HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.5 I580/I680 ReportStatusCITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: October 10, 1988 SUBJECT: Report on Status of Freeway Improvements I-580 and I-680 EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT' 1) Chart of Proposed Improvements 2) Caltrans "580 Auxiliary Lane Newsletter" 3) NPID Summary Report May 1988 (including map of improvements to be undertaken or underway) Receive report None as a result of this report DESCRIPTION: As there are a number of freeway improvements presently being designed, being planned, or under construction, Staff has prepared the attached report as an update on the status of these improvements for the City Council and any other interested parties. STATUS OF FREEWAY IMPROVEMENTS LOCATION IMPROVEMENT STATUS DATE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATE OF PROPOSED COMPLETION 1-680 (1-580 South to Happy Valley Interchange) Widen in median, 1 lane in each direction Under construction Spring 1989 1-680 (Happy Valley to Fremont) 1-680 (North of 1-580 to Widen in median, 1 lane in each .direction Widen in median, I lane in each Out to bid Under design) environmental October 1988 Soundwalls, Summer of Spring 1990 Soundwalls Spring 1990 Rudgear Road) direction, with soundwalls document complete 1989~ road improve- ments late 19U9 Road Imp. Summer 1991 Westbound 1-580 to North- Add additional lane and separate Under design Spring 1989 Fall 1989 bound 1-680 (Measure B) (Note: City is paying approx. $120,OO0 as its matching local share. two northbound on-ramps. Will include widening of bridges over Dublin Blvd. and Amador Valley Blvd. (east side). NPID Improvements: Dougherty Road/Hopyard Overpass 1-680/Stoneridge Interchange 1-580 Auxiliary Lanes (Note that extinguish- able warning signs have been installed with this project as a change order) Adding second bridge and modify- ing ramps New interchange New outside lanes between 1-680 and Dougherty Road/Hopyard Road Under construction Under construction Under construction Bridge open Oct. or Nov. 1988~ remainder of ramps complete Feb. 1989 Some ramps open fall 19M~ Completion early 1990 February 1989 STATUS OF FREEWAY IMPROVEMENTS Page 2 LOCATION IMPROVEMENT STATUS DATE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATE OF PROPOSED COMPLETION (NPID Improvements, cont'd) 1-580/Hacienda Interchange Upgrading of I-$80/ Santa Rita/Tassajara Interchange New interchange Additional 3-lane bridge over 1-580 and ramp modifications Under design Beginning design Summer 1989 Summer 1989 Summer 1991 Spring to Summer 1991 Study to Determine Propor- tioned Benefits of 1-580/ Hacienda Interchange, I-$80/ Santa Rita Interchange, 1-580/E1 Charro Interchange, & Dublin Blvd. Extension Will be presented to City Council for consideration Draft completed Sent to Technical Subcommittee for review on October 11, 1988 Will be presented to full Committee in November 1988 SLATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6465 Sierra Lane Dublin, CA 94568 J~ly 12, 1988 580 Auxiliary Lane-Newsletter The 580 Auxiliary Lane Project (Contract 04-113524) involves the completion of the Hopyard Overcrossing, widening of 580 and the widening of the connector ramp from Westix)und 580 to 680 (Alamo Creek Bridge). During the week of July llth traffic will be changed as foll~s: 1. North Hopyard t.o West 590 will go through the signal a~ be placed on a temporary loop ramp. 2. Traffic exiting Westbound 580 to Hopyard/Dublin Blvd. will have two lanes, one for left turns , one for right turns. 3. 580 Westbound will be reduced to three lanes through the Hop- yard interchange. 4. 580 through traffic will be shift to the median after t~he Hopyard over crossing.. 5. Dublin Blvd. to 580 Westbound will have an exclusive on lane. 6. K-rail will be placed on the 580 to 680 exit ramp (Alamo Creek Bridge). To. accomplish these changes the contractor will work at night on both 580 and Hopyard. Occasionall~ The ramp from 580 to 680 will be'shut down completely during the night. Traffic will be detoured to the Foothill Interchange. This ramp will be opened by 5:30 a.m. in the m~orning. These changes will remain in effect until October 1988. Very Truly Yours, Debra Barker RESIDENT ~NGINEER (415)833-1856 NORTH PLEASANTON IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 - BUKHARY REPORT MAY 1988 BACKGROUND The purpose of the proposed projects is to improve freeway and interchange operation, enhance access to developing areas, and improve local traffic circulation in the City of Pleasanton and neighboring communities. The Interstate Highways, 1-580 and 1-680, through Pleasanton were constructed between 1960 and 1970. At that time, the land was primarily rural, except for the Camp Parks military base and the Alameda County correctional facility (Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center). In the 1980's, however, Pleasanton and the Tri-Valley Region (a subregion of the San Francisco Bay Area in which Pleasanton is located) have experienced rapid growth in residential, office, and commercial development. New developments have been planned, approved, or already constructed for much of the land fronting both 1-580 and 1-680 in the Pleasanton area. The General Plans of Pleasanton and surrounding cities provide for and reflect office space or residential areas with some additional commercial, research and development uses. The largest of the planned developments is the partially-completed 860-acre Hacienda Business Park, generally located south of 1-580 between Hopyard Road and Santa Rita Road. As a result, the existing transportation network in the Tri-Valley Region has been severely taxed; improvements to both 1-580 and 1-680, including the I=580/680 interchange, are needed to conjunction with local transportation system improvements to meeting current and projected transportation demands. The proposed projects would: (1) mitigate projected capacity deficiencies, (2) improve freeway access and operation, (3) provide vital links to the parallel arterial system in the Tri-Valley Region, and (4) serve a planned mass transit hub in North Pleasanton. As a result of the increased transportation demand, a number of existing intersections and interchanges in the North Pleasanton area will be congested if improvements are not made. The 1988 traffic analysis indicates that without improvements, existing freeway off-ramps, as well as some primary arterial roadway links to the freeway, will exceed capacity by as much as 31 percent. It is important to note that three of the five predicted trouble areas are freeway off-ramp intersections and the other two are intersections very close to freeway ramps. Congestion at these locations would impair freeway mainline operations if congestion backed up traffic onto the freeway. The project interchanges and auxiliary lanes will improve freeway access to the local arterial street system. Freeway access in Pleasanton is currently limited to five interchanges. Freeway access to Dublin is currently limited to four interchanges. The project interchanges will add two new connections and improve one of the existing interchanges. These improvements are needed to spread and relieve demand pressure on the existing interchanges. The project interchanges and auxiliary lanes are also needed to improve freeway mainline traffic operations. The project interchanges will provide additional capacity to handle the projected overflow at existing interchanges. Ramp queues extending into the freeway mainlines can be avoided by constructing the project interchanges. The project auxiliary lanes will further improve freeway mainline traffic operations by providing additional capacity for weaving maneuvers between interchanges. A regional arterial system is needed in the Tri-Valley Region to provide direct access between local residential and employment areas. To meet this need, the city of Pleasanton and surrounding communities have planned for construction or improvement of arterial streets that are components of such a system. The City of Pleasanton has nearly completed all the necessary parts of the arterial system within its jurisdiction, including Stoneridge Drive, West Las Positas Boulevard, Santa Rita Road, Bernal Avenue, and Hopyard Road. The necessary components remaining to be constructed in Pleasanton are the proposed freeway interchanges and an eastern extension of Stoneridge Drive that is being constructed in stages. Dublin is presently proceeding with the Dublin Boulevard extension, which is another link in the system. The arterial network will provide a system that local traffic can conveniently travel within the Tri-Valley Region without utilizing the regional freeway network. Figure 2-6 schematically shows the Tri-Valley arterial network that is constructed or proposed. The principal east-west arterials parallel to 1-680 are Foothill Road/San Ramon Valley Boulevard, Hopyard Road/Dougherty Road, Hacienda Drive, and Santa Rita Road/Tassajara Road. The proposed projects are included in the 1987 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Construction is planned to begin in the summer of 1988. Currently, it is expected that construction of the Stoneridge Drive/I-680 Interchange would begin first. Immediately after starting construction of this interchange, the other two interchanges will undergo construction at the same time. The proposed schedule is attached. It should be noted that we are substantially ahead of schedule and hope to complete at least one year ahead of our projections. Funding has been and will continue to be one of the major issues regarding the freeway improvement projects. The North Pleasanton Improvement District No. 3 (NPID No. 3) was formed by the Pleasanton City Council in the spring of 1987. This is a $65 Million program and covers the following improvements: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) New interchange at Stoneridge Drive and 1-680; Modify the interchange at Hopyard Road and 1-580; New interchange at Hacienda Drive and 1-580; Modify the interchange at Santa Rita/Tassajara Road and 1-580; Auxiliary lanes on 1-680 between Stoneridge Drive and 1-580; and Auxiliary lanes on 1-580 between 1-680 and Santa Rita Road. The city of Dublin will receive benefits from these projects as they grow in the future; however, they feel that they do not need these improvements now, nor do they have the funds to participate at this time. The above projects will, therefore, be staged to handle projected future growth in Pleasanton and provide access for future growth in Dublin. Even with the proposed staging, their is a projected shortfall of at least $7-10 Million. This shortfall is due to the 1-580 mainline auxiliary lanes and the requirement for an arterial route parallel to 1-580 to be built in Dublin before Hacienda interchange can be constructed. It is important to point out that the $65 Million commitment represents one of the largest privately-financed state highway programs in California. Status of Approval The final Environmental Document and Project Approval Report was signed and approved by Caltrans on April 20, 1988. Staging plans were forwarded to FHWA in early April 1988. They have approved the staging plans for Hacienda and Santa Rita Road interchanges. This approval was formalized by the issuance of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FONSI was issued on May 6, 1988. These approvals constitute approval of all of the projects. The next approvals will be Freeway Agreements for the interchanges at Stoneridge Drive and at Hacienda Drive. The Stoneridge Drive Freeway Agreement is now in Caltrans Headquarters for their final approval. It was approved by Council action on May 17, 1988. The California Transportation Commission (CTC) will approve it at their June 1988 meeting. The Hacienda Drive interchange Freeway Agreement requires Council action from both the City of Pleasanton and the City of Dublin. This agreement is now being prepared by Caltrans with a target approval date in the fall of 1988. The first stage of the Santa Rita Road interchange is not anticipated to require a new Freeway Agreement. The above constitute the approvals required for the construction of the NPID No. 3 interchanges. Hopyard Road Interchange Ail work on this interchange is expected to be complete in January or February 1989. However, the new bridge should be opened to traffic by September 1988. Stoneridge Drive Interchange We are attempting to develop a program with the State and their contractor to make use of the excess fill material made available in the 1-680 widening project. In this endeavor, the embankment for the Stoneridge interchange will be underway this June. The right-of-way (R/W) will be acquired immediately. Portions of the project will be constructed as part of the 1-680 widening presently underway. The remainder of the project will be constructed in one phase with portions being open by September 1989 and completion by late 1990. Santa Rita/Tassajara Road Interchange The Santa Rita/Tassajara interchange construction requires the relocation of the McDonald's restaurant at Santa Rita and Pimlico. The R/W negotiations and relocation requirements will affect the construction timing of this project. Construction on Santa Rita/Tassajara interchange will begin in May 1989 with completion in late 1990 or early 1991, depending on McDonald's relocation time. Hacienda Drive Interchange The construction of the Hacienda Drive interchange will require the cooperation of the city of Dublin. Both Dublin and Pleasanton must sign the Freeway Agreement for this interchange. Dublin is diligently working on the extension of Dublin Boulevard which will simplify the project approval. The construction of Hacienda interchange can begin in mid to late 1989. Completion of the project will take two years. Sart ~ Leandro Castro Valley 2 San Ramon 6~ Dublin 11 Hayward 8 7 Pleasanton I Inion City Fremont Sunol NOT TO SCALE KEY 1. Improvement~ to the Hopyard Road/I-580 Interchange 2. Widening 1-680 North and South of the Project 3. Route 84 Expressway Construc':ion of We~t Las Po$itos Boulevard/I-680 Interchange 5. Anticipated Hacienda Busings Park Hub 6. Conrtruc~ion of a New Interchange on 1-680 in Dublin 7. Improvements of the 1.580/I-680 Interchange 8. Improvement~ at the Foothill Road/I-580 Interchange 9. Extension of Stoneridge Drive east to LJverrnore 10. North-South Transit Line Along the Abandoned Southern Pacific 11. Dublin Boulevard Extension 12. Arterial and Stx'eet Improvements LEGEND: F 19808.A1 FIGURE 2--6 Related Projects North Pleasanton Improvement District Freeway Improvements Project Planned Existing ~ HILL'