HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 The Groves Lot 3 GPOF Ill 4 �Ir 111 1'3 � =�, 82 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL February 18, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers CITY CLERK File #420 -30 Christopher L. Foss, Acting City Manager (-/I/t Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3 General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (PLPA 2013 -00033 and PLPA 2013 - 00034) (Related agenda items: 1, 2) Prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed Subarea 3 General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment would modify the acreage allocated to land uses as follows: a) Medium Density Residential (6.1 to 14 units per acre) — from 27.2 acres to 38 acres; b) Medium -High Density Residential (MHDR) (14.1 to 25.0 units per acre) — from 8.6 acres to 7.5 acres; c) Rural Residential /Agriculture — from 0 acres to 14.5 acres (as a partial replacement for 24.9 acres of Open Space); and d) Stream Corridor — from 1.3 acres to 2 acres. No changes are proposed for the 2 -acre Neighborhood Park. A conceptual project of approximately 437 units is anticipated. The proposed The Groves Lot 3 General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment would change the land use designation from High- Density Residential (25+ units per acre) to Medium -High Density Residential (MHDR) (14.1 to 25.0 units per acre). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: All costs associated with the processing of these applications are borne by the Applicant. The property owner for Subarea 3 will contribute $1.8 million dollars to assist with the completion of Fallon Sports Park Phase II improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the public hearing, deliberate and adopt Resolution amending the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3. Submitted By Community Development Director Reviewed By Acting Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 8 ITEM NO. 6.3 DESCRIPTION: Background: Subarea 3 The Subarea 3 site is located south of Central Parkway, north of Dublin Boulevard, west of Fallon Road, and east of Lockhart Street within Area B of Dublin Ranch (see vicinity map below). Subarea 3 project includes a request for a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment that would modify the acreage allocated to land uses as follows: a) Medium Density Residential (6.1 to 14 units per acre) — from 27.2 acres to 38 acres; b) Medium - High Density Residential (MHDR) (14.1 to 25.0 units per acre) — from 8.6 acres 7.5 acres; c) Rural Residential /Agriculture — from 0 acres to 14.5 acres (as a partial replacement for 24.9 acres of Open Space); and d) Stream Corridor — from 1.3 acres to 2 acres. No changes are proposed for the two -acre Neighborhood Park. A conceptual project of approximately 437 units is anticipated. The Groves Lot 3 The Groves Lot 3 site is located south of Maguire Way (a private street), north of Dublin Boulevard, on the west of Lockhart Street, and east of Keegan Street (See vicinity map below). The Groves Lot 3 project includes a request for a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to decrease the designated land use and density from High Density Residential (25.1 + units per acre) to Medium -High Density Residential (14.1 to 25 units per acre) consistent with housing type and product currently proposed. DUBLIN RANCH IH1ELINRANCD DRIVE: MAS] ER PLANNED COMN UNITY DUXI.' AY CMPLAL PARKWAY SL$AREA 3 PROJECT ARIA f}LBLIy 8C] L�LE:L'ARb � p a LUT 3 PR 1EC AREA x %sxn VICINITY MAP General Plan & Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment State law allows only four (4) General Plan Amendments per calendar year. These two projects combined represent the first amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element in 2014. Page 2 of 8 In order to avoid amendments in excess of the number permitted by State law, General Plan amendments for specific projects can be grouped together and adopted by one resolution. Therefore, the proposed General Plan Amendments for the Subarea 3 Project and The Groves Lot 3 Project have been grouped together to be heard on the same agenda and approved with one action (Resolution). The companion approvals associated with the Subarea 3 Project and The Groves Lot 3 Project will be heard as separate agenda items at the same City Council meeting on February 18, 2014 and will not become effective until the General Plan Amendments are approved and effective. Specific Plan amendments are not limited to four per year; however, the proposed amendments have been grouped together with their companion General Plan Amendments. Please refer to the separate Staff Reports for the Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3 Project for a complete discussion of the proposed projects and related entitlements. ANALYSIS: 0i iharPa Land Use Designations The Applicant is requesting to change the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Uses as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 below. TABLE 1: Existinq and Proposed Land Uses — Subarea 3 Land Use Existing Proposed Acres Units Acres Units Medium Density Residential (MDR) (6.1 to 14.0 units per acre) 27.2 166 -381 38 232 -532 Medium High Density Residential (MDR) (14.1 to 25.0 units per acre) 8.6 121 -215 7.5 106 -187 Rural Residential /Agriculture (RR/A) (1 unit per 100 acres) 0 0 14.5 0 Open Space (OS) 24.9 -- 0 -- Stream Corridor (SC) 1.3 -- 2.0 -- Neighborhood Park (NP) — No Change 2.0 -- 2.0 -- Total 64 287 -596 64 338 -719 Page 3 of 8 Figure 1 Existing Lana uses Proposed Lana uses i -------------- 1 ' \ i -- '1 •'� Medium Density �\ ` Residerdd oy s 8.6!a +8.3 ±ac A PO, "\ �`. I f I Open space ac Park not ac � 1 i m Medium 1 Medium / I DmIty Density / _ Residential Residential 19'7 ac 16' 172 ± ac 0`- \N= .. - ----- --� The proposed densities and land use distribution will allow for continuity of open space and a more effective utilization of the property. The requested land use distribution would group residential uses in three areas — a) 7.5 acres of MHDR along the westerly edge of the project site along Lockhart Street across from The Groves, the proposed MHDR residential development to the west; b) a 19.7 -acre neighborhood of MDR north of Dublin Boulevard adjacent the open space and Neighborhood Park, and c) an MDR neighborhood of approximately 18.3 acres within the northeast area of the site. The proposed land use amendments would increase the acreage for MDR and the Stream Corridor by reassigning the land currently designated Open Space and slightly reducing the acreage for MHDR. The Open Space land use would be eliminated in favor of Rural Residential /Agricultural which allows more flexible options for aesthetic improvements such vineyards, orchards, and community gardens while preserving an Open Space characteristic. The following is a further discussion of the proposed land uses. • Medium Density Residential and Medium -High Residential (MDR and MHDR) - At a maximum, the proposed acreage by use /densities would allow up to 719 units. As elsewhere in Eastern Dublin, this potential is limited through the required PD- Planned Development zoning. A project of approximately 437 units is anticipated based on a general concept plan reflecting the requested amendment to be distributed as 107 units of MHDR (14.27 units per acre) and 330 units MDR (8.68 units per acre). This figure is within the range of the existing land uses and would not represent a significant deviation from the level of development anticipated under the existing land uses. The number of units proposed within the development envelope will ensure that the on -site grading is optimized and the natural drainage is preserved. • Rural Residential /Agricultural (RR /A) - The RR /A land use is proposed for frontage along Central Parkway adjacent to the Stream Corridor and extends diagonally across the project site to the southeast corner and includes the south facing slope of the hillside as further discussed below. The RR /A designation allows the construction of one residential dwelling unit per 100 acres (1 unit/100 acres). However, since the RR /A land use is less than 100 acres, no units would be permitted within that 14.5 acre area, and the Applicant is not proposing to construct or retain any dwelling units in that area . The RR /A area would be managed by the Homeowners Association. Page 4 of 8 • Stream Corridor (SC) - The Stream Corridor would be expanded from 1.3 acres to 2.0 acres and generally would remain in its existing location. The Stream Corridor was created to fulfill biological mitigations required for development of other portions of Dublin Ranch. • Neighborhood Park (NP) —No changes in location or size are proposed for the two -acre Neighborhood Park. It would remain in the central location originally anticipated adjacent to residential uses and open space areas. Visual Resources The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Visual Resource Section 6.3.4 identifies view corridors as well as certain hillsides as visually sensitive. A portion of the project site includes low lying hills that were identified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as "visually sensitive ridgelands" and located within an area contemplated in the City of Dublin Scenic Corridor Policy. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan states that these hillsides are to remain to provide a distinctive visual feature as well as provide a screen for development to the north. The Specific Plan policies do permit grading of these ridge lands providing adherence to the policies are taken into account. Previously significant graded areas of the site were needed to accommodate roadway improvements; however, that grading did conform to the Visual Resources policies. The Specific Plan allows for development on the backside of these hills within certain standards in the Specific Plan. The south face of these hills (exposed to 1 -580) were designated as Open Space to maintain the natural appearance and intended to remain in order to provide a natural backdrop and screen development to the north. The proposed designation for this area will help ensure that natural undeveloped appearance is maintained. The Applicant's grading concept will conform to the policies of the Visual Resources section of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Most grading activities will occur behind or in front of the current hills with specific contour grading to blend the existing hills with the graded land form. Upon completion, the hillside will be revegetated and will serve to screen development. In addition to recontouring the hill, a small mound graded along the Fallon Road side of the site would serve to hide a large share of the Medium Density Residential planned for the northeasterly area of the project site. This neighborhood would be designed to fit within the natural contours having building pads stepped gradually to match the existing topography of the back side of the hill. Where feasible, the graded slopes would be 3:1 or less. Cut and graded slopes would be revegetated with native vegetation or vineyards. The requested General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would require adjustments to various figures, texts, and tables in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the documents. A City Council resolution, with a complete list of the proposed amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, is included as Attachment 1. The Groves Lot 3 The current proposal is for ownership housing at a lower density and fewer units than envisioned originally in order to serve the current buyer profile and market segment anticipated for this area. Three previous higher density project approvals on this site have not resulted in Page 5 of 8 construction of a project. Based on the proposed project, the total number of units for Lot 3 effectively would be reduced by 182 units or over half of the 304 multi - family units approved previously. Land Use Designations The request includes a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use of the 6.36 -acre site from its existing designation of High Density Residential (HDR) (25.1 or greater units per acre) to Medium -High Density Residential (14.1 to 25 units per acre). The proposed MHDR land use would allow a range of 113 units to 200 units. The proposed PD rezone fixes the number of units at a maximum of 122 units as further described below. Figure 2: The Groves Lot 3 txisting Lana uses vroposea Lana uses ----- - - - - -} ---- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- CEN PKWY -:' ,1 ----------------- Lu of u~i Medium High u~i ii U)i �I ; Cn Density �I Z =� a Residential =1 w o1 w 6.4 ±a[ of J )Y J DUBLIN BLVD. J DUBLIN BLVD. The requested land use amendments and the current proposal for Lot 3 reflect market conditions and optimal use of the site while remaining consistent with the surrounding community. The proposed density will allow a strong visual transition from the High Density Terraces to the west and the proposed Medium -High Density product anticipated for development on Subarea 3 to the east. The requested General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would require adjustments to various figures, texts, and tables in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the documents. A City Council resolution, with a complete list of the proposed amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, is included as Attachment 1. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission Staff reviewed the projects to ensure they are consistent with the Alameda County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. The Dublin Unified School District also reviewed the project for school impacts and did not raise any issues. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The projects are located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of Page 6 of 8 an Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (SCH # 91103064), certified by the City Council in Resolution No. 51 -93. The General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan EIR is a program EIR, which anticipated several subsequent actions related to future development in Eastern Dublin and identified some impacts from implementation of the General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan that could not be mitigated to less than significant. Upon approval of the Eastern Dublin project, the City adopted a statement of overriding considerations for such impacts. The City also adopted a mitigation- monitoring program, which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. The environmental impacts of the existing land uses were addressed by the Negative Declaration approved by the City Council in Resolution No. 140 -97 for the Planned Development Rezoning for 453 acres of Dublin Ranch (Areas B -E). An Initial Study was prepared for Subarea 3, and a determination was made to prepare an Addendum to the Eastern Dublin EIR and 1997 ND. Pursuant to the 2002 Citizens for a Better Environment case, approval of the Addendum includes a Statement of Overriding Considerations for significant unavoidable impacts identified in the prior EIR that are applicable to the project or project site. In June 2003, the City prepared an Initial Study for Fairway Ranch to determine whether there would be supplemental environmental impacts occurring as a result of this project beyond or different from those already addressed in the Program EIR and the 1997 Negative Declaration. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment because the environmental impacts of this project were fully addressed by the final EIR for the General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and subsequent Addenda, and the 1997 Negative Declaration. Since the number of units currently proposed for The Groves Lot 3 is less than initially evaluated, impacts from the proposed project have been found to be the same or less than those analyzed previously and would not require any further environmental review. All other EIRs NDs, Resolutions, and Ordinances referenced above and throughout the Staff Report are incorporated herein by reference and are available for review at City Hall, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California during business hours. Planning Commission Actions: On January 28, 2014, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3 projects. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussed the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments. The Planning Commission voted 4 -1 approving Resolution 14 -4 recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3. For reference purposes, the Planning Commission Staff Reports, Resolutions and Minutes for the January 28, 2014 meeting are included in the Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3 Staff Reports (separate agenda items). PUBLIC NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant. Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments for Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 and The Groves Lot 3 Page 8 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. xx -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN FOR DUBLIN RANCH SUBAREA 3 AND THE GROVES LOT 3 PLPA- 2013 -00033 and PLPA- 2013 -00034 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kevin Fryer, has submitted Planning Applications for residential development on two adjacent properties. Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 (Subarea 3) would result in future development of up to 437 single family residences on an approximately 64 acre site. The project proposes General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments to reallocate existing Medium High Density Residential and Medium Density Residential land uses, to reduce and change Open Space land uses to Rural Residential /Agriculture and to increase the Stream Corridor designation. The project also proposes a PD rezoning with related Stage 1 Development Plan and a Development Agreement. The Groves Lot 3 (Lot 3) proposes a residential development of up to 122 townhouse condominiums on approximately 6.6 acres. The project proposes a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendment to change the existing High Density Residential land use designation to Medium -High Density Residential. The project also proposes a PD rezoning with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan to establish the zoning and development standards for the project, as well as a Site Development Review permit and Vesting Tentative Map 8164. Because of the statutory limitation on General Plan amendments per year, the two applications are being processed in a consolidated action and are collectively known as the "project "; and WHEREAS, Subarea 3 is vacant and undeveloped, with two small hills in the northeast corner of the site. A vegetated stream corridor flows from the northwest corner for approximately 1,000 feet and is collected into a storm drain pipe in the middle of the site. The 64 -acre Project site is bounded by Central Parkway to the north, Dublin Boulevard to the south, Fallon Road to the east, and Lockhart Street to the west, which also comprises the Property for purposes of the Development Agreement. Lot 3 is vacant and flat and was previously graded in connection with prior development approvals. The site is located north of Dublin Boulevard, south of Maguire Way (private street), east of Keegan Street, and west of Lockhart Street. Both sites are in the Eastern Dublin area which is transitioning to urban uses pursuant to the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan adopted 1993; and WHEREAS, the General Plan amendment for Subarea 3 would change the land use designations as follows: reduce Medium -High Density Residential from 8.6 acres to 7.5 acres and move this use from the northeast area of the site to the western area of the site along Lockhart Street; increase Medium Density Residential from 27.2 acres to 38 acres along either side of an open space corridor; designate 14.5 acres of existing Open Space as Rural Residential /Agriculture (as a partial replacement for 24.9 acres of existing Open Space land use designation proposed for residential and rural residential /agriculture use); and increase the existing designated Stream Corridor from 1.3 acres to 2 acres. No changes are proposed for the existing 2 -acre Neighborhood Park designation. The General Plan amendment for Lot 3 would redesignate the entire site from High Density Residential to Medium -High Density Residential. Comparable amendments to the land use designations and locations for both sites would be made to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Specific Plan or EDSP). In addition, other 1 provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended to ensure consistency with the modified land use designations for the two sites; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, both of the sites are in Dublin Ranch Area B, which was included in two prior CEQA analyses. The 1993 Eastern Dublin EIR ( EDEIR) analyzed the conversion of nearly 7,000 acres of vacant, largely grazing land to urban uses over an estimated 20 -30 year timeframe. A subsequent Negative Declaration (ND) adopted in 1997 further analyzed Dublin Ranch Areas B -E in connection with Planned Development zoning for a mix of uses, including up to 1,875 dwelling units, approximately 485 of which were anticipated for Subarea 3 and approximately 304 anticipated for Lot 3. The existing General Plan and EDSP land use designations generally reflect the designations assumed in the prior EDEIR and ND; and WHEREAS, the City prepared a CEQA addendum to the EDEIR and ND for Subarea 3; and WHEREAS, the Lot 3 project site has been subject to a several project approvals and related CEQA reviews, as follows: a) Eastern Dublin EIR. Lot 3 is in Area B of Dublin Ranch in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 91103064), certified by the City Council in Resolution No. 51 -93 on May 10, 1993. The Eastern Dublin EIR is a Program EIR, which analyzed the potential environmental effects of converting largely vacant lands to urban uses over a 20 -30 year timeframe. The EIR anticipated several subsequent actions related to future development in Eastern Dublin, including a requirement that future development proposals be reviewed through Planned Development zoning. The City Council adopted mitigation measures to reduce numerous significant impacts to less than significant; all of the adopted mitigation measures continue to apply to implementing development in Eastern Dublin, including the Lot 3 project. The City adopted a statement of overriding considerations for impacts that were identified as significant and unavoidable. The High Density Residential land use designation assumed in the Eastern Dublin EIR for the Project site has remained unchanged since it was originally adopted. b) ND for Areas B -E. On November 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 140 -97 approving a Negative Declaration (ND) for a Planned Development Rezoning of Dublin Ranch Areas B -E. Areas B -E contained approximately 453 acres, including the Lot 3 project site. The Negative Declaration addressed all topics included in the standard CEQA checklist, updating them from the prior Eastern Dublin EIR analysis. The residential land use and density assumptions were unchanged from the assumptions in the Eastern Dublin EIR. The ND concluded that all potentially significant effects from development of Areas B -E, including the Lot 3 site, were adequately analyzed in the prior EIR c) Fairway Ranch Initial Study. In June 2003, the City approved the Fairway Ranch project, which included the Lot 3 project site. The 2003 approval included up to 930 dwelling units, with 304 units anticipated for the Lot 3 site. The City prepared an Initial Study for Fairway Ranch to determine whether there would be supplemental environmental impacts occurring as a result of that project beyond or different from those already addressed in the Eastern Dublin Program 2 EIR and the 1997 Negative Declaration. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment because the environmental impacts of the project were fully addressed by the Eastern Dublin EIR and the 1997 Negative Declaration. The City likewise relied on the 2003 Initial Study when it determined that no additional environmental review was required for subsequent approval of project revisions in 2007 and 2013. The Groves Lot 3 project proposes the same development area and residential uses as assumed in the above reviews; but substantially reduces the number of units previously reviewed and approved, from 304 to 122. Since the number of units currently proposed for Lot 3 is less than previously evaluated in the prior EIR, ND and Initial Study, impacts from the proposed project will be the same or less than those analyzed previously and would not require any further environmental review. The above referenced Eastern Dublin EIR, 1997 Negative Declaration and 2003 Initial Study, along with related Resolutions 51 -93, 53 -93, 140 -97 and referenced project approvals, are incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90 -day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14 -03 recommending that the City Council adopt a CEQA addendum for the Subarea 3 project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14 -04 recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated , 2014 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Subarea 3 project, including the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments Planned Development rezoning with related Stage 1 Development Plan. and Development Agreement, and the Lot 3 project, including the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments and Planned Development rezoning with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Map, and related CEQA review for both projects, for the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Subarea 3 and Lot 3 projects, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, on , 2014, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, on , 2014, the City Council adopted Resolution xx -xx adopting a CEQA addendum and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Subarea 3 project, which 3 resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Eastern Dublin EIR, the 1997 ND, the Subarea 3 CEQA Addendum, and all above - referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony prior to taking action on the Subarea 3 and Lot 3 applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, as set forth below for Subarea 3 and Lot 3, are in the public interest, will promote general health, safety and welfare, and that the General Plan as amended will remain internally consistent. The amendments on both sites are consistent with the guiding and implementing policies of the General Plan in each of the General Plan elements and will allow for residential development on sites long planned for that purpose. The General Plan amendments noted below will ensure that the implementation of the projects for Subarea 3 and Lot 3 are in compliance with the General Plan and that each element within the General Plan is internally consistent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council makes the following findings to support the determination that no further environmental review is required under CEQA for the proposed Lot 3 Project. These findings are based on information contained in the prior CEQA documents, the City Council Staff Report, and all other information contained in the record before the City Council. These findings constitute a summary of the information contained in the entire record. The detailed facts to support the findings are set forth in the prior CEQA documents, and elsewhere in the record. Other facts and information in the record that support each finding that are not included below are incorporated herein by reference: 1. The proposed Lot 3 Project does not constitute substantial changes to the previous projects affecting the Project site as addressed in the prior CEQA documents, that will require major revisions to the prior documents due to new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in severity of previously identified significant effects. Based on the substantially reduced number of units, all potentially significant effects of the proposed Lot 3 Project are the same or less than the impacts for the projects which were previously addressed. The proposed Project will not result in substantially more severe significant impacts than those identified in the prior CEQA documents. All previously adopted mitigation measures from the Eastern Dublin EIR continue to apply to the proposed Project and project site as applicable. 2. The City is not aware of any new information of substantial importance or substantial changes in circumstances that would result in new or substantially more severe impacts or meet any other standards in CEQA Section 21166 and related CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162/3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin finds the following: 1. No further environmental review under CEQA is required for the proposed Lot 3 Project because there is no substantial evidence in the record as a whole that any of the standards under Sections 21166 or 15162/3 are met. 12 2. The City has properly determined that the Lot 3 Project is within the scope of the Program EIR certified for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan and is the same or less than the amount of development assumed in the other prior CEQA reviews and project approvals. 3. The City Council considered the information in the prior CEQA documents before approving the land use applications for the proposed Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the General Plan: Figure 1 -1 (Land Use exhibit) shall be amended for Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 as shown below- 5 Figure 1 -1 (Land Use exhibit) shall be amended for The Groves Lot 3 as shown below: Table 2.2 (Land Use Development Potential: Eastern Extended Planning Area) shall be amended as shown below (table footnotes not included): TABLE 2.2: Land Use Development Potential. Eastern Extended Planning Area Classification Acres Intensity ** Units Factor Yield RESIDENTIAL Du's /acre Du's Persons /du Population High Density 56.8 25.1+ 1426+ 2.7 3850+ Medium -High Density 139.8 14.1 -25.0 1971 -3495 2.7 5322 -9436 Medium -High Density and Retail /Office 0 14.1 -25.0 0 2.7 0 Medium Density 388.9 6.1 -14.0 2372 -5445 2.7 6404 -14701 Single Family 725 0.9 -6.0 652 -4350 2.7 1760 -11745 Estate Residential 30.5 0.01 -0.8 0 -24 2.7 0 -65 Rural Residential /Agriculture 340.2 0.01 3 2.7 8 TOTAL 1681.2 1 6424- 14743+ 1 17344 -39805 COMMERCIAL Acres Floor Area Ratio (Gross) Square Feet (millions) Square Feet I Employee Jobs General Commercial 299.1 .20 -.60 2.61 -7.82 510 5118 -15333 General Commercial /Campus Office 95.22 .20 -.80 .83 -3.32 385 2155 -7325 Mixed Use 11.3 .30 -1.00 .15 -.49 490 306 -1000 Mixed Use 2 /Campus Office 22.9 .45 max .45 260 1731 Neighborhood Commercial 24.8 .25 -.60 .27 -.65 490 551 -1327 Campus Office 195.58 .25 -.80 2.13 -6.82 260 8192 -26214 Industrial Park 56.4 .35 max .86 590 1458 Industrial Park/Campus Office 0 .25 -.35 0 425 0 TOTAL: 705.3 7.33 -20.4 19511 -54388 0 TABLE 2.2: Land Use Development Potential. Eastern Extended Planning Area Classification Acres Intensity** Units Factor Yield PUBLIC /SEMI - PUBLIC /OPEN SPACE Acres FAR (Gross) Square Feet (millions) Square Feet/ employee Jobs Public /Semi - Public 94.1 .50 max 2.05 590 3475 Semi - Public 3.2 .50 max .07 590 119 Acres Number Parks /Public Recreation 196.3 Regional Parks 1.2 1 Open Space 696.5 Schools Acres FAR (Gross) Square Feet (millions) Square Feet/ employee Jobs Elementary School 48.7 .50 max 1.06 590 1797 Middle School 27.8 .50 max .61 590 1034 High School 0 TOTAL: 1067.8 3.79 6425 Acres Dwelling Units population Square Feet (millions) Jobs GRAND TOTAL: 3454.3 6424- 14743+ 17344 -39805 11.12 -24.19 25936 -60813 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby finds that the amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Subarea 3 and Lot 3 are consistent with the Dublin General Plan as amended because the amendments conform the Specific Plan to match the change in the General Plan land use designations for the sites and make other corresponding changes based on the changes in use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan- 7 Figure 4.1 (Land Use Figure 4.1 (Land Use shall be amended for Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 as shown below. 0 r - ) shall be amended for The Groves Lot 3 as shown below- ----------- ------ I tl F- LU LU Z Uj i Uj VVIVY -------------------- ------------ R Table 4.1 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary) shall be amended as shown below (table footnotes not included): TABLE 4.1: EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No. 66 -03, 47 -04, 223 -05, 58 -07, 37 -08, 210 -08, 176 -09, 55 -12, 92 -12, 210 -12, XX -14) Land Use Description LAND AREA DENSITY YIELD COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL General Commercial 356.8 acres .25 -.35 FAR 4.122 MSF General Commercial /Campus Office 87.02 acres .28 FAR 1.061 MSF Industrial Park* 61.3 acres .25 -.28 FAR .747 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 61.4 acres .30 -.35 FAR .871 MSF Mixed Use 4.6 acres .30 -1.0 FAR .005 MSF Campus Office 178.34 acres .35 -.75 FAR 3.418 MSF Subtotal 749.5 acres 10.224 MSF RESIDENTIAL High Density 59.4 acres 35 du /ac 2,079 du Medium High Density 153.5 acres 20 du /ac 3,070 du Medium Density ** 484.0 acres 10 du /ac 4,840 du Single Family * * ** 936.35 acres 4 du /ac 3,745 do (3) Estate Residential 30.4 acres 0.13 du /ac 4 du Rural Reside ntial/Ag ric. 560.85 acres .01 du /ac 6 du Mixed Use 4.6 acres * ** 15 du /ac 115 du Subtotal 2,229.1 acres 13,859 du PUBLIC /SEMI- PUBLIC Public /Semi - Public 95.2 acres .24 FAR .995 MSF Semi - Public 8.5 acres .25 FAR Subtotal 103.7 acres .995 MSF SCHOOLS Elementary School 66.5 acres(') 5 schools Junior High School 21.3 acres 1 school Subtotal 87.8 acres PARKS AND OPEN SPACE City Park 56.3 acres 1 park Community Park 97.0 acres 3 parks Neighborhood Park 49.0 acres 7 parks Neighborhood Square 16.7 acres 6 parks Subtotal 219 acres 17 parks Open Space 681.0 acres TOTAL LAND AREA 4,070.1 acres Table 4.2 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary) shall be amended as shown below (table footnotes not included): TABLE 4.2: EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No. 47 -04, 223 -05, 58 -07, 37 -08, 176 -09, 55 -12, 92 -12, 210 -12, XX -14) Land Use Designation Development Sq Ft/Employees Persons /du Jobs Commercial Ratio Units Industrial Park .747 MSF 590 Existing City of 1,266 General Commercial /Campus Office* 1.061 MSF 385 1.72:1.0 2,756 General Commercial 4.122 MSF 510 8,082 Neighborhood Commercial .885 MSF 490 22,545 1,806 Mixed Use ** .005 MSF 490 10 Campus Office 3.418 MSF 260 1 20,959 13,416 Public /Semi Public .995 MSF 590 1,686 Semi - Public 590 TOTAL: 11.233 MSF 29,022 Residential Population High Density 2,079 2.0 4,158 Medium High Density 3,070 2.0 6,140 Medium Density 4,840 2.0 9,680 Single Family * ** (1) 3,745 3.2 11,894 Estate Residential 4 3.2 13 Mixed Use ** 115 2.0 230 Rural Reside ntial /Agric. 6 3.2 19 TOTAL: 13,859 32,224 Table 4.3 (Projected Jobs /Housing Balance) shall be amended as shown below (table footnotes not included): TABLE 4.3: CITY OF DUBLIN PROJECTED JOBS /HOUSING BALANCE (Amended Per Resolution No. 223 -05, 58 -07, 37 -08, 55 -12, 92 -12, 102 -12, XX -14) PLANNING AREA Dwelling Jobs Employed Balance Ratio Units Residents Existing City of 7,100 12,210 12,000 -210 1.72:1.0 Dublin Eastern Dublin 13,859 29,022 22,545 -6,477 2.09:1.0 Specific Plan Area TOTAL: 1 20,959 41,232 34,545 -6.687 1 1.97:1.0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments approved in this Resolution for Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 shall not take effect until the Development Agreement for Subarea 3 takes effect and is recorded on the Subarea 3 Property. The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments approved in this Resolution for The Groves Lot 3 shall take effect thirty days after the date of adoption. vote: AYES: NOES: PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 10 2014 by the following ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G: 1PAM20131PLPA- 2013 -00033 DUBLIN RANCH Subarea MC Mtg 2.18.141CCSR and Attch 2.18.14 Subarea 3 and Lot 300 1 Final cc reso for subarea 3 lot 3 gpa_spa.docx 2235456.1 11