HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.14 RFP Laserfiche CITY CLERK File # 350-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Distribute a Request for Proposals for Automated Document Storage and Retrieval System Report prepared by: Nick Stevens, Information Systems Manager & Kay Keck, City Clerk ATrACHMENTS: Request for Proposals (RFP) RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to Distribute RFP FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated cost $39,000. This project was approved by the Council as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1999-2000: DESCRIPTION: The Request for Proposals will begin the process of awarding a contract for an Automated Document Storage and Retrieval System. f" JACKGROUND: The City of Dublin intends to purchase and implement a document imaging system, which will reduce the volume of .paper stored by the City, and which will provide electronic search and display capabilities for stored documents.' The primary purpose of the system will be to reduce the number of new paper documents that are stored by the City. Secondary purposes of the system include: · security and backup for critical documents; · provision of an indexed lookup and retrieval system for stored documents; · a gradual reduction in the number of archival documents already stored by the City; · a reduction in duplication of documents, by providing online access to shared documents; · improved speed in retrieval of documents. Staff anticipates that initiaily, funding will provide systems for 2 departments. Depending upon the bid results, it may be possible to provide systems to additional departments. PROCESS: The RFP -will be circulated on September 22, 1999 and proposals due on November 4, 1999. Once the vendors are ranked, negotiations concluded and references checked, Staff will return to the City Council for the award of the contract. It is anticipated that the award will be at the November 16, 1999 City Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize City Staff to distribute the Request for Proposals (Atiachment 1). COPIES TO: ITEM September 22, 1999 SUBJECT: REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL - OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM A request for a proposal (RFP) to provide an optical scanning and document management system, and related support services, is enclosed. This PEP includes the following: · Project Description - Attachment A · Bid Forms - Attachment B · Existing Computer Hardware - Attachment C Proposals should be submitted on the Bid Forms included in Attachment B. Supplementary material such as product information, and other documentation will not be accepted as part of the proposal. A pro- proposal conference will be held on Monday, October 4, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room, upstairs at the Civic Center. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is recommended but is not mandatory. The City will not compile or distribute minutes from the pro-proposal conference. Five (5) copies of the proposal must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than Thursday, November 4, 1999 at 3:00 p.m. SEALED proposals shall be delivered to: City of Dublin Attn: Kay Keck, City Clerk 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Proposals will be evaluated by City staff in accordance with .the selection criteria specified in Attachment A. 'Staff anticipates that a recommendation for selection report will be placed on the agenda of the November 16, 1999 Council meeting. The vendor selection process will be followed by a contract negotiation process. General questions concerning this KFP 'should be directed to the City's Information Systems Manager, Nick Stevens (925) 833-6604. Sincerely, Kay Keck, CMC/AAE City Clerk Attachments A - C CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM ATTACHMENT A: PROJECT DESCRWTION The City of Dublin intends to purchase and implement a document imaging system, which will reduce the volume of paper stored by the City, and which will provide electronic search and display capabilities for stored documents. The primary purpose of the system will be to reduce the number of new paper documents that are stored by the City. Secondary purposes of the system include: · security and backup for critical documents; · provision of an indexed lookup and retrieval system for stored documents; · a gradual reduction in the number of archival documents already stored by the City; and · a reduction in duplication of documents, by providing online access to shared documents. The initial system shall primarily serve two City departments. Based upon available-funding, the City may purchase additional scanners in order to expand to other City departments either at this time, or in the future. .~ The City Clerk's Office maintains the equivalent of 100 file storage boxes of active documents. A significant percentage of letter.size and legal-size documents are printed two-sided (duplexed). The recommended system must accommodate scanning of two-sided documents, preferably in a single pass through the scanner. The City Clerk also maintains a record index in the Clerk's Index program, which satisfies the City's legal requirements for tracking of City Council meetings and actions. It is anticipated that the Clerk's Index program will be retained, and will be operated in parallel with the new document imaging system. The selected vendor shall work with the City to develop the most efficient and effective means of integration between the imaging system and the Clerk's Index system. The Building Department maintains the equivalent of 150 file storage boxes of active documents. The primary focus of the new system in the Building Department is reduction in the volume of documents stored. Most documents are accompanied by maps, schematics, or other oversized documents. Although the City is unlikely to scan these oversize documents, the selecteit system must accommodate tracking of these documents. Presuming an average capacity of 2,500 pages per storage box, the City currently stores about 875,000 document pages, and generates 100,000 to 200,000 document pages per year. The imaging system is intended primarily to store new documents, received or created after the system is installed. The City anticipates that it will be both unnecessary and impractical to image and store a significant portion of the existing document archives. If archival materials are used as part of an ongoing project, or if some archival materials have special value and need to be duplicated for security reasons, then those archival documents may be scanned and stored along with the new material. Therefore, the initial capacity of the system shall be at least 500,000 pages, and the system should be easily expandable to 1,000,000 or more pages. A-1 CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM The requested system shall initially include one server to store documents and two imaging input stations (workstation, display, scanner and mass storage device). Depending upon available funding, the Cky may opt to add additional scanning stations now or in the future. The requested system must operate on the City's Windows NT wide-area network. In addition, wherever possible, the City wishes to utilize its existing Windows NT servers for document storage and PII and PIYI workstations for document input. The configuration of existing hardware and network sofbC'are in place at the City is described in Attachment C, "Existing Computer Hardware". The selected vendor must include specifications for the minimum computer hardware required to operate their program package, when installed and configured as proposed by the Vendor. The Vendor may provide an exact or estimated cost for the required hardware. However, the City reserves the right to purchase any or all required hardware from other sources, as best meets the needs of the City. Selection Criteria The following criteria will request for proposal: -. be used in evaluating the proposals received in response to this 1. Abilitv to Meet Functional Requirements This includes the extent to which the proposed hardware and software solution meets the functional requirements given in Attachment B, Part 3. 2. Ouality of References and User Satisfaction This includes the level of satisfaction of current system users with the functionality of the product, and the quality of support provided. 3. Comparable Installations This includes a judgemerit of the level of similarity of the City of Dublin to other vendor installations, both in overall size, complexity, and intended use for the imaging products. 4. One-Time and Recurrin_~ Costs This includes a comparison of initial license fees, training and other implementation costs, and annual maintenance fees, as compared to other vendors. 5. Appropriate Hardware Solution This includes a judgement by the City as to the goodness of fit of the proposed and r4quired computer hardware with existing City hardware, and the potential for future use or expansion of computer systems which are purchased by the City as part of this project. CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM Payment Method Payment method will be determined during contract negotiation. However, the City anticipates that it will pay for hardware and software license fees after the hardware and software has been received and for costs relating to training, installation and customization after these services have been performed. As is standard for most City contracts, a 10% retention will be withheld from each payment until City Staff has determined that the system has been installed and is fully functional. A-3 CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM ATTACHMENT B: BID FORMS PART B.I: COST SUMMARY AND SIGNATURES To the City of Dublin: Pursuant to, and in compliance with, the Notice to Bidders and other documents relating thereto, the undersigned vendor, having familiarized himself/herself with the terms of the contract, the location conditions affecting the performance of the contract done, and with the specifications and other contract documents, hereby proposes and agrees to perform, within the period of the specified Delivery Time after receipt of the Notice to Proceed, and the contract, including all of its component parts, and everyt~ng required to be performed, and to provide and furnish any and all utility and transportation services necessary to perform the contract and complete in a workmanlike manner all the w6rk required in connection with the project to furnish, install, and maintain an Optical Scanning System for the City in all strict conformity with the specifications and other contract documents, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Price is valid for six months from time of acceptance of bid. Cash Purchase Price: Delivery Time: Follow-up Maintenance (Annual): Dollars ($ Calendar Days ( Dollars ($ ) days) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, N,g/E: ' ' FI2PdVI: ADDRESS: (signed) DATE: ....... TITLE:' Check One: [] Individual [] Partnership TEL.#: [] Corporation B-1 CITY OF DUBLIN PART B.2: COST BREAKDOWNS B.2.1.' SUMMARYf A. Base System (from part B.2.3) .......................................................................$ B. Design / Customization (from part B.2.4) ......................................................... C. Installation (from part B.2.5) ............................................................................ D. Training (from part B.2.6) ................................................................................ E. Manuals / Documentation (from part B.2.7) ................ ........~ ............................. F. First Year Maintenance and Support (from part B.2.8) .............................: ........ G. Other Costs (from part B.2.9) ..............................................................'..; ..........~ H. Total Installed Price .......................................................................................$ I. Follow-Up Maintenance (annual, from part B.2.8) ...........................................$ B.2.2: DELIVERY TIME The Delivery Time should cover the period to accomplish the initial Design/Customization as well as the hardware and software installation. Assume that Initial Training will occur after this period. Please describe here the availability of City staff that you will require in order to meet your Delivery Time. OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM CITY OF DUBLIN B.2,3: BASE SYSTEM OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM The Base System cost applies to the off-the-shelf package, dependent only on the utilization. The initial Base System cost shall assume the following: a single document imaging (input) station; the ability to store and retrieve 500,000 letter-size images; ability to scan documents up to 11" by 17" in a single pass; and the ability to perform concurrent searches of the image database from at least fifteen (15) PC workstations connected via the existing Windows NT wide-area network. Base System Server ..................................................................................................................$ Scanners (2) .........................................................................................................$ Workstations (2) ..................................................................................................$ Server Sofhvare ...................................................................................................$ Client Software (50 User) ....................................................................................$ Total Base System (transfer to part B.2.1) ...........................................· .................$ In addition, please specify the cost when we expand the utilization of our system: Per additional imaging (input) workstation ...........................................................$ Per additional database user .................................................... .............................$ Total cost for 50 users ..........................................................................................$ Media and/or hardware for storage of an additional 500,000 letter-size images .... $ B.2.4: DESIGN / CUSTOMIZATION The Design/Customization cost applies to the services you provide to bring the image database structures and search methods into conformante with our practices. Please specify_ the following: Cost per hour for custom programming ................................................................$ Minimum charge per customization, if any ...........................................................$ Total cost of recommended customizations, from Part B.3 (transfer to part B.2.1) .....................................................................................$ B.2.5: INSTALLATION The Installation cost applies to your services in making your system, as customized for us, available to the City. Installation Cost (transfer to part B.2.1) ...............................................................$ B-3 CITY OF DUBLIN B.2.6: TRAIN~G OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM We require end-user training on the following topics for six (6) initial users of the system: · Searching for documents by keyword or other criteria, and displaying and/or printing stored images; · Scanning and storing images, and verifying the accuracy and legibility of stored images; · Modifying the system, such as adding new keywords or changing hardware/software configurations. Please indicate below the total length of training you think appropriate for these users of the system. The initial Training cost shall completely provide for the above training, at a local training site provided by the City. Trainin.g Hours per individual ................................................................................ Training Cost (transfer to; part B.2.1) ...................................................................$ In addition,: please specify the cost elements when we require your services for additional training. We will require on-site training. Maximum users per training class .......................................................................... Instructor cost per hour ........................................................................................$ Or, instructor cost per day ....................................................................................$ Any other instructional costs (attach explanation) ................................................$ B.2.7: MANUALS / DOCUMENTATION We require'two (2) copies of Systems Administrator level documentation, fifteen (15) copies of User level documentation, both as h.a:r.d copies and on disk. Please indicate how you will provide printed documentation: [] Prepared and bound manual [] Master with right to copy [] Disk file with right to print Manuals / Documentation (transfer to part B.2.1) .................................................$ In addition, please specify the cost when we expand the number of users: Per copy of documentation ...................................................................................$ CITY OF DUBLI~ OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM B.2.8: MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT We require ongoing hardware and sofh~are maintenance and support for the system. The first full year, dating from the Acceptance of Completion, shall be included in the initial cost. First Year Maintenance and Support (transfer to part B .2.1) .................................$ In addition, please specify here (and transfer to the bottom of part B.2.1) the annual cost for follow-on Maintenance and Support. This cost shall assume the costs and configuration established in part B.2.3. Follow-up Maintenance (annual) ........................................: ..................................$ If this is not a ~t rate but may vary depending on the configuration and/or utilization of the system, please indicate the formula' for determining the amount. B.2.9: OTHER COSTS If there are any other initial costs involved in our acquiring your system, please break them out here (attach additional sheets if necessary). In particular, if you anticipate any travel costs related to any of the initial cost items that are not included in those costs, please include a single lump sum mount here. Item Amount Total to part B.2.1: CITY OF DUBLIN PART B.3: PRODUCT FEATURES OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM The following tables indicate the features the City desires in the Optical Scanning System. Features within each section are sorted in descending priority. Respond to all questions by checking the appropriate box for each question, according to the following key: Incl Included in base package. Requested feature must be demonstrable and operational at one or more existing client sites. Not available. Feature is not included in package, and is not offered as a customization or extra-cost feature. Opt Optional feature. Indicate whether the requested feature will be offered as an existing optional module} or through customization. An exact c(~st to the City to purchase the feature or required customization must be provided; or, if exact costs are unknown or difficult to determine, a range of expected costs along with an indication of the information needed to calculate an exact cost must be provided. Lists of features, cost details for optional items, or any other explanatory text, should be attached on Part B.4, "Explanation of Standard and Optional Features". Please make additional copies of Part B.4 as required. Indicate the feature number for each explanation or comment. CITY OF DUBLIN B.3.1. GENERAL OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM Response B.3.1.a. Are input screens and report formats consistent between all modules (document scanning, database search, document retrieval/printing)? B.3.1.b. Are user-accessible tables used extensively to allow easy customization (for example: keywords, document types, retention interval, standard comments)? B.3.1 .c. Is on-line, context-sensitive help provided? B.3.1.d. Can tables be reviewed, and items selected from tables, during data entry? B.3.1.e. Can tables be modified during data entry (add new keywords, modify keyword descriptions, delete keywords)? B.3.1.f. Is the package written primarily or entirely in a fourth- generation language (such as Oracle, Informix, SQL, Access, etc.)? B.3.1 .g. Is a fourth-generation language available to access the image database? B.3.1.h. Is a user-defined report generator supplied, or available for use with the package? B.3.1.i. Do security features allow access to individual functions and databases only to selected users? B.3.1,j. Do search procedures allow for partial name, cumulative, wildcard, and soundex searches? B.3.1.k. While scanning and storing new images, can the user set defaults for commonly used fields such as date, department, and author? B.3.1.1. Can defauk dates other than the current system date be automatically entered? B.3.1 .m. Can system be web accessible? B.3.1.n. Is source code provided? - B.3.1 .o. Are most or all transactions date/time/user stamped? B.3.1.p. Can the sofhvare vendor call in to the City's system, to diagnose and/or correct problems? B.3.1 .q. Can menus be bypassed using keywords or user-customized menus? B.3.2. DOCUMENT SCANNING AND STORAGE B.3.2.a. Does the program allow an unlimited number of scanned images, limited only by hardware storage capacity? B.3.2.b. Can the scanner and sofhvare accommodate duplexed originals in a single pass through the scanner? Incl N/A Opt Response Incl N/A Opt B-7 CITY OF DUBLIN B.3.2.c. Does the program allow direct input to the imaging system from network print queues (COLD)7 B.3.2.d. Does the program allow direct input to the imaging system from common PC desktop applications running under Windows, specifically Microsof~ Office 97, 2000 and Microsot~ Exchange? B.3.2.e. Can the program automatically extract keyword information from print jobs created on the AS/4007 B.3.2.f. Can the program automatically extract keyword information from documents transmitted from Windows applications7 B.3.2.g. Can oversized documents be tagged and stored in paper form, with a description and keywords entered in the program database as though the document were scanned7 B.3.2.h. Can each program user view online a list of re6ently scanned documents, or scanned documents which are awaiting verification7 B.3.2.i. Does the system allow "delayed indexing", where documents may be scanned in bulk, then indexed later by the originating department or employee7 B.3.2.j. Does the program include optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities? B.3.2.k. Does the program use OCR capabilities to automatically index documents on all readable text? B.3.2.1. Does the program include barcode recognition and printing? B.3.2.m. Can the same input screen be used to add images, change image characteristics such as keywords, and delete images from the database? B.3.2.n. Can the image database be easily duplicated on removable media, for storage offsite? B.3.2.o. Can stored images be "linked" with active documents (such as a Microsoft Word document), so that stored images may be reviewed and/or printed along with the active document? B.3.2.p. Does the 'program provide document routing and tracking features, which will assist the City in monitoring the progress of documents through the imamrig process? B.3.2.q. Does the program allow bulk imaging of documents by a third-party vendor, and incorporation of the scanned documents into the database? B.3.2.r. Can scanned documents be reprinted both immediately and in batch mode? B.3.2.s. Can the user define the layout, background text and/or labels, and fields for input screens? OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM B-8 CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM B.3.3. DOCUMENT SEARCH, RETRI'EVAL, AND PRINTING B.3.3.a. Can any workstation connected to the City's Windows NT network be used to search the document database, presuming a minimum Pentium 200 processor, 32Mb memory, and 15" SVGA monitor? B.3.3.b. Can any workstation connected to the City's Windows NT network be used to display images, subject to limitations on processor speed, memory, and display characteristics? B.3.3.c. Can all stored documents be searched and retrieved together, independent of input source (scanner, COLD, impo~t from other image databases)? B.3.3.d. Does the program provide document management functions that simplify the review and destruction of documents that have exceeded their retention interval? B.3.3.e. Does the program include draf~ or version ID and amendment history for stored documents? B.3.3.f. Will the document search program display "thumbnail" versions of multiple pages or documents onscreen? B.3.3.g. Does the display program allow zoom-in (at least 200% of original size) and zoom-out of images? B.3.3 .h. Does the display program allow rotation and contrast control of images? B.3.3.i. Does the program allow highlighting of selected text, which is stored independently from the graphic image? B.3.3 .j. Does the program allow "sticky notes" or other annotations of selected text, which is stored independently from the graphic image? B.3.3.k. Does the display program allow viewing of other file types in native format, such as Microsof~ Word and fax files? B.3.3.1. Can the document database be directly accessed by other database products (such as Access, Oracle, Informix, etc.)? B.3.3 .m. Can the document database be exported in part or as a whole to another database format (such as Access~ Oracle, Informix, etc.)? B.3.3.n. Can the City's existing network LaserJet printers be used to produce printed copies of stored images? B.3.3.o. Does the system allow direct fax and/or online transmittal of stored images? Incl Response N/A Opt // z/ CITY OF DUBLIN B.3.4. OTFI'ER PROGRAM FEATURES OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM B.3.4.a. Indicate the limitations of the program or hardware below (enter "Unlimited" if there is no internal limit in the program): Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum size of scanned documents: resolution of scanner (horizontal x vertical dpi): scanning speed in milliseconds-per-line: scanning speed in pages per minute at 300 dpi: Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum number of keywords per image or document: number of keywords overall: number of pages per document: number of images (pages), in the database: Maximum number of images which can be stored using supplied hardware: Maximum number of images which can be stored using unlimited hardware: Image storage formats (TI2F group 3 or 4, etc.): B.3.4.b. Describe customer support options (9 to 5 on weekdays, 24-hour on 7 days, onsite training, etc.) B.3.4.c. List other available program.modules not otherwise described in your response, such as schedule and calendar management, document conversion, desktop publishing, etc. B.3.4.d. Other Information When was software first released: How many versions have been released: When was last update: How frequently is software updated: B-10 CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM PART B.4: EXPLANATION OF STANDARD AND OPTIONAL FEATURES On this page, list program features and cost calculations for optional or customized software, or any additional information on the responses given in Part B.3. Make additional copies of this page as necessary, Response # Explanation B-11 CITY OF DUBLIN PART B.5: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM B. 5.1: HARDWARE CONFIGURATION We request that you specify one or more typical workstation Hardware Configurations and Operating System Configurations that will support database search and image display. For each workstation type, specify the following: minimum and recommended amount of total installed memory total and/or available hard drive capacity video adapter and/or video memory monitor resolution and size network topology and/or speed · operating system (Windows version, or other O/S requirement) This information will not be considered as part of the sofhvare selection, but will be used to assist in hardware selection. Please supply the above information for the following functions: - Perform database searches based on keyword Minimum Required Configuration Recommended Configuration Select and reprint stored documents Display stored documents onscreen The recommended configuration of the work station should be for a frequent user of the system, who also uses their workstation for word processing, spreadsheet, or other desktop applications. B.5.2: REOUIRED ATTACHMENTS The final selection of an Optical Scanning System will be made only after achievement of a mutually acceptable contract. We require that you attach a Maintenance and Support agreement, for City review. For your program package, describe one or more alternative wiring and operating system or PC- LAN software approaches that. will support the distributed operation of your software. The City will employ generic PC's and other components whenever possible. For each alternative, indicate if your pro~am package wilt require any proprietary or special-use software or hardware (such as a network or site license for a fourth-generation language; specific network software; or specific types of PC's or peripheral equipment). Also, supply a list of at least three client sites, one being in the Bay Area, that currently operate the product or products that you are proposing in your response. For each client site, supply the organization name, address, and name and phone number for one or more individuals at the site who are familiar with the product and ks implementation as well as how long the system has been in operation. A local on-site visit may be made to a site with a system operational for at least 6 months. B-12 CITY OF DUBLIN OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM ATTACHMENT C: EXISTING COMPUTER'HARDWARE In brief, the City's hardware configuration consists of approximately sixty-five (65) PC workstations, predominantly Pentium 11/300 processors. All workstations will be upgraded to some type of Pentium processor within the 1999/2000 fiscal year. The City operates two Windows NT file servers, each a primary domain server, one at City Hall and one at the Shannon Community Center. An ISDN line running at 128Kb links the two domains. A fiber-optic cable links City Hall to the Police Department, which operates on the City Hall NT domain. TCP/]2P and Netbeui protocols are available on the City Hall network. IPX can also be installed as necessary. Static IP addresses have been assigned to all workstations on the wide-area network. Most workstations are equipped with 17" monitors, which are SVGA capable. All netWorks are built on category 5 twisted-pair cable, and the existing tWisted-pair Ethernet hubs run at I 0Mb. The City is considering upgrading the hubs to 100Mb as required by applications such as the imaging system. The backup tape drive on the NT domain is sufficient in speed and capacity to back up another 4Gb of data on a daily basis. This tape drive is available for backup of active documents and/or indexes for the imaging system as desired. A single AS/400e minicomputer is used to operate the ACS (formerly BRC) financial system. TCP/IP protocol has been loaded on the AS/400. Access to the AS/400 from PC workstations is via a TCP/12P connection and terminal emulation software. C-1