HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 DRAFT Minutes 03-12-2009 CITY OF DUBLIN
Draft Minutes
March 12, 2009
The March 12, 2009 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at
7:07 p.m. at the History Center located at Camp Parks, Dublin, California, by Chair Carr.
Chair Carr led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners (Cm.) Present: Carr, Mack,Nuckols, Tutino, Vonheeder-Leopold
Commissioners Absent: Halket, Minniear
On a motion by Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold, seconded by Cm. Tutino, and by a vote of 5-0-0, with Vice
Chair Halket and Cm. Minniear absent, the Commission voted to approve the minutes of February 12,
2009 as presented.
8.1 Camp Parks History Center Tour
The Commission was given a tour of the Camp Parks History Center by longtime volunteer and tour guide
Ms. Tommie Simpson.
8.2 Proposed Ordinance Temporarily Suspending Public Art Requirement for
Residential Projects as an Economic Stimulus Measure
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold asked about the origins of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Hartnett explained that
the impetus behind the proposed ordinance is the City's attempt to assist developers in moving forward
with development by providing some financial relief.
Cm. Nuckols asked about the number of residential developments that choose to install public art instead
of paying the in-lieu fee. Mr. Hartnett stated that, to date, very few residential developments have public
art in Dublin. He stated that it is mostly commercial developers that have installed public art, although
some have paid an in-lieu fee.
Cm. Mack asked about the overall cost-savings the developers would experience as a result of the
proposed ordinance. Mr. Hartnett explained that the cost-savings would depend on the each project's
Building Valuation.
H&CAC Minutes—March 12, 2009
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On a motion by Cm. Tutino, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a vote of 5-0-0, with Vice Chair Halket and
Cm. Minniear absent, the Commission voted to recommend to the City Council the Proposed Ordinance
Temporarily Suspending the Public Art Requirement for Residential Projects.
8.3 Fall 2008 Quarterly Report
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Cm. Nuckols asked about the classes that were cancelled last year and are no longer offered. Mr. Hartnett
explained that classes that do not meet the minimum attendance requirements for consecutive sessions are
typically cancelled and no longer offered.
Cm. Tutino asked if Staff could work with the Dublin Unified School District (DUSD)to use its facilities.
Mr. Hartnett stated that he has used DUSD facilities in the past and plans to continue to do so in the
future, based upon availability.
Cm. Tutino suggested targeting art classes for specific school groups.
Cm. Nuckols asked about offering digital arts classes. Ms. Elizabeth Isles, Dublin Heritage Center
Director, stated that Staff may look into offering digital arts classes.
9.1 Other Business
Cm. Nuckols expressed her interest in creating a forum to display local artists' photography of Dublin.
Ms. Isles informed the Commission of the Dublin Heritage Center's St. Patrick's Day festivities being
held in the Dublin Library Community Room.
Cm. Tutino reported that she is working with Ms. Isles to get knowledge of the Dublin Heritage Center's
website to the Dublin Unified School District.
Chair Carr informed the Commission that the Student Art and Photography Exhibit, set up by the
Dublin/San Ramon Women's Club, is on display at the Dublin Heritage Center.
Mr. Hartnett updated the Commission on the status of the relocation of the Kolb properties.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Franklin
Administrative Technician