HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minutes11-16-1999 REGULAR MEETING - November 16. 1999 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, November 16, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m., by Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Howard and McCormick and Vice Mayor Lockhart Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston PLEDGE OF'ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart led the Council, Staff and those' present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. REPORT FROM ALAMEDA COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT STAFF REGARDING THE RESOURCE-FULL SHOWCASE TRAILER EXHIBIT AT THE DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER 7:04p.m. 3.1 (810-60) An unidentified representative from Alameda County Waste Management Authority thanked the Council for this opportunity and for the City's support and efforts in providing avenue for the Resource~full Showcase Trailer, a traveling environmental exhibit featuring recycled content building products which highlight and demonstrate green building practices. Cm. McCormick stated she is very impressed with the event, but was disappointed that we didn't have a seminar to invite builders and other interested parties to come in. The representative stated they would be happy to schedule this. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 18, 1999 PAGE 586 CONSENT CALENDAR 7:08 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.17 Cm. McCormick requested that Items 4.1, 4.8, 4.11 and 4.16 be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart requested that Items 4.1 and 4.3 be removed. On motion of Cm. Howard, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council took the following actions: Authorized (4.2 600~30) the City Manager to execute an agreement with DMG Maximus for. State Mandated Cost Claiming Services; Adopted (4.4 600~60) RESOLUTION NO. 207.99 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 5766 (HANSEN HILL, PHASE !) AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC DEVICES INSTALLED AS TRACT IMPROVEMENTS and authorized Staff to accept $1,000,000 maintenance bond at a future date; Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 208 - 99 AWARDING A CONSULTING CONTRACT TO ECONOMIC & PLANNING SYSTEMS, INC. (NOT TO EXCEED $13,942) and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement; Adopted (4.6 600~40/930-30) RESOLUTION NO. 209- 99 APPROVING FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND CITY OF DUBLIN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ALAMO CANAL BICYCLE TRAIL PROJECT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 " REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 587 and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement; Adopted (4.7 160-80/350-20) RESOLUTION NO. 210 - 99 AWARDING A CONTRACT TO COMPULINK FOR INSTALLING AN AUTOMATED DOCUMENT STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM approved the Budget Change Form, and authorized Staff to proceed with purchase and installation of LaserFiche Document Imaging System; Authorized (4.9 600-35) Staff to solicit bids for Median Paver Repair project; Authorized (4.10 350~20) Staff to distribute RFPs for p~>Iice vehicle emergency equipment; ..... Adopted (4.12 600 - 30) RESOLUTION NO. 211 -99 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR AUDITING SERVICES WITH VAVRINEK TRINE DAY & CO., LLP (CALTRANS PRE-AWARD AUDIT FOR THE DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT FROM VILLAGE PARKWAY TO SIERRA COURT) and authorized the City Manager to execute the 'agreement; Adoptted (4.13 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 212- 99 AWARDING CONTRACT 99-11, t 999 ANNUAL SIDEWALK SAFETY REPAIR PROGRAM (TWO-YEAR GRINDING CONTRACT) TO CONCRETE GRINDING COMPANY ($3,783.50) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 588 Adopted (4.14 600~ :30) RESOLUTION NO~ 213 - 99 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH MK CENTENNIAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE WIDENING OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM VILLAGE PARKWAY TO SIERRA COURT/CIVIC PLAZA and authorized the Public Works Director to execute Agreement when all Caltrans requirements, including pre~award audit, are met by MK Centennial; Adopted (4.15 670~40) RESOLUTION NO. 214- 99 APPROVING GRANT OF EASEMENT TO DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT AND TO THE JOINT VENTURE DSRSD - EAST BAY MUNICIPAL .UTILITIES DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER AUTHORITY FOR RECYCLED WATER LINES CROSSING DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS Approved (4.17 300~40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,629,496.34 Cm. McCormick stated she pulled the Minutes related to the discussion about balloons on page 576. She stated she thought no small balloons were to be allowed. Mayor Fro Tempore locichart stated it says no pennants are allowed, and she thought they also included small balloons as not being allowed at all. The intent was to get rid of the party balloons. City Manager Ambrose asked about their definition of small. Mayor Pro Tempore lockhart and Cm. McCormick both stated they thought they should do away with the small balloons. Mr. Peabody clarified that this can be flagged when the ordinance is brought back. The City Council can then choose the approach they want to take. One option would be no little balloons. City Manager Ambrose indicated they would have to assign a dimension. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, t 999 PAGE 589 .~-Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated it would be fine to handle this when the Ordinance comes back. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent) approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 2nd and Special Meeting (Closed Session) of November 8, 1999. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she pulled Item 4. 3 related to the ~rant because she wanted to publicly thank Dayton-Hudson for their donakbn. Companies like this really do make a difference in the community. On motion of Mayor Pro Tempore Lockha~t, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council accepted (4.5 150-70) $856 grant from Dayton-Hudson (Mervyns and Target Stores), approved the Budget Change Form; directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgment to donor, and directed Dublin Police Services Staff to use funds to purchase equipment for the bicycle unit. Cm. McCormickpulled Item 4.8 and stated she had a lot of questions on the Goals ~ ~-- Objectives report. Page 1~ # 11~ she asked if we have joined the Sister City. International Organization yet. Ms. Keck responded that she had received the pertinent materials and would complete the forms and send in for membership. The Organizal~bn~ annual conference is in July of each year. Cm. McCormick asked about a policy related to public art. She stated we need to have a policy. Mayor Pro Tempore Lookhart asked if they need to wait until the 2000 Goals ~ Objeotives to discuss this again. Mr. Ambrose stated the Courtoil could put it on a future agenda for ch~oussion. Mayor Pro Tempoz~ IDokhart stated she felt it is oumbersome the way we a~ handling it now. We could agendize the concept of Setting a percentage and poolin5 our funds so the people that were wor~g with can know exactly'what we are loola~g for and how we want it done. There~ no policy and this may be a way to clean this up and a simpler way to deal with theissue. CITY COUNCIL lVIINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 590 Mr. Ambrose stated the City Council should determine ff this is a higher pHod~y than other ilems. Staff can pIace it on future ageads. On page 5, Cm. McCormick asked about the Implementabbn Program for Inclusionsty Housing Ordinance. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff developed a high priority lisl and focuses on lhese first The Council did a siding of the priorities in July or August. Mr. Peabody advised thal what they are doing is preparing an KFP to get going with our consullant work. CaroI Cirelli is wor~g on this now and it wiI1 come back before the Council as soon as we get the KFP together The program has been scheduled to be completed in May of 2000. Cm. McCOrmick commented on page ~ # l'O, t~end letter requesting land from Camp Parks for a Cemetery in Dublin': She stated she saw the response, the blow off letter, from the Commander. She noted we are ma~g progress of lhb Z6 acre spor~s park. The message to Dublin residents is, slay healthy and don~ die. Mayor Pro Tempore LockhaM, page 7, #5~ partz~ipate in selected trade shows to market proper~s in Dublin~ asked if we are worlu~g with the Tri- Valley Business Council to see if we can piggyback on anything they are doing. Economic Development Director Chris Foss staled he has spoken with them to see if we can change out the panels and use their displays. He slated he expects a proposal back from lhe vendor to get a cost for lhe panels and he is reviewing lhe schedule of trade shows. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhad asked on #9, work with Chamber on Discover Dublin program, if we ha ve anylhing going on this yet. Mr. Foss slated he has not worked on this yet, bul will make it a high priority. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she noted that the one slop career center, once we gave them money, they left town. They are over in Pleasanton now. Mr. Ambrose stated they are still providing services to people in the valley. The Council asked if Staff knew they were going to move. Ms. CaHer stated the City was nol notified. - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 591 Page 8, #3~ regarding the Iron Horse Trail, Cm. McCormick asked where the tabsk is going to be and when can she come and look at it. Mr. Thompson responded that it will be up in the Spring and youtl see it as you face north on Areadot Valley Boulevard. Mr. Ambrose advised that Staff will bring a site plan back to the Council before it~ actually put in. Mayor Pro Tempore Lookhart asked about the BMX par~ and if the Youth Advisory Committee group is worJu~g on this? She noted the tdds are s~7I using the City Hall on a regular basis. Staff responded they were not sure. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart~ on page 11~ under disaster preparedness~ commented that when the training took place last yea6 ,the City Council was included and they weren't this year. Mr. Ambrose stated special training was done for the Council last year. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she felt it might be a good idea to go through this for the new Councilmembers. She Iaughingly stated it should not necessarily be held on December 3 1st however. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart asked how the school recycling program was going. She asked if we have had any feedback on how this is worJu)2g with the School District. Mr. Behrmann stated the containers have all been distributed. Staff will get a report next week on all the training and a report will be brought to the City Council at the December 7~ mee~g.- On page 12 Cm. McCormick referenced #5, Inves~ate Use of Construction Recycling Trailez~ and reiterated that the status is not complete, as shown~ until we have the workshop for the builders and perhaps bring the trailer back in the spring so more people can see it. Mayor Pro Teznpore Lookhar~ stated she would also like to have it at one of our festivals since a great number of people could see it at that dine. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, '! 999 PAGE 592 On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council received (4.8 100~80) the report related to status of Goals & Objectives as of October 31, 1999. Cm. McCormick pulled Item 4. I I for the proposed Oowntown plan and stated she~ interested in expanch~g the scope of work somewhat. She stated she did not see where they will look at transportation alternatives, shuHle buses, or something that wouldn't bring cars into the area. She doesn't get a sense that they will look at what will attract people to the area. We need to go a little farther and look at some social planning,; people use issues. Mr. Ambrose asked for clarification on what she meant. Mr. Peabody stated a lot ol this was carry through with what they did with the Downtown Task Force last Spring. We need to look at land use, future land use, the .. opportunists to look at pedestrian access, possibility of having some la~d of use to serve as a focal point~ etc. They did not talk about some of the issues she brought up. These areas are anticipated to have some major changes in the future. The BART stallion will have a significant impact on the uses we will have. With regard to the Montgomery Wards/Target area, there was a real need to look at how we provide pedestnhn access and facade and things that can enhance the area in the future. The plans were more physical in nature and how can we address these issues. Pedestrian access is certainly one issue to consider and another is urban design. ' What l~d of opportunkv is there to enhance the bullchUgs that are there. The emphasis on these plans was to bring back planning documents that can be adopted as blueprints for decisions in the future. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart asked if there will be opportunities for the City Council to interact with the consultants. If so, this could address Cm. McCormick~ concerns. Mr. Peabody stated certainly. We will talk to the property owners and business owners as well. The scope of the RIP will take a lot into consideration. This is a public process and we will have study sessions and public hearings and most every issue will be adequately ch~cussed Mr. Ambrose stated Staff is the general consultant and the consultants H411 proWde technical expertise and they will be brought in at the appropriate times. Cm. McCormick asked if the creeks that crisscross these areas will be discussed Mr. Peabody stated there are none in these areas. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 1 (3, 1999 PAGE 593 Mr. Ambrose stated the one along Village Parkway is a private drainage area owned by the property owners, so this is a property maintenance issue. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absenD, the Council approved (4.11 600~30) the boundaries of Specific Plan Areas as proposed by Staff and authorized Staff to initiate the process to retain a consultant team to provide technical support for 3 proposed Downtown Specific Plans: Village Parkway Specific Plan, Downtown Core Specific Plan and West Dublin BART Plan. Cm. McCormick pulled Item 4. I G related to the Personnel System Revisions and stated she is reluctantly supportz~g this. If this isn't going to work in a reasonable b?ne, perhaps it is t~?ne to look at some administrative reorganiza~Dn or something else. She stated it bothers her that we are tala~g such. a long time with this and can't seem to find anyone for this Administrative Services Director posi~Dn. On motion of Cm. McCormick~ seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (absent) the Council adopted (4.16 700-20) .. RESOLUTION NO. 2'15- 99 and AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR) RESOLUTION NO. 216- 99 and AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR) RESOLUTION NO. 2'!7 - 99 AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE SERVICE RESOLUTION (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 594 PUBLIC HEARING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM 600' WEST OF CLARK AVENUE TO SIERRA COURT) 7:42 p.m. 6.1 (1020~30) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Lee Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the second reading of an ordinance which establishes an underground utility district. The Ordinance was introduced at the November 2'd City Council meeting with no protests. This undergrounding project will be funded primarily by California Public Utilities Commission Rule 20A funds. Some associated work, such as replacement of Street lighting that is currently on wood utility poles is not covered under Rule 20A funds, ~cnd will be paid from the Dublin Boulevard Widening project. Mr. Thompson advised that a few buildings within this District have overhead Cable TV services, which will need to be undergrounded at property owner's expense. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if we had received any feedback from the property owners. Mr. Thompson stated one called and was happy to see it cleaned up. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council waived the reading and adopted (with no protests received) ORDINANCE NO. 25- 99 ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT 99-1 ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM 600' WEST OF CLARK AVENUE TO SIERRA COURT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 595 PUBLIC HEARING - PA 99-019 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES APARTMENTS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE FOR A 7.39 ACRE SITE LOCATED ALONG DOUGHERTY ROAD, NORTH OF HOUSTON PLACE 7:44 p.m. 6.2 (450-30) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart opened the public hearing. Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the second reading of an Ordinance approving the PD Rezone for the Archstone Communities apartments project. The project is located on a 7.39 acre site along Dougherty Road, noah of Houston Place, and consists of a new 177 unit rental apartment complex. Mr. Peabody stated at the November 2nd City Council meeting, the applicants agreed to two additional conditions: 1 ) to provide two moderate income units in addition to paying the in-lieu fees for the remaining 175 units and 2) to work with Staff to provide public art at the project. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if the moderate income units include the 30 year terms as Park Sierra does? Mr. Peabody stated this would be our intent when we do the required Housing Program. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if we have a system in place for how this is going to be managed. How will this be maintained? Park Sierra was run through the Dublin Housing Authority. Mr. Peabody stated we will probably do this the same way unless and until the Council directs otherwise. This makes the most sense at this time. Cm. McCormick asked if we pay them a fee to do this. Mr. Peabody stated he did not believe we pay a fee; this may be a service they provide as part of the DHA. Mr. Ambrose stated they administer Section 8 and he thought they get administration funds. We are not paying anything directly. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 596 Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 26- 99 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF DOUGHERTY ROAD AND NORTH OF HOUSTON PLACE (APN 941-550-5-1) TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT ESTABLISH GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADOPT A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PA 99-0'19, ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES APARTMENT PROJECT PUBLIC HEARING ~ PA 99~045 AMENDMENT TO THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE~ TITLE 5, TO ADD CHAPTER 5.60 HERITAGE TREE ORDINANCE 7:48 p.m. 6.3 (550~80) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart opened the public hearing. Assistant Planner Anne Kinney presented the Staff Report and advised that based on Council input, Staff developed a draft Ordinance which identifies the species and size of trees that are considered heritage trees and which establishes regulations for the protection and removal of heritage trees within the City. The list of Heritage Trees includes Oak, Bay, Cypress, Maple, Redwood, Buckeye and Sycamore trees with a trunk circumference of at least 24" measured at 4' 6" above the ground. The Ordinance would apply to all Heritage Trees located on private and public property within the City, including single~family lots. The Ordinance establishes a procedure for reviewing and issuing Heritage Tree removal permits. The Ordinance establishes a procedure for the protection of Heritage Trees during construction. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November.16, 1999 PAGE 597 The Ordinance establishes civil penalties for damaging or removing a tree without obtaining a permit. Ms. Kinney explained that with regard to resident notification, a City pamphlet could be prepared which identifies the Heritage Trees to be protected, what they are and what they look like. Also, the procedure to obtain a removal permit could be outlined. This pamphlet could be included as an insert in' the Parks and Recreational Activity Guide which is mailed to all City households. Alternatively, a questionnaire could be prepared and printed in the Parks & Recreation Activity Guide. The questionnaire would ask residents to identify what type and size of trees exist on their property and to return the questionnaire. The cost of preparing this survey (including return postage) has not been estimated. Cm. Howard asked when we try to identify these trees, how are we going to do this on private property? Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated if there is one in their back yard, they would have to get a permit if they wanted to take it out. We trust our community. .. Cm. Howard stated she still has a problem with this on people's private property. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Fro Tempore Lockhart closed the public hearing. Cm. McCormick stated she would like to recommend that we use the City's Park & Recreation activity guide to inform residents and also provide the information to real estate brokers in the area so new buyers will be aware of it. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart concurred. The intent of this Ordinance is not to look in people's back yards or make them fear in any way any ulterior motives. The intent is to protect heritage trees and to give an opportunity to think of why they want to remove trees. We are not asking for any invasion of privacy. We can save something that's valuable to everyone in the community. This is a preservation of heritage trees in the community if at all possible. Cm. McCormick concurred and stated the response she has gotten from the public is positive. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 598 Cm. Howard stated her responses had been mixed. A lot of people don't think this should apply to trees in their back yards. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Vice Mayor Lockhart, and by majority vote of the 3 Councilmembers present (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council selected the first option for notifying people, waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance. Cm. Howard voted against the motion. City Attorney Silver advised that all Ordinances require 3 affirmative votes, and therefore, the motion to introduce the Ordinance did not pass. Vice Mayor Lockhart asked if it could be brought back to the next meeting when a full Council will be present. Ms. Silver confirmed that it could. APPEAL OF THE APPLICATION AND INTERPRETATION OF THE ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING CODES FOR VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT THE WOODLANDTOWNHOMES ON OXFORD CIRCLE (ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY) 7:55 p.m. 6.4 (440~40) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart opened the public hearing. Staff advised that due to the lack of a voting quorum, Staff recommended that this item be continued to the December 7th City Council meeting. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart announced that this item is continued to the December 7th meeting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 'i 6, q 999 PAGE 599 SELECTION OF BANNER DESIGN AND AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY BANNERS AND PATRIOTIC BANNERS 7:56 p.m. 8.1 (350-20) Public Works Director Lee Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that a local graphic artist has prepared several designs for each type of banner. Staff was seeking Council input for the preferred banners. Three designs were presented for St. Patrick's Day banners and 3 designs were presented for patriotic banners. Mr. Thompson advised that $12,320 is budgeted in the Downtown Street Banner Replacements Capital Improvement Project for the purchase of the new banners. Since these are custom designs, it will be possible for any banner supplier to bid on the banners. The banners would bd delivered in time for the upcoming Year 2000 St. Patrick's Day celebration and the summer patriotic holidays. Cm. Howard stated she liked illustration #2 for the St. Patrick's Day banner. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated this was fine with her. Cm. McCormick stated #2 was also fine with her. With regard to the patriotic banners, Cm. McCormick stated she liked illustration #3 the best. Cm. Howard and Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated they did too. REQUEST BY DUBLIN LAND COMPANY TO INITIATE A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (PA 99-053) FOR SEVERAL SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SITES LOCATED GENERALLY BETWEEN GLEASON ROAD, TASSAJARA ROAD, DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND THE JENNIFER LIN PROPERTIES TO THE EAST 7:58 p.m. 8.2 (420-30) Community Development Director Eddie Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that Mr. John DiManto of Dublin Land Company has requested a General Plan Amendment for several specific commercial and residential sites located in Eastern CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 600 Dublin between Gleason Road, Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard and the Jennifer Lin properties to the east. Mr. Peabody advised that the present GP and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan contemplated that the majority of this land should be developed for General Commercial use. Several higher density residential areas were proposed behind the commercial areas as a compliment to the commercial areas. No significant lower density areas were identified. The results of these proposed applicant changes would be to create slightly less General Commercial, no neighborhood commercial uses and elimination of higher density residential uses. Mr. Peabody stated Staff has concluded that it is appropriate to land plan and evaluate economic conclusions for the whole Dublin Land Company holdings at the same time. The proposal to create a consolidated General Commercial area between Central Avenue and Dublin Boulevard has significant merit. The important residential issue is whether the multi~family residential areas contemplated in the EDSP on this propertq should be preserved as a buffer between the General Commercial sites to the south of Central Avenue. Mr. Peabody advised that the applicant has proposed a GPA Study that would centraliz~ General Commercial uses, create a Medium Density (6-14 units per acre) area north of Central Avenue, and eliminate present multi-family designations on the property. Mr. Peabody stated it is Staffs opinion that a multi~family designated area should be preserved north of Central Avenue, rather than changing this area to a lower single- family residential designation. In summary, Mr. Peabody stated the City Council should determine whether a GPA Study should be authorized. Specific land use, economic and environmental concerns wiI1 be addressed by the GPA Study itself. Appropriate public hearings would be held before the Planning Commission and City Council regarding entitlements, rezoning, etc. Three Resolutions were presented for Council consideration. The first would initiate a GPA Study as proposed by the applicant. The second would initiate a-GPA Study, with speciaI directions to consider only multi-family residential designations for the area north of Central Avenue to Gleason Road. The third would deny the GPA Study. John DiMauto introduced Kevin Jones with the planning firm, Kenneth Rodriguez Partners Architects. Mr. Jones stated Mr. Peabody had done a nice job of explaining their concept. They see a real opportunity to create a vibrant commercial site by moving some of the uses. They would not be opposed to having a combination of medium and high density on the property to the north. The area would have quite a range of housing options. They CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 601 would support exploring ideas with the same type of mix. The plan before the City tonight is really a first step to see what the property can be developed as. Cm. McCormick stated she will not support medium density on this property. She wants to look at a better use of the land with high density. She is not in favor of big box retail. She did not see any compelling reason to make the change. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she does see a picture of urban sprawl with single family homes next to a big shopping center with a big parking lot. She would like to see the-higher density in the section north of Central. Also, she urged that they consider some smaller single story homes for seniors and bring some more options into the East. We have some limited opportunities to make a difference and to provide a product for another user other than single family homes. She indicated she liked attachment 3 as recommended by Staff. Cm. Howard stated she also was going toward attachment 3. Mayor Fro Tempore Lockhart stated the big boxes are what we're dealing with now in Downtown Dublin and this is what we're trying to get rid of. This looks like we're taking a step back in time instead of a step forward. Mr. Peabody stated they are just talking about initiation of a GPA Study tonight. Action taken tonight doesn't adopt or support a map. Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she understood this, but to be fair to the applicant, they should know the City's concerns. She agreed to studying the GP to see what we could come up with. John Di Manto assured that they will have a refined plan for the 37 acre parcel. It is tenant driven. This will not be the ultimate footprint. They will work closely with Mr. Peabody to come up with a fine plan that will not be urban sprawl. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika and Mayor Houston absent), the Council adopted (with specific directions) RESOLUTION NO. 2'!8 - 99 INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY DUBLIN LAND COMPANY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 602 OTHER BUSINESS 8:20 p.m. City/East Bay Regional Park District Liaison Meeting (610-05) Mr. Ambrose advised that he had received a communication from EBRPD to set up a liaison committee meeting. Vice Mayor Lockhart is the member. He requested that potential dates be given. Kolb Park Trees (290-80) Cm. McCormick asked Mr. Thompson about a memo he sent abou~ the Redwood Tree planting in Kolb Park that was to have been done in September. Mr. Thompson stated actually Cedar Trees were put in and it is done. Litter Control on Village Parkway (810240) Cm. McCormick stated she was asking again about the trash can that neighbors requested for the Areadot Valley Boulevard/Village Parkway bus stop location. Mr. Thompson stated a can was put in on Village Parkway at a bus stop, but he thought it was closer to the High School. He advised that Staff will take a look at this. Civic Center/ADA Compliance (440~40) Cm. McCormick stated she recently been informed that restrooms in the Civic Center building are not ADA compliant. She requested that someone please look into this. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 603 Recycling (810~ 60) Cm. McCormick asked that Staff coordinate discussions between Alameda County Waste Management Staff and the library consultants to see what we can do in the new library building with regard to using recycled materials. Civic Center Holidav Tree (200~30) Cm. McCormick reported that at 11 a.m. on Thursday, November 18% a 24" Sequoia Redwood Tree will be planted in front of City Hall. This is the City's gift to the Dublin community. LAVTA/WHEELS Bus Service (1060-20) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated as a Board Member of LAVTA, she recently attended a planning committee meeting and found out that as of November 15% the funding .. ended for the jail to rail service from Santa Rita to BART station. This was previously funded from transportation funds for clean air and they are not eligible to reapply from this funding source. There is some concern regarding bus transportation which coincides with major release times from the jail. Dublin has a vested interest in working with the County and the Sheriffs Department to find a more stable funding source for this service. They have not stopped the service, but it costs $3,313 a month to run this service. Staff should contact LAVTA and participate in discussions to see that we continue this service. Recycling (810~60) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated we talked previously about an Ordinance for Waste Management for our waste stream for building and redevelopment and to demand a plan of anyone who is building as to how they will do their source reduction. Alameda County Waste Management Authority has completed their construction and demolition ordinance. She passed out copies of what the different options are in their ordinance. They left it fairly generic so cities could customize it to their own needs. She encouraged Dublin to be one of the first to adopt this Ordinance. She stated she would distribute copies to Staff. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1999 PAGE 604 City Beautification / Property Maintenance ( 530- 20) Mayor Pro Tempore Lockhart stated she had noticed a situation and was not sure how to deal with it. Occurring on major streets, she would like to see a little more interest in tagging or ticketing of trailers that are not hitched to anything and which sit for weeks. Boats on Village Parkway and a yellow wooden trailer structure has been sitting there for weeks. On Larkdale Avenue right across from the School District offices, there are several things in violation. There's-a big flat bed truck and a boat on a trailer and they are stored there and this is a narrow street. People need to be responsible for vehicles left on the street. She stated she would like Staff to take a look at this. CLOSED SESSION 8:29 p.m. 10.1 Mayor Fro Tempore Lockhart announced that the Closed Session scheduled for this evening was canceled. A special meeting has been noticed for Friday, November 19% so this meeting is adjourned to that meeting. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING November 'i 6, 1999 PAGE 605 SPECIAL MEETING - November 19, 1999 A special meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Monday, November 19, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at I 1:00 a.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Howard, McCormick, Zika, Vice Mayor Lockhart and Mayor Houston. None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Mayor Lockhart led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Mayor Houston announced that in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.S(a), at this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council concerning items described in this special meeting notice. Upcoming Meetings/Events (610-05) City Manager Ambrose advised of several upcoming meetings/events. The City's Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on December 2nd at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Ambrose advised that because Staff anticipates that the December 7th City Council meeting agenda will be heavy, he asked if the Council wished to start the meeting at 6:00 p.m. The Council indicated that this would be fine. An item related to the new Library, Visioning Session will be first on the agenda. The School District has asked that a liaison meeting be held at 5:00 p.m., on either December 6m or December 13th. Mayor Houston and Vice Mayor Lockhart who serve on this liaison committee indicated that either date would work for them. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 S P E CI A L MEETING November 19, 1999 PAGE 6O6 A liaison meeting has' been scheduled with the East Bay Regional Park District for 11:30 a.m., on Monday, November 22na. It will be held in the City Manager's Conference Room at the Civic Center. CLOSED SESSION 11:02 a.m. 10.1 (640~30) City Manager Ambrose suggested that the closed session be held in the Conference Room upstairs. The Council recessed to a closed session to conference with Legal Counsel ~ AntiCipated Litigation. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 5495.6.9, subdivision c: One Case. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Houston announced that no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 12:06 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 S P E C I A L MEETING November 19, 1999 PAGE 607