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PUBLIC HEARING: PA 99-018, Zoning Ordinance Amendment to
Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, of the Dublin
Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance).
(Report Prepared by: Dennis Carrington Senior Planner/Zoning
Administrator) -at
Planning Commission Resolution 99-32 recommending that the City
Council adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 8.76, Off-Street
Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code
(Zoning Ordinance).
Ordinance amending Chapter 8. 76, Off-Street Parking and Loading
Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code.
Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
City Council Resolution 134-97
Minutes of November 9, 1999 Planning Commission meeting
Parking Analysis and Description of Proposed Changes
Open public hearing
Receive staff presentation and public hearing
Close public hearing
Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance amending Chapter 8.76,
Off-StreetParking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin
Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance)
Give. direction to Staff on epforcementof provisions of the
Miliricipal Code;whether by means of a complaint or without a
Continue the public hearing to December 21, 1999 meeting
~ofinancial impact is anticipated.
On November 9, 1999,.the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt. an ordinance
amending Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code
(Zoning Ordinance).
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On September 2, 1997, the City Council adopted the comprehensive revision of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance. Chapter8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, was adopted as part of that
revision. The Planning Commission conducted a study session on Parking Regulations on May 25, 1999.,..1-\
At that study session, three main concerns were expressed about the adequacy of the parking requirements
for residences.
1. The number of parking spaces per dwelling unit for apartments and condominiums.
2. The number of guest parking spaces.
3. The distance these guest-parking spaces should be from the dwelling units they serve.
Staff conducted a parking study during the evening of August 5, 1999. Two apartment complexes,
Amador Lakes and Parkwood; two condominium complexes, California Highlands and California
Brookside; and one single family development, California Creekside were studied. The basic conclusion
from the parking study was that parking for the apartment complexes and condominium complexes are
adequate and in accordance with the current Parking Ordinance.
The single family project studied also provided adequate parking based on the current parking code,
because it has \,vide public streets and deep driveways. It was found that developments with lots of 4,000
square feet or less and narrow private streets with parking on one side of the street do not provide one on-
street parking space within 150 feet of each dwelling unit as desired by the City Council and Planning
Commission. It is recommended that the parking regulations be modified to require this. The detailed
analysis of the Parking Study is presented in Attachment 6.
Staff is proposing the following amendments to Chapter 8.76 of the Zoning Ordinance, Off-Street Parking
and Loading Regulations, to clarify language, correct problems or omissions within the regulations and
address issues that have arisen since the regulations were adopted. There are six major changes proposed
for the Parking Ordinance and eight minor changes. The proposed changes are presented in more detail in
Attachment No.6 to this Staff Report. A brief synopsis of each change, with additions in bold italics and
deletions in stri.l::etlrrOl1;h. for major changes, is presented below.
1. '8.76.20 Applicability Every use hereafter commenced, every private parking facility or garage,
and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered, shall have permanently maintained off-
street parking facilities and vehicular loading spaces, as required by the provisions of this Chapter.
These regulations do not apply to parking garages and facilities of governmental agencies.
The need for this new language became apparent when the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
proposed a temporary parking lot adjacent to Dublin Boulevard. City of Dublin Zoning
Regulations do not apply to other governmental agencies unless provided for by an annexation (or
other) agreement.
8. 76.060.E. 7 Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked within
the confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown on an approved Off-
Street Parking and Loading Plan.
'. ' . .~
This new language is proposed because persons operating Christmas.tree lots, pumpkin patches,
arts and crafts fairs, carnivals, booths in the Pasta Festival and fireworks.sales booths typically
occupy motorhomes near their booths for security reasons. These types of uses are permitted by
means ofa Temporary Use Permit (TUP) except for fireworks booths, which are regulated by the
Alameda County Fire Department. Staff can include administrative language in the TUP handouts
that would place reasonable restrictions on the location of motor homes and the times they can be
in place.
8.76.060.F Parking of unlicensed or inoperable vehicles prohibited. ~o unlicensed or fieH-
operational inoperable vehicle shall be parked or stored in any zoning district unless otherwise
permitted by a Conditional Use Permit or if legitimately stored while being actively repaired (not
storedfor more than four weeks)bya permitted repair facility (non-residential zoning districts
only) in a front setback, area in front ofa residence or principal building but behind the front
, setback, street side setback in front of a fence, or on a driveway.
..:-... ~
This language would change "non-operational" to "inoperable" to be consistent with other
language in the Zoning Ordinance. It is proposed that the restriction regarding parking or storing
vehicles apply to any zoning district to make it clear that such vehicles must not be parked in non-
residential as well as residential zoning districts.. Additional language is proposed to allow
vehicles to be stored while being actively repaired (not stored for more than four weeks) by a
permitted repair facility in non-residential zoning districts. This language would recognize and
respect repair facilities that are actively repairing all of the vehicle on their property and would
also help address situations where auto repair facilities store derelict vehicles for long period of
time. Mixed~usecommercial areas where auto repair facilities are located can have parking
shortages if some parking spaces are used for long term storage of vehicles.
5. 8.76.080 BResidential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces
as follows:
.. '\.
Single Family/DuplexIMobile Home
Lots of4,000 square feet or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling plus one on-street
parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of
that dwelling unit. "
I Lots greater than-4,000 squarefeet 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling
',' ..,t'~'4
This language ensures that, for small lot subdivisions (4,000 square feet lots or less), at least one
on-street parking space will be provided for each dwelling unit that is within 150 feet of that
dwelling unit. This should ensure that adequate guest parking is available in small lot ~\
6. 8.76.080 D Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
AutomobileN ehicle
Sales'and Service 1 per 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor display area,
1 per 250 square feet of office space, 1 per
400 square feet of repair space and one per
company vehicle
Outdoor storage 1 per 1,000 squarefeet
These language changes address parking requirements for automobile agencies and commercial
outdoor storage (such as the garden center at Target) that were omitted in the current language.
The parking standards are consistent with other office, repair space and outdoor storage parking
standards elsewhere in the Ordinance.
8.76.060.E.6 Parking in Side, Street Side Yard and Rear Yard. The purpose for this proposed
language is to clarify a confusing sentence and make the language consistent with other sections of """"-)
the Ordinance.-
2. Tandem Parking. This language will allow tandem parking to be applied more
flexibility than under the current regulations and would allow tandem parking within single-family
dwelling unit attached garages.
3. 8.76.070.A.2 BicycleRacks. This revision adds language requiring one bicycle parking space for
every 40 vehicular parking spaces. The earlier language was unclear. The proposed language
. _"__,,__~,_~_ W'Q'!!l~tb.-e__col1sistent_withexperiencegainedthrough recent shopping center proj ects.
4. 8.76.070.A.7.a ParkingSpace Size. This change is proposed for consistency with other Code
sections. No changes in space size are proposed.
5. 8.76.070.A.7.e Minimum Parking Dimensions. Changes are proposed to an existing table in the
Ordinance to bring stall depths for angled spaces and back up distance standards into conformity
with standard engineering practice and eliminate references to Disabled Accessible Parking (see
next item).
6. 8.76.070.A.8 Disabled Accessible Parking. The proposed language refers to State Title 24
requirements rather than specific standards.
7. 8.76.070.A.1A.a.1 Principal Residence. This language is being added to more clearly state ....,I.
where parking may occur on a residential lot and to bring the language into conformity with other
sections of the Ordinance.
8.76.070.A.14.c Non-residential Lot. This language is being changed to bring it into conformity
with other sections of the Ordinance.
, ,
The City Council adopted Resolution 134-97 on November 4, 1997, which establishes the enforcement
policy for the Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, Housing Code, and Property Maintenance Ordinance.
Attachment 1 to that Resolution establishes a procedure to be followed in investigating complaints about and
enforcing possible violations of the above-listed codes. The Resolution determines which code provisions
are to be enforced on a complaint basis or without a complaint. Several proposed Municipal Code changes
are' addressed in this Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Staff seeks direction from the City Council on whether
they should be enforced ona complaint basis or without a complaint. A listing of the Municipal Code
changes follows:
1) 8.76.060.E.6 Parking in Side, Street Side Yard, and RearYard. A maximum of two vehicles,
including RV's, may be parked at a residence in the following areas, if screened by a 6 foot high
fence or wall: in the Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Rear Yard, or the area between the Rear Yard
and the rear of the residence.
2) 8.76.070.A.14.a.l Principal Residence. Similar language to the section above.
3) 8.76.060.E.7 Parking within a designated parking space.
4) 8.76.060.E.8.b Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored ona lot.
5) 8.76.060.F Parking of unlicensed or inoperable ("Non-OP") vehicles prohibited.
This is currently.addressed indirectly through the Property Maintenance Ordinance. This change
H would providefor direct enforcement via the Zoning Ordinance.
" ",
':~'::' If the City Council directs that Resolution 134-97 be amended to add sections to be enforced, either with
or without complaint, Staffwill return with a revised Resolution at the December 21, 1999 meeting.
On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that .the Comprehensive
Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations,
is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It can be seen with certainty that there
is no possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance in this manner would have a significant effect on the
environment (Section 15061(b)(3). Various changes to the Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
are proposed which.would not increase or create environmental impacts. These changes will have no
environmental impacts and are also exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a
significant effect on the environment.
Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, receive staff presentation and public
hearing,.close the public hearing, deliberate, waive reading and introduce the Ordinance amending
Chapter 8.76, Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning
:~..r Ordinance), give staff direction to Staff on enforcement of provisions of the Municipal Code, whether by
23 means of a complaint or without a complaint, and continue the public hearing to December 21, 1999
/ ctf bD
WHEREAS, the comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 20-
97) was adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1997; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, of the
revised Zoning Ordinance addressed parking and loading requirements within the City of
Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the City Council on August 18, 1997, adopted Resolution 103-97
finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter
8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, is exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no
possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance would have a significant effect on the
environment (Section 15061(b)(3)); and
WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report, SCH#840 11 002, was prepared for
the Dublin General Plan and certified on February 11, 1985; which addressed impacts of
the future development of the City-of Dublin; and which impacts and analysis exceed the
impacts of the amendments to Chapter 8.76 the Zoning Ordinance, Off-Street Parking and
Loading Regulations; and
WHEREAS, Staff has prepared an amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street
Parking and Loading Regulations as shown in the accompanying staff report; and
WHEREAS, a staff report analyzing the amendments was submitted for P A 99-
018, which stated that the amendments to Chapter 8.76 (P A 99-018) do not represent
changes that can have any environmental effect because it can be seen with certainty that
there is no possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance in this manner would have a
significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3)); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said amendment
to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, on November 9, 1999, for
which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its November 9, 1999, meeting
considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing.
;2 cV' bD
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission -...J'
does hereby find that the amendments to Chapter 8.76 (P A 99-018) do not repr~sent
changes that can have any environmental effect because it can be seen with certainty that
there is no possibility that revising the Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations in
such a manner would have a significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3)),
and does recommend that the City Council amend Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and
Loading Regulations, of the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) as shown in Exhibit 1
and Exhibit 2 to the November 9, 1999, staff report for P A 99-018.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th day of November, 1999.
em. Johnson, Musser, and Oravetz
hairperson 7 -
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Community Development Director
g:pa990 18\pcres
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WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determined that the Parking Regulations of the Dublin
Municipal Code (Chapter 8.76) must be revised to more effectively regulate parking within the City;
WHEREAS, On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the
Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and
Loading Regulations, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It can be seen
with certainty that there is no possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance in this manner would have a
significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3). Various changes to the Off-Street Parking
and Loading Regulations are proposed which would not increase or create environmental impacts. These
changes will have no environmental impacts and are also exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such
amendments would have a significant effect on the environment; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed pubic hearing on this project
on November 9, 1999 and did adopt Resolution 99-32 recommending that the City Council approve an
amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearings were held by the City Council on December 21,
1999 and January 4, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the
Ordinance Amendment; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council
fmds that the Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said
repgns~rec()11]Jllend!3#oIls _ i:lI!d t~stiJJ:1ony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1.
Section 8.76.020, Applicability, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Applicability. Every use hereafter commenced, every private parking facility or garage,
and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered, shall have permanently
maintained off-street parking facilities and vehicular loading spaces, as required by the
provisions of this Chapter. These regulations do not apply to parking garages and facilities
of governmental agencies."
i/ .'ozf 6'D
Section 2.
Section 8.76.060.E.6, Parking in Side, Street Side Yard, and Rear Yard, of the Dublin Municipal Code is
amended toread as follows: '""""'"
"6. Parking in Side, Street Side Yard, and Rear Yard. A maximum of tWo vehicles,
including RV's, may be parked at a residence in the following areas, if screened by a 6 foot high
fence or wall: in the Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Rear Yard, or the area between the Rear Yard
and the rear of the residence."
Section 3.
Section 8. 76.060.E. 7, Parking within a designated parking space, of the Dublin Municipal Code is added
to the Dublin Municipal Code as follows:
"7. Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked within the
confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown on an approved Off-
Street Parking and Loading Plan."
Section 4.
Section 8.76.060.E.8.b, Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot, of the Dublin Municipal
Code is amended to read as follows:
"b. Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot. At no time shall a ........"
motorhome, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, mounted or un-mounted camper top,
boat or other similar vehicle as determined by the Director of Community
Development parked or stored on a lot be occupied for living, sleeping, or any other
purposes except as permitted by a Temporary Use Permit or adjacent to a fireworks
sales booth or as legally allowed in a bonafide trailer park, mobilehome park, or
recreational vehicle park."
Section 5.
Section 8.76.060.F., Parking of unlicensed or inoperable ("Non-Op") vehicles prohibited, of the Dublin
Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"F. Parking of unlicensed or inoperable ("Non-Op") vehicles prohibited. No unlicensed or
inoperable vehicle shall be parked or stored in any zoning district unless otherwise permitted by a
Conditional Use Permit or iflegitimately stored while being actively repaired (not stored more
than four weeks) by a permitted repair facility (non-residential zoning districts only) in a front
setback, area in front of a residence or principal building but behind the front setback, street side
setback in front of a fence, or on a driveway."
Section 6.
., ,"""'"
Section, Tandem Parking, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
S ~6D
Tandem Parking. The Zoning Administrator may approve an off-street parking program by
means of a Conditional Use Permit utilizing limited tandem (front to back) parking for commercial
and industrial uses under unusual design constraints provided that the development requires 20 or
more parking spaces. This may be accomplished by the use of tandem, wedge qr other techniques
approved by the Zoning Administrator. Tandem parking is permitted within single-family
dwelling unit attached garages. The Zoning Administrator may require that an attendant be on
duty during normal business hours."
Section 7.
"Section 8.76.070.A.2, Bicycle Racks, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
2. Bicycle Racks. Parking lots with 20 or more spaces in non-residential zoning districts
shall provide one bicycle parking space in a bicycle rack for each 40 vehicular parking
spaces. In multi-family residential complexes, one bicycle storage space shall be provided
within each residence or in lockable containers or spaces if not within the individual
residence. Bicycle racks shall be designed to provide a minimum of four bicycle spaces in
each rack, and so that a bicycle can be secured to the rack. The location of the bicycle rack
shall not encroach into the sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of the
sidewalk to less than four (4) feet. Bicycle racks shall be placed in a location where they
shall have adequate lighting and can be surveilled by the occupants."
Section 8.
..,ection 8. 76.070.A. 7.a, Parking space sizes, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows;
"a. Parking space sizes. Full-size parking spaces shall be 9 feet in width and 20 feet
in length. Compact parking spaces shall be 8 feet wide and 17 feet in length. The
length of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 feet if the vehicles parked in them
will overhang landscaping or a sidewalk such that the sidewalk is not reduced to an
unencumbered width of less than 4 feet."
Section9.c, .n_O
Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read
as follows:
"e. Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions shall be as
indicated in the following table as illustrated by Figure 76-1
to ~bO
Table 76-1
All values in feet unless otherwise specified
A (in B X C D E F A B X C D E F
90C 8.0 17.0 17.0 26.0 8.0 60.0 45 C 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11.3 51.4
90F 9.0 20.0 20.0 26.0 9.0 66.0 45 F 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12.7 57.0
80 C 8.0 17.0 18.1 26.0 8.1 62.2 30C 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16.0 46.8
80 F 9.0 /20.0 21.3 26.0 9.1 68.6 30 F 9.0 20.0 17.8 16,0 18,0 51.6
70C 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20C 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23.4 42.6
70 F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20F 9.0 20.0 15.3 16.0 26.3 46.6
60C 8.0 17,0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 OC 8.0 17.0 0.0 20,0 23.0 20.0
60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 10.4 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20,0 23.0 20.0
C = Compact Space, F = Full Sized Space"
Section 10.
Section 8.76.070.A.8, Disabled Accessible Parking, ofthe Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as
"8. Disabled Accessible Parking. The location and design of parking spaces for the disabled
shall be as required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations."
Section 11.
Section 8.76.070.A.14.a.l, Principal residence, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as
Principal residence. All parking spaces shall be located on the
same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a
Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to a
Condi1j.onal Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a
R..:.sident~al ParkinK Lot shall :he 1].Q!.more_ than_ISO feet from the .--'
residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall
be located within an enclosed garage. Other than the two required
garaged parking spaces, a maximum of two vehicles (which shall
include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or
Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas if
screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side yard is
unobstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4.
Additional parking may occur in area Sa. Parking in area 5b shall be
as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area
5c except as permitted by Section 8.76.060.E.4. Scc Figurc 76-3.
Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed
garage parking. No parking shall occur in Area 6.
1 L7Jf ~o
1. Rear Yard
2. Area between Rear Yard and rear of residence
3. Side Yard
a. Street Side Yard
b. Side Yard
4. Area between Side Yard and side of residence
5. Front Yard
a. Driveway
b. Area between the driveway and nearest Side Lot Line
c. Area between the driveway and the most distant Side Lot Line or
Street Side Lot Line
6. Area between Front Yard and front of residence"
Section 12.
Section 8.76.070.A.14.c, Non-residential lot, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Non-residential lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel
as the primary structure or use, unless provided under Section 8.76.050,
Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces, or as a Commercial Parking
Lot by the Planning Commission pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit in
the C-O, C.,.N, and M-P zones or as allowed in the C-1, C-2, M-l, and M-2
zones pursuant to Site Development Review. The most distant parking
space in a Commercial Parking Lot or an on-site parking lot shall be not
more than 400 feet from the use they serve. Parking may occur in the Side
Yard, Street Side Yard, Front Yard, Rear Yard and areas between the
structure and required yards if behind perimeter landscaping and screening
pursuant to Site Development Review."
Section 13.
Section 8.76.080.B, Residential Use Types, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to modify parking
requirements for Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Homes. The new language will read as follows:
"B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as
Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Home
Lots of 4,000 square feet or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling plus one on-street
parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of that
dwelling unit.
Lots greater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling"
Section 14.
Z1~ 't;D
Section 8.76.080.D, Commercial Use Types, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to modify parking
requirements for AutomobileN ehicle Sales and Service. The new language will read as follows: .....,
"D. Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces
as follows:
Sales and Service I per 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor display area,
1 per 250 square feet of office space, 1 per 400 square
feet of repair space and one per company vehicle"
Section 15.
Section 8.76.080.D, Commercial Use Types, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to add parking
requirements for Outdoor Storage. The new language will read as follows:
"D. Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces
as follows:
Outdoor storage
1 per 1,000 square feet"
Section 16. Conformin~ Amendments. Chapter 8.76 shall be re-numbered and/or re-lettered as necessary \...".,
to accommodate and/or reflect the forgoing amendments.
Sectionl7. Severabilitv.
The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is
held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality,
invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions,
_ .~la~~~, _s.ent~~~s, sections, word~_o~.Ea.rt~_~~_r~o~?~the ordinance or their applicability to ?~e~ p~rsons or
circumstances. - - - --. .. -
Section 18. Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption.
The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places
in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of Cali fomi a."
on this 4th day of January, 2000, by the following votes:
, ...."
City Clerk
~ ~ 60
/0 o-z) ~6
Chapter 8.76
Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of the requirements for off-street
parking established by this Chapter are to minimize traffic congestion and hazards
to motorists and pedestrians, to provide safe, attractive, and convenient off-street
parking facilities with vehicular access to all land uses, to provide off-street parking
in proportion to the needs generated by varying land uses, to ensure access to
projects by emergency response vehicles, and to ensure that parking areas are
compatible with the surrounding land uses.
Applicability. Every use hereafter commenced, every private parkingfacility or
garage, and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered, shall have
permanently maintained off-street parking facilities and vehicular loading spaces,
as required by the provisions ofthis Chapter. These regulations do not apply to
parking garages and facilities of governmental agencies.
Maintenance. It shall be unlawful for any person, owning, leasing or controlling a
building or structure to fail, neglect or refuse to provide and maintain adequate
parking facilities as hereinafter provided.
General Regulations.
A. Changes in Use. When an existing use is enlarged, increased or intensified, or a new use
having a greater parking requirement than the previous use is proposed, the required
number of parking spaces for the new use or existing, enlarged, increased or intensified use
shall be calculated and provided as specified by Section 8.76.080.
B. Continuing O~ligation. 1J:le maintenance of the parking and loading spaces required
shall be a continuing obligation of the owner_ ,!_f the pr,!perty upon whic_h ~.e building or
structUre' is located as long as the 'building or structure exists and the use requiring such
space continues. It shall be unlawful for an owner of a building or structure affected by
these requirements to discontinue, change or dispense with or to cause the discontinuance,
sale or transfer of such building or structure, without establishing alternative spaces which
conform to those requirements; or for any person, finn, or corporation to use such building
or structure without providing such required parking or loading spaces, in compliance with
these regulations.
C. Cross Access Encouraged. Applicants for commercial and industrial developments
should be encouraged to provide cross-access to adjacent non-residential properties for
convenience, safety and efficient circulation of motor vehicles. A Mutual Access
Agreement shall be executed where cross-access is provided.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
II ~ bO
Chapter 8.76
Gross Floor Area. The computation of the number of parking spaces required for a
structure or use is based on the gross floor area of the structure or use the parking serves.
E. Guest Parking. Required guest parking in residential zoning districts shall be so
designated and restricted for the use of guests.
F. Maintenance. All parking and storage areas shall be maintained so that the pavement is
structurally sound, clean and free of dust, mud or trash and striped to City standards. All
pavement repair, striping, reconstruction, or restoration work shall be done in accordance
with City standards.
G. Multiple-Use Projects. Where a project contains more than one use type (and typically
multiple tenant spaces) such as offices, restaurants, and retail sales, the amount of parking
to be provided shall be the total of that required by Section 8.76.080, Parking
Requirements by Use Type, for each use type, except as otherwise provided by Section
8.76.050 below, Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces.
New Buildings or Development Projects Without Known Tenants. If the type of
tenants that will occupy a non-residential building are not known at the time of the
development entitlement or building permit approval, the amount of parking to be provided
shall be the minimum number of parking spaces required by Section 8.76.080 for a mix of
use types typical of comparable buildings or development projects in that zoning district as
determined by the Director of Community Development. The intent of this section is to
ensure sufficient parking by anticipating a typical use type mix which is appropriate to the
design and nature of the building or development project.
I. No Double Counting of Parking and Loading Spaces. No area may be utilized and
counted both as a required parking space and a required loading space.
J. Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan Required. All uses which require a building
pennit,site-development review or conditional use permit shall be accompanied by an Off-
__ Street Parking and Loading Plan'unlesswaivecl by the Director. The contents of the Off-
Street Parking and Loading Plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Community
Development. The Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan may be incorporated into the Site
Plan for the Site Development Review or Conditional Use Permit. No building permit, site
development review or conditional use permit will be approved unless its Off-Street
Parking and Loading Plan complies with the requirements of this Chapter.
K. Rounding. Where the number of required parking spaces results in a fraction of 0.50 or
higher, the requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole space.
Tenant Spaces With Accessory Storage. When a tenant has enclosed accessory storage
in excess of2,000 square feet, the required parking for that portion of the tenant space
dedicated to storage shall be calculated as specified by Section 8.76.080 for the
Warehousing and Distribution use type which is one parking space per 1,000 square feet of
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
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"____ _. Chapter 8.76
warehousing area. The required parking for the remainder of the tenant space shall be
calculated as specified in Section 8.76.080 for the primary use.
M. Tenant Space With Multiple Functions.
1. Large tenant space. When a large tenant spa<;:e (as determined by the Director of
Community Development) contains several use types, such as an office,
manufacturing, and a cafeteria, the amount of parking to be provided shall be the
total of that required by Section 8.76.080 for each Use Tvpe, except as otherwise
provided by Section 8.76.050 below, Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces.
2. Small tenant space. When a small tenant space (as determined by the Director of
Community Development) contains several use types, the amount of parking to be
provided for the tenant space shall be calculated as specified by Section 8.76.080
for the primary Use Tvpe, except as otherwise provided by Section 8.76.050 below,
Adjustment to Number of Required Parking Spaces, for the entire gross floor area
of the tenant space.
N. Use. The word "use" shall mean both type and intensity of the use, and that a change in
use shall be subject to all of the requirements of this Chapter.
Uses Not Listed. Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined
by the Director of Community Development, based upon the requirements for comparable
uses and upon the particular characteristics of the use. Additional parking for specific uses
may also be required upon determination by the Director of Community Development and
the Planning Commission.
Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces
Compact Car Space Substitution. Parking lots with 20 or more spaces may substitute
compact car spaces for up to 35 percent of the total spaces required. Each compact space
shall be labeled "Compact" Ofc"C"., .n' .
Motorcycle Space Substitution. Parking lots with 40 or more spaces may replace regular
spaces with motorcycle spaces. One regular space may be replaced for each 40 required
spaces. Motorcycle spaces shall be a minimum size of 3 by 6 feet.
Off-Site Parking. Where required parking for a use type cannot be feasibly provided on
the same site as an approved use, the Zoning Administrator may allow the required parking
to be located on an adjacent parcel pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit subject to all of
the following requirements:
Conditional Use Permit Findings can be made.
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Chapter 8.76
The most distant parking space from a non-residential use type is not more than 400
feet from the use and the most distant parking space from a residential use type is
not more than 150 feet from the use.
3. Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be
deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development are executed to
assure that the required parking spaces are provided to the principal use for the life
of the documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements.
4. The parking lot site is not located in a residential zone unless the principal use
requiring the parking is also allowed in a residential zone.
5. The parking lot site is not within a road easement or private street.
D. Parking Exception. The Director of Community Development may grant a Parking
Exception of up to 10% of the required parking spaces when necessary due to unusual
design situations. A study shall be prepared by a traffic engineer addressing the request for
a Parking Exception. Any approval of a Parking Exception shall be subject to the approval
of that study by the Community Development Director.
Parking Reductions For An Individual Use. When a reduction of off-street parking is
proposed because an applicant for a proposed use believes the number of parking spaces
required for their use as specified in Section 8.76.080 is not applicable, because the use
would function differently than the generic use type and associated parking standards
established in this Chapter, the Zoning Administrator may grant a reduction in off-street
parking requirements pursuant to Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit, if:
1.' Conditional Use Permit findings can be made.
The Applicant submits a parking study prepared by a qualified consultant analyzing
the parking' demands of the proposed use and the parking demands of similar uses
-in-similar situations,demonstrating that the required parking standards are
excessive, and proposing alternate parking standards which are appropriate and
ensure that there will not be a parking deficiency.
3. Overflow parking will not impact any adjacent use.
F. Parking Reductions For Shared Parking. When shared off-street parking is proposed
between two or more adjacent use types, the Zoning Administrator may grant a reduction
in off-street parking requirements (from the sum of the parking required by each use type)
in compliance with Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit. Reductions for shared parking
may be granted if a report by a registered traffic engineer shows that requirements 1-4
below are met and if requirement 5 is met:
. ,---.
1. The Conditional Use Permit findings can be made.
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Chapter 8.76
A sufficient number of spaces is provided to meet the greatest parking demands of
the participating use types and to ensure that there will not be a parI?ng deficiency.
3. Satisfactory evidence is provided that the use types, by their natures and operating
times, will not conflict with each other.
4. Overflow parking will not adversely affect any adjacent use.
5. Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be
deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator are executed to assure that the
required parking spaces provided are maintained and that uses with similar hours
and parking requirements as those uses sharing the parking facilities remain for the
life of the documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements.
G. Parking Variance. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, a Variance shall be
obtained to allow deviations from provisions of this Chapter which govern Parking
Requirements by Use Type (Section 8.76.080), and Loading Requirements (Section
8.76.090). A parking variance shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 8.112,
Special Regulations
Accessibility and Usability. All required off-street parking spaces shall be designed,
located, constructed and maintained so as to be fully and independently usable and
accessible at all times, except when the closure of such parking areas is authorized for the
securing of the property in question or for public safety purposes. The usability of required
parking spaces shall be maintained as follows:
1. Required off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used for any purpose
that at any time would preclude the parking or maneuvering of motor vehicles.
.------ - ----::".---- ,-._._~.,_~-----......-n- _.._
2. No owner or tenant shall lease, rent, or otherwise make a parking space required by
this Chapter unavailable to the intended users of the parking space.
B. Commercial Vehicles. The parking of a Commercial Vehicle in any Residential zoning
district (on or off-street) for a period of 2 hours or greater in any 24 hour period, or the
parking of two or more commercial vehicles (on or off-street) at anyone time in the
immediate vicinity, is prohibited, except for the purpose of loading or unloading property
therefrom, or in connection with the performance of a service to or on property in the
immediate vicinity.
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Chapter 8.76
C. Company Vehicles.
1. Commercial or industrial districts. Uses in commercial or industrial zoning
districts shall provide one parking space, in addition to those requir~d by this
Chapter, for each company vehicle which is parked on the site during normal
business hours. The space may be located within a building.
2. Residential districts. Company vehicles including repair vans, trucks, panel vans
and similar vehicles may not be parked in residential zoning districts except for one
truck, van, or automobile only which is no larger than 3/4 ton as permitted by this
Title under Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations.
D. Disabled Accessible Parking. Parking lots shall include the number of disabled
accessible parking spaces as required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
Such spaces shall be designed as required by Section 8.76.070.A.8, Disabled Accessible
Parking. Disabled spaces count toward the total number of parking spaces required by
Section 8.76,080, Parking Regulations by Use Type.
E. Recreational Vehicle parking in residential areas. One Recreational Vehicle (RV) as
defmed in this Title may be parked on a driveway, or paved area between the driveway and
the nearest Side Lot Line subject to the following requirements:
The RV plus any accessories shall not encroach to within one foot of the public
2. Paving. The area between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line used for RV
parking shall be paved with an all..;W'eather surface to the satisfaction of the Director
of Community Development.
3. Curb Cut. A curb cut may be considered by the Director of Public Works for an
R,V parking space permitted pursuant to this Section.
4. Alternate location. In unusual situations where there is insufficient room between
the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line to park an RV, the Director of
Community Development may permit paved parking for that purpose in an
alternate location.
5. Ownership. An RV parked as required in this Section, shall be owned by and
registered to the occupant of the premises upon which it is parked or stored.
6. Parking in Side, Street Side Yard, and Rear Yard. A maximum of two
velticles, including R V's, may be parked at a residence in tlte following areas, if
screened by a 6 foot Itiglt fence or wall: in tlte a Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Rear
Yard, or tlte area behind between tlte Rear Yard and tlte rear of the residence ~
not in tl3.e Rear Yard if screened by a. 6 fa ot high fence.
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/6 CJTP' 6i)
. Q
, -...--.- Chapter 8.76
Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked withilt
tlte confines of parking spaces as striped on theground and as sho.wn on an
approved Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan. '
'...."" ,
8+. Prohibited parking.
a. Living or sleeping in vehicle parked upon any public right-of-way. At
no time shall a motorhome, recreational vehicle, mobilehome or similar
vehicle as determined by the Director of Community Development, parked
upon any public right-of-way in any zoning district be occupied for living or
sleeping purposes.
b. Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot. At no time shall
a motorhome, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, mounted or un-mounted
camper top, boat or other similar vehicle as determined by the Director of
Community Development parked or stored on a lot be occupied for living,
sleeping, or any other purposes except as permitted by a Temporary Use
Permit or adjacent to a fireworks sales bootlt or as legally allowed in a
bonafide trailer park, mobilehome park, or recreational vehicle park.
Parking of unlicensed or ReR eperatieRal inoperable ("Non-Op " vehicles prohibited.
No unlicensed or non operational inoperable vehicle shall be parked or stored in any
zoning district unless otherwise permitted by a Conditional Use Permit or if legitimately
stored wltile being actively repaired (not stored more than four weeks) by a permitted
repair facility (non-residential zoning districts only) in a front setback, area in front of a
residence or principal building but behind the front setback, street side setback in front of
a fence, or on a driveway.
Repair, dismantling or painting of parked vehicle. No vehicle shall be parked in the
Front Setback, area in front of a. reside:nce but behind the Front Setback, Street Side
Setbac:K.in front of a fence, a Side Setbackvisible from the street, or driveway for the
purpose of repair, dismantling or painting. Repair shall mean brake repair, engine or
transmission repair or replacement, the replacement of parts under the hood of a vehicle
(with the exception of fluids, batteries, and filters), and the replacement of parts under the
H. Restriping of Parking Lots. Parking lots are periodically resurfaced and restriped. In
order to ensure that parking lots retain the same parking space sizes and locations, and the
same circulation locations and dimensions, all parking lots shall be restriped pursuant to a
Zoning Clearance.
Tandem Parking. The Zoning Administrator may approve an off-street parking program
by means of a Conditional Use Permit utilizing limited tandem (front to back) parking for
commercial and industrial uses under unusual design constraints provided that the
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'... _~__.~ ._ H_'_ . Chapter 8.76
development requires ~ 20 or more parking spaces, '?>lith no more than a maximum of
10% of the total number of spaces being tandem. Tandem parking is permitted within
single-family dwelling unit attached garages. This may he accomplished by the use of
tandem, wedge or otlter techniques approved by tlte Zoning Administrator: The Zoning
Administrator may require that an attendant be on duty during normal business hours.
Development Standards.
Off-street parking and loading spaces and circulation shown on an Off-Street Parking and
Loading Plan, and shown on a Site Plan required by Site Development Review shall
conform to the following development standards:
A. Off-Street Parking Development Standards.
1. Access. All parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that all
vehicles may enter an abutting street in a forward direction. The Director of Public
Works may approve exceptions for single-family homes and other residential
projects. No parking spaces shall be located so that a vehicle will maneuver within
20 feet of a vehicular entrance measured from the right-of-way.
Bicycle Racks. Parking lots with 20 or more spaces in aJ.I. non-residential zoning
districts shall provide one bicycle"parking space in a bicycle rack for each 40
vehicular parking spaces. In multi-family residential complexes, one bicycle
storage space shall be provided within each residence or in lockable containers or
spaces if not within the individual residence. Bicycle racks shall be designed to
provide a_I1linimum offour bicycle spaces in each rack, and so that a bicycle can be
secured to the rack. The location of the bicycle rack shall not encroach into the
sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of the sidewalk to less than
four (4) feet. Bicycle racks shall be placed in a location where they shall have
adequate lighting and can be surveilled by the occupants.
~. Circulation Aisle Width Without Parking. The minimum width of a two-way
drive aisle with no parking on either side of the drive aisle is twenty (20) feet. The
minimum width of a one-way drive aisle with no parking on either side of the drive
aisle is twelve (12) feet.
4. Circulation Aisle for Emergency Access. The minimum width of a drive aisle
needed for an emergency response vehicle shall be twenty (20) feet.
5. Compact Parking Space Location. Compact parking spaces shall generally be
located in one or more continuous areas, and shall generally not be intermixed with
spaces designed for full-sized cars unless required by design problems.
6. Controlled Access Required. All parking spaces (including garage spaces)
required for any land use other than a single-family or two-family dwelling shall be
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~~_~_" . Chapter 8.76
designed and located to provide for vehicle maneuvering on the site so that vehicles
will enter any adjacent public right-of-way or private road in a forward direction.
All circulation systems shall be approved by the Director of Public. Works.
7. Dimensional Requirements.
a. Parking space sizes. Full-size parking spaces shall be 9 feet in width and
20 feet in length. Compact parking spaces shall be 8 feet wide and 17 feet
in length. The length of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 feet if the
vehicles parked in them will overhang landscaping or a sidewalk sucIz tIzat
tIze sidewalk is not reduced to an unencumbered widtlt of less than 4 feet.
b. Perpendicular. Parking stalls shall be non-perpendicular whenever
c. Garages and carports. A minimum unobstructed inside dimension of 20
feet by 20 feet shall be maintained for a private two-car garage or carport.
The minimum unobstructed ceiling height shall be 7 feet, 6 inches. The
minimum garage door width for a private two-car garage shall be 16 feet.
The Director of Community Development can administratively reduce these
dimensions under unusual circumstances if the reduction is warranted by
unavoidable constraints in design.
Parking structures. Parking structures may be subject to dimensional
adjustments based on utilization (i.e., public or private garage with or
without an attendant), but in no case shall the stall width be less than 8 feet,
6 inches. Reductions in design standards shall be subject to approval by the
Director of Public Works.
e. Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions in feet
shall be as indicated in the following table as illustrated by Figure 76-1
. _ _ Table 76-1 - -- --- . - - ,- - - -- ---.. -- ~ -- -- - -- ~-
ACin B X C D E F A B X C D E F
90C 8.0 17.0 17.0 26.0 8.0 60.0 45C 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11.3 51.4
90 F 9.0 20.0 20.0 26.0 9.0 66.0 45 F 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12.7 57.0
80C 8.0 17.0 18.1 26.0 8.1 62.2 30C 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16.0 46.8
80F 9.0 20.0 21.3 26.0 9.1 68.6 30F 9.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 18.0 51.6
70C 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20C 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23.4 42.6
70F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20F 9.0 20.0 15.3 16,0 26.3 46.6
60C 8,0 17.0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 OC 8.0 17.0 0.0 20.0 23.0 20.0
60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 lOA 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 23.0 20,0
C = Compact Space, F = Full Sized Space
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Chapter 8.76
~ 0 1
Figure 76-1
8. Disabled Accessible Parking. The location and design of parking spaces
req.w.red for the disabled shall be as required by Title 24 of the California
Code of Regulations shall be as f{)llo''''s. The number of disabled spaces
required as sho'lin on Fi;;ure 76 2.
R. Leeati8B 8f spaees. Disabled parkiR6 spaces shall be located as
near as practical to a primary buildin; entrance, and shall be located
so that a disabled person will not be requirl2!d to pass behind other
parkod vehieles in order to ;ain aecess to the buildin;.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
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'.' 'i.
.:? r;> 1f:
Chapter 8.76
~1llBbcr sf Disabled ParIaa; Spaees Required. The number of
disabled parking spaces required shall be as snov;n on Table 76 :!.
c. :MiaiBiulB spaee leRgth. 20 feet.
d. l".fiRimulB spaee 'width. If only one disabled space is proyided, it
shall be 17 feet '.;vide and outlined to pro':ide a nine foot parking
area and an eight foot loadin; and unloading area. ,^'here more than
one space is provided, tv.'o spaces can be located '::itlrin a 26 :foot
wide area striped to pro":ide a 9 f..oot parking area on each side of an
eight foot loading and unloading area in the eerlter.
e. Van disabled spaces. One ':an disabled space shall be provided for
every g automobile disabled spaces or fractioR thereof. .\ ':an
disabled space shall ha'\'e an eight f..oot '?lide loading and unloading
Fewer than 5 spaees. 'When fewer than 5 disabled spaces are
provided, at structures and uses subject to this Chapter, 1 space shall
be 11 :feet wide and striped to pro'lide a 9 foot wide parking area and
an 8 foot '.vide loading and unloading area. HO'Never, there is no
requirement that the space be reseITed exclusi'\'ely or identified for
disabled use only.
g. Falfill eff street parlang reqairements. Disabled parking spaces
requiredJ~ythis, Chapter shall count to',vai'd fulfilling off street
parlcing r~quirements.
a. 1\iaximuBi spaee slape. The surface slope of disabled parking
spaces shull not exceed one haJfpereent (0.5%) in any direction.
Ide!!tifi~1iQn--,-12isabled parking spaces shall be striped and
provided 'Nith identification signing as set f..orth in Section:! 7102,
Title 21, Culifornia Code ofRe;ulations.
j. ParIaa; Structarcs. Entrances to, and areas ':1ithin, parking
structures shall ha'\'e a minimum verticul cleanmce of eight feet, two
inches (8'2") where disabled pai'king spaces are required.
}-.elditi8Ral Requirements. The requirements for disabled site
development established by the State of CalifDmia "Regulations for
the .^Accommodation of the Handicapped: including but not limited
to curbs, ramps, and landing requirements, shull apply in addition to
the pro'lisions of this Section. InfDrmation on such requirements is
U'o'ailable from:
"""" '
December, 1999
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
_._~._._ Chapter 8.76
Office of the State .^uchitect
.^..cccss Compliance Unit
1500th Street
Sacramento, c.:\ 95811
Project applicants should be ad'lised that the fcderall...mericans with Disabilities
.^..ct may impose requircments f-or disooled accessibility that are different from
those of the City of Dublin or the State of Calif-omia.
Total ~rlli-nber of Number of .^..utomobile Number of Van
Parlan.; Spaces on "^~cccssible Disabled . ^..ccessible
Sfte Spaces Required Disooled Spaces
~ 4- 4-
~ ~ 4-
~ ;. 4-
76 100 4 4-
101 150 ~ 4-
151 200 e 4-
201 300 + 4-
301 100 & ~
101 500 9- ~
501 1,000 2% oftotal ;.
1, 001 and over 20 plus 1 fur each J 00, 1 van accessible
-..-. --. --------- _. --- ------- ....:..Qr fraction thereof o','er spaee pe! ~
. ',:'..7:,... --=='_- ._u. - .._'
+;w+ automobile
accessible spaces
or fraction
, '
-(- Table 76-2
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
76-1 2
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;z;l ~ 6D
Chapter 8.76
Figure 76-2
9. Drainage. All required off-street parking areas shall be so designed that
surface water will not drain over any sidewalk, or adjacent property.
10. Drive-Through Facilities. The following requirements apply to any use
with drive-through facilities:
a. Separation and Marking of Lanes. Drive-through aisles shall be a
minimum of twenty (20) feet wide unless otherwise approved by the
Director of Public Works and shall be separated from other
circulation aisles necessary for ingress or egress, or aisles providing
access to any parking space. Each such aisle shall be striped,
marked, or otherwise distinctly delineated.
Stacking Capacity for Food Services. The vehicle stacking
capacity of the drive-through facility and the design and location of
the ordering and pick-up facilities shall be approved in conjunction
with the Site Development Review. The amount of stacking
required is typically 180 feet from the pickup window and sixty (60)
feet from the order board. This stacking distance may be increased
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.;? a qf 6D
Chapter 8.76
or reduced by the Director of Public Works, based on the following
information provided by the applicant:
1. Nature of the product or service being offered;
2. How orders are processed and time required to serve a
typical customer;
3. Expected arrival rate of customers, peak demand hours and
anticipated vehicle stacking required;
4. The design of the site, the location of the parking in relation
to the drive-through, and the site circulation; and
5. Other studies or information required by the Director of
Public Works.
c. Stacking Capacity for Other Uses. Other similar operations, such
as "drive-through" car washes or automatic teller machines,
typically provide a minimum of 100 feet of stacking. The amount of
stacking will be established, increased, or decreased, by the same
means as in Section 8.76.070.A.I0.b above.
.a. Commercial/IndustriallMulti-Family Residential. Driveways
providing ingress and egress to off-street parking spaces shall be a
minimum width of 15 feet for a one-way driveway and 24 feet for a
two-way driveway.
b. Multi-Family Residential Driveways. Driveways in front of
'c~~~garage.s..LQr.individualmulti -family residences shall be either greater
than 18 feet long or less than 5 feet long. Driveways serving .
multiple residences shall be set back 10 feet from residential unit
c. Single Family Residential/Attached Garage.
1. Driveways for an attached 2-car garage shall have a
minimum width of 16 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet
measured from the back of the sidewalk or apron to the front
of the garage.
Driveways for an attached 3-car garage shall have a
minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet
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Chapter 8.76
measured from the back of the sidewalk or apron to the front
of the garage.
d. Single Family ResidentiallDetached Garage.
1. Driveways for a detached 2-car garage shall be a minimum
width of 10 feet with a minimum 16 feet wide by 24 feet
deep back up area immediately adjacent to the garage door.
2. Driveways for a detached 3-car garage shall be a minimum
width of 10 feet with a minimum 24 feet wide by 24 feet
deep back up area immediately adjacent to the garage door.
12. Landscaping. A minimum of 15% of the net area of all surface parking
areas accommodating 6 or more vehicles or having an area greater than
1,800 square feet shall be landscaped as follows:
Adjoining a right-of-way. Where parking areas adjoin a public
right-of-way, a landscaped planting strip shall be provided as
required by Section 8.76.070.A.19 Perimeter
Maximum height. Any planting, sign, or any other structure at
. drive-aisle intersections shall not exceed 30 inches in height above
the street curb elevation in order to preserve adequate sight distance.
Pedestrian paths. Provisions shall be made to ensure that adequate
pedestrian paths are provided throughout the parking areas and
related landscaped areas. Pedestrian paths shall connect the public
sidewalks and parking areas to the building entrance in a safe -
Tree spacing. At least one tree for every 4 spaces shall be included
in the development of the overall landscape program. The minimum
spacing between trees in parking areas shall be 40 feet; however,
appropriate clustering of trees may be permitted.
Permanence/Maintenance. All areas in a parking lot not used for
driveways, maneuvering areas, parking spaces, or walks, shall be
permanently landscaped with suitable materials and permanently
maintained, pursuant to a program submitted by the applicant and
approved by the Director of Community Development.
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76-1 5
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Chapter 8.76
Landscape borders. All landscaped areas shall be bordered by a
concrete curb that is at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide. Curbs
adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide. ~lllandscaped
areas shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width curb to curb. Concrete
mow strips at least 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide shall be required
to separate turf areas from shrub areas.
g. Irrigation system. A permanent and automatic irrigation system
shall be installed and permanently maintained in all landscaped
areas. The system shall employ state-of-the-art water conservation
technology and recognize differing irrigation needs of various plant
materials and shall conform to the City's Water Efficient
Landscaping Ordinance.
h. Landscaping plan. Unless included in a Preliminary Landscaping
Plan required by Section 8.72.020, Landscaping and Fencing
Regulations, a landscaping plan shall be prepared for every parking
facility as part of the parking plan which shall provide for a variety
of plant materials, with an emphasis on drought tolerant species,
appropriate for the local environment and shall include a legend
showing common names, sizes, location, dimensions of planted area,
and percentage of parking lot landscaping.
~-- ".". . -..
.. -.. -- - ...- -. .------
i. Landscape/Sidewalk Overhang. A vehicle may overhang
landscaping or sidewalks up to 2 feet provided that no vehicle shall
.~ , overhang a~sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width
of a sidewalk to less than 4 feet. The length of parking spaces may
be reduced by 2 feet as permitted by Section 8.76.070.A.7.a, Parking
Space Sizes. Where vehicles overhang a planter between rows of
cars, the planter width shall be increased by 1 foot for each overhang
to 'a,~~1J!eSpClce . foro vegetation. Vehicle overhang may not encroach
into yards where parking is prohibited.
j. Stepping stones. Stepping stones (or equivalent as approved by the
Director of Community Development) shall be provided through
landscaped areas which lie across natural pedestrian flow paths.
k. Visual access. Trees shall be planted to provide visual access to
wall signs in commercially zoned areas. This can be accomplished
by planting to provide "view corridors", by using low-growing trees,
or trees with more transparent canopies.
Tree removal/replacement. Where the majority of trees in a
parking lot (or proposed parking lot) in a non-residential area are
proposed to be removed for aesthetic reasons or for the purpose of
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
;:; b cV ~D
Chapter 8.76
increasing visibility for signage, that removal or replacement shall
be pursuant to Site Development Review. Removal of trees in
phases shall not relieve the applicant of this obligatiop.
m. Impacts to sidewalks/paving. Tree species shall be selected which
minimize lifting of sidewalks or pavement. Trees shall be planted
within "root barriers" and provided with proper irrigation to assure
deep root systems and a minimum of lifting of sidewalks and
n. Driveway buffers. Driveways in multiple residential projects
located in the R-M zoning district shall be separated from living
quarters by a landscaped buffer to the satisfaction of the Director of
Community Development.
13. Lighting. Parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate
illumination for security and safety. The minimum requirement is 1 foot
candle, maintained across the surface of the parking area. Lighting
standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of
the structure. Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be
directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
Location of Required Parking Spaces
- a. Single family lot.- , .
1. Principal residence. All parking spaces shall be located on
the same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided
as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator
. pursuant to'a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant
,u.,~,___,__,-'-'-~.~, ,:..._ _--,-.':..,-':"c_c-; -parkiilg-spacein a-Residential Parking Lot shall be not more
than ~ 50 feet from the residences they serve. Parking spaces
required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed
garage. Other than the two required garaged parking
spaces, a A maximum of two vehicles (which shall include,
but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or
Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas
if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one
side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1,
2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area 5a.
Parking in area 5b shall be as required by Section
8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area 5c except as
permitted by Section 8. 76.060.E.4. in the Street Side: Ymd,
Side Y urd, Rem Y md, and area behind the residence but not
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
;2. 1 ozf ~D
Chapter 8.76
in the Rear Yard, if screened by a 6 foot hi;h fence or 'NaIl
and if all side yards are unobstructed to the ';;idth of the
interior side setback. See Figure 76";'2. Parking in a
driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage
parking. No parking shall occur in Area 6.
T' l
I 1
-,- -'I
I I 2 I
I- 13a I I
w I
0:::: I 3b I
1-' I
(f) I I I
I I 6 I
I -1-.__ I '-1
l 5c 5a 15b I
. - ..- -....
1. Rear Yard
2. Area between Rear Yard arid rear of residence
- 3. Side Yard
a. Street Side Yard
b. Side Yard
4. Area between Side Yard and side of residence
5. Front Yard
a. Driveway
b. Area between the driveway and nearest
Side Lot Line
c. Area between the driveway and the most
distant Side Lot Line or Street Side Lot
6. Area between Front Yard and front of
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
76-1 8
December, 1999
.:<g ~ b()
, J.
Chapter 8.76
Figure 76~2
2. Second Unit parking. Parking for a Second Ynit may be
located in the Side Setback if specifically permitted by a
Conditional Use Permit approved by the Zoning
Administrator. The Conditional Use Permit shall require that
a curb cut be provided to City Standards and that an
Encroachment Permit be granted by the Director of Public
Works. The principal residence shall comply with the
requirements of this Chapter.
b. Multi-family lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the same
parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential
Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to a Conditional
Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking
Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from the residences they serve.
Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an
enclosed garage or covered. Guest parking, which may be
uncovered, shall be provided as required by this Chapter. No
parking shall occur in the Street Side Setback or the Front Setback.
c. Non-residential lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the
same parcel as the primary structure or use, unless provided under
Section 8.76.050, Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces, or
as a Commercial Parking Lot by the Planning Commission pursuant
,to a Conditional Use Permit in the C-O, C-N, and M-P zones or as
allowed in the C-1, C-2, M-1, and M-2 zones pursuant to Site
Development Review. The most distant parking space in a
, Commercial Parking Lot or an on-site parking lot shall be not more
than 400 feet from the use they serve. Parking may occur in the Side
. y ard,.SJ:r.~~J Side~Yard, Front Yard, ef Rear Yard and areas between
the structure and requireayards if behind 'perimeter landscaping
and screening pursuant to Site Development Review.
15. Maintenance. All required parking facilities shall be permanently
maintained, free of litter and debris, potholes, obstructions, and stored
16. Parking Space Adjacent to a Wall. Parking spaces which are located
adjacent to a building wall, or other wall or fence shall have a minimum
width of 14 feet.
17. Parking Space Design and Striping. All parking spaces shall be
delineated and separated by a striped divider ( double stripe) as required by .. '......,I
the Director of Public Works and shown on Figure 76-43. The striping shall
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance 76-19 December, 1999
.2 9 ~ ~O
Chapter 8.76
be maintained in a clear and visible manner. However, existing parking
areas with single striping, which require additional parking spaces or
modified parking spaces due to building expansion, parking lot restriping or
reconfiguration must be striped or restriped as required by the Director of
Public Works.
Parking Structures. All parking structures shall be landscaped as follows:
a. Perimeter landscaping. The parking structure shall have a
continuous minimum 1 0 foot perimeter landscaping with vertical
elements (such as a tree or a tall shrub) at least every 20 feet.
b. Entries and exits. The entries and exits of the parking structure
may include a minimum 6 foot wide landscaped median island and
accent paving in the driveway.
c. Deck landscaping. Landscaped materials, excluding vertical
element openings, shall be provided in planters and/or pots for 5%
of the total surface deck area. The planters and/or pots shall be
distributed throughout the top deck area, and perimeter of
intermediate decks.
Figure 76-43
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
?Je> o-j 6D
Chapter 8.76
4" I.
W --.J
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
3/ ozf 60
Chapter 8.76
d. Maintenance/irrigation. All landscaping shall be permanently
maintained and automatically irrigated.
e. Lighting. Lighting for the above ground deck shall be energy-
efficient, low-level and directed so as not to spill beyond 4 feet in
19. Perimeter Landscaping/Screening. All parking lots adjoining a public
right-of-way shall be provided a permanently irrigated and maintained
perimeter landscaping strip and berm. The depth and design of the
perimeter landscaping strip shall be determined through Site Development
Review. The purpose of the strip is to provide screening of vehicles to a
height of 36 inches and to provide a visual buffer between parking areas and
other areas. Perimeter landscaping shall be protected by a six-inch curb. A
twelve-inch wide curb shall be provided adjacent to all parking spaces.
Perimeter landscaping/screening shall not comprise more than 50% of the
15% landscaped area required by Section 8.76.070.A.12 for parking lots.
Perimeter landscaping/screening shall be compatible with the screening
requirements of Section 8.72.030.B, Landscaping and Fencing Regulations.
Perimeter wall. Commercial, industrial, and public parking areas abutting
residentially designated property shall have a 6 foot high solid
architecturally treated decorative masonry wall approved by the Director of
Community Development. All wall treatments shall occur on both sides.
21. Security. All parking facilities shall be designed, constructed and
maintained with security as a priority to protect the safety of the users.
22. Slope.
a.Parking areas shall be designed and improved with grades not to
exceed a 5% slope..
b. Driveways shall have no grades exceeding 2% slope or as approved
by the Director of Public Works.
23. Surfacing. All driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced with a
minimum thickness of 4 inches of asphaltic concrete, concrete, or any
Director of Public Works-approved bituminous surfacing over a minimum
thickness of 4 inches of an aggregate base material. An appropriate
structural section of slag or other material may be approved by the Director
of Public Works for storage areas of industrial uses, provided that toxic or
hazardous materials are not located in such storage areas.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
:3:2. otJ 6, (:)
~ '"
Chapter 8.76
24. Trash Storage. All trash receptacles located on-site shall be located within
approved trash enclosures and shall integrate well with the circulation """""
pattern of the site. The design of the trash enclosure(s) shall be to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. '.
25. Vehicle Parking on posted private property is prohibited. It is unlawful
for any person to drive or park a motor vehicle upon land or premises where
the owner or the person occupying or having possession of or the agent
thereof shall have posted on such property or premises a notice as described
in Municipal Code Section 6.04.200. It is also unlawful for any person
without permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof
to park any motor vehicles in or upon any private property so as to
interfere with the use thereof.
Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high
and 6 inches wide shall be provided at least 3 feet from any wall, fence,
property line, walkway, or structure where parking and/or drive aisles are
located adjacent thereto. Curbing may be replaced by a walk or ramp at
structure access points. The space between the curb and wall, fence,
property line, walkway or structure shall be landscaped. The clear width of
a walkway which is adjacent to overhanging parked cars shall be 4 feet. All
parking lots shall have continuous curbing at least 6 inches high and 6
inches wide around all parking areas and aisle planters. Curbs adjacent to
parking spaces shall be 12 inches wide. Wheel stops shall not be used in
lieu of curbing, to protect landscaping, signage, structures and walls. Where
curbs are present, wheel stops shall notbe used.
B. Off-Street Loading Development Standards.
1. Access. When the lot upon which the loading space is located abuts an
_...c alley, the loading space shall have access from the alley.
2. Dimensions. Required freight and equipment loading spaces shall be not
less than 15 feet in width, 35 feet in length, or as determined by the Director
of Community Development, with 14 feet of vertical clearance.
3. Lighting. Loading areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate
illumination for security and safety. Lighting standards shall be energy-
efficient and in scale with the height and use of the structure. Any
illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed away from
adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
53 ozf 60
Chapter 8.76
Location. Loading spaces shall be located and designed as follows:
a. Adjacent to, or as close as possible to, the main structure.
b. Situated to ensure that all loading and unloading takes place on-site
and in no case within adjacent public rights-of-way, or other traffic
areas on-site.
c. Situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers occur on-site.
5. Passenger Loading. Passenger loading spaces shall be provided in
addition to any required freight and equipment loading spaces whenever
required pursuant to Site Development Review. Passenger loading spaces
shall be not less than 10 feet wide and 20 feet long (a greater length may be
required by the Director of Public Works), shall be located in close
proximity to the structure entrance, and shall not require pedestrians to cross
a driveway, parking aisle, alley or street in order to reach the structure
entrance. Required passenger loading spaces shall not count as required
parking spaces.
6. Perimeter Landscaping/Screening.
Abutting Residentially Designated Property. All loading areas
abutting residentially designated property shall be screened by a 10
foot high solid architecturally treated decorative masonry wall
approved by the Director of Community Development if in a
commercial zoning district, or 12 foot high if in an industrial zoning
district. All wall treatments shall occur on both sides. All loading
areas adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be provided a
permanently irrigated and maintained perimeter landscaping strip
and berm. The depth and design of the perimeter landscaping strip
shall be determined through Site Development Review. The
purpose of the strip is to provide screening of vehicles to a height of
36 inches and to provide a visual buffer between parking areas and
other areas.
Abutting a Public Right-Of-Way. All loading areas abutting a
public right-of-way shall be provided a permanently irrigated and
maintained perimeter landscaping strip and berm. The depth and
design of the perimeter landscaping strip shall be determined
through Site Development Review. The purpose of the strip is to
provide screening of vehicles to a height of 36 inches and to provide
a visual buffer between parking areas and other areas. Perimeter
landscaping shall be protected by a six-inch curb. A twelve-inch
City of Dub/in Laning Ordinance
December, 1999
31 I7lf 6 D
Chapter 8.76
wide curb shall be provided adjacent all parking spaces. Perimeter
landscaping/screening shall not comprise more than 50% of the 15%
landscaped area required by Section 8.76.070.A.12 for parking lots.
Perimeter landscaping/screening shall be compatible' with the
screening requirements of Section 8.72.030.B, Screening
""",,' .
7. Security. All loading facilities shall be designed, constructed, and
maintained with security as a priority to protect the safety of the users.
8. Striping. Loading areas shall be striped indicating the loading spaces and
identifying the spaces for loading only. The striping shall be permanently
maintained in a clear and visible manner as determined by the Director of
Public Works.
9. Surfacing. Loading areas shall be surfaced with a miriimum thickness of 4
inches of asphaltic concrete over a minimum thickness of 5 inches of an
aggregate base material or an equivalent structural section to be approved
by the Director of Public Works.
Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high
and 6 inches wide shall be provided for all loading spaces, and shall be set
back at least 3 feet from any wall, fence, property line, walkway or
_._=c=.~~.__ 8.76.080__ ,. Par'kingRequirements,by Use,Type.. The number of off-street parking spaces
required for the Use Types in this Chapter shall be as provided in this Section.
Square footage requirements are in terms of Gross Floor Area.
A. Agricultural Use Types. Agricultural Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
Agricultural Processing 1 per 1,500 square feet
Horse stable/Riding Academy 1 per 4 stalls
Winery 1 per 400 square feet of tasting room, plus 1 per 1,500
square feet of production area
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
.95 ~ ~D
Chapter 8.76
Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
Agricultural Housing 2 per dwelling
Boarding House 2 per dwelling, plus .5 per sleeping room
Caretaker Residence 2 per dwelling
Community Care Facility/Small 2 per dwelling
Farm Mobile Home 2 per dwelling
Large Family Day Care Home (9-14) 2 per dwelling, plus 1 space for every employee not
residing in the home, plus one loading space for every
4 children in the facility
Mobile Home 2 per dwelling
Mobile Home Park 2 per dwelling, plus 1 guest space for every 2
Studio 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking
space for unreserved and guest parking.
1 Bedroom 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking
space for unreserved and guest parking.
2+ Bedrooms 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking
space for unreserved and guest parking.
Studio ..-.-.- 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus guest parking
-- .".
'. (see below)
1 Bedroom 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus guest parking
(see below)
2+ Bedrooms 2 covered or garaged per dwelling plus guest parking
I. ' ."-" " . (see below)
.' ,~Guest.Parking .... -- . - ---".-"'-- - ---" Projects with 1 Oor more dwellings shall provide one ".
additional guest parking space for every 2 dwelling
units which shall be marked as a guest parking space
Senior Citizen Apartments 1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus one guest
parking space for every three dwelling units.
Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Home
Lots of 4,000 squarefeel or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling plus one on-street
parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of
that dwelling unit
Lots greater than 4,000 square 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling
- -,
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
:3~ 06 60
1 .i
----- -..-- Chapter 8.76
Residential Use Secondary to 2 per residence
Commercial Use
Second Unit 1 parking space, see Sect~on 8.80.030.H relating to
Second Units parking
Small Family Day Care (1-8) Not regulated
C. Civic Use Types. Civic Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as
Community Facility
Community Clubhouse 1 per 3 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 square feet for non-
fixed seating in the assembly area, plus 1 per
Hospital 1 per doctor, plus 1 per 3 employees for the largest
shift, plus 1 per 3 beds
Industrial Transfer/Storage/Treatment Per CUP
Libraries and museums Per CUP
Place of Worship 1 per 3 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 square feet for non-
fixed seating in the assembly area, plus 1 per
Public Utilities Per CUP
Schools _. ..-
COIIeges'ancrUriiversities Per CUP
High School 1 per classroom, plus 1 per every 4 students, plus 60
lineal feet of street loading area for every 200 students
Elementary, Middle, Junior High 2 per classroom, plus 60 lineal feet of street loading
__ _._.. ~"_...._____ c _ area for every 100 students
Small Scale Transfer and Storage _. Per CUP
_ _ n . ---- -, -.- - -
. - -- -- ---_.. ----. -- - -
D. Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
Adult Business Establishments
Bar, Cabaret, Drinking Establshmt. 1 per 50 square feet
Motion Picture Arcade 1 per 50 square feet
Theater 1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of non-fixed stng.
,... . ...
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December I 1999
:3 ~ ~ 66
Chapter 8.76
Other Per CUP
Ambulance Service 1 per ambulance, plus 1 per crew memb~r on duty,
plus 1 per non-crew member on the largest shift
Animal Sales and Services
Grooming and Pet Stores 1 per 300 square feet
Kennels 1 per 300 square feet
Veterinary Clinic or Hospital 1 per 150 square feet
Other Per CUP
Auction yard Per CUP
AutomobileN ehicle
Brokerage 3 spaces
Rentals 1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 1,000 square
feet ofvehic1e storage area
Repairs and Service 1 per 400 square feet, plus 1 per service bay, plus 1 per
company vehicle
Sales and Service 1 per 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor display area,
1 per 250 squarefeet of office space, 1 per 400
square feet of repair space and one per company
Storage Lot 1 per employee on the largest shift
Car Wash/Detailing
Full Service 10 spaces or 3 times internal washing capacity,
whichever is greater; plus additional parking required
- -.- --- --..., - for drying or vacuum areas, plus 100 lineal feet for
Self-Service 4 spaces; plus additional parking for drying/vacuum
areas, plus 20 feet in front of each bay for stacking
Drive-Through Lube/Tune-Up 1 per employee on the largest shift, plus 2 space
queuing lanes for each bay
Impound-Y af(F:'.~~:-':: -:::-- ------.-----.--. . 1 per250 square feet, plus 1 per company vehicle
Parking Lot/Garage - Commercial Per CUP
Service Station
With Mini-Mart 1 per 300 square feet of commercial sales area with a 5
space minimum
Without Mini-Mart 5 spaces
With Repair 1 per 300 square feet of commercial sales area with a 5
space minimum, plus 2 spaces per service bay
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
December, 1999
3% c0
Chapter 8.76
Banks and financial Services 1 per 150 square feet
Bed and Breakfast Inn 2 spaces, plus 1 per every sleeping room.
Cemeteries, Columbariums and 1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of assembly area
Community Care facility/Large 1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds
Copying and Blueprinting 1 per 300 square feet
Dance floor 1 per 20 square feet of dance floor, plus 1 space per 50
square feet for the remaining assembly area
Day Care Center (15+) 1 per employee, plus 1 per company vehicle, plus a
loading space for every 5 children at the facility
Drive-in/Drive-through Business Per CUP
Eating and Drinking Establishment
Fast Food with drive-through 1 per 50 square feet
Convenience 1 per 1 00 square feet
Full Service 1 per 100 square feet
F ortunetelling 1 per 250 square feet
Health Services/Clinics 1 per 150 square feet
Hotel/Motel 1 per room, plus 1 per 250 sq. ft. of office, 1 per 300
sq. ft. of retail, 1 per 100 sq. ft. of eating and drinking
facility, and 1 per employee on the largest shift
Housemover's Storage Yard 1 per 10,000 square feet of yard area
Laboratory 1 per employee on largest shift, plus 1 per 250 square
feet of office, plus 1 per company vehicle
Massage~Estab-lishmentc~:~----:-c-:. ~'_ '_==O~ 2.permassage.station, plus 1 per 250 sq. feet of office
Mini-Storage 4 spaces, plus 2 places for resident manager's quarters
Office (general, including Office - 0-7,500 square feet. 1 per 250 square feet
Contractor's, and Office - . 7,501 to 40,000 square feet. 1 per 300 square feet
Professional! Administrative) 40,001+ square feet. 1 per 350 square feet
Outdoor Seating--. -_. 1 per 100 square feet
. Personal Services ~----_. _... --_.._- - - .,....--.. 1 per 300 square feet -"' --- .- .. .-- - -..- .-
Plant Nursery 1 per 300 square feet of enclosed retail, plus 1 per
1,000 square feet of outdoor display/storage area
Recreational facility/Indoor
Arcade 1 per 200 square feet
Card Rooms 1 per 200 square feet
Billiard and Pool Hall 2 per table, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and
drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
'39 ~ bo
Chapter 8.76
Bowling Alleys 5 per lane, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
per 100 square feet for eating and drinkiJ;1.g facility,
plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Handball, tennis, racquetball 2 per court, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
facilities per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility,
plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Health clubs and athletic clubs 1 per 150 square feet of weight room, pool, and spa
area, plus 1 per 50 square feet of aerobics or martial
arts area, plus 1 per tanning or massage station, plus 1
per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet
for eating and drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square
feet of office. Locker and dressing rooms are not
considered for parking purposes.
Indoor sport arenas 50 per field or sports court, plus 1 per 3 fixed seats for
(soccer/volleyball) spectator sports area, plus 1 per 300 square feet of
retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and
drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Martial Arts Studio 1 per 50 square feet, plus 1 per 250 sq. feet of office
SkatinglIce Rinks 1 per 175 square feet, plus 1 per 300 square feet of
retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and
drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Theater/Auditorium 1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 square feet of non-fixed
Other Per CUP
Recreatiomil-Facility /Ouidoor .
Amusement Parks Per CUP
Driving Range 1.5 per tee, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility,
.. . ' "-- plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
_ Golf CQurst(" ---. .. 4 per hole, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility,
plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Handball, tennis, racquetball 2 per court, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
facilities per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility,
plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Miniature Golf Course 2 per hole, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1
per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility,
plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Swimming Pools 1 per 100 square feet of pool area
Other Per CUP
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
Yo oc1~O
Chapter 8.76
Outdoor storage 1 per 1,000 squarefeet
Repair Shop 1 per 300 square feet'
Fumiture/large applianceslflooring 1 per 400 square feet
General Retail 1 per 300 square feet
Neighborhood Retail 1 per 300 square feet
Service Retail 1 per 300 square feet, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of
outdoor storage/display area
Shopping Centers Per CUP
Other Per CUP
School - Commercial 1 per 50 square feet of instructional area, plus 1 per
250 square feet of office
Seasonal Holiday Sales Lots 1 per 1,000 square feet of display area
Temporary Construction Trailer 1 per 250 square feet
Vehicle Storage Yard - Commercial 2 per loading bay, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
E. Industrial Use Types. Industrial Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
Equipment and Materials Storage Yard 1 per 300 square feet of enclosed area, plus 1 per
10,000 square feet of yard area
Industrial - Heavy .- 1 per400 square feet of general purpose area, plus 1
. per 1,000 square feet of warehouse or distribution area,
plus 1 per company vehicle; or per CUP/SDR
Industrial - Light 1 per 400 square feet of general purpose area, plus 1
per 1,000 square feet of warehouse or distribution area,
.. . . , .. plus 1 per company vehicle; or per CUP/SDR
Printing ana: Puolishing-- :.~c .. -. ---... ' 1 per' 1 ,000 square feet of production area, plus 1 per
250 square feet of office
Recycling Facility - Commercial 1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 10,000
square feet of yard area
Research and Development Laboratory 1 per 300 square feet, plus 1 per 250 square feet of
office, plus 1 per company vehicle
Salvage and Wrecking Yards 1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 10,000
square feet of yard area
Trucking Terminal 2 per loading bay, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office
Warehousing and Distribution 1 per 1,000 square feet of warehouse space
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
tj I ozf I:, 0
Chapter 8.76
Loading Requirements Off-street freight and equipment loading spaces shall be
provided for all offices, hospitals, institutions, hotels, senior group housing,
schools, day care centers, and other commercial and industrial land ~~es.
The following minimum number of loading spaces shall be provided for each use:
, '
Commercial, industrial, office, institutional, hospital, hotel, schools:
Gross Floor Area (GFA) Loading Spaces Required
25,000 sq. ft. or less ofGFA 1
25,001 sq. ft. or more ofGFA 1 plus additional loading spaces as required by
the Director of Community Development
Requirements for uses not specifically listed shall be determined by the Director of
Community Development based upon the requirements for comparable uses and upon the
particular characteristics of the proposed use.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
9;. =zf bD
, ,
, RESOLUTIONN():~134 - 97
WHERE..~S, on August 19, 1997, the City Council of the City of Dublin did adopt Resolution No. 104-97
establishing a policy for enforcement of Zoning, Building, Housing and Property Maintenance violations, and
WI.IEREAS, Resolution 104-97 identified both Administrative Procedures and Enforcement Policies; and
WHEREAS, the actual procedures for enforcing a particular law are already covered in City Ordinances
and applicable sev'"1:ions of the State Law, however, this resolution provides additional clarification of enforcement
provisions; and
WHEREAS, the CitY Council is desirous of revising the Enforcement Policy for Zoning, Building, Housing
and Property Maintenance Ordinance Violations; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires that certain enforcement issues be enforced without a complaint and
that others be enforced on a complaint basis only; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to rescind Resolution No. 104-97 for minor amendments regarding temporary """'"
political signs and adopt a new resolution.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: the City Council does hereby adopt the "Enforcement Policy
for the Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, Housing Code, and Property Maintenance Ordinance", attached hereto and
identified as Attachment 1.
. BE IT !'URTBER ~SOLVED: the City Council does hereby rescind Resolution No. 104-97.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: the City Council does hereby direct Staff to provide one verbal warning
and one written warning (unless circumstances dictate more) on all enforcement issues regarding the Zoning
Ordinance, Building Code, Housing Code, and Property Maintenance Ordinance, followed by citations and fees.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of November, 1997.
counciimemi}ers B~rton; Howdrd, Lockhart and Mayor Houston
. '. ATTEST.
ABSENT: Councilmember Barnes
tj:3 ~ t:. 0
Attachment "1"
This procedure is to be followed in investigating complaints about and enforcing possible violations of the
Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, Housing Code, and Property Maintenance Ordinance.
1. Home Occupations.
2. Sheds visible over fences and walls.
3. Sign Regulations with the exception of A-frame signs, and Banner Signs without a permit.
1. Building work actually observed to be under construction without permits.
2. Violations observed on property where the inspector has a legitimate reason to be on the property,
such as a routine follow-up on a Variance or Conditional Use Permit, or when inspecting
construction under a permit.
: 3.
Conditions brought to the attention of the City in any manner which involve public health and
A-rrame signS._ _
Banner Signs without permits.
Outdoor display of merchandise.
- . - -.-
Off-street recreational vehicle parking.
__ _ Property M:ain~~nance Ordin~ce.
Rep~ ~~!U~_~~~!1!~"~r_~~er_ve~~les _~~l~:~~~~:_,r~s~~e?_t~~!~~~~~~t of a residence.
".. --
Repair or dismantling of a vehicle in front of a residence.
Violations of the Zoning Ordinance,relating to Temporary Outdoor Sale Not Related To On-Site
Established Business. Such a sale Vt'ould be by a non-Dublin business that is not an on-site
esta[)lish~))ublin business with an necessary licenses and permits."
tjtj 06' 60
In establishing this policy, the City Council recognizes that a 'person whose property is being investigated
may point out several similar violations in the immediate area. It may be inequitable to require abatement
of a violation when the same violation may exist in the immediate vicinity and is not investigated because a
complaint is not received. In such situations any violation in the immediate ~icinity which is similar in
nature and readily visible or which is pointed out to the investigator will be enforced as though a complaint
had been registered.
All anonymous complaints will be investigated. However, no action will be taken on anonymous
complaints where the City Manager, Community Development Director or Building Official determines
that the matter does not warrant further action. These cases would be closed following the investigation
and a determination by the City Manager, Community Development Director or Building Official.
Any person making a complaint shall give their name, address, and phone number. This is necessary so
that the complainant can be contacted and advised of the status of the investigation. It may also be
necessary to contact the complainant to secure additional information regarding the problem.
.. \
Section 6254 of the Government Code provides that records of investigations of complaints are not public
---.-recordso-Therefore,~investh!ations ofcomolaintswill be kept confidential. and information will not be
disclosed except as required by 'a court order.
-- -_.
. . ,
.. :- :.-...;.:~
Mr. Byde stated that is correct.
1/5 '7f 60
em. Johnson
Mr. Peabody said ye it is based on square footage and de
Mr. Byde stated it is .75 p square foot for habitabl
He stated that they are acceptable and
ts to ougherty Road are only the ones adjacent to their property.
Cm. Johnson closed the publi
On motion by em. Orav and 2nd by Cm. :Musser, 'WI Cm. Jennings and Hughes absent and v.ith a 3-0-
mmission unanimously adopted ill
8.2 PA 99-018 Zoning Ordinance ~.imendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and
~_.- .._~.- -----:. .--L()~dingRegula.tions,-oftlie'Dublin M:unicipal Code (Zoning Ordinance)
Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report.
}Va. Carrington presented the staff report. He stated thatthe.Planning Commission held a study session on
parking regulations in May of this year. The Commission directed Staff to look at parking standards ror
ap~-t:ments and condominiums, the nmnber of guest spaces provided for units, and the distance orthe
, guest spaces from the dwelling units. In addition to the changes to the parking study, Staffhas proposed
amendments to the parking regulations that would make it more effective. Staff looked at tvvo ap8J."1ment
complexes, .tl,mador Lakes, and Parl.-wood. Amador Lakes has 555 dwelling units with 474 parking
spaces that aren't _~si~ed t9 any particular unit and out of the 47:1 parking spaces, 114 'spaces were
vacant. He stated- that him and another Sta:.ff m~mbei ckove around Dublin'in the'rmddfe o(the night to
count parking spaces.
Cm. Oravetz asked the time they did their study. -
Mr. C8J."Tington stCltf>d they were out from 11 :00 n.m to 1 :00 a.m. The Parl.'Wood Apartments had a greater
':y-v~t::8!!cy_:@1:e; of the 217 unassigned spaces, 81 spaces were vacant. Staff also looked at California
ffighlands and California Brookside condominium projects. The Highlands have 246 dwelling units with
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
u . N()vember 9, 1999
Y6 cz160
84 guest" parking spaces and out of those 84 spaces, 15 were vacant. He stated that condominium-parking
standards seem to work out fine, but the .5 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit really needs to be .....
enforc~d. California Creekside project has 154 single family units on 4,000 square fO,ot lots that have two """""
cars in the garage and 2 cars in the driveway. The advantage of California Creekside is it has public
streets, not the narrow private streets that are a problem. Staff is recommending that the Planning
Commission consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which states that lots less than 4,000
square feet in size have one on street parling space within 150 feet of each dwelling unit.
Cm. Johnson asked if the apartment units and condominiums that Staff reviewed were filled with tenants.
Mr. Peabody stated the vacancy rate is very low.
Cm. Musser asked why Staff picked a Thursday night rather than a Friday or Saturday.
Mr. Carrington said Staffwas looking for an ordinary night when people are typically home. People
aren't typically home on the weekends.
Cm. Musser asked why the apartments and condominiums aren't required to have one parking space
within 150 feet like single family dwelling requirements.
Mr. Peabody said in an apartment complex it has always been two spaces per unit. In a condominium
project, the lots are tight and the parking is based on the size of the unit. A studio has one covered or
garaged parking space plus ~ guest space; a one bedroom unit has one covered or garaged parking space
plus ~ guest space and a two + bedroom unit has two covered or garaged parking space plus ~ guest '...",f
Cm. Musser.stateq that scnne apaI:taien! complexes have par!cing -a 'great di~c_~ away from ~e units.
Mr. Carrington stated that some of the guest parking for California Brookside is in two large lots, one up
against Dublin Blvd., and one against Tassajara Creek which is over 150 feet in some cases.
Mr. Peabody stated they also have parking on the street Each individual project is different.
.. - - -... .-
Cm. Johnson asked if guest parking is assigned in condominiums.
Mr. Peabody said no.
Cm. Johnson said Kildara's parking spaces are numbered.
WIT. Carrington said that guest parking is an issue for several of the small communities in Dublin. He
stated that some of the older complexes were approved by the County V\ith a lack of guest parking.
Cm. Oravetz asked about the Woodlands units.
Mr. Carrington said Staff did not study the Woodlands.
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
116-- ---.- -
November 9, 1999
Lj tJ ozf ~o
Cm. JOMson asked if Arbor Creek built garages after the complex was built.
Mr. C;arrington said Amador Lakes built garages because they had parking problems. ,
Cm. Johnson said Amador Lakes built the garages and there was still a parking problem. He asked if the
ruling was changed on the garages and if they were for cars, not for storage.
Mr. Carrington said when Staff did the study there was a lot of available parking.
Mr. Peabody said that apartment complexes and condominiums seem to be fme with standards the City
has. He said that the real issue is the small lot single family less than 4,000 square feet.
Cm. Musser was concerned with driveways with the small lot units. There isn't adequate driveway apron
for the vehicles to park on. The other issue is the lineal frontage on the street, and narrow lots there isn't
adequate parking available and end up 'with less than one per lot.
Mr. Peabody said that corner lots have more than one space. In the Standard Pacific project there '\'as
more than one parking space per lot.
Cm. Musser said that even if the driveways are paired with a total of26 feet there isn't enough room to
get the cars in.
::::=;:::., :Mr. Peabody said that is if the space is directly ne>...1: to the house.
Cm. Musser said no; somewhere within the subdivision.
:Mr. Peabody: said forS:tmward they redesi~~d a subdi~sion to put a bay ina particular location because
. .-. - .
they were unable to get a space within a 150 feet of that unit.
Cm. Johnson stated that 'with the number of cars parked in the City he could see situations where there
wouldn't be a parking space in front of a specific home within 150 feet. If there is adequate parking
,~. ~thin~ dev:~o~m~nt,:sh.~~~~e ~~o/~.~~~nc~~~d ~a~.~e p~king.iS!l't Y6!hin I~O fe~t?
:Mr. Peabody said that if there is a space avirilable within a 150 feet, that is a step in the right direction. It
can't always be guaranteed, if there is an overflow or someone has three cars.
Cm. Musser said he shares the concern in an auto court situation where there aren't driveways.
. ,
Cm. Johrison said the Starv.'ard development is re8l1y going to have parking problems.
:Mr. Peabody said it has one space and everyone will be looking for that one space.
:Mr. Carrington said staff'can look at parking for high-density housing but would be a real design
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 9, 1999
If%" or5 6,0
Cm. Johnson said we couldn't require parking within 150 feet in an apartment complex, because they are
unassigned spaces.
Mi. Peabody said another consideration that when it is a higher density the parking standards change
dramatically. People who live in an urban environment usually don't have as many cars compared to
single family environment.
Mr. Carrington asked if there are any other questions about the parking study. There were no questions.
He continued 'with his presentation and addressed public and private parking facilities that were omitted
from the Ordinance. The Bart parking lot that is being proposed adjacent Dublin Blvd. where everyone is
currently parking illegally. Bart would like to put in parking 'With their parking standards, which are a lot
denser than Dublin's. He stated that some of the language has been changed for clarification regarding
recreational vehicles. He showed an overhead to point out allowable parking \\ithin the setbacks of a
residential unit.
Cm. Johnson asked if the Council was going to enforce the regulations.
Mr. Carrington said that has not been addressed. Typically residential violations are treated as a
complaint basis.
Mr. Peabody said if it is a property maintenance issue and the car is inoperable, Staff would enforce
Mr. Carrington said that Buzz Kalkowski abated 900+ vehicles in the year and halfhe worked for Dublin. '......,
That alone increased property values" The change being made would require parking within a designated
parking space. The big violator is 600 Guitars-on Dublin Blvd. Another change is Temporary Use
Permits for Christmas-Tree 10tS,'Arts & Crafts fairs, feStivals, fire work sales, etc., and the people \\ill
park ne:x."! to booth and this amendment will recognize that. Staff will write in some regulations as part of
the temporary use permit to address the location of motor homes. Another change for clarification would
be inoperable vehicles are not allowed in any zoning districts. The language would sayan inoperable
vehicle can not be stored in any zoning district unless legitimately stored while being actively repaired in
other words not stored for more: than 4-weeks by a permitted repair facility in a non-residential zoning
district. _.: .,..:- '-
Mr. Peabody stated that tJ:1ere are a few places in Dublin that store inoperable vehicles that stay there for
to long. .
Cm. Johnson asked about someone workIDg on an antique car that might take 2-3 years to complete.
:Mr. Carrington said the City would not notice it unless someone complained abouUt.
Cm. Musser asked ifwe want to addsonie language to permit recreational vehicle storage. For example,
language that says unless otherwise permitted by use permit.
1\1r. Peabody said the place that stores cars allow recreational vehicles but it impinging on the parking of
other businesses.
Planning Commission
- . Regular Meeting
November 9, 1999
f~ ~ b 0
MI. Carrington went over tandem parking and the City has a high threshold and it isn't being used. The
City requires 150 parking spaces that are in a non-residential area. The change would make it more
flexible with the cut off of 20 parking spaces. Another item addressed are bicycle racks, and the intent
was to have 1 bicycle space per every 20 parking spaces but there was a typing error and it ended up
being 1 bicycle rack per 20. Another clarification is that a car can't reduce the sidewalk to less than 4-feet
wide. It is proposed to revise the standard to one bicycle parking space for every 40 automobile parking
Cm. Johnson stated that recreational vehicles aren't allowed on the sidewalk at all.
MI. Carrington said they couldn't be within I-foot from sidewalk. Another change is the back up distance
behind a parking space is 25-feet and Public Works would like it changed to 26-feet
Cm. Johnson asked Staff to explain the \\idth of the parking spots and the 90-degree angle.
MI. Carrington stated that was proposed by Public Works and that may be a handicap situation. He had
the Commission refer to the chart in the staff report.
Cm. Johnson stated the handicap regulations show 17-feet and 26-feet 'wide. It isn't clear.
MI. Carrington stated that he would fix the chart. He dis~ussed the disabled accessible parking and when
it was adopted in 1997,_the applicable title 24 language and was changed two months later by ICBO.
Staff v.;ould like to just adopt it by reference. Another language clarification change would read other
than the two required garage parldng spaces, .a maximum of two vehicles which shall include but not be
limited to 'an automobile, car or recreational v~hicle may be parked in the following areas if screened by
a 6-foot high wall and if at leastone'side yard1s unobsfriiCted to a width of 36 inches. He showed the
. Commission on the overhead where parking is allowed.
Cm. Musser asked Staffs interpretation of parking a boat.
Mr. CarringtOIl sai4 a boat is considered a recreational vehicle.
Cm. Johnson asked if a hedge in a residential neighborhood has a 4..:[00t height limit
Mr. Carrington said yes; the height applies to fences and hedges. There is another change which is the
following: Automobile Vehicle Sales and Service - 1 per 1,000 square feet of indoor-outdoor display
- area but Staff f<?und when doing the Chrysler Dealership there is office and repair space, and display area
tIiat'needs proper parking; this will clarify the parking for these. Those are the changes proposed and
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the resolution amending the Zoning Ordinance.
Cm. Musser stated that tandem parking for single family residential standards have a 16- foot driveway
width. Developers are proposing tandem garages, which would preclude that type of tandem garage in a
single-family residence without a 16-footdriveway.
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 9, 1999
SzY qj'6 0
Mr. Peabody said that is off street parking. The City has routinely approved tandem in residential
projects. ,..""
Cm. Johnson asked if the City has approved tandem parking Vlith a one-car garage door and it fits 2 cars
tandem parked.
Mr. Carrington said that is not allowed. In a tandem situation is there are three or more parking spaces.
On motion by Cm. Musser and 2nd by Cm. Oravetz, with Cm. Jennings and Hughes absent and with a 3-0~
2 vote, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted the amended
Mr. Peabody said that the SPCA project would be coming before the Commission soon. They are
requesting a Cl}P for new animal shelter. There will be a model of the facility arriving on November 12th
at City Hall for review. He recommended the Commission take a look at it. He went over the upcoming
... ._ - ..__..__ .-0
------.-.-- --..-.-----' ~-_._-
Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
__...,..~__=___---::..=.. _.__-=-._-,- ...;-....-c..- _-,,-~'...,-,-_...-..-__~__ ..
.1dU _ .. _ i ~
Community Development Director
planning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 9, 1999
5/ 4 60
, ,
Parking Analysis.
Apartment Complexes. The parking requirement for apartment complexes is:
One covered parking space plus one parking space for unreserved and guest parking per
dwelling unit.
The study revealed that Amador Lakes, with 160 one bedroom and 395 two-bedroom
units (555 total) had 474 available unreserved/guest spaces of which 114, or 24%, were
vacant. Parkwood, with 116 one bedroom and 108 two and three bedroom units (224
total) had 217 unreserved/guest spaces of which 81, or 37%, were vacant. If Amador
Lakes actually had 555 open spaces and ifParkwood actually had 224 open spaces in
accordance with the current regulations, the number of vacant spaces would have been
higher. These complexes were built as planned developments several years ago and the
number of parking spaces required varied with the design constraints and parking
standards at the time. Given these results, the current parking requirements with regard
to the dwelling unit and guest spaces for apartment complexes are adequate.
Condominium Complexes. The parking requirements for condominium complexes are as
.-.~'.. ~
Studio unit. One covered or garaged parking space plus ~ guest space
One bedroom unit. One covered or garaged parking space plus ~ guest space
Two + bedroom unit. Two covered or garaged parking space plus ~ guest space
The study revealed that California Highlands, with 246 two and three bedroom units, had
84 unreserved/guest spaces of which 15, or 18%, were vacant. If the complex actually
had 123 unreserved/guest spaces in accordance with the current regulations, the number
of vacant spaces would have been higher. California Brookside, with 123 two and three
bedroom units had 51 unreserved/guest spaces and 61 adjacent on-street parking spaces.
------.-Twenty~ofthe"unreserved/guest-spaces(39%>_andI8 of the on-street spaces (30%) were
vacant:. These two projects were developed as planned developments and parking
standards varied with the design constraints applicable at-the time. Given the parking
vacancy rate, Staff feels that the current condominium parking standards for the dwelling
unit and for guests are adequate. The main lesson learned from the study about
condominium parking is that the one guest parking space per two dwelling unit standard
must be adhered to.
Sinl!le family complex. California Creekside has 154 dwellings on 4,000 square foot
lots. Each dwelling unit has two garaged spaces and a driveway that can accommodate
two cars. The subdivision is characterized by wide streets with parking on both sides of
the street. Staff counted 230 on street parking spaces of which 161, or 70%, were vacant.
5;Z ozt: 60.
The current standards are adequate for dwelling units and guests when full width public
streets are proposed.
Distance of guest parking from dwellinll unit.
. The City Council and Planning Commission have become concerned during the review of
the Dublin Ranch and Tassajara Meadows/Casterson projects that some on-street guest
parking spaces in small lot (less than 4,000 square feet) single-family developments may
not be located close enough to the dwellings they serve. Small lot subdivisions typically
have short frontages of 50 or fewer feet, and in some cases, dwellings without driveways.
Fire hydrants, driveways, pop-outs for trees or utilities, red curbing and narrow streets
with parking on only one side can reduce the number of available on-street parking
spaces in small lot subdivisions to less than one space per dwelling unit. Traditional
single-family neighborhoods with large lots and full width public streets typically have
had at least one on-street parking space per dwelling unit. In response to these issues, the
City Council and Planning Commission have required that guest parking spaces, whether
on-street or in parking bays, be located a maximum distance of 150 feet from the single-
family dwelling unit they serve. Staff recommends that this standard be made a
requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. The 150 distance is a reasonable distance within
which a developer can provide on-street/guest parking and would ensure that such
parking spaces in single-family developments are within easy walking distance of the
dwelling units they serve.
Description of Proposed Changes.
The following amendments to Chapter 8.76 of the Zoning Ordinance Off-Street Parking and
LoadingRegulations are being proposed to clarify language, correct problems or omissions
within the regulations and address issues that have arisen since the regulations were adopted.
The proposed changes are presented below with new language bolded and italicized and
language to be removed with strikethrou;h.
,-~.JP~j:;~GES. Six major changes are proposed.=-_~~ ,---,
Applicability. Every use hereafter commenced, every private parkingfacility or
garage, and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered, shall have
permanently maintained off-street parking facilities and vehicular loading spaces,
as required by the provisions of this Chapter. These regulations do not apply to
parking garages and facilities of governmental agencies.
The need for this new language became apparent when the Bay Area Rapid
Transit (BART) proposed a temporary parking lot adjacent to Dublin Boulevard.
City of Dublin Zoning Regulations do not apply to other governmental agencies
unless provided for by an annexation (or other) agreement. New language should
therefore be added to make this clear.
33 qf ~O
8. 76.060.E. 7 Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked within
the confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown' on an
approved Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan.
Most drivers park within the bounds of striped parking spaces. However some
drivers do not, most notably the owners of vehicles used for signage. These
vehicles are typically parked in driveways (600 GUITARS) or across existing
striped parking spaces. The language would require all vehicles to park within the
confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown on an approved
Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan.
Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot. At no time shall a
motorhome, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, mounted or un-mounted camper
top, boat or other similar vehicle as determined by the Director of Community
Development parked or stored on a lot be occupied for living, sleeping, or any
other purposes except as permitted by a Temporary Use Permit or adjacent to a
fireworks sales booth or as legally allowed in a bonafide trailer park,
mobilehome park, or recreational vehicle park.
This new language is proposed because persons operating Christmas tree lots,
pumpkin patches, arts and crafts fairs, carnivals, booths in the Pasta Festival and
fireworks sales booths typically occupy motorhomes near their booths for security
reasons. These uses are permitted by means ofa Temporary Use Permit (TUP)
except-for frreworks booths, which are regulated by the Alameda County Fire
Department. Staff can include administrative language in the TUP handouts that
would place reasonaple restrictions on the location of motorhomes and the times
they can be in place.
8.76.060.F Parking of unlicensed or DeR eperatieRal inoperable ("Non-Op" vehicles
..:..." ~ h~u:,:"__::.-o~ ~~, ~-=:=--pl."!lhjbited.uNo unlicensed or non oPGrational inoperable vehicle shall be parked
, - or stored in any zoning district unless otherwise permitted by a Conditional Use
Permit or if legitimately stored while being actively repaired (not stored for
more than four weeks) by a permitted repair facility (non-residential zoning
districts only) in a front setback, area in front of a residence or principal building
but behind the front setback, street side setback in front of a fence, or on a
This language would change "non-operational" to "inoperable" to be consistent
with other language in the Zoning Ordinance. It is proposed that the restriction
regarding parkin2 or storing vehicles apply to any zoning district to make it clear
that such vehicles must not be parked in non-residential as well as residential
zoning districts. Additional language is proposed to allow vehicles to be stored
while-being actively repaired (not stored for more than four weeks) by a permitted
'$ r; L?tf t!Jo r
repair facility in non-residential zoning districts. This language would recognize
and respect repair facilities that are actively repairing all of the vehicle on their """'"
property and would also help address situations where auto repair facilities store
derelict vehicles for long period of time. .
8.76.080.B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows:
Single Farnily/Duplex/Mobile Home
Lots of 4,000 squarefeet or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling plus one on-street
parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of
that dwelling unit.
Lots greater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garage per dwelling
This language ensures that for small lot subdivisions (4,000 square feet or less), at
least one on-street parking space will be provided for each dwelling unit that is
within 150 feet of that dwelling unit. This should ensure that adequate guest
parking is available in small lot subdivisions.
8.76.080.D. Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking
spaces as follows: ~
AutomobileN ehicle
Sales and Service 1 per 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor display area,
1 per 250 square feet of office space, 1 per 400
square feet of repair space and one per company
Outdoor storage . 1 per 1,000 squarefeet
. -
These language changes address parking requirements for automobile agencies
and commercial outdoor storage (such as the garden center at Target) that were
omitted in the current language. The parking standards are consistent with other
office, repair space and outdoor storage parking standards elsewhere in the
MINOR CHANGES. Eight minor changes are proposed.
8.76.060.E.6 Parking in Side, Street Side Yard, and Rear Yard. A maximum of two
vehicles, including RV's, may be parked at a residence in thefollowing areas, if
screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall: in the a Side Yard, Street Side Yard, ~,
55 c.yj &:'0
Rear Yard, or the area behind between the Rear Yard and the rear of the
residence but not in the Rem- Yard if screened by a 6 foot high fcm~c.
The purpose for this change is to clarify a confusing sentence, add language
restricting the number of vehicles and make this section consistent with Section
8.76.070.A.14,a.l, Principal Residence.
, Tandem Parking. The Zoning Administrator may approve an off-street parking
program by means of a Conditional Use Permit utilizing limited tandem (front to
back) parking for commercial and industrial uses under unusual design
constraints provided that the development requires +.w. 20 or more parking
spaces, with no more than a maximum of 10% of the total number of spaces being
tandem. This may be accomplished by the use of tandem, wedge or other
techniques approved by the Zoning Administrator. Tandem parking is
permitted within single-family dwelling unit attached garages. The Zoning
Administrator may require that an attendant be on duty during normal business
This language would allow tandem parking to be applied more flexibly than under
the current regulations and would clarify that it is permitted within single-family
dwelling unit attached garages.
8.76.070.A.2, Bicycle Racks. Parking lots with 20 or more spaces in all non-residential zoning
districts shall provide one bicycle parking space in a bicycle rack for each 40
vehicular parking spaces. In multi-family residential complexes, one bicycle
storage space shall be provided within each residence or in lockable containers or
- - ..-.,~.. ".spaces-ifnot within ,the individualIesidence. Bicycle racks shall be designed to
provide a minimum of four bicycle spaces in each rack, and so that a bicycle can
be secured to the rack. The location of the bicycle rack shall not encroach into the
sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of the sidewalk to less
than four (4) feet. Bicycle racks shall be placed in a location where they shall
have .adequate lighting and can be surveilled by the occupants.
-- .....-. -
This language clarifies that bicycle racks in non-residential zoning ,districts must
provide one bicycle parking space, not bicycle parking rack, for each forty
vehicular parking spaces. Staffhas reviewed the several commercial projects
with regard to the ratio of vehicle parking to bicycle parking and determined that
the 1 :40 ratio would provide adequate bicycle parking. Language would be added
giving residential developers the option of providing lockable containers or spaces
for bicycles if they are not provided within individual residences.
Parking space sizes. Full-size parking spaces shall be 9 feet in width and 20 feet
in length. Compact parking spaces shall be 8 feet wide and 17 feet in length. The
length of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 feet if the vehicles parked in them
~ ~ ~.,tJ 00
'1 ".
\\ill overhang landscaping or a sidewalk suclt that the sidewalk is not reduced to
an unencumbered width of less than 4 feet. .........,.
This language makes this section consistent with Section 8.76.070.A.12.i.
7.e, Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions shall be as indicated in the
following table as illustrated by Figure 76-1
Table 76-1
All values in feet unless othenvise specified
A (in B X C D E F A B X C D E F
90C 18.0 17.0 17.0 26.0 8.0 60.0 45 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11.3 51.4
90F 9.0 120.0 20.0 26.0 9.0 66.0 45 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12.7 57.0
80C 8.0 117.0 18.1 26.0 8.1 62.2 30 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16.0 46.8
80F 9.0 20.0 21.3 26.0 9.1 68.6 30 9.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 18.0 51.6
70C 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23.4 42.6
70F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20 9.0 20.0 15.3 16.0 26.3 46.6
60C 8.0 117.0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 OC 8.0 17.0 0.0 20.0 23.0 20.0
60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 10.4 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 23.0 20.0
C = Compact Space, F = Full Sized Space
,c. u~._._. ,.__These changes to the table will bring the standards into conformity with standard
- engineeringUpractice and eliminate'referenceS to' Disabled Accessible Parking (see
next item).
8.76.070.A.8. Disabled Accessible Parking. The location and design of parking spaces
required for the disabled shall be as required by Title 24 of the California Code of
Regulations shoII be as follows. The number of disabled spaces required as sho'.vn on
Figur~ 76 2.
R. LaeRtiElB Elf spRees. Disabled parking spaces shall be located as near as practical
to a primaf')' building entrance, and shall be located so that a disabled person will
not be required to pass behind other parked ~;ehicles in order to gain access to the
.. .. ~
. ~7---"
- ~ /) ot 60
. ,a~ber ef Disabled ParldH~
park10g spaces required shall beS~a:s ,~eqaired. The number of d' e
~ . . o.m OR Table 76 0 lOa led
. flHlfHaHl -.
spaee leH~th ""'0 B
o . - ect.
Miaimu . ,
, . Hi spaee width I
A1de and outlined to 'n' f only. one disabled sa' .
and URIoadiRg ..ea. ~;;:. .de a Rme feot p..ltiR~ ;e IS jll':nde~, it shall be 17 feel
l~cated wilbiR a 26 fo~t ':~d more than oae spac~ is ea ~. an eight foot 10adiRQ
s.de of 8R eight foot lo~" e ..ea otriped 10 pre';id~~ 9,::d, !we "Paces can be
Voa d' 0 and lHlIoadiag ..ea iR lBe ceat: p..1uBb ..ea OR each
, Isabled Sjl ,
atH e" aees. One ntH E1"
omo lie disabled s . n Isabled space shall b .
an eight f-oot wide I ~""eo or fmction thereof ,.. e !"'ov.ded for every 8
oa 10;; and unloadinN are . . ~ ,an dIsabled space shall h ,.
F 0 a. . a.e
e''I"er th ~ .
aH spaees 11'11 .
s~ctures and uses sub'~' en fC?ler than 5 disabled s
s!rijled.to pl'Oviae a 9 i ot.~o thIS Chapter, 1 "Pace :~ces are provided, at
lHlIoadmg area. Ho"'e~ot ."de parking area and':: 8 a I be 11 feet wide and
e".1 . .. ,ff the< . foe!" a I
.. "".vel)' or idemified fu d' e 10 ao requirement tkot tk .n e oadinb and
r Isabled use only e space be reser;cd
FulHll off o!Fcet "orl . .
tl-'. G aB?' F .
liS hapter shall count t~....:~~~l~~ts. Disabled pndcin;; s ac .
. .ag off street arJ.-:" p. os reqHrred by
MlIX1mum o"oce sl p 8no reqUlfemen!s.
cxceed 0 h ape. The sunac I
ne alf percent (0 .5o~) . 0 s ~pe of disabled parki ,.,.
I .,' .. · m any dffectio", n" "paces "Boll Rot
deBtlHeatiaB D' :el -
. e' . ISO. ed V
1 entlfication si"" . par ~mg spaces shall b .
R, .,nm" as so!. th. e 5lnjoed d
n<;;e1atio".. 0" ort m Seetion 2 71 go . an.. pro'Vided with
_, TItle""'4 GarB .
_, lamIa Code of
ParldB~ St
o raetHres Entr
a .. . anc ~
mI:n~1.J:!l? ~ertical clear cs ~, and aroas ...:ithin "
p..1uBb spaces ';'e req,;;r:Te oJ e]:;hI fee!, two iRCI1~:~'~~r .~s shalllla\'e
. _ ..here dIsabled
A dd't'
.. "oRoI ReI! . '
. HlremeBt +h
cstabhshed by the' s. e requirements B .
Hoo~ic"p"ed: mel: ~f ~a1~!, "Re[;HIati~':. ~Ied ;ire development
reEjUrremenls sIinII '] u. not lnmled to cETbs the . ."commoaation of th
lffii ' aPl' ~ Hi eI<l" remjlS a I . 0
ormation 0 · 1n.n to th. : . ' 8R, ...EIm"
" ffiiCk r.<jUKā¬ment' . jll'.Vl!llO'" of t1H, So f 0
S IS a'larlable from: CIon.
Office of the S ^
^ tate" u-ehitect
. Access CampI' .
lance Umt
1500th Street
Sacramento, C.^~ 95811
5S 06 60
Project applicants should be advised that the federal.\rnericans 'Nith Disabilities
. \ct may impose requirements fDr disabled accessibility that are different from
those of the City of Dublin or the State of California.
Total Number of Number of ,:\utomobile }!umber of Van
Parkin; Spaces on Site .^.I.ccessible Disabled ;\ccessible Disabled
Spaces Required Spaces Required
~ 4- 4-
~ ~ 4-
~ ,., 4-
76 1 00 4 4-
101 150 ~ 4-
151 200 6 4-
"l01 300 + 4-
301 100 8- ~
101 500 9- ~
501 1,000 2% of total ,.,
1,001 and oycr 20 plus 1 for each 100, 1 ':an accessible
or fraction thereof oycr spaec per 8
~ automobile
accessible spaces or
fraction thereof
~ Table 76-2
The current Ordinance is a recitation of the Title 24 language that was in effect at the
_.,-,timethe Ordinance was adopted.- The state modified Title 24 a few months after this
Ordinance was adopted in September of 1997, rendering this section of the Ordinance
obsolete. The proposed language refers to Title 24 rather than specifying standards.
14.a.l. PrincipalResidence. ,All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the
____ ____._ _ __ _. _resig_~:nce tb~Y_s.~~e;~Ul!!~sli provided'~ a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning
Administrator pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most 'distant parking space in
a Residential Parking Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from the residences they
serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed
garage. Other than the two required garaged parking spaces, a IT. maximum of two
vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or
Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas if screened by a 6 foot
high fence or wall and if at least one side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36
inches: Areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area Sa. Parking
in area 5b shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in
area 5c except as permitted by Section 8. 76.060.E.4. in the Street Side Yard, Side
Yard, ReM Yard, and area behind the residence but not in the Rear Yard, if screened
by a 6 foot high fence or wan and if all side yards are unobstructed to the '.vidth of the
i:1~ctio:rsidesetback.' See Figure 76-3. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate .....",I
for required enclosed garage parking. No parking shall occur in Area 6.
'T. 'l
I 1
-.-.- -'-'IJ
I I '2 'I
, I I
/ 30 ' RESIDENCE 41 I
I I . 3b I
, I I
I I 6 'I
I .
r-,-L.-.-, .-.' '--1
I '
50 15b I
, ,J
;;;9 ~ bC>
=---- .
Figure 76";'2
Rear Yard
Area between Rear Yard and rear of residence
Side Yard
a. Street Side Yard
b. Side Yard
Area between Side Yard and side of residence
Front Yard
a. Driveway
b. Area between the driveway and nearest Side Lot
c. Area between the driveway and the most distant
Side Lot Line or Street Side Lot Line
. 6." . Area between Front Yard and front of residence.
bD cV t;o
'.' i'
This revised language clarifies Section 8.76.070.a.14.a.l, Principal Residence. It
clearly states where parking may occur in and adjacent to the principal residence
on a single-family lot. The existing language regarding Area 5b, the area between
the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line, did not make it clear that this area
could be used for recreational vehicle (RV) parking. The current language of this
section omitted Area 5c, the area between the driveway and the most distant Side
Lot Line or Street Lot Line and Area 6, the area between the Front Yard and the
front of the residence. It is important that these two areas be addressed. Parking
can only occur in Area 5c if, under unususal situations, where there is insufficient
room between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line to park an R V, the
Director of Community Development may permit paved parking for that purpose
in an alternate location. Parking may not occur in Area 6.
Non-residential lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the
primary structure or use, unless provided under Section 8.76.050, Adjustment to
the Number of Parking Spaces, or as a Commercial Parking Lot by the Planning
Commission pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit in the C-O, C-N, and M-P
zones or as allowed in the C-1, C-2, M-1, and M-2 zones pursuant to Site
Development Review. The most distant parking space in a Commercial Parking
Lot or an on-site parking lot shall be not more than 400 feet from the use they
serve. Parking may occur in the Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Front Yard, er Rear
Yard and areas between tlte structure and required yards if behind perimeter
landscaping and screening pursuant to Site Development Review.
This language makes this section compatible with Section 8.76.070.a.14.a.l.