HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCReso03-38 PA02-031 Rec CC Dublin Honda SDR RESOLUTION NO. 03- 38
WHEREAS, the Applicant/Property Owner has requested approval of a Site Development
Review in conjunction with a PD Planned Development rezoning and Stage 2 Development Plan and
Master Sign Program to expand and renovate the Dublin Honda auto dealership located at 7099 Amador
Plaza Road, within the Downtown Core Specific Plan area and the PD Planned Development Zoning
District; The proposal is to remodel and expand the showroom area of the dealership, and renovate the
exterior of the building to meet the requirements of the Honda Corporation for their franchises (see
Attachment 1, Exhibit A-2, Project Plans prepared by Michael Zucker & Associates, dated June 12,
2003). Additionally, approximately 19,000 square feet would be constructed for a larger service area with
an open parking area on the second level for vehicle storage and overflow parking, and the vehicle drop-
off area is proposed to be expanded and covered to provide two entry lanes and one exit lane, resulting in
a total square footage of approximately 33,100; and
WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on
file in the Community Development Department; and
WHEREAS, the project has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines and is
Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin
Environmental Guidelines, under Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15332, as there is no potential for
significant environmental effects to occur as a result of the project and the project would be located on an
infill site which was previously improved with structures, utility service and other improvements; and
WHEREAS, the City adopted the Downtown Core Specific Plan on December 19, 2000 which was
prepared pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65450 et seq.; and,
WHEREAS, the Specific Plan includes permitted land uses, development standards, urban design
guidelines, transportation improvements and implementation programs to achieve the goals of the Dublin
General Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the Specific Plan land use category/designation for the Honda auto dealership site is
R/A Retail/Auto land use, which includes sales and service of new and used vehicles. The Specific Plan
established increased Floor-Area-Ratios (FARs) for properties within the Plan area, including the Dublin
Honda property, which is the maximum FAR of.79 or 79 %. With the expansion of the showroom and
the new service and repair center, the resulting FAR will be .55 or 55%; therefore, the project would be
consistent with the maximum allowable FAR established by the Downtown Core Specific Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the Dublin General Plan as land use designation for the
site is Retail/Office, which allows certain automotive uses that are new or existing. Approval of the
project would allow the existing Honda auto sales and service at the site to continue operations, and also
expand the facility to provide improved auto related sales and services to the community. Additionally,
the project is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which contains Guiding Policy
2.2.2A stating that the City's policy is to keep automobile dealers in Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the project on July 8, 2003 on
the PD Planned Development Rezoning, Site Development Review, and Master Sign Program, and
recommended approval of the project to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending that the City
Council approve the application; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered
all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that the proposed project is appropriate for the
subject site.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of
Dublin does hereby adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of PA 02-031, the Site
Development Review, and does hereby make the following findings:
A. The Ken Harvey/Dublin Honda project is consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.104
Site Development Review of the Zoning Ordinance.
B. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interest of the public health, safety
and general welfare.
The proposed site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation,
setbacks, height, fencing, public safety and similar elements has been designed to provide a
desirable environment for the development and the public.
The proposed parking lot will provide sufficient parking for the auto dealership use with a total of
180 parking spaces, where 121 parking spaces are required for the dealership based on the various
uses in the building. Therefore, adequate on-site parking would be provided to meet parking
demand for the various land uses and activities proposed for the project.
Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings; building materials and colors;
screening of exterior appurtenances; and exterior lighting and similar elements have been
incorporated into the project in order to insure compatibility of this commercial development with
the development's design concept or theme and the architectural character of the surrounding
retail and commercial uses.
The proposed signage for the project is compatible with the design of the auto dealership,
surrounding uses, and other design elements in the project, and a Master Sign Program is part of
the project application submitted for approval.
Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and increased coverage
of plant materials, the proposed pedestrian access areas and similar enhanced landscaping
elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission hereby recommends
the City Council approve PA 02-031 Ken Harvey/Dublin Honda Site Development Review request to
construct an approximately 23,500 square foot expanded area and renovate the interior and exterior of the
existing building at 7099 Amador Plaza Road for a total of approximately 33,100 square feet, as generally
depicted by the plans, labeled Exhibit A-2 of the PD Planned Development and Stage 2 Development
Plan, consisting of 13 sheets prepared by Michael Zucker & Associates, dated received by the Planning
Department on June 12, 2003, subject to the approval of the PD Planned Development and Stage 2
Development Plan, and compliance with the following conditions:
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of
building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Department of Community
Development review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies
responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. |PL1 Planning. lB1 Building.
IPOI Police, [PWI Public Works IADMI Administration/City Attorney~ |FIN} Finance, IFI Alameda
County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, |CO1 Alameda Coun .ty
Department of Environmental Health.
(Prior to)
1. Planned Development Rezoning. This approval shall be PL Building Permit
as generally depicted on the project plans and
Development Plan labeled Exhibit A-1 and A-2 of the PD
Planned Development Rezoning and Stage 2
Development Plan, dated received June 12, 2003, and
prepared by Michael Zucker & Associates, consisting of
13 sheets.
2. Fees. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, all B, PL, Building Permit
applicable fees shall be paid. These fees shall include, ADM
but not be limited to, those fees required by City
Ordinances such as Traffic Impact Contribution Fees,
School Impact fees, Fire Impact fees, Regional
Transportation Fees, or any other that may be adopted. In
addition, all fees required by DSRSD, ACF, Zone 7, shall
be paid in accordance with those Agencies' ordinances
and regulations.
3. Compliance with Agencies. The Applicant/Developer F, PW, PO, Prior to issuance of
shall comply with applicable Alameda County Fire, Z7, DSR, Building Permits
Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building PL
Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County
Flood Control District Zone 7, Alameda County Public
Health, and Dublin San Ramon Services District
requirements. Prior to issuance of building permits or the
(Prior to)
installation of any improvements related to this project,
thc Developer shall supply written statements from each
such agency or department to the Planning Department,
indicating that all applicable conditions required have
been or will be met.
4. Building Code and Ordinance Compliance. All project B Through Completion
construction shall comply with all requirements of the
Building Code and Ordinances in effect at thc time of
building permit approval.
5. Building Permits. Building permits for thc expansion PL, B Ongoing
and remodeling of the buildings shall be secured and
construction commenced within one (1) year after thc
effective date of this approval or said approval shall bc
void. This one (1) year period may be extended an
additional one (1) year after thc expiration date of this
approval (a written request for the extension must be
submitted prior to the expiration date) by the Community
Development Director upon thc determination that the
Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the
above stated Findings of Approval will continue to be
6. Addressing. Addressing will be required on all doors B Prior to Occupancy
leading to the exterior of the building. Addresses shall be
illuminated, be able to be seen from the street, and be a
minimum height of 5 inches.
7. Application for Building Permits/Submittal of PL, B Prior to issuance of
Materials. To apply for building permits, the Building Permits
Applicant/Developer shall submit eight (8) sets of
construction plans to the Building Division for plan
check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated
copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations
shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will
or have been complied with. Construction plans will not
be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to
each set of plans. The Applicant will be responsible for
obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City
agencies prior to the issuance of building permits.
8. Construction Plans. Construction plans shall be fully B Prior to issuance of
dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately Building Plans
drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on
site), and prepared and signed by a licensed civil
engineer, architect or landscape architect. Thc site plan,
(Prior to)
landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each
9. Operation of Uses. The Applicant/Property Owner shall B, PL Ongoing
develop this project and operate all uses in compliance
with the Conditions of Approval of this Site Development
Review and the regulations established in the Planned
Development (PD) Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of
the terms or conditions specified may be subject to
enforcement action.
10. Revocability. The permit shall be revocable for cause in PL Ongoing
accordance with Section 8.132 of the Dublin Zoning
11. Modifications to Planned Development. No further PL Ongoing
approvals shall be granted to increase the service area,
office space or showroom, unless an amendment to the
Planned Development Rezoning Development Plan is
submitted for approval by the Planning Commission.
Minor modifications may be submitted for approval by
the Community Development Director at his/her
12. Effective Date. No development shall be permitted until P L Ongoing
the Planned Development Stage 2 Development Plan
rezoning submittal has been approved by the City
13. Siting and Design. The proposed buildings shall be PL Prior to issuance of
generally located as shown on the Site Plan of the Project Building Permits
Plans, Exhibit A. The architectural design of the
buildings shall emphasize low profiles and rooflines, the
use of colors shown on the plans, non-reflective surfaces,
compatibility with existing structures on the site, and
appropriate landscape screening. The architectural
guidelines in the Development Plan for the project,
Exhibit A-1, shall be reflected in the overall design of the
new facilities.
14. Roof Equipment Screening. All roof equipment shall be PL, B Prior to issuance of
completely screened from view by a parapet. Equipment Building Permits
not screened by a parapet shall be screened by materials
architecturally compatible with the building, as approved
by the Community Development Director.
15. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW Prior to Issuance of
(Prior to)
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable Building Permits
City of Dublin Standard Public Works Conditions of
Approval (Attached to this Resolution). In the event of a
conflict between the Standard Public Works Conditions
of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall
16. Master Sign Program/Sign Site Development Review.
All signage shall conform to the Master Sign Program
reviewed and approved as part of thc project. Individual
signage shall be subject to Sign Site Development
Reviews. Modifications may be considered by thc
Zoning Administrator upon application for a Sign Site
Development Review pursuant to Section 8.104 Site
Development Review.
17. Temporary Construction Fencing. The use of PW, B During Construction
temporary construction fencing shall be installed to
safeguard the public during construction of the new
building and site improvements. Said fencing shall be
subject to the review and approval of the Public Works
Director and the Building Official.
18. ADA Requirements/Handicap Ramps. All handicap
ramps shall comply with all current State ADA
requirements and City of Dublin Standards.
19. Exterior Lighting. All exterior light fixtures shall be PL Prior to issuance of
equipped with cut-off lenses, directed downward, and Building Permits
limited in height to the maximum necessary for adequate
illumination to minimize excess light and glare.
20. Lighting. The Developer/Applicant shall submit for PO, PW Prior to issuance of
approval a photometric lighting plan that demonstrates Building Permits
that all exterior areas of the site will have a lighting level
not less than 1.0 foot-candles at the ground surface.
Lighting in landscaped areas throughout the project shall
be subject to review and approval of City's Landscape
Architect, Planning, and Public Works Departments, in
consideration of IES standards for lighting in
public/community areas.
21. Final Lighting Plan. The applicant shall submit a final PO, PW Prior to Occupancy
lighting plan for approval by the Dublin Police Services.
At a minimum the plan should include: 1.0 foot candle
(Prior to)
lighting at all doors, and lighting fixtures should bc of a
vandal-resistant type.
22. Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. DSR, PW Ongoing
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all
implementation of the "Water Efficient Landscape
Regulations" of the Zoning Ordinance.
23. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Final PL Prior to Issuance of
Landscape and Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a Building Permits
State licensed landscape architect or registered engineer,
generally consistent with the preliminary landscape plan
prepared by Michael Zucker & Associates, dated received
June 12, 2003 (sec Exhibit A-l, Sheet L-I), along with a
cost estimate of thc work and materials proposed, shall be
submitted for review and approval by the Community
Development Director.
24. Standard Plant Material Irrigation and Maintenance PL, PW Prior to Issuance o£
Agreement. The Applicant/Developer shall complete Building Permits
and submit to the Dublin Planning Department the
Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance
25. Fire Department. The Applicant shall comply with all F Prior to Occupancy
applicable regulations and requirements of the Alameda
County Fire Department (ACFD), including payment of
all appropriate fees.
26. Fire Extinguishers and Alarms. Fire extinguishers and F Prior to Occupancy
alarms are required in all buildings and in accordance
with the regulations and requirements of the Alameda
County Fire Department (ACFD), including payment of
all appropriate fees.
27. Fire Hydrants. All fire hydrants shall be shown on final F
28. Security. All security for the use must comply with the PO Prior to Occupancy
City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements.
29. Graffiti. The Applicant/Property Owner shall keep the PO Ongoing
site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and
continuous basis at all times. Graffiti resistant paints for
the structures and film for windows or glass should be
(Prior to)
30. Exit Paths. The proposed parking shall not impede PW, B Ongoing
required exit paths or encroach into pedestrian pathways.
31. Traffic Mitigation Contribution. The PW Prior to issuance of
Developer/Applicant shall pay Voluntary Traffic Building Permits
Mitigation Contributions based on the number of daily
vehicle trips generated by the project. The contribution or
fee shall be collected for each phase of development
based on the number of daily vehicle trips generated by
said use, and assuming 118 total vehicle trips for all uses.
The total contribution for both phases of the project shall
be $34,928.
32. Existing Underground Utilities and Associated PW Ongoing
Easements. According to the Preliminary Title Report
for the project site, several existing easements encumber
the site. The Applicant/Developer shall assure that the
rights of each easement holder are not compromised as a
result of the proposed improvements. If any existing
utilities or other improvements protected by said
easements are altered or removed, the
Applicant/Developer shall submit evidence that the
easement holder consents to said work.
33. Storm Drainage. The Applicant/Developer shall modify PW Prior to issuance of
or replace the existing storm drainage system to convey Building Permits
the on-site storm runoff to the existing public storm drain
system. Not more than ¼ acre of the site will be allowed
to surface drain to the abutting public streets through the
driveway, and in no event shall storm runoff flow across
the public sidewalks.
34. Parking. The parking lot shall be constructed in PW Prior to Occupm~cy
accordance with the Exhibits approved with this
application. All parking stalls shall be built in accordance
with Building Code and Municipal Code requirements.
In addition, all customer stalls shall be clearly identified
with signs and pavement marking.
35. Pavement Slopes. Pavement slopes within the parking PW Grading
field shall not exceed 5% in any direction, and shall not
be flatter than 1%. Within any parking stall designated
for the physically disabled, the slope shall not exceed 2%
in any direction.
(Prior to)
36. Physically Challenged Tow-Away Sign. An R100B' PW Ongoing
(Disabled Parking Regulations) sign shall be installed at
each driveway entrance to the site with amended text as
follows, "towed vehicles may be reclaimed at DUBLIN
POLICE or by telephoning 833-6670".
37. Public Improvements. The Applicant/Developer shall PW Prior to Occupancy
replace all damaged improvements, along the project
frontage, within the public right-of-way, including curb,
gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving and utilities to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Any
improvement constructed within the public right-of-way
shall be constructed in accordance with the City's
approved standards. An encroachment permit will be
needed from the City of Dublin for any work within the
public rights of way. The Applicant/Developer shall
replace damaged sidewalk on the Amador Plaza Road
frontage, and replace pavement markings as needed.
38. Easements. The existing Drainage Easement, Storm PW Ongoing
Drain Easement, and Sanitary Sewer Easement (recorded
as Series No. 85-235999, 72-34582, and 70-28781) shall
be maintained as clear and open and no part of any
building shall interfere with said easements.
39. Maintenance Covenant and Agreement. The PW Prior to issuance of
Applicant/Developer shall contact the Building Official in Building Permits
regards to getting permission to move the Covenant and
Agreement Regarding Maintenance of Yards for Over-
Sized Building Easement (recorded as Series No. 90-
324662 on 12/11/90) westerly to accommodate the new
proposed building. This said easement should be
recorded with the Alameda County Recorders Office
prior to obtaining Building Permit.
40. Utility Boxes. All sewer clean-outs, water meter boxes, PW Prior to Occupancy
and other utility boxes shall be set to grade to the
approval of the Director of Public Works.
41. Bicycle Parking. The applicant/Developer shall install PW Prior to Occupancy
one Bicycle parking space in a rack for every 40 vehicular
parking spaces near several entries to the satisfaction of
the Director of Public Works. Bicycle racks shall be
located near the building entrances for convenient
surveillance by the employees and patrons.
(Prior to)
42. Geotechnical Investigation. A site-specific geotechnical PW Grading
investigation shall be required for each building
constructed as part of the proposed expansion prepared by
a California-registered geologist or California- registered
engineering geologist. The report(s) shall address the
potential for Geotechnical hazards and impacts to
structures for active earthquake faults, expansive soils,
and the potential for landslides on the site, pavement
sections, and foundation design. Specific measures to
reduce seismic hazards, expansive soils and landslide
hazards to a less-than-significant level shall be included
in the report(s) and implemented as part of the project
during all phases.
43. Erosion And Sedimentation Control Plan. An erosion PW Grading
and sedimentation control plan shall be prepared by a
Califomia-registered civil engineer for implementation
during the rainy season (Generally from Oct 1 st to April
15th). The plan should be prepared in accordance with
City of Dublin and RWQCB design standards and shall
be approved by the Dublin Public Works Director prior to
issuance of a grading permit. It is recommended that this
plan, at a minimum, include the following provisions:
· Existing vegetated areas should be left
undisturbed until construction of
improvements on each portion of the
development site is actually ready to
· All disturbed areas should be immediately
revegetated or otherwise protected from
both wind and water erosion upon the
completion of grading activities;
· Stormwater runoff should be collected into
stable drainage channels, from small
drainage basins, to prevent the buildup of
large, potentially erosive stormwater
· Specific measures should be implemented
to control erosion from stockpiled earth
and exposed soil;
· Runoff should be directed away from all
areas disturbed by construction;
· Sediment ponds or siltation basins should
be used to trap eroded soils before runoff
(Prior to)
is discharged into on-site or offsite
drainage culverts and channels;
· To thc extent possible, major site
development work involving excavation
and earth moving shall bc scheduled
during the dry season.
44. National Pollution Discharges Elimination Permit. PW Grading
Pursuant to the Alameda County's National Pollution
Discharges Elimination Permit (NPDES) No.
CAS0029831 with thc California Regional Water Quality
Control Board, all grading and construction activities
within the City of Dublin must comply with thc
provisions said permit. In particular, all storm drain inlets
shall be fitted with Filter Devices to remove
Hydrocarbons and other contaminants and stenciled "No
Dumping Flows to Bay" on thc face of curb next to thc
45. Hydrology Study. The project sponsor shall submit a PW Grading
hydrology study for thc proposed project, prepared by a
California-registered civil engineer, documenting the
amount of current stormwater runoff from the site,
estimated future quantities of runoff, and the ability of
downstream facilities to accommodate increased
stormwater quantities. Thc study shall bc approved by
thc City of Dublin Public Works Department and Zone 7
District Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. (A
permit from Zone 7 will bc required for any connection to
Zone 7's drainage network.
46. Construction-Related Traffic. Construction-related PW Ongoing
traffic shall be prohibited on Amador Valley Boulevard
and other local streets, and shall instead use Dublin
Boulevard exclusively during all work associated with the
various phases of the proposed expansion project.
47. Fees and Bonds. The applicant shall obtain all necessary PW Ongoing
permits, pay all applicable fees and post bonds as
48. Construction Practices. The following construction PW On-going
practices, based on BAAQMD standards, shall be
required during all phases of construction on the project
(Prior to)
· Water all active construction areas as needed;
· Watering or covering of stockpiles of debris, soil,
sand or other materials that can be blown by thc
· Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose
materials or require all trucks to maintain at least
two feet of freeboard;
· Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-
toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads,
parking areas and staging areas at construction
· Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved
access road, parking areas and staging areas at
construction sites;
· Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if
visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public
· Hydroseed or apply non-toxic soil stabilizers to
inactive construction areas;
· Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non-
toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand,
· Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph;
· Install sandbags or other erosion control measures
to prevent silt runoffto public roadways; and
· Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as
49. Public Works Checklist. The applicant shall use the PW Ongoing
Public Works Checklist to comply with other Public
Works Conditions for this project.
50. Archaeological. If an archeological or Native American PL Ongoing
artifact is identified during Sitework and preparation,
grading, or construction, work on the project shall cease
immediately until a resource protection plan conforming
to CEQA Guideline Section 15064.5 (e) is prepared by a
qualified archeologist and approved by the Dublin
Community Development Director. Project work may be
resumed in compliance with such plan. If human remains
are encountered, a native American descendant and the
County Coroner shall be contacted immediately.
(Prior to)
51. Noise Reduction Measures. The following construction PW Ongoing
noise reduction measures shall be implemented as part of
all construction.
· Limit construction time to 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m.
Monday-Friday, except state and federal holidays.
Exceptions may be granted in writing by the City
Engineer for emergency or extenuating circumstances
· All construction equipment should be in good
working condition, and the mufflers should be
inspected for proper functioning.
Designate a construction noise coordinator. This
coordinator shall be available to respond to
complaints from neighbors and take appropriate
measures to reduce noise.
52. Improvement Plans. Complete improvement plans shall DSR Prior to issuance of
be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements Building Pernfits
of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures,
Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation
of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable
DSRSD Master Plans and policies and all Recycled Water
Design and Construction Standards.
53. Waterline Systems. Should water lines be extended to DSR Occupancy
serve the project, domestic and fire protection waterline
systems for Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be
designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end
sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD
Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice.
54. Extension of Water/Sewer Lines. Should water/sewer DSR Occupancy
lines be extended to serve the project, DSRSD policy
requires public water and sewer lines to be located in
public streets rather than in off-street locations to the
fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer
or water easements must be established over the
alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-
street or private street location to provide access for
future maintenance and/or replacement.
55. Submittal to DSRSD. Should water/sewer lines need to DSR Occupancy
be extended to serve the project, the locations and widths
of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer
lines shall be submitted to DSRSD.
(Prior to)
56. Easement Dedication. Should water/sewer lines need to DSR Occupancy
be extended to serve the project, all easement dedications
for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument
irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication
on the Parcel Map.
57. Utility Construction Permit. Should water or sewer DSR Prior to issuance of
facilities be extended for the project, no sewerline or Building Permits
water line construction shall be permitted unless the
proper utility construction permit has been issued by
DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after
all of fees and permits have been obtained.
58. Hold Harmless. The Applicant shall hold DSRSD, its DSR Ongoing
Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents
of DSRSD harmless and indemnify the same from any
litigation, claims, or fines resulting from completion of
the project.
59. Substitution of Materials. All exterior architectural PL Prior to issuance of
elements visible from view and detailed on the plans shall Building Permits
be in a style and in materials in harmony with the exterior
of the building. Any substitutions of materials are subject
to the approval of the Community Development Director,
and must be of a quality and appearance similar to that
approved with this Site Development Review approval.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of July 2003.
Cm. Fasulkey, Jennings, Nassar, King and Machtmes
Pla er
Y Planni[lg (Jon~rri~ion ~Jer~0n