HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Council Transition CITY CLERK FILE # 630-10 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 21, 2000 SUBJECT: Transition of Council following Election Report prepared by: Kay Keck, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: 1) List of Commission/Committee Terms Expiring in December, 2000 2) Current Appointment List for Mayor & Councilmembers RECOMMENDATION: 1) Contim December 4th and 5th City COuncil meetings/receptions for outgoing and incoming Councilmembers 2) Determine whether recognition of CommisSioners/Committee Members with terms expiring in December, 2000 should be recognized on December 4th or on a future date. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds have been included in the City Council's Community Promotion Budget for recognition receptions. DESCRIPTION: In order to provide for a smooth transition following the recent election, Staff is seeking direction from the Council with regard to several logistical issues. Staff would propose, consistent with what has occurred following the last 3 elections, that a special City Council meeting be held on Monday, December 4, 2000. At this meeting, the current City Council would certify the official results of the November 7, 2000 election. An engraved plaque would be presented Councilmember Howard and the meeting would then adjourn to the Regional Meeting Room where a cake and coffee reception would be held to recognize Councilmember Howard. A formal sit-down dinner recognizing Councilmember Howard would be scheduled in January of 2001. Should the Council so direct, the December reception could also be a time to recognize Commissioners/Committee Members whose terms expire in December of 2000. Certificates of Appreciation would be presented to Commissioners/Committee Members at the City Council meeting. Another option would be to hold a specific reception recognizing outgoing Commissioners/Committee Members at a later date. ? Following the election in 1998, because of very little turnover, and several members being reappointed, there was no formal recognition reception held for Commission/Committee Members. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. Commissioners/Committee Members whose terms expired in 1996 were recognized at a combined reception held in March of 1997, which also recognized the Citizen and Organization of the Year, and also included visitors from Dublin's Sister City, Bray, Ireland. At the City Council's regular meeting on Tuesday, December 5, 2000, a reception would be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., prior to the start of the City Council meeting, to welcome the new Council. The first item of business would be to administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected Council. The Council would select someone to serve as Vice Mayor for a 1-year period. An item would be placed on the agenda to enable the Council to discuss the various committees/boards on which Councilmembers serve and to update the list. Advertising is underway for applications to fill the positions on the Planning Commission (4); the Parks & Community Services Commission (2); the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission (3); and the Senior Center Advisory Committee (3). Staff anticipates that a report will be placed on the agenda of the December 19th City Council meeting for confirmation of the Mayor's appointments. Staff recommends that the Council discuss the options and determine whether to hold the recognition reception for Commissioners/Committee Members on December 4~, or at a separate event to be scheduled in 2001. The Council should also discuss and determine if the December 4th and 5th meeting schedule is appropriate. TERMS EXPIRING IN DECEMBER, 2000 PLANNING COMMISSION FRED MUS SER RALPH HUGHES MAXINE JENNINGS (+ TONY ORAVETZ - elected to City Council) PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION CYNTHIA COBB-ADAMS ERIC SWALWELL HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MARY BETH ACUFF JUDY LUSSIE ANGELA MUETTERTIES SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARY LOU BIELKE PAUL SILVAS CAROL TOMASA K2/F/corres/orientatn/expiringtenns. doc ATTACHMENT 1 CI'I'Y* OF ltl 'lll-!l MAYO R'S APPOINTMENT/ASSIGNMENT LIST December, 1998 to Current COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Alameda County Fire Department Advisory Commission Lockhart Al am eda CountyHousing Authority Alameda County Library Advisory Commission Alameda County Mayors' Conference Alameda County Waste Managerot Authority JPA Association of Bay Area Governments Gen'l Assy McCormick McCormick/Zika (Alternate) Houston Lockhart/McCormick (Alternate) McCormicldZika (Alternate) Citizen/Organization of the Year Congestion Management Authority Community TV Board Cable TV Franchise Renewal Committee Houston/Howard Zika/McCormick (Alternate) McCormick (+ Valerie Barnes) Lockhart Downtown Study Task Force DSRSD Liaison Committee Dublin Pride Week Committee Dublin Unified School District Liaison Committee Lockhart Houston/Lockhart Howard/McCormick Houston/Lockhart East Bay Division/League of CA Cities Howard/McCormick (Alternate) East Bay Regional Park District Liaison Committee Lockhart ATTACHMENT 2 COMMITTEE Job Training Partnership Act/PIC REPRESENTATIVE Zika League of CA Cities Voting Delegate & Alternate League of CA Cities Legislative Delegate Program League of CA Cities Community Services Committee Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority JPA Lockhart/McCormick Howard McCormick Houston/Lockhart Zika (Alternate) Pleasanton City Liaison Committee Houston/Lockhart San R~mon City Liaison Committee Sister City International Committee Houston/Lockhart Lockhart/McCormick Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee Tri-Valley Transportation Council Zika/McCormick (Alternate) Zika/Howard (Alternate) Zone 7 Liaison Committee Houston/Lockhart K2/G/cc-mtgs/misc/appts-cc-current. doc Updated 11/17/00