HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 Strouds Plaza Excess PropCITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: December 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Sale of Excess Public Property to Stroud's Plaza (Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution (a) or (b), Including Legal Description 2) Plat Map 3) Location Map RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open public hearing. 2) Receive Staff presentation and public testimony. 3) Question Staff and the public. 4) Close public hearing and deliberate. 5) Adopt EITHER resolution (a) if no protests are received OR resolution (b) if protests are received and overruled. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Stroud's Plaza has agreed to a $62,189.97 purchase price ($13.97 per square foot). The pro-rated portio~ for Parcel 1, $26,187.80, is proposed to be returned to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District as discussed in the Description below. The balance of $36,002.17 will be placed in the City's General Fund. DESCRIPTION: Phillip Smith, representing Stroud's Plaza (formerly Town and Country Shopping Center), has requested to purchase a strip of excess City right-of-way along the frontage of the property in order to provide the necessary setback for a new building. In June of 1990, the City Council authorized Staff to enter into negotiations for sale of the property. Staff notified local park and recreation agencies, as required by law, and also requested that utility companies advise if any easements were required. None of the park and recreation agencies expressed an interest in the property. A blanket utility easement over Parcel 2 is being reserved for PG&E, Pacific Bell, Viacom, and DSRSD facilities. Parcel 1 of this proposed purchase is a 1,874.57 square foot parcel which lies along the Amador Valley Boulevard frontage of the shopping center. This parcel was purchased as part of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District. A proportionate share of the purchase price based on the square footage of the parcel ($26,187.80) will be returned to the Assessment District when the sale is consummated. The balance of $36,002.22 will be placed in the City's General Fund. Parcel 2 of this proposed purchase is a 2,577.11 square foot parcel which lies along the San Ramon Road frontage of the shopping center. This property was originally purchased by the State for purposes of widening old State Highway 21. The right-of-way was passed on to Alameda County and then to the City of Dublin upon incorporation. The City does not intend to widen San Ramon Road in the future and has sold several pieces of excess right-of-way to the Arbor Creek development, the Fishery, and Public Storage. On November 26th, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intent to sell the property, setting December 10th as the public hearing date. The resolution has been published and has been posted on the property for a minimum of 10 days as required. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the resolution approving sale of the subject property to Stroud's Plaza and authorizing the Mayor to sign the deed. Resolution (a) should be adopted if no protests to the sale were received. Resolution (b) should be adopted if protests were received and overruled. ITEM NO.~~~__ COPIES TO: Phillip Smith RESOLUTION NO. -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SAIg OF CITY PROPERTY TO STROUD'S PLAZA AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY WHEREAS, Stroud's Plaza has requested the City to enter into negotiations to sell 4,451.68 square feet of City property adjacent to San Ramon Road south of Amador Valley Boulevard, more particularly described in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto, reserving a blanket utility easement over Parcel 2, in conjunction with a retail facility at the southwest corner of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the subject property as surplus on June 11, 1990 and directed Staff to notify appropriate agencies of the City's offer to sell the property; and WHEREAS, said agencies declined interest in purchasing the property; and WHEREAS, on November 26, 1990, the City Council stated its intention to sell the subject property and set a hearing on the matter; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing and no protests were received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the sale of the subject City property to Stroud's Plaza for the sum of $62,189.97. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the deed for the sale of subject City property and deliver said deed into an escrow account established for this transfer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $26,187.80 of the above sale price, the pro-rated cost of Parcel 1, shall be returned by the City to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO STROUD'S PLAZA AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY WHEREAS, Stroud's Plaza has requested the City to enter into negotiations to sell 4,451.68 square feet of City property adjacent to San Ramon Road south of Amador Valley Boulevard, more particularly described in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto, reserving a blanket utility easement over Parcel 2, in conjunction with a retail facility at the southwest corner of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the subject property as surplus on June 11, 1990 and directed Staff to notify appropriate agencies of the City's offer to sell the property; and WHEREAS, said agencies declined interest in purchasing the property; and WHEREAS, on November 26, 1990, the City Council stated its intention to sell the subject property and set a hearing on the matter; and WHEREAS, on August 27, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing, received all protests, and overruled the protests by at least a four-fifths vote; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the sale of the subject City property to Stroud's Plaza for the sum of $62,189.97. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the deed for the sale of subject City property and deliver said deed into an escrow account established for this transfer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $26,187.80 of the above sale price, the pro-rated cost of Parcel 1, shall be returned by the City to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Mayor City C]erk EXHIBIT '" A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, AL~V~EDA, STATE OF CALiFORNiA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COU,.~- ~ OF PARCEI__m ON__E: iON RIGHT OF WAY ~'2 AS SHO~F:i ON THAT ' ~ ~ OF PUBLIC A PORTION OF Sp~mOR VALLEY BL%~%~XTENS OF DUBLIN DEP}~M~NT CERTAIN PLAT ON FILE IN THE OFFI OF THE CITY WORKS ENTITLED "~OR VALLEY BL~ · EXTENSION R/W-2 ACQUISITION PLAT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 84-1, DWG NO. A!", BEING MORE p}ITICULARLY DESCRiSED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAiD AP~OR VALLEY BL~'. uv~Nc~O~'4 OF WAY %2, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST COR~qER OF PA_RCEL 2 AS ~'" r"~ ON p}~CEL N~ ~2806 AS }P~ENDED M-~Y 4 1979, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ' TR~ ~L~EDA COUNTY RECORDER iN BOOK ]09 OF P~PS AT PAGES 90 P}:D 9i; 'u~ ~LONG T-cF NOP. TPERLY LiNE OF SAiD p}_RCEL 2 SOUTH 80029,57" WEST 104.95 FEET 20 -, ...... ,.,u- · OE!..TAIN P~,CEL''',lr''L}'2qD DESCP!R.':iD 'i}; ~vz~'~ .'"rr'.TAi''~ :iiq~.L ,7UDGEMAN'i Of' C,Dt.~DEPD:PTION .ECOPDED [~%1 2.'2, i98S A3 !~';i '~ 90e85, OFFICIAl, R~RCORDS OF ALP'{NDA COUNTY, SAID EASTERNMOST ~OR .... . ~x' ',','~ 5 7:OiNT C'N ~ CUF.~ RAVING A ~!DiUS OF 370.00 =m .... --- ~IAL LiNE BE~S SOUTH 23°27 35" E~_S~ ......... r,wR:n~ ........... T~;ROUGH A CENT~}-L ~i.~GLE OF i2°~ 0': 6" AN A_RC DiST:~27CE OF 78.60 FEET TO ;%. pOiNT ..... - - qOUTHE. ASTERLY PIA:riI[G A OF REZ~RSE CUR%'A;uRE; THENCE ~LONG A CUR~ CONCAVE p.}I~IUS OF 71.00 FEET THROUGH A CENT~IL }~NG~m OF 26004' ~" ~_N }_RC Di~..~:~.~(.iE 32.3e ?~-~v~ TO ~ ~OiNT ON THE EASTERLY LiNE OF SAiD }p/:~(.)R VALLEY Ri.':;D- EXTV. NSiON RIGHT OF WAY ~2; THENCE ALONG SAiD EASTERLY LiNE ~,-,- ~ r EAS~ 34. 14 FEET TO SAiD POINT OF BEGiNNiNG. RESERVING A}:D EXCEPTING THEREFROM ~zN EASEMENT FOR PUbLiC UTiLITiES ~z'7 };BOVE DESCRIBED p}=RCEL 1. ~mRCEL TWO: A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN pi~_RCEL DESCRIBED iN THAT ~m~..~.-~' DEED ~ THE OFFICE OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDER iN BOOK 7437 OF OFFICIAL RE{{ PAGE 12~ ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF S~': K~zMON ~MORE p~.TICUL}~,LY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF P~,CEL 2 AS SHO}~I ON PA.RCEL P~AP }PfENDED Mm~V 4 1979 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE AL3PiEDA COUNTY A}~D 91 · THENCE NORTH 9°3~ '37 %~'EST B~O:, !0q OF M~S AT PAGES 90 -, NORTHERLY PROLONnRTION OF T}~E EASTERLY LINE OF SAiD PARCEL ~. {PM FEET TO A POINT ON A CUK'~ HAVING A ~:~iUS OF ~2.50 ~-~=~' ~'O WHmCt( p}~I~T, LINE BE.~S NORTH 9°3q ' 37" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERL! ALONG SA. iL'. THROUGH A CENTRAL }~GLE OF 37°58 LEAVING SAID CUR~ ON A NON-TAnGENT LINE SOUTH 31 37 EASI' ; THENCE SOUTH 80 28'23" WEST 20 00 FEET TO ~ POINT ON SAiD ~e~'eT'~' LiN}i , , ,v 2 (PM 2806) ' THENCE NORTH 9°31, 37" WEST ALONG SAID LASTmP,~I ........ FEEP TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. FOR SIDEWALK, BICYCLE DVR~.RvING }~D EXCEPTING THEREFROM }2N EASEMENT 4353-01 rcg:!am ~.~-90~/15/90 NOV '!. 5 i9 / I PAR,-., Ei o P A R C E L M/:', [:; ~ '-~ i'~' Drawn __ Scale /% -JO'