginning of ground disturbance or any activity likely to affect the San Joaquin kit fox or American badger.
We will survey the proposed construction area and a 200-ft buffer area (where access allows) around the
construction area to identify suitable dens. We will conduct den searches by systematically walking uausecls
spaced 30-100 ft. apart through the survey area. If kit fox or badger dens are found during the survey, the
biologist will map the location of each den as well as record the size and shape of the den entrance; the
presence of tracks,scat, and prey remains; and if the den was recently excavated.The biologist will also
record information on prey availability- (e.g.,ground squirrel colonies). For kit fox, the status of the den as
• defined by the USF\CMS shall be determined and recorded. To maximize efficiency, it is anticipated that the
survey for kit fox and badger dens will be completed simultaneously with the pre-construction survey for
burrowing owls.
After pre-construction den searches and before the commencement of construction activities,we will
establish the appropriate exclusion from the entrance or cluster of entrances of each den. If a potential hit
fox den is identified and cannot be avoided, the status.of the dell (i.e.,vacant or occupied),we will monitor
the potential den for three clays using tracking medium or a remote sensor camera.
Following the completion of the surveys,we will prepare a written report summarizing the results. If active
dens are identified during the survey,we will include recommendations for how to deal with their presence
during the proposed work.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Per-Co/tn,wevion S for BurrwriJg Owls
CirclePoint will conduct surveys for burrowing owls in conformance with the take avoidance surveys
described in the 2012 CDFW approved protocol. The initial survey will be conducted no less than 14 days
(e.g., 2-4 weeks) prior to the initiation of construction. We will survey the project site and (to the extent that
access allows) the area within 500 feet of the site for suitable burrows that could be used by burrowing owls
for nesting or roosting. I f no suitable burrowing owl habitat is present, no additional surveys will be
required. If suitable burrows are determined to be present on the site,we will visit the site an additional
three times to investigate each burrow for signs of owl use and to determine whether owls arc present in
areas where they could be affected by the proposed activities.The final survey shall be conducted within the
24 hour-period prior to the initiation of construction. Following the completion of the survey,we will
produce a repot:rof findings.
Pre-Coiuhrr lion Saran fir\ending Birds
If work occurs during the nesting season (1 February through 31 August), CirclePoint will assess the site as
well as a protective buffer zone to determine the presence of nesting birds protected by any applicable
statutes (Le., the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code). The survey shall be
conducted no sooner than 3 days prior to the start of construction activities. Following completion of the
survey,a brief letter report summarizing our results will be provided. If nesting birds arc.detected,we will
include recommendations for how to deal with their presence during the proposed work,
IlForker Blum/inn Program, •
CirclePoint will prepare materials for, and will provide a biologist to conduct,an environmental training
session (Worker's Environmental Awareness Program) for all construction personnel.The training shall
include a description of the Listed species with potential to occur in the Project study area (i.e.,California
red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, and San Joaquin kit fox),a report of the occurrence of the
species in the Project study area, their habitats,an explanation of the status of the species and their
protection under the Endangered Species Act, and the avoidance and minimization measures being
implemented to reduce impacts on die species. Handouts,illustrations, phonographs, and Project mapping
showing areas where minimization and avoidance measures are being implemented will be included as part
of this education program. On completion of training,employees shall sign a form stating Chan they attended
the training and understand the conservation and protective measures.
This task includes a small amount of time for coordination (approximately I hour) with the USTWS and
CDF1VW to obtain approval of the biologist.
CirclePoint will provide a biologist to assist construction crews in a temporary construction barrier around
the work area to minimize the potential for California red-legged frogs and California tiger salamanders to
enter the Project Footprint. In addition,a biologist will be present during initial ground-disturbing activities
that occur within suitable California reel-legged frog or California tiger salamander habitat.The qualified
biologist will look for California red-legged frogs and California tiger,salamanders during initial ground_
disturbing activities.A biologist will also be present during work within 100 feet of an occupied badger den
• and during construction activities that could impact a San Joaquin kit fox.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Read Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Following completion of monitoring events, we will prepare a brief letter report summarizing the activities
that occurred, observations of monitored special-status species,and any avoidance measures that were
7'ask 3.1 Assnmpliav
Due to the uncertain nature of permitting and monitoring work, the following assumptions were used in
developing the scope and fee for Task 3.1:
o Construction monitoring for biological resources will be required for a maximum of ten (10) days.
o This scope of work does not include fulfilbnent of conditions of agency permits and approvals,
including B0, Incidental Take Permit, or burrowing owl mitigation plan that result in survey or
monitoring needs not listed above. If such approvals contain additional requirements, additional
scope and budget will be necessary.
Deliverables: Biological Assessment
Incidental Take Permit application and acquired permit •
Burrowing Owl Impact Assessment
Nesting Bircl Assessment
Pre-Construction Survey Reports
Worker Education Program Materials
Construction Monitoring Report
Sub-Task 3.2 Cultural Resources Mitigation Oversight
Kimley-J-lorn's subconsultant Circle Point will oversee mitigation efforts related to cultural resources.
Coup Pnr•r Sin Reload/on
CirclePoint will consult, as necessary, with the City on the location to which the sign is to he removed to
insure the new location meets the requirements of the mitigation measure, and the methods to be employed
in its relocation to allow the sign to retain its historic features. For the purposes of this scope,we assume
that no more than two meetings and up to one clay of additional consultation time will be required We will
advise the City regarding die relocation of the Camp Parks entrance sign to ensure that the sign retains its
historic features and compatibility in orientation,setting, and general environment.
Task 3.2 Assumptions
The following assumption was used in developing the scope and fee for Task 3.2:
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services •
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
n For cultural resources,we as ume no onsite effort«rill be required.This scope assumes no
discoveries of potential cultural resources will occur. If any such discoveries occur,additional
evaluation and review will likely be required, necessitating additional scope and budget.
Task 4.1. Additional Right-of-Way Services
The initial scope and fee for the right-of-way acquisition services assumed that the single property
acquisition would be completed through the dedication of property rights or through negotiating with a
willing owner. During the preliminary design it was determined that acquisitions may require prolonged
and/or extensive processes. As discussed with the City, this subtask includes the additional effort to
complete the extensive right of way process for a single property, subject to the City's direction. Remaining
budget in this task shall not be reallocated to other tasks unless approved in advance by the City.
Task 5. Construction Contract Documents—65%Design
The scope of services for this task consists of creating the 65%construction documents,including:
o Plan Preparation
e Project Specification Writing
a Quantity Calculation
▪ Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Kinky-Horn will prepare 65% design that will reflect responses to die 35% plan set and also include
various refined/additional contract details. The design will also accommodate mitigation measures
committed via due"mitigation monitoring plan,"prepared as part of the final environmental clearance
process. Kitley-Horn will also provide the City with a set of draft project specifications that will address
issues such as materials specification, testing requirements, how each item will lie measured and paid for,
etc. iCimley-Horn expects that the City will provide n City specification standard boilerplate that consist of
the front end portion of the project specifications. Kimley-Horn will create the technical specifications
based on Caltrans 2010 Standard Specifications.
Kimley-Hom anticipates submitting the following plan sheets as part of the 65% submittal:
ID Code
Letter Sheet Name •
CV Title Sheet
GN Abbreviations tic General Notes
HC Horizontal Control
"IX Typical Cross Sections
KR I Key Map
PV Plan and Profiles
CD Construction Details
EC Erosion Control Plans
D - Drainage Plan,Profiles,Details (Including Minor Structures)
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHM ENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project •
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
UT Utility Plans
SS Signing and Striping
TS 'Profile Signals
LT Street Lighting
SC Stage Construction,Traffic Handling and Detain:Plans
I. Landscaping and Irrigation
Deliverable: 65% design(Plans,Specifications and Engineer's Opinion of probable construction cost)
Sub-Task 5.1 65%Road l ra t Design
Preliminary roadway plans including title sheet, notes, horizontal control, key map,plan &profiles, typical
cross-sections and construction details will be updated and refined as part of the 65%construction contract
documents. This will include providing the additional detail required to provide a complete.design
(unchecked, not ready for construction).
It's assumed that up to 10 new construction detail sheets will be required for the 65% Roadway Design.
This task also includes die design effort associated with shifting the roadway crown location from within the
northbound lanes to a location either within the median,at a lane line or eliminating the crown altogether
(i.e., full-width adverse cross-slope).
Project Specifications wilt be prepared and added to the construction contract documents. The base
document that the specifications will be based on is the Caltrans 2010 Standard Specifications. The project
special provisions will use common language format with reliance on Caltrans Section 9 standard
measurement and payment clause for consistency with the 2010 Standard Specifications. This task includes
creation of the special provisions.
Sub-Task 5.2 65%Erosion Control
Our suhconsultant\VRECO will prepare the erosion control plans, specifications and estimate. Design
efforts will he coordinated with other design disciplines of the Project Team. AVRECO will design
stonnwater treatment Best Management Practices (13h1Ps) and incorporate the design into the PS&E
Package. The BiriPs will meet the design requirements of the City and the Regional Water Quality Control
Board (MOO-Li).
Sub-Task 5.3 65%Drainage Design •
Our subconsultant VVRE•CO will update the Drainage Plans/Profiles and Detail Sheets after receiving
comments from the 35°l°conceptual design submittal. R•RECO will also update the Drainage specifications
and estimates. The design efforts will be coordinated with other design disciplines of the project team.
Sub-Task 5.4 65%Minor(Drainage) Structures Design
This task includes design for minor structures that utilize City of Dubin and Caltrans minor structure
standards for drainage facilities. Nonstandard drainage structures are excluded from this scope of services.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 5.5 65% Utility Design
Until 65% design has advanced and potholing has been completed, the final scope of utility design is
unknown. Based on the current understanding of utilities within the project limits,we anticipate that utility
design could be necessary for the following facilities:
o DSRSD Recycled Water Line—North of Amador Valley Boulevard (Potholing required)
o DSRSD Recycled Water Line—South of Amador Valley Boulevard (Potholing required)
o DSRSD Fiber Optic Line (Potholing requited)
o Zone 7 Cathodic protection well and associated test station /air release valves.
o PG&E Gas Line (high risk)
Kimley-I torn will coordinate with PG&E to design temporary or permanent protective measures for the
high risk PG&E gas line, such as capping with concrete.
Utility relocation plans due to impacts to the Zone 7 high pressure waterline and its cathodic protection/air
release valve will be completed by Kimley-l-Porn's subconsultant pI-I Corrosion.
The current scope of services includes coordination efforts with PG&E for its design and timely relocation
of the (PG&E) transmission power pole. Kimley-Horn's subconsultant RGA Design will coordinate the
design effort between PG&E and the City/ Kinrley-I-Iorn Design Team. RGA will also coordinate with
AT&T for AT&T to relocate its communication lines while PG&E relocates its pole.
]lased on the preliminary design,and discussions with the City and impacted utility companies; plans,
specifications and estimate for utility educations and adjustments will be created.
Sub-Task 5.6 65% Signing& Striping Desig n
Kiniley-1-torn will update the signing and pavement delineation plans by coordinating with the City Traffic
Engineering Staff based on comment;received on the 35%design. Plans will be prepared based on Caimans
standard pavement delineation details and signing will be based on the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices—California Edition, modified as required per City standards.
Sub-Task 5.7 65% Signal Design
Kiniley-Horn will update the traffic signal plans based on comments provided on the 35%design and
associated conceptual traffic signal layouts. Traffic Signal designs will utilize the Caltrans 2010 Standard
Plans and Standard Specifications,modified as required per City requirements.
Signals to be modified include Sierra Lane,Scarlett Drive,Mariposa,Amador Valley Boulevard, and Willow
Creek. Signal Design includes interconnect between Mariposa and Willow Creek, and associated signal
synch roniza don.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Klmley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 5.8 65%Electrical/Street Lighting
Kimley-Horn will update the street and pedestrian lighting plans based on comments provided on the 35 0/0
design and associated conceptual street lighting. Street and Pedestrian Lights will utilize the Caltrans 2010
Standard Plans and Standard Specifications, modified as required per City requirements.
Sub-Task 19 65%Landscape and Irrigation Design
Based on the landscape concepts that were previous prepared. Kiniley-I-torn will add Landscaping and
irrigation plans to the 65% construction contract drawings. 'This will utilize the Caltrans 2010 Standard
Plans and Specifications,in concert with City staff and their requirements.
Design will include landscaping within the medians, and along the sidewalk between Sierra Lane and Scatlett
Drive (small areas to include trees or shmbs), and landscaping around the Camp Parks sign (optional).
Utilizing the City's comments on the 35°/0 landscape comments previously submitted, we will meet with the
City prior to starring 65% landscape design to understand the City's preferences on plant and hardscape
Sub-Tasks.10 65%Stage Construction, Traffic Hand/mg and Detours
Kimley-Horn will prepare Stage Construction, Traffic Handling and Detour plans required for any long
tern: lane closures and any short term detours. The plans■will be based on the Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices—California Edition and Caltrans Traffic Manual, modified as required per City
Sub-Task 5.11 65%Level Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
The engineer's opinion of probable construction costs will be updated for consistency with the 65% plans.
The estimate will include a percentage of contingency to assist in accounting for potential changes between
the 65%plan submittal and project award.
Sub-Task 512 Material Report/Memorandum
ENGEO staff already completed a materials memorandum/ report for the project. 'The staff will review
soil stabilization techniques for road widening and revise their report to include additional pavement
structural section options, as necessary and depending on the final roadway and pedestrian trail design and
selection of materials. The updates inay include the discussions of site,soil,and laboratory test data,and a
site plan showing our exploratory locations and improvement limits.
1 NGLO staff will he available during the 65%design phase to review the design and determine that the
design is in compliance with the materials memorandum/recommendations.
Deliverables: Revised Materials Report/ Memorandum
65% Design review comments
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 5.13 Phase ll_Initial Site Assessment(ISA)and Asbestos/Lead-Containing Paint Survey
Based on the recommendations from Section 6, "Conclusions and Recommendations" of the Dougherty
Road Laitial Site Assessment (ISA),Kimley-I-Iorn's subconsulrant Geocon Consultants, inc. will perform
Geld explorations to complete a Phase II Site Assessment report: The report svill document findings of
hazardous materials within areas of construction impact and methods for handling them during
This subtasl: does not include obtaining separate encroachment permits/rights-to-enter issued to Client.
Geocou is expected to perform the following activities:
Field Activities:
Frontage along Sherwin Williams Paint(6305 Dougherty Road)
Advance 4 borings ro 2.5 ft.
Collect 3 soil samples (0, 1,and 2 ft) from each boring
Frontage along Camp Parks RFTA
Advance 12 borings to 2.5 ft.
Collect 3 soil samples (0,1,and 2 ft) from each boring
Lthwntay Atrrfrres:
Frontage along Sherwin Williams Paint(6305 Doughterty Road)
3 soil samples for CAi\117 metals
9 soil samples for total lead
4 soil samples for pesticides
4 soil samples for TPI-Ig package
4 soil samples for TPI-Id/tiro
Frontage along Camp Parks RP'1'A
9 soil samples for CA\d17 metals
27 soil samples for total lead
12 soil samples for pesticides
12 soil samples for'IPHg package
12 soil samples for TPlld/Ino
Prepare a draft report summarizing the findings of the Phase 2—ISA, to be provided to the City for review
and comment.We will finalize and submit a final report based on the City's comments.
Deliverables:Draft and Final Phase II ISA Reports
Asbestos/Lead-Containing Paint Survey
As part of performing an asbestos/ lead-containing paint survey, Geocon will survey the Camp Parks
building proposed for demolition for suspect asbestos-containing materials and lead-containing paint (I..CP).
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Includes up to 21 bulk asbestos samples for Polarized Light Microscopy (PL\d) analysis, 3 asbestos samples
for point count (400 pts), 2 bulk paint samples for total lead, and I paint sample for soluble (WET or
TCLP) lead on a standard laboratory turnaround time.
Deliverables: Draft Asbestos/LCP Survey Report for Client review, Final A sbestos/LCP Survey Report.
We have allowed one-half day(1 person) to complete fieldwork.
Sub-Task 514 Drainage Report
Kimley-Horn's subconsultnnt\VRECO will review the readily available data and prepare design calculations
to assess the capacity of the existing drainage systems in the vicinity of the project. This information will he
summarized in a drainage report. The Drainage Report will include design calculations to assess the need
for any drainage improvements.
The Drainage Report prepared by AVRECO is expected to include;an evaluation of the existing conditions,
reporting unusual/special conditions,drainage mapping, hydraulic analysis and design of proposed systems.
Deliverables: Draft and Final Drainage Reports
Sub-Task 515 Storm water Management Plan
This subtask includes the preparation a Storm Water Management Plan summarizing the Project impacts to
water quality and recommended I3MPs. Our study will address oily the impacts from the roadway
improvements, and we will utilize the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program C.3 Technical Guidance.
Kimley-1-Ion's subconsultant \VRECO will address the need for the Construction General Permit (COP).
WRECO will assist the Project Team to compli-with the new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) Construction General Permit (CGP) that became effective July 1, 2010 by performing the
• Perform a risk assessment For the Project
• Update the Storm Water Management Plan to document the risk of the Project and the new
13MPs to be implemented
• Provide cost estimates for additional Inspections/Monitoring/Sampling/Rain Event Action Plan,
as applicable, based on the risk assessment of the Project for the PS&E package.
• • Prepare the Resident Engineer (RE) File to describe the new CGP requirements for Bh-1Ps (year
round) on construction contracts and instructions on how to file the l'roject Registration
Documents into SMARTS to obtain coverage under the CGP.
• Prepare and provide the Storm Water Information Handouts (S\VIH) to the Contractor's bidding
on the Project, which includes new general guidelines for the new permit requirements.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,lac.,Pleasanton
Deliverable: Stormwater Management Plan
,Sub-lrsJc 5.16 Ht drornoc/ifcation Report
Kiniley-Horn's subconssultant\\TECO will perform hydeomodification analysis to determine the magni rude
of the impacts and the need for mitigation. WRECO will propose mitigation measures and perform further
analysis to prove the adequacy of the proposed mitigation measures. The mitigation measures will meet the
criteria set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. WRECO will document the analysis in a technical
Deliverable: Hydrotnodification Study Report • - -
Task 6. Construction Contract Documents—9594 Design
As part of the preparation of the 95%design (plans,specifications and estimate) for the Project,Kimley-
Horn will coordinate the resolution of outstanding design issues and respond to comments received on the
65%plans, specifications and estimate.
Kimley-Horn anticipates submitting the following plan sheets as part of the 95%submittal:
ID Code
Letter Sheet Name
CV Title Sheet
GN Abbreviations &General Notes
I-IC Horizontal Control
1'K Typical Cross Sections
Kild Key Map
PV Plan and Profiles
CD Construction Details
DP Demolition Plans
E.G Erosion Control Plans
D Drainage Plan,Profiles,Details (Including Minor Structures)
UT Utility Plans
SS Signing and Striping
TS Traffic Signals
1 I' Street Lighting
SC Stage Construction,Traffic Handling and Detour Plans
L Landscaping and Irrigation
Deliverable: 95% Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate of probable construction cost.
Cate:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Ilorn and Associates,Inc., Pleasanton
Sub-Task 6.1 95%Roadway Design
Roadway plans including title sheet, notes, horizontal control, layouts, profiles, typical cross-sections and
construction details will be updated and refined in this task for the 95%construction contract documents.
Project Specifications will be updated based on comments provided on the 65% submittal. For any project
specifications based on a Caltrans standard special provision, the Caltrans website containing the latest
standard special provisions will be reviewed and any out of date provisions will be replaced with the current
version at the time of the 957o submittal.
Sub-Task 6.2 95%Erosion Control
Our subconsultant\VRECO will update the 65%construction documents based on comments received on
rile 65%construction contract document submittal to the City and minor design modifications made by the
project team.
Sub-Task 6,3 95%Drainage Design
Our subconsultant AVRECO Will update the Drainage Plans/Profiles and Detail Sheets after receiving
comments from the 65% construction contract documents. '1'he design efforts will be coordinated with
other design disciplines of the project team.
Sub-Task 64 95%Alinor Drainage Structures Design
This task includes updating the design for the minor drainage structures and is assumed to include City of
Dublin and Caltrans minor structure standards as the basis for the design. Design of any nonstandard
drainage structures is excluded from this scope of services.
Sub-Task 6.5 95% Utility Design
Kimle■-thorn and our subconsuhtants will update out utility relocation designs to a 95%level of completion
for the facilities listed in Task 4.5 Utility Design.
Sub-Task 6.6 95% Signing Sc Striping Design
Signing and Striping plans will be updated and refined based on the comments received on the 65%Signing
and Striping construction contract documents and minor design revisions.
Sub-Task 6.7 95% Signal Design
Traffic Signal plans•will be updated and refined based on the comments received on the 65°4,"I'raftic Signal
construction contract documents and minor design revisions.
Sub-Task 6.8 95%Street Lighting
Street and Pedestrian Lighting plans will be updated and refined based on the comments received on the
65°/n Traffic Signal construction contract documents and minor design revisions.
Sub-Task 69 95%Landscape and Irrigation Design
Kimley-Horn will update the Landscaping and Irrigation plans based on comments provided on the 65%
construction contract documents.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Klmley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 610 95%Stage Construction, Traffic Handling and Detours
Kimlev-I-Zorn will update the Stage Construction,Traffic Handling and Detour plans based on comments
provided on the 63% construction contract documents.
Sub-Task 6.11 95%Level Engineer's Opinion of probable Construction Costs
The engineer's estimate of probable construction costs will be updated for consistency with the 95% plans.
The estimate will include a percentage of contingency to assist in accounting for potential changes between
the 95% plan submittal and project award. •
Sub-Tasks 6.12 through 6.16
Kimley-horn and our subconsultants will update and submit final version of these reports outlined in'Task
Task 7. Construction Contract Documents—100% Design
Task 7 includes responding to comments on the 95% construction contract documents and updating them
accordingly.The improvements will be advanced to the 100% design level.
Kitnley-Horn anticipates submitting the following plan sheets as part of the 100% submittal:
ID Code
Letter Sheet Name
CV Title Sheet
GN Abbreviations General Notes
NC Horizontal Control
TX 'Typical Cross Sections
KM Key Map
PV Plan and Profiles
CD Construction Details
DP Demolition Plans
EC Erosion Control Plans
D Drainage Plan, Profiles, Details (Including Minor Structures)
Ulf Utility Plans
SS Signing and Striping
TS Traffic Signals
Street Lighting
SC Stage Construction, Traffic Handling and Detour Plans
L Landscaping and Irrigation
Deliverable: 100%Plans,Specifications and Engineer's Estimate of probable construction cost.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 7.1 100%Road rvay Design
Roadway plans including title sheet, notes, horizontal control, layouts, profiles, typical cross-sections and
construction details will be updated and refined in this task for the 100% construction contract documents.
Project Specifications will be updated based on comments provided on the 95%submittal. For any project
specifications based on a Caltrans standard special provision, the Caltrans website containing the latest
standard special provisions will be reviewed and any out of date provisions will he replaced with the current
version at the time of the 100% submittal.
Sub-Task 7.2 100%Erosion control
Our suhconsultant AC'RECO will update the 95%construction documents based on comments received on
the 950/z construction contract document submittal to the City and minor design modifications made by the
project team.
Sub-Task 7.3 100%Drainage Design
Our subconsultaut AVRECO will update the Drainage Plans/Profiless and Detail Sheets after receiving
comments from the 95% construction contract documents. This design effort will be coordinated with
other design disciplines of the project team.
Sub-Task 7.4 100%Minor(Drainage) Structures Design
This task includes updating the design for the minor drainage structures and is assumed to include City of
Dublin and Caltrans minor structure standards as the basis for the design. Nonstandard drainage structures
are excluded from this scope of services.
Sub-Task 7.5 100% Utility Design
Kimley-1-torn and our subconsulmnts will update our utility relocation designs to a 100% level of
completion For the facilities listed in Task 7.05 Utility Design.
Sub-Task 7.6 100% Signing&Striping Design
Signing and Striping plans will be updated and refined based on the comments received on the 95% Signing.
and Striping construction contract documents to a 100'/0 level of completion.
Sub-Task 75 100%Signal Design
Traffic Signal plans will be updated and refined based tm.the comments received on the 95%Traffic Signal
construction contract documents and minor design revisions. The plans will be updated to a I 00% level of
completion. •
Sub-Task 7.8 100% Street Lighting
Street and Pedestrian Lighting plans will be updated and refined based on the comments received on the
95%Traffic Signal construction contract documents and minor design revisions.The plans will be updated
to a 100% level of completion.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kir iley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Sub-Task 7.9 100%Landscape and Irrigation Design
Kimlcy-1-Zorn will update the Landscaping and Irrigation plans based on the comments provided on the _
9511/0 construction contract documents.The plans will be updated to a 100%level of completion.
Sub-task 7,10 100%Stage Construction, Traffic Handling and Detours
Knnlcy-Horn will update the Stage Construction,Traffic Handling and Detour.plans based on comments
provided on the 95% construction contract documents.The plans will be updated to a 1000/°level of
Sub-Task 711 100%Level Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
The engineer's estimate of probable construction costs will be updated for consistency with the 100%Y°plans.
The estimate will include a percentage of contingency to assist in accounting For potential changes between
the 100°/a plan submittal-and project award.
Taslc 8. Bid Support and Design Services During Construction (DSDC)
This phase of project activities consist of design support services from the time of advertisement through
project award and construction. The duration of advertisement, bidding and construction is assumed to be
18 months At the time this proposal was created,working days had not yet been determined).
K naley-Horn will perform those services listed in Task 8 on a Time and Materials basis,as requested by the
Sub-Task 8.1 Design Support during Advertisement Period(Bid Support) (T&lllBasis)
Kimlcy-Horn team will provide design support during project advertisement by answering contractor
inquiries and preparing addendums as requested by the City of Dublin. The level of effort associated with
this task is assumed to total 48 hours for budgeting purposes,and will be performed on a time and materials
Sub-Tasl.8.2 Design Services During Cons traction (T&11,1 Basis)
Kimley-Horn team will provide design support during project construction by answering contractor
inquiries and preparing any design modifications for construction contract change orders. Kimley-Horn
assumes a total effort of 116 hours for budgeting purposes, and will be performed on a time and materials
This includes the following activities:
DateJuly 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Visits to Site and Observation of Construction. Consultant will provide on-sire construction
observation services during the construction phase. Consultant will make visits at intervals as
directed by Client in order to observe the progress of the Work. Such visits and observations by
Consultant are not intended to be exhaustive or to extend to every aspect of Contractor's work in
progress. Observations•are ro be limited to spot checking, selective measurement, and similar
methods of general observation of the Work based on Consultant's exercise of professional
judgment. Eased on information obtained during such visits and such observations, Consultant will
evaluate whether Contractor's work is generally proceeding in accordance with the Contract- •
Documents,and Consultant will keep Client informed of the general progress of the Work.
The purpose of Consultant's site visits will be to enable Consultant to better carry out the duties and
responsibilities specifically assigned in this Agreement to Consultant, and to provide Client a greater
degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform in general to the Contract Documents.
Consultant shall not, during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractors work in
progress, supervise, direct, or have control over Contractor's work, not shall KI-IA have authority
over or responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, equipment choice and usage, sequences,
schedules, or procedures of construction selected by Contractor, for safety precautions and
programs incident to Contractor's work, nor for any failure of Contractor to comply with laws and
regulations applicable to Contractor's furnishing and performing the Work. Accordingly, Consultant
neither guarantees the performance of ally Contractor nor assumes responsibility for any
Contractor's failure to furnish and perform its work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Recommendations with Respect to Defective Work. If requested by the City, Consultant will
recommend to Client that Contractor's work be disapproved and rejected while it is in progress if,
on the basis of such observations, Consultant believes that such work will not produce a completed
Project that conforms generally to Contract Documents.
Clarifications and Interpretations. Consultant will respond to reasonable and appropriate
Contractor requests for information and issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the
Contract Documents to Client as appropriate to the orderly completion of Contractor'swork. Any
orders authorizing variations from the Contract Documents will be made by Cheat.
Change Orders. If requested by the City, Consultant may recommend Change Orders to Client,
and will review and make recommendations related to Change Orders submitted or proposed by the
Shop Drawings and Samples. Consultant will review and approve or take other appropriate
action in respect to Shop Drawings and Samples and other data which Contractor is required ro
submit, but only for conformance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Such
review and approvals or other action will not extend to means, methods, techniques, equipment
choice and usage, sequences, schedules, or procedures of construction or to related safety
precautions and programs.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Ximley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Substitutes and "or-equal." Evaluate and determine the acceptability of substitute or "or-equal'
materials and equipment proposed by Contractor- in accordance with the Contract Documents; but
subject to the provisions of applicable standards of state or local government entities.
Inspections and Tests. Consultant may require special inspections or tests of Contractor's work as
Consultant deems appropriate, and may receive and review certificates of inspections within
Consultant's area of responsibility or of tests and approvals required by laws and regulations or the
Contract Documents. Consultant's review of such certificates will be for the purpose of
determining that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents and will not
constitute an independent evaluation that the content or procedures of such inspections, tests, or
approvals comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Consultant shall be entitled to
rely on the results of such tests and the facts being certified.
Disagreements between Client and Contractor. Consultant will, if requested by Client, render
written decision on all claims of Client and Contractor relating to the acceptability of Contractor's
work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the
progress of Contractor's work. In rendering such decisions, Consultant shall be fair and not show
partiality to Client or Contractor and shall not be liable in connection with any decision rendered in
good Faith in such capacity.
Applications for Payment. Based on its observations and on review of applications for payment
and accompanying supporting documentation, Consultant will—if requested by City--determine the
amounts that Consultant recommends Contractor be paid. Such recommendations of payment will
be in writing and will constitute Consultant's representation to Client, based on such observations
and review, that, to the best of Consultant's knowledge, information and belief, Contractor's work
has progressed to the point indicated and that such wort:-in-progress is generally in accordance with
the Contract Documents subject to any qualifications stated in the recommendation. hr the case of
unit price work, Consultant's recommendations of payment will include determinations of quantities
and classifications of Contractor's work, based on observations and measurements of quantities
provided with pay requests.
By recommending any payment, Consultant shall not thereby be deemed to have represented that its
observations to check Contractor's work have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of
Contractor's work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the \Crone beyond the
responsibilities specifically assigned to Consultant in this Agreement. It will also not impose
responsibility on Consultant to make any examination to ascertain how or for what purposes
Contractor has used the moneys paid On account of the Contract Price, nor to determine that title to
any portion of the work in progress, materials, or equipment has passed to Client free and clear of
any liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances, nor that there may not be other matters at
issue between Client and Contractor that might affect the amount that should be paid.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton
Substantial Completion. If requested by City, Consultant will, promptly after notice from
Contractor that it considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, in company with Client and
Contractor, conduct a site visit to determine if the Work is substantially complete. Work will be
considered substantially complete following satisfactory completion of all items with the exception
of those identified on a final punch list. If after considering any objections of Client, Consultant
considers the Work substantially complete, Consultant will notify Client and Contractor.
Final Notice of Acceptability of the. Work. if requested by City, Consultant will conduct a final
site visit to determine if the completed Work of Contractor is generally in accordance with the
Contract Documents and the final punch list that Consultant may recommend, in writing, final
payment to Contractor. Accompanying the recommendation for final payment, Consultant shall
also provide a notice that the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents to the
best of Consultant's knowledge,information, and belief based on the extent of its services and based
upon information provided to Consultant upon which it is entitled to rely.
Limitation of Responsibilities. Consultant shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of
any Contractor, or of any of their subcontractors, suppliers, or of any other individual or entity
performing or furnishing the Work. Consultant shall not have the authority or responsibility to stop
the work of any Contractor.
Sub-Task 8.3 Construction Meetings(T&AI Basis)
As requested by the City,Kimley-Horn's project engineer will attend 1 monthly construction coordination
meeting For a period of up to 12 months.It is assumed that the total effort for each of the monthly
meetings will not exceed 4 hours (Total of 4$ hours for this task).
Sub-Task 8.4 Prepare Record Drawings(fl'i3iBasis)
Based on redline markups of the construction contract drawings provided by the contractor and resident
engineer, hurley-1 Torn will prepare record drawings that reflect the actual improvements constructed in the
field. The accuracy of the record drawings will be limited by the accuracy and completeness of the redlines
provided to Kimley-Horn. Minsky-Horn will submit the record drawings in both AutoCAD and PDF
format. Kimley-Horn assumes a total effort of 9'l hours for budgeting purposes, to be performed on a time
and materials basis.
A. Signs will he either single-post or double-post signs,and will be included as part of the Signing
and Striping sheets.
B. There won't be any Caltrans involvement during the project development process.
Date:July 25,2013
ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Services—Dougherty Road Improvements Project
Final Design Services
From:Kintley-Horn and Associates,Inc.,Pleasanton •
C. ILeins not specifically described in the above written scope of services will be considered extra
D. There won't be any federal funding for the project.
Date:July 25,2013
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